inn ' _ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 13,1930 - PAGE TEN i Chatterer Changes His Mind By Thornton W. Burgess mis strange how much: you'll often | v "Dependent on a thange of mind. 3 <#:7 «Ol Mother Nature. f Chafterer the Red Squirrel China, War Lord, Wu-Pei-Fu, ing Wu the secrets of his advanced age, which he attributes to the use of Chinese herbs. LIVES TO BE 250, WILL REVEAL HOW an invitation to lecture at Chengty, Sagital of the province, where thoi sa to learn his system. March 13, -- Li who says he is 250 years entertained at Hojupou. rovince, by the former Li is teath- health has improved in the past few months, and that his mind is very active, ECKENER WA NS GERMANY minutes by the clock. For Your Aching Head Take one ZUTOO TABLET and in 2¢| tained on public discussion of fer- minutes, the pain is gone and you feel ne. ZUTOO will stop any Headache, Sick, 5 Nervous, Dyspeptic or Monthly--in 20| addressing a meeting of veterans of the German wars of 1870-71, ener, commander of the 'German di- rigible Graf man politics and in a speech warned 250 at dealers. oot oll IE WIT s of curious citizens are Waiting Chinése newspapers say that" Li's AGAINST YOUNG PLAN JESSEL AGAIN Celebrated Pair Played To- gether When They Were Youngsters Twonty years on stage and Berlin, March 12~Dr. Hugg Eck- | screen and only twenty-four years of age, is the record of Lila Lee, Zeppelin, yesterday | leading lady in "Love, Live and dropped the reserve he has majn- | Laugh," Fox Movietone all talking picture in which George Jessel is starred. In fact, that lovely young Germany against acceptarice of the] actress has appeared to advantage Young reparations p' a. He was|in countless other important piec- ii tures and for that reason she was 1864166 and | the choice of the Fox officials, Jessel, curiously enough, started Miss Loe og her stage career, At the mature age of ten years he was leading "man" in Gus Ed- wards' 'Kid Cabaret" in vaude- ville, He disliked the little girl who played opposite him and vol upteered to select a new one, Ed- wards, good-naturedly, told him to go ahead. Jessél was elated. But he did not rush at things. decidinz to get a lassie thoroughly suited to play the part to his tarté, Edwards ang young Jessel were walking along a street in Union City, New Jersey, when -the boy spotted Lila Lee playing with a doll, Her piguant face and big eyes attracted him and he selectea her for his leading 'lady." She was only four years old, but Ed- wards adopted her and put her in his vaudeville act. Christened "Cuddles" by Ed- wards, she continued to play op- posite Jessel for several years and then was starred herself when' Le outgrew the kid act. Later she went into pictures, 'yhile Jesse: became a stage stars, They were not reunited until Jessel chose her for his leading lady in 'Love, Live & Laugh," written Ly LeRuy Clem ens and John B., Hymer, It wil come to the New Martin Theatre for a 3-days' rum, zeginning Wed- nesday. ov Some of Miss Lees best known productions are "Blood and Sand,' "Male and Female," "Back Home and Broke," "Just Aarried," 'Man in HobbYes," "U.S, Smith," "Queen of the Night Ciubs," "Black But- terflies" and "The Argyle Case." Willlam K. Howard, who made a number of big screen successes, inclvding "The Valiant" and "Christina," directed this feature, Others fu the cast who are known everywhera pictures and stage pro- ductions are seen und heard in- clude Kenneth MacKenna, David Rolling, Seary Kolker and many others. Wolfe Gilbert and Abel Baer wrote the lyrics and according to review notices thesv are some of the finest turned out by this team. Quebzsc Won't Have , St. Patrick Day Parade Quebee, March 13. ~There will be no St. Patrick's Day parade through the streets of Quebec on Monday, this being the third consecutive year that the procession, a time-honored | event, has been omitted from the § annual Irish celebrations here. -- £LU-GRIP Call a phy " 3. visu || thinks himself very smart. He 'wants other peoplé to think him "very smart. It upset him a whole "lot to be unable to find out where iWhitefoot the Wood Mouse was 'living. He wouldn't admit that * Whitefoot was suniart enough tv "keep his home a secret from them. '30 he spent more time hunting for Whitefoot's Lome than any 'one knew of, One day he happened to be pok- 'ng around in the bushes on the sdge of the Green Forest, in the "hope that Be might fina hazel : aut or two hidden under the dea " eaves, Finally, he looked up and | "I believe Fll climb up there and there: over his head was a big wasps' nest---a great, gray globe Chatterer knew what it yas at Sos we BE hay soem. Younes Beste give that nest another thenght, Sle hot-tempered little people that didn't even look BY Be ht e ae built them. He knew that in win- | me A DI a he jot hers was nothing to fear from Wiore: the. eyes of Whitetoot (Lhe oy] , Wood Mouse. Inside, Whitefoul b ae helive | I aimb:upthiers au was chuckling. For a few minutes mt : | : * |Chatterer to himself. "I'a like to! While Chatterer had suarted | 1d A : : h : 24 : k Sue What it is lke fuside,, , Thore 2 GD IP Et That mgr sures Z v's A : br nothing to be afraid of now. t 4 ; d 'any wasps stayed in that nest ail would bo discovered. Win ow sinter they are either dead by this | that Cha rer rt. "Whitefoot felt ime on asleep, and I had just as | looking at the nest, ; soon hae two or three to eat." | that his secret was still safe. "So Chatterer started to climb up "Wouldn't he be ; surprised, 'to the nest. But he had hardly | thought Whitefoot. "to find out left the ground when another |that I am bere? He hasn't the thought came to him and he stop- | least idea that I am 'vatching him. ped to consider it. 'It is pretty | That reminds me thau br as careful warm today," thought he, "and | as we may, we are nveer absolutely some insects get to stirring around | sure 'that we Are unseen. on a warm day like this. I wouldn't | (Copyright, 1930, 1. W. Burgess) "like to find 'a wasp that had come ¥ Hie. - "They Sertaluiy can sting, Xen, sir, they certal can sting. HA One stung me once and I don't The next story: "The Telltale "want to be stung again. Of course, Tall. ELLA CINDERS--An Armistice : have a look at that mest." U. 8. Pat, OR; Copyright, ¢ 1080, Newspaper Service SCREEN TANAGER OF ECUADOR CHIMBORALIA THE GREATEST VARIETY OF BIRD LIFE 15 Jf | #/44"57A% FOUND WITHIN THE TROPICS, TOMMY. MORE ARE FOUND WHERE THE COUNTRY 1S MOUNTAINOUS AS WITHIN A FE MILES THE LITE] | TOMES CHANGE FROM TROPICAL TO ALPINE ; IN ECUADOR, BETTY © OUT, I'M GOING 10 A MoviE ! there may not te any wasps in i there. I don't suppose there are. #1t is better to play tafe than to be : 1 , X g | . sorry, however. We shall have 7 / ' hy a J i , ..some more cold days By and 2 d eT Ne ROE : ' ar "TH wii FORMS OF BIRDS AND THE LIST 1S INCOMPLETE Wait fot & cold gay." A IN SPITE OF THE EASY METHOD OF TRAVEL HK BIRDS Cs Effective } Er a Sata HAVE SE¥i ARE COSMOPOLITAN. MANY KEEP WITHIN VERY NARROV LIMITS. THE LAYSAN TEAL 15 FOUND OMLY ABOUT THE SHORES OF ONE SMALL LAGOON IN Jan, 9, 1990, ; b (Standard ime) Hithe geo nd hn? nd og nf am, Dat (cet "Sanday THE LAYSAM ISLANDS WITH A RANGE OF OME SQUARE MILE. © 1990, King Features Syndicate, Tne, Great Britain rights reserved. HE GREATEST HU PRESENT RECORDED FROM A SMALL AREA 15 THAT REPORTED BY DR. FRANK M.CHAPMAN FROM ECUA- DOR. IM AM AREA LESS IN EXTENT THAN THAT OF GREAT BRITAIN THERE ARE AT PRESENT KNOWN 1508 \. searching for hadel nuts, He didn't | 3} I pais (Except Sunday). E WI 30 pom. Daily ( Sundey) 22 05 a.m. Daily. NE 04 p.m. Daily (Except Sunday). : LE 8.03 pi Daily (Except Sunday). 1.10 = Y, D Need '1110 pom. Daily (Except Sunday). 12.05 a.on Daily. "THOMPSON'S canDi Riot a ed j 10 Stuicgs, 8. '8. -- 'We Deliver] ., Daly: seep Sunder. 1D BREAKFAST dy : 1% am. Daily. -- x . Dai Suudsy. 4 . yey By Geo. McManus | ] DON'T BOTHER MP SAY-00 1 HAVE | [JUST AS S0ON MR 06ES- 1 wouLD LIKE | AM CHANGING YO WAIT ALL AS | CHANGE TO SELL YOU SOME THE PLAN OF THE DAY FER MY THE PLAN OF FURNITURE ON THE MUSIC ROOM- yy hol THE KITCHEN ip on Lm. Daily, . Daily, except Saturdiy. am. Daily, p.m. Daily. Seal R]Eas: seprons g P pose ER 88% 3 bi yR irng Dally, except Suidar. NOTHING TOO au Whithy, US LINE 'NOTHING, TOO SMALL Ebi BRT BOE AdanacNachine$ c's, we 181 King St. W. Phone 1214 Lowe © 'Asive Ariisn J 7.25 a.m, © 1920, Int" Feature Servies, Ine, Great Britain nghts reserved. = pe ES A ORB DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE ° EB PUSS or Seats pops # g8Ese: v ? ESounman A8L80R3E i OF HER, YOUR MAJESTY LAR I SEERA RY: Edm ta SA838 SIP D2 RRR BPU3EREBERAEEE IP IIDFT Ps 22338733 - aig I & SEFREEEEE 25m Bis sPo?P?® o NO 0, 58555888u8 = 8 DOPamAtira BBG eta ER SiaeBelzslh = PP 2 . az: 35335535! | 'ALL OF A SUDDEN A GREAT R ND CAME AND TOUCHING NOTHING BUT THE PRINCESS SWEPT HER UP AND AWAY Whitby Hospital i ------ SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY AS THERE WAS A HIGH WALL AROUND THE GARDEN, THE KING THOUGHT \T SAFE TO LET THE PRINCESS GO» MIBS JONES | SEPRECE NY THE cE SUPPLY CO, THE KINGDOM TO, LOOK FOR HER BUT EVERY ONE CAME BACK | EMPTY-HANDED SHE WAS SO THRILLED AT THE SIGHT OF THE BLUR SKY AND DOLLY TOLD THE NAMES OF THE TREES AND if ! g 333535 m----_ + s&s + in, 1 CAN SAVE YOU A I SHOULD MONE! SAY IT IS, 2. IT'S 8810, ON 10. 6R0SS * PasaniBog faoosh 33383 1S QUITE A SAVING