"THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 1930 Vessels Overhauled Add New } on~~Work on repairs and| Brockville, -- 'At a 8 jal meet the vessels of the adaf ing of the town council held Mon. nes, in preparation for| day night a resolution to reconsider vigation, is in full} the bylaw in vegard to the appoint engineers' of the] ing of extra men to the fire de« ¢ in the gity ar-] partment, undef the double platoon he vessels to] system, which was defeated at the regular mecting of the council held on March 3, was passed setting March 15 as the time of apPbintment of the extra men to the fire depart- ment, ; sports Company, Montreal, have also commenced the. work of + preparing the vessels for the open 2817 ER Rk ANG Fined for Letting Dogs Loose ~~ Peter! = The result of a + elose check. by Provincial police on i" the running at large in the * townships of North Monaghan and od abee ' was plainly shown in er ty Police Court Monday afters { 'moon when nine Otonabec men were] fined $1 and costs for not preventing heir canines. re ------ Pass Railway Bylaw Kingston ~With a few amend- ments, the draft agreement' between the City of Kingston and the Can- adian National Railways for the construction of a railway spur from the company's lines near Collin's 'Bay 'station to Cataraqui Creek and southerly to the premises of the Kingston Elevator Compapy Ltd, was approved 'by the Council at a meeting held on Monday night, and a by-law confirming the agreement was passed, Have Short Session * Port Hope~One hour and five 'mipiutes had elapsed before the mem- bers of the Téwn Council came to order inthe Council Chamber Mon- day .evening for the regular bi- +" the 'rambles of Gains Merited Promotion Port Hoper-Norman G. Johnston, : manager of the local branch of the + Bank of Montreal for. the past two Joate, Who Jame here from the town of eatley, bas again been pro- moted, this time to Welland, for ' which, city he leaves in a few days. "If the first course be deliciously piquant, success usually crowns «\the entire dinner. "oxo" Consommé served hot / ty or golden-, y n toast --makes a delicious . first course--not too heavy, nor, {yetinsipid. Just right. In Tins of 4 and 10 Cubes. , Puts in the Bee! QXO LIMITED, 1910 St Astoine Strest, Mastresl week and in an hous, the it and { og "The council deyoted considerable time 'to the; Leading of the twg by-laws, one r fo 8 and the other to regulate traffic in 'Port Hope. Starts Flying Club Campbellford, == Aviation received its official sanction here Monday aight' when Campbellford = Flying ub held its organization meeting and elected officers at the club room in the Queen's hotel, C. D, Beattie was elected president. Speaking of the necessity of an airport at Camp- bellford _the «president sald that there were many Americans . w would come more often'to this town and visit the resorts in this district if there was a proper landing place for machines. i Have Novel Contest Picton.~A novel contest is being sponsored in Ameliasburg township. | Sides have been chosen among the men and boys for a sparrow, rat and mouse hunting contest, ' Two points are given for "each sparrow . head, while a mouse tail counts one point and a rat tail two points, The losing side will "provide a banquet at the close of the contest, At Work on Elevator Kingston. --. Preparations are ad- vancing for the extensive construc. tion 'work in connection with the erection of the Canada Steamship elevator: at Cataraqui Bay, shovels, grading machines, and oth- er apparatus having already been collected in the vicinity by the con tractors in readiness to commence as soon as weather conditions are fa- vorable. War on Roadside Parking Lindsay, = Crown-Atiamey J. E. Anderson has opened war 'on 'road- side parking in the Lindsay area with announcement of heavy fines in future in any cases where liquor consumption is reported. A com- mercial traveler was fined $100 Mon- day for giving two girls a drink af- ter taking them for a ride, High School Expenses Port Hope, =~ The town council has received a communication from the Secretary Treasurer of the Port Hope High School, including a of a resolution which was at' the last meeting of the Board whereby the 57184 was requesfed for the main. tainance of the High School. Commends Government Kingston, ~= At the monthly meet- ing of the Kingston Mi rial As- sociation on Monday a resolution was adopted commending the Canad- ian Government on its recent efforts to stop the export of liquor to the United States, Approves Scenic Highway Lindsay. =~ The Finance Com- mittee of the Town Council Mon- day night approved the resolution of the County Council which seeks a scenic highway through this dis- trict to Dorset and the Lake of Bays, and appointed four members to go on the delegation to Toronto. Fire Threatens Plant Belleville, ~ Fire on the control board of the StephénssAdimson plant Monday night threatened pe. rious damage for some time but was / 50 MILLION BR p éntice resources of the Alemiite poratit © Y& srein back of their positive teq that their kh a Th o's answer to doy Patho Solve dissolves the gummy binder which wy carbon stick to engine parts, allowing the to blow harmlessly out the exhaust. might be found has been the for two decades, ° it has been found is in clad rly " : Listen - to. the tonight, Thursday, nan, the Famous of Mh TR Orchestra, The. Fevonta' . AM it woill won --- bp =i Yoaknock, improper carbon penalties. Use Carbo-Salve every 500 miles-- and always drive a CLEAN, POWERFUL, RUNNING engige! : it BY TIME MAKERS OF AVEMITH | fTENART.WARNER.ALEWITE CORPORATION OF CANADA, LINITED -- BELLEVILLE, ONTARIO . : "Up-todate dealers and service stations are now prepared i to give you a Carbo-Solve-ing service" Toth 0 4 ? P «® it out is sr vy Absa ro Guarantee. Try it=-by ! bp Nr SWRRT- Tk RX A ng certain sums' of mone | machines. ey to meet the current hol sales of pure bred Holstein cattle steam | the children's stor; asse cks, which he choo! | 1argest he has seen. sum of $11, CUT THIS OUT with y goon extinguished; The only outs come of the Sliflagration' wus that | work was tied up Tuesday as power could not be supplied to the various temporary switch- board later had everything running smoothly, Nearing Completion BYockville, ~ Employees of C. H. Holbrook and 'Son, contractors, are engaged in putting the finishing touches on the nurses' home at the General hospital, which is nearing completion, Cattle Goes to U, S. Kingston: == One of the largest made to the United States for some time was pleted in the transfer of 21 Head from the Hemlock stock farm herd, owned by Col, A. H. Fair, Kingston, to away Farms, op- erated by T, J, Watson, 'Lebanon, vo Je RE Band Asks Grant Port Hope~J. N., Greenaway, president of the Port Hope Band as petitioned the council for to enable the organization to carry on for the present year. The money would be spent on rent, fuel, instru- ments, repairs, etc. In turn, the band agreed to give one band con- cert a week, throughout the sum- mer months, if weather permits. The Finance Committee has been in- structed to report ot the next meet- ing concerning the matter, To Erect Signs Lindsay. -- The Lindsay Hydro Commission will spend part of the 5,000 'surplus they have piled up n"the two years the commission has been run by the town, on four elec tric signs which will be placed at the. points where highways enter the town. The illuminated signs will bear the word "Lindsay." Children Saw Wolf / psley, == Two children of Robert Tanner of Chandos, while on their way to school on Friday morning, had the territying experience of en- countering a huge. timber wolf while crossing a field not far from. their home, On seeing the animal which was but a short distance from them, they turned and fled home. father went to the scene and verified by the animals eclares to be the Become Naturalived Peterborough, ~ Cegtificates of naturalization granted recently to several Peterborough residents, who have all consequently taken the oath of. allegiance, thus giving them the full status of Bsitish subjects. The fist of names includes Mr. and Mrs. Emile Baumer, Mr. and Mrs, I Botnick and daughter Rosie, Mr, and Mrs. Alegander Rahkonen and child Helvia. Rauha, Nicholas Tsag- garis, and Mr, and Mrs, M, A. Weiss Twe in Line for Sheriff Belleville, -- There is every pos- sibility that the cppointment of a sheriff for Hastings County, caused bv the recent death of J. H. Clare will be made before the Provincial H djourns its i At the present time the most likely recipi- ents are Fred Curry, former reeve of Madoc Village and member of the county council or George H. Stokes, present Reeve of Hunger. ford Township. han! Hold Infantry Classes Belleville, = The Infantry Their |} Slr. Willlam Mulock has accel honorary chalrmanghip, 8, B. | ia chaltmaliitip ad Charis icdonald chairmanship of the $800,000 endowment fund sampaisn of the Toronto Hospital for Incurables, Funeral services were held in Buffalo Tuesday for John ¥, Malone, 78, former state- senator and city commissioner, who died early Sun. day. Rising from an apprenticeship, he became president of the Empire Shipbuilding Co, vetiring from that business about the same time he was elected state senator in 1012, 'The death of Charles Donnelly, resident of St. Catharines for the last 40 years, occurred Monday at the General Hospital, He was well mown in the city and was formerly nected with thé shoe business of Burleigh and Donnelly, Income tax figures show the two great financial families of Japan, the Mitsuis and wasakis, again heading the lists, Of 11 individuals paying on incomes of $500,000 or more, six are Mitsuls and two Iwas akia, . Baron Hachirgemon Mitsui tops the list with an Income of $1, 402,000 and Baron Hisaya Iwasaki is second with, $1,021,000, Los Angeles police indicate the theft of 'two valuable fur coats from the hotel rooms of Mrs, Sime Silverman, wife of a New York theatrical weekly publisher, The woman reported her loss as a mink coat, valued at $4,600 and an ermine wrap worth $2,000, PAPERS THINK PARLEY CRISIS WILL BE FATAL London Times Says French View is Short-sighted and Unfortunate (By Canaditn' Press Leased Wire) London, March 13,--Under the caption "Deadlock in the Confer. ence' the London Times today editorially expressed the opinion that the negotiations had reached a erisis which easily might prove fatal, The paper, while declaring that the French position was under. stood and appreciated, thought the French view very short-sighted and unfortunate, ; The United States refusal to en~ ter, into any political pact, even a consultative one, is, the paper de~ clared; equally understood and appreciate the contention is made that with the United Btates standing aloof it would be impossible for Great Britain to give France the sup port she desires. The paper expressed the faint hope, which, however, it thought extremely unlikely to be realized, that the situation might be eased at the last moment by direct un- derstanding between France and Italy, whose rivalry in the Medit- erranean has been the erux of the whole difficulty. The trouble which the confer- ence faces mow has been caused, the: Times contended, by lack of preparation on the political side, sufficient eare - not having been given to pave the way for Yecoge in Great Britain, and |L No More Piles 4 Pile sufferers, can only get ick and 'last TeMOVi tod. Mend clraiation a" the' lower "bon Cutting and salves can't do this=an inter med Yor be ui Dr,' Leonhard re! Hem.' s ban succeeds, cause it relieved this blood congestion strengthens the affected parts, Hem. bas 8 wonderful' record. for quic lasting relief to' Pile sufferers, the same for you or money ty Lovell | LAd., and druggists anyw! Hem-Roid with this guarantee. cillation |' between the desire of France for political guarantee Great Britain's deterrjnation nol to be drawn'into military silizncesd and traditional aversion of the United States.to committments on extra United States affairs, Notwithstanding everything, however, the paper expressed con fidence that "the conference wj not likely to separate in despair without accomplishing anything, Its main objects may prove una tainabale for the present but ir has reached valuable agreements on a number' of points and these results cannot be allowed to lapse,'s .A Broadcast Sale Offering Housewives a truly Remarkable Opportunity for Saving -- Come Early! Come Often ! Delicious, Feature BR Fruity Jam Value ¢ of this Broadcast Sale. 40-0z. Jar 33¢ 10 Broadcast Sale Specials 10 SUGAR GRANULATED Sunglo Creamery Butter 395, 10=52¢ xARAVARD) DATES STONELESS Pe 35¢ for L COMET RICE White Per Phe. sirens 9% MARSHALL'S HERRINGS | in sauce Ne. 1 Tin users S80 "POST'S BRAN 12¢ Per PEE. pines of training was carried on again on Monday night in the local Armour- {es, under Sergt. Major Holoway of Kingston, The course, which will last for six weeks is for the benefit of privates who wish to become N.C. Os and for officers who desire to take a higher rank. About thirty- five all 'told, are enrolled in the classes. Many Civil Employess Ottawa. = There are 10944 em- ployees of the Government, inside service, in Ottawa, and their salaries up to the end of the last fiscal year totalled $17,653891.08. . This was an increase in three years of 795 em- ployees and of $1,898,795.12 Suburbs Want Protection | Lindsay. = The question of the town agreeing to yrovide some fire- ghting equipment for the sur- nding country came up at the meeting of the Town Council Mon- day night when a deputation from the Farmers' Union Mutual Fire In. surance Company waited on the council to ask if some arrangement could not be made for a truck and a man with a supply of chemicals to answer calls to the country. Sev- eral suggestions were made, but no definite action was taken. Erect Tablet Kingston, -- A handsome marble tablet has been erected in St. Paul's Church by members of the Orange Order in memory of the late Ree- tor, Rev. Canon Fitzgerald, and will 8 be dedicated in the near future. ------ It know of one who is t a Jenin head . 2 277 EH ENE EEEEEETT § LUX ror At Fine Laundering = 2" 2 .. I5C | SALMON =~ - - = Raspberries Choice Quality - Heavy Syrup 39€ = 25¢ ROWNTREE'S COCOA I Ib. 25¢ Tin: vice CHATEAU CHEESE spreads or slices Pre ..... 19¢ Pkg. iene GILLEX Softems hard water Por a. 10¢ Per wigs i WE. PABST TEN MALTSYRUP. | Tn vce 19€ Til cocci ss eal gc TODDY The Healthful Drink "A Meal in a Glass" ' Classic Cleanser tas. BRANSTON PICKLE Be Linde JRE cin eine SHIRRIFF'S LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS 2 rk 15¢ for x O09 TL LILLE TRE ESTER I 1H be} PINACH ISCUITS PECIALS ON LAMB guder Roast pound 4c Beef. Lb... ronts ssn wPound 19¢ Quality~No Alymer Choice Cleans, Secours Swe itens, Purifies ue ih Tia 2-13¢c | 20 Pound Pail PURE LARD ..........$369 20 Pound Pail SHORTENING oa 0) wis LL) $3.15 | 24 Pound Bag MARVEL FLOUR ....... 2. Tin : Weston's 2l¢ Savory Ducks 3 24c Weiners, Pound .... ,.... 25¢ Bananas - - = 2=28c i x aie Specials For Week-end Only Jed Vel 300 | SWIRL | 2710¢ Pork Sausage Pound ........... wo DSBERATED + BY o 21, BAT 1] Be Be | ToT |