Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Mar 1930, p. 6

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PAGE s'X THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1930 Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Community cs ET eee Social and Personal Notes for the soeial Column and other items of news for the Women's Vuge should hear the uame and address of the sender, "and should be addressed to the Social Editor, or phoned to No. 85. Kindly avoid writing on both sides of the paper. --_--_ re oR 3 . On Tuesday, March 4, the mem- bers of group five of the Women's | A iati n : street | of their 2 Simcoe t and spent in r a sale of other useful | prt Er Mrs. W."H. Ross, King street, en- tertained at a bridge yesterday afters noon, Alumnae | fe. ge Monday | st Nurses' Re- | orofitabl th was the Miss | 3; of the | The nurses of Oshawa held an enjoyable bri evening, March 4, at 'the sidence. Miss Elma Hoga winner of the first prize and Jessie McIntosh the winner consolation prize. 4 I The NEW SPRING COATS AND DRESSES Many styles io Choose from. Our prices ave right. THE FASHION SHOPPE | Mi: 1 84 Simcoe St. S. | thankec May Tunis (RIGHT) and Esther! Cohen, Toronto, were chosen of a | field of fifteen girls, as Queen Es- { ther and her princess, respectively. | Both Miss Tunis and Miss Cohen | will go to New York, where To- ronto"s Queen Esther will compete in a nation-wide contest on May Lend-a-Hand Club held then | | monthly meeting at the home of\| { Mrs, lL. V, Disney, on 'Tuesday g March 4. During the busi Mrs. 8 vartz 15, next, which will give the win. ner a free trip to Palestine. her | three pink candles. Mrs, I, the ling was the lucky winner Mc- | beautiful string of seed pearls do nated by Mrs. A. Walton, of Lou- {don, England Hast- vesterday for Toronto where Whik 1 ary ot at the sree | Club . fOr Mrs. I. {Donald made the presentation, Af« viendid splendid a nurse-imm-tramnmng ern hospital. Eric Phit cnn ma three years. Mr yesterda will compete in the Canada badminte . Weddings PROCTER --I'ETRE On Friday, Feb, 1950 1 neil | James Church, Ham n, t ' Miss | riage of Dorothy May, da Mrs. | Mr. George Petre and the late of Harmony, | Procter, son of the late {ter and the late Mr. Harmony was solemnized, pom -- Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned | HOSIERY | At { ATKINS HOSIERY & | LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. Ring & Simcoe St. | 'ter the conclusion of the busines [the members re paired to the din- ling where Mrs. 1°. Braunton was hostess at the third birthday | \V Hiparty of the club, The t Ar De on t of . ety of the cit iter, and who is new in Lon 1 Ww 1 | beautifully decorated with pink |d Ontario, doing the same work, will be in Oshawa tomorrow after- | carnations and the centre was the dainty birthday cake with tue | noon to address the annual meeting Women's Welfare Societ of the = 3 z= | the ( room, Dewar winch 3 Cr rr: 4, ro) | Jacks ; You use Dytint in the usual way ma I. N. Gawdy, treet to Mrs. Proc Procter, 3 orth, | Petre, On Monday cvening the *cople's League Albert | church dispenced' with their $8 =but it gives you unusual beauty ve mating and went to the h i, : Wonderful new Dytint is easy to use. Dtint \iss Dor d vho is & results are more uniform, more lovely, nto t 1 r a nurse more lasting. Costs less! Made in Canada her honor, S o\ ® BIG BOX Dytint TEN CENTS NA, -- Young strect regular "ied the ceremony. Following th j wéddivg a luncheon was served an Mr. and Mrs. Procter Jeft short trip On their return _ will reside in Hamilton, | attractive little ir clock, on behalf of the embers. The remainder of t | evening was spent in playing games. | | Dainty refreshments were served Miss Doris Boddy, of this city, left A Waterloo flapper { calls her sweetie "Dempsey" he never comes back, says in ay AT rand SS etbor* canse ZN WRAY cad and Shoulders Above I» FLAVOR YOUR own sense of taste quickly tells you that AYLMER Soups do excel in Flavor. This is due to the finer natural flavor of Canadian-grown Vege- tables. €§ AYLMER Soups are healthful, convenient, inexpensive. A Canadian production from the field to the can, AYLMER Soups bring you finer flavor at less cost. Whi nit she wi West- h, | were Mrs. or Ottawa where she in St. | Of 1 Mrs. Herbert of The { Rev. Powell, of Hamilton perform- | WOMENS MEETINGS | The regular monthly meeting ot the Adult Ladies' Bible Class of Centre Street United Church was held at the home of Mrs, W. Dear- born on Tuesday evening, The members of 'the class gathered at hér home about eight o'clock, The meeting was opened with prayer by Dr. Fletcher, The minutes of the last meeting were given and approved. Sixteen members re- sponded to the roll call, It was decided to quilt two quilts on Mar. 11 at the Sunday School. : After the business had been dispensed with there was a very pleasant social time, Various games in | which all joined, were played. Re- | freshments were served and a | hearty vote of thanks was extended {to Mr. and Mrs, Dearborn for their | hospitality to the class. The next i meeting of the class will he held lat the home of Mrs. Barnes, The weekly Whist Drive under |l|{the auspices of the Sons of Eng- |land was held last evening. There was the usual good attendance. The prize winners for the evening Sweeney, Mrs, Bowen, | Mr. F. Brown, Mr. W. Brooke and {the special prize winner was Mrs. | F. Brown. The regular meeting of Victoria | Lodge, L.T.B., was held on Mon- | day evening, March 3, and, as {guests of the evening were the de- gree staff and officers and mem- '| bers of Confederation Lodge, Bow- | mariville, who conferred the blue degree. This is the first time the staff has put on the work away from their own lodge. Confedera- tion lodge being instituted only two years ago. . The officers and staff were highly congratulated by Victoria lodge ou the very efficient q | manner fn which they conferred| a | the degree a | L&T <3 £5) 3 CIR Sy ede 5 eset 3 REST SRI Reed 2 > 2300 [94S oe SES SCALES LSE Wierda < SENT I 0 ddd DeLee rota eed | | \ 4 236 | i iu et™! Of Wearer--Pique Collar and Cuffs Contribute Interest | By ANNETTE It's true beige with just a dash of brown in rough surfaced woolen | that ie extremely light weight, The belt that marks the normal waist- iine is leather in the brown shade, that matches grosgrain 'ribbon tie | ff neckline, The brief bodice is decidely vouthful fashion.and is emphasized by flat hipline of circular flaring kirt. i It's unbelievably easy to make, | for it means you practically have | | a two-piece skirt to be seamed and | | stitched to a two-piece bodice. This sportive model Style No. 236 is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 | 36, 40 and 42 inches | years, | bust. | It is very striking in kool jersey in dark purple shade with colla. | an) cufis of beige faille silk crepe | piped along the edgo in red-dah- | lin shade crepe, and worn with a { red-dahlia shade leather belt. Printed silk crepe, plain silk crepe and canton crepe appropri ate. Later for resort. it can be made of men's shirting, shantung, 38, To avoid any grave mistakes the Editor of the Women's Page asks its readers that | when submitting any notes . for the page the sender wil also submit his or her name, address and telephone num- r, silk | ed cotton or coin oin idditional for a the press. 'The New Fashions- Low Priced THE ILLUSTRATIONS ON THIS PAGE ARE DRAWINGS Made Directly From THE DRESSES . There are many other models in the "assortment which space \ does not permit us to feature. You will note the distinctive new stylings showing the New Silhouette, High Waist, and Straight Line Effects-- not extreme in any case but entirely New. / The assortment contains Fancy Printed Tricoshenes, Rayshenes, and other well- known Artificial Silk lines; as well as plain double weight Rayon, in all the new- est plain color tones. All with long. sleeves; in sizes from 16 to 44. A great Cana- dian Dress Manufacturer gave us this opportunity which is now your oppor tunity! COME EARLY! SEE THESE DRESSES AT OUR STORE. AND MAKE YOUR SELECTION. DURING DAYS, each THREE B16 $3.69 Oth -an- | feated Mrs. Eric Phillips (Oshawa) adian {11-0, 11-3, 8.--The nual tournament of the Ct Badminton Association got under! this morning with the lar on record {in a Canadian ionship, 3 included. audies' Singles, First Round Miss M. Barrow (Quebec) de- Ottawa, Mar, pique, pia ilk damask, Pattern 1 (coin John Mrs, Porteous (Montreal Henshaw (Kingston) wa st nte ated carefully, entry We sugge pattern, vou chan Miss Audrey Purkiss (Toronto) defeated Miss Mitchell (Kingston) | 3-11, 14-11, 11.6, 1g Fashion {| ro The Oshawa Daily Iimes Pattern | Address «en PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Department. Oshawa. Ont closed find d Er + Cenls Ulease » H A new delight lor Lou - = fown ..ee Province + Price. 20 cents each. ! soin. Wrap coin carefully. Se | FLAKE BUTTERS Like a breath of the fragrant meadows. You will like their flavor-- their flaky crispness, purity and freshness. "My daughter Catherine is fifteen years old. She was very irregular, often sick at her stomach and had to stay in bed two or three days at a time. One of your booklets was sent to us by mail so I got her a bottle of Vegetable Com- pound. Catherine has been taking it regularly and she is gaining in weight and every way. 1 told the neighbors and four other girls are taking it with good results." --Mrs. Clar- ence Jenkinson, Box 14, Thom- loe, Ontario. cuits 1853 TUE ETS Vegetable Gompound May

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