{ # THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1930 EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS: < Reward Offered Cornwall--Chief of Police Fred Beymour today posted a reward of $25 any person providing infor- mation which will lead to the ar- rest and canviction of the three young men who entered the &roc- ery store 'of M. M. Mulhern, 433 Pitt street on Thursday last, held up the proprietor and stole $27 in cash ' Vital Statistics Lindsay.--Vital statistics for January show that there were 14 births, 11 deaths and 2 marriages. . Plan Isolation Hospital Cornwall.--Providing that .vari- ous local organizations and the city council fall in line and support has decided that is long enough for him. Accordingly he has re- tired, having sold his entire stock- in-trade. New Postmaster Cornwall.--On Thursday, Proc- ule Poirier, recently appointed Post Master of Alexandria assumed his new duties. Convicted of B.L.C.A, Cornwall.--After the charges against 'him had been twite reduc- ed, M. Loke pleaded guilty to a count of illegal possession of li- quor and was fined $100 and costs in Police Court here Monday. Loke was arrested by Provincial Consta- ble Jack Berry a week ago and the ;project, St." Lawrence Chapter pf the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire will insti- 'tute a movement for the establish- liquor for sale. origihally charged with keeping ment of an isolation hospital in Cornwall Remanded For Sentence Port Hope.--At Trenton Tues- day, Leo Coughlin and Carman Do- nato, each 17 years of age, were charged with seven break-ins and thefts in January and February. They pleaded guilty and were re- manded in custody for two weeks for sentence and at the expiration of that time will receive suspend- ed sentence. Charged With Negligenco Cornwall.---@harged with crim- inal negligence and having caused bodily harm to Fanny McDonald of Dunvgan, John Bradley, of Green- field, appeared before Magistrate J. C. Milligan in Alexandria Police Court last Thursday and pleaded not guilty, He elected trial by jury and was committed to the June sessions of the Counties' Court. New Equipment Needed Port Hope.--The near-tragedy of Tuesday evening's fire brought on general comment on what is needed to improve the fire preven- tion system in town. All who dis- cussed it were agreed that no fault was to be attached to the fire- men, but that the system under which they are working is what needs re-vamping Retires From Trade Port Hope.--Mr. Noden, the , well-known Newcastle blacksmith, has been pounding out horseshoes and kindred things connected with t - < 757 ey SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ein 1'housands Now Ect of Pega A | | A Delightful Breakfast 'Food Unique Meeting Port Hope.--The Port Hope Music Study Club had a most uni- que meeting on Tuesday afternoon in St. Paul's Sunday School. The subject for the study was "The Kingdom of Childhood." Wolves Slain Lindsay.--The skins of four very large timber wolves were brought to town yesterday by Will John Dovell, county constable of Hali- burton. He took them to Magis- trate G. A. Jordan to get his affi- davit so that he could collect the wolf bounty. Prize Birds Stolen Belleville.--Frank Milier Tues- day night was robbed of six of his prized barred rock hens and roost- ers, blue-blooded, capable prize- winners all. He feels bitterly about may not be used for eating pur- poses, somebody might have recog- nized their worth breed from 'this first-class stock. Build New Lock-Up Kingston.--Work on the exten- sive improvements and alterations to the cell block at the City Police Station was commenced Wednes- day, and when completed this city will have an up-to-date "lock-up" in any city of its size in Canada. Brewery Winding Up Kingston.--The matter of wind- his trade, for fifty years, and he | ing up the affairs of the Lake On- tario is now in the hands of the local legal master, Dr. J. B. Walkem, K. C., with Alan R. Parker named as provincial liquidator, Leg Broken Belleville.--While playing school last week little at fell on above of West Huntingdon ice and broke his leg knee. the ------ 1 Lawyers Entertained | Belleville.--Hastings County Law Library Association members and | visitors were entertained Tuesday | evening at dinner at Hotel Quinte | by Mr. A. B. Collins, retiring presi- | dent of the Hastings bar. St. E. Furniture Luke Furniture CO.+PANY | i 1) il 1! i | Prices | on | | | | | | Phones 78-79 | HARD WOOD \* JEDDO PREMIUM COAL SEMET- SOLVAY COKE TWENTY -20- DELIVERY VEHICLES * OUR SERVICE IS UNBEATABLE | DIXON COAL CO. "| Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines the matter, and although the fowl | comparable with that to be found | | | dent in any one issue. | covered 2 points to 23 on a turn- | over of 5 shares, C.P.R. was up 1 | p . . Brewing Company, Limited, [to 220 on four | while the paving being | Ing and Canada Paving David | Wright, son of Mr. John Wright, | the . | actions to a new | port was given at this level and it stocks were The photograph here shows the German liner Muenchen, which is still burning in New York harbor, following an explosion, after she had docked, which killed two of the crew and injured others. The liner is reported a total loss. Tral- fic in a New York tube immedi- ately under the burning liner has been suspended for fear another cxplosion may occur. Stock Mark<. Summary and intends to | | i Biggar and Crawford, || Sr sip: "Mar Toronto and New York stock Quotations supplied by ---- : mr ---- ---- 3 x 3 a [ ket Prices | by Canadian I'ress Alger Building, Ushawa f TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGH Toronto, Feb, 14.--Profit-taking | where a profit could behad and li quidation continued to make trad ing a dull affair in this morning's session of the Toronto Stock kEx- | change. Selling was light, how- with very little demand evi- Weston re- ever, small transactions, issues made ex- in light buying. jumped 2 to. 24 1 to 19; Stan- dard Paving up *4 to 26%, on top of its gain of 25 points to a high of 26% yesterday. B. A. Oil was the feature of the eurb section gn dthe oll, group, be- ing hammered down on early trans low of 394. Sup- headway Paying cellent Dufferin recpvered gradually to 404, repre- senting an advance of § over pre- ceding close. Noon prices were at this level, B. A. Oil was the heav- jest traded issue on the board. Other oils were mixed but most- ly lower. Utilities and implement shares were irregular, papers and coppers firm. Imperial dropped | to 25%, Petroleum off 3%, Brazi- 256%, lian Traction off & to 36%, Bell Cockshutt held Telephone off 3. unchanged at while Massey Harris broke sharply to. 37%, off 1% points on light selling. Nickel was fractionally lower at 385 and Noranda up % at 43.00. The motor stocks shared the weakness prevalent in the oll group and eased to lower levels, with Dur- ants off 4 at 8, Ford off % to 30%, although Ford turned upward after 12 o'clock. Among the specialties, F. N. Burt lost a point to 53, Wwalk- ers traded unchanged at 9%. Steel steady. NDARD MINING EXCHANGE STAN Canadian Press Leased Wire) Toronto, Ont., Feb. 14- Wright- Hargreaves on hte strength " its reset arinual statement, was tht se- | lection for speculative favor in to- day's session of the Standard Mining Exchange. Vipond, Kirkland Lake, and Mining Corp each came in for strong inside support, advancing to new high lovels for the year. The general trend of prices was firm, the majority of shares being un- sss ---- Five Good Reasons WHY Yor sovip NOT The Big Birthday SALE At the Rexall Store KLENZO TOOTH BRUSH and celluloid case All for . 25¢ LAVENDER SHAVING CREAM and After-shave tale, 85¢ value 50 c All for ... VELVO SANITARY NAP. KINS of highest quality, per dozen 39¢ MILK OF MAGNESIA TOOTH PASTE, large size and a Klenzo Tooth Brush, all for 39¢ HALLCROFT WRITING PAPER, one pound of fine paper with a box of 50 large envelopes 89¢ During all of February at Jury & Lovells THE REXALL STORES King E. Simcoe S. = | new ; | unc hanged, ychanged to slightly higher. Mining | Corp. continued its favorable move of yesterday, reacl 3,52 up 2] though Hudson Bay and] se Metals sold somewhat lower at 14.50 amd 4.30 respectively, apparent: ly under light realizing. Noranda was off 20 to 42.55 at lay while other copper stocks were soft, The outlook for holding copper at 18 cents a pound very ou although all authorities still insist that the copper | cartel will achieve its purpose. Ajax Oil recommenced liquidation and sold off 9 to 88, Calmont drop- ped 10 to 1.50, Home Oil unchanged at 9.80, while Dalhousie gained 13 to 1.73. Lake Shore advanced 5 to 95, Amulet was up 5, Ventures ofl while the following listings were I'ecr-Hughes, 6.50; Hollinger unchanged Howey at 96; Dome at Howey, at 96; Dome at 5.80; Sherritt, 2.95 nts | ; | 15 ipation vanish overnig ij | Hud. Mot. | Mt. Ward "After Baby Came | Was Weak, Skinny Gained 22 Lbs." "After baby was bogn 1 was very weak, skinny. Since taking Ironized Ycast fecl fine. Gained 22 lbs," ~ Mrs. Laura Benoit. Thousands write new Ironized Yeast adds 5 to 15 lbs, in 3 weeks, Ugly hollows fill out. Bony hmbs get graceful roundness, Mud- dy skin gets healthy color like mag- ic, Nervousness, indigestion, consti. J Sound sleep, new pep from very first day, Two great tonics in one- special weight-building Malt Yeast and strengthening Iron. Pleasant little tablets, Far stronger than unmedi- cated yeast. Results in % time. No yeasty taste, no gas. So quit being "skinny," tiretl, un- attractive, Get Ironized Yeast from druggist today. Feel great tomorrow. Money back from manufacturer if rot delighted with quick results, He. Oil 1000 Hy. Gold 95 Hd. Bay 1475 Kt. Flr, 1 Lk. Sh. 2300 Nrnda. 4300 Sh. Gr. 295 Sd. Bs. 426 Tk. Hg. 655 Ventures 235 Wr. Hr. 210 Wainwell 6 995 94 1440 4 22256 4276 295 420 650 230 196 6 NEW YORK High Low 143 96 74 118 Stock Amer, Can, 145 Am, Fr, Pr, 98 Anaconda 76 Balt & Ohio 118 Can, Pac, 219 Chrysler .. 38 Cs. Gs. N.Y, 116 Col. Gra. 80 Dupont ....128 Erie Rall 62 Gn. Ids. .. G5 Gon, Mot. 43 58 6 69 143 61 19 42 31 94 43% 68 23 6214 . 49 187 63 22 62 2 Int, Com, Int. Tel. ... Jns. Man. Lse. Wis. Mex. Sbrd. Phil. Pet. Pb. Sr. N.J. Radio Simmons Sin. Oil St. Oil N.J. Utd. Afr. U.S. Steel Woolworth Yel. Truck Warner ... Bendix .... 2 Am. Int, .. 43% Money rate 4 per cent, MISSING CHILD FOREIGN EXCHANGE York, Feb. 14.--Foreign ex- casier: Demand rates (Great Britain in odllars: others in cents); Great Britain 485 3-4; Canadian] Dollar, 7-8 per cent. discount, | CHICAGO GRAIN Chicago, Feb. 14.--Influenced by downturns in Liverpool quotations and by lack of export demand for wheat from North America, wheat values here underwent fresh early setbacks today. Weakness of the Li- verpool market was ascribed to cheape.roffernigs of Argentine wheat and to increasing pressure of unsold Canadian wheat afloat for Europe. Opening 3-8 to 1 1-8 off, Chicago wheat future deliveries showed lit- tle power to rally, Corn, oats and provisions were also easier, with corn starting 1-4 to 3-4 down, and subse- quently keeping near to the initial range. A" New change CHICAGO GRAIN OPENING Chicago, Feb, 14.--Wheat, Mer. 1.17%; May, 1.2214; July, 1.23%, Corn, Mar, 87%; May, 91%; July, 93%; Oats, Mar. 453%; May, 4635; July, 4i A 4 _ CHICAGO PRODUCE FUTURES Chicago, Feb, 13,--Quotations on the spot eg geall declined around 3 1.2 on top grades of fhesh this morning and one cent. on un- dergrades, General market tone seemed to assume considerable firmness. The range and volume of traidng in futures was small, The Letter grades of butter moved somewhat higher again today being favored with' sight posted offerings at time when good outside mquriy was in evidence. Opening sales of futures were 1-8 higher on February and 1.8 olwer on March. Neither of these contracts seemed to attract much attention however, and the daily price spread was negligible, Open commitments--February eggs, 383; March eggs, 37; April eggs, 10; November egsg, 62; February butter, 234; March but- ter, 364; Noember butter, 15, 'Two market receipts--Uutter today 34,233; last year, 23,651, Eggs, tony, 44,069; last year, 24,660, y ago spot market--Tutter, extras 3-4c; standards, 36 3-4c; tone firm, New York spot market--DButter, % 3 1-2c; vio tone. Lggs, firsts, 42 1.2 to 43c; tone" firm, -- TORONTO Stock High Br, A. Oil 40 39 Braz, .. 3 Can, 1st . 87 Co:kshutt 22 Cty. Dry. b1 Dis, Sgrm, 9 Dm. Strs. 23 Gypsum 26 Hr, Wal. ji] Int, Util. Int. Nk. Int, Pet. 2¢ Ind. Aleh, Imp, Oil 23 Lob. "A" Ms. Hr. Low esos s TOWER SHI Me. Fri. 2 Mt. Pwr. 1 Pg. Hr, Shaw, S. Station - SOLIS Le 9 1 } y o 3 7 oe E 4 - - Standard 1 12000 100 167 69 600 750 5560 Mines Abang 10 Ajax... Amulet Big Mis. Ch. Res. De. Mns, ¥alcon, ° 80 166 69 B76 760 'hoo Phone 28 Phone 68 i aes Holl, 575 675, DECLARED SLAIN | Police Declare Two Men Have Confessed to Murder (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Wooster, O., Feb. 14.--Four- year-old Melvin Horst, hunted since he disappeared nearly 14 months ago, was slain the day he disappear- ed by one of two men during a drinking party, according to sign- ed statement attributed to them by special assistant prosecutor Walter J. Mougey. Mougey Earl Conald, announced today that 42-year-old former railroad brakeman, and Charles Hanna, of Wooster, had made sworn statements in which each declared the other killed the child. Their alleged revelations came after they had been questioned al- most continuously since Wednes- day morning. They were the result of a new story told by Junior, 10- year-old son of Charles Hanna. FATHER ALLOWED TO ATTEND FUNERAL OF SON WHOM HE SHOT (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Hamilton, Feb. 14--~While two of- ficers guarded the weeping father, James Sicurella, nine-year-old victim of a gunshot wound, was laid to rest in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery this morning. The father, Charles Sicur- cella, who is charged with the shoot- ing will face an amended indictment for manslaughter, the crown attorney stated today. ANOTHER COLD " 'Nostroline'--that's what 1 want." It you have caught cold you need soothing, pleasant "Nostroline" to clear head, stop irritation and end the nasal discharge. Sufferers get "Nostroline" at once! 50c. from W, H. Karn, Drug Store. Your Nose Needs "Nostroline" Acids In Stomach Cause Indigestion Create Sourness, Gas and Pain, How to Treat -------- Medical authorities state that nearly nine. tenths of the cases of stomach trouble, in- digestion, sourness, burning, gas, bloating, nausea, etc., are due to an excess of hydro- chloric acid in the stomach, The delicate stomach lining is irritated, digestion is de- layed. and food sours, causing the disagree- able symptoms which every stomach sufferer knows so well, Artificial digestants are not needed in such cases and may do real harm, Try laying' aside all digestive aids and instead get from any druggist some Bisurated Mag- nesia and take a teaspoonful of powder or four tablets in water right after eating. This sweetens the stomach, prevents the forma- tion of excess acid and there is no sour: ness, gas or Jain Bisurated Magnesia (in der or tablet form---never liquid or milk) s 'harmless to the stomach, inexpensive to take and is the most efficient form of mag esia for stomach 'purposes. It is used by ousands of people who enjoy their meals with no more fear of indigestion, tute dinner this evening. ANNUAL MEETING OF ENGINEERS CLOSES (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Ottawa, Feb. 14.--~The 44th annual meeting of the Engineering Institute of Canada drew near its close today with the hearing of papers on water power resources and the St. Hubert dirigible moorning tower and visit to engineerings work in this district. The final note of the convention will be sounded at the annual insti- THREE OF FAMILY DIED SUDDENLY NEAR BELLEVILLE Double Pnuemonia Said to Be Cause--Neighbors reer ee Kept Away TOM BROWN"S FIRM IS -- -- DECLARED BANKRUPT Toronto, Feb. 14--J. H. Taylor, Conipany, Limited, local tailor firm of which ex-mayor Tom Brown of Stratford, is president was adjudged Belleville, Feb, 14.--Neighbors ban ned by official orders from attend- ing the funeral peered aut sorrowful- ly from behind close-drawn window shades yesterday afternoon as a hearse bearing a man and two wo- men fought towering snowdrifts on ca ALY - Boils on -Salva" stops in 1 minute; boils go in few hours. rvs. medical attention was called until Sunday and steadily he grew worse, His wife, who had been nursing him was then taken ill and Mrs. May Kirk, aged mother of Mrs. Spry, was forced to bed on Sunday. : On Monday night Mrs. Kirk, 83, blind and infirm, died. Her daughter 3 death followed on. Tuesday and Mr, Spry died Wednesday night. Mrs. Mack, a sister of Mr. Spry, arrived to take charge of the pa- tients on Tuesday and she was stric- ken and her death is expected hour- bankrupt by the registrar in bank- ruptcy at Osgoode Hall today, When deposit boxes in Brown's office were opened by police it was found number of bonds had been substitu ted with stock of the Taylor Com- pany. Brown is wanted on charges the way to Springbrook Cemetery. Walter Spry, prominent farmer, his wife ard his mother-in-law, were buried with only the most necessary ly. Several physicians, including Drs, Alger and Carleton of Sterling, Bea(- funeral arrangements. Mourners and pall-bearers were lacking, for the community was barred from the home because of the dread disease which of theft involving more than $200,- 000. * claimed the three. ty of Madoc, Crawford of Marm were fogged to navigate huge snow- drifts in order to reach the home, which is isolated from the main high- way leading to Peterboro. After a To Protect Newspapermen Albany, 'N.Y.--A bill" to protect newspapermen against contempt of court charges for refusing to divulge consultation it was decided that all the deaths were attributed directly to double pneumania and orders for- bidding neighbors to enter the hone were issued, Double pneumonia in its most vir- ulent form caused the deaths in a little home in Rawden Township, 25 miles north of here in 48 hours. The life of a fourth victim in the same sources of news at the demand of grand juries, or legislative commit- tees, was introduced in' the legisla- ture toda by Assemblyman Irwin Steingut, mindrity leader, Killed in Crash Chico, Cal--James Elfendahl, 21, of Redding, was killed and two com- panions were injured in the crash of their aeroplane at the Northern Cal- ifornia airways field here last night. HER SIX YEARS OF * INDIGESTION ENDS "I feel like I'm just beginning A enjoy life again, since taking Sargon. "lI used to suffer with the most terrible indigestion imaginable, that made me so nervous I hardly slept a | wink at night, My back ached al- house remains in the balance and little 'hope is held out for her re covery. Last Wednesday Walter Spry, well known farmer, was stricken and no Quebec cleaned up $8,000,000 ing booze. last year, Just so mu lost to the homes and industrics Owen Sound Sun-Times. a A A------ MRS. VIERSAGON most continually; my elimination was very poor, bringing on headaches and dizzy spells, and my housework was simply a burden. "But thank goodness, Sargon has made things different! For the first time in six years I'm enjoying my meals without a trace of indigestion or nervousness, ard sleep like a child all night long. That terrible head- ache has disappeared and I'm so much stronger I can do my house- work cheerfully. "I also used Sargon Soft Mass Pills and they put my bowels in such perfect order I haven't had a single headache or dizzy spell since. I don't think anyone will be disappointed in the results they get from these two splendid medicines," --Mrs, Viersagon, 128 John St., Hamilton, Sargon may be optained in Oshawa from Karfi's Drug Store. (Ady.) APEX Electrophonic Records Hits from the Motion Picture SALLY Look For The Silver Lining Fox Trot, Record No. 41090 Played by VINCENT LOPEZ & HIS ORCH. IF. 'M DREAMING Waltz Record No, 41093 HOCKEY "The Theme Song of a Nation" Fox Trot, Record No. 26145 Song, Record No. 261486 Singin' In The Bathtub (From the motion picture "Show of Shows") Tox Trot, Record No, 41069. Song Record No. 41071 Lady Luck (From the motion picture *'Show of Shows") Fox Trot, Record No. 41069 Song, Record No, 41094 Painting The Clouds With Sunshine Fox Trot, 41036 Song. 41022 Banjo, 41054 ~ Miss Wonderful Wilson & Lee 71 Simcoe St. N. hone 2388 The Sun Record Co., Toronto, Ont. Dealers Everywhere | Compleet Stock of Apex Electrophonic Records Always on Hand Harris Music Shop il. 17 Simcoe St. Phone 1490 lhe rn-- THE ARCAD SPRING MERCHANDISE h showing in the 'Various Departments of Our Store. Perhaps It's more noticeable in.the Ready-to-Wear -- | Priced From $6.95 to $12.95 ANON BN BN BBN SSS SO Sd OE SE SO SOE 600 ALREADY a Here you will find a selection of New Frocks (over a hundred in all) that are irresistable; featuring, of course, the little higher waist line and just a trifle 'longer than last season. Both the even and uneven hem line are shown. The New STYLES in HATS are Very Becoming The shade, style and shape to meet your particular requirements, advise you to look at these lines at an early Jate, while the range is at its best -- Prices Starting as Low as $3.98 We would ask you to particularly note--Our Blue Window, Blues promise to be . big Style feature during the coming season, We would 3