Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 6 Feb 1930, p. 9

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THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1930 PAGE NINE ENFORCEMENT OF ROAD LAWS URGED Hon. J. E. Perreault, Minis- ter of Roads, Appeals For Safety AT SAFETY LEAGUE Decrease in Grade Crossing Accidents Noted During Past Year Montreal, Feb. 6.--Need of im- proved traffic regulations and en forcement of existing traffic laws was stressed by Hon. J. E. Per- reault, Minister of Roads, in an address on "The Value of Safety" before the Province of Quebec Safe- ty League at the Mount Royal Ho- tel Friday. E. J. L'Esperance, presi- dent of the league, was in the chair, Official figures, Mr. Perreault stated, show that in Quebec, grade crossing accidents decreased consid- erably in 1929 due to preventive measures advanced by the Province of Quebec Safety i.eague and en- acted by the Provincial Govern- ment. While 39 lives were lost in the first five months of 1928 only nine were reported for the same period in 1929. Industrial Age "We are living in an age of in- dustry and machinery, when ever increasing speed in production and transportation is of paramount im- portance," said the speaker. "Hu- man life, it seems, is of secondary importance in man's mad rush towards an indefinite and uncer tain goal aimed at in the short est possible time and at any price. Today, the machine rules supreme, In the shop, on the road and even in the home, we speak more and more in terms of machinery. We are tempted to forget the man be- hind the dynamo or the motor and the fact that the priceless gift of human life, is practically overlook- ed, '""As a matter of fact, in the course of the last quarter of a century, more attention has been given to the performance of the machine than to the preservation of life. As a result, an enormous number of lives have been lost in the service of industry, and, what is worse still, in the search for re- creation. Only in the past few years has improvement been sought through the elimination of dangers inherent to the present modes of work and living, through compul- sory accident prevention measures, or through the education of the pe~rie. PROSPECT NEWS Prospect. Feb, 3.--Owing to the serious illness of the pastor, Rev. Mr. Merriam, there were no ser- vices at any of his appointments on Sunday last. We all hope for a speedy recovery and hope he will be able to take his services next Sunday, The heavy snow stoym on Satui- day and Sunday has again blocked the roads for cars. The farmers have been busy dragging and keep- THE OSHAWA 'DAILY TIMES, ing the roads open. Mr. Frank Kight had the misfor tune to have his car smashed when his car collided with another car on the = Port-Perry-Manchester road. Fortunately neither Mr. Kight or his mother were injured. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Martin spent Sunday with Mr. Arthur and Miss Kate Orchard. Mr. Wm, Day of Port Perry visited with Mr. Geo. Smith on Friday last, Mrs. Tom Moore is engaged In Toronto for the coming month. Mr. Allie Christie sold a valuable horse to Mr. Wm, Hopkins, Ash- burn, Mrs. Jas. BE, Mitchell and Verna visited with Mrs, C. W. Lakey on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gibner vis. ited with Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Fle- well, of Manchester, on Monday last. r. and Mrs. Russell Butson en- tertained the Young People's Sun- day School classes of Utica at @ skating party last Thursday even. ing. After skating, lunch and games were indulged in, and all report a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Geer with Mr, and Mrs. Chester Geer on Sun- day. U.N4E 3:3 Fruits Soups & Vegetables => > AYLMER] HIKERS AT CAPITAL CITY CARNIVAL The photograph here shows Miss Aurone Roy (LEFT), and Miss Ena Lachance, two champion hikers of Dragon, P.Q., as they appeared while attending the wintér carnival at Ottawa. Mr. Geo. Welch was in Green- bank one day last woek, Mr. Frank Ferran is visiting his sister, Mrs. Ben Jones. Mr, and Mrs, Harold Kerry spent a few days in Toronto last week. Mies Betty Harrison of Montreal, visited with Jas. Mitchell for a few days, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ackney and family are in Toronto. Mrs. E. A. Christie is improv- ing after being confined to her bed with flu and pleurisy for the last month, Mrs. Walter Skerratt of Toron- to is visiting her mother, Mrs, G. D. Bentley this week. Rev, Jas. Denney is not improv ing as fast as his many friends would like to see him. Mr, Den- ney is beloved by all who. know him, as an earnest, considerate ani hard working man among his peo- ple. His whole desire seems to be to lighten some one else's load, and make things run more smoo:h- ly in this old world as possible. Mr. Smith is. improved in heaith now and says he nover felt better in his life. His many friends will be pleased to hear this good news. Miss Nora Spencer is improving after her accident, which might have been more serious. While leading # horse the animal became OSHAWA LUGGAGE Fancy Leather Goods and Novelties ESTATE SALE 6 Only Ladies' Hat Boxes Special Ladies' Hand Bags. Reg. up to $3.50 All Other Purses 20 p.' Discount BOSTON BAGS Regular $1.25 Special, 95¢ Dog Sweaters & Blan- kets 20 p. c. Discount | man in charge. Genuine cow hide. Regular price "$17.50. Special Sale price .... $11.50 Music Case Reg. $1.95 ......ccv0vve... $1.25 Cigarette Cases ................. 29¢ Pepper Shakers, pair ©............ 35¢ Playing Cards in Leather cases. Reg. $1.50. 75¢ 3 auly Badminton Rackets. Reg. $4.00. Special $2.00 Lilies Belts, some as high as $1. To clear, special 25¢ Ladies' Mocassin Slippers. Special ........ $1.00 Lallies' Umbrellas. 'Reg. up to $3.95... $1.95 Ladies' Umbrellas. Reg. up to $5.00. .... $3.00 Men's Umbrellas. Reg. up to $1.50. ...... $1.00 HARNESS SPECIALS 2 Only sets Team Harness. Reg. $75.00. Special 2 Only sts Team Harness. Reg. $60.00. Special 2 doz. short straw collars. Reg. $4.50. Special .. $60.00 $50.00 $4.00 SAYWELL & SON i? BOND ST. W. Pa EE NEI > PHONE 338 REA FAN a TR EI frightened and crowded her aghinst the wall and then dragged her for some distance, injuring her head and bruising her body badly, Mrs. Henry Ouderkirk visited Mr. Oggerkirk at Christie Street Hospital last week. Sorry to say Mr, Ouderkirk iz not Improving any. Mrs. Oscar Gilray and daughter, Marjorie, are visiting with the former's mother in Lindsay for a couple of weeks. Mr, Wm. Mart! on Thursday last. n was in Toronto J MAPLE GROVE YOUNG PEOPLES' LEAGUE HELD INTERESTING MEETING Maple Grove, Feb, 3.--~Leaguc last Wednesday evening opened with Miss Marjorie Stevens, presi- dent in the chair. After the devo. tional period, in the absence of the fourth vice-president, the meet- ing was handed over to Mr. Jack Cator, and the following program was given. Reading, Miss Corsina Samis; piano solo, Miss Ellen Gim- blett, topic: "The. League of Na- tions," Mr. C. H. Snowden; vocal duet, Mikses Dorothy Stevens and Winnie Lancaster. After this Rev. Stainton showed some very inter- esting slides on some of the kings of the Old Testament. The annual congregational meet- Ing was held In the hall on Friday cvening with Mr. Stainton, chair- Reports were giv- n from the different organizations nd Sunday School classes and of- crs were elected for the coming an Mr. Mark Blackburn was then 2iled on for a recitation. Mr. Fred Hockin then gave some violin: selections which were ac- :ompanied by Mr. Stainton on the plano, The following prizes were given out for the juniér Sunday. School classes: Primary class--LOulge and Marion Foley; Junjor girlg--Lyra Freeman and Jean Stevens Junior boys--Charlle Wright and Bob Snowden; Intermediate girls--May Freeman and Winnie Gibson; In. jamedint boys--Gordon and Ross Mr: John Snowden was called ou to act as auctioneer and the und. coal oll lamps wero sold, vn which refreshments were served by the ladies and we all enjoyed a Mr. Leonard Card visited in Osh- awa recently. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Brent and son, Bill, visited with Mr, and Mrs. Thos. k, Columbus, recently, Mr, Idris "Stacey is confined to his bed under the doctor's care. Messrs. John Kellington and Roy Brawn, Oshawa, called on friends wre on Saturday. Mr. Arthur Ormiston, Toronto, wont the week-end with his parents here, Mrs, Andy Pilkey has returned aft- er spending a few days with her mother, Mrs, Maye, at Goodwood. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. Jas, Cook, at Myrtle, on Monday. Misges Lorene* and Margueritte Miller returned to their studies at the Oshawa collegiate on Monday, after being under quarantine for mumps, Miss Jean Thompson, Oshawa, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, D. Thompson, THE PASSAGE 0 soul on God's high seas! the way is strange and long, Yet fling your pennons out and spread your canvas strong; For though to mortal eyes small a craft you seem, The highest star in heaven doth send you guiding gleam. 80 - O soul on God's high geas! look to | your course with care, Fear most when winds are kind and skies are blue and fair. Your helm must sway at touch of no hand save your own The soul that sails on God's high CPRTDBUID | 160 MILES OF LINE Branch Lines Proposed in| Alberta, Saskatchewan | and Quebec Ottawa, Feb, 6.--The Canadian Pacific Railway will have five bills for branch lines before Parliament this session. The bills provide for the: construction of approximately 160 miles of lines, distributed am- ong three Provinces: Alberta, Sas- katchewan and Quebec. They are | as follows: { From a point on the Taber sub- division of the C.P.R., near Temp- est, Alta., southwes{ for approxl- mately 10 miles. From Dunelm, Sask., on the Swift Current southeasterly branch of the C.P.R., southwesterly for a distance about 50 miles, From Duval, Sagk. on the Pheas- and Ace, retailing at 15 cents straight, two for 25 cents and 10 cents straight respectively, and ap- pearing on the markct for the first NOTED IN NEW YORK New York notes that a type of ant Halls branch, easterly for a distance of some 30 miles. From a point in Township 46 or 47, east of Glenrose, Sask. in an easterly direction to Shellbrook. The fifth line is a short one, In the Parish of Ile Perrot, Vaudre- uil County, Quebec. ; The bills will ask for authority to issue securities in respect to these lines to an amount not ex- ceeding $50,000 a mile, NEW JACKET FOR CIGARS seas must sail alone, | Improvements in merchandising | methods which are expected to | 0 soul on God's high seas! sail on | make their products more popular | with steady aim, Unmoved by wind of praise, touched by seas of blame. Beyond the lonely ways, the guiding star, There stretches out the strand and golden harbor bar. with consumers are be- ing introduced fmmediately in Eastern Canada by H. Simon & Sons Limited, cigar manufacturers, according to a statement by company's management, A new protective jacket called a Humitube will encase three new sizes of Simon cigars, Crown, Merit than over un beyond --Jean Blewett the \ time this week. The Humitube, it is claimed is heat proof, moisture proof, dust proof and break proof. It has the same effect as a humidor, from which it derives its name It keeps the cigar fregh and clean. helps to retain its original flavour {x and prevents breakage, An important feature of the new jacket is its transparency. Unlike | foil this wrapper conceals noth- ing afld the purchaser is able to! sce what he is getting in return for his money. The management | of H. Simon & Sons Limited be- | lieve that this will appeal strongly | to all cigar smokers, These progressive movements in | the merchandising end of the bus- iness are expected to give still add- éd impetus to sales. Recently a dividend increase of 50 cents per | share on the common stock of the company brought the annual rate up to, $2.50 per share, a reflection of last year's increase in sales and evening wrap which appears to br acquiring interest at the smart thea tre openings recently is the threo quarter length coat of white satin very rich and thick- embroidered all over in widely spaced, tiny motifs ¢ gold flowers and although not man; oi them are seen at any one occa their fresh and new look makes t} a significant style to wateh, TRANSFER A doctor said very softly anc sadly to an aged patient: "I am very sorry, but it would { be. wrong to hide trom you ans longer that you are & very sick man. Yes, a very sick man. I: there any one you would like tc sce?" The patient "Who?" The answer came in a scarcely audible whisper: "Another doctor." nodded feebly, social time together, Miss Dora Eames returned home on Friday after rd im two weeks | with friends in Toronto, Mr. Elgin Munday, Guelph, spent the week liome, Miss Nellie Snowden, Toronto Normal, spent the week end with her parents here. Miss Ida Stevens fs visiting her nicoe, Mrs. Ray Snowden, Toronto. M. and Mrs. Stuart Morton and son, Jack, Cobourg, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Truman Power, RAGLAN BRIEFS Raglan, Feb, 3--There was no church service here on Sunday even- ing owing to our pastor Rev. Mer- rim, being confined to his home with a severe gold. next Sugday afternoon at 3 o'clock, Ihe Sunday School had an increase in attendance on Sunday. It is hop- ed the attendance will increase more every Sunday 0.A.C., Migs Bertha Holliday, of Prospect, | visited with Mrs. Irwin Ormiston recently. The Ladies' Aid social evening which was to be held. on Wednes- day cveping of this week had to lig postponed indefinitely owing tof the bad conditions of the roads. Mr. D. Thompson has been con- fined to his bed for some time with a severe cold, His many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. Fred Pierson, Toronto, { 1 spent Sunday at his home here, Church service here! | end at | COD zi. _BythePicce 2 Here Are GREAT SAVINGS for You ' Foods of nationally known excellence at prices made possible by A & P's policy of selling the best of foods at the Make out your shopping list now, and make your food budget go further by bringing your list where savings are worthwhile, lowest prices. toA&P., .. OSHAWA --TWO STORES--KING STREET WEST--SIMCOE STREET 8S. QUALITY MEATS These great values are ready for you the first thing In the morn- ing . . be sure to buy where you're sure of quality. TENDER, JUICY, SATISFYING BEEF ROASTS SIRLOIN A Choice Roast 1b. 2 Qe PORTERHOUSE 1b. 37c WING--Tender .... RUMP--Round Side ............. lb. 28¢c FAMOUS OLD-ENGLISH CURE--DAVIES' WILTSHIRE SMOKED BACON Back 47 Sticed b. 40¢ 1.31 b. 32e ROLLED IF DESIRED SMOKED HAMS Gammon Ib. 37. Half Cushion. ih. 42 Collar _-- Ib. 45¢ Sliced FANCY SMOKED BREAKFAST BACON sticed1b. 3 Jc CHOICE FOWL BY THE PIECE For Boiling LEAN YOUNG ROASTING LOINS b. 32 CHOPS Cut From Loin . 35¢ COTTAGE ROLL *:.== 1b. 28¢ DUMART'S SMOKED PICNIC HAMS shankiessib. 2 §e FISH DELIVERED TO OUR STORES FRESH DAILY ibs. 25¢ TRE CUTS SLIGHTL 2 Ibs. 5 F LOUNDERS--Fresh Yellowtails ..... 1b. 13¢c WHITEFISH--W inter Caught ........ Ib, 14c FINNAN HADDIE--Beacon Brand .... Ib. 12¢ OYSTERS--Beacon Brand ........... Jar 32¢c A & P BREAD There is not not an ingredient in this A & P product which is not the best that the market can provide . . . . Just taste a slice--you'll know it's bread of the better sort. Large White Loat Je TEA WEEK Finest flavored teas direct from plantation to you. We fea to suit every taste. A & P TEAS BLENDED INDIA ASSAM & INDIA INDIA CEYLON ORANGE PEKOE - lM 1b. 49¢ ib. 63¢c ib. 75¢ Ib. 79e¢ 8.0.8. CLEANSER MAGIC BAKING POWDER 16-01%. Tin 34¢ AN EXCEPTIONAL GROUP ALWAYS A FAVORITE H. P. SAUCE AYLMER CHOICE QUALITY TOMATOES A UNIVERSAL FAVORITE LUX Toilet Soap 3 Cakes 19¢ MADE OF THE FINEST FRUIT HEINZ Tomato Ketchup 252 1e BUY A CASE TODAY AT THIS LOW PRICE GPAD 1 4c MAGIC SCOURING PADS OF VALUES Bottle 22¢ No.2! Tin 13e Soup Campbell's Tomato 2 Tins | Qe AYLMER GREEN LABEL JAM strawberry 40-ox.Bottle 37 PURE GOLD BRAND---ASSORTED FLAVORS Jelly Powders 5 Pros. 25¢ POST BRAN FLAKES ........... 2 Pkgs. 23c HARD CANDY cut HOCK on musBues 1b. 46¢c PICKLES {ia Mike 30-0z. Jar 43c FLAKE BUTTERS Gitte. 2:Pkgs.17%¢ IVORY SOAP FLAKES ............. Pkg. 9c TODDY ........... Yb. Tin31c 1b.Tin51c JUNKET POWDERS .............. Pkg. 11c LYON'S TEA BLUE LABEL . Vo-lb. Pkg. 42¢ SHIRRIFF'S wOniata 16-0z. Jar 21c MARMALADE FRUITS and VEGETABLES DELIVERED TO OUR STORES FRESH DAILY BANANAS 2: Doz. 2% ORANGES .z¢'fi: Dox. 3Qe ONIONS vill FooxixG 8 lbs. 25 CABBAGE--New Green .......ss.4.21bs. 19c TURNIPS--Home-Grown .......... 81bs. 15¢ GRAPEFRUIT--Texas Seedless . .... 3 for 23c LETTUCE--Iceberg .:.......cv.... 2 for 29c CARROTS--California-Grown .. 2 Bunches 19¢ LEMONS--Messinas .............. Doz 3lc POTATOES zu ig3e Tae Grear AmAnTIC & Pace Tra Co, LIMITED OF _oAnaDS .

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