Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Feb 1930, p. 8

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=r -- -- . PAGE EIGHT -~ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1930 Hope to Solve Fate of Famous Franklin Expedition (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Ont., Feb, 21--For over {hree-quarters of a century the fate of Sir John Franklin, and. of the 128 officers apd mén of his ex- pedition, has been wrapped in mys- tery. Events of the past few months have given rise to. the hope that additional light may be shed upon the details of that heroic adven- ture, by the aid of documents and sketches which Hon, Charles Stew- art, Minister of the Interior, has acquired for the use of the North West Territories and Yukon Branch. , sir John Iranklin's expedition sailed into the Arctic in 1845 in :he two ships, Erebus and Terror. The ships were seen by a whaler near the entrance: to Lancaster sound on Juiy 26 in that year and from that time neither the ships nor any members of their crews were seen again by white men, In 1854 Dr. John Rae, an officer of the Hudson Bay Company. found v band of E 108 wilo said they pad seen white men travelling southward along the shore of King William island and that these men aad all died, In 1859 Captain Leo- pold M'Clintock found in a eairn at Victory point, near the north- west angle of King William island, a printed Admiralty form on the margin of which was written, over he siznatures of Captains Crozier and Fitzjames, the commanders of the two ships, a few terse but ex- oressive sentences, These conveyed the information that Sir John Franklin had died on June 11, 1847. that eight other officers and 15 men "had died, that the ships had Leen abondoned, and that the remainder of the expedition, 105 persons in all, would start the fol- owing morning (April 26, 1848) for Black River on the mainland. Although many other expeditions nave sought for ¥ranklin this is the only record that has been found of the ill-fated party. It has always been held by au thorities on exploration that portant records of the enpedition must have been deposited by the survivors beore the effort to reach civilization by way of Back river was begun, and that the most pro im- | terior would not at this late, date, be justified in equipping and send- ing out an expedition to search for the grave of Sir John Franklin but with the development of Canada's northland, departmental oflicers concerned with the care of the na- tive population, are coutinually patroiling through that portion of the Aretie and it would be an in- expensive matter for them to de- vote a little time to searching for records which would be of the greatest value to Canada and to the Empire, Therefore, when a short time ago, Hon. Charles Stew- art was appraised that documents were in existence which purported fo giye the location of Franklin's grave, he directed that the matter be carefully investigated, and as a result the papers and maps have been purchased for the Department, Tie papers consist of a lengthy manuscript accompanied by maps prepared, many years ago, from the statements of a member of the es- pedition spent the period from 1564 to 1869 in the north engaged in 4he search from Franklin, Ac- cording to the statement Hall's expedition "broke up in disorder tliat account this valuable mation. was lost to the head of the expedition. | For Your Drug Needs | THOMPSON'S -- We | 10 Simcoe St. S. Deliver aa Te SE SE Ss 4 TIME TABLES : ' ara lo we a a Ea a C. P, R. TIME TABLE Effective Jan, 9, 1930, (Standard Time) Going West (Except Sunda bable place was in the grave of the | leader, The Department of the In- ¥or location and surround- ings we offer for sale or ex- ~hange on the highway cle e to Oshawa, a beautiful 10 room, lovely shaded tourist st, home, all conveniences, bedrooms, ete. Double garage. large lot and frontage, to have this opportunity see DISNSY REAL ESTAT | | CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Jan, 5, 1930. (Standard Time) Eastbound exc (Opposite Post Office) d'housands Now Ect A Delightful Breakfast Food 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH . Machinery Repairing NOTHING P00 LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214 | , Diamonds! Bassett's On Oshawa's Man Corner COAL COAL "hone 193 W. J. SARGANT Yard---a9 Kloor "ireet EK. Orders Promptly Delivered Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after Sep). 29, 1929 Going West Leave Leave Arrive | Bowmanville Oshawa Whith: | ' 7.2 8 1 Arrive Hospital 11.00 p. i0 nm. 11.55 pu. Going East ave rrive Wihtby Oshawa 6.30 am, - 6. am Arrive Bowmanville Leave Hospital 0 nm. { or busses tw Whithy Hospital, | SUNDAY AND HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going Leave Lea Bowmanville O Arrive wa Whitby Hospital 10.00 a.n . ing East Teave Arrive Arrive Whitby Oshawa Bowmanville . Hrsnital 0.20 a.m, 1100 a.m, WATCHES OUR SPECIALTY It your watch is not giving satisfaction we can repair and make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Ofticinl Watch Inspector for Canadian National and Osh. 22 awa Railroads 10 King St. W. Phone. 180 Felt Bros. i! The Leading Jeweler Established 886 12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 11.70 pam, Timew=marl Whithv - Hospital, Special Busses For All Occasions Reasorable Rates and Careful Drivers T. A. GARTON, Proprietor Bowmanville Phone 417 or 846 Oshawa's Waiting Room. 10 Prince St, 2283 one - GRAY COACH LINES (Standard Time) Leave Oshawa Leave Toronto AM. P.M. M. WM. 3.0 230 4.20 5.30 6.20 15.30 pom, are through busses to d7 00 d7.30 B.30 9.30 10.30 11.50 P.M, 2.30 10, 1.30 cil a5 2.30 = d--Daily except Sunday, d7.3 f 7.0 £.30 0,20 16.36 11.30 P.M, 12.30 1.30 2.30 c--Sunday only. JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8213 SEALING SHIPS MAKING READY Newfoundland Fleet Wil! In- clude 12 Steamers St; John's Nfid,, Feb, 21---Pre- parations for Newtcundland's an- nual seal hunt are underway, The twelve steamens that will prosecute | sail the fishery tHis season will about Mareh 5. Under normal ice conditions, a successful trip is In- dicated by the number of seals seen along tho coast north of Twillin- gate, Last year many auxiliary schooners were late in sailing, and I'met with little success due to ex- | ham XKecan, Jr; Vikipg., Captain ceptionally heavy ice and gales. | Richard Badcock; Hagona (captain A. Harvey, of the Ontario Air undetermined. ) Service will pilot the Avro Avian It is un@®rstood * the steamer | plane used for spotting seals. ~L. | Kyle will be chartered by the Figh- ©. Caldwell. formerly engaged for | €rmen's Protective Union Shippir this work, was killed in an accident j Company, at Montreal last summer, | Captain W. Bartlett, veteran | | i { ALL LIT UP Halifax, N,S., eb. 21--8trayed of | iy ersity when ceutly were not pant. Tendency or irresponsibjlity excessive freedon:, sealing skipper. will not sail this | spring, The Thetjs, commanded by him last year, will be in chyrge ot | ¢ 5 Captain Sam Wilcox, of Brigus, Virom the oceay abysses where 1 or. Following are the steamers and | dinarily dwells, a specimen of the captains of this year's fleet. | Lantern fish, native to the decper! yi" 'Job Brothers ard Company: | water far off shore was recently oe Nascoplie, Captain Peter Carter: | brought to Halifax by a trawler Gnas Joe Neptune, Captain Stanley Barbour; | ing here and sent to the Fisheries Thetis, Captain Sam Wilcox: Bow- | Experimental Station. Whe fish, only ring Brothers: Imogene, Captain }sinx inches long, carries over 10 do- Albert Blackwood; Terra Nova, |zen little lanterns on its sides and Captain J. Parsons: Eagle, Captain | belly, cach little round spot zlowi Wes Kean; Ranger, Captain Abra- | in the dark like u firefly. 5 ; asked he and part. drMfving.--Boston Pos University Students Not Getting Flippant is becoming to or 1 . Toronto, Ont., Feb, 21---Students ~ lin Canadian universitics possess very { much the same characteristics as past { generations, Dean A. T. Delury, Un- Toronto, said more desire re- students flip- flippancy for believed, was to the large numbers in attend- the consequent that follows any unusual acts on their | publicity | SCORES AS ARTIST Charlottetown, P.E.T., Feb, 29 -- Attentioy is being drawn (to the Maritime Provinces as an art centre through the efforts of Migs Christine Chisholm, of New ( - gow. N.S., an ily ator of maga- zine stories, Miss ( bolm's work has attracted considerable atten: tion in Upper Canada and also in the Upited States, One of her out- staning efforts was the illustration of "The Witchery of Yule". by Laura Goodman Salverson. The | story appeared in a recent issue of a Canadian Magazine, { Tclephone service in British Col- J umbia will be further improved in This new device that lets the; 19350 by the expenditure of approx- voice control automobiles just adds pimately $5,000,000 tor new build- | ete, NICE TRON HOSSIE it "Hallo, where bave you been?! "To the .tation to ses my wif off for a month's holidays." 1 "But how black your hands are.| "Yes, I patted the engine." That the St. Lawrence Rivd route, as a means of entering d leaving Canada, is a popular on¢ will be seen in the fact that som! 190,000 passengers chose this rout! during the past year, : There were 51 new industrid! established in the province of Mail itoba during 1929. the 1930 pre gram for building of new plang and factories calls for an outla of approximately $5,000,000, thousand homesteads wer | Ten | one more to the perils of backseal ings, new equipmeny and new lines. t taken up in the upper Peace Riv¢ country during the past two.year}d ELLA CINDERS--Ready For the Fray EY Gc: ez, ; ar Cae -------- ve OC infor- | owing to internal troubles and on | | PHONE 2a OCCU LOC eOoO0CcO® OO ml . FREE THE SHIP'S "( oFricERs! THEN WELL FAVE PLENTY OF ROOM TO LOOK UP QWATTERS FIRST WE'LL [07 ARM CURSELVES BY FROMM THE GUN CABINET & Now AND USE THE MUTINEERS 1 van TARGETS | A WHAT THE FREEDC OF THE. SEAS NEB AND HIS MUTINEERS a SSN SN FEES SE " By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plum THIS MUTINY OR NEVER, WALK, THE. DESK, OF A SHIP ASAIN TELLING TOMMY HE IAS THE SAMUEL DE CHAMPLAIN, OF QUEBEC ANDALSO wong (C5700 FOUNDER . SAMUEL DE CHAAMPLAIN FROM CHAMPLANYS BOOK OF M/S TRAVELS PUBLISHED IN 1613, ---- PLAIN WAS BOR IH BROUAGE,A LiT- TLE TOWH ON THE BAY OF BISCAY IN 1567. HE WAS TRAINED IN THE PRINCIPLES OF NAVIGATION BY HIS FATHER,A SHIP CAP- TAI. HIS FIRST TRIP TO AMERICA WAS IN 1599 WHEN HE COMMANDED A SHIP VIHICH SAILED TO THE WEST INDIES. 1608 HE FOUNDED THE FIRST WHITE SETTLEMENT Of THE ST. LAWRENCE GIVING TITS PRESENT NAME OF QUEBEC. HELL, T LEARNED ABOUT CHAMPLAIN TODAY AND WHE I LEARN ANYTHING (Lo 1T ArAY., fi PLAY YOUR SAXOPHONE ! [Tr | | pies { DO SOMETH (1M GLAD MAGGIE 115, LETTING ME By Geo. McMan x [i [1 weLL, oo you | [mace - 1 nave [| GET A MAN {| LET OuT THE e I TO DO' THE || CONTRACT FOR || PLASTERING? | | PLASTER IN' | {| TO OINTY [T 7 | | | J J v1 Int'l Feature Service. It TT CE TH a n DRY " 0 LA L \ e.. Great Britain rights reserved DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE A. 7 © 180, King Featores & date, Ine. Great Brviiin righin reserved" © THE MEAN OLD THING= HE CHEATED us | Y = Wt. M THEY HAD NOT GONE FAR, WHEN THE DARK MAN JUMPED. CUT OF SOME BUSHES AND GRABS THE BAG OF GOLD ~ =o EE RT RT oT {| AH-HA = FINDINGS | | 15 KEEPINGS --By Grace G. Dray "YOUVE GOT Too MUCH MONEY. HE SAID - AND HE ToOoK HALF OF THE GOLD, OUT OF THE BAG = AND SENT THEM WEEPING ON THEIR WAY A RAINY DAY '- " ) 'NEVER MIND'~ SAID DoLLY- GOOSEY LAID ANOTHER GOLDEN EGG AND WE WILL SAVE IT FOR "THE Now, THE DARK MAN WANTED OTHER GOLDEN EGG- So WHEN DoLLy, BoBBY AND COMFY WENT FOR A WALK, HE CREPT INTO THE COTTAGE AND STOLE THE EGG R24 rE 4 -- ------ m----hi i TILLIE THE TOILER--A Smooth Argument ' <iroae yoo me mr ed pe A HE sr i ee tS te ye ep ee es Wp By Russ Westo [TELL ME, MAC EAHATT DO vor LTTriN. OF Tria I NEw € AR PAY OH YEH . \ ForGoT "THAT . BUT YoU MUST = gn RIDE (N = IT'S "THE SMO ie CTHESY ON \MHEELS How Do 7 1 now? i \ IT WENT By Me To FAST | DIDN'T Sed 8 a -- \ FRIEND © -- ble Bo | BW Kas Cons Bendiente, [oe GB THIS 'S MISS JO MR: BENNETT. COULD You BRING THAT PRGIFPERITY MoDEL RIGHT OVER TO THE OFFICE ZT WANT SOU "To DR\WE A NES ASAIN | \ HOME, MAC. (td > 9 3 ©. ' > CONTINUED VMON!'T LET You ALK NARROW ESCAPE ToDAY- IT YC A Ve You HAD ONE

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