Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Feb 1930, p. 13

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NEA It MID £90 gee @ © bo be td eo 0 bt St. CSS et 1 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1930 PAGE THIRTEEN JOLUMBUS W.M.S. HOLDS MEETING Columbus, Feb. 19~The W.M.S. ering as held at Miss N. Ormis- ton's Wednesday aftdfnoon, Feb. 12. The president, Mrs, Clugston, oc- cupied the chair The meeting open- ed by singing Jesus Lover of My Soul, after which all - repeated the Lord's Prayer. The rofl call was an- swered by sixteen members, Minutes of January meeting were read and [ter from the Study book. Mrs. Clug- approved. The Scripture lesson tak- ston. read a. chapter. from. Ad- en from Psalm twenty-seven was led by Mrs. Sutherland, The Temper- | ventures ance Secretary, Mrs, Crabtree gave ,roved v an interesting temperance reading Thankoffering meeting will be addres Mrs. Geo. Hayes and Miss E. Law rence gave excellent reports of the sed convention held in Whitby in Jan- {possible uary. A hearty vote of thanks was|"Day of by tendered them. The W.M.S. receiv-| March 7. cent guest of Mrs, John Glover, ed their allocation of two hundred and forty-five dollars which was ac- cepted, Miss Ormistoniread a chap-|prayer. Mr, and Mrs, Wallace Scott, En- field, were recent visitors of Mr ' and Mrs. C, Werry, Kedron, Feb. 18.--Mr. and Mrz. H. T. Cole is on the sick list. arthur Ross, Columbus, spent I'ri- My, and Mrg, Merlin Hepburn day with Mr, nd Mre. C, Werry. and family, Enfield, visited Roy i ] Mr. Gordon Davis spent the| Hepburn. Miss Garat. As many as| week-end with Mr. Ortie Ss arc expected to attend the] Oshawa. Prayer" to be held in Brook- Miss Wage, Toronto, KEDRON PERSONALS in Service which very interesting, The Easter Mr. and Mrs. John Glover visited wmmese nn Sunday with her parents, Mr. | and Mrs. Pengelly. Brooklin, Miss Kathleen Conlin, Oshawa, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Smith, En- Meeting closed with hymn and {spent the week-end at her home | field, were visitors at the home of Mr, 8, Conlin on Sunday. a --_--_E Lt Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Werry, Wm. and Robert recently visited at Mr, Wm, Batty's, Charles St., Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs, A. T. Stainton, John and Lloyd and Miss Lewis, Zion, were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ross Lee on Thursday, GOAL PRODUCERS Delicious Salada quality is an inexpensive luxury a companion car for the successful O OVE UP RIVER "SALAD A' Lower Monongahela Valley | T E A akland Six The New OAKLANDS CU SJ O MM Mma TREN 2 am 99 Simcoe St. South Tooay a new Oakland makes its sppearance. It is General Motors' newest eight-- companion car fo the successful Oakland Six. And this new car offers the superior performance of the eight without penally of price. For ifs cost.is excep- tionally low. SUPERIOR PERFORMANCE The New Oakland Custom Eight develops 85 horse- power and is the first stock car of ifs size and weight to employ so highly powered an engine. It produces one horsepower to 37 pounds of car weight. That's why no car near this Oakland's price is as fast . . why you can't pass it on the hills . . why it accel- erates so rapidly in traffic. Exceptional smoothness and flexibility are other outstanding characteristics of the New Oakland Custom Eight. It has all the freedom from vibration which results from the overlapping of power impulses inherent in eight-cylinder engine design. SOUNDLY DESIGNED Engineers whose experience in building eights goes back fo the designing of General Motors' first eight, in 1914, were responsible for the development of the New Oakland Custom cight. To this latest task they brought a wide knowledge of eight-cylinder design. It is reasonable fo expect that this companion car for the successful Oakland Six is renfarkably sound in design because of this fact. SUPERBLY EQUIPPED This new Oakland creation maiches performance unique in ifs field with truly de luxe features of equip- ment and appointment. The luxurious interiors are upholstered in a specially high grade of mohair. Decorative assist cords .. handsome chromium plated brightwork inside and out. . a folding centre arm rest provided in the sedan model for the convenience of rear seat passengers .. and a readily adjustable driver's seat enhance comfort and distinction. Non- shatterable Duplate glass is used throughout. A wide choice of beautiful color harmonies is provided. And standard equipment includes six wire wheels, two in fender wells; trunk rack; bumpers front and rear; four Delco-Lovejoy shock absorbers; spring covers, and safety lights on front fenders. PRICE MODERATE We believe you are going to like the New Oakland Custom Eight . . and that ils very moderate price will appeal fo you. A demonstration will reveal how well it merits the description, "the car of superior perfor- mance". The G.M.A.C. Deferred Payment Plan is a convenient method of purchasing this great new Oakland. Ask us about it. OAKLAN SIXES AN Ontario Motor Sales, OSHAWA, ONT. FTERWBECAUS F i nc cn ep ent | 2 a Sl a D ETGHTS Ltd. CANADIA Phone 900 Charleroi, Pa., ¥eb, 22.--The last vestige of the lower Monon~ gahela valley's predominance in production of bituminous coal has passed. | Wrecking crews of the Pittsburg Coal Company, under the direction of the U.S. Bureau of Rivers, have completed the task of removipg the famous Black Diamond tipple and abutments, The sixty-year old tipple was ordered removed after the mine was abandoned in 1927 Abandoned by Bituminous | Miners After Rich Harvest |["---------------- and the river abutments were de- { clared unnccessary obstructions to | | river traffic. ! |! When the harbor lines are clear- ed at the Black Diamond mine, | there will remain only two lower | Monongahela river tipples where | once twleye of the largest in the | country flourished. ! Since before the war, when an- | nually there were more than 20,-| 000,000 tons of coal taken from | the hills of the third and fourth | pool, each of the major combines | and leading companies have becn moving thelr mines further toward | the head of the Monongahela River | and now chief production is cen- tralized around the territory which Iles south of Charleroi. It ha | required less than 70 years to ol 1 | | | 1 | | haust the coal beds in the lower Monongahela river dis NOVASCOTIANS TO AGAIN TRY SEAL FISHERY | Two Canadian Sealers To! Sail From HaliHfax | Halifax, N.S., Feb, 22--The seal fishery successfully inaugurated in Nova Scotia last year will be con- tinued this scason, with the seal- ing steamers Vedag and MacHinery again sailing for the ice ficlds. The Vedas is scheduled to leave Hali- fax on February 27 for Louisberg to take on bunkers and complete her crew. A lack of suitable ships hag cur- tailed the number of sealers from Nova Scotia. If the Vedas returns with a full load of seals, one or two more boats will take up the in- dustry next year. The catches will be landed at North Sydney. Captain George A. Murley, of | Halifax, a veteran ice pilot and sealing skipper, will again be on the bridge of the Vedas. It will bo his seventeenth voyage to the sealing grounds. His soh, who has already made two trips of this kind, will be a member of the erew, The Vedas, now tied up here, is said to be in first class condi- tion, Captain Murley will take command on February 13 and eom-) plete final preparations, A party of 100 sealers from Newfoundland will join the Vedas at Louisberg. The MacHinery, owned by Captain Sylvested Dumphy, will embark from Ingonish, J. B. Mitchell, of Halifax, owns tho Vedas. Moving pletures of action on the fce pack will be taken from the | Vedas. | Officers sailing under Captain | Murley are: W. A. Robinson, Hal. | | {tax, Chief Engineer; Dan Mac- | Donald. of Prince Edward Island, Mate; John Vey, Greats Cove, | { Nfld.., Second Mate; all making | their second voyage in the steam- | RECILSFAST RUN OF 'SCEPTRE' Toronto Man. Tells of| | Twelve Days Passage Lun- enburg to Trinidad { Halifax, N.S, 22, --Claim- ing that-the passage of 13 days to | Barbados made recently by tern { schooner Charles and Vernon was | not a record from a Nova Scotia | port, Cecil Burke, of Torouto, an | old Nova Scotian, writes to the Halifax Herald to prove his state- | | ment, The letter reads in part: "May 1 cite one or two runs to | show that the 13-day passago of | the Charles and Vernon is not a re- cord or even a near record. Ou March 28th, 1906. the Edyth, a | tern schooner, with Captain Ben: jamin Ham, master, departed {rom Lunenbu in company With the Sceptre, brigantine, commanded by Captain Henry Burke. "On April. 7th the masters of the ships spoke to one another off { Carlyle Bay, Barbados, tho Jdyth arriving at Bridgetown on this date, 10 days {rom Lunonburg, while the Sceptre dropped her hook at Port of Spain, Trinidad, on April 9th, 12 days out. : "The Sceptre was an exception- ally speedy vessel, as will bo not- éd from the fact that she made Mayaguez, Porto Rico, thence to Turks Island for salt. arriving the date of departure. « On another occasion she made the fast time of nine days from St, Martin, Dutch West Indies, to Lunenburg. | rigged and not fore and aft, as in| Nipa SONOV, | "White Madopna," is the master | Hari, who gave her life to the cen- | | outside of the round trip from Lunenburg top back in Lunenburg 26 days from f{ "I believe these passages, fast ag they wore, have-been bettered 'Fresh from the gardens' ing an army of six million 'Whit Russians', young and keen, able an ready to fight. We make no noise about our plans, and we say little but when we have the money we need we will take efficient actioy against the Bolshevik forces." DOUKHOBORS ARE ADDRESS THEME | oer P. L. Jull Gives In. | teresting Talk to Brooklin League Brooklin, Feb. 19.--An interest. | ing program was given at the foung People's Loague T - MAJOR DREW THOMPSON | Soung Peoples Ee on Tues. Who is gentleman usher of the |, YoudinE. A oO sical gelection was black rod, a rank in the federal | given by a trio which wag mueh fouse of Parliament at Ottawa enjoyed. Rev. P. L. Jull gave an corresponding to sergeant-ats | { teresting talk on the Doukho- arms in the provincial legislature | or race, which was enjoyed by at Queen's Park, Ontario. | everyone. TITY Miss B, Allen, of North Bay, is visiting her sister, Mrs, C, New- by other ghips gailing out of Lun- enburg in the West Indies trade. | However, the Sceptre was quarter- | ton | H. Mackey is spending a few days with his sister, Mrs, S. DN, | Griffen, in Detroit, Mich, Under the auspices of the Wo erg, who, in tHe balm aye of 1 | men's Association, the- Young Peo hip and ab ple of King Street United Church to Nova Scotia | Oshawa, are presenting the drama which | *An Adopted Cinderella," in the Township Hall, on February 26. An enjoyable time was spent last ---------- Friday evening, when Miss Helen Neshitt gave a Valentine party. About thirty young people gather- ed together and enjoyed the even- ing with games and dancing. WHITE MADONNA DEFIES SOVIETS so sneer _ Master-Spy Only 25 Years| 'Bi Old -- Cares for Infirm | Husband ' REMARKABLE ESSAY the cases of the Edyth and Charles and Vernon, 'Let us remembey 16 old-timy by their fine to erack on an era of Maritime history will endure as loug a down to the sca in ship z license, Teacher -- Tommy, tell us what lie { you know about Abrabam Lincoln. y Tommy -- He was horn in a log -abin he had helped his father to Polojuief © Be £ a vast tion 1 exiled, ergies to ot pring the overthrow | --- my of the ed Governmer K dy 1 : oth | > am a eri ll A REAL TONIC} tor; hem the tragic Mata | Blonde Nina, a striking beauty of | the convent type, makes, almost | monthly pilgrimages "into Russia, | i working her way through the eel} LOW PRICE i} tral empires in the Id war, | barred .fronticrs. She has often car- ried. 'bundles of anti-Soviet 'propa ganda: néwspapers into Rusia tor circulation among the peasants in or- 'der to stir up revolt, \ . Her devotion to her camnse is both | mystic' and religious. She spuraed | advantageous offers of marriage and | finally married a compatriot who had | ep er S lain for ycars in twenty-six Soviet] prison was a captain of caval- PY ° ry, under the Czars, mm the famous 41 Caucasian division, known all. 'over I 0 JVer 1 Russia as the "si cavalry." ! The "White Ma Paris, bolstering Small size 95c¢. | Large size $1.50 ul * 1S now ih health of her husband, but carries on her | work by organizing the efforts of White. Russians to tface their abe ducted leader, General Koutepoff, Her , a tiny place at Boulogne f Paris, 1s a hotbed of sedi- tion---sedition against the government tf Red Russi. | Althoazh called the "White Ma- | donna," she is always, dresesd in | black, a black leather cloak and cap, under which peep her blonde curls when she travels, She is said to have safe travel as the same instinct for KARN"S a homing pigeon and travels hy in- stinct rather than by map. So far |]! Drug Store she has never gone wrong. Next P, O. Phone 378 "The whole world would help «us fight Bolshevism if they really knew We Deliver the truth about conditions 'in Rug sia, outside of Moscow and the few places fixed for tourists to sce," the "White Madonna" said "For six years we have heen form- Most Heat for the Money. CONGER"S high grade' fuels arg each selected for low'ash, long burn- ing and high heating efficiency. REGISTERED . Anthracite Coke Pocahontas Conger Lehigh Coal Co. Ltd 52 King St. J. H, R, LUKE Phones: 871.931-687W » Oshawa Manaser.

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