Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1930, p. 5

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| | | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1930 PACE FIVE Get he Habit" C DOOOOOOO000000000CO000000 DOOOOOO0 DOOCOO00000000 King Street United Church REV. CHAS, E. Residenee Phone 218 CRAGG, M.A. B.D. Church Phone 1831F 11 a.m,--Cemmunion Service. Reception of Members. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes 6.45 p.m.--Song Service. 7 p.m.-- "Sins of the Tongue". Are the Quakers right in claiming that the 3rd Commandment prohibits the taking of oaths? Wednesday -- A Union Service in St. Andrew's Church. Rev. J. W. Richards Netram of India, the Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Minister, Miss I. P. Fletcher, Asst.. SUNDAY SERVICES, FEB. 23 11. REV. R. B. COCHRANE, D.D. OF TORONTO 3 SUNDAY SCHOOL Bible Class -- Mr. E. M. Ewing, M.A. 7 pom, Good Singing SUBJECT: "A Magician's Mistake" Helpful Services YOU ARE INVITED ee -- er, _--_-- rist Church (ANGLICAN) "<< i, Cor. Hillcroft and Mary Sts. Rev. R. B. Patterson, M.A. Incumbent, 503 Masson St. Sunday, February 23 a.m. Morning Prayer. 2.30 p.m. --- Sunday School. 4 p.m.--Baptisms. 7 p.m. -- Evening Pray- er and Holy Com- munion. Christ Church Men's Club Night Every Thursday at rl 7.30 p.m, | Oshawa Pentecostal ' Holiness Church 811 Celina Street Pastor G, Legge in Charge '10 a.m.--Sunday School. 11 a.m.--Morning Wor- ship. 7 p.m. -- Evening Wgor- ship. Mr. and Mrs. Mason of Toronto will conduct both services on Sunday, Tuesday--% p.m. Praycr service. Wednesday, S$ pm.-- Young Peuple's Meetiug. Friday, & v.m.--Bible Study. Come and enjoy these bright Services With Us, KNOX Presbytrrian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street Rev. Duncan Monroe 34 Brock St. Ww. "hone 2554 Sunday, February 23 a.m. Baptismal Service -- "The Child in the Midst." 3 p.m. -- Sunday School. 7 p.m. -- Special Ad- dress "The Challenge of Christ' Monday, 8 p.m. Young People. 11 DOOOOOVOO00000000000000000000000000 BOOK ON JERUSALEM CONFERENCE GIVEN T0 LOCAL LIBRARY Work of Famous Missionary Conference Told in Eight Volumes Probably the most important Missionary meeting since the days of the Apostles, was that held in Jerusalem at KEastertide 1928, A friend of Foreign Missions has presented to Oshawa Public Lib- rary a complete report, in eight volumes of this memorable con- ference, That these books may be widely and profitably used is the desire of the donor. A few brief extracts from press references to the Jerusalem Re- ports follow: "The eight volumes furnish in- valuable reference material for missionary libraries."--The Living Church. |, "The volumes on J ducation, Race Conflict. and Industrialism deserve the study of statesmen and of all titizens who wish to wisely exercise their political responsibil- --The Manchester Guardian, "No one can read this compre- hensive, courageous and rich inter pretation of the task of the church in the world today without becom- ing thereby 5 larger man, a greater missionary and a, better Christian." --International Review of Mis- sions, "These are no ordinary books. In every case the man who writes on a subject is an expert on that subject. No public man can pre- | sume to speak on the large con- cerns of modern life without some such knowledge and appreciation as wouid come from the study of these volumes." The British Weekly. "Every report is and in- Missions volume of the interesting, {§nformative spiring, The volume on and Race Conflict will be found | exceedingly well worth careful study."--Christian Observer, { "Their contents will come as 2 | Toueht to many who may have thought of missions as haying lit- tle relation to the real problems of | '--The London Times. | M¢ { modern life. "In my opinion the volume on | Religious Education has provided | just what was very urgently needed {at the present time.'--Dr. J. C. ! Robertson, Toronto. "To the rank and 'file members, these eight volumes form a storehouse of {ianformation." | Boston Transcript, APPLY NEW STRATEGY! 'TO ORIENTAL FARMER Rochester, N.Y., Feb, 22, (Spec | jal)--When the early Christian | | missionaries . conquered the West | they left the countryside with | paganism' to the last, going first | to the cities, Not so today. I'or- | eign missionaries who work in rural areas but are now homo on Wed., 8 p.m. -- Mid- Week Service GRACE Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING lev. A. C, Hahn 132 Alice Street Sunday, February 23 9.30 a.m. Sunday School 10.30 a.m. Morning Wor- ship. ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOMB ji a North Simcoe St. United Church . Rev. A.' MANSELL IRWIN, B.A, B.D.,, Pastor 89 Greta St. 'Phone 3263W | ! The Pastor will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m, Sunday School -- 2 p.m. and 3 p.m, 6.40 p.m, -- Song Service, Mon. 8 p,m, -- Young Peo- ple's. Wed. 8 p.m. -- Hear Rev. Netram of India in Union Service at St. Andrew's Church, Cordial Welcome to All Free Methodist CHURCH in Capada (Over Arcade) 19 SIMCOE ST. N. Sunday, February 23 2 p.m, --Sunday School. 3 p.m. -- Preaching Ser- vice, Rev. R. L, Casement, Pastor Cordial Welcome "The Tabernade in 1 the Wilderness 'Will be the subject of three addresses to be given on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 8 p.n., at Calvary Bap- tist Church, Athol St. West. These addresses will be illus- trated with a specially prepared new chart, Speaker: MRS. EVA ROSE YORK Noted Bible Teacher of Toronto A CORDIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO ALL re rem | Unity Truth Centre WELCH PARLORS King St. W, 10 a.m. -- Sunday School 11 a.m, = Morning Service Paris, Feb, 22 -- The Russian "Cheka" and the G.P.U. secret police who operate beyond the realm of open diplomacy, are being defied by a blonde-haired Russian slip of a girl, 25-years old but daring beyond lier years. | furlough from the Crient form the | constituency to which the New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell Unlversity, Jthaca, N.Y. Is opening a four weeks' school on probl- s of country life, including sociology, agriculture and rural education, Five misvionaries of The United Church of Canada, Rev, Ainsworth, M.A., and Mrs. Alns- | worth, of Hamilton, Ontario, and Toyama. Japan: Dr, Harold D. Brown and Rev. G. E, Rackham, of West China and Rev. Ben Smillie, of Central India, have rived at Ithaca for the tourse, ar- From The New Outlook declared to a past generation that a man's religion is the chief thing about him, He was not referring to the creed that is uttered with the lips or signed with a pen, but the crced which a man "practic- ally believes," i.e. lives by. He asserted further that if you knew what a man's religion is you could tell to a great extent what the man himself is. Now. no one will for a moment contend that you can judge a man's character and life by the church he attends. Alexander Irvine pours ridicule on the idea that one can hangs his hat on a Sunday. One may be a heathen even in St, Paul's Cathedral, one may go into the most strictly orthodox church in the land and yet worship an idol more abominable than any found in Africa today. But if you cannot judge a man by the place where he worships, you can judge him by what he worships there. And modern civili- zation is full of subtle idolatries. The gods of any Canadian city are as numerous gnd as varied as the gods of ancient Rome, Venus has her place, and a large place; Jupi- ter and Mars have theirs; the Gold- en Calf, too, is set up, and set high; the World, the Flesh and the Devil are worshipped in all their hideous, sinister or pleasing mant- testations. After all, there is not a real atheist anywhere under the sun. But never were men and women surer than they are today that "though there be lords many and gods many' there is only one true God, and He Is revealed to the world in Jesus Christ, Congratulations to the monthly magazine of the Presbyterian Church in the [United States (Northern), which began the year 1980 with its one hundred and twenty-fifth - anniversary number, of church | its | Di A Man's s Religion It was the sage of Chelsea who | judge a man's life by the place he | DOOOOOO0000000000050000000000000 DOO0OCO000000000000000C Sunday Services in the OY Churches. 3, 000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 D0000000000000000 All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome O00 O00000 Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches Christian Science "Mind" will be the subject for "dis- cussion at the regular service of the First Church of Clirist Scientist to- Morrow, Grace Lutheran Rev. A. C. Hahn the pastor, will conduct the services of Grace Luth- eran Church on Sunday. Everyone is cordially invited. Christ Anglican Rev. R. B. Patterson, the recter, will have charge of the regular ser- vices of worship at Christ Anglican Church tomorrow. Free Methodist The worship of the Free Metho- dist Church will be conducted by the pastor, Rev. R. L. Casement. St. Andrew's United Rev. R. B. Cockrane, D.D., of To- ronto, will be the preacher at the mormng service of St. Andrew's United Church. In the evening the pastor, Rev. F, J. Maxwell will speak on "A Magician's Mistake." | Simcoe Street United Rev. S. C. Moore, pastor of Al-| bert Street United Church, will be the speaker at the morning setvice | of S e Street United Church on] Sunday. The evening service will be | conducted by Rev. Dr. Cochrane, ! well-kr Toronto pastor. "The Man Who Bargained with God" will be the subject of Rev, Al bert Hughes, at the morning s of Calvary Japtist | Church, Sunday. Rev. Hughes' ev- ening sermon will be "When It Pays To Move." On Monday, Tuesday | and Wednesd: evenings of ne Xt | . Mrs, Eva R. York. distinguish { ill address special | Calvary Baptist | | acting pastor, ervic are invited. | Knox Presbyterian i The service of baptism will be con- | lucted at Knox Pr Church, | Sul rom paste r.} Rev, vill take as hi ject the Midst") The pastor w also sp in the | evening, his dress "The Challenge of Christ." ] day mic Dunc being Cedardale United { The third ar y of Cedard | United Church ill cel |» ith special services tomorrow, tor, Rev. (;. W. charge assisted by Re v. F. 1 D.D., of Toronto who is suj } ent of missions for the Ba and Toronto conferences, be The | Brown 3 : | will be Irvine, will be in | x ow night at rintend- | lege, of Quinte | St. George's Anglican The services- of St. George's An- glican Church tomorrow will be con- ducted by the rector, Canon C. R. de Pencier. Master Dean Patte will sing "Angels Ever Bright and Fair" at the mroning service, while in the cvening Miss Dorothy Williams will render the solo "Come Hither and Hear Me." North Simcoe St. United Rev A. M. Irwin, the pastor, will be in charge of the services at North Simcoe Street United Church, Sun- day. Holy Trinity Anglican Services at Holy Trinity Anglican Church on Sunday will be conducted by Rev. S. C, Jarrett, the rector, Unity Truth Centre The worship of Unity Trmh Cen- tre will be held in Welch's Parlors tomorrow. Centre Street United "Our children, Shall We Chri isten Baptize or Consecrate?" This will be the subject of the sermon by Rev Dr. Fletcher at the morning service of Centre Street United Church, In! the evening he will preach on "The | Shepherd Who Knows." ' Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Mr. and Mrs. Mason, of Tor will conduct both services at c| Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness ( hy chi on Sunday. | nt 0, Pentecostal Assembly | Rev. J. T. Ball, tbe pistor, will! preach at both services of Pentecos- | tal Assembly on Sunday. First Baptist "Continuous - Christian will be the sermon by { Rev. Aubrey W. Small, : {ing service of tl Church -tomorr he wil 'preach fits." THE HOUSE OF FRIENDSHIP OFFICE 3128 PHONE 148 Minister -- Rev. E. Harston, LL.B, 11 a.m. -- Rev. S. C. Moore 3 p.m. -- Sunday School 6.45 p.m. -- Song Service 7 p.m. -- Rev. Dr. Cochrane, Toronto Good Singing Fine Fellowship Helpful Services A HEARTY WELCOME AWAITS YOU HERE Et St a Ett EE rr ra gt EEE ary Ciorge's ANGLICAN Bagot and Centre Sts EB. dePENUIER, M.A. Organist and Choirmaster-- Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M, First Baptist | Church King St., East REV. AUBREY W. SMALL 18 Aberdeen Street ¥ Christian Science Christ, Sclentist Street East Church . of 64 Colborne Cor. | First CANON C. Sunday, 'February 23 "MIND" Morning Service at 11 a.m. 11 a.m. "Continuous Christian Conduct" 8 a.m.--Holy Com- munion, 11 Prayer. 3 p.m. Solo by Master Dean Sunday School Fatte, "Angel Ever Br 1% and For 3 hat : | You cordially invited to ng an air. | 7 attend the services and to make 6" nse of t A Loss That eo ' Free Public Reading Room Profits" : Ones where the Bible and all authorized B.Y.P.U. a.m. -- Morning | Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. | Including testimonies of Healing | through Christian Science. p.m. are > . 7 p.m.--Evening Prayer. Solo -- Miss Dorothy Williams, "Consider and Hear Me." Baptisms cach month, Christian Science literature may ba Mon. read, borrowed or purchased and | periodicals subscribed for, Opép on Wednesday, 8 p.m. -- | Tuesdays, Thuredays and Saturdays 8 p.m, second Sunday ' Albert Street United . D. MacKay of St. Andrew Church, will - preach at the | orning service of Albert Street ited Church tomor his sernio "The : re, the pastor, w service and will a series of characters be on 1ghis \ 11 cond add | the Masonic Temple Signs of Christ' thé sermon | { Moffett at the special servic | held" in the Mas mic Temple tor 7 o'clock under the aus- of the Oshawa Missi T At the Wednesday vice Evangelist Moffett "The True Priesth pices NOTED PREACHER OF INDIA TO ADDRESS LOCAL AUDIENCE | | Rev. J. W. Netram To Speak | at St. Andrew's Church Tuesday Night 8S. | v. J. W. Richards Nectram, fam- ous preacher of India, and on¢ time colleague of Dr. Stanley Joncs, will be the speaker at a special gathering to be held in St. Andrew's United Church next Tuesday night, Every- one is welcomed to this meeting and it is expected that a large audience will hear Rev, Nctron. During the past year he has been traveling ex- tensively in Canada and where ever he has appeared on the public plat- form or behind the pulpit he has been received with great interest. On March 11, 1923, Rev. Netram graduated from the Malwa Theolo- Bible Teacher Coming ' Mrs. Ev a Rose York, teacher, Toronto, series of three addre Baptist Church on Monday. day and Wednesday evenings at § o'clock. The gencral subjeet willl be "The Tabernacle in the Wilder- | ness." Mrs. York will use a new | | chart to illustrate these addressos. | of will give 18868 Tues- More Churches Closed Omsk, Siberfa.--Four additiona! churches in scattering villages near here were closed "Thursday and converted into schocls and work- ers' clubs by the authoritios, The closings: were made on the peti- tions of local peasants who joined the Government's collective farme, With growth of the Government's agricultural collective plan, there is a strong movement to abolisn further churches, and was or- Malwa Presbyterian four years he gical Seminary, India, dained to the ministry by the Presbytery of the Church in India. For has been editor of the Hindu Village Teachers' Journal and clerk of the Synod of Gujarat, Rajputan and Cen- tral India of the United Church of Northern India. o-- gaan Ensign and Mrs, A. Simcoe THE SALVATION "ARMY Dikon in charge & Oak ~ Commissioner J. Hay. 11 am.--"Call of Christ" 3.15 p.m.--Praise Service. 7 p.m.--"'Obeying God." Thursday evening Public Service - | | CANDIDATE SUNDAY~ | | conducted by "ALBERT ST . 8. C. YORE, 275 Albert ao | | ! Classes, 7p "UNITED CHURCH 11 A; Mu MR. J. D. MacKAY of St. Andrew's Church will preach Subject -- "Thoughts on Prayer" 2.30 p.m. -- Sunday School, Kirra, and Royal Oaks Bible The Minister in Charge -- Toth Sermon in Series of Striking Bible Characters, ol CRYONE WARMLY WELCOMED B.A, B.D., Minister 'Phone 1753 M. | noted Bible a at Calvary | - ot from 2 to & p.m, Prayer Meeting. re: Commencing Week of 60th Anniversary Services Sun- 2nd March. Prof. L. Marshall of McMaster Don't miss this! | CHRISTADELPHIAN WILL THE NA TIONS DISARM? | BIBLE'S S ANSWER: ~*"Three unclean spirits like ¥ go forth unto the kings of day, H. University. "CALVARY BAPTIST | Gospel Centre Athol St. West--North Side Rev. Albert Hughes, B.A. Acting Pastor Will preach at both services 11 "The Man Bargained With a.m. W, ho Pentecostal Assembly ROTARY CLUB BLDG., Centre SI. Rev. J. T. Ball Sunday, February 23 10 a.m.--Sunday School Cedardale United Church REV. G. W. IRVINE B.A, B.D., Minister THIRD ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Rev. F. L. Brown, D.D. of Toronto at both services. Mon, sary "When It Pays Sunday School 3 p.m. SPECIAL MEETINGS Mrs. Eva Rose York Distinguished Bible Teacher whose addresses are always helpful and inspiring, will speak Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. All are welcome. | Friday, 7 p.m. -- .Chil- | dren's Meeting. a.m.--Morning Ser- vice 5.30 p.m, Anniver- Supper ang Concert: | r=" cL scald | ship. 7 p.m. -- Evening Wor- Special Singing MY GOLDEN HOUSE OF DREAMS | All Welcome You came into my golden house of dreams: did you destroy? You took a treasure cast it in the dust, You thieved my heart and emptied ; all its joy. You have taken all the glory trom | the sun; have taken from the sky; You have dimmed (he lovely shim- mer of the stars-- There is nothing left for me, and | 1 must die. \ Why come to pilfer and Centre St. United Church REV. W. P. FLETCHER, B.A, 0.D. Sunday, February 23 HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Sts. REV. S. C. JARRETT Incumbent 30 Fairbanks St. 8 am. -- Holy Com- munion. am. -- Matins and Sermon. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m. -- Evensong and Sermon. You all the beauty 11 a.m, -- "Our Children---- Shall we Christen, Bap- tize, or Consecrate' I was happy in my golden house of dreams: Why did you come and swear you would be true? did you steal away? Why. did you make much for you? You have given mc a bitter cup to drink--- You have played an casy game and you have won, But yours has been a sorry vie- tory- I had rather die than do what you have done. 2.30 -- Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -- "The Shepherd Who Knows." Why my happiness 1 y y pp Mon, 8 p.m. -- Young Peo- ple"s, Wed. 8 p.m, -- Rev, Netram in St. Andrew's Church. me care so ---Florence Smith. MASONIC TEMPLE Centre and Metcalf Sts. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Evangelist W. C. MOFFETT 7 p.m. -- Subject -- 'Seven Signs of Christ's Coming' 8 p.m. -- Wednesday "The True Priesthood" Cordial Welcome to All : ADMISSION FREE AT MOTHER'S KNEE (Song Lyric)' There's a dream that scems to bless as shadows fall At close of day, with cares away. Then on the air, there comes a prayer with gentle call, Beck'ning me to yesterday. This mem'ry sweet, 1'd oft repeat, that seems to great me now, For there in dreams again, it seems I bow. Back there, beside a chair In ev'ning's golden glow, Whero angels smiled to share The prayer of one who loved me 80, I see her there, where'er I go, And hear a sweet refrain, ; A prayer that welcomes me To share that cherished scene again In dreams, it seems I'm there Beside a chair, in prayer, at Moth- er's knee, -~ Burton Lingard Noy.

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