News While It Is News" The Oshawa Daily Times | Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer A Growing Newspaper in Published at Oshawa. Ont. Canada Every Day Except Sundays and Public Holidays OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1930 15 Cents a Week; 3 Cents a Copy TWELVE PAGES VOL. 6--NO. 42 : \ + News in Brief \ ) © (By canadian Press) & tte a bo J PTT TreTree Three Rescued From Plane . Vancouver.--Captain G. H. Mac- kenzie, pilot, and T. B, Coughlan and Captain H. Lind, passengers, escaped through the cabin door and climbed on top of the large wing when ga seaplane of the Alaska Washington Airways, Limited, lost a pontoon and started to sink while taking off from Vancouver for Victoria. They were rescued by a motor boat. * * ¥ Principal is Appointed Winnipeg.--Archdeacon R. B. McElheran, rector of St. Matthew s Anglican Church here, has been appointed Principal of Wycliffe College, Toronto, of which he is a graduate, He succeeds Rev. Dr. T. R. O'Meara, who died after mak- ing a world tour of Anglican mis- sions. * ¥* % * . Severe Landslide Vancouver.--Heavy rock, snow. landslides and extensive washouts in British Columbia have entirely disrupted Canadian Pacific Rail- way services in and out of Van- couver, $x * % Seriously Injured Toronto.-- Bewildered by the traffic on Danforth Avenue last night, Edith May Irons, eight years, of 163 Hillingdon Avenue, was knocked over by a truck when she hesitated and ran back from the centre of the street. She lies in Toronto East General Hospital with a fractured skull and a broken leg and may Ai0t recover. © Admits Murder Attempt Sudbury.--Tony Kostuk, who pleaded guilty to the attempted murder of Mary Lydik, his com- mon law wife, was sentenced yes- terday to five years in Portsmouth Penitentiary. % * * New Speed Record Jacksonville Beach, Fla.--Louls Schoenair, Akron, Ohio, pilot, set a new world's record of 185,452 miles per hour for a passenger plane carrying a 500 kilogram lead over a 100 kilometer course. Ld Ld Ld Remains on Way Home Montreal.--Local agents of the Cunard line stated today that the steamer Alaunia bearing the body of Hon. P. C. Larkin, late Cana- dian high commissioner to Loa don, is due to dock at Halifax next Saturday morning. Ld » Royal Wedding Postponed Bucharest.-- Postponement of the wedding of Princes Ileana of Roumania and Count Alexander Von Hochbere is the only official answer in Roumania to reports that their engagement, which the Princess herself announced some weeks ago, had been broken off definitely. . ie Liquor Cars ured Sarnia.--A liquor caravan with an estimated value of $16,000, car- ried in eight automobiles was in- tercepted on the ice of the St. Clair River between Port Lambton and Marine City Jesterday. 'Prosecutors Named Ottawa.--Arthur G. Slaght, K. C.. and James C. McRuer, K.C., outstanding Toronto barristers, have been appointed prosecuting ol for the Government in the C. cases, Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice, announced ycs- terday. * * 1 Work Started Laying of concrete foundations of the new great lakes nal 'at Prescott is under way. Both the Canadian Pacific and Canadian National Railwys have completed the laying of the branch lines from the main line to the terminal so that the contractors are running concrete in as speedily as possible. _ >. Explosion Kills Five Elizabeth, N.J.--Five men were killed and sixty injured, more than a score critically, in the explosion of gas that escaped from a maze of coiled pipes late yesterday at the Bayway refining plant of the Standard Oil.Company. Most of the injured 'were burnca about the face and hands, and doctors feared some would lose their eyesight. A brief statement by general manager of the plant, sai e blast was caused by the ruptu got a "gas line". Receives Minister oy © King received Colonel the mn. J. L. Ralston Canadian Minister of National De- fence, and chief Canadian delegate to the naval conference. at Buck jngham Palace yesterday. Colonel Ralston inspected the models for the Canadian Great War memor- ial to be erected at Vimy Ridge. 1d Die of Burns Toren rae about the head and body ¥ day when her dress became ign from a gas jet, Evelyn Head, 8, died in hos- pital today. z WEATHER Pressure continues low to the northward over the greater part of Canada and high over the southeastern states, Except for some districts of Eastern Canada the weather has been fair in all provinces with ris- ing temperature, Forecasts: Lower Lake Re- gion, Ottawa and Upper St. Lawrence Valleys--Southwest winds; fair and mild _t and Thursday. NAVAL GONFERENGE 15 Whitby Prisoner Wins His Appeal Derrick and Machinery Scattered Far and Wide Over District by Force of Explosion CREW AT WELL HAD MIRACULOUS ESCAPE One Thousand Quarts of Nitro-Glycerine Exploded at Well of the Imperial Oil Company (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Feb. 19.--Shaking the Turner oil field for miles, a pre- mature explosion of 1,000 quarts of nitro glycerine early today com- pletely wrecked royalite 23 well of the Imperial Oil Company, and scattered the derrick and machin- ery far and wide over the district. A private message to Solloway Mills & Company today says: Fire followed the explosion and the machinery is a total loss. The tools are still in the hole. Resi- dents of the valley described the sudden crash in vivid fashion. A "gizzling sound" gave warning of the approaching explosion, and the six man crew of the well promptly ran to a safe distance. They were knocked over by the impact, and while badly shaken, did not sustain serious injury. ELECTION DATE LIKELY T0 DFPEND ON CONFERENCE Imperial Gathering May Be Held in London This Fall Ottawa, Feb, 19.--Particular in- terest attaches to the announce- ment from London that the Imper- fal Conference will be held this autumn in view of election possi- bilities. It has been rumored on a number of occasions that the Cana- dian Government would go to the country this fall, but announce- ment of the conference casts doubt upon such forecast. It 1s under- stood here the presence of the prime minister will be essential at the conference in London, conse- quently if an election {is to take place this year, it must be before the opening date of the conference, or after the conference is over. The latter would mean a pretty late election date, Toronto, Ont.--The Board . of Contro ltoday struck the 1930 tax rate at 31.80 mills. which com- pared with 81.50 last year, and 31.80 in 1928, Captain Protects Ship From Pirates Astoria, Ore., Feb. 19.--Stand- ing a lonely watch on his ship to protect it from bands of smatl boat pirates, - Captain Charles C. Gra- ham, alone remained aboard 'the stranded coastal liner Admiral Ben- son today. The last of the crew came ashore in a lifeboat yesterday. Plans to refloat the vessel were be- ing discussed today by salvage men, EXPLOSION WAS FOLLOWED BY FIRE, BUT NO LIVES WERE LOST IN DISASTER DOMINIONS WILL. GATHER IN LONDON SEPTEMBER J Australia Learns Date Set for Empire Trade Discussions (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Melbourne, Australia, Feb. 19.--It was officially announced in Australia today that the Imperial Conference would open on Sept. 3, in London. The Imperial Conference, usually held every three years, was post- poned a year ago in view of the then unsettled state of British politics and the British Labor government's en- deavors td arrange the present naval conference, The British Government last July announced it was inviting the Dom- inions to attend an Imperial Confer- ence at which the chief subject for discussion will be ways and means of extending and developing Inter- Empire trade. At that time the Labor government expressed the view that extension of the Imperial Tariff Preference sys- tem was not the best method of fos- tering Empire trade. The conference will be practically simultaneous with the gathering of the Chamber of Commerce of the British Empire, to be held in Lon- don next October. New Slump in Wheat Prices Report From London Causes Sharp Drop at Winnipeg (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Winnipeg, Man., Feb, 19.-- Reacting violently to sugges- tions in a special despatch from London that Canadian Wheat Pool official are re- turning from London "disap- pointed men' after failure to reach any agreement with British government heads, wheat slumped to bottom levels for the year today, A few minutes from the close the wheat market was off 634 cents a bushel. At the close net losses. were 414 conts to 2% cents. Deportee Allowed To Return To Canada (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Niagara Falls, Ont, Feb. 19.-- Walter Lee, Kingtson, ordered de- ported from United States several months ago but unable to enter Ca- nada when the authorities refused his readmission, saw his mother last night for the first time in six years. He was allowed to return to Canada when inetrcession was made on his behalf 'to the authorities at Ottawa. British sportsmen are known the world over, we are told--In fact, a young blood has declared his inten- tion of travelling to Chicago for the shooting, (By Thos. T. Champion, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) London, Feb. 19.--~Concrete plans for support of the new party by Lord Rothermere, an appeal for liberal support from Rt, Hon. C, A. Me- Curdy, former chief Liberal whip, outtpourings of ridicule from the La. bor press and a total lack of infor- mation as to how the Dominions themselves view the whole scheme, 'marked today's developments in the growth of Britain's youngest party, the *United Empire Party. The official Conservative press f- fuses to give any particular promin- ence to news about the formation of this party which comprises Lord Georgian Southwest winds; mostly fair and mild today and Thursday. Beaverbrook's greatest effort to fur- Varied Views Expressed On Beaverbrook's Policy ther his campaign for free trade with in the Empire and a tariff barrier against all foreign nations, At the same time, the Conservative attitude towards the movement is on the whole respectful, | But there is something Gilbertian in today's. announcement that Sir John Ferguson who was elected as a Conservative and Empire free trader for Twickenham when the holder of the seat, Rt. Hon. Sir William Joyn- son-Hicks, was elevated to the peer- age last year, declines to joi} the new party, He will remain a mem- ber of the Conservative party, belie- ving the views he holds on Empire development can be surtied out bet- ter within the party fhan outside it. Alberta Oil Well Wrecked By Terrific Explosion & J. C. ROSS Who have been appointed by Gen- eral Motors of Canada, Limited, to the positions, respectively, of mana- ger of dealer finance and busi sales pr mana- ger, and manager of passenger car W. C. HERRING W. C. MARSHALL fleet sales. These are new positions which have been created in the head office here, and the three men have been promoted from other posts in the Oshawa head office. Mail Plane Burned; Passengers, Mail Saved (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Saint John, N.B.,, Feb, 19.--A Canadian Airways mall plane en route here from Moncton on the way to Montreal was forced down on the Kennebecasis River ice this morning. took fire and was de- stroyed. The mail was saved, The pilot and mechanic escaped injury, Will Develop Felspar Mines Cleveland Interests To Estab- lish Plant at Brockville (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Brockville," Feb. 19.--Clevelana interests, it was announced here to- day, will establish a plant here within a short period of time tor theg rinding of felspar with which to cater to both the domestic and foreign trades and eventually will open a further plant for the manu- facture of tile and similar products. The concern, to be known as the Felspar Company of Canada, is con- nected with plants in Cleveland and Warsaw, N.Y, and is controlled by A. H. Martin, of Cleveland. A fac. tory will beb uilt immediately on a site adjacent to the industrial area and the raw felspar will be obtain- ed in Hastings and Lanark counties, OTTAWA FEFLS SLIGHT DUAKE Suburbs Report Loud Rumblings Early Today (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Ont,, Feb, 19.--Slight earthquake rumblings discernable to residents of Ottawa suburbs were registered on the Dominion Observatory seismograph early this morning, Starting at 6.38 o'clock Eastern Standard Time, the tre: mors continued to record at the observatory for 15 seconds. Early risers of the town of Westboro, four miles west from the heart of the capital reported hoar- ing loud rumblings similar to claps of thunder at the time the quake registered on the seismograph. Residents of Brittania village, a fow more miles westerly, .also heard the crash, No reports of damage had been received up until noon. FILL TUBS WITH SAND CONTAINING GOLD (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Anderson,' Ind., Feb. 19.--Re- ports emanated yesterday from Chesterfield/ a village five miles east of Anefson, that sand from the farm of Cecil Bronnerberg, which has been used in construction of several county highways, has as- sayed more than $30 to the ton in gold. Village residents last night pressed into service baskets, bags and wash tubs to carry the soil to their homes. COMMUNISTS ARRESTED (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Boston, Mass, Feb. 19.--Two men and nine women were arrest. ed here this morning as police broke up a demonstration of strik ing communist garment workers in the vicinity of the Cloak Manu facturers' Association headquarters in Kneeland Street. CONVICTION QUASHED FOR JAIL ESCAPE Fred Plewes Successful In His Appeal to Osgoode Hall (Special to The Times) Toronto, Feb. 19.--Convic- tion was quashed and a new trial ordered at hearing of appeal of Fred Plewes, former Brown's Bread vendor, in first divisional court at Osgoode Hall today from a conviction registered against him by Magistrate Willis on a charge of attempting to escape from Whitby Jail. Toronto, Feb. 19~~Fred Plewes, former bread vendor, appealed to the first divisional court at Osgoode Hall today from a conviction registered aganist him by Magistrate Willis on a charge of attempting to escape from Whitby Jail. The sentence imposed was two years in Portsmouth penitentiary to run concurrently with a three year term for house breaking which was quashed two weeks ago by the Ap- peal Court, Plewes took the stand in his own defence and told the court he had tried to live a straight life since lea- ving the penitentiary three years ago. He said he had had nothing to do with the jail breaking, "Give me a new trial," he pleaded, "if necessary 1 can produce a jailer who overheard a conversation which cxonerates me," he said. "I have worked with the Farmers' Dairy and Caulfield's Dairy in Toronto and was dismissed tor no reason at all, When I went to Brown's bread some people tried the same thing but 1 was not dismissed then," . When the prisoner' continued to re- fer to his previous record and de- sire to repent, W, B. Connor for the Crown remarked significantly that if he was compelled to do so he could read the accused's former record. "It is a very interesting one," he added, The court reserved judgment until this afternoon. SHRINERS HOLD MEET IN COLORADO CITY (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Denver, Feb, 19.--Red fezzes and gay costumes of the moslem world were everywhere in evidence in Denver today as members of the an- clent Arabic order of nobles of the mystic shrine opened the three-day twelfth annual convention of the shrine directors' association of North America. Hundreds of dele- gates are here from the United States, Canada, Mexico and Hawalil. Divorce cases in America. are be- ing kept out of the newspapers, it is reported --~So now the film actres- ses are thinking of staying married. Curling at Toronto In the competition for the Wrig- ley trophy at the Toronto curlin bonspiel today, first round, Dr, lenry's rink defeated F. H, Ech- lin, of Thornhill, 15 to 12 and W, A, Coad"s rink lost to H. H. Chisholm, of Toronto Victorias, 11 to 7, In the Sieberling Trophy, second round, B. E. Hall, Kitchener beat L. R. Luke, Oshawa, 13 to 12, Nine Persons Killed In Mine Explosion (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Athens, Greece, Feb, 19.-- Nine persons were killed and a number of others injured in an explosion which today destroy- ed the powder works and munitions depot at Liosia, sub- urb of Athens, Fire which followed the explosion finally was extinguished, The depot contained 200,000 hand grenades, all of which were destroyed. Complete de- tails were not immediately available but authorities saw no reason to suspect incendiar- ism, H. RAVINSKY IS GIVEN REPRIEVE Arrest of Another Man Brings Stay of Execution Ottawa, Feb, 19.--Herman Rav- insky, 23, of Hamilton, sentenced to die at Regina shortly after mid- night for murder, was snatched from the gallows last evening when Hon. Ernest Lapointe, Minister of Justice, announced a reprieve un- til March 11, Ravinsky was to die for the mur- der of David Kates, 22, slain in the sand dunes near Gull Lake, Sask. on June 9, 19,8. Kates, also known as Katz, was a former resident of Picton, Ont., and was a clothing salesman for a Toronto firm, The gallows had been set up and Arthur Ellis had arrived to carry out the execution when word of the reprieve was flashed last night. Nova Scotia, believed to be mysterious "Jimmy Brown", Ravinsky claims committed murder, resulted in the reprieve. Ravinsky's family lives at 87 Locomotive Street, Hamilton. St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto. Oppose Treaty Water Diversion at Niagara Falls (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Washington, tion was manifest today before the senate foreign relations committee diversion of water at Niagara Falls without a decision. Power provisions of the treaty are being considered carefully, as- interested in the St, Lawrence River canal project. STEAMER CONTINUES day by the lighthoyse department. List of In Explosion (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) list of dead among the of the Standard Oil Company flame and tumbled them scraffolding rose to ten today. critically injured, blinded for life. they were married.~Montreal Star, United Empire party will, witihn a to Regina Arrest of another man at Syaney; ne who the Kates' father and mother reside at Picton while a brother, Jack Kates, operates a clothing store at 1246 With Canada U.S. Senators Object To Feb. 19.--Opposi- to the treaty with Canada for the and once more the pact went over pecially by a number of westerners TRIP AFTER COLLISION St. John's, Nfld., Feb. 19.--The Danish steamer Emilie Maersk, 1,~ 347 tons, en route to Gloucester, collided at 7 a.m. with wreckage or ice fifty miles west of Cape Race, breaking a hole in the port bow and forepeak, but temporary repairs were made and the steamer is proceeding to her destination, ac- cording to a message received to- . Rises to Ten Elizabeth, N.J., Feb. 19.--The victims lying in Elizabeth hospitals today as the result of an explosion of naptha which enveloped more than 60 workmen at the Baywa Telinely n from A scoro remained on the rolls «J of the many of the survivors were feared and Little did our grandparents think the day would ever come when young people wouldn't live at home until ADJOURNED FRENCH TANGLE RESULTS IN DECISION T0 HOLD UP WORK OF NAVAL PARLEY ROTHERMERE AIDS BEAVERBROOK IN HIS EMPIRE PLAN Believes New Party Will Be- come Powerful Political . Force (By Thos. T. Champion, Canadian Press Staff Correspondent) London, Feb. 19.--"I believe the few weeks, become the most power- ful political force in Great Britain." With this unequivocal prediction, Lord Rothermere, whose name with that of Beaverbrook, has become al- most synonymous with the power of the British press, arrays himself be- hind Beaverbrook and. his new-born party dedicated to the furtherance of the Empire Free Trade crusade. Writing under his own name in to" day's Daily .Mail, Rothermere de- clares he finds himself in complete agreement with 90 per cent. of the Jeaverbrook scheme, and adds: "I have the greatest confidence in his powers of leadership." "I cannot find 25 per cent. of prac- tical value in the programs of the other political parties, continues (Continued on Page 2) BELIEVE ROBBERY OF MAILBAGS WAS AMATEURS' WORK Postal Officials Probing the Theft of Registered Mail | in Ireland (By Canadian Press ieased Wire) Belfast, Northern Ireland, Feb. 19. --The theft of 100 registered letters from a postal bag brought by the steamship Doric from Halifax to Queenstown, was the work of ama- teur robbers, postal officials believe after investigation. The theft was dis covered when the bag reached Bel- fast yesterday. The bag had been clumsily re-tied after the letters, mostly containing money orders and currency, had been removed. It is hard to say at what stage of the journey the robbery was effected, Postal officials at Dublin say the mails were intact when they reached there trom Queenstown and the men in charge of "the mail van say all the seals were unbroken, at Dublin. To Die for Part In Prison Riot Auburn, N.Y., Feb, 19.--William Force, Jesse Thomas and Claude Udwine, Auburn prisoners, this morning were sentenced by Sup- reme Court Justice Benjamin D. Cunningham to die in the electric chair at Sing Sing prison the week of March 31, for the murder of in- mate Henry Sullivan in the Dec, 11 Auburn prison riot. Notice of ap- peal was given on behalf of the men, Three Years For Robbery Toronto.--Arnott Peters, 21, who held up the staff of a branch of the Dominion Bank and at- tempted to escape with a bundle of currency two weeks ago, was sen. tenced by Magistrate E. Jones to- day, to three years in Portsmouth penitentiary. Chief Delegates Decide To Adjourn the Conference Until Wednesday of Next Week EXPERTS CONTINUE WORK IN MEANTIME Italy Makes Statement of Naval Needs, But Action on All Points Is Held Over (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Feb. 19.--The Five Power Naval Conference today adjourned until next Wednes- day. The following communique on the week-long recess of the naval conference was issued this afters noon: "As a result of eonsultation bes tween the heads of all delegations now in London, it has been decid- ed that the naval conference stand adjourned until Wednesday, Feb. 26. Meanwhile the experts' come mittee will continue work upon which it is now engaged." (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Feb, 19.--A recess of the London Naval conference until Feb. 26, appeared most likely to- day following conversations be< tween Premier Macdonald and United States Secretary of State 'Stimson. Mr. Stimson urged a holiday for a conference in order to give the French an opportunity for adjust- ment of their ' domestic situation growing out of the fall of the Tar+ dieu Cabinet. Premier Macdonald immediately consulted Foreign Minister Grandi of Italy and former Premier Wa- katsuki of Japan. A decision was expected during the afternoon. SERPS: Fearful of Outcome (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Feb. 19.--Informal sugges tions that the Naval Conrerence be suspended for five days were made this morning in conference circles. Such suspension would be in prefers ence to the French who are unable to deliberate at present in the nego= tiations, owing to a cabient crisis. There was widespread feeling in conference circles that it would be better to take a few days vacation during the present lull, The conference today had its ears turned toward Paris, fearful lest, i# the French government crisis is not speedily settled a real crisis may cons front the delegates of the four pow= ers now represented in London. Meanwhile, the Italian - delegation announced they expected shortly to issue a statement setting forth their viewpoint on naval limitation and reiterating and explaining their claim for parity with France or any other continental power. In a conference with Secretary Stimson and Premier MacDonald yes terday Dino Grandi, head of the Ita- lian delegation, qutlmed the principal points in the forthcoming' statement, Italy will be the last of the five pow= ers to make formal publication of its conference policy. While there were some conflicts in late advices from Paris regarding the political situation there none of the (Continuted on Page 2) Special Inspector Appointed Toronto, Ont., Feb. 19.--W., J. Jor don, Windsor, has been appointed special inspector of the stationary and hoisting engine branch of the department of labor. Hon. Dr, Fore bes Godfrey, Ontario Minister of La bor, announced last night, He will commence his new duties immediate ly, and will supervise hoisting ens gineering operations throughout the province. Australia Plans to Form + Pool for Wheat Growers (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Canberra, Australia, Feb, 19.--A great wheat pool will be established in Australia, There ig some differ- ence as to whether it will be a gov: ernment-controlled body, or one un- der the direction of the wheat-grow- ers themselves, But there is little doubt that a commonwealth wheat marketing body, will begin operation in a comparatively short time. A great conference between . the commonwealth and state govern- ments, and thie wheat, growers' asso- ciations held yesterday, decided on the pool. The federal government wants it to be under government con- trol, with a state board in each state operating under a commonwealth board at Canberra. on which the state boards would be represented 'agree to extending The wheat growers want it to be under control of the farmers. The. real difference, however, cen tres around the government guaran tee of a stabilized price for the far= mer, The government offered ta guarantee 90 cents a bushel for wheat delivered at country sidings, the equis valent of $1.08 a bushel f.o.b,, tor ong year only, The wheat growers asked' that this guarantee be extended tq cover three years. Hon. Parker Mols oney, federal minister of markets, said today the government could not € this guarantea until it was seen the scheme for an Australia-wide wheat pool was in ope eration. But when the pool is established and is working satisfactorily the gove ernment will favorably consider the suggestion of extending the guarans tee of price, the minister promiseds