Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 7 Mar 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1930 ~ TORONTO BOASTS gl FIFTY GIRLS ON "MODELLING BENT Business Careers, Household Duties Cannot Compete With New Profession Toronto, Mar. 7--Toronto girls who are not interested in a business career, and do not enjoy housework are turning to modelling as a pro- fession and now spend their days languidly strolling up and down a regular profile who may specialize iu hat modelling. The good model's work is not over when she leaves the fashion salon or Her life should be a "con- stant_round of posing and exrecises --of 'development of those physical attrbiutes in the showing of which they have specialized. The profes- sion brooks no late or irregular hours no riotous living no contniuous dip- studio, ping into a box of chocolates. means cold showers, outdoor sports, dieting and much sleep. FAMOUS HOSTELRY IN LONDON CLOSES Last Guest Walks Through Air Ministry and the Royal Air the Hotel Bolo. The greatest day the hotel en. Joyed, members of the staff say, was when King George astended the throne. All of its 900 rooms were filled with royal visitors. A detachment of guards patrolled all 'entrances to guard the millions of dollars 'worth of jewels brought by ; the royal visitors. t i Charles Farrell of "Lucky Star" Tells His Idea of Heaven "What's. your idea of Heaven?" This . question' was shot at Charles Farrell one day by a fan magazine interviewer between "shots" on "Lucky Star," Fox Movietone talking ° plieture, in '| Borzage directing," which Janet Gaynor and. Farrell are reunited under Frank Bor- sage's direction, This feature is to be shown today at the Martin Theatre. " : "A golf course, working in a picture Janet Gaynor and Frank Farrell shot] back after a brief pause to con- sider the question. 'And --", But here Borzage called "cam- era" and Farrell had to get into the scene, so if-there were more qualities that go to make up the by fat hipline of circular flaring Heaven he didn't express them at that time, In "Lucky Star' Farrell is cast as a country boy, virile, energetic, who goes to war and comes hack a cripple from the waist down, The acquaintance he makes with Mary Tucker (Janet Gaynor) on .the day he starts for France, ripens into love when he returns, but his DODD'S KIDNEY © 7 PILLS Xt, | AL YA\W physical handicap acts as a damp- er on what would be his definite plan were he normal physically However, when *fTary faces a real danger hp forgets he is a cripple and' battles his way afoot through blizzard and deep snow to "save" her. This is drama with a Leart throb of which' Borzage is a 'past master, but this ace director has given his picture a merging of comedy and drama that promises to put "Lucky Star at the top of all the matchless film enter- tainmrents the Borzage-Farrell Gaynor trio has contributed to the screen in the past. Guinn Willams and Hedwiga Reicher also have speaking paris in this Fox Movietone featuye, Landlord--*I want an ejectment order against my tenant, He hasn't paid me any rent for a year and a- half." Judge--'"He is not your tenant. He is your guest." and Hon, Athanase Davis, Provincial ; { Secretary, it was laid down with em- phasis that sooner or later the cause of women would vin, HAS 30 MAJORITY Measures designed to 'extend the provincial franchise to women have Wins Confidence Vote 316 to 263--Naval Delegation made their appearance at many ses» sions in recent years and yesterday's Goes to London vote was more favored to the cause than any previous division, Last year the measure was defeated by a vote of Nn to 16, and the year previous 32 io 1L EXPERIENCED A little boy was a guest with' <iis parents at a wedding, In &} jovial way he was asked what kind of wedding he meant to have when he grew up. "I'm never going to get mare ried," he replied, emphatically, "Why not?" "Because I've lived with mare ried people too long." J Quebec, Mar, 6--By a vote of 44 to 24 the Legislative Assembly ycster day defeated the measure introduced by Irenee Vautrin (Liberal, St. James) to give women the right to vote in, provincial elections. While the vote was adverse to the feminine cause, adherents were gain- ed and in speeches made by Hon. A. R. McMaster, Provincial Treasurer, pink and gray salon sitting or stand- ing as some portrait painter trans- fers the likness to his canvas or walking on in a beauty show. So far Toronto's 800,000 population has yielded only firty models and those encountered jn a recent survey were well bred modest girls who have realized that beautiful features or well proportioned figures are bus- iness assets as much in demand as quick typing fingers or mathematical minds. x From talks with the employers of models it was discovered that there are not many openings for models as Toronto has its full quota of beauti- ful girls and besides every girl is not qualified for modelling. The suc- cessful model must haye a sense of the dramatic. If she is posing for a portrait painter she must enter into his work by striving to feel and ex- press the idea he i- seeking to cre- ate. And she must be responsive to a command. Specialists of the pro- fession are girls with beautiful feet who pose for advertisements showing shoe styles only, or girls with bauti- ful hands who may be used in jewel- ry advertisements, or a gifl with a Door of Hotel Cecil London, March 7.Thiryt-four years ago the Strand was filled with carriages and milling throngs, Hundreds of eyes turned toward a magnificent 'structure. Society called it a "nine days wonder." The Hotel Cecil was opened, Friday taxicabs, buses and huge trucks rumbled by. Pedestrians hurried to their offices and shops. No one gave the building more than a passing glance. The last guest walked through the doors and stepped into a taxicab. The Hotel Cecil was closed, Banquets will be held there un- closed for roomers. As the famous hostelry passed out of the city's business life, it was recalled that its builder, Jabez Balfour, was not in the jostling crowd that saw it officially opened. He was serving 14 years in prison for fraud charges growing out of his liberator concerns. The hard-earned pennies of wid- ows along with the savings of workers went into the £8,000,000 that Balfour is said to have squan- dered into variousp alaces, of il| which the Hotel Cecil was to be the site of his offices "as an abid- ing memorial of my enterprise." The shareholders soon will re- from the "liberator" concern, when ceive their first and last payment the proceeds from the hotel sale of £1,500.000 to the Shell-Mex concern are distributed. The Cecil was closed once before to commercial travellers when dur- ing the war it was commandered by the Government to house the Forces. It was known then as PHONE 23 memes | C. P. R. TIME TASLE For Your Drug Needs hich ana (Standard THOM PSON"S S48 a. Dal a Sunder EAST COAST OF GREECE IS A ~~ 6.28 a.m. Daily 1 ! { MONASTIC REPUBLIC UNDER 10 Simcoe St, 8, -- We Delives £40 am. buiy (Except Sunday). ) hh I THE COHTROL OF THE GREEK 7.30 p.m. (Except Sunday). A -- : By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb ELLA CINDERS--Ordering Supplies Zs "Zoasns EA. rans _ - at EEE IT WELL, I= You ZZ. EP CANT CATCH A TY Ef TORTLE, AT LEAST lz H TAKE ITS PICTURE /7g, "Hay SO WE CAN HAVE Hur Mg ¢ M er v. ied FE / rs ; = ; " \ " CL %. {Zzo are muons Seat = aah sehr = Factory Representative Established Washing Mach- ine Manufacturer requires Representative for Oshawa to look after sales, service and collections. Well known make of Washer, sold on very easy terms, We supply the washing machines and finance the time payments Bex 478 Time gt op eS TELLING TOMMY MONASTERY OF LAURA ON MOUNT ATHOS FOUNDED BY ATHANASIUS IH 968 = HOY! DO YOU EXPECT ME TO f) REMEMBER WHERE B YOU AND DADDY PUT THINGS ? MOUNT ATHOS TOWERS DO YOU KNOY § WHERE MOUNT § ATHOS 1S, DID I EVER TELL YOU ABOUT THE §l ro DADDY § HERE 15 i171 © WHICH 1S FORTY MILES LONG AND FROM FOUR TO SEVEN MILES WIDE . THERE ARE TWENTY MOMAS- TERIES 1H THE REPUBLIC, WITH ABOUT 3000 MOHKS AND 4000 LAY BROTHERS. FOR A THOUSAND YEARS NO FEM' 22 HOT EVEN A LOWER AMIMAL OF THE 10.05 a.m, Daily. ing Een: [Jou ATHOS ON THE NORTH: ; CHURCH. REPUBLIC EMBRACES ~ EE VIEAKER/SEX HAS BEEN ADMITTED T0 THE REPUBLIC. $03 pms Daily (Ercent om Lh ah : OF MOE SAHTA . © 1980. King Features Syndieats, Inc, Great Britain rights reserved. 11.10 p.m, Daily (Except Sunday). 12.05 a.m. Daily. Thousands Now Eat Cun A Delightful Breakfast Food Bates 18 SIMCOE BREET SOUTH CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS i \ . Effective Jan. 5, 1930, -- (Standard Time) ; a wero gl oe EE 21 a.m. Daily, pins Sunday. AELLO-YES- THIS SHE LW YES: GO RIGHT AMEAD .58 a.m. Sunday only. 19-MRS-JIIGGD- OH | | GIVE HIM WITH THE GARAGE - 0.0 aw, Dail. 19 THIS THE DON'T PAY ANY ATTENTION TO MR- AGES LET Hiv RAVE - WHY-DADDY- | {1 nor oNLY YOU LOOK LOOK TI AM= | JUST LAID DOWN THE LAW TO MAGGIE - I'M GOIN TO RUN THINGS FROM NOW ON AN ITS ABOUT TIME MAGGIE REALIZED IT- NOW USTEN: | "TOLD THAT - ARCHITECT THAT I DIDN'T WANT HIM TO BUILD "THAT GARAGE - I'M NOT GOIN TO THROW ALL MY MONEY IN THAT PROPERTY - 17 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 32 p.m, Daily, except Sunday. 6.47 p.m. Daily, except Sunday, 9.42 p.m, Daily, 11.39 p.m. Daily, except Saturday. 12.07 a.m, Daily, \ 12.25 p.m. Daily, Wes! 4.20 a.m, Daily 5.45 a.m. Daily. 5.59 a.m. Daily, except Sunday. 6.20 a.m. Daily. ©.03 a.m, Daily, except Sunday. .02 p,m, Daily, except Sumday. .37 pan. Daily, 19 p.m, Sunday only. 7.27 p.m. Daily, except Sunday. 42 p.m, Daily, except Sunday. | Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE | = Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W, Phone 1214 WEEK DAY SCHEDULE © 1930. Int Peature Service. Tnc., Great Britain rights reserved : : Sm | > : --By Grace G. Dragtar ro - 1 i te Smua DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE ID RATHER HAVE COMFY THAN ANYTHING 12.45 p.m. Posey FowunamamniBonn £ gl oo Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner amd You NEVER WiLL GUESS IT- Elmuladnt dnc SRBBSA3BBRLRY EEF PPEPPPRPEY 8 lm, m .m, 10.55 pom, ERB RB88E RBS: don w--ra FSomanm inp wo TPPPIDEEO Arrive ) Bi Ba COAL. COAL | Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor "treet KE. Orders (romptly Delivered SmNa Bakes PRpe aaaz SOM GL LE Se SERNA BL uses oS 8 & 11.00 a.m, 1.00 p.m, Por a? B3B8; 4.35 p.m. 2233283333 6.50 p.m. DMuRan i 233233 oO a38[R3ak PPPPOPY ° El = A Dolly CRIED SO HARD THE D --s 3 busses to : "THEN PROMISE ME COMEY, 1] HE : b : i ¥ ¢3P Pp Poul Ppp ien as: ns 8 3 30 p. throu are Whitby Hospital. 4% Prince St) Oshawa, Ont, WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osb. awa Railroads 10 King St. W. I'hone 189 Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Established (880 "12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - --iand SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE 8.15 p.m, 10.30 p.m, Ld Leave 'Whitby 10.15 a.m. 12.45 p.m, *10.00 p.m, Leave 10.00 a.m. 12.30 p.m. 1.00 p.m, Time marked Whithy Hospital. Busses For All Occasions eful 417 or 848 , 10 Prince St. 2283 KING MAKES YoL A PRINCESS* SAID THE DWARF AND As DOLLY DID NGT THINK. THE KING MEANT WHAT HE HAD SAID~ SHE PROMISED BUT THE NEXT DAY THE KING WAS SO PLEASED, HE. CROWNED Dolly AS THE ROYAL PRINCESS - © 1900, Xing Peaterm Byndicsts, Liz, Grant Brats rights reserved. 37 THEN "THE DWARF CAME T& Dolly | AND DEMANDED COMEY- SAID HE WOULD GIVE HER DAYS TO FIND OUT HIS NAME- A IP SHE COULD NOT GUESS IT- HE WOULD DEMAND CoMFEY TILLIE THE TOILER--A Brainless Cure f YM GOING TO PHONE MR. VANDERGOLD- HES A LOVELY MAN ~ I SPOKE TO HIM YESTERDAY FOR AN HOUR=~ HE SAID TO CALL HM "TODAY R SOME -- IMPORTANT BUSINESS EY. Ny nl 2) a ILL TALK TO HiM=~ HES A BIG SHOT Il MRVANDERGOLD ~THIS IS MR.WHIPPLE « OLR MISS JONES MENTIONED THE | FACT YOu WERE INTHE MARKET FOR SOME OF OLR. GOODS ~ AS HEAD OF [THIS ORGANIZATION, { WANT TD GIVE YOu MY PERSONAL. ATTENTION - WELL, IP YOU'RE SURE YOU'RE RIGHT; GO AHEAD " YOU MAY BE THE HEAD-BUT ICONSIDER MISS JONES THE BRAINS OF YOUR ORGANIZATION: id v WA Aad Vv) OH, THAT'S JUST TOO BAD~ You HAD BETTER SEND A SPECIAL DELIVERY I| TO YOUR TEACHER IN THE CORRESPONDENCE 1SCHOCL. AND ASK HIM TO ADVISE YOU

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