Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Jan 1930, p. 10

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PACE TEN THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 30, 1930' SONA LEAGUE 0 © NINN DFE : worth ue 'opened at Eldad with jie wissionary " HEARS LECTURE North of i 3 House . Solina, Jan. 20.--Ep Leag vice-president in the chair. Alan son took up the devotional topic and Miss Evelyn Tink gave a reading. 'The men's quartette composed of Messrs Alan Balson, Elgin Taylor, g E. Werry and Harold = Shuttle- vorth sang "Blue Galilee." Rev, J. »R. Bick, then gave an interesting il- "Justrated lecture on Indian life 200 _. niles north or Norway House. About 140 were persert. +. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton' McBride and | 'Burton, Mr, and Mrs. Delmadge, Pet- __erboro, Mr. and Mrs. Will White, of © Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tink and Kathleen, Salem, were Sun- ut ' { day guests of Mr. and Mrs. George AVhite. Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Crossman | Mand' Miss. Irene, spent Sunday with ¢..anorning. _ John Naylor. Several radio fans listened in at 6 o'clock on Tuesday morning to hear King George, Ramsay MacDon- _ald and others. Congratulations are being extend- ed to Mr. and Mrs. Norval Wotten © on the arrival of a daughter. Frank Westlake Jr, had the mis Jortune of breaking his arm while cranking their car' on 'Wednesday The g. play "Marrying Anne" was {'s postponed on account of the seri- ous illness of R. J. McKessock who is in Bowmanville hospital, . The annual congregational meeting is to be heldy on Wednesday, Jan- udary 29 at 8 o'clock. Name Wardens In the Counties elected by the various county coun- cils in the provifice Tuesday as fol- ; - BERT BURT. Bruce--DAVID WILLOUGHBY. Elgin~DUGALD K. ANDREW, . Essex--JAMES GOW, = Frontenac--SAMUEL STINCH- COMBE. * Grey--JACOB LEMBKE. Haldimand--RICHARD SHERK. Halfon--W. H. MORDEN, Hastings--COL. ROSCOE VAN- DERWATER. Huron--A. C. BAEKER. Kent--M. J. WILSON. Lambton--WM. G. CONNOLLY, Leeds-Grenville -- GEORGE W, GARDINER. Lincoln--FRED OAKES, Middlesex--GEORGE PARROTT. Norfolk--LOUIS A. MAGUIRE. Ontario--JAMES READ. Oxford/HENRY HANLON, Perth--AARON RINGLER. Peterboro -- JAMES HAW- THORNE, . Prince Edward--CHARLES KIN- NEAR. a f Stormont = Dundas -- EDWARD STRADER. Victoria--JOHN McGILLIVRAY, Waterloo--H. J. GRIFFIN, Welland--GEORGE HILL. Wentworth--RUSSELL H. ERY. » EM- --e-------- A millionaire's son has taken on a $15 a' week telegrapher's job. But father's the president and the paymaster and is not likely to see him starve, Excavators near the city of Smyrna have dug up mniore than 1,000 gold cups--but not one bot- tle of the stuff with which they used to be filled.--Hamilton Spec- tator. ~The New Essex 1930 Challenger Has arrived in Town ' - Visit Our Showrooms "Ross, Ames and Gartshore 135 King Street West Oshawa MONTREAL HEALTH LEAGUE DISBANDS Splendid Work Accomplish ed in Period of Five : Years Montreal, Que,, Jan, 30.--Having accomplished the work which it set out to do five years ago, the Mon- treal Anti-Tuberculosis and General Health League passed out of exist- ence at a general meeting of its members recently. The work which it had set out to do following its or- ganization on March 24, 1924, was "to assist in developing a public opinion which will first create the municipal authorities to undertake a reasonable health program; for it is our understanding that health is a responsibility of the state and, there- fore, a voluntary health agency has a place in assisting but not relieving the state of its health responsibili- ties." During the past five years the league has centred round the ohe idea of increasing public interest in health work with the object of mak- ing possible an official assumption of health responsibilities. The "league officers find interest now in health is greater than ever before; a very distinct evidence of a general desire for improved conditions; unmistak- able signs that the public and the official authorities are considering health as an official responsibility; the budget of the municipal health department has been materially in- creased; not only have all staff va- cancies in the municipal health de- partment been regularly filled but the staff has been increased, and the laboratory {is functioning with a bacteriologist in charge. While the league itself passed out of existence, the Survey committee will, as a result of a recommendation adopted by the league's final meeting, continue to function. SUGGEST MARKING SITE OF OLDEST QUEBEC FURNACE | Blast Furnace Built at Three Rivers in 1733 Operated for Over Century Montreal, Que., Jan. 30.--An- nouncement of the Ontario Historie Sites and Monuments Board's inten- tion to mark the site of the first iron blast furnace established in Up- per Canada has led to the suggestion that steps be taken in this province by the Historical Monuments Com- blast furnace established on this.con- tinent, near Three Rivers, The On- (O1NISY (0) 24 SE LIMITED | "WHERE QUALITY COUNTS" IT'S AN OLD STORY TO US! but, as a prominent business man said to us the other day, it's a new story to thou- sands of people. Our tremendous turnover, and the resulting buying power, our Py srowth and expansion is a story bordering on the romantic. Just ten years ago this organization started with its first store. Today there are over 500 in operation. Our service, our quality merchandise, and our value-giving prices have built, and is con- PN 'tinuing' to build, a monument to ou r slogan--"WHERE QUALITY COUNTS." SPECIAL--VICTORY QUEEN OLIVES 40-0. Tin 37. AYLMER sSouPSsS 2 mvs 19€ GUEST ave BOTTLE IVORY SOAP 6 ror 25e A DELICIOUS BLEND Richmello Tea i 38e BEEKIST PURE CLOVER HONEY Yr 75 HEINZ Baked Beans "Ne. 23e GILLEX rx1. 10€ demand for, and second, enable: the |. Montreal Health | \"Can You Help Australia?" a VO A A AY Tw I Pa Oa Pi RI A Wa as the broadcast of the o] remonies Our circuit to Australia has failed! Can you help us out?" So ran the message from London jan ning ower $45 ce of the Five Naval C as e w under way. J. N. Lafond in the Bell Telephone Company's Con- trol Room at Montreal at on oalled, Joseph St. Germain, Bell opening ceremonies, Mr. t Desgroselli ers. Joseph St. e control room in Bell Telephone ville, directing him to patch a tele- phone circuit that would make an additional talk channel from Montreal to the Marconi trans- mitting station at Drummondville. In just five minutes the job was done, and immediately the wonder working electric waves were carrying the broadcast to eager listeners in far off Australia. Above are pictured His Majesty King George nent Germain, Bell Telephone Combinationman, 'Marquette' office, Montreal, and Messrs. H. Belanger and J. V, Houses of Parliament at Westminster, scene of the gr -- Se N Drummondville, Que., "tario furnace to which reference was made in news despatches a few days ago, was established in 1800; that in Quebec was established under the French regime in 1733 and operated almost continuously for 150 years The St. Maurice forges have not lacked recognition for, in 1886, a pa- paper entitled "Historical Record of the St. Maurice Forges, the oldest active blast furnace on the contin- ent of America," was read before the Rayal Society of Canada by F. C. Waurtele, librarian of the Quebec lit- erary and Historical Society. His account of the forges is particularly interesting and their place in the history of Quebec is definitely estab- lished by the fact that when Mont- gomery, the American general, at- tacked Canada in 1775, cannon balls and shells intended for use in the bombardment of Quebec were manu- factured at the forges from iron ore taken from the mines near Three | Rivers. Operation of the forge ceas- led in 1883. mission to mark the site of the first | | "Three Kings at Wedding of Hum- | bert and Marie."--Chievepost. And here's where a Duce is better than three- kings.--Chicago Tribune. APPEAL COURT CONFIRMS DAMAGES | GIVEN EDITOR Cape Town, South Africa, Jan, X ~Imr the dismissal of the appealgpt the newspaper Die Burger recently against a judgment given by the Su-! preme Court awarding B. K. Long, editor of the Cape Times, $500 de- famation of character, the Appellate Court established the most import- ant principle that when an allegation of misconduct is made against a news paper having reference to any mat- ter of editorial policy or conduct, that allegation, 4f false, is a libel against the editor. Die Burger attempted to show that its allegation that The Cape Times had wilfully falsified a report of Gen- {eral Hertzoo's speech, was against lhe Cape Times as a newspaper, and riot against any member of the edi- torial staff. " The Appellate Court refused to re- cognize this excuse. GENERAL MOTORS PLANS MANAGERS SEGURITIS C0. Will Replace Similar Com- pany Whose Charter Expires in 1931 New . York, Jan. 30--General Motors Corp. has acquired approx- imately 1,000,000 shares of {ts own common stock at a cost of approx- imately $35,000,000, with the in- tention: of selling it to a Second Mamgers Securities Co. to be form- od to take the place of a similar company now in existence, Direc- tors of the corporation will meet some time in the rear future to formulate details and those detalls will subsequently be referred to Children say 'great' You can eat Shredded Wheat Biscuit right out of the package with milk or cream--but it tastes better if you crisp the biscuits in the oven and pour hot milk over them. The flavory shreds of baked wheat are so crisp and delicious--children always ask for more and it is so good for them. Contains everything their growing bodies need. Delicious with fruits. SHREDDED HEAT WITH ALL THE BRAN OF THE WHOLE WHEAT THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD, The existing Managers Securities | Co. expires under its charter terms in 1931 but, while definite plans have mot yet been formulated, it is believed that the new company will begin operations this year and that the existing company will then automatically pass out of exstence. The existing company was organ- ized in 1923 for tne purpose of permitting men occupying key posi- tions to become stockholders and to share directly in profits accru- ing as a result of their efforts. Approximately 80 executives of the corporation are partic' ants in the existing company. The corporation aids such participants by paying to the company each year 5 per cent. of its excess net earnings over and above 7 per cent of the net capital stockholders for ratification, employed. THEN LAUGH Build for yourself a strong-box, Fashion each part with care; When it's strong as your hand can make it, Put ail your troubles there; Hide there all thought of your fail- ures, And each bitter cup that you quaff Lock all your heartaches within it, Then sit on the lid and laugh! Tell no one else its contents, Never its secrets share; When you've dropped in your. care and worry, Keep them forever there; Hide them from sight so complete- Y That the world will never d@feam half; Fasten the strong-box securely-- Then sit on the lid and laugh! "LAST DAYS OF THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY THAYER DEAL Special Price $1.00 see results over night. hands. make-up. New charms. THAYER'S CREAM CREAMS Introduced to Thousands at $1.50 per jar Nothing has ever been found which so quickly yields new beauty. You will A finer skin, softer, more refined For this astonishing discovery at one application cleanses the skin, leaves it velvet smooth, heals, soothes after exposure to sun or wind, feeds tissues grown slack, combats blemishes and dry skin, and provides a perfect foundation for your favorite Thayer's Cream of Creams has been introduced to thou- sands of American. Women at $1.50 per jar. able to you this week only at $1.00, and as an additional offer to make you acquainted with this Famous Beauty Cream we will give you ONE LARGE JAR $1.00 Size DELIGHTFULLY PERFUMED Lurve Bath Salts FREE It is avail. IS YOUR HEALTH PROTECTION Against Winter Colds, Coughs, and other Similar Ailments BOOT'S WHITE PINE BRONCHIAL SYRUP ... MELOIDS sane CHERRY BARK COUGH SYRUP SYRUP OF TAR &C.L.O. .... MALT AND CLO. ... 50c 25¢ 35¢ «e080 AND TAR 25¢c & 50c $1.00 LAXATIVE BROM. QUININE .. REXALL GRIPPE TABLETS .. REXILLA .... REXALL COLD TABLETS ... LAXATIVE COLD TABLETS .. VAPURE sese B50c Colorless, Od 16 oz. Size. 32 oz. Size. Russian Mineral Oil as fine as any oil could be. Puretest orless and Tasteless-- Special ........... 8%¢ Special ....., $1.49 oil. J&L Malt and Cod Liver Oil A_highly refined malt the best vitamin tested Cod Liver 32 oz. bottle. Special scoot. iin containing MELODERMA CASTORIA . * CHASE'S K & Reg. $1. COUPON This Week Only $1 Save Money On These FRENCH BALM, COCOA BUTTER COLD CREAM ILASOL LOTION ... SLOAN'S LINIME DODD'S PILLS ..... WILLIAM'S PINK PILLS .uv.0 McCOY'S TABLETS SOOTT'S EMULSION CHASE'S LINSEED & TURPENTINE Bath Salts . DEXTRI MALTOSE .. MELLIN'S FOOD .. ASA. TABLETS, 100'S +00 ees VACUUM BOTTLES .... \ KLENZO SHAVING CREAM ... - $1.19 ge. size ....,,80¢ 89¢c L PILLS ee ssbeces vhs 400 & seen sevens Last Longer rey (277 "yy HH FHT HET TH Bring this Coupon and $1.00 to our store and receive this 8 oz. Jar of Thayer's Cream of Creams, Regular $1.60 and a Beautiful Jar of Bath Salts. Regular: $1.00, Delightfully Per- fumed FRER, + + Mail Ordefs add 35c Postage a WHEN IN NEED OF DRUGS "QUICKLY" PHONE" RIKER'S MILK OF MAGNESIA MILK OF MAGNESIA, - 5 TOOTH PASTE ...... '19c & 80c | KLENZO MOUTH WASH | Sign Your Name Below and Bring this Coupon with you. NAME ADDRESS AYLMER Jumbo Peas": 21¢ 15's 28¢ Ivory Soap Flakes 2 rxcs. 17¢ L PET. Q@ "| SHIRRIFF'S PINEAPPLE 1s. 35¢ | MARMALADE HAWES' FLOOR WAX lai 80c LEMON COCOA BUTTER LOTION 20c ALMOND BLOOM CREAM ..., MENEN'S SKIN: BALM. .v...... * CREAM OF OLIVES .....000.. ert st recast bensanenr 238 - «gE 23e : = HAVE LUNCH AT OUR SODA w FOUNTAIN -- THE EE VICE IS ORY SERVICE IS KING E. | FOUNTAIN PHONE 28 PHONE 2223 TE a -- re > Ve---t FREE DELIVERY TO ALL PARTS OF THE CITY STORE OPEN 8 am. to 11 p.m. norm 2856 & xaos RYN c \ RITE DRUG STOR & LOVELL

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