THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1930 Little Girl Injured Port Hope--While darting across Ridout street at five o'clock Mon- day afternoon, roy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, K. Conroy was struck by a truck, driv- en by J. Akum, The little girl es- caped with slight injuries and is resting quite comfortably today. License Cancelled Port Hope--Albert Ross, North Oshawa, was fined $25.00 and costs by Magistrate W. A. F. Campbell in local traffic court on Saturday when he was convicted on a charge of reckless driving in,Clarke town- ship February 7. His operator's license was cancelled for six months, Police Court Brevities Kingston--Two men appeared before the Police Magistrate in city Police court on Tuesday, the first charged with being drunk in a public place, entering a plea of guilty, and being fined $10 ana costs, while the second charged with theft was remanded for two days at the request of his counsel, H. L. Cartwright, Almost Drowned Kingston--What might have been a drowning accident was nar- rowly averted at Jiock Lake, ac- cording to word received from Ver- ona this morning. Herbert Buck, a resident of Verona, fell through the ice, and it was only after med- jeal aid had been summoned that, he was revived. Suffers Heavy Loss Kingston--The barns and out- buildings , owned by Mr. Oscar Veley at Verona, were destroyed In a disastrous fire on [Saturday. Fire was first noticed coming from the pig-pen and in a very few minutes the entire building was a mass of flames. Willing hands soon were busy on the scene and the horses, cattle and pigs were taken from the burning building. Fractured Finger Kingston--Mr. Harry Palmer, 'Wellington, had the misfortune to break a finger. He was in the act of raising a heavy cellar door which was raised by a heavy weight. The door sprang quickly and'caught his finger causing a bad bruise and painful break. Charged With Forgery Belleville--Arthur Badgley of Madoc was arrested yesterday by Provincial Officer Ted Hill on charges of issuing forged cheques against the Canadian Bank of Com- merce in that village. He WMwas brought to Belleville late yesterday afternoon. Veterinary Surgeon Died Belleville--Practising as a vet- erinary surgeon in Trenton for ov- er forty years, Dr. W. J. Preston, Murphy street, Trenton, was sud- denly seized with a heart attack Monday and passed away at one o'clock this morning. To Inspect Bridges Belleville--A committee compos- ed of Mayor George A. Reid, Alder- men, J. D. McMillan, W. A. Wood- ley, C. C. Walker, City Engineer H. Sedgwick left today for Toronto and Hamilton where the members will inspect several ncw bridges. This trip was made in the interests iss Virginia Con- of the city in conmection with the new structure which will replace the present lower bridge. EAST ONTARIO CONTINUED New Landing Dock Completed Brockville--At the waterworks pumping station on Tuesday a new landing dock was completed to re- place the one washed away in the wind storms of last spring. "Father and Son" Banquet Brockville--The annual "Father and Son" banquet under the au- spices of the Boys' Work Board was held on Monday evening at six o'- cloek in the basement of the Wall Street United Church, the guests numbering in the ncighborhood of 115. At Presbytery Meeting Brockville--Rev, W, E, Donnel- ly, Rev. Frank Sanders, W. T. Rogers, C. J. Hay, and C. A, Win- ters were amongst those from Brockville attending a mecting of the Kingston Presbytery of thé Un- iteq Church of Canada, in King- ston Tuesday. Liquor on Hand-sleigh Brockville-----A hand-sleigh load- ed with seven cases of ale and one | case of port wine, was taken by Border Patrolmen William Dashley and B. Larabee, mear Alexandria Bay a few days ago. The load was being brought here from Canada, and was near Heart Island when discovered. The men ran 'as soon as they saw the officers and could not be identified. Want Salary Increase Lindsay--An application for an increase in salary of $100 each from the town call firemen was the main feature of the meeting of the Town Property Committee of the Town Council Monday night. Addresses Rotary Lindsay---Mr. Bela Bacskal Pay- erle, editor of the Canadian Hun- garian News Published at Winni- peg, interested the Rotarians with a short address at their weekly luncheon yesterday, Increase Grant Lindsay--An increase in the grant to the Salvation Army band from $50 to $75 was decided at the meeting of the Finance Com- mittee of the Town Council Mon- day night, Deputy Recve O'Rellly presiding. ' 58th Anniversary Lindsay--Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Greer, pioneers of Fenelon Town- ship, Victoria County, celebrated the 58th anniversary of their mar- riage recently. They were married in Trinity College, Port Hope on February 5, 1872, by Rev. Charles Bethune, an Anglican clergyman who was principal of the college. Had Drugs terborough---Looking consid- bly fresher after his week in the county jail, Oy Tou Young, local Chinese, who a week ago pleaded guilty to having opium in his possession, appeared before Police Magistrate Langely Monday morning for sentence, Oy was sentenced to one year in the On- tario Reformatory and fine $500 and costs. I TT Ji SEED CLEANING CARS A special train--a University on Wheels--has been equipped by the Canadian Pacific Railway to enable the farmers of Saskatck- ewan to avail themselves of the opportunity of receiving the latest information on seed cleaning ard seeing the machinery used. in cone nection therewith. The tour come mences at Moose Jaw, February 3 and will end at Saskatoon Marsh 15. This lecture train will be in charge of officials of the Field ' Crops 'Branch of the Saskatchewan Department of Agriculture and will travel over Canadian Pacific lines. 474 BELIEVE MURDER HAS BEEN SOLVED Charge Laid Against Man Under Arrest at : Hamilton Hamilton, Feb. 13 months-old shooting posedly having been sc ~The 1ystery sup- lved, a charge of murder was laid last night against ac- ng John Iwantz or Ev- in his Salt- Beach Road. He 1s Mike Smith, cused of slayir ans, aged fruit grower, fleet home on Nov. 26. The Iwantz murder stands of the most brutal in the history of Wentworth County. The old man walked into his home at night, found a masked intruder there demanding money, and replied that there none in the house, He was shot down in cold blood and the slayer escaped. The widow and the daughter the murdered victim appeared county court yesterday as Judge Ev- ans was about to open Smith's tr on a charge of robbery armed rising out of a hold-up some time ago. Both women identified Smith who had visited their home days betore the murder. Although. he had previously elected his | mind and asked for trial by jury on | the hold-up charge. He was conse- | Interesting trial by judge, Smith changed quently sent back to the cells 'on a| remand and the new charge follow ed. Police last night claimed to have! new information connecting him with the Iwantz murder, until the case has fa FOUR ARE HELD BY POLICE AT SIMCOE Beliéved Involved in Attack on Taxi Pro- prietor Simcoe, Feb, 13--Two men and two girls believed to be the four who on Tuesday night robbed a St. Tho- mas taxi driver and beat him into insensibility on the highway near Mabee's corners, are being held here today awaiting hearing on charges of robbery with violence. They were arrested at Cayuga yes- terday afternoon by Provincial Con- stables Oliver of Simcoe and Hayes and Elliott of Dunnville, after being followed since early last evening Small's automobile, taken when he was left lying unconsciius in a ditch, was found abandoned begide the high way three miles west ot' Jarvis, Small is in the hospital at St. Thomas re- covering from injuries. PICKERING LIBRARY three- as one was ELECTS OFFIGERS M. S. Chapman Is President * and Wm. Gormley Secretary Pickering, Feb. 12.--At the an- npal meeting of the library the fol- 'owing officers were elected: presi- dent, M. S. Chapman; Secretary, Wm. Gormley; treasurer, Miss K. Frwkes 'book committee, Mrs. J. S)aith, Mrs, J. Draper and Miss G. T a liffe. «Miss Bossie Bath spent the week- end with friends in Toronto, Miss Marjorie Annan of Toron- spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, L. An- to, her parents, an. Miss M. Morris of Toronto, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Wm. Cullis, Mrs. R. H. Cronk, attended the quarterly meeting of the Friends' Society, held at -Newmarket, on Saturday. Miss Laura Andrew, of Toronto, spent Sunday at her home here. Miss Ethel Bray of the Toronto Normal: School, accompanied by a friend, visited at her home herc over the week-end, George Crummer of Ninga, Manitoba, who is east on business is spending a few days with his brothers, William and Oliver of the village. Final arrangements are being made for the Chautauqua which is | Friday evening. The be given .in to start on performances are to St. Paul's Church, Murray Miller, of Toronto, spent of in| al] as the man | a few| the week-end with frieads in the | Silas. ANNUAL REPORT OF BREHMER REST Work Being Done for Girls and Women Montreal, Feb, 13--The 25th an- ALENTINE WEEK/ Friday, F.bruary 14th - Valentine Day Do you remember our Valentine Week last year--the values we offered? This year we are again celebrating with a week of Valentine Specials -- a carnival of extraordinary values in Foods of Quality. SURPRISE SPECIALS! During this, ilentine Week there will be featured each day-- FOR ONE DAY Y-- a particularly attractive Special. Quantities Limited. WATCH FOR VALENTINE HEART TICKETS SOMETHING DIFFERENT EVERY DAY--COME EARLY--EVERY DAY VALENTINE SPECIAL! BLUE ROSE RICE Lbs. for 15¢ | = |v Weston's Delicious Sandwich biscuits With Cream Filling Ib. VALENTINE SPECIAL! People's Assorted Per BISCUITS v. 24€ Something Different Every Day No. 2 VALENTINE SPECIAL! Aylmer Choice CORN : Tins © VALENTINE SPECIAL! Heinz Tomato KETCHUP | Large Bottle 21c Fre em It Pays to Shop Here Alive NON SUCH STOVE POLISH Keeps Stoves Shining 1%7c Green Label Fancy Quality FRY"S Cocoa 1/5 1b. i 24c VALENTINE SPECIAL! -- AYLMER PEACH JAM 40 oz. Jar 28¢c GLACIER SARDINES -- Tasty sardines in olive oil, per tin.. Your Standard for SUNGLO BUTTER The Cream Of Creamery The bor » 41€ Quality Shi pi RTH LR RBH Jelly Powders 2 pkgs. rriff's Lushus Per Bot 15¢ for SAUCE 1 Ib. Pkg. H. P. 3 1b. Pail 26c tle EATON'S CANDIES--For Valentine Party, ments. 1lc 5h. Pall... 20 1b. Pail your Various assort- | | ! or uccess ! Ib. d in gid 3 2 Ic MAGIC BAKING POWDER SPECIAL! Amber Honey 1 1b. Combs 2 for 29c | Biscuit Creation FLAKE BUTTERS A New Christie \ R Free 2. : 17¢ Per tin USHO | [ Keeps Toilet Bowls Clean 23c Robin Hood PORRIDGE OATS Large 26¢ pkge. Co Er Changed Every Day. Specials | Displayed Not Advertised. nual report of Brehmer Rest, a pre- | ventorium conducted at Ste, Agathe | for the benefit of the girls and wo- [men were submitted at the meeting k | held last Friday aftgrnoon at the re- | 8 Sidence of the president, Mrs, J. progressed further, Eggs Eggs Live Salesman Wanted To sell one of the most popular lines of Auto mobiles on the market. for the right man to make' pply by writing, s An opportunit big money. Very large territory., stating ex perience and lines sold -- APPLY BOX 433 DATLY TIMES Jeddo Premium COAL THE BEST PRODUCED IN AMERICA At Usual Coal Prices Dixon Coal Co. Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines ELECTION IN JONE Quebec Paper Change in the Premier- ship Quebec, Feb, 13.--1.'Action Cathol- ique publishes the fallowing: "In political circles it is held that provincial elections will take place carly in June, Premier Taschercau, it is reported, will remain at his post until after the elections and as soon as the vote is over will vacate in fa- vor of Hon, J. I. Perron, minister of agriculture. It is said Hon. Mr. Taschereau may go to the Supreme Court, "In connection with the reported retirement of Hon. Antonin Gali- peanlt, minister of public works and labor, to fill the seat of Mr. Justice Cannon on the court of appeals bench, we learn that, a new partner has just entered the minister's law office. A. Chouinard is now with the Jaw office of Galipeault, Boisvert and Galipexult. The understanding is that Langlois Galipeault, son of the min- ister, will follow his father as Lib- eral member for Bellechasse in the Legislature. | Explains How Enlarged Veins Can Be Renuced Oftentime Veins Burst and Cause Much Suffering, Expense and Loss Employment Many people have become despon- dent because they have been led to believe that there is no remedy that will rduce swollen veins and bunch- es. If you will get a two-ounce origi- nal bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil (full strength) at Jury & Lovell's,, or any first-class drug store and apply it at home as directed, you will quickly notice an improvement which will continue. until the veins and bunches are reduced to normal. Moone's Emerald Oil, which has brought much. comfort to worried people all over the country, is one of the wonderful discoveries of recent years, and anyone who is disappoint- ed with its use can have theif money refunded, Black, 21 Cote des Neiges Road, The general tenor of the. annual sti atenient was satisfaction that many he improvements that the Board = J craved for years had been real- Forecasts | ized during 1929, and that the work | of | ever before, Canon Gower Rees, rec- the Rest is being understood and | appreciated in greater degree than tor of St. chairman, Mrs. Graham Browne, the honor- ary secretary, gave a comprehensive review of the work accomplished at Brehmer Rest, where the patients as a rule are young working girls, run down or in ill health and unable to regain strength from lack of proper food, lack of rest or suitable environ- ment, In many cases these girls would not know where to turn if it were not for this institution which is under Financial Federation, The ca- pacity of frequently there are seven free pa- tients and there arc never less than four who are unable to pay the small sum of $5 a week which is charged for the patients care. Out of the to- =! of 4903 hospital days, 1,50 were ree. ARCHDEACON DIES AT BROCKVILLE Ven. F. D. "Woodcock Had Distinguished Career as Churchman Brockville, Feb. 13,--Ven. F. Dealtry Woodcock, Archdeacon of Kingston and Rector of Trinity Church, Brockville, since 1902, died at his residence here last night after a brief illness. Archdeacon Woodcock wag born in England 78 years ago, and was engaged in business in Western On- tario before studying divinity at 'Trinity University, Toronto, and being ordained to the ministry in 1888. He was stationed throughout in the diocese of Ontario, in suc- cession as curate at Prescot. In- cumbent at Bath, and rector of Trinity Church, Brockville, He was also in succession Furl Dean of Teeds, a, Canon of George's Cathedral. Kingston, and finally Archdeacon, of Kingston, George's Church, acted as SAMEEREN E Brhhimer Rest is 15 and | HRY Fam 2 pounds ...... Boneless. Per Government Grade Fresh Extra SPECIAL! ily Sausage. Stewing Beef 1b. esse sree Shoulder Roast Beef Pound ......... Ya tin NAC KEEN"S Mustard Ib. 24c 35¢ 19¢ 22¢ Ontario No. 1 Potatoes- Special - Potatoes Potatoes $5.00 Bags Only Delivered To Your Home $2.19 Government Grade Fresh First ATON'S MEAT AND FRUITS Blade Roast Beef 24c¢ Pound SPECIAL! Picnic Hams Hockless. Se GE Hamburg Steak Fresh : 20 c Pound .....v.. "Head Cheese Pound Round Steak Pound ....v eens 15¢ Cooking Onions 25¢ 59¢ Lo 25¢ Large Lemons Dozen'... ven'. 25¢ SPECIAL! Cooking Apples 8 Ibs. Oranges Extra large. Dozen .....: .... New Carrots 2 Bunches ...... Por Peck LLL B90 SPECIAL! Head Lettuce Extra Hard. 2 heads "sive niins 9 2. Sc Ontario Potatoes Peck .... eile [ s.0.s. Cleans Pots and Pans