Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Feb 1930, p. 6

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=) i ola k PACE ST? THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 1930 omen's Interests in the H ome --- and the Community "Arthur Beach, of Ottawa, is in town for aboutAiwo weeks. Mrs. A. Morison, Connaught St., 4s visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs, Lees, of Hamilton, is' the guest of Mrs, Wm. Karn, Bucking- | 'ham Manor. Mr. Robert Hollingsworth, Cereal, Alta, is in town visiting Mr. and "Mrs. R, Yousig, Frederick strect, Mes, T. C. Tice, formerly of Osh- awa, now of Toronto, is spending a few days here, the guest of Miss "Marion Felt, Simcoe street soutn. Mr. and Mrs. J. Beaton, Con- "payght street, are entertaining at X er before the Blue Devil Dance 'Yofmorrow evening. Mrs. C. Brent, of Detroit, Mich, ister of Mrs. W. H. Clark, Divi- "pion street, will be in town for the Blue Devil Dance tomorrow even- 41g and in her honor, Mr. and Mrs. | Clark are entertaining a few guests Splendid Program ™ at dinner before the dance. On Tuesday afternoon, Mrs, Ew- art McLaughlin lent her lome, 'Simcoe St. Nofth, for the regular afternoon bridge for the ladies of "one of the chapters of the Women's Welfare League. t f "ot . !.day, February 22. { Sill Mr. and Mre. John Pangman ve- turn today aftér spending the last | 'two weoks cruising in the Southern Beas with Mr. and Mrs. R. 8. Me- Laughlin and a party in their pri- Wate yatch. Miss Eleanor McLaughlin is in foronto and spending a great deal of time at the Eglington Hunt lub, where she is acting as sub $titute for one of the local polo feams. Mrs. Baggs, of Weston, accom- nied by her son. O. H. Bagg and fss Vera Bags, Miss Watts and Mr. Pollock were guests of Mr. @nd Mrs. Roy Bagg, Oshawa Blvd, on Sunday last. The many friends of Mrs. Wil- Siam Wallace will be pleased to hear that she-is progressing favorably after an operation for appendicitis, §n the Oshawa General Hospital, Monday the members of Christ Church, A.Y.P.A,, had an excellent 'practice on their operetta, "The jum of Bagore," which they are going to produce some time in the spring. Those members taking rt thoroughly enjoyed them- elves in rehearsing this delight- ful operetta, Nest Monday even- ing the regular meeting of the as- 'pociation will be 'held. fhe combined Alumnae Chapter Ontario Ladies' College, are 'olding their annual luncheon at a King Bdward Hotel, on Satur The presidents speak, conveying greetings the chapters they represent. will be a number from Oshe awa attending. The Daughters of England held a SVhist Drive on Tuesday evening. There were fifteen tables playing. $rhe ladies first prize was won by Mrs. Liveeney, second by Mrs, Bar- ten and the third by Mrs. Mc- Naught, Mr, Rowe won the special jze and Messrs, Davis, Corden and ee the three gentlemen's prizes. On weddbsday evening Mis Helena Dunford, McLaughlin Blvd., entertained the girls of her Sunday Sehool Class of North Simeoe Unit- ed Church. Games were played and See Our New Line of Spring Dresses & Millinery at the FASHION SHOPPE 84 Simcoe St. 8, | | Kear Cor. 1 | \|gram was a 'Mock Court," where a dainty lunch was served. 'The ta) 'were prettily decorated with and red candles. - Before the end of the evening the young girls tendered a vote of thanks to their teacher for givipg them Such a pleasant parly. Wednesday: being the occasion of Mrs. Gutsele's birthday, about twen- J} ty of the members of the Daughters of England paid her a sufprise visit, The evening was spent in playing games and cards. During the course of the evening Mrs. Fitches present- ed Mrs. Gutsole with a gift on be- ments were served by \some of the ladies, after which all Int fpr their homes. bl half of the other [AC Refresh. Here is an interesting photograph | showing Alastair MacDonald, son INDOOR PICNIC Dancing After - | One of the organizations ju the city, the members of which are al- ways sure of a good time in a so cial way is the Order of Chosen Friends. The leaders always seem to be staging things that are novel and most entertaining. Last even« ing was the second ocedsion for lodge mémbers of an Indoor Pics nic. There were one hundred and fitty present in the club rooms. A splendid program had veel arranged which ened with com- munity singing lead by Mr. and Mrs. Henning. Dr. Carr welcomed the guests in a brief speech. ¥Fol- lowing this Mrs. A. W. Bell outlin- ed the work of the Chosen Friends, Mrs. Kirkbridge rendered a pleas~ ing vocal solo, and another solo was sung by little Miss Joyce Marks. The feature of the pro- a scene in the Oshawa Police Court was humorously depicted. Mr. Garside took the part of the judge and the other characters were, plaintiff, Mrs. Dell, prisoner, John Roscoe, and officer, Francis F. Lee. John Pollock and G. Lacas did a little skit entitled ** Farm Life," Other numbers on the program were a recitation by Miss Marion Stephenson, a recitation by Mrs. Dell, and a whistling solo by Ma- dame Marice, This last was some- what of a novelty and was well re- ceived. Orland Lint took charge of the contest which provided a great deal of fun. Miss Ruby! Black was the prize winner, { The serving of refreshments was | in charge of Miss Freda Davis, Af- ter the picnic there was daneing and music was provided by George Norrish and Robert Nichol. | Man's Poor Back | Lame and Aching Some backs ache all dey long a steady aching soreness--it seems to the man afflicted that at times his back was breaking! When you come home from work at night with a back so sore, lame and weak that you feél mighty suré you won't be able to go to work in the morning--DO THIS: Get someone to give it a good rubbing with Joint-Ease--a sooth- ing, penetrating, pain subduing, wonder working emollient that gets right under the gkin--right where the muscles are inflamed and sore. Then forget your troubles and | zo to sleep. { Unless you're different from oth- er men you'll wake up in the morn- ing with a back free from aches, pains, stiffness and misery-~ana you'll go to work with a grateful | heart and tell your friends about | the mighty swift acting power of Joint-Ease. { Joint-Hase is made right here in Canada and it's just as good for lumbago too--a generous tube for | 60 cents at Jury and Lovell, Ltd. and druggists everywhere--Guar- | anteed. J Dytint delights every first «time user with its lovely colour effects. . Colour with life in it--a delicate brilliancy that / v 7 | "delights you with its real beauty. That is what Drytdint gives you every time. Made in Canada. Years. nd ca Ki y healed." Very Itchy Pimples on Face For Ye ealed by Cuticura. "For years | was troubled with Jas were bard, large and red an ot Hy EE two boxes Lola Love, Ridgedale, Saskatchewan. J adact affected my face. Some of them , and at times were very itchy. without success. I sent for a free sam. t and after using it purchased m and blackheads. The pim- ore. using the, ent I was it was of Premier Ramsay MacDonald of Gt. Britain, and Mary Pickford, on the occasion of the former's visit to the United Artists' Studios, at " Hollywood recently, when he saw | | talking films in the making.--Pho- tograph by the Feature Productions | Inc., United Artists' Studios, Holly- | wood, Calif, i i WOMEN'S CORNER] OUR PLAYROOM It's strange that what is taken Inside our playroom door Is sure to turn to something It never was before. My Grandma's shawl, like any Old fashioned shawl, of course, Becomes a tent tor gypsies And every chair a horse. The bed and crib are wagons In which we children race, Or else they're puffing stn Jats From some queer foreig ce. And when we go a-fishing Our pole is papa's cane, And all the floor is water-- Till we get home again, ! Evening Cape | Mink fashions a new evening cape that is very illuminous, has a huge rolling collar and is the new Short { length, It is lined with golden vel- vet. Skating Outfits Brown tweed, flecked with burnt orange, and burnt orange jersey fash ion a stunning skating outfit with short coulette skirt, fitted short jac. ket and tuzk-in blouse of jersey. ea -- |] Wool Lace | A jaunty little tonfato red flapne! suit for sportswear has its coat's edge, it's cuffs, collars and skirts hem. finished in punchwork lace made tight in the fabric. | | | One Up and One Down By Thornton W. Burgess What seems disaster it is in May prove to be the vietim's gain. ~--~Heoeoty the Owl Hooty the Owl and Mrs. Hooty weie having more difficulties this year than éver before in raising a family, You see, one of the babies was in the nest and one was on the ground. Mrs, Hooty had thought that this one had tumbled froin the nest, as she had scolded him right well for his carelessness, But he hadn't tumbled from the nest. No sir, he hadn't tumbled from the nest! He had been pushed out of the nest by his greedy and selfish sister. She didn't seem a bit sorry either. Prob ably she thought that now she would get all the food, Mrs. Hooty, however, thought dif. ferently, She had no intention of al- lowing the little fellow on the ground to suffer if she could help it. So she fed him down there. In fact, she paid very little attention to the greedy ssitre up in the nest. She left Hooty himself to look after that ome, It seemed us if she hunted twice as hard for the little fellow on the ground. There was no danger of his going hungry. Sammy Jay spent a lot of time watching, but taking great care that neither Hooty nor Mrs, Hooty should know what he was about, Once when neither of them were around Sammy fletv down and alighted on the ground near the little Owl. But he didn't stay there long. Sammy told Mrs. Sammy about it afterward. he. "He is the most savage youngster I ever saw. his bill at me and threw himself on his back and struck at me with his Jacket Suit Leads Daytime Mode =~ chic to wearer with tuck-in Province |, In Tweed, Silk Crepe, Wool Crepe Price, or Jerse: By ANNETTE . » The model blouse and becoming jabot collar, '| Tuesday | Darling, (Weak After Operation Weddings | COOK--~1'00TE On Saturday, February 15, at 7 | p.m. a pretty quiet wedding was | golemnized at the residence of tuo | Rec. Wetts, Long Branch, Ont, when Margaret Foote, of Long Branch was united in marriage to Alfred Cook, of Oshawa, Miss Iona | Foote, sister of the bride, was at-| tending ber sister, and Clarence | Keith acted in the capacity of best | man, After the ceremony the | happy couple left on a short trip by motor and on their return will | reside in Oshawa. ° CORRECTION | © An error was made in yesterday's | paper in the report concert at St. Andrew's Church om Tuesday evening, Mr. and Mrs Jack Reid and Mr. Toaze are not "4 After having an operation, | was very miserable, weak, nervous and very near unfit to work. I saw Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound | advertised and tried it and believe it | | helped me wonderfully. I have no | weak spells any more, the pains have left me and my nerves are much bets | | | ter. 1 feel safe in saying Lydia E | * { Pinkham's medicines have helped | me wonderfully."--=Mrs, Wm. H. | Beechusller, Box 143, Port Colborne, | Omearia, "HET. 0 7 PLAY PRESENTED AT S. SIMCOE Under the auspices of South Sim- | coe Home and School Assotiation | a coneert was put on in the school auditorium by the Tuxis group of King Street United Church, on evening. "Mother Mine" was the name of the three act com- edy that was put on. It was an ex- tremely humorous play and every part was well done, Those who took roles in the ply wero Mada- line Tolley, Bernice McQuade, Ismg Barker, Dorothy McMullen, Thelma Hazel Holmes, Harold Barker. Albert Walker, Ross Swit- Kddy, Clayton Long, Gordon Whaitly. Between acts Norman Williamg and Miss Mar- garet MéFadyen played piano aum- bers. The hall was filled to the doors and the audience was mgQro than pleased with the production. zer, William Wide bands of tulle, somctimes pleated but more often cut to fit the skirt's curve, used 'to lengthen arc [last year's party Frocks. iclawd. ® He is a little savage. Yes, sir, that it what he is--a regular lit- tle savage. He didn't scem to be any the worse for his tumble from the nest. 1 believe he is growing fast- cr than the other one now. Probably Mrs. Hooty thinks all the him because he did tumble nest," The littl doing very land very comiortabl neath a little hemlock tree. In fact, he was warmer there than he had bedn up in the nest, Ie wasn't old from the w on the ground was He had a sheltered place under- mother. Mrs. Hooty did worry sone. 'was "away hunting food. You sce, | "You should have seen him," said | He hissed and snapped | illustrated is decidely | The jacket and skirt with tight hip band buttoned at side are of feather weight tweed in orangey-xed The tuck-in blouse of eggshell silk tones. | crepe printed in red polka dots uses] plain red crepe for bow tie and for piping of Vionnet neckline, Horizontal tucks across centre front of the bodice are decorative, This jaunty outfit Style No. 389 is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 30, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. You'll find it extremely casy to make, The straight jacket is nierely closed at sides and shoulders, = The fronts are underfaced and the col- lar is stitched at neckline. Only two major parts to blouse! 'The skirt is seamed and stitched to hip yoke. For active sports, wool jersey is smart' in soft brown shade with blouse in chartreuse green lacy weave jersey, Printed crepe silk with plain crepe, and plain flat crepe with contrasting shade blouse are practical and smart for general wear, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps oz coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully. : We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents ad- ditional for a copy of otir ney Spring Fashion Magazine, jusy off the press. PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON | Te The Oshawa Daily Times Patterns Department, Oshawa, Out, Enclosed Rnd ..oveiriiniinnene.ais cuts Please seud patterns lisied Yelow: eebiiee OE uvie evrussanaserarancraraseas BIZ sop nnae Jeranisnnanis sete / RELY call. cols, Wrap coin Send stamps of | He hissed and snapped his bill at me there was always the chance that Reddy Fox might come along, or Yowler, the Bobcat, or ©1d Man Coy- ote, She knew that any ene of them would be very glad to tng young Owl for dinner, So she Ns hurried as soon as she could. And always s the young Owl safc. One reason for this was that Man Coyote, Yowler the Bobcedt and Reddy IFox as a rule kept away trom knew that there was not likely to be anything to catch over there. They knew that with Hooty and Mrs, Hooty hunting both night and day, there was little likelihood of finding anything to eat very near that nest. So they didn't waste time going over! there, which was just as well for the | little Owl on the ground. a So, with one up and onc Hown, | Hooty and Mrs. Hooty found their! family cares « greatly increased. It] was just twice as hard to keep watch | of the babies separated as it would have been with the babies together in the nest. Meanwhile the one on | the ground was gtowing faster than} the one in the nest, There was no doubt about it. Perhaps this was be- | cause it got the choicest bits. Cer- tainly, he had lost nothing by being pushed out of thie nest by his greedy sister. And she on her part had glined nothing. In fact, she had Feally lost, which is quite as it should e (Copyright, 1930, T. W. Burgess) | The next story: "Bowser Makes al Find," | : 0 more of | enough 10 worry, He left that for his | She always worried a little while she that part of the Green Forest. They | from 'Toronto as the Times had it, | but rather they are members of St. | {Andrew's Church choir. | | Mr. and Mrs. Ross MacKinnon | |are among those who are entertain- | {ing at dinner tomorrow evening | prior to attending the Blue Devils' | Dance. Mr. and Mrs. W. M, Robertson entertained a number of guezis at |a dinner party last evening | BLACK FOR EVENING { Black i rong in the evening | | group pes and chiffon | gowns which are sometinies effective 84 i accompanied by light wraps, as 1 | for example, turquoise velvet in a| jacket in two-thirds length, or a siti- { Har length in a pink satin wrap | 'Eczema Goes Or Money Back Thousands of people who suffer from itching skin, eczema and un slightly eruptions will be glad to know that Moone's Jimerald Oil, a clean, powerful, penetrating anti-| septic ofl, will banish their trou- ble in seven days or less, | For years they have been using | ointments and salves, and while they helped 'to relieve the itching, | soreness and pain they often chok- jed the pores and did not allow thi | poinsonous matter to escape. : | Moone's Emerald Oil (fu strength) overcomes this objectior for this oil penetrates down | through the pores and leaves them free to discharge all poisonous se- cretions, It is highly concentrated. | and jonly a few drops are required | {at an application. You can get it | {at Jury and Lovell, Ltd. or 4 | progressive druggist's and if it | doesn't end your trouble in seven | | dayse=money gladly returned---di-| | rections on each bottle. : given of el | | YOUR miDBIES ARE ALWAYS BRIGHTER THAN MINE, HELEN! WHY, THIS IS AN OLD ONE FROM LAST YEAR. I'VE JUST WASHED IT IN RINSO SUDS THAT'S FUNNY, MY MIDDIES ALWAYS GET YELLOW AND DINGY FROM WASHING . . . Sa ve scru b bi SO DID MINE~UNTIL MOTHER CHANGED TO RINSO, IT WASHES CLOTHES SNOWY WHITE ing and bo ces by changing to Ringo # ore actug| Its suds €s the ha Guaranteed @® lv Brothers tker of The dirt lothes bit of harg ad last Son 8 wash ra whiter, "5, Compa Washing are thie fer Wash, ct, Zranulated than light. ' creamy, nds, togeihy..: et the BIG hoc oS. Not in hot uschold Package. AE | i h A roe oe-- ABY'S FOOD is of first import- ance. So nurse him if you can. If that is not pos- sible put him on the food that has been used with success for countless thousands of babies since 1857-- EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK Pure, easily digested, always the same, it is the safe food for bottle~fed infants and is highly en- dorsed by leading doctors. Feedings are easily prepared; directions on every can. Sold by all grocers. FREE Two books every mother will love to have, "Baby Welfare' and "Baby Record Book". Mail coupon today. THE BORDEN CO. LIMITED, Dept. A, 140 St. Paul Street West, Montresl Please send me free Baby Boks,

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