Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 13 Mar 1930, p. 6

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} Seon, Mar. 13.--~Liquor, beer and wine sales under the L wor Control Act amounting to $55,360,569.81 dur- ing the fiscal year 1929 netted the province a profit of $8,751,680.20, ac- "cording to the report of the Liquor Control Board tabled in the eis ture yesterday by Hon. W, H. Price. / ed to the above profit, receipts grom other sources under the act, ch as sales of permits, amounting $909,768.32, show a total profit of 661,448.60. The feature of the report is the! tremendous increase in the sales of native wines. During 1929 the sales of Ontarfo-produced wines lcaped 108.7 per zent, by far the' greatest of any of the "beverages sold under 'the act. From 698,028 gallons in 1928, | amoung sold rose, in 1929 to 1,- ,242 gallons. Commenting on this: increase, the 'commission's report points' out that the gallonage increase is in excess of Jmoney receipts because of the aboli. Aion of the luxury tax which gesult- ed in a lowering of prices by the wineries, amounting to a 55-cent drop on gallon quantities and a 10c drop on the prices of bottles. 4 Dealing with the purchase of wine 'without a permit, the report states: k "Beer has an alcoholic content of : ome nine degrees of froof spirits, native wine has an alcoholic content pt some 27 degrees of proof spirits, ec fact that it is necessary to have a permit. before the purchasc of 9 per cent, beer can be made, while the" Bee of 27 per cent. native wine allowed without the restriction of a permit, in the opinion of the board i rf) exist. iy" high points out the fact that iy nion Saveryitient ue i more profit "from under the act profit is" reali excise rates, malt duties, age and sales to over $1 and 1929 to $17,005,807.67. Thig amount was nade up as fol: ows ; Customs duties "and. sales tax op spirits, wines and imported Pic $9,816,657.70; excise duties «nd sales tax, $4,590,036.29; i Jats gallonage and sales tax on Ontario A 016 gallons (estimated) 2.548 paid by Ontario wineries un direcy sales in Ontario (estimated) J 550, 000.00. Total, otal, $17. 003,807.67. FLOODS AGAIN SCARE FRANCE Rivers From ' Pyrenees Threaten Southern France With® Further Ruin lief for sufferers of the recent flood qn the valleys of the Tarn and Gar- onne had scarcely been organized when another inundation has threat. encd the valleys from smaller rivers descending from the foothills of the Pyrenecs. Yesterday the River Gers overflow ed its banks and flooded the Town of Auch. Rapidly melting snows and heavy rains in the mountains swelled the River Pau so that some of the streets of the city of that name were under water and several smaller towns along the stream were threat. ened. Farmers and villagers dwelling on the banks of both rivers were warn- ed of their danger-and were busy yesterday putting their livestock and tax of 7 1-2¢ per gallon, and sales tax | Bordeapx, Fr range, ees. Mardin 13.~-Re- GalliCurei, famous singer and oper. atic star, who left New York not long age upon a European tour, announced in Paris that she had cancelled all her engagements and victim of a news because of alle and unjust eritici would sail immediately for New York, She states she has been the per cam n exorbitant fees she maintai for her European charges are less than half her American fee, Galli | Curei is shown in the photograph here with her husband and accom. ist, Homer § - / WILL PROHIBIT ' . | A penalty Is provided in a clause of approaching from the rear, a red re- { the amendment if a person drives a CROWDING DRIVERS motor vehicle with persons or pro- perty in the front seat so placed as to interfere with the proper manage- flector approved by the Department, AUSTRALIA TURNS Toronto, March 13Legislation to prevent, overcrowding in the front seat of an automobile is contained in &n 'amendment to the Highway Tra- fic Act introduced in the Legislature yesterday by Hon. George S. Henry, lnid agains the driver. highway is contained other belongings in places of safety A dispatch from Biarritz reported some of the, streets of thai seaside! resort were under water, There was a time when food was fi bo found a happy solution in the near-by A & P Food Siores. Now A & P Food Stores are stocked with many delicacies" and selected foods from the cholee markets of the world. sense practice. ment or control of the vehicle, A charge of-negligent driving may be Additional regulafions for safety on in another clause of the new amendment which states that every commercial vehicle and trailer shall have securely at- tached to the rear thereof, within six inches of the lert side of the body in such a position as to reflect the tight from the headlights of vehicles re a RE ---- p---- APPETITES «s » And How Ontario Housewives Provide Therefor , but mot today. Alert housewives have honni bl in shopping pr To shop at A & I Food Stores is common- 1 Ld 22 King Street West--Phone 2643--29 Simcoe Street South--Phone 3170 SHOULDERS BUTT ROAST - YOUR FAVORITE _ MEATS JAR A8 E MARKETS. QUALIEY 18 Tih FRAT, (ON- CHOICE FRESH YOUNG ROASTING CUTS ib. 19e eo Ab. 25 FINEST QUALITY A & P BEEF--AN EXTRA VALUE PORTERHOUSE An Excellent Roast wa w. 3 5e YOUNG, SOFT-MEATED LEGS BACON---Smoked Breakfast, Sliced. Ib, 38¢c COTTAGE ROLL uM kee MEAT LOAF Jano axe RIB BRISKET--Boiling Beef "Ib. 27¢ / 1b. 28¢ MICA | Ni 1 FISH | con jp wh, 10- "CENTRE CUTS SLIGHTLY HIGHER * HADDIE FILLETS--Fresh . veeoens Jb 1% war OF WHOLE Pini HADDOCK 1b. 17¢ 1b. 10c Extra Week-End Specials PRINTED AND WRAPPED IN OUR OWN BUTTER DEPARTMENT OUR owN FANCY PASTEURIZED CREAMERY~- UNNYXFIELD BUTTER 40: Sliverbrook Creamery ib. 39¢ OUR OWN NECTAR 49 TEA == HAMS cms. w 206 AeP BREAD WHITELO ra'¥toe 1 Qe WHOLE WHEAT ARGE 11¢ Torr Tc OF RAISINLOAF ..........co00000000 10c FRUIT AND NUT LOAF .....c..... 12¢ NEW ECONOMY LOAF 3 i bl 25¢ EXCELLENT WITH SLICED BANANAS Kellogg's «2+ 17 A LENTEN TREAT<CLARK'S 2% 21e Baked Beans 2 3 iit §0e U, REGULAR OR PIMENTO 2 ro 15e Cheese CATELLI'S FINE EGGWHEAT Noodles FOR THAT LENTEN SALAD Lobster w21e 'w 33 T0 DOLE TO AID UNEMPLOYMENT! | Government to Take Refer- endum This Year Canberra, Australia, Mar. 18, Australia, like Great Britain and New Zealand. is turning to 'the "dole' for her unemployed. But in Australia's case the decision will be Jeft to the people, Prime Mjipister James H, Scul- lin today arounced dt the opening of the Commonwealth Rarliament that the Government would hold 4&8 referendum this year on the Question of giving the Federal Gov. ernment greater powers in dealing | with industrial matters, especially labor arbitration. If the proposals were approved, the Government would introduce comprehensive legislation for a scheme of social insurance, inelud- ing unemployment and covering the whole commonwealth, state, muni cipal, private employers and em- | herd named Vincenzo de Silvestri ployes. he said. Further, proposals are heing eon- sidered by the Government in an endeavor to effect more economies follor'ing the vigorous economiz. Ing policy recently adopted. ' Mr. Seullin sald, The naval and min. | tary college at Jorvis Bay may be | amalgamated with a view to reduc. | ing operating costa, BRITISH HOUSE IN CALMER MOOD | Division on y Censure to be Taken Tonight--Lib- erals Support Labor By GEORGE HAMBLETON (Canadian Press Staff Writer)' London, March 13--The House of Commons, met in a calmer mood vesterday, The storm of Tuesday, when the Government was defeat- ed by eight votes on the second amendment to the coal mines' bill, | seemed, by mutual consent, to N_PACIFI CAWADAS » GREATEST i Glasgow, 'Belfast, L108 | GTR xMar, 20; Apr 17 .iiveeves Mell zMar, 21; 3Ape. 18 Duchess of York *Mar. 2; * Apr. 25 Duchess of Atholl zApr. 4 ...... Duchess of Richmond XAPE: 5 iiiecrnisennsess Minnedosa "Apr. 11 ...... Duchess of Bedford dag Bn s no! at z om at Liverpool only "To Cherbourg, Southampton, Ant- have been, at least outwardly, fore Shere wag some bantering uestion-time as the House axed ry there Jurked in the background |- the possibility that ihe question of ussie might arouse warm discus- sion, Thoughts turn now to the mo- tion of censure which the Rt. Hon. Stanley. Baldwin, . Conservative leader will move against the gov ernment in the Commons today, |* But unless the situation changes there appears to be no chance that the Government will be defeated. On the fssue of safe-guarding-- which is raised in the Conserva- tive motion--the Conservatives are not likely to win Liberal support, Question-time threw one inter- esting sidelight on the naval con- ference, Replying, to Rear-Admiral TP bh, the Conserva- tive member for Lewes, the Rt, Hon. A, V. Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty, said that since January 1, Britain had cancelled £6,000. tons of warship' construc- tion, The admiral then asked what | construction had been cancelled by the other powers represented at the conference, "No tonnage, so far as I am aware, has been cancelled by the giber powers," replied the First MURDERER OF FOUR GETS LIFE FOR 23- YEAR-OLD CRIME Italian Shepherd Sets Fire to Home 'When Village Beauty Spurns Him Rome, Mar, 13-~An Italian shep-4 was sentenced to life imprison. ment here yesterday for a quad- ruple murder committed 23 years ago. According to testimony given at the trial which resulted in his con- oy viction, De Silvestri burned. a Trouble Signs For Those | Past 40 Headach Bladder 3 ler Wank Font, Seanty Urination, Getting-up-Nights The embarrassing annoyance and genuine misery of Bladder Weakness, often brings "discomiorta of old age" to those who really ought to be in the very prime of life. ountless thousands, perhaps seven out of ten, of folks hear middle life are pitiful vie. tims of Head aches, Nervousness, Pains _in back' and down through grains, frequent but Manty ad painful urination--Getting- up ts. ile serious, If neglected--<it Is ordinarily a sim i. matter to relieve these troubles by the t home use of Dr, Southworth's URATARS, which have been victorious in {houssnds ¢ of cases, after other treatments have fal) No mattter how serious or of how Tong standing your condition may Toa quickly prove the value ol 0 ATARS without risk of cost--for any good druggist will supply you on an absolute iagantes of atin action or money bawk, 1i U ik you quick and certain A ig will yg greatly pleased. If they do not fully {ata} thaie use will cost you nothing, T LL) ATAR § today and see what a di AA Ld EE EEEE-- A new ty "NO FOOLING ANGELE . , . ROWNTREE'S YORK MILK?" IS IT REALLY °° late goodness, flavour, standard No other has just that perfect {After all, deat, the ths only flat on the bottom," sys Angels.) THE ROWNTREE CO. LIMITED, TORONTO young girl with whom he was in Jove and three other persons _to death by setting fire to the hut in which they lived and then holding off all rescuers by threatening them with a gun, 'The gir), a village beauty named Driade Disano, had refused to marty him. The home which she shared with three rela. tives, was fired while all in it were asleep. De Silvestri shot one person who attempted to rescue the four peo ple in the burning hut, While his victims burned, sccording to wit. nesses, he danced wildly around night feeding, 'An old nationally known automobile manu. facturer comes out with an eight within a new price range.' A maker 6f refrigerators for more than hislf a century suddenly is able to lower his prices be: cause of increased volume What are their names? Where'll we find them?...... the hut, singing lke a mad mas. De Silvestri escaped after 137] crime. For three years he remain- ed in hiding in nearby woods, de- tying all efforts of the authorities to capture him. Finally, he slipped oo to the Abruzzi mountains where he settled down to a calm life as a shepherd under an assumed name, Eighteen months ago an old wo- man. who knew his identity, but who had hidden her knowledge for fear of De Silvestri's. revenge, re- vealed it to the police on her death bed, and his arrest followed, . « « Change baby food ia brought out that saves tir minutes in preparation . Every day inthe advertisements you will find PEARS (uoili's8%veas 2 No. 2 Tins 20¢c werp. CROSSED FISH SARDINES. . . 2 Tine 33¢ Han. 0s A. i si JELLO--AIIl Flavors... ......2 Pkgs. 18¢ A Dvury: London tetas 5.0.8. CLEANSER---3-Pad Size. . Pkg. 14c To Chttboury: Southampton, Ham- changes, new methods, new products that will you--save your money--increase Mul mB 22¢ interest your ability to a life. ir mas El Heads '17c TOMATORS~Mexlean. 1b. 105 CABBAGE--New LE EE EER ay y. a N AS a fot Fruit. Cal BLUEBERRIES Aylmer eT Tin ooh: Tin 210 | Cheloor No E Tin 80 OMICKEN fin 210 PEPPER T FLAKES CORN--Aylmer, Fancy Golden Valle Swan coninead Ibs, 2c Bantam. ......No. 2. Tin 1%. SANDWICH SPREAD 30s | 'Jar 20c LYON'S TEA nap Lape lb. Pkg. 43¢ MARMALADE smssirrs No, iT Tin 86¢ SUN-WHEAT SSSi i dle ONDOCA ijl. Tin..31c Ib. Tin.. or 260 TINS ~ i 51. PINEAPPLE TID-BITS- . Aylmer. ...i....No, 8 Tin 830 | § Pho. 2e «+» Montcalm York and Southampton= press of Australia Apr, 16, From New To Cherbour, Apr, 19 reap : From Van To Hawai wy gi China, Phillip- Nes Mar. 2; May vA Tien of Asia *April 17 17 EET ARR ND 4 Empress of Canada May 8 .......... Empress of Russia . Petts at Honolulu, =) pn yo Get the habit of reading advertisements reg- ularly. You'll find every-day news bof ke ance addressed to you. X For advertisements can affect you vitally. Watch them! They'll increase money and tell where you can the Japticles you ated. nomically spending uy most ecoe =

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