Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Jan 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 1930 2,7E NINE THE C SSUES" where OSEEIED SECTION, --¢ uyger £0 NANT & ANNIS. BARRISTERS Solicitors. Notaries Public. lg 3 Bion 5 Sue Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. Conant, PA. LLB: A. F. Aonls, B.A. FF : LH 'Solicitor, Notary Publi v . ancer Money to loan. hic eer Hig!) 130 A Rew er Bigs vig Opposite Post . i e_ Buildin JO! i AN. BAA. -- : Tister, Solicitor, Notary Pvhlic, Con- . Money to loan. Office 14'4 King 8 East, Oshawa. Phone #45. Di G Fraser, -Barristers, Conveyancers, Notaries Public, ete. Office over Standard Bank.. Eutrance Simcoe St. Phone 13. J. F. Grierson, K.C., T. Ki Creighton, B.A, Fraser, B.A, Sonchong Nore. over Ie Ear, 4 ry. - Ove! y Store. 'Money to foan, 16 Simeoe a north Phone 67. Residence PARRHILL AND FIELD. BAR risters.. etc. Money to L Bide. Opposite Post Office. 1614. rkhill. A CH Field G AND JUMPHREYS. BAR risters, Solicitors eic. 24% Sir.coé St. N_ Phone 3160. Menev to lnan ALEX C. HALL, B.A. BARRIS ter. ete. Conveyancing and Zeperal ractice. 22% King St. East hone #237. (tr) HARRIS & HARRIS, BARRIS ters, Solicitors, ete. 41 Algér Bldg. Orhawa and Port Perry Phones 769 Oshawa, Port Perry 24 an1 71 ¢ 3, Jan. 2-1 mo) TI = Medica! DR. McKAY, PHYSICIAN. SUR geon, Accoucher. Office and resi dence, Kinz St. Ez st. cornar Victoria St. Oshawa. Phone 94 DR. HAROLD Ww. TEICK, PH 'Sl cian, Surgeon. Obs*itrician, Special references to maternity work ara di seases of wenen. Two vears' post graduate sxperience Office and res: dence 167 Simcoe St. N.. {cor. Brock' hone 307 / : DR. GRANT BZRRY. PHYSHIAS eon, Obsetrician, geascs Of Jlrs end children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East Phone 1133 PR, B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- clan and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work ana Electro; theopy. Office, Disney PElock. Phone 2050. Office open 9 a.m. to 12 a.m. Residence 161 King East Phone 2416. DR DAVID PRCHER. M.D. CM. L. RR C P and S Edinburgh Physician; Surgeon-and Obstetrician. Office. 142 Simcoe St. N Phone 3020 resi 161 King St. E. Phone 3155 1 ARCHER BROWN, M.D. L. KR C P. & S. Edinburgh Physician Sufgeon, Obstetrician, special t= tention to maternity work and dis eases of children. Office and resi dence, 185 Simcoe 3t. North. Phane W. CARE, PHYSICIAN, ob Obstetrician. Office and residence, 512 Simcoe street north. Phone 2415. DR. J: ARCHER BROWN, PHYSI- 'cian, Surgeon and Obstetrician, office and residence, 185 Simcoe Street, North, phone 3107. Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will Le at his office over Jury Lovel's Drig Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 pm. for eonsultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose and throat only. Appointments mav be made at drug store. Phone" : Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat DR. E. F. RICHARDSON. OFFICE over Mitchell's Drug Store, Hours 10. to 12 am. 2_to 5, Evenings bv appointment. Office phone Residence 432]. i . ? DR. A. W. HARDING, OFFICE over Dewlands, Hours 10 to 12 a.m., 3 to 5. Eveniugd by appoint- ment. Office phone 1499. Resld- ence 2648. Dental PR S. J. PHILLIPS, OVER BAS. seis. Special attention to X-ray Gas ~~'raction Nurse in at- .- Phone 959. House 1312. 0) {E. 9 © Ss north, over Mitchell's Drug Store s for exiraction. Phone 54. DR. E. HUBBELL, DENTIST. Nitrous oxid oxvgen gas for extra. tions. Office Royal Bank Bide Phane 948, residence. 1378M HE BRE K. DENT! oa +... over Dewland's hone 19 Res. 202W Evenings by apnointment. oe I w. H.° GIFFORD OFFICE Regent: Theatre Bldg. Phone 1780 Residence uses: sion gia : R DAVIES NGMAIT en wp Riaz St. E. Special a tention to gas extraction and X-rav work. Nurse in attendance. Phones 1243 an' 864 Architects CC STENHOUSE -- GENERAL ite work. Second floor archi ural Building. Phone 14% Res. 1 909). : THOM ANC JOHNSON. AS: snciate "aichitects Simcoc St. § Over Felt Bros EL Gi 3 Public ' ARfE NM HETON 74 SIMCOE NARIECN ay 1600 ial f th. and *ireviar rates for maliifhe . work, + rt eB en pe en - Watch? "Répairing FA VON., OVEN FIR) Saviss warchugake oc Urepare shop 2! wor tend CT dDee. 27-1 mo) | Engineering and 'Surveying DONEVAN AND SMITH. ONTAR 10 Land Survevors and Civil Engin. eers, sub-divisions. town planning, municipal engineers. 365 or 411 King St. es or LUKE BURIAL CO. 67 KING ST East. Ambulance Résidence 542 Sim- coe street morth, Phone 210J and 2A0W. DISNEY. Celina street, Oshawa. Corner 87 Bruce street. ce. Phone 1082. Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE. E. 19 King St. west, wa, The old- est Fire Agency in va. 30 Re nutable Fire Companies. consult R. N. Johrs, 80 Simcoe north, Your insuramce wants at- tended to and your .nterests pro- tected. __ Transportation CARTAGE AND STORAGE, COLE- man's, 86 Bond West. Specialists in furniture moving, storage ware house and moving van equipment Phone 82 : CARTAGE, MOVING, sand ard cinders Local a long distan. hauling Phone 3 an 26927. Smith and Cox, 387 King St. W. OSHAWA'S OLDEST _ ESTAB lishe! furniture movers. Park Road car ace Local and long distance Frank Cowle. Prop 65 Park - R1 South. Phone 2315. Jan, 17-1 mo) Beauty "Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENI wave. Special $5 and $7.50 Finges wave and shampoo $1. Facial 75¢c Hair cuttihg 25¢. Phone 248 or 8 Simcoe North. 7 EXPERT MARCELLING A BY Betty Ward at Betty Lou Pcrman ent Wave Shoppe. Marcel and sham poc $1. Phone 2968 WATSONS EARBER AND Beauty shop. 9 Celina St. We spe- cialize in ladies' hair cutting, mar- celling. shampooing, facials Marcel 5) cents. For appointments phone 2653. (Jan. 14-1 m9) MADAM MARIE, LATE OF PARIS and T. Eaton, Toronto, high class beauty culture at merate prices. Disney Building, Flat Neo. 1, $1 King street east, opposite Post Office. Phone 1376. (Jan. 2-1mo) MARCEL AND GURL, 50c. MRS. Everctte Bell, Apartment 9, Edward Apartments, Quebec Street. For ap- pointments phone 1090]. Jan, 7-1mn, Building . Supplies CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SAF. To Insure prompt delivery, place orders in advance of delivery date w. rrowdale, phone 1618, STRICTLY of this nature. ond collect for same. For the convenience of customers who find it inconvenient to come personally to The Times' office, a telephone call will bring a messenger who will receive the advertisement "Times" Classified Ads Bring Results Telephone 35 ASK FOR CLASSIFIED AD DEPARTMENT Real Estate for FOR BALE--NEW "SIX ROOM brick veneer house, hot water heated. Hardwood floors through- out, fireplace, insolate roof, gar- age. This home is centrally located. Immediate possession, Apply 208 Dearborne Avenue, Phone 1934W. (13¢) Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING CHESTER fields made to order We save vou money. Estimates free. G. A Con stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595). 5601) on en atm--_---- BATTERIFS CHARGED. CALLED for and delivered 75 cents If ren- tal supplied $! Ratteries repaired Stan Blideon. 20 Mi'l St Phone 1885W. (Jan. 13-1 mo) Auctioneer PHONE 716). W. 1. SULLE) wictioneer. 346 Simcoe S, S We 'an sell vour odd pieces of furniture ind other articles at our vards 4! Sr Wel rowan MIntarin S. W. CLARK, AUCTIONEER. 520 Simcoe Street South, phone M. (Jan. 17-1 Mo.) Fa -- pp - Second Hand Dealer 4ECOND HAND DBALER FUR. niture bought and sold 156 Bloor St. East. Phone 1617M (tr Contracting "wo Music ARTHUR LYNDE, VUCAL TE! cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) puoils prepared dor! exam Oshawa. ednesday, imcoe St. North. Phone 2754F. (129-t1) FRANK CONVERSE SMITH, ONE of Toronto's leading violin teachers, is in Oshawa on Thursday afternoons Studio 86 Elgin St. E. 39M. one 7. Jan, 17-1 mv) HERBERT C. THENEER, OR- ganist and choir master of King Street - United Church will accept pupils in piano, organ and yoea) music. For particulars apply 60 William streec east. Phone 28! Jan. 2-1 mo) Radio Service GSHAWA RADIO SERVICE, AC- cessories for sale, repairs on elec- tric and battery sets, tubes and batteries tested, batteries re- charged. rental supplied. $1. Phone 3350J, Charles Walés, 146 Eigin East. Jan. 6-1 mo, RADIO REPAIRS, 'ALL WORK guaranteed, prices moderate, set test. ing, batteries recharged, 50c. Phone 38211. Geo. Burroughs, certified radio-trician. (Jan. 7-1 mo.) Painting and Decorating R GUTSOLE FIRST CLASS FA rhanger, painting and grainin rices right, work ranteed. 30 Pine Ave. phone or jo ) AG. TURNER, PAINTER AND Papernanger. Only first class work guaranteed: 20 vears experience Prices reasonable. Phone 2460W Jan, 17-1 mo) 'Monéy to Loan CITY AND FARM T.OANS, PRO gress loans arranged Parkhill & Field. Barristers, etc. Alger Phone 1614. Home Cooked Meats ENGLISH HOME MADE PORK ples, steak and kidney ples hot or cold brawn, -akes and pastries, ete., ete. Frank Drakes, 21 Maple street. Phone 2372F. (77t0) Tailoring PAUL VERLAND, B ANDY most artistic clothes' maker in Osh- awa for men who care. Prices far and reasonable, - 12% Simcoe Street south. Phone 1583 Furniture ing FURNITURE RE UPHOLSTERED and repaired. No job too small or tno larve George A. Lemee. hone 1436M, © 7 £44 et 43. 10) NE CENTS ER YARD, PLEAT | AOUSE WANTED , FOR EX- == | change on farm, act quick. Jones Real CONTRACTING -- CONCRETE plastering, electric or alterations Phone 139 for estimates (10h) a. 1 Articles For Sale RADIO BARGAIN-NEW 7 TUBE All-Electric Federal Lowboy, Cash, ' Phone 2092W, MIXED HARD AND SOFT WOOL slabs. $3.50 per load Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limiced Phone 1238 (Apr. 2611) FOR BSALE--HAEINTZIMAN CO Ltd., planos, new and used planus Also radios. latest iodels; terwws arranged Apply C. Trull Phone 1568J. 11111) FOR SALE--ONE COAL OR wood range, one gramophone and other articles,' All in good condi- tion. Apply 577 Simeoe. street north. (14c) FOR SALE--ELECTRIC LIGHT fixtures for six room house. Near ly new. Phone 179M or call 207 Celina street. (16b) FOR SALE--1 NEW 10 TUBE radio. Cheap for cash. Same guar. antee as new machine. Phone 3289W. (16e) FOR SALE--STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity delivered anywhere in city. Phone 896. - (Jan. 20-1 mo) FOR SALE--SPYS, BALDWIN, Sweots, Greenings at Oshawa Fruit Growers storehouse, west Hogg & Lytles. Open Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays. (16-19) WASON & RISCH PIANO, ORIGIN- al price $500. Good practice plano. Specidl stock taking price $95. Will take back any time within twelve months as part payment on new plano. The Johns Plano Store, 80 Simcoe St. N, (16e) Boarders Wanted For Renf ' BOARDERS WANTED. APPLY 156 Agnes streets Phone 810J, (131) "Room and Board Wanted BUSINESS GIRL WANTS FULL board and single room with prive ate family near Motors, Rep.y giving phone number to box. 444 Times, \ (16b) TA HEAT TA NIN NICELY FURNISHED BEDROOM in qulet comfortable homo. Suitable for one or two gentlemen, Board if desired. Five minutes walk from four corners, 78 Bond street west. (16¢) Room and Board WARM BRIGHT ROOM WITH board suitable for two ladies, private family, close to Motors. Phone 2478]. (14¢) ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE family for two girls or gentlemen, Five minutes from Motors office or factory. Also garage to rent. Apply 286 Divisioni street, Phone 3192M, (14¢) ROOM AND BOARD IN WARM comfortable home. No children. Single or double rooms. Five min-| utes from Motors, Phone 2660F. : (16¢) NICE BRIGHT WAR to rent in private family, Board if desired. Phone 192&J. (16¢c) FOUR AND FIVE ROOFED MOD ern suites, ineludiog electric refrig eration. stove. laundry. conven) ences. efc.; comiinuous hot water supplied. Apply Bupt 'phone 2671. vr The Trusts and Guarantee Co ft4., manager for owner, Toronto, (2741) APARTMENTS--MODERN, HOME like raites. Some furnished, laun- dry, conveniences, ¢lec dryer, ete. elec stoves, clec refrigeration, hot water year round, [hone 15560 or 2347W. (8th) TO ' RENT--APARTMENT CON- sisting of double room, shower, toi- let, clothes closet, central, stcam heat, Apply Box 389 Times. (141) GON FORTABLE ¥ ROOM FOR ONE or two gentlemen, Private home. Agnes street, gPhone 1775W. (14¢) TO RENT--TWO UNFURNISHED rooms, heated. ' All conveniences Centrally located. 237 Athol street edst, (14c) TO RENT-TWO LIGHT HOUSE- kee rooms all conveniences. Agp- piv, 22% Simcoe St. South. Phoie 2772W. A (15¢) (TO. RENT -- GENES. HALL, Courtice, two nights each week. Just a model place to entertain friends with 'dances, concert Or parties. Rent reasonable, Phone 332 r 24. 16¢) Nursing PRACTICAL NURSE DISEN- gaged after Feb, first. Maternity invalid or general nursing. Doctor's jetatences, For information phone (Jan. 15-1 mo) / TIC Ss. . gaged, Terms moderate, Phone number 422 or 79 Centre St. (16¢) Help Wanted BOOKFOLDERS-- EXPERIENCED operators for Slythe & Martini simplified sewing machines, Steady work," Wages nineteen dollars per week. Apply Anstey & Co., 510 King west, Toronto. E i A (140) For Exchange Estate. Phone 2667. (15¢) or or nge FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE--VIL- lago Newegastle. 12 room home, Acre of ground, $3500, For Osh- awa property. Murdoch, Warren avenue. 4 (16e) Wanted To Buy NI ed Skirts. sae doliai * alterations atc AN kinde of rea tify fan: work dn sale Vrs ell 26% Sim 43y: King Stree: West Yous pat} SMALE 1S fcit Bdrm pin 08 Phone - 1656 a. South, ne Jun, 17-1 mo) | 1890 Times, TO R TWO light housekeeping rooms. thing furnished except North end. Phone 2924J. very- shes. (16) 3 RNISHED RO! for Nght housekeeping. 207 Sim- TWO FOR RTSHED ROOMS" WITR H 8 T every convenience for light house- keeping for young couple, Phone . (16a) ence Kingston road west, Year's lease. Vacant, 'Desirable tourist rest. Murdoch, Warren avenue. (16¢) TO RENT ---- ONE BEDROOM with private family. All. convenis ences. Suitable for two gentlemen. Phone 1511F or call at 143 Albert street, - (161) RENT---TWO B : suitable for ladies or gentlemen. Apply 184 Alice street, Phone 2340. (16h) oy wb Personal : THREE "YOUNG ~ GONTLBNEN tween ages of 20 and 26. Aly Fergie WANTED 70. LUYSA FIVE roomed honge, Apply Bos 450 Oshawa Times. : wa er {16¢c) lowest price. | Daily | banquets. ®Apply Box 391 Kb . gad Fb (164) =i All Classified Advertising Coming Events, Etc. CASH IN ADVANCE This rule has been found necessary because of expense and loss arising from handling a large number of small accounts Board if desired. Close to Motors. 8 desire 'feminine correspondents be: | Sor || o I dak Ati in All Set for Banff Winter Carnival the dates for the Winter Carnival been set with a view to gettin, weather results. February 1-8 al to this beautiful mountain resort. and perfect runs are to be found country around Banff at this time of year and ot that resort have the best pocsible eyes will be turned Wonderful scenery in every direction | musher, 45 minutes by dog AT ine for skiers is a fair description of the | Mount Norquay Ski Camp which can be reached in thirty minutes flat from Banff by skiers and in about team, taking it easy. Pictures show (1) Banfl from the Ski Camp; (2) the camp | with a group of enthusiasts; (3) Ike Mills, famous with his "huskieobile"; (4) a typical long and there is a special attraction for skiers in the ski run near the camp. NA Ji NEW FARM BOARD Senator Brookhmst Says Useless to Ask Farmers To Cut Wheat Area Washington, Jan. 20,--Just. when the newly createu baem Bord was hoping to get sumewanere, mn a drive 0 muuce tne American wacat facut ers to plant less wheat, thus entails ng the exportable sufjnus to be mar- keted in conjunction with the Can agian Co-opertaives, along come the Radicals from the discontented farin welt to make trouble, "You might as well shoot 20 per cent of the farmers -- that would b more practical than. to ask all the farmers to reduce their wheat pro- duction one-fifth," says Senator Smith. W. Brookhart, of lowa. "It is unfair to Qur Minnesota and Dakota wheat 'growers, who produce hard wheat of high grade, but whos: season is different," says Governor Christianson, of Minnesota, who is a candidate for senator against Tom Schall. Now, one of the eurious phases. of this drive against what the. Farm Board is trying to do is that Minne sota, once regarded as a great wheat field, has so diversified her crops that of cvery dellar the farmer in that state receives only seven cents comes from wheat. More than 30 cents out of each farin dollar comes from dairy products. And lowa si not a large wheat state, It's favorite song is about "That's where the Tall Corn Grows," It produces lots <# corn and lots of hogs, but only a little wheat. But in the popular mind both are great wheat states, so that when the and further west, reads the screams of the politicians from Iowa and Min- nesota, he is apt to feel that it would do no good for him to curtail his wheat' acerage. All of which hamn- strings the 'Farm Board in whit is one of its most important objectives, and is calculated to turn , Herbert Hoover's blond hair grey, and to dig furrows in the brow of Alexander C, Legge, chairman of the Farm Board. Hard to Convince Official experience in Washington has shown that one of the hardest | Rates for | Classified Ads. First insertion--115 cenis per word, Minimom charge 30c. Each subsequent consecn- tive Insertion le, per word. Three consecutive inser- tions for th» price ol two first {nsertions (three cents a word). Minimum charge fur three insertions, G0 cents. Box number 10c additional Professional or Business Cards, $2 60 per month for 20 worde or less; 10 || cents a word per month | for each additiona) {i word, is TIMES CLASSIFIED | ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 85 Ask for Classified Ad METI G TROUBLE ; farmer down in-Kansas and Missouri, | ll notify every federal if. ver, would be sufficient things to accomplish' ® to induce iaimers to diversiy their crops. This true even when there is no yolitical osition to complicate the situation 1s recailed by old employes of the partment of Agricu.iure, and by cialis who vce connected at the ie with the United States Chaunbe. i Comme.ce, for instance, the hard edding they had in inducing the | cotton farmers of the South to di Ive rsify in the days immediately pre- | ce ling the World War, 'They preach ed and preach.d, but the cfiorts were trifling until the boll | weevil can along. I'his little insect accomplished fo the cotton growers what the Farm Board is mow trying to do for the wheat growers. At the time the cofton planters; however, were panic stricken. They thanght the weevil spelled ruin. Now they are getiiar better prices tor their cotton, and they arc getting bette: mney from the same number acres f other crops. So true is this, (hat in some parts of the South movements are under way to erect monuments to the weevil! ut the political agitators aré morc interested in attracting a few votes than they are in the broad scheme of the Farm Board. Governor Christ- ianson hopes to be nominated for the Senate this year to succeed Sen- ator Tom Schall, the blind statesman from hte Gopher State. He needs an issuc to nmake up for the senti mental appeal of Schall's affliction, Senator Brookhart is not Limself a candidate this. year, but he comes up two years hence, and plans 'arc in the making in thé gubernatorial fight in his state this year which may make him trouble later, Other Complications Further complicating the problem | both of the Farm Board and of the sus called Progressives in the Senate, is waht to do about sugar. About 1,000,000 acres in this country atc now in sugar beets. ..Senators from those states arc insisting that unless | they get more tariff protection ag- ajnst Cuban sugar these farmers will be gompelled to stop growing bects, and then, to wheat, which happens to be the nex best crop for those par- ticular areas. % . The addition. of 1,000,000 acres to the wheat fields.of the country is a thought to give®™ pause even to the most. radical opponent of putting a higher tax on the sugar bowl of the American housewi... Evidences multiply that coast guard officials are not viewing with unmixed feelings the proposal to un- its all the bi r guarding activities under their ofgamization. It scems likely at. the moment that they will have tite choige in the matter, but will have to: take over not only. the guarding: of the coasts 'against rum runners, but also the Cajadian and Meyican borders. This recommend- ation of the Treasury Department seems to have general dry sanction, and is therefore apt to go through, extremely anxious to placat the prey sent wave of dry indignation over 'lax enforcement .of the 18th 'amend ment and the oVistead law, = If it goes through, the curious sis tuation will be presented of the De- partment of Justice having full con- trol of prohibition enforcenient, but a bureau of the Treasury Department responsible for keeping liquor from being imported from Canada or any- where else. So the cries of Senator Brookhart and Norris for the re- moval of Secretary. of the Treasury Mellon are not likely to be stilled by the change. One of resident Hoover's lright oung assistants had just outl'ned an erating plan #6r enforcing pgohi- bition. He would have the President employe, aot only in the civil departments but in 'the army znd navy, that evidence that any one of them has taken a rink, under any circumstances what cause for This would 'lead, thts his reryowval, absolute young man points out, to 41 abstinence on the part of all govern- | especially as the Administration is | ment employegs, a, formidable num- ber. Next, state governments would be asked to adopt the same policy, nd finally the big corporations of DORINION BAT ANEAL REPORT and Total Assets at New Record Figures Toronto, Jan, 20.--The fifty- nint hannual statement of the Do- minion Bank for the year cnded December 31, 1929, which has just seen mailed to the shareholders shows new record figures of profils commercial loans and total assets. Net carnings of $1,522,000 were the highest in the bank's history, showing an increase over 1928 ot $115,000 and representing 22.42 per cent on the average pald up capital, After payment of the usual divi- dend and bonus totally $885,000, $185,000 was provided for taxa- tion, a contribution of $50,000 made to the officers pension fund, $300,000 written off bank premises account, $50,000 more .than the previous year, and $102,000 added to profit and loss account, leaving 4 balonce to be carried forward of $374,000. il HARDW i FA LAID t Electric Sanded and Pinish- [| ed Complete | WwW. J. TRICK CO, LTD. | 25 Albert Street i Phone 230, 231 || ia Radios Repaired All Makes The Ontario Motor Scles SMITED 90 Simcoe St. 8B, Phone 900 MONEY 9 LOANED 4 Cars Refinanced All Dealings Confidential G. R. Holden MOTOR LOANS AND DIS COUNTS LTD. Felt Block Room 6 "hone 2790 DISNEY-COTT AMBULANCE 87 Celina St. Phone 1082 'xpert Watch Repaimig BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & ('rince Sts. omelrigt EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Specializing exclusively in muscls anomelie eyesight and glasses, 1516~Phone--1516 Opposite Post Olfice Deposits at date December 31, were $113,352,000 as compared with $115,241,000 a year ago. Current loans in Canada, $73, 693,000 have expanded $11,025, 000 an indication of the barks con- tinued active participation in the development of the country. The statement shows cash assets of $26,852,000 and immediately available assets of $67,774,000 these figures representing respec~ tively 20.27 per cent aud 51.15 per cent of liabilities to the public ----an exceptionally strong liquid position. During the year the paid up eap- ital and reserve fund were each in- creased by $1,000,000 and the to- tal shareholders investment is now $16,367,000, Total assets reached a new high record of $154,181,000, The annual meeting of the share- holders: will be held at the head office In the city cf Toronto on Wednesday, January 29. The photograph here shows: the baby belonging to Herbert J. W. Neville, Toronto financier, who in. duced. persons' in London society to 'invest in stocks that did not 2 prove remunerative, going to rejoin its mother in Canada. The baby was abandoned when two weeks old, in July, 1027, and has been kept since then in a social 'wels fare institution in Windsor, Eng. Have You? hE Tl Hardwood Floors Throughout.' 5) i} 6 ROOM = SOLID BRICK ~--Hot Water Heating = wi Will rent or exchange for Iot in North end «x What x Apply -- G, W. FINLEY -- Care Coptral Canada Leen Ig L 2 a

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