Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Mar 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES. MONDAY, MARCH 3, 1930 DEMANDS PROBE. PREMIER DENIES According to the press report, which the premier read to the house, tlie French-Canadian sup- larger share of corporation taxes BRITISH COLUMBIA TO GET FIFTY BOYS FROM OLD COUNTRY $10 a month and farmers must agree to provide them with a pro- per living standard. - When they have been trained in agricultural methods it is hoped they 'will start farms of their own. awards totalled 14,177, which was 10.8 per cent. in excess of the high- est returns in the past decade, FERGUSON WILL Church bells of Russia continue the message their tongues conveye ed can mever be suppressed. Brantford Expositor, to vanish in the melting pot, but It was thirst for excitement that || PORT DUTIES | SHOW LARGE DROP! GRAIN MARKETS SE Customs Collections for Port Western ML.P. Asks Investi- No Truth in Report Catholics the ovine, by the government, of Oshawa $453,522.70 1 'aslig of Rosset Mast 1 to Quit Support 1 Not | (5) sak, Sad m ruary en iviore ivioney "All I have to say is that the re- % port 8 an absolute fasenood from : ; . 3.~An i i eginning to end and there is not Customs collections for the Port aa: ar Sn immediate tnd Toronto, Ont., March 1--Em- | a semblance of shadow of truth in of Oshawa during the hents of ations of grain exchanges in' Canada | Phatic denial that there was a split | it," the Premier declared. February totalled B4a5, Cg a ois demanded, by M. N. Campbell in the ranks of the government cording to retyris af bi 4 de. | (Prog, Mackenzie). The proposal of | over the question of * increased THE FIRST ONE local customs o ce_today, : Mr, Campbell is sweeping in charac- monetary support for Roman wy the first Thay ; crease of $375,096.65, from the ter and calls for an investigation as | Catholic schools, as reported Thurs ou are the first man I have ever total collections of $828.919.35 for ta (a) the extent, if any, to which day in a Toronto evening news- [loved! porters of the government had . Yormed themselves into a bloc and SPLIT THREATENED were prepared to demand that a AID UNEMPLOYED Victoria,, March 3--An agree- : il 8! took our pioneers beyond the fron- out lias been sigued here under AMBULANCE CORPS tiers; now it just takes the major. |! Hamilton, March 3.--Mayor 'Pee ity of us beyound our incomes.-- |. which 50 boys will come to British . HAS A GOOD YEAR bles was advised by Premier Fer-| poi Arthur News-Chronicle. 1 Columbia from Great Britain this year for placement on farm, The | #Qttawa, March 3 ~The 20th an- |guson in a communication on Friday : agreement was entered into be-| nya) report of the general execu- | day that the Ontario Government| The movement to deprive the ' tween the Provincial, Dominion | tive of the Saint John Ambulance | will pay one-third the excess cost of | Scotsman of his porridge has far and British Governments. The first | Association, presented recently at | relief labor from Feb, 15 to April | fainter hopes of success than the 18 boys will sail from Liverpool in |'the annual meeting of the' Cana- | 15, Municipal officials, while pleas- | navy conference has of arriving at March and will come to the Do-| qian branch, covers the most suc- | ed with the decigion will ask for | an understanding.--Peterboro Ex. minion experimental farm at Agas- | cessful year in the history of the | retroactive payment, pointing out | aminer. ¥ siz, B.C., which will be their head- organization with the exception of | that large sums were expended just There 1s one good paragraph in H quarters until they are placed on | gome of the artificially stimulated | prior to the Christmas season. the Speech trom the Throne, It is 1 farms in various parts of the pro- | war years th * 1 vinge. . 1at in which a promise is made | | The total number of certificates to take adequate steps in taking the corresponding month of last organized short selling is carsied om | PAPO. Yas made inthe Legisla-| "I know it, my dear!" Under the agreement the boys' | issued during the year was 9,048, care of veterans.--Ottawa Journal, | gal g being 1,147 in excess of the previ- That genial Scot, Harry Lauder, |! year. . ture yesterday by Premier (¢, H.! "How delightful! You are also the] welfare on private farme* will be Import duties last month ®) fhe Sourcs of a len Ferguson. first man who ever believed it." fully protected. They will be paid | ous year, while the number of is again making a tour of Canada| Ahoruted lo Sunes ile in ence of other unfair practices in the] = 'ebruary, : : fret. $755,594.72, showing a decrease of grain business 5 ; ELLA CINDERS--To the Rescue '$832,257.84. Excise duties for Feb- | The matter will be submitted to Th nea yuary of this year were $50,376.67, [the House of Commons in the form while in the corresponding period |of a proposed resolution. "of last year they amounted to $93,- nl, arr 203.92, the decrease being a3 Tar 927.25. Sundry collections during the past month totalled $109.25, Empire Free Trade It looks like spring and it cer- tainly feels Ifke spring, but we have our doubt as to whether fit is spring.--Owen Sound Sun-Times, By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb | Yo he of Tw wy © TAKE Nor me! GY STAND NOBODY OULD LIVE |} ASIDE, NEEK, IN THAT ANGRY SEA, | AND LEAVE WB WE © AND T HATE THE SOMETHING? df P> THE SHIP'S _ BREAKING UP! ITLL BE NOTHING BUT DRIFT- CAPTAIN, compared with $120.70 in Febru- ary last year, ' Although showing a decrease when compared with the returns for the corresponding $153.363.02 over January. The returns for the first month of the year were $272,- 272 import duties; $28.083.74 ex- port duties; and $103.20 sundries, Absurdity, Beatty Says Toronto, March 3.--Empire free trade is an absurdity, but free empire trade is of great import- ance should be encouraged in every possible way and will be of the ut- most value to all parts of the Em- pire, in the opinion of E, W, Beatty president of the Canadian Pacific WOOD! OH, OUR, POOR 7 CAPTAIN <S i We MUST Save Him Anwar! pul a A BW LINE TO A MAN'S WORK Jikr Him \ To CYRIL. iy Soest A | NS 47 making a total of $300.459.68, Oshawa Railway Men Have Hockey Game Rallway Company. . Anything that can be done to promote the interchange of com- modities between the various units of the Empire should be promoted vigorously, Mr. Beatty declared in An interesting hocke game 5 y a brief interview here yesterday. took place at the Arena last night after Industrial games. The Switch men played gn All-Star team from the remainder of the Oshawa Rail- way workers, The All-Stars were defeated by a score of 2 to 1 but only after a hard battle, They still think that they can defeat the Switchmen if apother game 18 played. PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. 8, -- We Deliver Corr? Sweet wow? A Z) or Sa . ice fe A yk ad J a Di EE sida) . Daily D 7). THE DICTIONARY SAYS C. P. R, TIME TASLE Effective Jan, 9, 1930, (Standard Time) ni, Daily y 7) " a Daily (Except Sunday). | L. | ) J A . A : AN "OPEN SESAME 15 : 5 ! 7) SOMETHING THAT m. Daly (Beg Sander). ALWAYS OPENS UP OR ADMITS, BETTY. AL BABA #1 THE ROBBER' CAVE OK, I How! YOU ASK DADDY A QUESTION AND HE "OPENS UP® wana nan&s FS a P P D] - <3 2 x m. Daily. p.m. Daily (Except Sundar), pm. Daily (Except Sunday). p.m. Daily (Except Sunday). a Daily. ar [i= 3 CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Jan. §, joa. For location and surround mgs we offer for sale or ex- 8.21 a.m. Daily, except Sunday. shange on the highway cl a to a3 Am. Sunday only, Jshawa, a beautiful 10 room, 4 * Dail lovely shaded tourist rest 512 pm Dally. except Sunday. home, all conveniences, five except Sunday. bedrooms, etc. Double garage, large lot and frontage, to have this opportunity see +» ++EXY REAL ESTA. (Opposite Post Office) FOR THE SAME PURPOSES AS OLIVE OIL BUT IS MUCH MORE WMPORTAMT COMMERCIALLY. THE SEED AND LEAVES ARE USED iN MEDICINE, THE SOOT OBTAINED IN BURNING THE OIL 15 USED IN MAKING INDIA OR CHINESE INK {HICH IS USED BY ARTISTS, © 19%, King Features Syndicate, Ine, Great Britain eights reserved. . except Saturday. 4 nh SES oc SYREBELY BY ? " OUT INDIA AND OTHER TROPICAL COUNTRIES FOR m. Daily, except' Sunday. ; THE SAKE OF THE OIL WHICH 1S PRESSED FROM IS SEEDS. SESAME OIL 15 USED VERY LARGELY m, Daily. m. Daily, except Sunday. .02 pox. Daily, except Sunday, m. Daily. 219 pom. Sunday only. 4 Dail, Sun 27 p.m. Daily, except day. N; ow Eat 8.42 p.m. Daily, Swot nin 'Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville ) BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE A Delightful Breakfast Food EN i Wa Pa 8 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH SESAME LEAVES AD FLOMCRS . muna pe Fe -pIH- w » 4:8 4 4 . By Geo. McManus aaa ] OH! I'M RAVING { A LAKE MADE ON | THE PROPERTY' ES \ --- NW \y TELL ME- WHAT ARE THEY DIGGIN THAT BIG HOLE ON OLR BY GOLLY. WE CERTAINLY HAVE LOTS OF WATER HERE | DONT THINK FLL LIKE LWIN' ON) Wr THE OCEAN» TOO MBH WATER - WHAT IN) THE WORLD ) ARE THEY DIGGIN HERE ? ] ] 2 i i : Smo "8G oer " 2 snasi er ppER 10.50 a.m. 12.45 pan. Ld BEE] 4.55 pm. 6.45 p.m. Aagdn: 888888 PPPESTOTE AEE, 22 omamateNESo £8 SeaZEREaEL Sm 10.53 pam. pEEpRapaRpEpRs PPPEPPPER Pup 8a dss £333 - in « FL < Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL, Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St, W. Phone 1214 PA] pubbes aaphhepade RE Ei (pe 33 i" --Bv Grace G. Draytar | on aps od a5. TFaPody? Bah: 3238: SRBERS -o HST > BNR OPN NIN RD $8833 888n sR: = =) Mm, mil, 1m, Tike mn, mm. am, Eee = 2 B ie 3 230 p. Whithy Toepar, 10 Tush SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West ° ; Arrive Arrive Whithy Sarita) ©.45 a.m, 10.00 3.03 1215 pom, 12.25 gus. 2.30 p.m, 4.30 p.m, 6.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m, bs pa. 11.00 pum Diamonds ! Bassett's On Oshawa' Mam Corner 2aF Summers busses, to | Tm . | | | ghaaaiss PROPRER BRBERER SAAN 8 SPPYTT EERE "COAL COAL Phone 198 fi Hen Searls ALAA LL PPPPos 8EB3333 Ann «° A LONG TIME AT SHE SHOULD DID NOT KNOW + STRAW INTO GOLD oEGAN TO CRY = 4 AS SOON AS DoLLY ARRIVED, TH KING LED HER INTO A ROOM Full. OF STRAW= AND GIVING HER A WHEEL SAID-"1F THIS STRAW iS NOT GOLD BY MORNING, You MUST DIE" pF' rts IE THAT 1S SO" SAID THE: KING: BRING HER TO My CASTLE IN THE MORN. ING AND I will PUT HER To THE TEST ns : - . ~ ONE DAY BoBBy MET A GREAT KING AND BoBBY BOASTED 'THAT Dolly 1CoULD SPIN STRAW INTO GoLD TILLIE THE TOILER--Right Eiether Way ------ be "HAVEN'T DECIDED (ET= | MAY BUY A | BY SoLLY! NO WOMAN CAN TELL ME HOW TD RUN MY BUSINESS: I'M BOSS AROUND HERE AND WHAT | SAY GOES - I'LL HAVE TO BE STERN WHEN CUSTOMERS COME HELLO= HELLO! 1S THIS DON'T FORGET- You, TILLIET I'VE BEEN THINKING WERE IN THE BUSINESS TO MAKE MONEY : NOT TO SPEND . sy WATCEES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair .and make it tell the gorrect time * D. J, BROWN THE JEWELER Official Wateb Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. awa Railroads ) Seeunnac fob $3117 FE wo e. =o Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler HH6 Estatlistied 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH

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