Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Mar 1930, p. 8

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an NG a ¥ dram THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1930 EASTERN ONTARIO 'NEWS Face Burned By Acid Belleville. --~Gardiner Duff, son of sx-Mayor Duff and clerk in the J. S, McKeown drug store, was severely burned about the' face by sulphuric acid when, in removing a bottle from the shelf the cork became dislodged and deid spilled on his face and neck. Transferred to Woodstock + 'Brockville.--Field Major and Mrs, Brace, who have beén in charge of the Salvation Army'sfreception home ior juvenile immigrants at Smiths Falls, are being transferred 'to Wood- tock, where they will have control sver Burnside Lodge, the Army ju- venile immigration headquarters for Western Ontario, Woman Commits Suicide Belleville.--~Mrs. Alberta Bourett, Cannifton Road, commifter suicide by drinking cdrbolic acid Monday. It is alleged she tried to kill herself on three other occasions. Mrs. Bour- ett was 45 years of age and left three shildren. The police investigated and found a bottle and cup from which the acid was taken, Coroner Boyce called and considered an inquest un- necessary. Satisfied With New Road Athens.~The news that an early start is to be made upon the improve- ment of the Forthton-Westport road, passing through Athens, and that in all probability the new road will' be open for traffic beyond Athens and possibly as far as Delta before the year is closed, has been received here with a great deal of satisfaction, Sentenced For Theft Brockville.--~For the theft of a quantity of provisions and two bi: cycles from the summer home of ®. Hartney, of Ottawa, at "Fair haven," and breaking into thé Coun- try Club with intent to steal," Tho- Seven Eligible Kingston. --Seven junior farmers of Frontenac County are eligible to at- tend a special course in swine at Montreal next week under arrange. ments 'made by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. . Church 80 Years Old Napanee. ~Trinity United Church on Sunday celebrated its 80th anni- versary. Both morning and evening services were marked by large con- gregations, eloquent sermons ahd mu- sic of an exceptionally high order, Voted to Extend Call Brockville, -- Following the service at the First Baptist Church on Sun- day the congregation voted to extend mas Worthington, of Liverpool, Eng. and Kenneth Shaw, of St. John, N.B., appeared before Magistrate J. Albert Page in police court Satur. day, Worthington was sentenced to one year definite and a further in- determinate sentence, not to exceed one year, on each of the two charg- es, the sentences to run concurrent. 1y, at the Ontario Reformatory. Shaw escaped with sentences of six months definite and not to exceed six months indefinite on each of the charges, these sentences also to run concur: rently. Candidates Initiated Belleville, -- Twenty candidates were initiated into the first degree of the Belleville Council, Knights of Columbus, here Sunday. Trenton council, under Acting Grand Knight J. J. McNabb, conducted the cere: monies, a call to Stuart Ivison, of London, whq is completing his studies at Mc- Master University in Toronto, Contract Let Peterborough, -- The Woolworth Company has taken out a permit 3l. RNOR (LINTON STREET & Td AVENUE..... OPPOSITE PENNA. R.R. STATION A Preeminent Hotel of 1200 Rooms each having Bath, Servidor, Circula- ting lce Water and many other inno. vations...featuring a sincere spirit of hospitality. E. G. KILL, General Manager from the: City Engineer's office to make alterations and improvements to the value of $20,000 to their local store on George street, Thomas Ephgrave is" tlie contractor and loca! labor will be employed. Work will start immediately. "Takes Local Position Brockville. = Tommy Wilson, of Perth, formerly of Brockville, and several years an exceptionally able baseball pitcher, igs taken a position in town with M. Oberndorffer. Cobourg Wins Match Port Hope.~The junior members of the Port Hope Badminton Club lost a match with a team from Hatfield Hall . School at Cobourg Saturday. Eight players of each club partici- pated, the score of games being 8 to 2. while the point score was 149-109, The Port Hope girls were entertained at Hatfield Hall after the match. Celebrates 102nd Birthday, Picton.--~George Printer of on, who formerly resided for a number of years in Trenton celebrated his 102nd birthday on March 8, at his home in Picton, although in poor health. | a NavigatorsfMeet -- Kingston~~At a very largely at- tended meeting of the Kingston brafich of the Canadian Federation of Navigators held Saturday the mat- ter of the establishment of life sav- ing stations on the Canadian side at suitable locations was brought to the attention of the local branch and a resolution passed urging the Govern- ment to establish 'suth life. stations. Captain J. Barrett wis elected dele- gate to go sto Ottawa to interview the Government on this and other matters which the Federation is anxi- ous to have given atténtion. Business Changes Hands Belleville ~William G, Wonnacott has taken over the jewellery business of J. J. Rowntree, Bridge Street East, who so far has made no plans for the future. Mr. Rowntree has been in business four years for himself and previous to this was with Angus Mc- Fee's store for ten years, "Get Spring Fever Lindsay.~--Spring, at last, is defin- itely here. Merchants are beginning to worry about the dust nuisance on Kent Street and those believing in health through the sun's rays are al- ready crowding the bench at the south side of the fire hall on some of the sunnier mornings. Employees Get Cheques Peterborough.--Former employees of the local branch of Stobie, Forlong and company which made a volun- tary assignment on January 30, on Monday received salary cheques for the 'last week of their employment from N. L. Martin, trustee, at Tor- onto. No word was received regard- ing any possible opening of their po- sitions that vanished when the as- signment was made. Moved to Chatham Belleville.--~Jack Rayner, assistant manager of Metropolitan Stores since its opening in this city last August has been moved by the Head Office at London to Chatham as assistant manager. Water is Pure | Port Hope~~While there has been considerable complaint of sediment in the town water at this time, Dr. W, F. Beamish, local Medical Officer of Health, advises, there is nothing to cause any alarm. The sand filter at the plant is unable to remove all the sediment owing to 'storms and floods. The water has been recently exams ined for bacteria and none has been found. ; , Police Make Clean-Up Belleville~Belleville police went into action over the week end and effected the arrest of three young men of the city George Semark, Les lic Fraser and Bernard Lynch, who appeared Monday before Magistrate Mikel charged with the thefts of motor cars and conspiring to break and enter the Dominion Stores at Stirling, George Semark out on sus- pended sentence for theft which oc- curred in Trenton last fall, was given year in the Ontario Reformatory on his ple of guilty to all charges and Leslie Fraser and Bernard Lynch af- ter pleading guilty were remanded in custody for one week for sentence, Ice Giving Way Peterborough ~The water over a large area of Little Lake is now clear of ice. It opened some days ago in the vicinity of the C.P.R. bridge and the ice has been crumbling rapidly under the influence of the warm sur- face water and the stronger rays of the sun, The ice surface on Rice Lake in the vicinity of Bewdley, how ever, is practically intact as yet an up to the past few says cars and sleighs have been driven over it, THOUSANDS SEE GANDHI START DEFIANCE MARGH Wd Left Headquarters Esrly To- day for Gulf of Cambay Ahmadabad, India, March 12.-- Mahatma Gandhi, Indian leader and mystic, led his pioneer band of volunteers out of his quarters here at 6.30 a.m, today and started his march to the Gulf of Cambay, opening his campaign of civil dis- obedience to the Indian Goveras- ment. ' Creat crowds lined both sides of the route that the little procession was following. As Gandhi, with a firm step despite his 61 years, emerged from his *Ashram," or college of devotees, at the head ol his volunteers a great shiver of ex. citement ran through the throng. Almost the whole population of Ahmadabad, nearly 150,000 nor- mally, and swollen by visitors that have been flocking here for days to see Gandhi depart, was present. The city was virtually deserted all through the night. Gandhi will address the villag- ers at Asrali, through which he will pass at about 2 p.m. three months and not more than one: 18 OLN PAINTING STOLEN INDON Old Masters Valued at $750,- 000 Taken From Carlton House Galleries London," March '12--=-One of the most sensational robberies in re- cent years became known last night -whap, it was announced that 18 paintings by ,many old masters, valued roughly 'at $760,000, had been ripped from thelr frames in the Carlton House Galleries, on Regent Street, in' the West End. The stolen paintings included can- vases by: Rembrandt and . Gains- borough. $ i The loss. of the paintings was discovered yesterday morning by members of the art gallery staff, Preliminary investigation indicated that the paintings must have been stolen between 7 o'clock Monday Bight and 10 o'clock Tuesday morn- ng. 4 BRITISH GOV'T. DFFEATEN BUT RETAINS OFFICE If General Vote of Censure Carries Thursday Gov- ernment Will Resign BY GEORGE HAMBLETON (Canadian Press Staff Writer) London, March 12--The Labor (fovernment of Prime - Minister Ramsay MacDonald met defeat in the House of Commons yesterday when a Liberal-Conservative coall- tion carried a servative amend- ment to the ¢ miners bill by a majority of el votes, The Gov- ernment did n resign, however, and the Prime Minister explained he did not consider the defeat equivalent to a vote of no confl- dence, The poll of the House was 282 to 274 against a proposed levy on coal output and came after the Government had been sustain- ed on the first amendment by 272 to 242 owing to the abstention of certain members from the ballot- ing. When the second amendment count was announced and the Gov- ernment's reverse made plain, the Rt, Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Conser- vative leader, arpse in his seat, to the accompanim@nt of his followers cheers, and askéd the Prime Min- ister if he proposed to proceed with the bill, "I am amazed at the question of the right honorable gentleman," replied Mr, MacDonald and the La- bor members set up loud applause, '" He will have the opportunity two days hence to move a vote of censure of this Government," con- shall be glad to accommodate him in 'bringing the matter to 'a vote. Should the right honorable gentle- man gee fit to make his vote of censure general then the Govern- ment wil! accept the decision of this House, So far as this division is concerned, however, it was on an optional provision and no es- sential change has been made thereby in the clause of the coal mines bill under consideration. "The Government," Mr. Mac- Donald added, proposes to ask the committee to continue its task." "Now, sir," said the cross-examin- ing counsel, "be carefull Do you swear that {his is not your handwrit. ing?" "I'm quiter sure it isn't" came the reply. "Does it resemble your writing?" "I can't say it does." "Do you, take your oath that this writing. does not resemble yours?" "Yes, sir." 4 "Now, sir; will you kindly let me sce a specimen of your handwriting ?" "No, sir. I won't!" "Oh, you won't, ech? And won't you?" "'Cause 1 can't write." why George: "What do you say to a little kiss?" Maude: "I've never one." . John D. Rockefeller's success- ful infervention in his son's Indiana tight led an oil broker to say: "Mr. Rockefeller {is inimitable. Once in the good old muck-raking days, a magaziné muck-raker rush- ed up to Mr. Rockefeller and moan- ed; y '""Mr, Rockefeller, this morning, sir, while I was investigating labor conditions among the pressmen in your Bayonne plant a skink of a boss named Merryweather called me a four-eyed jackass and broke one of my ribs. Me a jackass--and a rib broken! Now, Mr. Rockefel- lex. what are you going to do about t? "'Do?' sald Mr. Rockefeller, 'Why, nothing. You'll have to con- sult a vet.' " Prison Visitor: And what you in here for, my good man? Prisoner: Flattery, madam; caught imitating another man's sig- nature on a cheque. A man who marries his steno- grapher soon takes a]l the dictation. spoken to are Mrs. Fred Coll of Neustadt, nad Asthma 10 years and for 2 yeaj 4 had bu St Wp si mig. She 'writes § § art: 't oo A couldnjt work. vod - of RAZ-MAH. For 6 or 7 years now |" § haven't had a trace of ma." Yi may bave your money back if § of RAZ-MAH doesn't bring YOU No harmful drugs. 50c and $1 w at your dealer's. 1 Go now and buy Templeton's | 1 RAZ-MA The inferiority complex fis likg wealth. It would be a blessing i the right people had it. "How could you miss that bird?§ "it flew zigzag and whenever § shot at zig he went to zag." A film is to be made of the Princ/g® of 'Wales as big game hunter on hi present African trip. Lieut.-Com mander Glen Kidston will-superinten the making of the picture. AT YOUR. DRUGGIST tinued the Prime Minister, "and 1! ; gs i f i i FURNITURE! IN SMART NEW DESIGNS 4-Piece STICK 4-PIECE FIBRE Very handsome suite in stick Fibre which is exceptionally strong and smart, enamelled in Ivory with black trimmings, new style settee, and chairs with spring filled cushibns uphol- stered in smart printed linen. Oblong table, complete, the 4 pieces. Reg. $139.50. Special ; § a ~p See ; v.'h ADOLES { FIBRE SUITE 4 beautiful Pieces comprising settee, . chair, rocker, round Table, and Fernery make a splendid' living Room outfit, ed in various shades of Two Tone Enamels. The seats are spring construction with spring filled cushions uphol- stered in smart chintz. Reg. $55.00 special $49.95 3-Piece FIBRE SUITE Large size Fibre Suite in shaded Ivory, a most . 5 : i 00 comfortable suite with seats of new style Fibre Rockers upholstered in' figured moquette, comprising These rockers in Antique Buff Enamel without arms _ are very 105 useful and comfortable. They 4-Piece Living Room Suite Very fine quality Reed Suite in shaded grey enamel comprising setee chair, rocker with N } splendid spring construction seats a spring, tilled cushions upholstered in rich bard wearing: moquette. A very fine oval § table completes the 4 pleces. This suite i« ' b marked down away telow cost price, Res. : ® . a { Ferneries Very useful size Ferneries to hold " settee, chair and rocker. Reg. $84.50. Special, 8 or 4 plants, in shades of. wal- are ideal to use in rooms where a wooden rocker would not be suitable. Reg. $9.00. E CO. ie Phone 78-79 Speciale 'Fibre Chairs & Rockers : : nut, antique. but, ete.; strongly 625 ng medueties at a very low price Several pairs of Chair and rocker 00 $25 and complete with metal Reg. $30.50. daly pair -- : lining. Re fn various shades of two tone Reg. $7.95. Special 5 J { KE FURNITU ions upholstered in hard wear. OSHAWA $215.50, Special ; 4 § k ite 00 __ 63 King Street, E. 3-Piece Dining Room . Fargo 'size fibre Suite made by Watson's : for the quality of same coms © ; sing large settee with 8 sprivg filled bh ; lurge size chale and rocker. The up- ; is a fine quality cretonne in hare

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