THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1930 i ---- Daily Times Advertising, subscriptions and nowé will bc received at the Whitby Brancu Office, at Gaz @8--After Business Hours *tto and Chronicle.~Telephons hone 3859. REPRESENTATIVE-JAMES H, ORMISTON: Finances of Public. Utility Commission 'in Good Condition Modest Surplus Shown in Light Department Which Is Subject to "Thirteenth Bill" Which for 1929, Commis- sion Hopes Will Be a Credit--All Charges Met for New $35,000 Sub-Station -- Extraordinary Expenses in Waterworks Department--Services of Late W. M. Van Valkenburgh Appreciated At the regular meeting of the Public Utility Commission held on Tuesday night, the time was prin- cipally devoted to considering fin- ancial matters in connection with last year's operation and in regard to sub-station finances. Had Modest Suprlus The financial statement of the light department for 1929 shows a modest operating surplus of $530. This, of course, is subject to the "thirteenht bill," which the Com- While htis surplus is not as great mission hopes will he a credit as in other yaers, it must be re- Semen membered that all interest and de- preciation charges of the new $35, 000 sub-station have'been taken care of during the year. Overhead charges of carrying this station are high, and will remain so until the load on the local system increases considerably. The town is now in a position to furnish one thousand extra horsepower at short notice. The local Commission feels that this is an incalculable benefit to the town. The Waterworks Department shows an operating deficit for 1929 of $1,431 70. This dpeartment, of course, has néver Ween in the surplus column and last year the Commission were faced with two extraordinary expenditures that ef- fectively spoiled any chance for a surplus, namely: It cost over $1, 600 to remove all sand from the filters and to rebuild the coal shed expected that the operation of cleaning these filters will be nec- essary for another six years, The Commission received an of- fer from the Dominion Bank to purchase the $11,000.00 worth of bonds, at an average price of $101.88. It was decided to accept this offer and use the proceeds iu retire notes under discount at the bank. The mission 8 approved of this sale of bonds and have further recom- mended that the $20,000 in de- bentures which the Town Councn are about to issue to complete the financing of the sub-station be made for a term of twenty years, instead of the ten or fifteen year period that had been under consid+ eration locally, The sum of $3,000 was ordered to be paid to the Town Treasurer for water debenture purposes. Service Appreciated The Commission went on record, appreciating the very valuable and faithful service rendered by the late W. M. VanValkenburgh., who was a commissioner for many years, voluntarily retiring last year on account of ill health, and who had the honor of being chairman. A resolution placed on the minutes set forth the Commission's appre- ciation, and expressed regret that in Mr. VanValkenburgh's death the town had lost a valuable and cap- able servant as well as a highly es- "he Electric Power Com- teemed citizen, County Will Issue $20,000 Debentures | For Atherley Bridge By-law Given Two Readings at Session Wednesday * Eve- ' ning--Special Meeting for Final Reading on June 2nd --Council in Adjourned Session Has Still Considerable Business to Transact--Appointments to be Made to the County Old Age Pensions Board--To Hear Deputa- ,tions Ontario County Council in ses- sion at Whitby on Wednesday morning heard two readings of a bylaw introduced by Gordon Me- Lean, o? Uxbridge to authorize the issuance and sale of debentures to the amount of $20,000. The pro- ceeds of the sale to be used to de- fray the county's share of the Nar- rows Bridge at Atherley. The de- bentures are to run for twenty years, and accrue interest at the rate of 6 per cent, The bylaw was given two read- ings. 'The third reading is to be given at a special meeting of the council to be held on June 2nd. The bylaw to take effect on that day, The committee on legislation and memorials reported to the council through its chairman, John Mojris. The committee recommend- ed (1) That no action be taken re the, communication from Elgin county council concerning subsi- diaries for {incorporated villages. wt d wi JAE 4 crc are SHOPPING ty Mati d? ' Sir She said. WS. At LOB 'WE SE | oF Mother's little maid is certainly in the privileged class. She has learned by accompanying Mother when shopping the lerful ad ages and the delight it is shopping the Loblaw way. She has learned, too, that Mother can always depend on the freshness of her groceries at Loblaw's and that they really do cost her less. She realizes, too, that she will share in the many extra luxuries of life mado possible by the savings--shopping at These Specials on Sale For the Week of February 13th to February 19th LOBLAW'S "It's Meat and Drink to You" 0X0 Employees' Half Holiday Closed Wed. at 12.30 p.m. di 24° CUBES} "From the Sea to Your 39 Simcoe St. North 156 Simcoe St. South 8 am. to 6 p.m, daily 8 am. to 12.30 p.m. Wed, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Sat. KY TN Y LPP wut CARE Bottle 26¢ Rich and Lobster Peaches AYLMER Brand--Fancy Quality-- pened Halves T "For Com, AY ANY OXYDOL plexion and Bath" LUX TOILET SOAP 3 caies 23°, 77 3 1D PKG. Cleans Everything, "For the Finest Shoes" NUGGET SHOE POLISH 7in 12° font Sly for Infants... .oeseeeeeenee Fey'e--34 Ib. Tia... 'Gravy Salt Better Gravy issbs cooraive Bras ct hyr it a0enennine CRY LANEY RE HEN ANKL glib. f J ii hb tind & tin Visors 78. For Frying ( Howpital or "Sunwheat" ang of the LaBLAY y OE Pig. 39% SPE CIAL~ Aylmer "vi BEANS SUNWHEAT i BISCUITS The Biscuits that will eventually become world-famous. This new food contains 5 of It builds resistance Vitamine "D" issupplied by S.0.S. The Whole Wheat Biscuit. Wild Strawbe ABER co ut 2 Tins 29¢ AY ANEY ED California Seedless RAISINS tra- and prescribed in the ildren, Toronto. Get Biscuits ' PY North S. onder Gevermmeat Fancy Quality-- Shore of N.S. approved conditions --Halves HARRY HORNE'S-- 4-08. Pkg --Assorsed Flavom Bab-0 Cleanser 'ree Ri No. 2 Siwe Tin. . SPECIAL~ BOMAN Magic Sgouring Pade--6 Pad Pig... Packed om the Pkg. 23¢ Jar 37¢ ~ 7d 7( Af CHEESE Maconochie's Herrings - ; in Fomato Sauce '| OVALTINE "The Tonic Food Beverage" Med. Sisa Tin 75° # 1 Sho. 25% AN Haloesr=TIN J 2¢ | WE SELL FOR LESS "| other good things and IN THE CHURCHES OF WHITBY (2) That no action be taken re communication from Hastings county council concerning the cost of removal or replacement of poles, (3) The endorsation of.the motion of Wentworth county coucil and that the Provincial Government bé memorialized and asked that the total cost of the maintenance of provincial highways be assesséd hy the Department of Public High- ways, Grant Christie explained to the council that there was a house in Utica which had belonged to a Mrs. Hogarth. Mrs. Hogarth had been removed to the House of Re- fuge a number of years ago, She has since died. 'The house under an act of the province was now liable for sale by the county to de- fray the lady's upkeep' at the Re- fuge, the surplus to go to the es- tate. Mr. Christie moved that the Inspector of the House of Refuge be authorized to investigate the matter at once so that the best price could be realized. It was un- derstood there were several projp- erties in the county that could be disposed of under this category. G. D. Conant, of Oshawa, ad- dressed the council and explained the legal details surrounding the Atherley Bridge case. County Council dealt with two motions on Wednesday afternoon before dispersing for committee work, until later in the afternoon. Mr. Till asked that the request of the Township of Regch, Scott, and Thorah for a special grant for road work be dealt with by the Committee on roads and bridges at this session instead of at 4 June session. It was stated that if the matter were left over till June the rush of farm work would be so great that the gravelling could not be done then. Gordon McLean introducted a motion asking that the warden be authorized to call a special meet- ing of council for June 2nd. to give the final reading to the by-law to authorize the sale of debentures to pay the county's share of the Atherley Bridge construction and that the warden be authorized to publish the statutory notices for the by-law. GRANTS MADE TO HIGH SCHOOLS BY COUNTY COUNCIL Whitby Gets $8,548.02 For Education of County Pupils ---- Ontario County Council on Wed- nesday afternoon heard the report of the Educational Committee pre- sented by the chairman of the com- mittee, Ernest Chapman, 1st De- puty-reeve of Pickering. The com- mittee brought in the following re- commendations: (1) We. recommend that no ac- tion be taken in regard to the pro- posed resolution re Township School Board, as suggested by W. M. Morris, secretary of the Trus- tees and Ratepayers' Association. (2) That we recommend that the report of the two schopl in- spectors for Ontario County be in- cluded in the printed minutes, (8) That the matter of applica- tion for grants for a course in ag- riculture in Uxbridge High School be laid over for further informa- tion. (4) In regard to the claim from Newmarket High School for a grant, we would recommend that the proper forms be mailed them by the clerk of this county and a proper statement properly certified be insisted on. (5) In regard to communication from Hast Whitby Council re county pupils attending Oshawa High School, we recommend that no action be taken. (6) We beg to recommend the following grants to the different 'schools set ite their respec- tive names: Uxbrigde, $0,600.61; Whitby, $8,648.02; Port Pery, $5,778.43; Orillia, $1,777.16; Markham, $1, 323.16; Scarboro, $816.83; Sun- derland, $989.16; Mount Albert, $674.17; Stouffville, $689.85; Pick- ering, $1,735.34; Brooklin, §2,- 213.79; Claremont, $1,842.02; Beaverton, $1,818,656; Cannington, $1,634.20. BOWLING LEAGUE HELD SUPPER AND CONCERT To wind up a most successful season for the Ontario Hospital Five Pin Bowling League, a most enjoyable supper «and concert was held in" Luke's restaurant on Thursday evening. Mine Host Alf. Luke and his staff did their bit in a capable and acceptable man- ner in providing the. oysters and Any favs orable comments were hea Stanley Montgomery, president of the League for this year, made an excellent chairman and had charge of the programme, in which all joined very heartily, supper' table the various league games of the'season were discussed by both those who won and lost. It was a real merry gathering and one long to be remembered, The There's one thing that they can't sell short any more--and that, of 'Dr. | Around the |: Sunday services and other meet- ings in Whitby Churches are out- lined in the following notices for the week: . The United Church--Minister, B.D.~--Sun- morning "God's Rev. A. L. Richards, day, Feb, 16, 11 a.m. worship, Sermon theme, Poem". Story sermon for boys and girls. Beginning now series, Stories of Courage, No. 1, "The Blind Boy Who Became a Poet and Preach- er," 2.15 Sabbath School. 8 p.m. afternoon worship at Almonds. 7 p.m., evening worship, Sermon theme, "The Threshold of the Kingdom", Monday, 8 p.m., The Young People's Society. Group studies on "Fascism and the Ex- periment in Italy" and "Two Her: oes. of Music", led by Mrs. Cars- callen and Miss Leask. Bennett Smith in charge of Recreational period. Tuesday, 8 p.m., Annual Congregational Meetin at Ale monds, The members will be guests of the Ladies' Ald. Wednesday, 8 p.m., Mid-Week Service. The minis- ter will continue' his lectures on Evangelism "The Laws of Revival", Friday, Boys' programs withdrawn in favour of High School play. St. John's, Port Whitby--Rector, Rev, D, B. Langford, Sunday, Feb. 16th, (Septuagesima), 11 a.m, Morning Prayer. 3 p.m., Sunday School and Bible Classes. 7 p.m., Holy Communion, Wednesday, 19, Anglican National Commission. Deanery Conference at St. George's Oshawa. Sec special notice. All Saints' Church--Sept es THIS is no time for violence. Offer a friendly gesture--a bar of Rowntree's York Milk Chocolate. Immedistely the annoying chatter ceases. You will enjoy the feature snore; and 's Milk Ch is itself a "f hal Jelvety ima---Holy Communion, 8 a.m. Holy Communion, 11 a.m. Sunday School, 3 p.m. Evening Prayer, 7 p.m. Tuesday, 18th, Valentine Tea, Wednesday, 19th, Anglican Nation: al Commission in Oshawa, Friday, 21st, Bcouts and Cubs entertain- ment in the Town Hall. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church--Rev, John Lindsay, pas- tor. Sunday, Feb. 16th,} 11 a.m, subject: "The Heritage jof God's People." Isa, 54 : 17. 2.80 p.m, Sabbath School and Biple Study. p.m., subject: "The Piigrim Lite of the Good." Deut. 2 : 7. A hearty wolcome extended to all. Whitby Baptist Church--T, F, Best. pastor. Sunday, 10 a.m., Bible School. Classes for all ages. 11 a.m. subject, "Beho!d He Cometh", 7 p.m., subject, "Elijah. Monday, 7 p.m., Junior B.Y.P.U, 8 p.m. Senior B.Y.P.U, Leaders from Osh- awa 1st Baptist Church. Wednes- day, 7.30 p.m., Men's Club. All un- churched men invited. Thursday, 8 p.m., Prayer Meeting. Study Our Lordés Baptism, Friday, 7.30 p. m., choir practice. R, E. Nicholson, Leader, Visitors always welcome, WHITBY HIGH SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS Results of examinations held last week in Whitby High School are as follows: - : Form IV., French Comp--M. Me¢- Arthur, 89; H. Levine, 87; J. Par- ker, 80; B. Odlum, 80; M. Ruddy, 64; K. Lomas, 63; K. Thompson, 62; J. Bascom, 61; C. Webster, 59; M. Osborne, 58; G. Elms, 57; J. Giroux, 655; I. Luke, 61; G. Scott, 48; 1. Brawley, 46; H. Merrian, 43; F. Newman, 41; C. Worlolk, and in f& of this new chocolate bar. You will find it, in , as distincively alluring as the smile or the voice of your favorite screen star. It is really delicious. Be sare to ask for Rowntree's York Milk Chocolate, the bar that sets a new standard in milk chocolate ike York Net ith delicions yeTor nut milk J THE ROWNTREE CO. LIMITED, TORONTO 41; S. Lawler, 38; D. Maundrell, 34. Form III, Can. History--L. Le- vine, 89; W. Gordon, 85; B. Law- ler, 82; E. Bird, 79; W. Baker, 77; J. McClintock, 71; M. Merriam, 69; D. Pringle, 68; H. Stien, 67; L. Rea, 63; M. Westeney, 63; Z. Gee, 62; C. Greenfield. 49; L. Roscttani, 41; H. Neal, 88; H. Augustus, 33; M. Mantell, 32; O. Dewland, 26; V. Hall, 22; P. Levine, 21; J. Heard, 15; B. Gale, 13; K. Rich- ardson, 10. Form 1I., Arithmetic--A. Scott, 95; M. Heard, 88; H. Elms, 80; Maudie Smith, 78; R. Aylesworth, 76; K., Cooke, 75; J. Wilson,' 70; Form -1B, Geography--E. Mesh- er, 81; W, Harkness, 78; M. Ka- gan, 77; C. Bell, 76; D, Disney, 71; A. Rousseau, 71; R. Downey, 68; S. Yacobosky, 66; M. Bassett, 64; B. Barton, 63; XK. Sleep, 60; E. M. MacConnell, 70; A, Downey, 69; N. Clemence, 64; M. Niddery, 63; G. Levine, §6; D. Butler, 53; W. Ruddy, 50; J. McQuay. 44; B. Dalby, 40; D. Rice, 39; B. Price, 87; IL.Davey, 85; F. Manderson, 25; F. Bvery, 24; F. Brooks, 23; Doris Smith, 21; E. Johnson, 21; S. Correll, 205 M. Roberts, 20; M, Barton, 16; M. Mowat, 13; M., 'Haltby, 6; P. Neal, 5; Marjorie Smith, 0. (| course, is the new-style: skirt. -- Judge. / didi ds iid 3] 3% w & 60c McCoy's Cod PURE ano RELIABLE Ready at all times on shelves and counters are need- ful items for the bathroom and boudoir. Any article bought here is DEPENDAR! FE resardless of how de- ceptively low the price. : > Castoria . 4 ..anik vis Yepsodent Tooth Paste . ; 1 s Liniment . . yer's Aspirin ....... 's Kidney Pills . ... PE } PE ia Syrup of Figs 's C. L. Oil ... L. Oil .. i Lac Tooth Paste . . Milk of Magnesia ........2... 's Nerve Food i .. oe I I Ra) Liver Oil Tablets ....... $1.00 McCoy's Cod Liver Oil Tablets ...... 75¢ Kruschen Salts en CECE oN 7 <> x k Karn's Drug Store We Deliver Sean ese Cov snr isn vie" sso. wos win ery ee ee insets eennee SLs ssn enss CR EE SEER BR LEE SRE BEE CRI RE RES ER SS I Sees sess CREE SURE RSE SSN aia Ses rents e BEL ERRRRERERSIERER CRETE SE NYS SERN EIT SURE Next P. O.