Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Mar 1930, p. 11

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4 PAGE ELEVEN SECTION. - . Seller 4) FPP \ » Conant, ty, B.A, Notary Public, Convey- p10 Wan Third Roof CH TUC OPTO! ® An' yo uscle anomailes, eyesight nud Sass. Author of Eye Care and Eye Strain, iw Chlla and Its Development. (Feb, 32-1 10) ney Block opposite Post. O Engineering, and Surveying ding. Cs BANK | lo = | municipal + Barristers, FARE Dd DT otaries Publig, ets. Office ovar ndard Bank, Kutrspce Simeoe "St. Phone 18. J. ¥. Grierson, K.C., T. K bten," B.A, No Fraser, B.A. be north. "hoi 6 67. A Restore GREER AND ROIS, PAR. R ! risters, Solicitors, eic. 24 N. e 316). Money to loan. LEX ©, HALL, BA, A. BARRIS ete. Conveyancing and general protien, % King 9: Bast, a Phone y Fi nt] ettor 1, Alger ry ul Part Perry. Ha. Port Perry Phones: 759 Oshawa, 24 an1 71 ¢ 3. (Feb, 3-1 mo) A. J. PARKHILL, BARRISTER. He, Money' to loan, Alger Bldg, 'op site Post Office, Phone 1014, 4° Medical 8 DR. "MCKAY, P Hes STCTAN. 8 4 SUN cher, ce 'and resis St, Erst, corner Viktoria Phone 94, WwW. TRIC isl. glan, Surgeon. Obstetrician, "Sveen references: to maternity work Hy | seases of women, Two ve | graduate *Anetigoce. § fice «dad resi- ll dence 167: .meoe S rock) DR. GRANT BIRR. FEY ' trician, diseases on: Grn Office and Bl residen nd East Phone LE if I clan and Surgeon, special "attention given to X-ray work ana Electro: heopy.. Office, Disney = PBlogk. Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m. to 8 a.m. Residence 101 King East. : St. N. Phone 3020 Boch 10) Kink St. E. Phone 3155 ART, PHYSICIAN, ro. Obstetrician. - Office €08 i PA) $512 Simcoe street north, Phone 2415' DR. k ARCHER BROWN, PHYS] clan, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office an) residence, 185 Simcoe Street, DR. 1. " SON, 3 and Surgeon. Specialist fo kidney and bladder diseapcs, Drock ani Mary stroets, Whitby, Phone 170. Whitby. : (Jan, 80-1 mo) IR Bek BALL, to. will be at his 5 op i's Drug Store each Saturday, "otill 4 for, consultation" and treatment pv) pentes of car, nose and throat only, Appointments mav be mad at drug store. Phone 97 8 Eye, Ea, fase and Throat | SON. OFFICE itchell' Ur Sto Hours foi. shelf 2 oS Evenings b A ntment. Office ohone ce 432 bo oe attention to Fer sih wiraetion, Nurse in age ) | hone 959. House 1312. north, over Mitchells Drug) Shore, ous FT = g ary, A) tected. . & : : | A CARTAGE AND STORAGE, (COLE-| Sl 7 7 money mon 35: | CARTAGE, . MOVING 'Hall cutth g'25c. 2660. Street United Chuvels will. accept pupils in Phone 1616. DONEVAN AND suintd ONTAR- Land Survevors and Civil Engin- sub-divisions, town planning. 365 or 411 Ring | ove BURIA 7 K foe BL (0. % dence - nso n, ne 2 AT BURIAL CO 87 Celina street. shatys. Bruce Ambulance. DAVIS AND _ SON, INSU ng St wi est Fire Agency putable Fire WHEN a aoING Ist onnevit RB, A north, Your a Apts Al tended to and; your' {tte ow 'For Rent To RENT~-BATH FLAT, a house, lovely hardwood - floors. 241 Drew St, near Pittings Ltd, (69¢) rooms, 'light, heat, gas and bath. room, 20 Maple St. South, Phone OW. (58¢) FOR NENT--HOUBES IN ALG parts' of the city, Also unfurnish- ed rooms and flats, Murdoch, 27 Warren. 3027J. (b8e) Coming Events, Bie, 3, 'STRICT LY CASH | IN ADVANCE cose und This rule hes been f loss arising from of this natuse, bright uaturnished rooms. Apply 93 Hilleroft St. HLS 8263). (b8e) eH , betaine ul 'apartment on ground floor, AW Rap ths convenience of c who find it inconvenient venfences with garage, in quiet "wo come personally to The 1 office, a pe. 251 Argbur Street. Phone Tourist Camps (V) C wanted, Parties wishing to rent rooming accommodations to the tourists for the season 1930 on of near Provincigl or County high ways, can earn good money in their own homes, meals optional. For particulars' write. now To the Associated Tourist Service Ltd. 162 Winchester. Street, Toronto, Ontario, (60a) Motor Cars YOU A oie Garage, 88 *Bond stree: west, Phone 3198. All cars at one price $1.25, + {Mareh 1-1 mo) A 9 orcyclé, néw condition, 16w mile- age, Owner leaving province, Ap- ply Box 601 Times. (60¢c) : will bring a messenger who ill soceive the renin 260W. a (691) | . and collest for same. Three rooms and bifbroom. Apply 161 King's 8t. East, Apt, 2, (69¢) Keeping. 7OOMS, Central, . Private entyance, $18. Apply 22 Elm street, Phone 1296F, / (60a) | NE OOM brick 'house. Every convenience. Apply Mrs, C. H. Stinton, 197 Gib. bons street, Phone 3095J. (600) "Wanted To Rent dosti. Classified Ads Bring Resuls "Telephone 35 "ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT _ Work 'Wanted | brick house. Central; Hardwood For Rent man's, 86 ' Bond, West, Specialists in furniture moviag, storage ware house and moving van equipment. "4M strest. Phune oe chal (61) floors' throughout. " Freach doors. LSTE] UHESTER- APARTMENT. -- RA) | HOME Reasonable rent. 'Apply Box 494 : Teaching TEACHER WANTED 70 GIVE lessons in private home. "Apply at 102 A902 Rossdnle Ave. 60¢) "Real Estate For Sale A BPLENDID: CHANG a country home, Fifteen acre lota for sale, Close to Oshawa; Small cash payment, Kasy terms, Also liouse and ten acres, Apply P.O. Box 745 or 140 Agnes St. Oatavs, __(60¢) N 4 } will sell my 100, acres with good buildings at a great sacrifice. Ex- cellent orchard, etc. Been in same family over 100 years. Apply Box 602 Times, (60-62) N, 0 suites, Sofie ished, lsun- | Timek (BSc) HA Sonvenieucel Seven ate., oto, | WANTED TO RENT--FIVE "OR elec stoves, oled refriveration, six room h , : y water Hod round, Phone 1580 oF or Apply Box 190 Time. ouYenl tags t 'We nave mal Tree, Go Con: 8c) Phone 82. : CABTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand and inders. peal and long ' ¥] Fessr. Sm mith 5 sud Ron "381 King st. W, OSHAWA'S OLDEST ESTAB- J lished furn'iure hovers. Park Road car ame. Local and long distance. Frank Ale, le, Bren 65 Park RE South (Feb. 18-1 mo) GRAVEL, sand and cinders, Local and fons diss tance hauling. Phone 229W. T, Sib- lock, 215 Bloor St. E, (Feb, 22- 1ln1o.), ENT--MOVING 18 WHY PAY R hauling 60 cheaper, moving or vents up. Try us. local and long istance,., Hage, Cartage. Phone 850. Ly (Feb, 28-1 mo) BATTERIFS CHARGED, for and Selivered, ix tal "supplied $1, Sian feneral house repa Lholstering, Phone ne. FIX UP gravel, sand, cinders od general Sucking. Chris pA Ra hold @rticles and, furniture [tpaed, Upholsetring and' refinisiiog. inting | Bandy Repair Shop, LA Di 8847 (8eL) For Sale or Rent MUST BE SOLD THIS WEER-- 45 acre farm, 'good Dbulldings, frame house, good orchard, ideal location $4,300. If sold this week for cash. Sacrifice for $3700 with $1400 cash or offer. Apply Box 600 Times. (60-62) C{FOUR rv FIVE ROOMEDL MUD CHOICE OF TWO HOUSES FOR ora suites, tocluding eldetrie aration, stove, lsgymdry, conven)' ; sale or rent, most bracing and heal. thy location in Oshawa. Phone 0s as, ST Gusrantes Co. Lad, menager for owner, Toronto. sud lot No. 387 Centro street, Oshawa. 9 rooms and bath. All (27:41) TO RENT-- TWO ~~ FURNISHED conveniences, Immediate. posses- sion. Also house and lot for sale apartments, one large and ono No. 369 Centre strect, Oshawa, b swall. Phone 2671. rooms. All convenlences, Large lot, (Feb, 22-1 mo) FOR RENT Apply to Conant & Annis, Barris- FURNISHED OR UN- ters, Oshawa, or Edwin Arnold, furnished rooms and beq sitting ) oon. Also garage, 165 Ritsan Rd | 752 Rowena St, Orhan, sity (S5F) ENT--7 RI BRICK : Room and Board FURNISHED ROOM WITH USE Rin rots whlideon, 2» He PE ERING AND ; cabinet making refinished and up~ Keb, 18-1 Mo.) * ROADWAY, OBBING, CARP, jture repaired, ve YOUR de phone 2631M! Fe Pia mo} and card 27 Bond LA 5 % d $7.50 A ial nger - of shompog, Si $l. Fagial i Phone #48 or Lou Permaun. RT ty 'Ward at pe Rony Wand arcel and sham. ent Wave Shoppe. poo $1. Phone DRY CLEAN NG, ing, 12% 500, Ni JES I NG BY RCELLIN Lot for and delivered 66 Bagot Street, puss and garage. 59 a Bt, of sitting room for two young ay (68¢c) To PNT -- FIVE ROOMED house oh Prince street. Apply 34 | ladies or gentlemen. Boand if de- sired. Also garage. Phone 1113W, Kigin west. (B70) "ALC GORVERT: | oe (59D) ok fiatuge. Pets and Live Stock. Rent reasonable. yoyo 2756 Verdun Road. (B8e) | JAMESWAY HATCHED CHICKS from trap-nested "breeders; C THREE URFURN{SHED- ROOMS, with bath. Apply 7% Ritson Road South. (58¢c) Dry Closing <SSING, DY. Phone King Bart West. Mo, J (Mar. 8- AN LA cleaning, and repairing, all rood goods (Mar, 11-1 " White Leghorns, barred rocks, White Wyandottes, Write or phong for cat. WATSON'S BARBER "AND Beauty Shop, 9 Celina St. We spe- alogue. Oshawa Hatchery and Poultey | Farm, 144 Fark Road North, Phones Building Supplies FOR 'RENT -- SIX ROOMED Furniture Repairing FURNITURE REUPHOLSTERED and repaired, Prices moderate, phone 1436M or 2830W. George Lemee. (Feb. 11.1 mn.) Money to Loan MONEY TO - LOAN -= FUNDS available for first mortgages, on well located * residences. Bradley Bros. 29% Simcoe South (upstairs). (Feln 25-1 mo.) LOANS ON GOOD CITY PRO- perty: and farms, apply A. J. Park- hill, 37 King East, phoné 1614, (Mar. 12 tf) Notice of Registration of Bylaw Notico 4s hereby given that a by-law, No, 1998. was passed by the Council of the Corporation of the City of Oshawa, on the 17th day of February, 1030, providing (for the issue of debentures to the lege, have filed declarations of "in : tentions, | POLAR EXPLORERS NEARLY BANKRUPT Byrd Hopes to Bring His Part of 41 Men Safely Homie ' ' Dunedin, March 12.=Rear-Admiral Richard E. Byrd said. here yesters day that his expedition which re turned Monday from its éonquest of the South Poles vast 'region of. ice, was on the verge of bankruptcy, He hoped, however, that it 'would "pull through all right." Scarréd by battering ice-floes, his ships, the Eleanor, Bolling and the City of New York, equipped at cost estimated at $750,000, are being re- fitted at Dunedin's docks. Wisin ten days, it is planned, they will carry Byrd and his 41 cour ageous men homeward through the Panama Canal to. New York. The ships will bear small cargoes, Behind them in the Antarctic they left the airplanes used by Byrd and his men, Hooks Wife' s Vibrator To Stems of Milkwead and Churns Out Butter Waterbury, Conn, March 12.--Lés ter Greene of "Prospect, near this city, having noted Thomas A. Edi- son's experiments in' extracting rub. ber from golden rod, reports: that he: has been investigating the poss- ibility of producing dairy products from milkwéed and has met with fair success. By hooking up tis wife's vibrating machine -to the milk weed stems, he has chumed the juice in the plants so that their leaves ex- ude butter. He is now working out methods of producing and. collecting milkweed bugter on "a commercial scale, "We could, be happy," sald Hi Ho, the sage of Chinatown, "if it were not so easy to forget a friena and so hard to forget an enemy." ---Galt Reporter. in the Palatino of Havana were Ten workmen pumping plant killed recently' by the explosion of a giant boiler. Four others were seriously injured. GOOD USED CARS Are Sold by THE ONTARIO MOTOR SALES cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar- celling, shampooing, Jackals, shone tme! phon, genta, For appoin Uy n hat hos MADAME 1 LATE aM i France ¢ ot rh ba, Tor to, bigh e uty ¢ phi Fd prices. Disnoy Bulldiog Flat No. 1, above Dr. Aus s. Phone 1376, (Mar §-1 mo) Music ARTHUR LYNDB, VOCAL L TEA H- er (Hambourg Co role) pupils axgmy. Oshawa Tussday,. ign street vast, prin, boune 2704F, 20t0H ) FRANK CONVERSE Toy ONE of Toronto's leading vio violin teachers, is in Oshawa an Thus ia ap afte afterscons Studio 86 Elgin St Ty one tk. VRE. OR- ganist 3 dhol master of King in plano, organ and voeal usie. For. particulars apply. 60 William street east. Phone 2896. 4-1 mo) ARD music, Oshawa Habe Phon rr Planes new 80d used planos, nservatory, repared for afl 3 new. $500. 20005W. delivered Phon CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE~ To insure prompt delivery, 9 orders in advance of delivery date. W. Borrowdale, phone 1618. "Articles For Sale MIXED | HARD (hg Fg WOuL Iso bone dry Es Yr) Lime " rieh tone, ight touch, Cost $800. Fi trosh eggs. "oe per dozen. 2 dozen 75¢. peitiéved, (bc) carriage, in. 3 oud condition, Ap- ply 226 Eulalle' avenue, (69s) NV LAID TE in ew minutes notiee, e 914; » (60¢ 23 Kig St. West, Shier the Following RI mall cook stoves, one no rotted range, Public Schogls, Studio--4 phone 1084J, (Ma Che. gas range, three heaters. (80¢) Radio Service . house, All conveniences. Phone 170). (68¢c) TO RENT--BIX ROUMED HOUSE, 319 Celina street. Apply 211 King street east. Phone 135W, (58¢e) Fe ---------------------------------------- FURNISHED: FRONT BEDROOM: | Whi All conveniences. Phone 1778W or call 216 Allee Street, (88¢) avenue. partial, conveniences, Ap. ply a at 143 Contre Street (68¢) Sm ---------------------- FOR RENT=-NEW FOUR ROOM house, 8, new ; six-room house, ¢ Been ars. Immediate, possession. 'Apply orton & French, Himes, (59¢) HOUSE TO/ RENT AT 165 Er. Jott, Ave, all conveniences. 8S a 15 Prince Street, FIVE OM HOUSE TO RENT 'St. 39) $20 per month. Apply 74 Willa West. "RENT we NISHED bathroom flat, Every Sanvenience, North end. Phone 2351W / (9c) ba 5 room in quiet home, Garags if re- quired. Fhove 9T : tow: He Cotr Roe St, E. (60¢) ERTOW COT- JOR at Bonnlp Brae Polit, Osh- Awa. 4 All conveniences including fireplaces and electric ranges, Ap- 1337J, 1887F, (Feb. 15-1 mo) TOY POMBERANIANS FOR BALE, males, 3 months old, pedigreed and registered, Dogs boarded, bathed Port | and groomed. Star Kennels, thy. G9c amount of $24,200.00 to pay for Water Mains constructed in 1929, and that such by-law was rogister- od in the registry office at Whitby. County of Ontario, on the 22nd day of February, 1930. Any motion to quash or set aside the same. or any part thereof must be made within V] "Room and Board Wanted C TENTLEMA desires furnished room with full pr part. board, Centrally located. Woply Box 603 Times, (60¢c) Nursing EXPERIENCED PRACTICAL purse, with reference, open for en- fagements March first. Materhity or geveral nursing, Phone 742M, pl 18-1 Mo.) PRACTICAL § MATERN- ity, invalid, or po 4 nursing, For Mformation phone 1298), (Feb. 24-1 0.) . three months after the first pub- lication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter, Dated the 24th day of February, 19380. F. E. HARE, Clerk. ™ (48-54-80) Notice I, THE UNDERSIGNED, WISH TO announce that after this date I am no longer connected with the business known as Brady and Graham, Barbers, at 77 Simcoe street north, ~ P. M. BRADY Position Wanted GL WOULD LIKE HOU! work. Experienced. Phone 2860J. * (58¢) +349 © Leslie housekeeper, Apply (60h) Street. ' Jans work,' Sop d 00k and house- eoper, Phone 3 353J. (60d) Sheriff's Sale of Lands Albert Crowle vs, Tonkin Notice is hereby given that the Sheriff's Sale of Lands on the Rit- son Road, Oshawa, in this action' was postponed from the 8th day of March 19% to the 22nd day of. March 1930. Sale to be held at the, Bherit!'s office, in the Court House LIMITED A millionsire's son has taken on a $15 a week telegraphet's job. But. father's the president and pay- master and is not Mkely to see him starve.-Lethbridge Herald. After their honeymoon, & Yale law student will be taught by her own husband, He, in tura, will be fortunate if she never lays down the law to him.--Buffalo Courier~ Express. | Headquarters of police forces throughoutyEngland are to be.con- nected by radio with Seotland Yard, London's wireless system between headquarters and cruiser cars of the Flying Squad has been so effective that it bas driven' the motoring crooks to the country. and the new radio chain is expeet- ed to round them up. HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID BY EXPERT SRCHANICS ---" Old floors finishe id . Storm windows, combination doors. General cofitractors. B. W. HAYNES, flesidence 180 r 2 161 King St. VW. Phone 481 ir, Stl] | ~ FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE ® roomed brick and shingle, all conveniences, oh Highway, at Harmony, large lt, hen house, double garage. Small cash pay. ment will handle or will trade for Oshawa property. DISNEY REAL ESTATE Final Clearpnce of ben's dnd Boys' Overcoats DOMINION CLOTHING CO. 68 KING ST, W. {hone 3141 We Deliver DE Nh---- LUMBER F. L. BEE FT Whitby Lumber Yard 'Pons Oshaws hg HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID Wlegirio & Sanded and Finisd- | 3ed Complete Ww. 3 TRICK €O., LTD. 25 Albert Street 90 Simcoe St. 8, Phone 900 MONEY LOANED? W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Fauitiess Lenses Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Hold « NR. 3OlGéeNn MOTOR LOANS AND LIS. COUNTS LT * Oshawa Burial Co. successor to Disney-Cott AMBULANCE $7 Colina St. FPhohe 1082 Felt Block Room @ Phone 2/90 a wn We are living in an age when ap- (80b) ¥ DR. L. E Ti L2 ST, Nitrous oxid oxveen was for extra: Hons Off nl ink, Bide hone 199 wo 'SERVI ' OSHAWA RARjo RVICH, i cessorive for sale, jepaire on trie and battery ola, bebe batter! Shay bai a plied Nn. "ihe arles Wales, 146 (Mar 7-1 mo) pearance demands - attention. pearance is only on the surface, but'it gives expression to what: is oid and practical. What looks worse than an old leaking roof? The damage .. caused by a defective roof, will often * pay for the cost of igi a Hg Apply 26 Quebec Bt. + h and sold, A 1 aituss. so Ae ale, 9% ond long of St, B. Phone 1617M, FREE Js (Mar.7-1 mo) charge, expert ¢ pie and j batte t rect br 8 To Buy lll Batteries "be faction uaranteeds ow Ri a 3 hs L Ge 3 . | poh od adi oktiei, an i oh . Lat Batiorios' and radi Street West, Phone hr aah ia Ln ; (March 1-1 mo) 4 € Fone Cookad Mets Sheriff. "Dewland's (60-66) 2 Aveving v of ere B. C. Red Cedar Shingles les ph a all that is connected with the' . home is bright and cheerful, because they énsure a safe shelter for many years. They also have great insula- "tion qualities, and their. resistance to _the transmission .of heat make the home cooler in summer and warmer in winter. one or two building. lots, north or east, ine atin socio and ences. state on an ples, stea { orice. {in k and ney (60¢) or cold a rakes Sha cre ote, etc, Frank Drakes; 21 M stvgot. Phone a ond mortgage or agrosment. Reas- 'onable discount, _ & French, | Times Bldg. ©, . . sll ! fomestic Any EL Anvassing: work wood chanées to. arn bi money, Applyc Box v6, | "SAR NCEE Rye @. b, Sogane, Oshawa, On~ at. the Town of Whitby at eleven Dated this 8th d f March, |TO RENT -- MEDIUM SIZED ANGE=374 | 10300, dein in muskrat ps, Avply ta | acres, 1s 'in Shem, #lso 6 mcres| J. F.PAXTON, 'Oshawd and close to highway,' Ap- th ply owner": A Ares Bowman le, il | phon r= and Toud Cassio Ads. | . watch Ro weor Jarvis and Bond FOLLOW DETROIT'S ward, hove 24080 or 264 J is h ; ! rg ome erm | GIVIC EMPLOYEES i ween ing Canad and Sifhteos streets ] 4 pach subsequent 'coanecus |] | containing Canadian and foreign cur- ey losertton 10 wer IH} Athol Street East. (60¢) a 1 of Non-Resi- EEE er i ws tune o do." HI wale. Apply to Box {5 mes. | Ditroit, March 12~Following the | vila charge 87 1 nr thrge . L680) | lead' of the City Council, which 1e- ployed 'in various city departments Mr, Thomas, Regent: theatre, 7/80 | discharged, the Board of Fducation donight at stage (80a) 3 ers who are aliens or notisresidents Mrs, Evangeline Lodge Lincbergh, uiiher of a les A, Lind. resolution before Ecation 15 passed, a 'to, the' ig yes« 180 | terday hat. WY employees the fh i d wages. Apply | of Bourd United States. All but one, an Jie w. L "Broanan, Barrie, Ontario. ! exchange professor om Oufood Un. M-May si) | For Ses "or Exchange p'cloek in the forenoon. Times, 60b) |'with some' timber on, 2 miles east of 4 ay =r -- FOREIGN TEACHERS street, Valued as keepsake. Re IT TORE WATT Minimum charge 0c, rency. © Finder please leave' at 215) Board Plans to Clear Schools : ; Ta gow Le Tos ~Female cently ordered about ! 700 aliens em- : ' Soauumber 100 additional theatre, Must. be cleau worker. See sion is considering dismissing 786 teach- Wanted Mal, of "D if fiose who would be 'superinteinde ent 'ot, tity | for » steady man. Board of Bducation are not bs (58¢), versity teaching at Detroit ity, cols

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