THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1930 bi th nen eT PAGE EIGHT RECORD CROWD Oshawa Kids Suffer | Crushing Defeat at | Hands of West Toronto West Toronto Presents a Smart Team, Having a Decided Advantage in Weight, Speed and Ex- perience -- Locals Never Quit Trying (By Geo. Campbell) Fighting all the way, the Osh- 'awa Juniors went down to defeat ast night in the first game of the play-off series with West Toronto at the Arena Gardens by the deci- sive score of ten to nil. Although hopelessly outclassed by a team that had a distinct ad- vantage in weight, speed and en- perience, the Osbawa Kids put up s courageous display and 'their pnever-say-die spirit won the admir- ation of the Toronto fans. The West Toronto team are a sweet team and they showed clearly that they will be strong contenders for | the championship honors The players are both heavier and Both Lodnis Wika pn ig speedier than the Oshawa boys are | and comraanced ol eae and their greater experience en- | | | chance, the West Toronto players] going right in elose with their | combination plays and finishing up | with hard corner shots that could | not be saved. Oshawa started out with plenty of speed and they backchecked all the way!'As a result, the West Tor- onto team failed to get going un- tithe second period but when they finally hit their stride it was quite apparent' that it was just a case of how_many. The colours of the two. teams were much the same and in order to aid the players in udistinguish- ing each other, the West Toronto boys all wore white gym jerseys over their sweaters. For West Toronto, Thomas was | undoubtedly the most valuable man | on the ice. He scored two goals and | assisted for three, Graeie, the! speed left winger, four goals, while' Calling Iiwens, played a prominent in their team's victory | scored and part No Score Iirst Period ope f h o r West Tor= | t and | moment | and that | abled them to make full use of out with J their advantage. Lortie tried out Gedds Their forward line checked sys-| 1.4 ." ployv seesawed tematically and effectively while fe 1" vv" bwing to the f their defence was almost impres-|,..., (aams were « kin mable. They launched their brilli-| = wis nd orally. ant combination attacks with aj p 5, put their alf speed and efficiency that left the lying on Oshawa defence pair flatfooted and |, = 0 ; they culminated their efforts with} cio bullet-like drives that gave Burr) ,.. no took a pe mo chance to save. Vie saved nicely. H In defensive play, they were|. iy o thrilling qually as effective, the work of 5 ours a ) y 1 16 clos game te: ernate et pass, followed this when i + scramble ensued Doran, and Goalie being |, Bo by ove times skated puck proached the three went puck ¢ fod ended withon Vive Goals in Oshawa opened w attack and We but hoth defence tefen utstanding. For Oshawa, Drinkle, with plever back checking and Morison were the best of the forwards, The pthers were too closely checked to Ro much, Bradd and Peterson worked bard but their opponents were too fast. Lortie was too close- iy watched to do much but at times he showed flashes of smart | lay but Geddes was too good to e beaten by long shots. Neither Lortie or Thomson pould cope with the speed of the fttacking forwards howere, and it Was in this department that Osh- pwa looked weakest. Burr's work was outstanding. Time and time gain he outguessed the opposing lorwards and it was only his good work that kept the score down to here it was. Except for the third oal, = long shot, he was given no h the the goa I inutes combina- | to did failed Three M th: tion likewise at tl came rt Tofonto scot |a pretty combinat to Collings This sta and before the Oshawa supporters | knew what had happened the Tor- | onto team had run in four to make the score five tc thi I ithan a 1e itt 10 1 two of the mil the | checkoff, | was | Geddes made a smart save, made a nice rusk but his backhand | | defence, {the net, { alone EXPECTED TO ATTEND BIG GAME HERE TONIGHT HOCKEY RESULTS Hockey games played yesterday resulted as follows: International League Windsor .5 Hamilton Toronto ... Detroit Buffalo Niagara Fal Intermediate Paris O.H.A, Junior West, Toronto 10 Oshawa ... zKingston ... 4 Peterboro .... zKingston won round 6 to 0. aaa Is O.HL.A. Jordan the same two attackers scored an- other, with Thoms taking the pass 'and tallying, Forty seconds later (iracie scored with a hard shot from the blue line. Vic almost saved it but it glanced off his pads. Thirty seconds later Hearn took a | pass from Collings and went right through to the goalmouth and gave Burr no chance, Right after, the alternates came on and from the Yowens passed to McCel- land who scored the fifth goal, The goals came so thick and fast that both the players and the support were too dazed to realize what 1d hapened. After the second goal | was scored, the West Toronto boys could do nothing wrong and Burr | After this | given no chance, scoring bee Oshawa snapped into 1 and game tightened up. Mori- Ife { son got a good hand when he went | almost scored. | Lortie | right through and was off the net. Play eased a little and Oshawa took the ggressive, Drink! Authors; son and Bradd all made nice tries but without suc and the period ended with t Wes Tor- onto po le core t Oshawa 0, ¥ive More Lortie rushed immediat the faceoff and after circling the he shot hard. The puck came to rest on top of the net, Two minutes after play had starteo, Thoms gave Gracie a perfect nnd the speedy l¢ winger ic no chance, A minute I'homs passed to the right Collings, and he went and scored drew th first game after forty-five of play. With Gracie Thoms took the puck right through and cored a Dpretty goal ypped McClelland with a hard bodycheck, Little almost cored from a scramble from | front of the West Toronto net but saved after gave later, winger, right in \ penalty of minutes Lortie s sod to Peterson off the net, Lortie y for tripping Gra ' ight through. With Lor- cie scored a goal single handed and two minutes later he | ecored another goal on a pass from Hearn was s time v. Doran, t other ne Questions the Wisdom of ever paying more for any car 1 § : Is rich appointment and appearance; formance, remarkable economy and its 'its outstanding per- pride of ownership, lin every particular of motor car satisfaction, questions the 't wisdom of ever paying more for any car. It isa question that motor- dom is everywhere asking. It is revealed in hosts of ments are set aside to pro- duce. Thatfactalone speaks for a remarkable develop- aew owners turning to Hudson from every size and price field. It is con- firmed in the most spon- taneous welcome ever extended an cight-cylinder ment. When you see and ride in it you will under- stand that an entirely new standard of motor value has-been established. . car. This is the car which all - Hudson's past achieve- It genuinely questibns the 3 j for wisdom of paying more for any car. Standard Length Chassis=Coach, $1265; Coupe, $1325; Standard Sedan, $1385; Roadster, $1445; Phacton, $1065; Sunsedan, $1710, Long Wheelbase~Touring Sedan, $1600; Brougham, $1660; 7-pass. Phacton, $1920; 7-pass, Sedan, $2050. Prices f. 0. b. Windsor, taxes extra. Standard Equipment Includes: Four 2-way shock absorbers; radiator shutters; starter and electric gauge shatter-proof windshield; tire lock and PRICES fuel and oil on dash; electrolock; luggage carrier. Ross, Ames & Gartshore Co., Lid. 135 King Street West - . r 135 King Street West Phone 1160 Pet- | pass, | on | another goal. | on the bench, | Lortie made a nice | but: | PORT SNAPSHOT By Guo, Caurzmy, Sporls Editor Outclassed but Not Disgraced The 'Oshawa Juniors suffered a rude jolt last night when they were forced to absorb a liberal coat of whitewash from the hands of The West Toronto team are undoubtedly a sweet team and they were never in dauger. They had the advantage in weight, speed and experience, and they made good use of their the West Toronto Juniors, advantage. on hand, but sence heard the Ld * never quit trying. * * L} morning's Globe ;-- at Oshawa on Monday night, There were more than four hundred Oshawa supporters were not given much chance to make their pre- | . v | They Never Quit Trying The one redeeming feature of the game was that the Oshawa Kids | Although hopelessly outclassed, they would not quit and their efforts earned the approval of the "L'oronto fans. though the Kids will not likely win the round, they are determined to | win the return game here Monday night. | the fans of Oshawa should sce that they get it, : pens, the local lads are sure to give a good account of themselves and a real game is assured. The fans of Oshawa will seeing the probable Ontario junior champs in actior Al- They deserve support and No matter what hap- have a chance * of * * Taken from Phe Globe I'he following clipping was taken from the Sport Colu | | West Torohto juniors should have no difficulty making it two straight over Oshawa when the teams mect in the second game The Motor City youngsters were utclassed last night against the superior attack of the West End- ers. However, to cheer them Lt nm, they may here, visitor 1c against next season, and being beaten by West Toronto is cert v ; * The Big Man, ch man, the Arena tonight, seats had will be « with At t The y tonight. at 1c been sold fans it in a bod goal ads Ontario finals, It is hoped a c | Curls * tonight $0. ¥ playing on their home icc make a better have a number no disgrace Lane their home cro witl sh ; than they dic of ho will be eligible a team of the class of no matter what score | programme, | with the I | national ORME GAMSBY"S TEAM DEFEATS ALL STARS! Orono, Ieb, 22.--Orme Gams- | by's squad of puck-chasers contin- | ued their good work here last night by overwhelming a team of all-stars chosen from the District | League which operates in the Townships of Clarke and Newcas- tle. The locals went on a veritable scoring rampage . and the losers) were at no time able to cope with | the attacking forces of the Orono | team. The score was 16-5. { Orono--Goal McCutcheon; de- fence, Dean and Watson; centre, Webb; wings, Winters and Neale; alternate, Breslin. All-Stars--Goal, Bruton; de- fence, Powers and Lunn; centre, | Gibson; wings, Lycett and Tamb-| lyn; alternate, Kenneflick Referee--Harve Winters | Canoe Regatta | Will be Staged | At Hamilton pion Hamilton, Ont., Feb. 22.--The iore-| most paddle wield of Canada and the United State Aug, 16 in. the fir noe regatta ever held, Rowing races als6 will be on the one-day regattal anged in nt 1 1 cn 1 will drs this ce Pad Cana the sult of sou rmat Canoe = Association, a | ineeting held recently of flag officers Game is Tonight what a crowd there is going to be at the Big Game time ol going to press t vo-third ng of the Oshawa and dis surroun The Queen's team will step on the ic ntage .and the winner of the round enters the quite likely that the S;R.O. sign will be hung uj h will not be - ~~ Toronto Fans Coming lowing 1s a clipping taken {ror y Star Kir Que These I B gston and take a one-goal That should tax Mar get in, Last in Kin night ght red an game Oshaw Toronto {fans : a it they can 1! the Sg are always Surprises g xpected tory over Oshawa lead to the Motor City ton morrow [ the new are r arena {defence player followed later for | tripping Authors he circled the defence. Authors followed to the bench soon after for the same bf "Tunney'" Morison went as fence right through the entire team and | let a drive with a hard shot that hit the post. The game ended with the score Oshawa 0, West Toronto 10. The teams: Oshawa Burr y Lortie Thomson Brinkle | Bradd Peterson | Morison | Little | Authors Hurst Referee onto. W. Toronto Geddes Hearn Doran Thoms Collings Gracie Ewens Kresscler McClelland Davies Tor- Position Goal Defence Defence Centre R. Wing L. Wing Alternates Alternates Alternates Alternates A. Mollenhauer, Jordan Wins With | Disputed Goal Grimsby, Feb. 22.---Jordan Roy- al Crests met their stiffest oppo- sition of the season and succeeded in only defeating DParig Green Shirts 1-0 here last night in the first game of the O.H.A. interme- diate semi-finals, The return fix ture will be played Galt Monday night. The only goal of the night disputed one at that, and also one {tor the hook, decided the hard | fought contest, staged before a | capacity attendance. The score came 1? minutes after the game got under way and for of the affair the teams in ou a |Kay Grijfiths " Wins From Stella Walsh Buffalo, Feb, 22.-- Stella Walsh, the Cleveland sensation who has left all girl sprinters far behind in all the major tests this season, was forced to take second place to Kay Grifliths of the Toronto Cana dian Ladies in the 75-yard dash final bere last night, The little Tor- of the distance but with a remark- able burst of speed in the last {ew vards breasted the tape first by fewescant inches the rest | I ' battled | the N.O.H,A., stated last night that might and main without heing able | to cage the rubber, though hoth | net guardians had more calls than usually come in a game It was a battle of defences back- od up by just about the most senti- mental goal minding that has heen witnessed here, despite the haze that hung over the ice, blocking visibility of the goalers. MILLIONAIRES WIN Toronto, Feb. 22.---Mlillionaires, showing vastly improved form, walked all over Detroit Olympics | game at the Ravina last night and won, 4-1. Detroit's only goal was a gift and was awarded to them after Fisher, in the local net | held Stecle of Detroit to prevent him shooting. ; | The locals outskated, outchecked | and outplayed the Detroiters throughout, but Whitie Flelds gels | the individual medal. Ficlds scored | two of his team's goals and assist- ed in'a third. Gregg and Proudlock | got the final for the locals, Investigations that took place dur- ing the past year confirm the opinion that there are large bodies of valu- able iron ore on Belcher Islands in | Hudson Bay. In preference to imported stone, Alberta will use stone taken from the Canadian prairies for the new ad- thinistration building to be erected | at Edmonton at a cost of $700,000. | quired at Winnipeg, and | | in an International Hockey League | had | The defeat of Mi Walsh, who has shown her spiked shoes to the best, was a big surprise to the fans who had witnessed Miss Griffiths beaten by a good margin when the two girls met in a qualifying heat, Even at the break the Clevelander was in front, but the plucky Tor- onto girl kept close to her and as they neared the finish the power- ful champion of the Canadian door meet and Millrose carnival, seemed to slip back and Miss Grif fith forged to the front. There was doubt for some time as to who won the race until thg judges an- nounced their decisions Allan Cup Eliminate Games Get Under Way Arena Gardens March 6 Feb, secretary-trea North Bay, Thompson, Ww. surer A, of the N.O.H.A. senior champions" meet the O.H. A. intermediate cham- pions in the Allan cup play climina- tions at Toronto on March 6 and 8. The N.O.H.A. junior champions meet the O.H.A. juniors in the Memorial cup play eliminations at Toronto on March 13 and 15. Kingston Juniors Win Round 6-0, Kingston, Feb. juniors qualified for the O.H.A. fourth round when they defeated | Peterboro St, Johns here last night by the =core of 4 to 0, and thereby | took the round by 6 to 0. At no time were the locals in danger. Kingston scored two goals in the first. period and in the second ran | in two more goals. Peterboro play- od much better in the last period, but their shooting was weak and they failed to work in on Cunning- | ham. 22,-- Kingston Due to the "freezing off" of some | of the most productive wells in the | Turner Valley, Alberta's petroleum | industry did not reach the one mil- | tion barrel production that was an- | ticipated. The total for the year is given as 956,555 barrels. "Western Gypsum: Products" have | opened a gypsum quarry at Amar. anth, on the west side of Lake Mau itoba, adjacent to the CNR. The Company are building a mill on a 23 acre site which they have ac- it is re- More than one-third of this sum will} ported that this will be the finest | Manitoba. be for stone, which is to come from gypsum mill, wall board and tile plant in Canada, | of Ottawa onto flier trailed Miss Walsh most | in- | f the various divisi i .3 officially MacMillan odore of the t head of the] } C.C che | new body. | A form of racing long observed hy h n A $50( : lou will be contested along popular gl ational 1 I he ation d | | re eet ach as-| 1 to enter| 1 and | permitte all events ghtaway Course the United paddler States be clas | Di of the victory of ghe Brower gquar- ' | its history as the primary trophy ill meet here onla four on the ninth and a three st International ca- | On the eleventh having a great deal to' do with the result of the match, Granites Defeat Lindsay In Ryrie-Birks Final ck Butler's Rink Loses Out to Granite Club Rink 11.9--Harvey Sims, Kit- chener, Wins North Amer- ican Life Trophy club where Vice-President Fer y Atkinson, in the absence of the president of the bonsplel commit tee, Dr. T. H. Wylié, through sick ne called upon J, Earl Birks of the Ryrie-Birks company and W G. Gallow of the North Americar Life to present the trophies to the victorious rinks. The individual! prizes were presented and the skips of the two rinks responded. Th- prizes were Ryrie-Birks trophy--1, ¥. ® Brower, Toronto Granites, gals wrist watches; 2, R, Butler, Lina say, silver entree dishes; 3, J, Nicolson, Sault Ste, Marle, motor rugs; 4, D. Walker, Fort William avonmore hlankets, North American Life 1, H, J. Sims, Kitchener, ailves beverage sets; G. O, Cameron, Barrie, leather coat bags; 3, W. 6. Tudhope, Orillla, -automatic eler tric toasters; 4, N. KX. Corawa Detroit, silver water jugs. The final in the North Ame: can was the only game played ye: terday in that competition, whils there was one semi-final in the Ryrie-Birks in which Jutier de feated DD. Walker of Fort Willian who had gone undefeated unt! Thursday morning. This was » close game with the Lindsay a: gregation winning by 11 to 9, Toronto, Feb, 22.--~--As a result tet in the final of the Ryrie-Birks yesterday afternoon that trophy made the shortest possible jour- ney from its resting place of the last year, the Toronto Victoria lub, where the final was played to the Granite Club, where it will sojourn for the the second year of trophy. " of the Toronto bonspiel. In the 2, final the Brower rink, which was the same as that which won the Sir John Eaton trophy in the rec- nt Winnipeg bonspiel with the ex~ that Harry Howard re- the fourth of the Brower defeated Dick to 9, placed brothers, as lead, Butler's Lindsay rink by 11 which was witnessed by a large crowd. At the same time and place Harvey Sims of Kitchener, came through in the final of North Am- | Two More Reach Finals an Life against G. Oliver Cam- | Play in the Wrigley and Séiber eron, of Barrie, by the tune of 15 {ling events continued spasmodi to 4, and dislodged that trophy |ally throughout the day and ti from its resting place in the Bar-| Royal York, open to the semi- f clubhouse, where it has had its |alists in the four other events, go home for the last two years, ever | under way late last night and thi since it was donated. competition was helped toward: Following the completion of the |completion , by several default two finals the spectators and play- | Butler, Sims and Cornwall deci erg adjourned to the lounge of the ling to call it a week. er rie blond ACA little Canadis official single and C.CA, last summer, The] ler, the sprinter who has beaten three of the best dash men in the United States this Winter, will take on 2 fourth in the Manhattan College track meet here March 2, it was announced yesterday, Karl Wilder. { muth, Georgetown flash, is to mee! ¢ fc senior dou-| him in a spring series at 60 and ble blade fours, junior single blade | 70 yards. , senior single blade Yours, nines | war canoe, 15 e follows: --Junior | i doubl blade sin- uble blade single, junior ouble blade tandem, senior double bla tandem, junior blade tandem, senior single blade tanden junior double blade 1 blade si gle 1 senior ( single an war canoc BUFFALO WINS Niagara Falls, 22 Niagara | Falls Cataracts dropped their gec- {ond game in as many nights wh Feb MILLER 1S CONSIDERED SENSATION OF SEASON BY NEW YORK CRITICS New York, Feb. 22.--Leigh Mil- 'Manager of Pittsburg Pirates | Searches for Hockey Players in Teams of Frank Frederickson, Man. ager of Pirates, N.H.L., Team, Visited Saskatch- ewan in Search of Prom- ising Players MADDISON Creating no li cireles, ol Natio BY CHARLIE Regina, Feb. | tle stir in hock | Frede kson, manager Pittsburgh pirates in League arrived in the city recentl for the express purpose of watch ing some of the Saskatchewan Senior players operating in what is | known as the Rig League, Frederickson tl} of the | to-come so far off the beat- this search of hoc. brand of the | ere Was wars other Scout's! fact borne out Pirate | z stated some of ii Frank | the! the first SCOUle en path key tal game being ranted | appearanc o© by Mentor that he the player with three of them Talking conversationally, Fred- corickson said that there was a host of pro material in the Senior league here, of which are all ready for the Big Time' while any amount would make tho fast comp- | any with a litle asoning in the | minor leagues. These minor leagues | players, more than the National | League players, were the ones that | he was looking for. Coming here | with some of the league leading | Regina Aces in mind, Frederickson | devoted most his time to a trio of | Melville players. with the result | that all three are due for a tryout | with the Pirates next season. The throe, I'red Carter and Jimmy Kel- | lv. are a pair of wing men and Wilf. Cude, the goal-tender. Though they were playing for a | losing ¢lub when he saw them the | | scout liked their style sufficiently { ito come to terms with them, | Other stars of the senior loop that have attracted the attention jot the pro scouts, Alex Wood, goal | tondor for the league leading aces and a net minder that has hung up an enviable record for goals scor- ed against him. In doing this, Wood has chalked up many shut- out wins. He has allowed but 21 goals to slip past in nineteen games played. Two morc players in the Aces roster that were interesting to the first of the scouts to come this way were Art Sihvon, a right winger 'with specd, and hockey brains that has made him a star ali season, and Harvey Dodge, the pick of the leaders defence. Though rumor has it that Dodge has re- fused a pro offer, it is likely that he is waiting for the "Big Parade" of amateur players to pro ranks Sihvon is already on the Chicago negotiation list, ¥rederickson has also lined up goveral Manitoba pueckists as Pir ate' material as he is said to like tha looks of the Smith brothers ol Boissevain., Ralph; 19, is a left winger, and Louis, 24, a defence man. Others that have had nego- year in but the played any which sfaction before only had come to terms nt his or 1 of leavin seen the =sati the who not but had some se | an | loop, ! Buffalo won last night's Interna« tional League fixture hcre to ' The contest was hard-fough | teams in fine fettle, had an edge in tams in fine fettle, had an edge it endurance and that is just abo! { what turned the tide in their favo Western Provinces of the Native Sons of! Winnipeg, | Tommy Cowan, of Brandon, - Bill McKenzie, of the Elmwood Juniors in Winnipeg, and Norman Friday of Port Arthur, Juniors are also | being regarded with interest. Three of the Regina Pats being consider- ed, while some are already on the reserve list of Natiogal ' League lubs; othexg are almost ready for any class of hockey and will be remembered by the Seouts that vis it this country this year. Gordie I'ettinger, brother of Eric of the I'oronto Maple Leafs, is already on the New York Rangers reserve list, hut Joe Dutkowski, "Duke Jr." and Iiddie Wiseman, a defenceman and left winger resbectively, are, as far fs known. free cf any strings. Though these two players yepre- sonted part of the business of 'I'red erickson while her announce- ment of a definite nature was giv- cn out, In looking at irate playing manager | | | | | | these players, the | had interests of the new league be- | no also | formed by none other than| jonny leonard of fight fame and as the league is to be a four team almost four teams will be recruited, many of the stars of this and 'other prairie provinces will come under the lists of likely pros- pects Before leaving here, Fred- erickson expressed his joy at be- ing the first of the scouts to invade Saskatchewan but predicted that he would be followed by more soon as the brand of hockey being play- ed here will draw those that are on the hunt for youthful talent with which to bolster their teams, tested regularly DISTORTION MAY BE CAUSED BY A WORN TUBE Westinghouse RADIOTRONS LASTRONGER Prices are Lower Buy Now and Save Money FREE STORAGE FOR ONE MONTH .. $565.00 $295.00 $95.00 $335.00 $485.00 We give you more Car Value for your dollar than any place in Ontario (Lowest Carrying Charges) in Canada). Ontario Motor Sales LIMITED USED CAR DEPT. 2ND FLOOR MERCURY SERVICE LIMITED 1929 Cheviolet Coach only driven very small milage, price ....., 0... 1927 Chevrolet Coach in first class condi. tion every way. A real bargain for Ford Sedam that has been well taken care of, Price 1027 Chevrolet Sedan -- two new tires, motor overhauled, finish just like new 1928 Chevrolet Sedan -- looks and runs like now car. Price ... ioe .. Sess ravens trsnennne tiations filed on them as a result of his visit here ave Gerald Grosey |