Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Feb 1930, p. 9

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THE osHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1930. ! © PAGE Nine Interesting Pen Impres- | ne " 'Whos Who & What's sions of the Coming THE LOC AL SCREEN What in the Amuse- Attractions on ... ment World "Hell's Heroes" a Picture Scenes from Local Theatres MARIONDAVIES Kinsmen Midnight Frolic Of Romance, Adventure COMES T0 REGENT Makes Steady Progress 'Hell's Herges," -- Universal re- ye i ; 4 hut the Regent Theatro will be markable all-talking drama of hu Carman Gay' 8 Girls N L "i / A IN "MARIANNE" P 1 crowded with those interested ix man nature which comes to the | G d ¢ { i / J 60 Oshawa eople Make up | (16 efort of the service work up: Rew Martin Theatre today, is a | ypsy Ban f " " ; ; : for Midnight dertaken by this club. p Dicture of a high and distinguished | Coming to Odhawa ; \ ah YE p ; : ® Great War Comedy With: Songs po of Kinsmen ASPIRATION It runs the gamut of human emo- m-------- x d P 7 oy 7 » 2 4 3 = O deep-eved brother tions and actions. It has romance, The Management at hte Winter k gb 4. / § ? ; i The Cast Z Hy bre Jig Was Shergone adventure, pathos und humor, It | Gardens has segured the Carma 3 \ a ey i | Marianvie ..vav000000. Magion Davies| The Midnight Frolic being ar:}en. iis now. or shall there some achieves suspense of a nature that | Gay BYPSY Band, an all girls or i ai 7. 4 ' be . 3 4 Andre George Baxter | ranged by the Kinsmen's Club for | tine be Fhichnniodin has never been surpassed in mo- | chestra from the Pacific Coast, to i 0 = A : ; i Stagg . Lawrence Gray| February 28 is rapidly taking form | yy, bor or any rest for such as we tion pictures. furnish music -and entertainment A » A pr Soapy . +.Cliff Edwards| and the cast will start rche arsal (yo. . thin. cheeked mariters, that ay Its action is shown against a can- | for the Valentine Midnight Frolic » ; ROL 4 Sam ...Benny Rubin| early next week, According to | must: Steas vass at once. weird and awe-inspir- | An extract from the Border Gjtles ; : . a % Z i The General ... .Robert Edeson| Chairman Harry Mallett the show | Fue 0m oo oan oor ing--the majestic, illimitable deso- [ Star, Oct. 16th, 'has the following Phe, 7 : { / ? Pere Joseph . +.Emil Chautard| will be far ahead of the prese nta- | : hope Find fear gd hai lation of the great Mojave Desert. to say of the Gypsy Band--*They BE 3 por Rss 5 . Lieut, Frane .. TRE Scott Kolk| tion offered last year, It consists |. Tow ard' wiiity Dovfnes 'across' that Against this tremendous back- pleased a large audience and were b a ; 7 G » 2 -- { of many popular Oshawa po¢ ple | oust] ess sea, ony. Iaa. ground is playe' cut a 'nro [loudly applauded. Sh : ) ii gh A fii Here is a Marion Davies who talks,| Who are devoting much time and |{(f drama whose compelling interest is | | ge / z 2 | who sings, who compels laughter arid | energy to make it better than ever, never allowed to flag. regeneration and heroism, Three | ; i id , a 7 A ; proves to be one of the really de-| The proceed s of this Midnight "Hell's Heroes is a drama of | bad men of the west have fled into I wind Hk lightful stars of the screen in the) Frolic will be used for the purposes _ | the desert after killing a citizen in | . 3 4 i: GP pa {first of her sound productions. The| of welfare, etc ~ |a bank holdup in the little fron- | a . ¢ A # | picture is sure fire, It has every- The show is known as the "Odd tier town of New Jerusalem, They | \ A ; {thing that one could wish. In ajities of 1930" and while there is a | find themselves with a new-born | measure it is built along music: al | plot running throughout the baby on their hands. i § ¥ y ar py 4 y Zi ycomedy lines, for there are cer tain | there are . i , interspersed | 1.1 this Life» sweet, moié They have promised the dw : La " L A a8 na i po. 4 a ibefties Jakes get laughs that [at certain points.this making it an!" °_ ing " rd 38h mother that they wi bear th A EA a / ' : etl would only be legitimate in a musical attraction that will please every- rev of that dim , ; | ehild Hr they hilo Jerusalem. | 4 ? / 5h oghd comedy. I'hey get over on the one, nar hey of that dim-hearted earth They have not enough water for such a journey, And they know arc songs that ever res rae dreams ome not near, hance, for all that : 1y ce |2creen and pull any number of} gy, Kinsmen's Club of Oshawa, | Who ake : alled "upon the wckles for' the star. There is al, young organization in the city ; hard fice that if, by a miracle, they do reach iv ell deve ed love interest, have. already an enviable reputa-' A, : ; xOr Ss Tit being deaf New Jerusalem, lynch law awaits story concerns a French girl | tion for thelr efforts alour service bi not, being de them there, ik 4 i. : d ¢ i | promised one of her coun- work lines and there is no doubt Archibald Lampmat From this central dramatic sit- . py A 7 . 3 v ol | t nen to await his return from the > 1¢, -aMbilig} uation the story unfolds swiftly baat ~ p i y y Vial . But she falls in love with a| Twice the clothes for and poignantly, It increases in in d 3 ; i, yi young: American doughboy, Just be- | == what you spend; tensity until the final fade-out ; 3 td ¥ mn 3 | fore, the Americans leave her betroth- A styleful wardrobe i leaves the beholder emotionauy : / ' A cd returns but he is bilnded and | 4 style) : she 'decides to remain with him. Lat- the end. breathless, : od | ; # ; b aN i he enters the priesthood and fron Ge "Hell's Heroes". is marke DY . ¥ p 3 "x i er hie enters the priesthood and from Dry cleaning multi- f | superb acting, Charles Bickford, | iil vd yd & . {then on the story is carried back to] Ordon okardt plies by two the Raymond Hatton and Fred "Kohler y Py \ TRAP J 3 [America w her. Bye "i ending clothes purchasing give characterizations that arc B63 5 a . WY Cant {ensues, Cleverly told w hi 1 lau PRESENTS power of your money. 1 notable contributions to the art of | % ey 2 of 1g upon ite an ith a real Which is the same the sereen. Splendid performances the title of Mi picture, thing as saying if algo are given by Fritzi Ridgeway, fd . : your clothes allow Maria Alba, Joe de lar Cruz, Buck ' | . 4 SURE FIRE ance has been cut in Gonnor and Walter games Slory | 2h ; bmn . ot : , : { (Masonic Craftsmar "y 8 11¢ "Hell's Heroes' is a great stor - & | i ORIG ftsman Naif that hy oad that required delicate and sympa-|, 4 == Wa ; | Suee ii Expert--""What's sie thetic handling, No false note 1s | i, p If onmer a struck in either action or charac- | === -- ---- ; : Z eek Client--"Gus Poppay | terization. The picture rings truc | La wd A : i A i | uccess Expert--"CGet 2 "tone |p ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS | i JE §j |i mous story, "Three Godfathers" by Peter B. Kyne, Tom Reed prepared NB fk 2 4 " {| Mr. Carman (to Tenderfoot pick f . \ of / Gir : the story for the screen. William FLICKERS FROM FILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE SCREEN | | i 3 ERY ing himself up at ottom of . \ / rls Srcnirtra ' i ; 1 d } | the stairs)--"Did you miss a step?" ; " Q smart program l/ | Wyler directed. | : // » H A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES g $y ! 1 Tenderfoot--"Well missed ne, | 3 1 DIF ORE 1% | but hi ; OF snappy dance music) (Ff or] =v all the rest. A' iI -- . > -- : -------- | dil: 5 Cro A PUNCHY TALE | THE KINSMAN CLUB 2ND ANNUAL | at Saxe ois WirTt Te. orabobls. a 'worlds record Jarre rh Tl ig Brbrg acy Memaer, MIDNIGHT FROLID cl for early showing in bis tweaty-seventh al Vr | i bi «i Winter Gardens, Monster Regent eatre, r'eb., z5t ila -- -- UPPER LEFT--Scene from Marion -- FA IN THE D DARK Valentine Midnight Frolic Martindel. noted characte ctor of t vet i Davies first dialog picture "Mari. PRESENTING F p ite "cast f "The Song Writer," Mets dwyn-Mayer's « | anne." | wi y r y 2) } h Night of Sunday, Feb. 16th iJ} of "Tin Pan Alley." He is to play the role of the millionaire father of Sure. % i A THE ODDITIES OF 1930 {heroine in the pew story, in which Lawrer iy and Hel i UPPER RIGHT--Lawrence Gray I ahitt "vour "aves *aifd | Commencing 12.05 a.m. -- Popular Prices Cast of 60 Oshawa People including members of the i lay ti inci roi who portrays the leading male role | gion Tenors card' oy Kinsmen Club : in "Marianne" at the Regent. | -- a a Presented under the Supervision of the Kinsmen Club Show | C mittee [LOWE R LEFT-<Beautiful Marion A ---- iim ait in . Fog comedy pict Hot wthm Davies who sings and talks for the " EE -- : - : - . : tn - 4 en : a : - . - first time in "Marianne." | | CENTRE Seine from "Hell's He One of the Most roes' which is now playing at the | » . or t xg =p . 7 2 ~ » . - | New Martin, 3 2 X DEXA ARTS RE TEs] ows wise mason | DeGutiful Loue =I p : : "4; IAA the leading role in| | Stories Mingled | who plays "Hell's Heroes." 3 | { The Outdoor Wd CT A & 5a = || with "Side-Split- ntertainment Sreey, ted QW Si | Sensational Desert 5.9 fy Al -Talking py : Bs AG "Scenes in New Film| | ting" Comedy (Classic Se by g i } Three western bad men find = sm od " or, oF | themsely custodian of x nwe- A ps Si { born baby in the midst of the des sert, | They had promised the dying { mother they would take the child | sufely to the little frontier town of New Jerusalem, Their water sup- | ply is low, a frightful trip wrdid . | the desert confronts them---and the h | noose awaits them at New Jeru- | Laug S. | salem if they come through alive, ie This is the central dramatic sit- { Songs! | uatiow of Universal's thrilling all | 1 dizogie picture, ies Heroes Tears! which comes to the screen of the ! : ' bea Now Martin Theatre today. \ TRE ¢ A Sty of a be til Romance, adventure, pathos and 3 £ y A A oghe | humor make '"'Hell's Heroes' one N A % % of the most unusual and distine- : 2 1 boy es > the Audianee tive pictures ever brough to the | ing ; : screen, Many of the scenes were | 2) A g Jt: Himes Teclits the We i i ay , taken in the heart of the great | 7 7 dh ok a in With Charles ' Mojave Desert at the height of the | ll } terest is simply filled Bickford, Ray- y = blistering summer geason. The pic- | é : A r Y ha ture is sensational in its realism. { Nea -- with romance from be- ginning to end. tion, oi 0 ! and fat on ate The picture {is colorful through- | . : red Loh er, out, Some of the most remarkable | eo \ / Sec and Hear Leyla Georgic. scenes wero obtained when the | [5 Directed by x company journeyed to the Zantons \) MARION AVIES William Wale r . : "ghost city" of Bodie, Cal, now | MA N rst Villiam Wyler. numbering a mero handful of in. | Talking Picture habitants in place of the 11,000 who frequented it in the days of its | prime, { SALUTE TO THE AUTO (Kitchener Record) t IN The terri y i tie and intensely human story is is Jha season of the year when errificall . . window displays of automobiles are | of a dancng girl, three had menting a new: horn {in evidence. In city after city trom | Monda baby « « » the girl a goad for itry, the babe MATINEES coast to coast shiny, glittering new y v the inspiration that led the three hard men through models are fo be seen and prospective a hell of heat and thirst to--what? Come and see DAILY buyers inspect them, I'he annual show still' thrills ue. ! ; [7 Tuesday Sou otsselfits Pier B. Kyne' 3 grok giiy made into This is after all, as it should het the ; a t wi . ick. automo we has turns Mr oft i- . > : a picture tha give you a rea KIC | tome bil * h 15 ft rn 1 our wh fe ci All Dialog e All Singing vilization around, and it si ho mroe Dons OMEDY than right that we would continue to A th ' 3 4H - With -- make a big fuss over it. ® t Qe, The automobile hegan life some New Martin Theatre |= jj: Cr CT -- became a Juxury for the welltodo . : oloreg ; And then in no time at all, it Lawrence Gray Pe every man's necessity><and Clift Edwards "The Home Of Good Entertainment" : 5 Slena gi: 5 a I fome within ] Beany a the last twenty years. (I has work- ed an incredible change on us in that tinte, and it is still working. Prob« ably it will be another twenty vears before the ultimate effects of the au-| tomohile are fully apparent,

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