Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Feb 1930, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1930. i Millions Expen ded on. Child Welfare in Canada But Public Apathetic to Re- ~ sults Obtained Says Char. lotte Whitton, Child Wel- . fare Secretary Ottawa, Feb. "15. -- Canadians are spending scores of millions an- "nually on all forms of social relief and welfare disbursements and pay- ing httle or no attention to the re- sults being obtained from such out- pouring of private, and public funds, iss Charlotte Whitton, executive + secretary of the Canadian Council on Child Welrare, stated on her return from geceat conferences with mem- "bers of th. Council's Advisory Fin- ance Committee in Toronto - and Montreal. The Dominion Governmefit is spending millions annually on pen- sions and welfare services to veter- i ans but these outlays are by way of pension, except for some hundreds of thousands jin relief. The Patriot: * Fund is still disbursing huge amounts annually, bu: these are all direct . payments incurred by reason of war- I ministration being followed with drives of all oo of private agen- cies, without the least inquiry as to whether conditicws were actually mm- proving, child 'neglect increasing or diminishing, or antiquated or modern niethads of care and principles of ad the exception of a few cities where Bud- get Committees of Financial Federa- tions were giving adequate trustee- ship, or agencies were working to- wards some definite plan, * There were some municipalities and private agencies in 'Canada ex- pending huge sums of money anuu- ally, Miss Whittore went on, who were employing methods of adminis- tration that would make Dickens turn in his grave, and adding dir- ectly to the continuance and increase of our volumes of dependency and social inefficiency. If the Fire De- partment or Public Works Depart- ment made a costly mistake there was a public scandal, but when pub- lic or private agencies made a failure in handling their social problems and these inereased or recurred; there was only too often little interest or concern and some were actually giv- en more funds to spend. Miss Whitton was emphatic, how- supported with the same generosity as the agen that conscientiously did 'a good 'job, improved its tech 'nique and tried to measure and prove its results, The percentage of successful cases sometimes claimed could not possibly be proved and would be liable to prosecution, if the same extravagance characterized their financial as their social welfare claims. The Welfare Child for 10 Canadian Council on had been « trying child care accepted across the coun- try by agencies caring for children, and has been trying to educate the public to demand these standards and to demand results for the expendi- ture of public and private funds, "But you 'can get'a man to give das icin os 4 accurate and extravagant claims was years to get minimum standards of) you $5,000 fof an Orphans' Home far! more quickly and. easily than you can get him to give $50 to pay for an enquiry as to whether it is need- ed," said Miss Whitton, : "People will give you $100 with their blessing. to care for children in an institution, but do not like to give vou $10 to support an agehcv whose sole work is service in building up families and keeping children out of institutions. Yet, believe, the whole value of public and private philanthropy lies in the extent to which it is effective in helping peo- ple to help themselves, not in solv: ing their problems for them, or re- lieving them of them altogether," The Child Welfare Council has ex- nanded its work, at the request of the family welfare acencies across Canada to embrace this whole ficld and now becomes the Canadian Council on Child and Family Wel- fare. It will continue to give scr- vice of all kinds in the child wcl- fare field, but will particularly en- deavor fo obtain the acceptance of improved standards of family and child welfare services across the Do- minion, and to place insistance on a social programme that provides ac- tual service rather than mere mate- rial relief alone to all' in need. It definitely aims at the widespread de- velopment of a 'more intelligent and practical interest in the Canadian so- cial welfare problems that will lead the taxpaying and giving public to demand and measure results in ac- tual human betterment for the mil- lions that ate now being spent an. nually of welfare worle, In Montreal and Toronto confer- ences have just concluded with Council representatives on the Fin- ance and executive committees. In Montreal the Finance Conuuit- tee is represented by R. O. Sweczey and James Brierley. Exccutive memi- members include J. Howard Falk, cx- ecutive director of Financial Federa- tion, Dr. Helen R. Y, Reid, G. B. Clarke, Capt. W. A. Bowie, Mrs. W. T. B. Mitchell, W. McL. Clarke, and Miss Malca Friedman. Toronto Finance members include John B. Laidlaw, Chairman; C. I Burton, W. H. Carruthers, and John Lalor. Executive members include, C. S. MacDonald, F. N. Stapleford, Robert E, Mills, Father Haley, Mrs. G. Cameron Parker, Dr. J. T, Phair, and Dr. D. N. MacLachlan, and Mrs. J. S. Driscoll. Other members of the Finance Compuittee include Mrs. John A. Btewart of Perth, James Richardson, Winnipeg, Col. Nelson Spencer, Vancouver, W. H. Lover- ing, Hamilton, Senator H. H. Hor- sey, Ottawa and Senator D, O. L'Es- perance, Quebec. oA "The lamp-posts in road have been repainted." "Yes, I noticed it when my hus- band came home." our PERPETUAL MOTION AGAIN Friend (to proprietress of domes- »| tic agency)--I1 should think you have to place a lot of servants to make this business pay. Proprietress -- We do! ty a week. "Gracious! Fancy fifty new ser- Janis cropping up. each week for a ol About fii- D, "Oh, they're the same fifty" -- Vancouver Star, The pedestrian has the right of way only after the ambulance picks him up." , NOT HIS FAULT' Lucy--Why did you brezk off yow engagement to Stephen? Jean--I decided 1 couldn't marry a man with a bent nose. "How did his nose get bent?" "I hit him while playing golf!" L nousunds Now Eat wh CF BasEY | A Deliatful Breakfast Feed ea ------p nnn "A | ' LELA CINDERS--Never Believe a Liar A ime sesvice of «wartime . services.| a thi 3 . ig og fare ¥ they may seem, Stiey would | hits that this Was hot the ) nly side | be found to be comparatively trifling} Rare) i : wih Eng- : beside the amounts outpoured annu- fe "0 Tal Cle lem ally" by the provincial and municipal | Beh-speakiny Pooples > Beisg done | authorities, and private charities oh Aga a Lae, i A a io all forms of civilian welfare and as-{" a pe most CaRECt, anc Joes q sistance. The 'public have absolutely | po. (C813 HH Shing: hyn, i1€, an no concept, and regponsible public} cor Thut Td Wits k authoritics oien vs 1y little, stated oq and Canadians so warm-heart- TANG i nermons fed that they gave their support in- : rc? ' discriminately to &auy appeal that Mothers Allowances are | le i i yo plasty costing five Canadian provinces near- | ce mite. name of human su uly five million dollars a year and are Smounting wally. No one knows PRE, ; Swhere old age. pensions will cnd, but | 2 EWE hn Weds Sthe paym s are mounting rap- | ih Pu TL lod Sidly that tlfe consideration je Ut ¢ ag * contributory inci date, will be i Ston hazard i old age most yf and alone gy err Rows peril or this ill-fated SLD ill next e i some Em. e." Miss Wh sess that Ontario's | a TELLING TOMMY il run into an ag- PHONF 22) | gregate t thai $5,000,000 { within the first scar of eration. } For Your Drug Needs Municipal relief, with nen Tt] THOMPSON'S ns | fore serious than it has 1 any years is running into 5 i Of dollars this winter. Public and | 10 Simcoe St. S. We private zivings to hospital and health | Services run into millions gore an ntally : } The appropria child wel- fare i provincial and mi ; tal nerdss Ca v BE & ally, | No estimate ye yentur ) C. P. R. TIME TABLE the amounts being spent by priv J Effective Sec, 29. 1520, philanthropy, but the fact that C a munity Chests of Montreal, Toronto, | n. Daily (Except Sunday). Winnipe Hamilton and Halifax | Daily alone ar more than one and! . Viatly (Except Sunacy) 1 NOT an ong and} a re a half million dollars annually w the degree as 7.3% pan Daily (Except § some indication of 1 Gong East which voluntary "funds were applied to weliare problems. Yet there seemed to be the most f any real interest mm £ ADCY TELL ME ABOUT THE RED CROSS FLAG, AND HHY POP CORN POPS, AMD IF OWLS CAN SEE OMLY AT MIGHT. GES Ean am > a DADDY ANSWERED § ELL, HE GOT ALL MiX M ALL MY QUESTIONS, | ED UP TRYING TO TELL R N BETTY. MOTHER WHY HE DID- EXAMINATION AT MT MEET HERY SCHOOL TOMMY. : I 4 SWISS FLAG wi RED CROSS a Jr TIME TABLES tion for services, E3EcAUSE THE RED CROSS SOCIETY WAS OR- GAMIZED AT GENEVA IN 1863, THE S155 FLAG WITH 175 COLORS REVERSED =A REID CROSS OM A YHITE GROUND = HAS ADOPT- i AE) BES £0 AS A COMPLIMENT 10 SWITZERLAND. Ea 8 N OWL CAM MOT SEE BETTER I THE CARY THAN WHEN 1715 LIGHT. THEIR EYES ARE MADE S50 AS TO TAKE iM EVERY RAY OF LIGH! inv 0 THEY CAM SEE BETTER THAN HUMAN BEINGS MENT 1715 DUSK OR PARTLY v....i. THE i RIGHT GLARE OF DAYLIGHT HURTS THEIR EYES. Ie 34 FOPPING OF A GRAIN OF POPCORN IS AN EXPLOSION DUE TO THE EXPANSION UNDER MOISTURE IN THE STARCH GRAS, 19%¢ hong Features Syndicate, fnc. Great Britam rights reserved. . Lt 10.05 a.m Daily being | 2.04 pu. Daily (lye Sunday). : Daily (EXxcent Sunday), bi Daily (Except Saturday). 22.05 aan. Daily CANADIAN NATIGNAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept. 27, 1929 (Standard Time) Eastbound a.m. Daily, except S PRESSURE OF Lal UT serious lack of the effective application of funds poured out so unquestioningly for welfare work, Miss Whitton contin. ued. Government Departments spending le 'than many of the wel fare branches were expected to show results. It was remarkable that the public continued fc réspond I: unday, BUT MR IGG THE FOUNDATION MUST BE TORN OUT TO PUT THESE PIPES IN AND THE BRICK-LAYERS CAN'T GO AHEAD UNTIL THE CONCRETE WORN 19 ALL FINISHED ) § ot A MMHAT? L THoLGHT Daily Jaily, ex Daily Daily ily. except Saturday excery Sundav f ept Sundav, except Sundav HOH WELL TELL HIM TO PAY IT NO OON'T ORDER THE MATERIAL FOR THE SWIMMING TANK UNTIL SEE NOL: YES CO AHEAD WITH THE CARACE NO "LL ATTEND YO THE | TILE FORTHE ROOF ISN'T BUILDING ATHOLSE LOTS OF FUN? TRACTOR SAYS THERE A MISTAKE IN THE 8.0 J CAN HE SEE YOL" THE INSURANCE MAN WANTS YOu I STEAM PPE CON - ' \ Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shep 161 King St. W. Phohe 1214 Sunday. Sundav. BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE 29, 1929) ] i (Effective on and after Sept. Gong West Leave Oshawa 1.10 a.m. Whitby. Oshawa. Bowmanville | | | } v kf || © 1950 Int) Feature Service Inc. Great Britain rights reserved. {/ Diamonds Bassett's On Oshawa's Mam Corner Arrive Hospita: 10.50 a.m 12.45 p.m | Bowmanville / 12. p.m f LX p.m. 32 pm. = 5% er --- a-- £0 oom COAL HL " i" | AL COAL id DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE --By Grace G. Drayton | W. J. SARGANT| "* 7 ¥ I {SE > -- \ | 4.35 om 645 om © Yard --88 Bloor "treet EK, i © Orders Delivered I FINISHED HIM | Promptly prswniB en 2858888 a gp. 88 i +8 p.m. sepp 2958 +50 po 8 pe 3 SLERRASRSE8Y ConNvraun="Bo Pe 3eak 8 REEREFES 1.00 pan lyme marked * vhitly Hospital SUNDAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West t eave Leave Arrive Bowmanville Oshawa Whitby * Jam Iam 12.00 p.m. 2.15 p.m 4.15 pm. 6.15 pan. R15 vm WA om Going Leave + Whitby 015 a. are through busses h Arrive Hospita 04 am 12.25 pos For Sale:--In North end of City, close to Separate School, lovely 6-room brick home, large rooms, hardw TS, 3-piece beth, het air furnace, wired for electric 'stove, built in c etc, garage, substantial payment will take this real home. , DISNEY REALTY EXCHANGE 1 Phone 1430 ; | BL [ocr ter em ae : ' AX . WENT HAPPILY ON THEIR WAY, COMFY GRABBED THE WAND AND \ HORRID- coulD TURNED THE OGRE INTO A BiG | {KNOWING THE D-OaRs AX TREE oa Tuoi i #0 : 3 ¥ Dolly, BCBE'Y AND COMFY WERE SNEAKING THROUGH THE WooDS AND THEY HEAR! BAR ROARING 'SOUND A FRAREUL, "AND THERE WAS THE OGRE FAST ASLEEP BY A BIG ROCK TILLIE THE TOILER--Welcome Relief By Russ Westove: Ti So GLAD SOURE SLE] TO DOWN = (Ve HAD DAY. | LEFT My PURSE WITH THE OFFICE KEY IN (T AT A TEA ROOM , AND HAD To GO: BACK AFTER IT - NOW THAT Re HERE UM GOING HOME "M ALL (IN a REPAIRING . WATCHES OUR SEBCIALTY, 4 If your wateh is pot glying' satisfaction 'we cam repair IS MR, WHIPPLE and mare it tell the correct . OH, IT's You , time : sms A : | | P \ Bi it 13 IY, MAC? ne HELLO - } OUGHTA BE IN BED WITH GREAT SCOTT! THE HELLO. THIS IPHONE =1 | RINChNG AND Ll Bowmanville Phone 617 ~ We mmusaws Wailing Ross 18 Prince Ste Phone 2283 D. J. BROWN THE JEWELER Ofticial Watch Inspector for Canadian Nationa) and Osh. awa Railroads i . W. Phone 159 Felt Bros. The Leading Jewele) d " Kstatilished 886 % « -- 12 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH" ** fie i i g | JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J, W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Phone 8215 a Syndicate, Ine, Great Britain rights a

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