Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Mar 1930, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, MARCH 6, 1930 PAGE FIVE om DFMOCRATIZE PURI SCHOOLS Movement in in England Aims at Removal of Class Distinctions \ Boston, Mar, 6.--The Christian Sciénce Monitor in commenting edi- torially on democracy and the Bri- tist school savs: "The movement to democratize English public schools to the same extent as the universities have been democratized, merely aims at the restoration of their tradition role, for Eton and Winchester, for instance, were founded for the benefit of poor pupils, They have come to be centres of aristocracy, but the reorganization of the ele- mentary education of the country makes the present moment pecul- farly suitable for an attempt to make them more widely useful. "Anyone acquainted with educa- tional history will know that the value of the system of intellectual, social, moral, and athletic training given in English public schools, has never been more fully recog- nized than it is today. But the ex- istence of two classes of schools in Great Britain, one, the public schools, feeding Oxford and Cam- bridge, and the other the elemen- tary schools, mainly sending their students either to the provincial universities or directly into indus- try, tends to prevent the English system of education from becom- ing a unity, and encourages obso- lete social and class distinctions. "What is the remedy for this? It does not He in the abolition of the public schools, but in their ceasing to be confined to the weal- thier parts of the community, If it were as easy to pass by means of scholarships from the elementary to the public school as it is from a secondary school into Oxford, one of the principal defects of Bri- | Pennington, Helen Stanena, Klsie ~H, Barrie, teacher. Jr. I--Steve Medwed, Dorothy Kostur, Victor Vera Goch, Sr. Hayward, Cebulski, Marion Casselman, teacher, Sr. Pr.--Mary Irvine, Muriel Ro- berts, Violet Marsh, Mary Hreho- ruk, Gordon Bennett, Annie. Sth- ula, Annie Horky, Evelyn Fumer- ton, Jr. Pr.--John Handzuk, Muzike, ----Beatrice Minaker, teacher. Sr. Pr.--Peter Bohoychuk, Billie Myles, Maggie Pentland, Harry Dregmatz, Lena Blok, Int. Pr.--Donald Townsend, Frances "Gibbs, Frank Suddard, Roy Holland, Jack Claus, ~--L. I. Kneeshaw, teacher. Blackler, Pr.--Willis Mike Brant, Tureski, Gwen Annie Leda MARY SCHOOL Sr: II.--Robert MacKay, Mar- jorie Graham, Norman McBrien, Allan Hepburn, Audrey Tryon, Cecil Moore, Joyce Bouckler, David C Margaret Collins, Jean B. " Cleans as well as Polishes" You can't get good results with a poor wax----and you cannot get a good wax unless it contains good quality ingredi- ents. That is why you, too, should use HAWES', Ask for it by name. Made by Edward Hawes & Co., Limited Toronto 27 ameron, Betty McCartney, | That cheer my hear Earl Morphy. me son Hoover, teacher. | Marie ! Anderson, Eric Jr. T--Florence Armetrong, Grant Beal, er, Mary Wright. Primary---Ruth Hiltz, Arthur {The Hawking, Douglas Kewin, i at on the basis of the Hadow report After 'taking 1000 ZUTOO TABLETS Says they are Harmless Mrs. (Dr.) Shurtleff, of Coaticook, says "I must have taken 1000 Zutoo Tablets, After try' ng every remedy within reach, I discarded thiem all four years ago for ZUTOQO, which I have taken ever since. I find the tablets a harmless and efficient remedy for all kinds of headache," 25 cents per box--at ail dealers. tish 'education would be removed. "A public school education is slightly less expensive than resi- dence in aw Oxford or Cambridge | college, but whereas 10 per cent. of Oxford and 11 per cent. of Cam- bridge graduates begin their edu- 'ation in the elementary school, he number of elementary scholars 7ho proceed to a public school is uite negligible. Yet in theory *holarships at the latter institu- 'ons are ag open as those of the older universities, The difficulty is that the type of instruction given in the elementary schools, neces- ; sarily lacking the classical lan- guages, is unsuited for the winning of these scholarships. "But with the beginning at the age of 11 of an advanced scheme of ed¢ucation for all children-- such is the fundamental of the Ha- dow plan--a new situation arises. Many of these children will start immediately the study of Leg, and some will embark on Greek, | Queen and Princess Mary as they and the best of them, if properly | *PPeared, recently, at the British | taught for that purpose, will find Rm -- the gaining of a public school en- trance scholarship two years later well within their capacity. There is an opportunity now for making the Ferne Dewell, Annie Seimarsocth, Margaret Bone, ~---Marjorie Crowe, teache Jr. 11---George Stonebrid Vérnon Ellicott and Billy Werry, (equal); Billy Hastings, Marion Norris. Sr. Wilma Chapman, Harold | Bramley, Elmer Peavoy, Mary | Turnbull, Irene Ward. | ----A. M. Allin, teacher. Sr. I---Jack Stainton, Ear! Mec- Kitterick, Beatrice McLean, Mar- garet Johnston, Evelyn Collins, Primary Ronald Compston, | Port- | 1, Manning, Doreen Colbourne, Maki G. C. Hamley, tl teacher, rm Si -------- [ SONG OF THE BIRDS of vindow 1 can es of an old apple- ts waving art Fron The 1 out tree, Aud perched thereon a a glad thered thr --_----_--_--_ Attention Compelling Week End Specia's BETTER CLASS OF USED CARS { Lon- = Industries Fair don, Eng. The photograph here shows the | at Olympia, 1926 Iord Coupe $165 1927 Ford Sport Roadster Special 8150 1926 Ford Coach $300 1928 Ford Coach Model A 1928 Ford Coach Model A . 1927 Whippet Sedan . 1929 Whippet Coach Chevrolet Roadster + Lt. "Delivery .... 7 Russell Wilson, 1 Courtice, M. Ramsay, Martyn, Raymond Topping, Junior Il. -- Elizabeth Morphy, | Dorothy Williams, Billy Kempling Kr system of English education demo- Wallace Wilson, Bernice Lc | Mar . cratic in all its branches; it should -- E. M. Johnston, teacher. Puckaruck, Lily be grasped." Sr. I. -- Muriel Frazer and Peggy | Ball," Eleanor Inman, ----t------------ Stuart (equal) Donald MacDonald | patrick, Jean Nolan and William Richardson (equal)| Jr. 1I---Verna Sunderland, HONOR ROLL FOR Gordon Bouitbee, James | JUNIOR CLASSES L Ritchie T. McEachern, {eacher. Jean Lindsay, Helen Miller, Isabelle | II & Jr. IT -Peggy McKib- Carlyle, Joan Clifton bin adgy Groves Vimy Pearn, ; -- H. G. Batty, teacher. Douglas MaclInally, Howard Holli- Primary, Class I. -- Bie McLar (Continued from Page 3) old Fox, Alfred Brisebois, and Billy Sadie Wat (equal). Jr. IL -- George Corfe, - Mcbiarmid, Douglas Favell, ! 3 day, Dorothy k, Velma Dowson, ty, Bernard Morrison, Joan Wilkins, | Frances Brown, Donald Stuart, Dorcas Beaton, Margaret Veima Gray. Class II. -- Ormund Yourth, ! Morrison. Ir. Jr. L.'-- Frank Kilduff, Dorothy | Faull Smith, Jean Dafoe. ton Fox, tcacher, sr. 1 K. K. Hezzelwood, teacher. i J Jr. 11, -- Hugh Joyce, Ralph Jones, | Sr- Primary. -- Walt r a Stuart Jacobs, Hilda Sheridan, Doris | Betty Hartley, Eileen Glide | Kempling, Freddie Middicton, Alwin Ashworth | Sr. II. --~ Barbara Morphy, Esther and Wilfred seus 5 7 Watson, | Hall, Dorothy McTavish, Gordon ~F. AT: ay lor, te: | Lotthouse, Irene Corben. pric RITSON RO..D SCHOOL Margaret | Gorman, Cox Motor Sales --L. Cordick, teacher Sr, Il -- Anmmi B Poulter, Sutton, | sett, > w , | 10 BOND ST. W. | Senior I. -- Jean Wallace, Olive | Hawkshaw, Helen Stewart, _Glady {HH awkshaw, Helen Stewart, Gladys Steele, Evelyn Steele, 3 vavid Brown, -- B. W. Stinson, teacher. Sr. II. --Pauline kngel, Je: n WWat- | son, 'Lhomas Speirs, Nellie Mary Antonyshyn, Jennie rom Siwokowski, Joe Mydan, Wall. Jr. I.--Margaret Gladman, --- t. Robertson, teacher. | Sr. 1h Nora Muir, John Me- and SHY Jotler, (equal); Anne $uce, Dorothy Bathe, Lilian Kraw- Ca ro. obits Fr Wilson, Jr. II. -- Robert Moon, Fickes, Dorothy Milne, cles, Bobbie Mitchell, Connie 'L.ibble. M. M. Ford, teacher. Sr. I. -- Edith White, treng Le wck, Madeline Jollow, Mildrea M: kin, Agnes McBride, Mary Biien Pearl MceClimond, Norman \Webster Nan Smart, lklizabeth Mahk. | --E, J. Bayne, teacher, | Junior I. -- Llaine Hazelton, Bert | Budai, Pearl Dooson, Nellie Dubyk. aime : Senior Primary -- Dorothy Burn- | 5007 0 Sdraniok ham, Peggy Mitchell, Doreen Stacey | ? and Jean Murray (equal), Junior PPimary -- Danny Charuk, | je Goode Mary Karkush. G. L. Annand -- R. A. Hawkes, teacher, fohn Puki Graydon Th ske, Mildred Short, Alfred Celia Sophia Ruby teacher. Ackerman, Patten, Mary Dumigan, Frank Violet Kirk- $475 « $425 $300 $475 $225 $375 $200 Chevrolet Coach Chev. Coupe Pontiac Coupe ] be Cash) ... $400 1927 Pontiac Landau (Must be Cash) ... $400 1927 Ford Panel Delivery Special M 10 - ROUSING EXTRA SPECIALS - 10 Household Blend Lo for 41 GC An Eaton Tea of fine flavor---One of the best values we have offered. Black Resbiosrs JAM 19 24 Robin Hood Oats ....:.... RINSO 21 14 Arrowroot Biscuits Buffet Fruits Avimer Brand we 14) 215 Peaches Choice Quality Sardines Palmolive Soap STOVE. "POLISH Clark's Soup Tome H. P. Sauce =. Be ris 17c Stdlla Ross, teacher. Roy Gordon, Afleen Mary Beaton, Ruby Sut- I Compare these cars with any- ner, thing you have seen, and if you do not think they are better value you will not be asked to buy. OPEN EVENINGS Margaret Harding, Joan Bob Armstrong, Albert Billle C Helen Bas- rumb, ~ teacher. and Lois Lloyd Bar- Paul- R., Knight, IT---Hazel Sanguins Rorabeck, (equal); Leonard Watson, Margaret Rorison, Vera Richards, Rundle, teacher, and Sr Nm Phyllis Griffith, Quaid, hara Worrall, » Darcy, Frances 1 Amy iK. Macdonald, Hele: Hall, 'eimer -- Ross Godfrey, Doreen I (ladys Collings, June Bobby Wannamaker, Olive Goldsmith, Clifford Sally Hughes, Garfield Yanowski, , Maric Cotton. Edt E. Hoar, Sr Primer Stanley Burgess Cott and May Weales, John Miller, Jean Mason cher, Aylmer 40 oz. Jar THISTLE BRAND Chicken Haddie 16 oz. 2lc tin DAINTY LUNCH "N ayonnaise Per 20 c Jar seven. i Er SURE, MA'AM. WE KNOW THAT CUSTOMERS WHO USE RINSO WON'T TAKE ANYTHING ELSE... | HOPE, YOU BROUGHT RINSO--I DON'T USE ANY OTHER LAUNDRY SOAP @) teache | Hu: (equal); The Granulated Soap -- Large ual (equal), | Vernon | / M Kenneth tu GGoyne, teacher. David McKibbon, 'richton, Mary Firth, Roland Mountenay Jean ubert, Henry Weston's HAWES' FLOOR WAX Per 1b. Per 43 c tin 6 0 gy, teacher, essa tins SCHOOL Zenovi Terry Mar- and Lena Mildred Brant, Van Allen, SID CON SOUTH < 11 Arnold, STAR :AMMCUNIA 2rke 13 MAGIC Baking Powder Ib. 21 c for Pears, Plums, Pineapple-- Judd, Mack Brunswick tins Brand teacher. for LATER MY, WHAT A NICE SNOWY WASH, MRS. CARTHEY! 6 0 ompson, An- Marie Dro- Ad- AND | DIDN'T SCRUB OR BOIL IT, EITHER! RINSO IS A MARVELOUS ALBERT SCHOOL Sr. II. -- James Patterson, neth McGee, Marie Pr 1] womotz, Willoughby, Clifford Marnien, Doro: | ime Dora thy Keenan, Jessie Newman, sab A. Strickland, teacher. Smith, Raymond = Attersley, John | Sr. 1--Helen Bloke, Julius Dra- Reynolds. | vez Freda Cheegeman, Ruby Con- ul, Dorothy Parker, Mary walter Kostur, Mike Your- | Frank sullivan, Loretta Ture ier, nie Shaw, Kotvk, sheplac. | Kee octor, | tin --- A. Jr. 11. .-- Laura Clement, LaMere, Maurice McGahey, Cheseborough, | Dunga Sr. I. -- Lena Sledgwaska, Betty | A, wraham, John Martin, Eileen Clancy,| Jr. 1I getty Clark, June Smith. | MacDonald, 1. G. Bone, teacher, | ard Vann. Senior 1. sponder, Phyl Sr. 1I--My ; L'waites, Mary Lon Helen Yuskin, | Muziki, Gordon Stire, Alice Waite, Erma McMurter, Senior I. -- Wilbert Smith, Mary Marchuk, Esther Waite, Nellie Shut- ka, George Willoughby. M, Morrison, CEDARDALE SCHOOL Sr, 11. -- Billie Jeffery, Mary Zap- Jo, Ada Lloyd, Nick Shrodis, Doug- 2s Meikle, Bert Dingley. ~--i¢G, S. Newman, tcacher, Sr, II.s---- Margaret Jenkins, Joan Jrooks, Marvin King, Gladys 'Cans acld, Beatrice Glowaski. Jr. 11. -- Stanley Skirrow, Wallace Kosowsky, Jimmie Topham, Ronald Doyle, Margaret Waddington. . E. Oke, teacher. Sr. I, = Frank Henkelman, Willie Wenglarz, Ena Matthews, Mildred d it's Lalonde, Grace Emmons and Aimie More Wipotzki (equal). Ri h. r. I. -- Annie Spisak, Frank Ad- c ams, Edith Greenfield, Ruby King. --- M. J. Hancock, teacher. Primary, -- Florence Singer, Mar- garet Millar, Mary Spisak, Jack Johnstone, Annie Henderson, Marion Thomosn, - Sophie Drapak, Stella Wenglarz, Norman Magee, George Harper. Harston, teacher. | Lillian | Greta | Rutk Vegetable or Tomato Choice Old Carrots For Cooking 4 15. 19c teacher. Jean How- Barrow Doreen George lough, Stewart, Swaffler, Dabring, Nadia Morley Rora- Joe Puhbki, rtl beck, oN OO 6 teacher. KING'S PLATE Fancy Cohoe Salmon 29¢ NO. 1 TALL TIN | TONS MEATS SPECIAL! Beef Shoulder | Head Cheese 2 . 95. Roast. 21¢ | Lb. Blade Roast Was discovye them, | : fon a i you ordinary Stains R: poumick suds ick ; right o m hincs s Recommend of o igheveight ns Cupful, jt of €1ght, puffed, up ' give red, scrubby; W clothes gg er Scrub, rh and all Extra Special! 39c | | Peck Head Lettuce | }.omons. 23c | Doz. .. pi 'arcading Large Suds t, Fad than Ty Oranges Try Rinso nex £00. Get the ¢ BIG 25¢ 25¢ Beef Prime Rib Roast. 29 c Rolled, Ib. Washda househy MUL kor Sages, @ Coniedby he my Limieeey °% TUX Rinsg thes whiter 2 for -- U. Ritson, teacher. * CENTRE SCHOOL sr. II--Donald Hughes, Bobbie Kent, Joyce Bryant, Aileen Ford, Roy Spratt. Emmerson Salter, Eds win Missett, Billle Kent, Irene SENATOR JOHN H. FISHER Of Paris, Ont.,, who suffered a stroke while attending a hockey game at Galt, Ont, He is 74 years of age. ROLELERI A

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