Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 10 Mar 1930, p. 6

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PAGE 81x SRITISH NAVAL POLICY ISSUED BY GOVERNMENT Policy is to Keep Ocean Highways Open for Trade and Communication London, March 10.--~The govern- ment have made public the following memorandum on the position at the London Naval Conference of His Majesty's Gevernment in the United Kingdom, in the form of a White Paper :(-- | 1. The 'policy of His Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom is to keep the highway of the seas open for trade and communication, and, in relation to the political state \ of the world, to take what steps are necessary to secure this. 2. The Government is directing its policy to secure this co-operating with the League of Nations, making friendly compacts with other nations, strengthening the International ( 'ourt, accepting arbitration in international disputes, honoring the Peace Pact of the country has undertaken in conse- quence of the terms of the Covenant of the League of Nations (partly off- { set, though they are, by the pooled i security afforded under the Covenant by its provision of mutual support), and other commitments which it has inherited and which it has to fulfil in relation to the present condition of the world, In deciding what these amount to in terms of naval strength, the Government must estimate the chances of war breaking out because, if this is not done, fleets will be built which will never be of any use, but which will threaten rather than pro- tect and it hest wil be a waste of national resources. 5. The Government takes the view that if the strengths of national fleets are not to be a menace, they must be the subject of international agreements, the purpose of which would be to maintain an equilibrium, This equilibrium will not be secured by mere numerical equality in ships and tonnage--which may indeed be a condition of serious inequality from the point of view of' effectiveness-- but by agreed programmes which will be based on considerations of re- quirements affecting dispersion, etc, and in which menace will be reduced as much as possible. For this, there can be no general formula or ratio. It must be the subject of agreements made from time to time at Confer- ences such as this. As the political conditions deter- 9 world security are not fixed to Le arranged, an agreed evaluating factor being cb 10 ag for such trans- fer. The object of this arrangement is to take account of the special needs of countries requiring a larger portion of cruisers of A. 1 type. (3) As "regards small cruisers and destroyers, it is probable that some nations with smaller navies may find a rigid division into these categories unworkable. His Majesty's Govern: ment in the United Kingdom will be prepared to consider a transfer of tonnage between tifese categories to take account of the special needs of the Powers in question. ") Turning to the question of He size and number of capital ships, Hi Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom proposes that the limit of numbers oa by the Washington Treaty should be reached within 18 months of the ratification of the Realy arrived at by the London 'aval Conference instead of in 1936; that no replacement of existing ships should take place before the next 57% Conference in 1935, and that in the meantime the whole question of capi- tal ships, their number, size and gun calibre, should be the subject of ne- gotiation between the Powers which The photograph England. interesting view wonder car, the here gives am in of Kaye Don' "Silver Bullet land speed record at Don, English speed driver, will attempt to beat world's Daytona some 4,000 horse power. Beach in this car, which develops have built them. Without disturbing in the Washington cquilibrium and{ (7) Te size and total tonnage of therefore security, the Government | 1c destroyer class must largely el | will press for reduction. The British pend on the size and tonnage of the tors Admiralty have informed the Govern~| gy bmarine class, The 'Government | last. ment that it Sould favor a reduction proposcs that the limit of size should Miss Bate in size from 35,000 tons to 25,000 tons | he for leaders 1850 tons with S-inch with relatives in value of a true revival Mr. and Mrs. with city friends on spent the Toronto, Harvey were. visi- | : Sunday | ited A. week | Mrs | their past freshments served by the ladies. Mr. 'and Mrs. J. T. Rundle vis- Jrock, Bowmanville. Sympathy goes out to Mr. and Ernest Larmer, in the loss or baby, Ja from pneumonia ' 1 Could Not Get Anything to Help Me Until I:commenced using L d using Dodd's Kidney Pills "I cannot say too much for your your Dodd's Kidney Pills as they have done wonders for me," states Mrs, Martin Patterson, R.R. No. 2, Sussex, N.B, "I had severe Backaches for some time and tried everything. I couldn't et anything to help me. Reading in your BS about Dodd's Kidney Pills, I decided to try them and now I would not be without them. They are the best pills for Backache." People all over Canada have.successfully used Dodd's Kidney Pills for various forms of Kidney Trouble, such as Rheumatism, Sore Back and Weakness, Dodd's Kidney Pills are & wonderful stimulant for weak kidneys. 50c iia At All Dealers, or by Mail from The Medicine Co, Ltd., Toronto 2, Ont. DODD'S limite of Chatham, and had a good look at the men. At close' range the rifle spit fire into the pursuers, a bullet striking the radiator, An-| other pierced the windshield and | ! missed the driver by inches, Others | { punctured the body of the pursu- Mr. and Mrs, G. Fritz of Janet- ing machine. ville, spe nt the week end with Mr. Heavy road traffic forced Russell | and "Mrs. George Cornish. to withhold his fire until he again | _ Mrs. Herbert Cator and babe, of got within range with his auto- | Toronto is visiting Mr. and Mrs, F. matic. He emptied the chamber in- | Cator. ta. the rear of the gunmen's car, Mr. but shielded by the darkness they | ono spent the Sucieeded in making good their | Moftatt's parents, i L. Squair. and Mrs. Carl Billings and SALEM PERSONALS Salem, Feb. 26 Mr and Mrs, Ronald Scott visited Mr. and Mrs, "has. M. Carruthers recently, and Mrs. W. Moffatt of Or- week end with Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, F, was flashed ahead Mr. Paris, and otherwise aiding in tran- and of guns from 16-inch to 12-inch, | one mum 2 3 i : quillising the world. Whilst it be-laoreements should be made for per- § guns ximumy and 1,500. tons for| 1. Matthews had a business trip to | together with a dengthening of the | ie trovers. als with S-inch guns | the city this week, | on A age from 20 to 26 years. The Gov-| (imu [ts present building pro-| Mrs," Gannon w in *Toronto 'of nati Iso extended t The funeral was held at Blackstock ! Staples were Sunday guests of fs Mrs. F. Doidge. | George Cornish | Thamesyille, and a posse 3 ganized to intercept the btful would March 1 side ment --_ C3 a Ee coVNGwnsS will be ultimately to eliminate 2 he revie . nt { l the 1- "reduced; 4p! 4d v 1 ng ; i : : Cor 15 tor ca \ Bro and Mr mith oil! ONtEomery f a| ever, until a motorist reported it an cvening with Mr. ahd Mrs, nizes. that there must Ef pes ace or. caterory is there al . 5 o> : : ' v1 M Pod fi Boy 1 ] 1 | highway a where the abandoned | enter 1ed a dinner at the home ameunt of arn 5 all kinds, | al agreen hould n till} mic r | found. review | during the 1 v 1 honor of Mrs. m aeken by efforts tq « tion in relation to worl d con- asked : . shots between the bandits further and to mark pre tinents necessary ir e fixed 5-Ch urch ser- considers the London Nayal Conier-| TORTURE-KIDNAPPERS ituation aiter 1936. 38 dh : : ent 1 1 ' 1 n, Mau- Chicag Under the | preache 1 a splendid sermon, his text ally to competition in naval arma- the ! : . : th 1 Mage. and alibre i | pos: 'ble li § * ska f the United Kingdom makes the fol- | in tonnage. and in calibre of | p le limits, i- | tives yesterday arrested 15 men | Mast er Roy Grah taken to 4. In estima: 1 of the ( Her tuded th 1 11 mciuded in the total tonnage assigne 922 11¢ {11 3 at ) ; 5 611922, but not | obtained more than $250,000 from Miss Ry should not only he total ver SIIIEERSTISE | tonnage upon Briti v 1 < ritish ang nited Stites na- m.acécordar tl les & Dt 4 § > 4 . niskillen, were week-e rests of feet catemoiie : 1 terest « On February 26 the gang kid- | skillen, were week-end guests of § 3 ategorics lieves that the result of that policy iods at the end of which the ernment mites nge of views v ot ' Yd - A causes of war and estai ace on fer nts upon 1 : bj BS Lop ie 200,- {1 ! ' he late heard nothing of the gunmen, how- h and Mrs. an unassailable found ng th | ference re gards NO the subriatine: progres . thor Pas or : Moin Victoln Baving seen a car swing from the Neclow. of i 2 transition which 1 be mark bh 7. His Majesty's ( | better iy "peace i short distance west of s. W., G. Werry were steady declin nited Kingdorh at the | requis the village, 5 ; : bullet-riddled machine was later at Providence. enging in disarniai . { and that in 1 con-| ny Sg TR LL n | M wit! t : wsain, ot 3 ee 1 e at Providence. The The transition tune should ef fe should be to a hb : 13 +) ument thar th i I ther 1 t { | No one was injured Sh . . Liovern ner interchange of nearly a score of | Jam } of _Belcarres, Sask. ity agai {A 1 al | d \ nts will be i 3 PEL and the | 5 i nendous and cost, is of dou vail S : feret y ¢ . : t yursuing officers and jad dig A Tre Renee nS tility and the Government i} a : HAYDON HAPPENINGS : pi '} A 3 E n agreement b ; AIG rentics sd oxi v's h 8 t iol igen Bm ecient CHICAGO POLICE TRAP For this reason the governmes re ' . Es : {it will be s Stel id , 4g t t i : ; £:¥ E Sun fternoon were well ence of supreme importance, and b res in 1 should deal 3 ! ¢ haws, was tl atten when Rev, J. R, Trumpour lieves that it ought to put an end fi with the - Wi th these ¢ ations and aims \ . 3 £1 pe 6 . 4 ; or _ | being "The Kingdom of God and cers. : > evol air . py . il pretence that the balance of a $25,- 4 " ments and reduce existing fleets and [in mind his Majesty's Government in evolution of the aircraft carrier | this arm will be 000 ransom was to be paid, detec- | Youth." building programmes. i d auns sho be limited vd 11 <hip raviva { wl ving proposals for the considera-|8Y 38 Thould limite 4, and ! wi hit 8 LW FeVivy t and two women, believed to be the | Oshawa hosp it: al on y lor an hg 6 " | ons and under ule he "ashingtor L4 » io1 oT 1 quired the Gov I : 9 ! Washingt torture-kidnapping gang that has |Op¢ration 1 take account of obligations which] {1} it helteves BR agreem he : he ' | Rs J iT na ! feet} lo the class, 1] Cavernuent hrope. | ators Chicago businessmen. in the last | Trewin of Oshawa, Miss Murie (global tc ), but A total tonnage of, say, 100,000 tack few months { Moore and Miss Alice Ashton of Ex al ships in the lor the : y vies as 0 ni with a total tonnage | tice set ADE Tr ears Kobret os wilh and Mrs. Wm. Trewin. ' y r o s | | nar ( 3, I ) 4 an, a | , T PRT tonnage which na- {of 135000 under the Wa hington | official of the First Pp mnan Life s, Wesley Thompson is visiting 2 t Ni al L mont o (9) De Treaty ratios; that the maxinium size f of auxiliary ve should not exceed 25.000 tons and the hi of ti n each otf the categ » categories should be those eral use amongst naval powers to- WITHOUT capital ships, aircraft carriers, cruisers, destroyers and submarines. Insurance Company, while he was || nts, Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- ( S driving to his home. Koppelman Donald gf Safes whe ore belebretts v re . , avs ir Ad ( says that he was kept two days in M nd Mrs. John Avery, Burk- Chicago, and then taken to a cot- : i) Mcaso; and DAE 10 ato visited Mr. and Mrs. Clarence | poses ancillar 20 to. 26] strict age be lengthened from tage near Antilock, Illinois, He ws alee ht wih BSE Yu a N RAT] years. | strer ' ' n y| toa t Ha ; : UR BAT, A | Lh] i , (6) The conversations of last sum- | in the Ur King! ' 1 | hdl, chur An agreement 'hy categories is es- | mer between the Governments of the | they u es X 1! : 1 . 9 oh £ hoo . WARNING... § al to ghia certain conditions of | United States and Great Britain |ca cht G ; " eI 1 : WITH ONT. Pil ICE of 11 at fin © His captors he ted po- fd TR Ba ccurit h limination of 1 ULEUL| of that time his captors heated DO- | i Af; "and Mrs. Stanley Malcol ¢ | A anley Malcolm of Ne slcton recently. Gray visited Herb, Scott aye awing machines are busy again in this locality. " On Tuesday evening the league pro- gram was in charge of first vice- president, Miss Muriel Thompson, who had prepared an interesting pro- gram. Bible reading was taken by 1a he rned almo: xcl y YO 8~ }§ 1 py uch as the turned almost exclusively ug cryi I *kors. took off Mz shoes and threat. oo p itive building and the mainten- | ers, and underlying them was the as- | & es wy | ened him with torture it he did not ance of the equilibrium between na- | sumption that these should be group- | commis a Race 70 Miles an Hour | procure the $25,000 which they de- | The ough Thamesville After | tional fleet and national flcet. It isfed in one category subdivided into | manded. ALIEN But no cough need stay. Veno's Syrup will see to that It m or not anly the gross tonnage of the |those ¢ carrying 8-inch guns and toe | A -- acts at once. Helps flect counts, but the use tolcarrying 6-inch guns and under. The | HA V H R " Hl C nature heal. Does which the tons are put and an negotiations were further conducted A il roit Co | : assumption that the re quire- si i Slaying Ds vi P [Pumer on ne pra Chathan March To- ~Two mask- i JOINS (A \RFMOF AT Reports Presented on Vari. | ed murde raced over a bullet- | ous whic h agree- blows Have ready 173, [13 al SEN SNe intme nt he congregat 1 NOT HIS FAULT Magistrate -- "What have you to say for yourself?" Prisoner -- "Well, your honor, it wasn't my fault if she lady dropped a dime in my hand when I was look- | ing up. to see if it was raining." TACTFUL REQUEST A well-known 'speaker lectured to the members of a literary sagiety, and at the end of his.address the secretary approached him with a | cheque. This he politely refused saying that it might be devoted to some charitable purpose. 'Would you mind," said the secre- tary, nif we added it to our special fund ? "Not at all" said the speaker, | "What is the special fund for?" HIS ONLY CHANCE "To enable us Jo get better lec | "Yes, it's really remarkable," oh- | turers next year. served mother, at the head of the table. "Clifford seems to eat twice TAKING 'NO > CHANCES as much chicken when we have vis- Lady Driver (who has just knock- itors." ed policeman down) -- Can I "Indeed!" exclaimed the anything for you--I'm a doctor -- "And why is that; Clifford!" Constable = Well, mum, if you | "Cause that's the only time we | sets a leg like you drives a car I'd | have it." = Ulk, Berlin. rather be excused. | EVERY BELL TELEPHONE 18 A LONG DISTANCE STATION Pompously he leads, His well-rounded breast Gleaming in the sun; Incased in purple vest, His well-cared-for breast, She is dun and grey, Lesser satellite, Trails her lordly sun, Keeping him in sight-- His flutt'ring satellite. «Florence S. Small, in the New York Times, ry for Miss not upset the meidt on the latter is required. on the stomach. | 2) At the same time, whilst an|ments of the British Commonwealth | 35c. and 75c. at agreement wpos sategory totals is es- would consist of 0 cruisers with a | Het On Justy BIASSS is the drug st sential to establish the feeling of se-|total tonnage of X A final ar- vent highway for 70 miles from i \ 4 curity, it might be convenient if a rangement will depend on the deci- Activities of the j BWepL: 1g yay ville late Satur : . | Ada Beech, recitation by Myrtle percentage of tonnage assigned to|sions of this Conference as regards | . y i indsor {o Thameny} ea atu} Murmurs in the wheat fields; | Cowling, devotional by Gladys Mar- different categories of certain types of | limitation in size of units, The C Is United to New Charge Congregation night, and a jangening ri Gasp of harsh, dry throats; {tin, reading by Viola Bradley, reci- yesscls might be allowed to be trans. | ernment proposes that «1 gencral| After Soparati Fr automobile after Ut hae e an ty Rasping of the vellow stalks tation by Lorna Thompson, reading ferred to certain other types, but|agreement should not change the er Scparating Irom o . = led by poiice fire, 1 in into the Of wind-bleached oats. by Bert Ashton, piano duet by Ma- His Majesty's Government in the tonnage limit of 8-in¢h cruisers pro- | Pickerin : : re larkness and escaped. ne slavi : . bel Beech and Rema Bradley. Pre- United Kingdom does not favor a|vided for in the Washington Treaty, . 8 ra wanted for the & ay DE | Oh, my eyes are aching ; sident Mrs. H, Ashton conducted the I | general transfer, For the classes of [but fix that of the smaller vessels | wi eid on {hur night, with | ceman, Ps tie man For the shadows long and black |opening and business periods, meet- | capital ships, aircraft carriers and |about 6,000 to 7,000 tons, with a fur-| , Brougham, s ! inl njoy a | t ar, who trie a StOD | Creeping up the mountains ..|ing closed by Mispah benediction. C @) 7] G H submarines there should be no trans- | ther agreement that only a fixed pro- | "8s of Feb. | jal ¢ ring g wi ght from a hold-up in down- Where the cool streams tack; Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Trewin and fer. Within the cruiser category it|portion of the ships in that class | sion of five fr 1 I by | ene tl ev. Mr, ck presid | town D. troit 8 iturday Miernoon, . family entertained the young people S Y R §] [=] is proposed that transfer should be | should be built up to that limit. It] met the ! . Crossing to Ca ida, they 8 gs An | And oh, my ears are straining of the neighborhood on Saturday bt tted out of the B-inch class in-|also proposes to fix the life of cruis- Chusch here, to cu e future l vey ardy, treasure f the | automobile and headed for Lon- phon a faint, far ound; " Hing; the time being spent in Lost C at 20 years. settlement of the 1 ; 1 { tée boar a ndid report | ¢ " he tinkle of the shecp bells elr, s S1C. to the 6-inch class on a peicEmage ers at 20 years Seltiement of | fay AL We oar Eee 7t repr | Highway Trae Officer Charles Ne D hei game and music ov SARE uniting of the two 4 ons of | link then reported | mn ¢ " Ble nheim, on highway --Jessica Royer in Troubadour. St. Paul's and St. A \ ick f he M, apd M. Fund, showing a | nt a Gstone, was passed hy | wo ering, the wham Yeo ) ¢ f $19.18 over the $500 ob- 1 tome le w hich, he says, was | ? PIGEON PAIR keenly the eparation | jective. Wesley Yellowlees travelling at 70 miles an hour or Watch this pigeon. pair from Pic z. the two congrexd r the scor v-of thes more. He knew nothing of the De- Sratting, head ind feet Sindh 4 o : oit crime, but gave chase. On some inner hin tons Jay He sunt. relation t 'a flowrishi Overhauling the fleeing automo- Moving as is Tai o HEE ides i 5 * iva bile he waved the driver to stop For pigeon head and feet. and then bowed low as the big au- ile swerved suddenly in an | '*" | evident murderous effort to force , ¢ ; "| the policeman into the ditch, Hef- presents : present , but) r po LIAN, : '| ferson, unarmed, fell back rapidly after considerable discussion, a re 4 8 a riflleman leaned from the rear solution presented Mr. Mi ddle- | : renorted for the | of the automobile and lead scream ton wis adopted nounsly, tha lirch g ics; B. G. Stevens re [ed past his ears, this cengreg: r existin I'emperance Depa | Hefferson, from a farmhouse, cumstances, es be ited | ! Wer onary con communicated with Constable C, with Claremont, subjcet to reported $100.00 raised for | Russell at Chatham. 'The latter, tery's approval A * thanks | , and a deeper interest in { armed with an tomatic waited was tendered the ng commis | the m ¢ ry ause. dick | for the racing As it passed, sioners for their work and interest | : to | shots from his revolver took effect, in our behalf, | play ato *. Shortridge, | but the gunmen kept going. The pastor gave an earnest mes 1 re; Miss Ruf yy Dewell and | Rursell commandeered a taxi sage to an interested I responsive | Mrs Baker presented ac 1 gave chase, getting close to John congregatiotr on and test, which all enjoyed fugitive car rear the eastern after visitor, Quicker service and cheaper than ever Long distoza telephone service is constantly improving, Seventy per cent of long distance connections are now completed hile the call- ing party holds the line. In 1927 it took an average of /.8 rhinutes to complete connection, In 1929 lic average was 3.5 minutes per call and many cz!ls, of course, are put through on the instant, And with this greater speed therc have heen two reductions in long distance rates within the last year. Every Bell telephone is a long distance station today, making speech possible across the province or the world -- more quick- ly -- and at lower rates -- than ever before. Weary miles seem shorter and the day is brightened when you have Wrigley's with you. - Its sugar peps you up. Its deli. cious flavor adds to any enjoyment. \ i A five cent package 5 x is safety insurance H. M. BLACK, Monager. I ---- . ----- --_--- boi AL ; The photograph here shows Kaye |in New York recently. With his 4,. | se x Segrave at Datyona Beach, Don, noted' British motor racer, and | 000 horsepower wonder car, "Sijver | Florid: his sister, Miss Rita Oon, 'Who "came | Bullet," Don will attempt to smash | to look after him," as they arrived | the record of over 230 miles an hour,

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