Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Feb 1930, p. 2

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| ' Daily Times The musical comedy "That's That," will be presented under the Raspices of the Bowmanville Tennis 'Club in the Opera House tonight and tomorrow night. Rehearsals -have been in progress for the past two weeks and the production which is expected to be one of the season's greatest successes is now teady for the public. There are over one hundred in the cast and some of Bowman. ville's finest amateur talent is tak- ing part. With the gorgeous scen- ory and the special lighting effects "That's That" is certain to be one of the most spectacular productions of its kind ever staged in Bowman- 'ville. The play is being directed 'by Miss Venetti Kelly of the John B. Rodgers Producing Company of New York, who is an outstanding director of musical comedies in the States, Miss Kelly produced the same play in Peterborough on Jan. 28 and 24, and it played to capacity houses on each occasion and on the ~second evening many had to be turned away. 'There are twelve dancing and singing choruses be- sides the various numbers by the principal characters all beautifully costumed and able from past ex- perience to execute their parts to perfection. The leads in the play are taken by Miss Bernice Bagnell and Bernard Mitchell, of Full House Fame and Edsall Oliver, who also made a great success in the latter play as a villain. Other prin- .cipals include many of the cast of "Queen Esther" and also Miss Peggy Oliver, who made such a name for herself as a comedienne in the comedy, "Full House," some weeks ago. Mrs. Cecil Dudley will have charge of the orchestral ef- fects. Game at Orono Orme Gamsby informed The Times last evening . that the St. George's hockey team®of the mer- cantile league of Oshawa, is going out to Orono tonight to stage a battle royal with the Orono inter- mediates. Those planning to at- fend this game are advised to go out to Orono by the back road as the highway from Newcastle to Or- opo is impassable. 18 SIMOOE ST. ° SOUTH W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses WEALTHY BUSINESS MAN IS KIDNAPPED 66-year-old Connecticut Man|' Was Held Eight Days for $25,000 Ransom New Haven, Conn, Feb. 6.--Re- leased on a promise to pay $25,000 ransom to kidnappers, Max Price, wealthy real estate dealer, returned to his home early today after eight days .of enforced bondage. Search for the 66-year-old business man, which had been carried on throughout Connecticut and in New York city, was ended at midnight last night when he walked into the Bridgeport railroad station, Taken to police headquarters, he told officers, 'I've been Shrough hell,' a «Trembling, stubble-bearded, wear- ied by five tniles of walking from the countryside where he had . been thrown out of an gutomobile by his captores, he told of having lain ited to a bed for eight days, blindfolded even while being fed, with his ¢ap- tors continually demanding ransom. The missing man said that Jast night his captors had offered to let him go if he would promise to pay $25,000 on returning home. He agreed be said, and for his promised $25,- 000 received his freedom, his watch and $1. Orillia Man Frightens Burglars .Orillia,--An. Orillia man, J. from his home on Andrew street with a riflo last night, The men attampted entry at the rear door and Lindsay, hearing them, jump- ed up, seized his rifle and ran to the verandah. The men dashed to a waiting car and fled towards TONIGHT! LIMBER UP THAT STIFF JOINT Now you know what to do when pain tortures your joints and they are inflamed, swollen and stiff. Here's a soothing, pain subduing emollient called Joint-Ease that is made right here in Canada and sold by every druggist in the Dominion, Rub it on that stiff joint to-night | --the one that causes you so much | agony and loss of time--rub it in| good and away it goes through the skin-and flesh right down to the ten- | dons and ligaments of the joints-- | right where all the trouble starts, | Joint-Ease limbers them up-- that's what it's made for--it brings them back to normal--it penetrates and out comes the soreness--thé pain ceases--the swelling is down--you're immensely pleased--a good job done and done swiitly, 60 cents a tube at Jury & Lovell's, Ltd, and druggists everywhere with a positive guarantee of satisfaction or money back, Here's something more--put Joint- Ease to wdrk on that poor, lame, aching back--all better by morning! PILE SUFFERERS You can only get quick, safe and lasting relief by removing the cause---congestion of blood in the lower bowel. Nothing but an internal remedy can do this--that's why cut- ting and salves fail. Dr. Leonhardt's Hem. Roid, a harmless tablet, is guaranteed to quickly amd safely banish any form of Pile misery or money acy Jury & Lovell, Ltd, guarantee, and druggists cverywhere sell it with this |, MINISTERS IN "CABINET WILL GET $12,000 (Continued from Page 1) nities of private members, In 1924 they were increased from $1,400 to $2000 and the indemnities of cabinet ministers from $6,000 to #8,000. [The proposal now is to in- crease the latter figure to $10,000. That will mean that a member of the cabinet will receive, in all $12,000 a session, Still another amendment to the Legislative Assembly Act which will be introduced at the present session will be to compel all can- didates at provincial elections to post a deposit The figure spoken of in government circles is $300, al- though in some quarters that is an || agitation for making it $200. Raise Milk Standard Universal pasteurization of milk | and eream was hinted at when it was forecast in the throne speech that an amendment would be made to the Milk and Cream Act. Control and supervision over dealers and proposed now to transfer this to diction of Hon, John 8S. Martin, Minister of Agriculture, but it is preposed now to transfer this to Hon, Dr. Forbes Godfrey, Minister of Health, The government aims at a higher standard of milk and | cream and a better system of col- | lect and disposal. Lindsay, scared off two burglars | PRICES FALLING ON WHEAT MARKET Reductions "Said Unexplain- able Due to Smaller World Crop Winnipeg, Feb, 6.--Shadow of fall ing wheat prices still hung ominous- ly over the Winnipeg market undissi- pated by prairie goverment declara- tion of financial support for the wheat pools. Meanwhile, thousands of western farmers awaited the end of a period of drastic price reduc- tions characterized by pool officials as unwarranted by basic supply and demand conditions. Resources of Manitoba, Saskatche- wan and Alberta stood pledged as guarantees tor the 15 pe rceut. mar- gin demanded by Canadian banks on loans to the co-operatives --but wheat prices slipped downward more than a cent and a half per bushel. - On the cash market No. 1 north- ern was quoted at $1.20 1-8, more than four cents below last year's fig. ure--and the world crop this year 1s estimated at 533,000,000 bushels fess than the five-year average from 1924 to 1928. Seek Commutation of Sentence Toronto.--Commutation of the death sentence imposed on Edward Stewart for the murder of 'John J. Freeland, December 16, in his Gerrard Street butcher shop, is sought in an application made to the Minister of Justice at Ottawa by Basil W. Essery, counsel for Stewart, Stewart is sentenced to bang March 24 in the Don Jalil CATARRHAL DEAFNESS MAY BE OVERCOME 11 you have Catarrhal Deainess or head and ear noises or are growing hard of hear- |. ing go to your druggist and get 1 ounce { Parmint (double strength), and add to it 1-4 pint of hot water and a little granulated Take 1 tablespoonful four times a his will often bring quick relief from the stressing head. noises. Clogged nostrils 4 open, breathing become easy and the stop dropping into the throat. It is sy to prepare, costs little and is pleasant » take, Anyone who has Catarrhal Petar sr head noises should give this prescription | a trial, gin J BL) Midas v ( i il i flim wn Ts (act ' in CHAS. EVANS HUGHES who has been nominated by Pres. ident Hoover as chief justice of the United States supreme court, in guccession to Wm. Howard Taft, who is retiring on account of ill-health. quotations: "You cannot make a -- out of a sow's ear" A.--rasher; "Cassar"s wife is above --," / neutralized and. ers are when la Syncopation is" em a note which is not in the , Q.--Fill in the gaps in the following Rockies Not Aviation Bar Calgary, Feb. 6.«--Back from a daring flight from Calgary to Van- couver acros sthe highest peaks of the Canadian Rockies, Flying Off- cer W. L. Rutledge, Calgary avia tor, brought his Curtis<Robin mon- oplane to earth at the municipal frport last night, Two important were made by Flying Officer ledge. as a resnlt of observations made during the flight, The flyer qnashed the belief that a forced landir In the mountains meant jnstant death, There were many places where landing fields could he hullt, No longer need the mountains he barriers in the development of aviation between the prairies and coast cities, he said. An air mal! and passenger gervice could be op- erated, he sald, and the trip be- tween Calgary and Vancouver made in four hours, annonncements | Rut- | 1 veins disappear. Swollen and painful Success Recipe Given by Ford Savannah, Ga., Feb, 6.--Henry Ford on his way to Florida yester- day was asked if he saw much evi- dence of hard times in the coun- try. "All I can say," he declared, "jg that I seem to be able to sell all the cars I can make,' Mr. Ford gave the following advice as to how one can become a great business success. "Whatever you have to sell, make it good enough and cheap enough." DISTURBANCES IN NEW YORK STRIKE New York, Feb. 6.--The (first disturbances in the garment sec- tion in connection with the strike of 25,000 members of the interna- tional Ladies' Garment Workers Union occurred today when etrik- | ers and so-called left wing work- ers, who are not on strike, met, The left wing workers were on their way to shops in 38th street where they are emnloyed when they ran into a parade of the strik- ers. Immediately fists and clubs weref lying, police estimating that 1,000 men and women Were fight ing. Three arrests were made Magistrate Fines Himself Hamilton--Magistrate Burbridge in police court yesterday imposed a fine of $5 upon himself because he had forgotten to obtain a new radio license. He held that such an excuse was not valid, and paid the fine to the Clerk of the Court, His Worship tried and convicted him- self when several other persons were charged with a similiar breach of the radio law, He sald he had just remembered that his own radio license had not been re- newed, and the fine followed. Pad Legs Can Now Be (reated At Home, A new treatment which relieves] bad legs without staying in bed must be something qut of the ordinary. This new treatment is known as Moone's Emerald Oil. Varicose ul- cers yield to this powerful penetrat ing oil and together with varicose legs are reduced and inflammation and irritation become things of the past. Thousands can testify to the benefit they have received. Every sufferer 'should get a bottle of Moone's 'Emerald Oil and start the treatment at once, Al] good druggists have it. STATES GOVERNMENT'S VIEWS Hon, Peter Heenan, federal minister of labor, who definitely states that the Dominion government would not recognize unemployment as a national problem until the provinces admitted they could not cope with tho situation. $1,207,551 in Penny Banks Toronto, Feb. 6.--That Canadian children are learning the value of thrift is evidenced by the report issued by J. R. Littleproud, On- tario Penny Bank Inspector, which states that amounts to the value of more than $1,000,000 were on deposit in the schools of Canada at the end of December, 1929, The great majority of deposits credited to the schools of Canada are in reality «located in the Province of Ontario. The total amount on deposit in the Penny Bank of the schools of Canada at the end of December, 1929, is reported as $1,207,5651.51, with 414 schools making deposits, At the end of 1928 the total am- ount on deposit in Canadian schools was $1,095,474.06. LINDBERGH FAVORS GLIDER (By Canadian Press Leased Wire) Tehachap Mountains, Calif., Feb, 6.--~An exhaustive study of the glider, which he believes will prove particularly valuable in teaching the public how to fly, has been launched hers by Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh, Col. Lindbergh disclosed yester- day that he believed the gull plane, of the relatively high de- gufety it provides, could be ease public interest in in training prospec- to handle powered because gree of used to in aviation ar tive pilots planes, THE OLD HOME often at cheerful they Talkir died ; At merrvmaking Laughter's eyes were wet, And tl vied, How thy hearth met until the last lone ember sin song and story often In through that door as little folk t y came, th the same each one went down the way, Where Praise held high her laurels, and ere Blame,. Await jeir adventure ambushed lay. And Thou one last nlace whose door was open wide, Of many a journey, too, the happy B Thou: almost heaven, may abile, There thou shalt be, a shrine i which the soul Mav, often at the call of Twilig! bow Though far from thee, and one an other, now! --Alexander Louis Fraser | "The Shannons of Broad- way" Coming With The Gleasons James and Lucile Webster Gleason Featured in Rollicking Screen Comedy Adapted From Their Stage Hit An All Talking and Music Picture rn te "The Shannons of Broadway, James Gleason's rollicking. record breaking comedy, with new fea tures that make it bigger and bet ter than the stage production, op- ens Wednesday at the New Mar ing and music plcture, Gleason and Lucile Webster Gleason, rated as oue of the great- est comedy teams in history, them gelves have the title roles in the picture with a supporting cast that ifs one of the strongest ever as- sembled for a picture of this type at Universal. The cast includes Mary Philbin. a film star of the first rank; Har ry Tyler, Gladys Crolius, and Hel en Mehrmann, of the original "Shannons'" stage cast; Robert I. Haines, featured film player; Tom Santschi, Charles Grapewin, John Breeden, Slim Summerville, Tom Kennedy and Walter Brennan. From Popular Play "The Shannons ct Broadway" smashed all records at the Martin Beck Theatre, New York, when it ran for 39 consecutive weeks, and has been on the road and in stock for more than two years. In mak ing it into an all-talking Universal special production Emmett Flynn. the director, and 'Gleason, author and star. held to the staze story but added features that distinguish it from the straight stage play. Three snappy new song hits "Get Happy," "Someonc To Love Me" and "Living the Life of Riley' were written especially for the pic- ture by Klages and Greer and one of them is sung by Gleason himself the first time he has ever done a singing number in public, All the rich Gleason comedy made famous by his various hits, has been incorporated in the | picture. The Gleasons are just as| funny on the screen as they are on | the stage. The presence of sgev- eral members of the original cast of "The Shannons of Broadway in the same roles in the picture cast, adds greatly to the produc tion. Montreal Brokers Arrested Montreal, Feb. 6.--Acting under in- structions from the attorney-gencral, provincial police today seized the of- fices and books of the firm of J Juneau and Company, mining brok- ers, in Montreal and Three Rivers. Bladder Weakness Wrecking Health of Thousands A big percentage--some claim two out of three--of men and women of mature years are troubled with Bladder and Uruary Weakness, causing Backaches, Headaches, Nervousness, frequent night risings and burning irritations throughout the ay. I'hese conditions not only make life miser- able, but they sap vitality, undermine } and frequently lead to most painful ope tions, In an effort to swiftly relieve and com- fort even the most obstinate and of these conditions, a well known offers the value of "Uratabs," a treatment he has successfully used for over 40 years Dr. Southworth"s "Uratabs" come in plain sealed packages containing 10 days' treat. ment--and all who need such a medicine are invited to try it at once without slightest risk of cost unless pleased with results Any good druggist will su y you on binding guarantee of satisf back on first box purchased. where'er they | SEEKING CONTROL. OF WHEAT PRICES. St. Paul Corporation Makes Huge Purchases to Bolster Market St. Paul, Minn.,, Feb. 6--The Dis- patch says the Farmers National Grain Corporation has become the heaviest single buyer of gram in the United States through its purchases, in northwest markets to bolster fad- ing wheat prices, Figures compiled by the paper show the corporation has bought 1,- 175,000 bushels of No. 1 spring and Durum wheat, which the paper say it is mot expested to sell until pri- ces advance. Approximately 500 cars of wh have been purchased in Minneapolis, 255 at Duluth, and 115 in St. Paul, The wheat is being stored, the pa. per said, with the intention of get. ting control of a sufficient amoy so that at least some degree fluence may be wielded « price trend. In the purchasing of wl large scale, the Dispatch surplus control idea of the Haugen bill virtually is bei in effect, except that in cas must be sold at a loss the farm loan board will have to the funds in of the farmer Chicago.--Police Commissione William Russell does mot regard Vhicago's present crime situation as bad "when it is considered that the police are not being pald and 5,000 more men are needed to pro- perly protect the community." The Commissioner last night blamed lawlegsiess in Chicago, "as in the nation," on prohibition, explaining that bootleggers and packeteers, having no recourse to the establish- y "gettle their differences nd bombs." Dentists Attention! Three dental suites, in ex- cellent loeation, Bloor and Bathurst Sts., Toronto, with every meodern convenience, A Deli atiu] Breakfast Food Who Is Your Simy Friend, Ethel? im to take McCoy's Cod Li- rect Tablets for a couple of s and get enough good healthy bones to look like a real Teil h nC flesh' on his man, Lell him, it's the only way to take those grave-like hollows from his cliceks and neck. Tell him that thousands of thin, puny, peaked, scrawny men all over America have improved their physi- cal heaith and appearance and bless ; they first heard of these sugar coated tablets veight producing vitamines. McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- ts, Jury & Lovell, T. B. Mitchell, W. H, Karn and every $0 aad Colds Vapors inhaled quickly clear head VAPORUS NUR £ USED YEARLY MILLION JARS druggist worthy of the name sells them--60 tablets--60 cents. Any thin an or woman can put on five unds of healthy flesh in 30 days your druggist will willingly re- d the purchase price. ine woman put on 15 pounds in weeks. Children grow robust and ng--teceble old people feel young- in a few weeks. Regular winter. ' For $2.50 Pant $1.95 $3.00 Pant $2.1§ $3.50 Pant $2.7§ $3.75 Pant $2.85 JOHNSTON'S Regular This is the season of the year when an extra pair of trousers helps the old suit through the We offer special prices on all odd trousers for this week-end. For $4.00 Pant $2.95 $4.50 Pant $3.60 $5.00 Pant $3.85 $5.50 Pant $4.60 Men's Odd Pants dl

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