PAGE SIX THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1930 OSHAWA'S THREE O.HA. TEAMS WILL BE IN ACTION TONIGHT Toronto Maple . Americans by as much as the score po -gion, = x a », b » Y ® _ senior squad is not quite ii = Ee bu B i £. FN \ 3 . FER RTA ..krowd, but it was not one of those ment, 'Rway from their . O.C.I. teams are prepared to make 'qt-his home in St. i .perating £. formation of ¢ start the puck sliding in a. week or Defeat Toronto, Jan. 20.--It was not Aecessary for the Maple Leafs to tise to great heights to defeat the New York Americans at the Arena Gardens on Saturday evening, They iRehieved a 4-to-1 victory with neat- Bess and despatch in a manner satisfying io the near-capacity thrilling games where the fans had 10 hang on to their hats or cheer .themselves hoarse in the excite- The Leafs were better than the Indicates. They took a onc-goal lead in the opening period on a wicked shot by Irvin Bailey, sup- ported by "Hap" Day, and pulled opponenss with two more goals in the midway ses- They coasted in after that. In the final period they scored an- other goal, but they missed plenty of good scoring chances. The Americans played a brand of wide-open hockey which is con- trary to their usual custom here, But it failed to get them anywhere, although their idea in adopting this style of play is highly praise- worthy and should be encouraged. The Leafs offset the goalward htrousts of their opponents with a strong and energetic defense shut had not Charlie Conacher and Chabot might have had another Harvey Jackson offended the of- ficials in the second period and drawn penalties "nich left the iocals outnumbered on the ice by 6 | to 4. It was while laboring under | this disadvantage that the Leafs were scored upon, Norman Himes, | the cleverset and hardest working | player on the New York team, beating Chabot during a scramble around the Leal nat. New York Defense Weak Since their previcus visit here, | Leafs Americans 4-1 the Americans have sent Leo Reise and George Patterson to thc New Haven Eagles, Reiss was always looked upon here as a pretty handy man on that New York defense and he usually gave an excellent .dis- play while performing against the Laefs. The Americans were not particularly formidable on the de- fense last might. Manager Lionel Conacher played in a relief role and was not on the ice a great deal. He was not nearly so prominent in the visitors' attack as he usually is ,and even on the dofense he did not. step into the Toronto attackers with his customary vigor. Billy Burch, who has been out of the game since Christmas with an in-- fected hand. got back into the Am- ericans' line-up as a defense mat of Conacher's. Billy was not in condition and did not look par- ticularly good in that position. The bulk of the defensive duties fell to the lot of Bill Brydge and Joe Simpson, and there was little to choose between them. They tried hard 'encug but the speedy and HOCKEY RESULTS The scores of hockey games dur- ing the week-end were as folows: National League Maple Leafs ...4 N.Y, Amer, Montreal .....2 Ottawa N. Y. Rangers 6 Pittsburg .. N. Y. Rangers 4 Chicago .. Boston ...... «.... 3 + Detroit ,.. International League Buffalo .. .5 Millionaires Cleveland 5 Niagara F. Canadian League Guelph ....... 4 Kitchener ..2 American Association Duluth Minneapolis 1 Tulsa +es.1 Kansas City 1 Kansas City .. 3 Tulsa i St. Paul .,....2 Minneapolis 0 Canadian-American League Philadelphia ...3 Boston New Haven .. 1 Springfield ,, 0 Philadelphia ..2 New Haven 1 Pacific Coast League "Vancouver ..4 Victoria * Overtime. Portland ....1 Seattle Senior Intercollegiate | Toronto ......2 McGill} ......2 Intermediate O.H.A. Bradford .....4 Varsity .... 2 McMaster .3 Markham ,.1 RM.C. .......4 Kingston ,...% Junior O.H.A. Kingston ....3 RMC. ....0 a PE weed eee 0 tricky Leafs did not find them particularly troublesome in block- | ing the y to the threshold of | Mr. Worte netted domicile, Worters an excellent dis-| play of puck--stopping in the final | period and kept the Leafs from piling up a count that might have reached double tigures., Harvey Jackson was the leading point-get- ter for the Smythemen. Be scored two goals, but "Happy as many points in the £ he figured in two assists. and Bailey were the other goal- setters. Cotton should have had at least three tallics, for two oc- casions he had only beat in the third period to the rubber past the agile little goal i on Worters Collegiate Chatter From the results of last Frid { Basketball games it looks as if | berth in the league. The ! the = ox- strong bid for a top Toronto and District "perienced team that it has been in former years due to loss of several older players, but whatever they in experience they make up for in | speed. ! The junior team is without a doubt "one of the snappiest gang of * teges that ever represented the They have yet however to ve that they can produce the real goods in a pinch and they will have more than opportunity to do so before the end of the season. The games this wéek are at Vaughan Road school. * . o The coach, Mr. Barley, is at present Catharines recn- | from a severe attack ot preamonia, It will be 2 weeks before he is agai ® Oshawa, Bowm will compose the hockey grouping Port Perry the first time ; group, i.e, Linds: Mr. Mackenzie of the the new secretary oi Mr. Dippal oF Br School the local com men are busy at present witl a schedule which should rumor that league Lately there is a Whitby will dro p from the 80), About 25 turned out for the Noted Golfer La lack | ¢ pro- | s 0.C.L | Simcoe rink | 5 Althe ugh re were ected » doubt the idea of a f ete, kept a few Mr. MacKenzie will coach the thi ar ndication key on Thursday try « fair gation, Inter 10.C.1 Not since has peration with enthu new Arena ames, Iti ther or ne rink accepte da] ince the {th of th utficient members wl crag | however, more is 4 gr The neg support stateme ative { the favourable decis Library News nagazin and | ilable in the ys Corner-Stone | a 1] [3 fore a distinguished gathering of golfers, George S. Lyon, dean of Canadian players of the Royal and Ancient, declared the cornerstol of the Slubhouse 3 the Royal Royal York Golf Course * Fifi ir recently. The a Shia) $1 structure will com- rpassed view of what ot oy 5 Pil] be one of the £3 t courses in the Dominion". Toft to right are shown: RB. Home | Smith who donated the land for this fine course; George S. Lyon, chairman of the advisory commits to} and failed | " plin, Windsor Teen, 6 Riverside .. 1 O.H.A. Bulletin | The Fergus-Hespeler intermediate | game, originally scheduled to be play |ed at Preston 2 will be played Thursday, Wednesday, Jan. 22, Jan. 23 | | intermediates of. Guelp oh a postponed Jan. 25. 0. Ad C. arranged to play | gan amc at Elora on Saturday | in the schedule f 10 calls for Dunn Cayuga Saturday, return gamc at Jan, z A change | group N | play at with the | Monday, Jan, 25, Dunnville | The final Group No. lat Orillia | Gravenhurs t. | fc ur games count mn | Bracebridge is now game in Intermedi 15 will be played Jan. between Bracebridge Total g scored this leading, als group, 11 to Referee changes made ames follow: Senior B Series Oshawa at Belleville--Emi t- | | ley, Toronto. Jntermudgite Series Port Ho at Bowmanville man Albe 1 oront Gr eorEctown at. Brampton jlaso bi, Toromt Junior Series Bowmanville at Oshawa 1, Toronto. GAMES FOR TUESDAY, JAN. 21 Games and referees tor uesday, Jan. 21, follow Intermediate Series R.M.C. at Gananoque--Clair D King Wel zston, istock at 1s, 1 Hager ier Brantford Hanleys kindly confirm Referees as soon 1 reading room of the library < the new magazine rack is receive Current numbers only will be in the rac The following is a list and newspapers being subscribed { Nature Magazine, My Magazine, Re nd Gun, Humane Pleader, Canadia Field Naturalist, The Business Week, The School, Canadian Red Junior, Halifax Chronicle, Family | Herald and Weekly Star, World | Wide, New York Times, Sunday edi- tion with Book Review and magazine | section, Popular Mechanics, Modern | Mechanics, Science and Invention, Scientific American, Radio Broadcast, | Aviation, Ladies' Home Journal, | Punch, Sphere, Atlantic Monthly, National Georgraphic, Bird Lore, | Canadian Magazine, Mentor, Liter- ary Digest, London Times, St. Nich olas, McLean's, Worlds Work, Gold- en Book, Boys' Own Paper, Strand, | Windsor, Readers' Guide, Book Re- view Digest, Culmanative Book In- dex, Book List, Library Journal, Libraries, The Auk, AT:A. Bulletin, Interdependence, Ontario Library Re- view, O.A.C. Review, Natural Re- sources, Better Crops, Popular Sci- ence Monthly. found f magazin Cross Many exchange magazines from schools both Canadian and United States have arrived since the old lib- rary closed last March 7, ound volumes of magazines will be found in reference rooms, The library wil open Monday, January 20, for exchange of books and reference work, All the chairs and tables have not yet arrived but as many students as possible will be accommodated each period. The librarian will resume his lectures on the mse of books and lib- raries immediately. A 'number of new and interesting books have been received, they are now in the library office and are be- mg prepared for circulation as quick- ly as possible, A complete. list will appear next week, tee of the Royal York Golf Club; and Superintendent Grout, re senting the Canadian Pacific Rail. way which is erecting the club. house, of which the architect's con. ception is also shown in shove pic: | ture, It will have 85 bedrooms as | well as the usual conveniences and will be completed in time for the | official opening next Mav. al RIGHTO! had * giving a Jluss voungsters some idea of proverbs nd after the lesson she ;ut some aetions, "Birds of a feather do what, «?" she asked. "Lay cggs." piped Peggy, hesitation, ---Tit- Bits, Mae ¥ "n Peg: without British Auto Manufacturer. | Austin, tor Comps manuli British British Chambe Whitehall Club ye A \ mg ot it --Ernie Doyle, Paris, al | rious bile {their « PORT SNAPSHOT S By Gro. CamrBeLL, Sports Editor "The Battle of the Century" Tonight What will likely prove to be the liveliest and best Junior game of the season for this district, will be played tonight at the Oshawa Arena, Bowmanville Juniors are coming up to give Geo. Munro's scrappy bunch of puck chasers a real evening's entertainment. But you can rest assused that it will be no "pink tea." These "Kids" possess just the right mixture of ginger and dynamite to provide the fans with sixty minutes of rcal hockey, If the locals win they will tic up the group for first place, * Te Port Perry Took the Juniors into Camp On Saturday night, the Oshawa Juniors went out to Port Perry and played the Port Perry Intermediates, The Juniors did not take out their strongest lineup and when they arrived they found they had been billed as the "Oshawa Seniors," The result was that the "Oshawa were defeated by Port Perry's Intermediates, The Score was six to two, Seniors" x ® SHE Simcoes or Whithy Tonight the Oshawa Simcoes will have a real job on their hands when they try to put the clever Whitby Intermediate team away. The Simcoes must win tonight of their chances of getting in the playoffs will be almost nil. On the other hand, Whitby are in the same fix and they will be out with all they've got. " % * Seniors Play in Belleville Tonight Oshawa Seniog "B" team will play Belleville tonight and a win for the Oshawa outfit will give them the group leadership. Belle ville defeated Que 2 1 Oshawa won at hon ens by 3 t m from Queens 4 to 2, The Bellevile anc ¥ * Victorias Hit Hard The Victoria O.H.A. Jun when 1 in r team w Markl as given a Stewart, of avord hitun ng skaters cwat rest of tl ason. H a de t will be has been playing d 1 bid for their g 5 * the who have been termine Back to Baseball AUSTIN ADVOCATES untry i their cne "TRADE AGREEMENT i EE t that L ed that XJ j fic mn uld LSU p 80 Urges League For Commerce } Already lus « 100,000 cars is Us New @) ork sided at chair , Australia Harry G l-Gener f gov the business ine He admitted th 1ass productoin in proble man ct itput, party rbert | and is had or the 1 | except h {any police = 1 | curtains for him inside 2 GUELPH DEFEATS KITCHENER, 4-2 Kitchener, Jan, 20.--~The Guelph Canadign pro team is. perched in third place, just one point behind Brantford, as a result of their 4-2 win over Kitchener here Saturday night, It was the second straight win this week Ly the Royal City aggregation on foreign ice after a string of defeats, The Dutchmen dropped into the cellar by the loss, but they are only one point behind Guelph and two behind Brantford in second place. It was also the locals' second straight loss this Here goes for the 3rd round. ! Right off we want to congratu- late Jack (Blue Eye) Bond and his gang on their fine win em Friday night, Keep up the good work, boys. Well, all the boys are right iu shape for Thursday night and promise to give their best and no one can do more than that, all we ask is for you to roll up and give them your support and cheers, You know, fans, it all depends on you, the chib and regiment are to an awful lot to get the best of boys for your sport and if you go back on us, well boxing will be a thing of the past for Oshawa. Did you see ert Ripley's cups in | Mitchell's store window? 1 fnot | look "e mover as you call in for your ticket for the fights, | Now for a little dope | bouts, for a start trere's 'em. That's two more dish up. Bout 1--Will introduce our 60 wonders. Sammy Daurlo and . Come early and sce o champions in the making se two kids don't once let up. Bout 2.--Du Montell and Shorty Fisher, 130 1bs, two locals who i have sworn a vandetta and have romised each other that birds will | sweet songs and then the and shovel to collect the going ten of Pellingham and Johnny | | Chriss, 112 lbs. Now we come to (the 'tadpole class, same as caused | | the excitement in Toronto, and this | bout will not disappoint. Johnny a8 runner-up in the 105 1b, class {in the Ontario championships and has not gone then. ellingham has fought some wonderful fights - against heavier | and more experienced boys of late ni wonderful shape. I pick | this bout to steal the card, Bout 1 "Boston'" McDonald and T. N. Other, 130 lbs. *'Boston" is an old Yankee "gob" tough @s they make them, like the other and more Boston gob, .he does not say that Le does not care who they bring along. If you want to | know how tough this bird Is, of the boys off the Chev trim line. [I leave it to them to tell you. Bout 5.--~This one i353 a secret, promise action and lots of | | year ut un- famous Wilmot and Joh- lbs, Wilmot won Eddie 118 our and a boxing les- Lout 6 nny Hughes, {the crowd at [he gave 20 lbs. S011 hard-hitting Frenchman, who up | to then had stopped all he met in- | one an da half rounds. Hugh- es is no slouch and belongs to & rival club. He says that this is Eddie's Waterloo and promises rounds. side Weill we shall see what? Jout 7.---Bill Adams and Pete the famous Cresta run of St. Moritz and the 'Schatzalp at Davos, a run has i MILES GEWINTER:. SPEED been constructed at Borie sleigh racing -- the fastest thing in winter sports -- has come to America, Adapting the best ideas urray Bay Europe, have lent themselves to the chartin the golf course and Soxs through on the lower St. Lawrence river which for 'len forest to the hotel itself. h and sheer thrill will outdo anything i» At Murray Bay the fiatural slopes of the Manoir Richelieu Golf Course and the Laurentian hills out of almost three miles of bob sleigh run which sweeps twice acrosg of expense | on the | than Toronto | last | back since | and as | ask | | Prices--Rush, 35c¢. * . |OTTAWA LOSES S.P.A. Junior | TO MAROONS, 2 Champions. | ...... 25 we cous. { les: 8 ota va Ere were just Banqueted nosed out in their National Hoc- | key League contest here with Mon- | treal Maroons on. Saturday nignt, " | Ottawa's last-minute: drive scored N a PF Ontario, Jan. 20. AA . ge. Niagara Falls, Ontario, Jar two seconds before full time, and We tao thy : 4 mwa Magara, Falls unior no | 1, "Let WEA? Sa King Edward Hotel here Saturday 2-1) M irons now "nave a comfort. evening, when Gene Fraser was abie working margin of three full host to some 100 guests. It was | FAMEs over C anadiens. Ottawa, due the biggest and most impressive 1oithels loas, and, Toronl0's Jjetory event of the kind ever held in i on tet w tl or : mericans, Niagara Falls, The feature of the pied to fourth piace. evening was the presentation of the Sportsmen's Patriotic Associa- M ll d U. fT. tion Junior Trophy to the Niagara | cGi an +0 Falls juniors, this season's win- l G Falls b] , son win P ay Tie ame The prominent out-of-town -- ------ guests included P, J. Mulgueen of Toronto, Jan, 20.--MeGill Uni Toronto, S.P.A. President, and sity made a great bid for inter- Chairman of the Canadian Olym- he senior hockey honors pic Committee: William (Bill) | When they held the University of Fry of Dunnville, President of the | Toronto sextet to a 2-2 draw in Canadian Amateur Hockey Asso-| the first game of a home-and-home ciation and the following officers of | series, goals to count on the round, the O.H.A.: Frank Hyde, Wood- | at the U, of T. Arena on Saturday stock; William A, Hewitt, Toronto; | afternoon. Not since away back in William Tackaberry, Toronto, | 1912 have the Red and White held Sherriff Paxton, Whitby; J. 7T.| the title, That the local student Sutherland, Kingston; Moffatt | failed to put the vistors away 01 Burr, Port Colborne: Alvin Schli- | customary hion came as a sur gel, Preston; C, A. Baker, North | prise, Bay, President of the N.O.H.A., Srmn-- was also present. A t ram was J J; der received from Rich Butler, | ac E er Wins O.H.A, President, expressing re- gret ai 1s mavility to be present | 1 WiCE in one Nighi and giving his best regards to the | mia Niagara Falis juniors, | New York, Jan. 20,.--Jack Eide print star turned i two victories Saturd night in hi ter appe arance of winning Tolwin, 150 1bs. Bill Adams, now of Toronto, needs no introduction | to local fans. Remember sational knockouts in | bouts here? This bout should be | the Exhibition fireworks display hollow. #4 both boys pack T.N.T. in | mitt, 8.--Harold Gatenby | Tony Martini, 118 Ibs. {old favorite is Harold {he was the boy Larry Ga | 50 highly of. Martini is | the "Fighting Italian' and | fuet glory in havine a go thi | wil I#a¥e a Jot of splitting | the distance, | Bout 9 Harrv Blake Har |old Crawford, 112 1hs te will | sure surprise the folk who are gee- }ine him for the first time. 1 pick him as the next Ontario champion at his weight. | Bont 10.-- "Sailor" and George Platt, 140 {these Doye hove fourht here |and are looked on as two |p r ELE a 1 {hest at iheir weight f may 3 nis Ee ed "WOR asses fndeed from the out of town at. a ir ~azementy both are getting ig the first time thev have met a ring and hoth want the win for {the top of their record card. This | Bout will go the distance na should be worth the price of ad- mittance alone. See yon ot the ring day might, 7.45 p.m. only his sen-{ winte of his t tlyn coilege g . Elder met petitions from F town's i mn, in the arded first place of the judg some th {each | Bout and Anothe rl 14 ag hoth bout if it goe ard 12% | 1 reduce n point; y had only veen them. f a new pr Rinle | t a Bro theatre attrac Bert 1bs, before to walk and, remember that le of my right | secured a ¢ide Thirs of them eventy | much, | last show when | to Sam Lepine, the tough and | Wednesday Night January 22nd Arena Intermediate O. H. A. OSHA wa WHITBY Reserved, 50¢, 75¢, $1.00. TICKETS ON SALE AT MIKE'S PLACE, hs