Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Jan 1930, p. 10

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PAGE [EN THE OSHAWA DAILY [IMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 27, 1930 SQUIRES WILL MEET HEARS INTERESTS 'Newfoundland "Premier To Attend Conference In . ¥ New York St, John's, Nfid.; Jan. 27.--Sir Rich- ard A. Squires, premier of New- foundlind, left here Thursday for New York, where he will join Hon. . J. Cashin, Sinister of Finance, wo lev fi a coniers erice with the Hearst interests Te= garam Lien propusiac.a Ww ocrect a neawspiint mill on the Gander river. 'The awarding of timper rights in Laorador s1 a rac or m tae moet, Fisheries davelo ments will al o be taken up in New York by the New= founuiand auinisters, bir wichard sad he would discuss matters relative to the export of frozen fish to the Unit- NEW FISHERIES PLAN FOR MAINE Boston, Jap. 27~A state wide pro- gram which will put Maine's fanious fishing. on a new basis of pro tion and conservation, increasing y more than seven times, within the next five years the supply of sport- ing fish now being raised in the Pine Tree State, was disclosed here by George Stobie, Commissioner, of Inland fish and Game. in Maine, in a specch before the Massachusetts Fish and Garhe Association. Three large feeding - stations in Argostook and Washington Counties which/will take care of 650,000 trout and salmon, two in other counties which Will handle between 500,000 and "600,000 fish annually, another on the shores of Moosehead Lake which will accommodate some 500,000 trout and salmon and two other stations in Somerset and Kennebec Counties are system 400 or 500 a year were looked on as 4 large number of convictions. Under the new laws the game war- dens of Maine are not allowed to re- ceive compensation for. any other form of work except that as game warden. They are also instructed to take no jan in any political cam- paigns. | They have the right as citi- zens fo vote but they, are forbidden to act as agents for any office seeker in the State. FOX INDUSTRY THRIVES Charlottetown, PET, Jan, 27. -- Many prospective buyers of live foxes are expected to visit Prince Edward Island from Europe this year, Several Island fox-men are now in England attending the Jahuary fur sales which coincide with the Island pelt marketing season, and will pro- ceed to the continent afterward. The holding of a fox show by the P.E. Island Fok Exhibition Associa- tion ig an assured fact. The show js to be a permanent institution in Charlottetown. HONOR WILL BE PAID AGED WOMEN IN B.C. Victoria, B.C, Jan. 27.--The open- ing of the British Columbia Legisla- ture on Tuesday will be marked by the presence on the floor of the house 'of a party of pioneer women of the province who will attend on the spe- cial invitatin of Hon, 8. F. Tolmie, Prime Minister, and Hon, J. W. Jones the speaker of the legislature, Each member of the little group has reached at least 70 years. BURNS MONUMENT 10 BE ERECTED Committee Still Require Montreal, is January 25, tish countrymen affectionately call him, is to them Scotland personified, | than that, he is the voice of his coun- i $13,000 to Complete Statue Jan. 27. ploughman. . "Rabbie," as -- One of the great days of the ycar for the Seot Then he meets with his fellows in all parts of the world to celebrate the birthday of a Scot- More § ere-ted. trymen. The things which they have felt and could not express, Rab- bic has felt, and Rabbie has express- ¢d as only he can. The national $pirit which had gradually been dying at the time of his appearance, was re vived by Burns. The stories of Sir Walter Scott who followed on his heels, completed the work of revival, and the Scottish people once more re- alzed that they were "citizens of no mean country." That love of coun- i try, pride ot race and perfervid pat- | siotism | is largely due to the work of their National Poet. To give expression to their attach- ment monuments have been erected to his memory. In his native land, in England, Ireland,' the Unite States, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada statues of the poet have been In Canada there are statutes in Halifax, I'redericton, Toronto and Vancouver. The statue in Vancouver was the last to be erected and was unveiled by Premier J. Ramsay Mac- Donald during Lis visit herein 1928, And now Montreal purposes falling | into line, A committee representing the various Scottish societies has been at wor on the projece for some, years, It was decided to adopt the well known statue in the poet's na- tive town of Ayr, (the statue chosen also by the people of Vancouver) and an order has been placed for same. Delivery is promised for the coming summer, An application for a site must be aceompanied by specifica- tions and estimate, and this will be done 1n the near future. The pedestal | d {and base will be of Canadian mater- ials. A sum of $13,000 is still required to complete the work and the com- mittee anticipate raising this by public subscription. been issued to the various Scottish i societies and an appeal will be made at their Burns' célebrations. A num- ber of well-known gentlemen have consented to serve as an advisory committee, and it is expected that the necessary sum will be raised ir short order. Subscriptions may sent to the corresponding or financia secretaries of the committee: Johr McDowall, 770 Wilson avenue, anc W. Hillis Smith, 252 Melrose avenue. Cheques or moncy orders should be made payable to "Burns, Statue Fund." A million new telephone poles were ! erected in America last year, many | of them, no doubt, replacements made | necessary by the faster and more powerinl types of motor-cars that have come into use.~Kansas City Star, wr ELLA CINDERS--Pursuing the Villain By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb A circular has | es market. The Atlantic Fisheries, New York despatch- ¢s said, are negotiating for conces- sions with the Governments of New- toundland, and President F. W. Bryce of that company told. the * Canadian Press that Sir Richard Squires. hall imformed the company he wished to encourage private enter- prise. Reports were that the com- pany is neg ting to erect plants and operate' trawlers on the south Coast. . , i i among the building projects an- nounced by Commissioner Stobie. A revival of the bassfishing for which Maine has been so celebrated is also included in the Commissioner's five year program, along with an elabor- ate system of rearing pools of which seventy-five have been completed in the first six months of Commissioner Stobie's administration. Improvement of the Maine warden force by new legislation and partial reorganization of the system is prov- ing its worth, Stobic 'asserted as ! shown by the increased number of | convictions of offenders against the | fish and game laws. It is a common | occurrence, he said, for the state to | now secure 100 convictions in a | month's time," where under the old] PHONE hd For Your Drug Needs Children's Goloshes THOMPSON'S All sizes, $1.50 | | 10 Simcoe St. S. -- We Deliver Spegial | CLOTHING CO. | a | DOMINION ae mmr J g | I | | Gass mot ore picture or a ghd grey Ro Machinery Repairing NOTHING TOO LARGE NOTHING TOO SMALL Adanac Machine Shop 161 King St. W. Phone 1214° "TELLING TOMMY LOW TIDE ON GRAND PRE -- f BLISS CARMAN LED THE POETS OF THE fi EARLY THENTIETH CENTURY 1M HAT HAS $ BEEN CALLED "POETRY OF THE OPEN ROAD" HE WROTE OF MATURE AMD LOVE, THE HOMAD f LIFE, AND THE LOVE OF COUNTRY, TOMMY, DO YOU KNOY WHAT "THE OPEN ROAD" MEANS, BETTY ? 1 hone 2141 We Deliver CERTAINLY! MO DETOURS. SARGON We are sole authorized agents for Sargon in OSHAWA KARN'S DRUG STORE Next Post Office, Phone 378. 68 KING ST. W 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH K TIME TABLES PAA ee i lp lr C. P. R. TIME TABLE Effective Sept. 29, 1929 (Standard Time) Going West .m, Daily (Except Sunday), wm Daily , Prauy (Excest Sunacy) 1. Daily. | mw. Daily (Zxcept Sundas). East i ( C VANTAGES, INCLUDING COURSES AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HEY BRUNSWICK HAR- VARD,AMD THE UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, MONG H15 BOOKS OF VERSE ARE 10rf TIDE OM GRAMD PRE, PIPES OF PAN AND SONGS FROM VAGABONDIA (HITH RICHARD HOVEY). HE DIED AT NEY] CAMAAN,CONH.JUNE 8,1929. 1930, King Featurcs Syndicu en, DE mC [der1a0n Gav BuSS CARMAN LFE AND PROBABLY MOST OF HIS ISPIRATION AL THOUGH THE UNITED STATES HAS HIS HOME FOR MAY YEARS. HE 14AS BOR it FRED: RICTON, HEM BRUNSWICK ON APRIL 15, 1861. HE HAD EXCELLENT EOUCATIONAL AD: : | Diamonds ! Bassett's | On Oshawa'e Mam Corner || tiaamian 2RBRIG cuees a.m Daily m, Daily (Except Sunday), 0 p.m. Daily (Except Sunday). 11.10 p Daly y (Excent Saturday). 12.05 a. Dail CANADIAN NATIONAL RALWAYS ENective Sept. 27, » 85 mamom og 4 *Y 38 o W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East . Hundreds of people wear 1tmost 'comfort | in. ) iv escers Sunday. p- . . nave's Faulcléss Lénses ¢ g Dally, except Sunday i MAGGIES GOIN OUT AN $a om Day andar. | SHE WON'T civE ME A ; nm. Day. except Saturday. | | CENT AN | CANT GIT m. Daly. { ; | \ Great Britain rights reserved | BRINGING UP FATHER By Geo. McManu except Sunday. 8.23 a.m. Daily, = NOW YOU CAN HAVE THE | : AFTERNOON OFF: BUT BE BALK IN TIME TO SERVE TEA HERE 19 YOUR MONEY: NES JARVIS HERE 1S | YOUR MONTHS Pal: i LL PAY YOU IN J fi CASH INSTEAD OF HA CHECK AS + HAVE THE MONEY ON y I] COAL COAL Phone 493 i un aly» ' pum (aA rl W. J. SARGANT| ii con fui | 3 | ET || Yard wn Bloor "treet : il - ; i a . | Orders Vromptly Delivereo * \ ! J : Sunda v cent Sunday. -- Whitby, Geliowa,. BUS LIN WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after Se;t, 29, 1929) 8.42 van a wmanville We have several desirakie houses for rent. CUTLER & PRESTON Ileal Estate tnsnrance Telephone G73 Night calls 510=1560 04 King St. West Arrive Hospi 10.50 a.m 12.45 pm 4.3 om 645 0.0 © 1980, Int") Feature Service, Inc., Great Britain rights reserved. ' DOLLY DIMPLES AND BOBBY BOUNCE ] Tops snows' ont: Foppcoes 232365858 farm 75 acres; cvgek, bush, or- close to "Highviay and Oshawa, rice is ¥ . 540 | right. Might cousider exchange 3) 0.1, 1048 ! | ! { ! | | Maina n= Tos BRESSBIAVE. ; pe SALE: Geral purpose chard, good buildings, ) B on cleay property. i DISNEY HEALTY EXCHANGE ; "hones 1530 p. Time atted Whitby Hospita SUNDAY AD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE | Going West o Leave bh Busses Ww Tig > p 1.00 &.m. 30 wm. ata Baoan p.m. an pm pan vIn DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sts, SCL R4 GHE WANDERED FAR 'AND AS SHE HAD EATEN MOST QF THE BLACKBERRIE SHE GOT $-0--0 SLEEPY: 'AnD amy TIED TO THE BRANCH oF A TREE WAS A DEAR LITTLE BOAT AND (T WAS JUST. LIKE A COSY LITTLE BED a Bolly SLID DOWN THE BANK To GET A DRINK OF WATER FROM THe LAKE & 5 3 |DOLLY WENT CUT ONE DAY To Pick | BlAckpERRIES FoR. SUPPER. Leave Whitey 10.15 8.10. 12.43 pou 45 p.m 4.45 p.m, 45 p.m. £45 1.00 pas 11.15 lime markey REPAIRING WATCHES Wi thy Visviss or OUR SPECIALTY pe iat Busses vor AD 1f your watch is not giving Ji 1 4 GAR TON hn satisfaction - we can Tepair Bowmanville Phone ¢17 » WU and make it tell the correct Pinews Warns Rew 3 Prince St- 'D. J. BROWN D. J. THI JEWELER Geficial Watch Inspector for . Canadian National and Osh- awa ds 10 Kine St. W. Phone 189 TILLIE THE TOILER--The Boss' Boss ] YB WHAT YoU Tos MISS ELLIS = NOW LISTEN MOVE HER OESK (N HERE . BIE BOY- IF ANYBODY AROUND] | WHERE SHALL HERE (1S GONNA HAVE NEw | PUY AT, igr]) sppe® Zgaass a THE © MINOTE You. SToP LETTING OTHER. PEOPLE TELL ELLIS ~ | THOUGHT] { YOU WHAT TO DO, T™E BETTer YOU'D PREFER WELL GET ALONG, MR. WHIP A LARGER DESK, ---- 7 SRA = +t PREVAILED o" QUESS YY UPON MISS JONES RIGHT SHALL HAV NEW DESK g SAY, THIS IBIN'TY "THE Fas 1 Ee ---- YOURE QUITE Miss Son! BT ~ 'SONES Told ME To RIGHTY MISS ras EQUIPMENT, "T'S BL Felt Bros. The Leading Jeweler Esta Vehed 1886 "12 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH JURY & LOVELL'S OPTICAL PARLORS J. W. Worrall, Oph. D. Eyesight Specialist Phone 8210 Tre

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