Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jan 1930, p. 8

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gt al ud Fa THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1930 | OSHAWA MEETS PORT HOPE IN JUNIOR BATTLE HERE TONIGHT | Maple Leafs Lose to Detroit and Fall Three Jcore of 4-1 and practically clinch- Points Chabot Allows One Easy| Goal to Drift Past While His Teammates Do Every- thing But Scorr the Tieing Counter ; Toronto, Jan. 27.~Toronto Maple Leafs by dropping their home fixture to Detroit Saturday night firmly en- trenched themselves in fourth place in the International Section of the N.H.L. The score was 2-1 in favor of the Cougars, while down on Par- liament Hill their closest rival," Ot- tawa Senators, were vanquishing the hard-hitting Maroons 4-0, Detroit treated the fans to some- thing unique in the successful ;pro- cedure in scoring goals, 1t consists of two attackers sailing in, the man with the puck shooting, and one, ska- ting through fast, sits on the goal- keeper wihie his mate deftly flips:the puck over both of them and into the net. It works. If you don't believe it ask Connie Smythe or Lorne Chabot, Of course one must have the co-epera- tion of the officials in charge of 'the game to get the best results. In this case Odie Cleghorn and Alex Rom- meril obliged. And then continued, with several excellent interpretations of the anti-defense rule such as al- lowing the entire team to line up back of their defense blue ling and wait for the attack. But to get on with the story of the game. It was a mighty tough one for the Leafs to lose as on the night's play they clearly desery ed to win. Beveridge in the Detroit het was, unfortunately for the Leafs, not for having any, and stopped 54 out of the 55 shots, that were rained at his citadel. Twenty-three of them were in the last period, when the des- perate Leafs led by Captain "Hap Day, attacked four and five strong. einmmp------ CLEVELAND WINS Cleveland, Jan. International Hockey league team Saturday night turned back the Golden Bisons of Buffalo, 2 to 1, and strengthened by two precious points their hold on first place in the league. Only two minutes and 25 second remained of an over- time period, more than 67 minutes of spectacular and frantic action had passed, before the break came that meant victory for Cleveland. | KITCHENER WINS FAST GAME 'Kitchener, Jan, 27.--The fastest professional hockey game played here this season was staged at the auditorium Saturday night when the Kitchener Can-pros defeated the Galt Terriers, 5 to in de- cisive fashion. 2 R.M.C. DEFEATS QUEEN'S JRS. Kingston, Jan. 2.--R. M. C."de- Yeated Queen's in an'O.H.A. junior game here Saturday night by the d the group honors for Kingston I iC | C. Mason 27.--Cleveland's i uniors, Below Ottawa trikes, Spares, and Blows At Local Alleys CENTRAL ALLEYS Times ue Our eague, as already forecasted is starting to hit its stride, and how. Tuesday night saw the Invincibles lengthen their lead on first place by four points, with Rinky Dinks still Frag second, and the Diamonds in Third, As usual, the tail enders start- ed their tail twisting stunts and gave their opponents a rather bad night of it, The O.B.J)s and Dumb Doras took three and two points respective Iv hod Von's ng thongh they are go- ing to be bad medicine from now on, iu a real uve "uieat on third place at least by the time the league closes. Some of the high lights were as fol- lows: -C. Mason, 710; L. Magill, 692; C. H. Grisewood, 640; W. Branch, 6365 J. Dale, 628; TI. McKay, high single of 297, League Standing Won Lost Invincibles =. icin 13 Rinky Dinks 16 Ditmonds ... 19 Supremes 21° £0.8.)."s suns 24 Dumb Doras 23 30 2 25 Walt Branch wing the high score with the nice single of also' leads for the high single score for the month with same score of 376, weekly the * The Ten High List for this month, | Ww: up at Jack's Alleys, is as follows: WV, Branch .. 879 A. Donohue . F. Kunkle ..:. 866 J. Scott ..... . Gledhill -.. 834 E. McGill ,., ", Read 804 J. Huxtable . 790 H. Rorabeck, 7 There is still room for some highe 50 come up and {tke yourself, and sce what u can The Oshawa Dairy League The following is the standing of the Milkmen's League: Pts. Aston .. 28 Westington Henderson ... , with tons and Westington's pin pounders must be the cream of this league, a the cream always comes to the top. Pat a The Oshawa Railway The standing in this league follows: Office Linemen L'rainmeén ..... The Office Lads are showing the other three teams the how and why of spilling the pins P Fah | Miss Britton, of the City Hall Lea- American. Golfers to Play Old and Historic Scotland Courses £ igh-Handica 'Men High : broad for Cunard Prize n chartered to take the golfing pilgrimage to the birth- J Gor at St./Andrews, most fam- the t Cruden Bay near Aberdeen. at orth Berwick, the beautiful wind. pt NMnks built on a peninsule ing out into the North Sea, and magnificent Turnberry is the pght behind the "Tournament the Centuries" being arranged the high-handicap American fers. , here are fow golfers in these hited States who, reading of the of Bobby Jones at St. An- of Abe Mitchell at Glen- Smith and Wesson, and a well- ol amateur golfer, understood the desires of the American golfers pnd jaid the plans for this golf treat, which wil give the high- nandicap players their chance. The Cunard Line has offered a beautiful trophy, 'a silver service, as the ehlef prize for the "Tourna- in "Tournament of Centuries" ;|iants will leave these shores and > Line has b place of golf. May 3 has been selected as the date when fhe val- begin their overseas journey. The entrance fee is $760, which includes all expenses for the entire tour of four weeks, 'The trip and tournament has been planned so that it will be pos_ sible to play not less than three rounds at each of the five golfing centers visited, Arrangements have been made that will elimin- ate the old difficulty-enshrouded work of securing cards to the var- fous clubs, which has always been a "bugaboo" to those who desired to play golf in that country where golf is best understood. An ingenious system of handl- capping has been evolved by the committee in charge which will eliminate thie undesirable features of handicap tournaments. The handicap of each entrant as set by his club will be adjusted to a handicap based upon a uniform par 70, This will be adjusted anew for each day's play so that no injustice will result from any lack of uniformity in handicaps -of participants coming from ¢lubs all t of the Centuries." Space in ) poy £, 8. Caledonia, of the Auchor over the United Siatas TT HOCKEY RECORDS Senior A Series .. Ww, Varsity ... Nationals Queen's ... XxRangers .. 01 x---Rangers defaulted, Senior B, Series Group No. 1 w. Queen's .. -- ' Oshawa. .....s Belleville ..... Grou = L, rs ToL Ld wa Port Colborne .. Hamilton ... RLV I ' Chatham .. Woodstock Mic Macs Riversides Clarsto ts my mHemmooHd aca wee Db] e Series WwW. L. Group No. 2 Bowmanville ......... Pts. | 34 Walt | nice | a crack | | ts. | liott. * | be rolled on this ¢ y | ternoon. | | | | games. { | they took | [Jean McDonald ee Port Hope .... rOShBWR .....ss. {Whitby | ins { Orono ¥ Amie naga Junior Series Group No. 3 Oshawa and play off for section honors. gue, won one of Jack Purdic's week- | ly prizes with her score of 321. The | bowlers in this league are doing some | nice rolling. | . * Duco Boys' League The following is the standing of the Paint Slingers League. anderers | Hustlers Business Men's League I'he Bread Men were a little good for the Service. (1 three straight first section of this leagu nesday, th cc Watch the Kiw to have been laying they are going to brin horses and burn up th will they be > The Mill R tors. played the tle about had a wee \ by all was by all. MOTOR CITY ALLEYS Challenge Game Via and Mary Piri going to have their hands full they mect Bunty '"oold a Norris This game Mec are to be made Ladies has following d Woullie's Ten High for produced real results. The 18 the list of honored bowlers 1 their scores for three consecutive | Via Norris 87 | Hd | Eileen Pipher ,.... S88 Erline Bentley ... Mrs. Turner Clara Hopper Bunty Goold 578 Mary Thompson oe 499 Cora Leach | Mrs, Ireland a 8) AEOEEE 585 | 587 508 | The Motor City Five Pin team won three points last week up in Toronto The following are the names of those who bowled, their handicaps, and the score they made, M, Swartz Now Playing "Sweetie" With Nancy Carroll Jack Oakie Helen Kane ADDED ATTRACTIONS REGULAR PRICES New Martin THEATRE 'Now Playing SPECIAL Added Attractions Bowmanville will | Service had | duced | meaning the members of the Oshawa who died in Toronto General Hos- ~ > | PORT SNAPSHOT Port Hope squad, The Port Hope of hockey and arc always a good likely to produce some excellent r handing out the bumps, w ® The Oshawa Simcoes get their but now that the Port Hope team the playoffs, it will be even harde they will have a good chance of » » The regular weekly meeting of Association will be held in the Y hockey question will likely be re-c tain, * = Many of the present and recen "28, ing school, together with a few ot ing to get into action tonight at t basketball teams. What a Were you a 18 the lucky tw Friday night or ey game of the season so ¢ you among far? crowd shows that a good game Friday night far exceeded all expec produced" some rt hockey, but in a frenzied state. Art Black was He scored four goals, but the refc After Friday night's game of supporters, the to try to bring a victory out of Port Hope, those oth The fact that there was expected Seniors By Guo, Camremra, Sports Editor Junior Battle Tonight There should be a large following of hockey fans on hand tonight at the local Arena when the Oshawa Juniors hook up with the rugged Young Ontarios play a sturdy style drawing card. Tonight's game is ivalry between the defence men at "oe * Oshawa Simcoes in Port Hope real test tonight. They are going This is hard at any time has a fighting chance of getting in r. 1f the Simcoesscan win tonight, getting in the playoffs, % 0.C.LA.A. Meeting Tonight the Oshawa City Industrial Athletic M.C.A, tonight at 800 pm. The opened and all teams affiliated with the 'Association are asked to have, their representatives present for cer- * ® Back At the Game t students of the Oshawa Collegiate ) will remember the Senior Boys' Basketball team of the years, '27 and The members of this team, who hate, of course, since Quit attend« her local basketball players, are go- he local ¥.M.C.A. It is quite likely that a team will be formed and exhibition games played with other . Game! o thousand who saw that game on rs who missed the best hock- was such a large staged three regular periods periods had the fans but the battle Th. the overtime the Tough Luck King of the night. f then, tations, ree called back cvery one should have a large HOCKEY RECORDS National Canadian Section P.W.1. T. Montreal ..... .26 14 9 3 Canadiens , Ottawa .....e00 27 11 12 Maple Leafs ,...25 10 12 Americans ......27 7°18 : American Seelion 4 Chicago .,. Detroit ,... Pittsburg .. This Week's Games Tuesday--Chicago at Ottawa, Canadiens at Montreal, Pittsburg at Boston, Americans at Rangers. Thursday----Montreal at Maple Leafs, Chicago at Canadiens, De- troit at Americans, Saturday--Chicago at Maple Leafs, Canadiens at Ottawa, Am- ericans at Montreal, Detroit at Pittsburg, Sunday-- Chicago at Boston at Rangers, International League LRRD 000 Detroit, Cleveland ....... Buffalo .. Detroit , . London Windsor ... Hamilton Niagara Falls Millionaires This Week's Games Monday--Niagara Falls at' Lon- don. Tuesday---Windsor Detroit at Buffalo, Wednesday--Niagara Hamilton, Thursday--Toronto at Detroit. Friday---~Hamilton at Toronto, Detroit at Windsor, London at Niagara Falls, | Saturday---Hamilton at, land. ES TT Ste ma TS 9 at Toronto, Falls at Cleve- Canadian-American League Providence Philadelphia New Haven Boston Belleville Goalie Good One of the main reasons that three after it lookec He made save sa crowd had started to ot letting right on. yell, frey was » frem Row and. one the last ten n stick goals was the fact that Jefire the rubber past. Oshawa fail ( for Belleville, ve and twice in the overtime, 1 s0 ch like a sur al, but Jef- ved three shots of Black's, He from Bond, all of which looked like alic inutes, Leveque, the Oshawa g 4 | | | | Inspection League | » G.M.C. Inspectors had : | 3 | eral meeting of the night. Well, 1 should smile Parts and Service League On Thursday night, the Parts a lively session. coriclusion of the third series - ome real excitement, he | n ended with the Cadillacs | nosing out their' nearest competitors bv one point. They had a total o fifteen points for the series, The Olds. and the Buicks each garnered in four- | teen points. It is rumoured that the strangers in Oshawa stopned in the streets wondering what all the noise was about, tnd The ro 1 I third spa - =x | Ed. Goodman's Grasshoppers, | Lawn Bowling Club, who are trying their skill at the alley game, had a real smart, time last week. Mr. Goad- man led the parade with four nice scores, 237, 200, 183 and 309. Geo. Wright also spilled them plenty with 191, 236, 187 and 163. = At this rate, they are liable to forsake the Grass for the Hardwood. # Owing to the fact that the Hockey games are drawing the boys, there are not as many high scores being turned in each week, but just the same, the Special Competition boys are still in there and after you have scent them you will think that they work on to efficiency basis. * * * Nuff, CARNERA TO FIGHT IN CHICAGO, FRIDAY Chicago, 111, Jan, 27.--Primo Carnera and his retinue including two starring partners, his manager, and a drawing instructor, today were here to prepare for the Ital- fan's western boxing debut with Elzear Rioux at the Chicago stad- ium on Friday night. Primo's first workout in Chicogo was on his schedule for today, the wziant having spent yesterday after- noon 'after his arrival from New York in pouring tea for a delega- tion of his countrymen, looking over hig training quarters, and taken a lesson from his drawing teacher. Carnera, who conquered 'Big Boy Peterson in less than a round in New York, Friday night, is on the same bill with Bruce Flowers, New Rochelle, N.Y. lightweight, and King Tut, rough Minneapolis puncher, who meet in a return match at the Chicago stadium. The many friends of Mrs. Gor- don Houlden, Mary Street extend her much sympathy in the death of her mother .Mrs. Mary Allen pital on Friday morning following an operation, The funeral will take place this afternoon from the re- sidence of her son in Oronb | bank $34 and the expectation of OSHAWA CITY FOOTBALL CLUB HOLDS MEETING is The following the report the Annual General Meeting of the | Oshawa City Football Club, which was held at the Y.M.C.A, on Tues- day, January 21, The minutes of last annual gen- were read and con- firmed. The following report was adopt- ed. In presenting this report 1929 we can assuredly give our- selves credit for coming through a trying season without backing out of our obligations, Although the year by industrial depression gates naturally feeling of this, our financial position is better than at one time was ex- pected, We took over at the be- ginning of the season a debt of $146, and at the ¢nd we have debts outstanding to the extent of $130. Against this we have in the was marred and our the effect $14 from the Crescent F.C, who defaulted their game and our ex- penses amounting to this sum being awarded us. The T. & D. have assured us that there is hopes of this sum being given us, If this is so we shall be in debt to the amount of $80. This shows that during the season we are on the right side to' the extent of $50, ard in view of industria! condi- tions this result fs highly satis- factory and your committee should be given credit for the hard work put in to obtain (his result. In the league we were in fourth place bracketed with two other teams. Y7e started the season full of prom- isa but due once again to the con- dition of industry we lost a num- ber of players and finished the season with a few of the old timers, However considering that we lost 4 groat number of our best men we reached a fair mark in getting into fourth place. In Cup Ties we entered the Dominion and Ontario Cup and were beaten in both by our local rivals, All the boys play- Ing gave of their best and we can congratulate ourselves on the fact that we were not once called be- fore the T. & D, for any misde- meanour, In conclusion we wish to thank all our friends who supported us during this trying year and hope that 1930 will prove much botter, and that with the wholehearted ef- forts of both Club 'and supporters, the c-veted trophies will find o resting place for another with the Oshawa City F.C. The election of officers was ad- journed and this wiil take place at th> Y.M.C.A., on Tuesday, 28th, at 8 pm. CHI-HAWKS DEFEAT PIRATES Atlantic City, N.J., Jan, 2 Flashing a furlous attack in the second period of an otherwise slow game, the Chicago Black Hawks defeated the Pittsburg Pirates, tafl- erders of the National Hockey League, 5 to 2. Saturday night, It Pape | of | for | tera ptitle. Springfield This 'Week's Games | Wednesday---Providence at Phil- | adelphia. Saturday---Necw Haven at Bos- ton, Philadelphia at Springfield. Sunday---Philadelphia at Provid- ence, Springfield at New Haven. Canadian League | Guelph Brantford Kitchener This Week's Games Tuesday ford at Kitchener. | Friday--Kitchener at Guelph, Saturday--Galt at Brantford, Phil Edwards | ' Runs Second In 1,000-Yd. 1] Boston, Jan. 27.--~Heavy-runn- {ing Stanislaw Petkiewicz of Po- {land, Europe's outstanding contri- {bution to the current indoor track | season, made his United States de- | but here Saturday night and won the Leo Larivee two-mile run, fea- ture event of the K. of C.'s Prout Memorial Games, from a medfocre field in slow time, Russel Chapman of Bates Col- lege came up from nowhere to nose out Phil Edwards, New York Uni- versity's speedy colored star, and former Hamilton, Ont., athlete, here Saturday night in the final of the: Bishop Cheverus 1,000 yard run. Chapman's time of 2 minutes 16 3-5 seconds was the fastest ever made for that distance on the new Boston Garden track, Conger's Fine Performance Ray Conger, Illinois A.C. miler, allowed Gus Moore of the Brook- lyn Harriers' A.A., to set the pace in the K. of C. invitation mile run. When they started on the last lap Moore had a yard lead, but Conger uncorked a terrific spurt and beat Moore to the tape by five yards. Conger's time was 4 minutes 22 seconds, probsbly theb est perform- ance of the cgrrent track season, The Boston College two-mile re- lay team won a five-cornered race with 50 yards to spare. Holy Cross finished second and Massachusetts Institute of Technology third. The winning time was 8 minutes, 10 3-6 seconds. McCafferty Wins The sensation of the meet was Bernard McCafferty, of Holy Cross, who raced a thrilling 440 yards to win the Willlam C. Prout Memorial Trophy ' from an impressive field. Eddie Roll of the Newark A.C, and A.F. Noyes of the Boston A.C. fin- ished second and third. MecCatfer- ty's time of 52 4-5 seconds was ex- ceptionally fast for the garden track. In the other events Monty Wells, formerly of Dartmouth, had an easy time retaining his New Eng- land A.A.A.U 46-yard high hurdles Jim Daley of Holy Cross beat out Chet Bowman of the New= ark A.C. in the 50 yard dash,.and Joseph Porrier of the Brockton Y. M,C.A. took the 300-yard N.E.A.A. AU. championship. There was an army of starters in the 600-yd. run, a handicap event. QUEENS WIN BASKETBALL GAME Kingston, Jan. 27.~Queen's senior 'basketball team scored an impressive victory in thelr first intercollogiate senior game of tha season here Saturday night, defeat. ing Western University by 41 to was Chicago's first victory since 29, -Guelph at Galt, Brant- | 365,000 See Cup Games London, Jan, 27.~Upward of 365, 000 people attended the sixteen gam- es in the fourth round of the Eng- ish Cup soccer competition played aturday, The record "attendance for the day was at Birmingham, where Aston Villa defeated Walsall before 70000 fans, Fifty thousand specta- tors saw the game at Huddersfield, where the local club eliminated Shef- field United, while the same number witnessed Newcastle United's victory over Clapton Orient at Newcastle. Eleven matches, in which seven teams from the First Division, three from the "Second Division and one Sheffield Wednesday and West Ham Third Division team were winners were played. Replays will be needed in the balance. Outright winners were ~First Division teams: Aston Villa, Newcastle United, Blackburn Rovers, Huddersfield Town, Sunderland, United, Second Division: Nottingham Forest, Milwall and Hull City. Third Division: Brighton and Hove, Re- plays are Arsenal at Birmingham, Swindon at Manchester City, Brad- ford City at Wrexham, Derby Coun- ty at Bradford and Middlesborough at Charlton Athletic, Keen interest awaits the draw for the fifth round, which will be made and announced recently, ENGLISH cup Fourth Round Aston Villa 3 Walsall Notts Forest ....2 Fulham Newcastle U ,....3 Clapton Orient 1 Arsenal 2 Birmingham ...2 Swindon Town ..1 Manchester Cityl Blackburn R. ....4 Everton 1 Huddersfield 'T. ..2 Sheffield U. .. Milwall ..... +ee+.4 Doncaster R. .0 Portsmouth ......0 Brighton&Hove 1 Hult City .. .3 Blackpool Wrexham .0 Bradford City 0 Derby County ...1 Bradford .....] Sunderland Oldham Ath. -,...3 Sheffield Wed. 4 Middlesbogough .1 Charlton Ath. 1 West Ham U ...4 Leeds United 1 O.H.A. Bulletin | Group. play-offs in the junior series have been arranged as fol- lows: Friday, Jan. 31.--Parkdale Varsity (U. of T. Arena). Monday, Feb. 3.--Varsity Parkdale (Arena gardens). Friday, Jan. 231.--Victorias West Toronto (Arena gardens), Tuesday, Feb. 4.--West Toronto at Victorias (Arena gardens). Saturday, Feb. 1.--Stratford at Kitchener, Monday, Stratford. : Tonight's Referee Changes Referee changes made for night's games are as follows: Intermediate Series Whitby at Orono.--H, H. Jacob, Toronto. at at at Feb, 2.--Kitchener at to- Junior Series Stouffville at Markham-----Nor man Albert, Toronto. Brampton at Rolton--Ern Wort. ley, Toronto. Hagersville at R. Oliver, Galt. London at Brantford H.C.--Leo Summerhayes, Brantford. Ernie Parkes, of Toronto, has been appointed referee for the Port Colborne at Hamilton senior game, I'riday, Jan. 31, Games Tuesday, Jan. 28 Games and referees for Tuesday, Jan. 28, are as follows: Senior Series London East at Riverside--W. H. Legg, London. Intermediate Series Burlington at Jordan--Ernie Collett, Toronto, Petrolia at Slater, London. Goderich at Seaforth--Charlie Lightfoot, Stratford. Junior Series Kingston at Gananoque--Frank Bellringer, Kingston. Trenton at Belleville--Joe Smith, Kingston. Newmarket at Pickering College --W. Epworth, Newmarket, West Toronto at Victorias (Ar- ena gardeng, 7.70)--W. Walshe, Toronto. Danforths at (Arena gardens, Plaxton, Toronto. Havelock at Peterboro St. John's --T.ou LeRBarr, Peterboro. Referees kindly confirm appoint ments, Midland juniors out of group' No. 17. Listowel intermediates have de- faulted remaining game in the group schedule to Walkerton. MT was to have been played Tuesday, Jan, 28, O.F.A. Holds Annual Meeting Port Dover--A. Strathroy--Charlie Young Rangers 9 p.m.)--Roger have dropped Hamilton, Jan, 27.--Enthusiasm was in evidence at the annual meeting of the Ontario Football Association, held at the Connaught Hotel here on Saturday. It start. ed at 10.30 in the morning and lasted till 5.30 in the evening. Dur ing the noon intermission, the dele- gates from the several districts were entertained by civic author tiles with Alderman Tom Wright in the chair. Mayor Peebles was also present, and delivered a short ad- dress of welcome, Among those present were: W. P. Evans, Guelph; H, W. Browu, Kitchener; T. Holland and L. Jow- ett, Toronto; J. Blake Kitchener; J. Wheeler, Timmins; A, Fell, Guelph; M. Morgan, London; R. 'Thorne, London; M. Murdoch, Ot- tawa; J. Palmer, Oshawa; J. Mears Brantford, representing in the On: tario Junior F. A.; A, Mills and J. Wallace, Hamilton. t AC a a a a a a a a a a a With Stone And Broom} AMONG OSHAWA CURLERS % Cn a we There were 16 rinks entered ir the spoon competition on Saturday up at the local curling. rink, Al the games were closely contested with the rinks skipped by Roy Bea- ton and Arthur Lambert, coming out tie for the honors, It was de- cided to toss a coin to decide the winner and Arthur Lambert's rink won the toss and the spoons, This was the second week that his rink hag taken home the silverware. » Ld # The game for the District Cup will be played off in Belleville oy Tuesday of this week, There wi] be entries from Belleville, Camp- bellford, Colborne, Cobourg ang Oshawa. The winners will meet the other group winners in Toronto at -a later date. * * * The Oshawa Curling Club wil be presented by the following rinks: John Stacey, W. Karn, J, Perry and J. A. Thompson, skip, and P. Canning, M. Jacob, E. Par- sons, and W. H. Ross, skip. * % * * The scheduled rink games aro being played every night and it | expected that the schedule will be compleded and the winners an- nounced by the week of Februar . All posponed games must bo piayed by Feb, 5. " 0. Ottawa Trounces Maroons and Ties For Second Place Ottawa, Jan, 27.-- Using the tion-leading Montreal Maroons as a spring board, the Ottawa Senators Jumped into a tie for second pla In the Canadian section of the Na- tional Hockey league here on Sat- urday nizht. The locals won 4-9 in a brilliant game which they do- minated throughout. Montreal Canadiens allowed the Senators to catch up to them by losing te Bos- ton Bruins while Toronto Leafs dropped back to three points be- hind the locals by bowing to De. troit. LORD WILLINGDON DONATES CUP 70 OTTAWA TEA) Ottawa, Jan. 27. --His k Lord Willingdon, has given tang. ible proof of his interest in the Ottawa hockey team of the Nation. al league by donating to the clu! for annual competition a fine sil. ver challenge cup.. His Excellency suggests the cup be awarded to the player who through each season is adjudged to be of the most assist. ance (o the team., This will prob. ably be determined by the number of assists which are credited to the player. The Governor-General is n ardent follower of the ice game and attends the majority of the Senators' home games. xcellency HOCKEY RESULTS The scores of hockey games " 3 play- 3d Syringe the week-end were as NATIONAL LEAGUE Maple Leafs .. Montreal Canadiens Pittsburg .e.. Detroit Ottawa _ Boston Chicago... Detroit .......... Rangers Americans .. Pittsburg ... INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE Buffalo ~ 1 xCleveland ... x--Overtime. CANADIAN LEAGUE Galt . .. 2 Kitchener .... 5 CANADIAN-AHERICAN LEAGUE Springfield .. © Boston .. we Boston Se 2 New Haven .. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Kansas City . 1 Duluth ..... St. Louis St. Paul ..... § Tulsa, ... Minneapolis . Tulsa Minneapolis .. Bt. Paul .... 0 St. lonis ..... O.H.A. INTERMEDIATE Elora ....... 7 Guelph Ag. _. Varsity 7 Markham .. Bradford * McMaster O.H.A. JUNIOR R.'M..C.".. . 4 Queen's .. BRUINS DEFEAT CANADIENS 2-1 -- Montreal, Jan. 27.--Staving oft a fighting, desperate attack in the last ten minutes of the game, Bos- ton Bruins just managed to eke out & win over Montreal Canadiens in a fast, keenly contested National Hockey League match here Satur- day night by two goals to one. The Bostonese © were without Eddie Shore, their spectacular defence man, but Owen played like a veter- an in his stead and Tiny Thompson was in masterly form in defeating many Canadien rushes that broke through the Hitchman-Owen de- fence. sean ee A RE TY COD-LIVER OIl MADE PLEASANT SCOTTS EMULSION TRY IT TODAY Lhousands Py A Deligatiul Breakfast Food ¥ SRR ER ER

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