Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 18 Jan 1930, p. 6

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 1930 PAGE SIX omen's Interests in the Home --- and the Community ya SOCIAL and PERSONAL "Miss Elsie Ross, of Ontario College of Art is in town for the week-end, + On Sunday January 19, 1930, Mr. Mrs. George Perkin of 112 Divi street, will celebrate their Gol-- wedding anniversary. "Miss Constance Colpus of Toronto \ School will spend the week- ~ with 'her parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. C. Colpus, Bagot street. i Mr. Russell McKenzie is in Guelph | today attending the wedding of his sin, Miss Gwen McAllister. Mr. nald Wilson is the bridegroom. of Windsor Mr and Mrs. T, H, Everson, King i Street East leaves today for Okla- homa and later will travel on to California, where they will spend the remainder of the wmter months, The President of the Poultry and Pet Stock Association of Oshawa and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Warne Dearborne ,of Bloor Street \V. en- tertained about twenty members of the association and their wives their home on Friday cvening Members of the Count-On-Ale Class of King Strect United Sunda) School enjoyed a social evening on Thursday, January 16, in the supper rooms of the church. The cvening was spent in games. The prize win- ners were Annie Pratt and Gertrude Hyde. Refreshments were served at the close of the programme. On Thursday afternoon about fif teen members of the Daughters of England paid a surprise to the home of Mrs. Atkinson Sr, William street, It was Mrs. Atkins rthday and fn honor of the occasion Mrs, Tudd presented her with a lovely plant on behalf of the othe Afternoon tea wi Richardson, Mrs, Atkinson Jr. mb ny by ind Mrs Mrs rved Sheer Chiffon nll Fashioned | HOSIERY f At ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Simcoe St. | 100 New Dresses just ar 5 rived. New shades and | styles. The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. S. | Phillips who were presented with A Real | Tonic Now at Low | take the risk of drawing another, | Prices Kyler's | Cod Liver & Malt Small size 95¢ Large size . $1.50 IT PREVENTS COLDS KARN'S Drug Store Phone 378 Next P. O. members. brought to a close there w {and refreshments were "served. modern poets, agined MASTERPIECE OF CHILD BEAUTY TO BE SOLD ot Here is reprodu painting of chil Vernon, to be old PAINTING BY VERNON WILL SHORTLY GO UNDER HAMMER *d the beautifui "Kittens," by by public au St, Toronto, shortly. This forms a part of a mo: | collection from London painting valuable Eng., y tion at the Roy Rart Gallery, Yonge | wifich includes a work by Thoma fife (PE for the members oi B.A, at their home street, on Thursday Foote as present We the lodge is the ficers to act members. The enje spent in playing Mrs, DeMarse as he won [}] prize, Mrs. Selleck t | gentlemen's prizes we Lec and Mr, J. ments were served AH | The | bowling Canadian Order of spent a very en evening at the Ripley on Friday. teresting events of hte "Lucky Dance' by Marion Stephens the 'prizes by the musie was furnishe Cyril and Murray were assisted by Numbers were drawn for the part- | ners and those hoys their "best girls" w Immediately folowi choir practice at King last evening the cho | the church parlours t evening and also to ¢ the new year. The for 1930 were :--Pre ; 1st vice-pre ; 2nd vice-pre assistant secc., surer, Miss C. Social committee, convenor of Flower ¢ H. Barker; librarian. Mr, A, Horton; | present Mrs, assistant lib., Mr, B cor ttee, Mrs, A. H McPh tiring from his office 4 the previous vear, Mr, was presented with a umbrella, on behalf Before A critic remarks have provided inspiration for three And we always im- goldfish harmless creatures.-- ist. that Mrs. Fo first of section hor erson, Mr. R, Dobson. the even the Vic a evening. rthy Mistres the no cards anc the lad he sex of the Chosen Friends joyable social of Miss M, One of the in- the night was which was won on and Mr. W, me I'h by Lorenzo, Powell, who George Norris, :d el ry v | I'hat's sunshine; | Gainsborough, and another by the great Dutch painter, Van Dyck, as | well as many other rare art ob- toot The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the Housekeeper WHAT 1S SUNSHINE i A little gold amidst the I'hat"s sunshine; little brighter I'hat's s litt] little That's ne little ng for That's sunshine; little patience through ti little bowing of the wil little resting on the hill, 8 ding of the b looki That's sunshine; little smilling through tl That's: sunshine; little faith behind the little folding of the har little yielding of demand That's sunshine who had taken | re obliged to the regular x Street (hurch Ir asscy a social rs for elected Mrs. F. Mrs. 'A. Me RB Walker; s (rea- r of o 'hol lect oe officer ent, S1d¢ ommittee, Mrs . Wood; askill, Mrs, gown Ww. On re- 1s president for Frank Herring silver mounted! of the choir n was Pre games that goldfish were such The Humor- | X pon, Richard, was Mlleasl Toronto, Ont. "He and under- jo iy CALIFORNIA ™ AND A of causing genuine. CH, FRUITY LAXATIVE b Tonic FOR CHILDREN vegetable produ the laxative full medical endorsement. There are many ifhitations; but word CaliJornia m de ct;no danger habit, 1¢ has orks the Wilhelmia Stitch in Canada because de nce in the \ las a lecturer. Before the | her first husband, Mrs. E knoy her n of | she is now Mrs. Frank Co | subjects include a talk | "Com and Ce Won Bible, Interest in the Old Testa: Life of Early Rhymestar," : lings from her own wo [ auth r of renown, are "The Fragrant Day," "Silken and "The Golden Mint cry Linings don, I nd. The following are taken from her The Golden Web." TODAY ie Huw Threads," book rey lue-- n breaking through--- the light ie night-- l, little standing very still-- ie tear fears ds; y IK long resi t, is in great demand death ¢ A. Col a filed in | lived tor several years in Winnipeg; Her | lie, nan nt," "The and read. Among he "Silve Web." A Collie 1s living in Lou- exirac.s entitled ass SN are past; sits a-fretting that troubles do not swing and a-groaning 1 the pain; sits ning lest the sor- ne knocks and 3 K "Iixcuse me, it's a sin for any person to sit and brood this way. I'm the oniy thing that matters--all the rest'; n « right 1, ot worth a pin, I'm a living pulsing I'm" Today," When a per "I'm fearful for To-mos- Wn SOrTOows; very Wor- tearful lesf a grievous lows"; when a person sits because the future's dark, raring of Hope's knocks say Xcuse me, oper person to it way. So beg you { leave your of the Yesterday { and Morrow, and embrace the bless- day." reature cries, unk v | quite mn trouble | despairin persisignt | and walks irg | it's a sin Yor tand brood in, my pr this SOrrow gs offered by Te | LADY OF FASHION | My lady is in style, no matter | at the season be, for most enchant- s the smile my lady wears for me, dresses so exquisitely in folds of graciousness that gleam, in folds of clinging sympathy; and next her heart she pins a dream; like sunshine in her beam smile. My lady al- ways is in style. "Tis much admired my lady's dréss. No matter what the scason be. she wears a rone of gen- tleness whose hem is elfin stitcher, She's shod to walk winding ways, her hands are shaped to let gifts fall, her lips are curved to speak sweet praise, there is no fault in her at all. My Lady always is in style no matter what the season be, for | most enchanting is the smile she al- She love's When a person sits a-fretting for | ways wears for me, A New Utility Type For Temi-Sport That Will Make You Appear Youth- fully Smart and Slender By Annette It's feather-weight woolen in the smatr purply blue tones that the French courturiers are using in their new Spring models, . It's thoroughly feminine with its draped bodicé caught with buckle at normal waistline, 'Lhe shawl collar is of matching shade faille silk crepe, Ii dips in curved outline toward the right side, to effect hip yoke, and is carried around the back at same low line to keep the hips slender. All the fulness in the skirt is con- centrated at left side on grouped kilt- ed plaits, Style No. 160 is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 vears, 36, 38, 40 and 42 in- ches bust, It is very fashionable in black dull sillc. crepe. with vestce of eggshell crepe silk, In diagonal weave tweed in green tones with shawl collar and vestee of plain woolen in harmonizing shade, it is very swagger for sports and strect, Crepe satin, wool jersey, and noy- clty rayon printed crepe suitable, Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully, We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents ad- ditional for copy of large Fashion Magazine. ' PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON fo The Oshawa Dail Timss Pattern Department, awa, it, Enclosed find ..., Please send patte Lessresnasansiines SOULS rns listed below: Price, 20 cents each, Send stamps, or son. Wpap coin carefully. : | Elizabeth Annual Families Benefited From Whitby branch of the Victorian Order of Nurses has just closed a very successful year, according to reports presented at the annual meeting, held in the Library Board room on Monday afternoon, with a good attendance of members on hand, The reports showed that the work is increasing, and that much was accomplished hy the nurse, Miss Patterson, for the alleviation of sickness and the promotion of health in the community, particu- larly among school children, REVIEWS YEAR'S WORK Reviewing the year's work Miss Patterson, nurse, read the following report: "] have much pleasure in pre- senting to you the annual report of thd" Whitby Branch of the Victor- fan Order of Nurses for the year 1929. 1 would like to draw atten- tion to the object of our work, which Is to give skilled nursing care to the sick in their homes, to demonstrate nursing methods, and to aid in the prevention of disease and the maintenance of health. This consists of bedside nursing and instructing gome members of the household in the care of the patient during the nurses | absence Assisting physicians at confinements and minor operations, and general in- our bedside nursing 175 patients received nursing, and 1,436 visits | were made, Of these 105 were free | visits. Our nursing service with the | Metropolitan Life Insurance Co, fs #eing carried on satisfactorily, 619 visits being made during the year, including 101 calls to Infants of obstetrical cases, We appreciate the assistance we receive from the Company, beth as a source of re- venue and as a means of getting in tough with cases where perhaps our service would not otherwise be requested. Ten operations were attended in the homes, 1012 non- nursing or educational visits were made, 443 of these being child welfare visits to homes, One par- ticular interesting phase of ow work is the Well Bahy Clinic, held in the auditorium of the Public Library every Friday afternoon, for all classes and creeds. "Here the halyies are weighed, in- structions given to the mothers, helpful literature distributed, ana babies referred to a family physi- clan when necessary. Thirty-two clinies were held with a total at- tendance of 381, There were 87 visits to the Whitby sehools and 140 home school visits made. Classroom {inspection takes place once monthy in the publie schools. The object of this service Is to see that existing defects are corrected by the family dentist or family physician. It is imperative that all defects be corrected as early as poeible, since proper physieal and mental development alike are hindered by their presence. "Allow me to take this oppor- tunity of thanking the Medical Profession for their support, the loeal committee for their eo-opera- tion, and all those who have in any way helped to further the work of the Victorian Order of Nurses." The report, after some favor- able comment, was adopted, Treasurer's Report The report of the treasurer, Mrs, J. Waterhouse, for 11 months only was as follows: Receipts --$ 529.39 8389.00 300.00 250.00 Balance 1928 Patients fees Town Couneil grant Board of Edveation grant Telephone refund and calls . Canvas Lost cheque io nd Sale beds, table and stool 16.50 358.80 . 4.25 14.00 Whitby Branch of V.O.N. Has Had Successful Year: Report Presented by Nurse Patterson Show Many Whitby Children Had Extraordinary Attention--Many Attend- Well Baby Clinics--Financial Statement Shows Where Money Went--Samaritan Committee Helped the Poor Meeting Held Nursing Care, While School Total 2311.94 Expenditures Nurges salary Telephone Taxi .... Laundry coeomme os tom Drugs and supplies . Storage A ATEN National Child Welfa Cook and Co, Leaflets RS Electric Cord Balance -$ 1430.00 49.62 22.50 6.32 24.19 16.00 6.26 50 40 1.00 755.16 vor ® ® re . PR . oo 2311.94 Total ram, . port of the treasurer was The re adopted. of employment, and business de- pression. The Samaritan Com- mittee has been doing some splen- did work as an auxiliary to the Victorian Order, such as supplying clothing to needy families, grocer- le,s nurses uniforms, layettes etc. We feel that this Is a very worth while work and the different re- ports give us encouragement to lar and several excutive meetings. Our nurse, Miss E. Patterson's splendid devotion to duty, and the many claims on her time, show that the Vietorian Order is certain- ly functioning as a real benificial organization in the town. There has not been as large an attendance at the regular meetings as one might desire. but the willingness to help when there is need has been gen- erously manifested. The annual canvas was respond. ed very well considering the lack Report Recording Secretary The Recording Secretary, Mrs, J H. Ormiston reported as follows: In looking back over the year, which has been one of quiet but steady work, 1 feel we have much reason for gratitude and sat- fgaction. There have been 10 regu- "carry on' for the benefit of our homes and town at large. The' report on motion was adopt- 4. ' Work of Samaritan Committee Mrs, John Thompson, treasurer of the Samaritan Committee gave the following report of the activi- ties of that committee: "The Samaritan Committee have little to report for 1929, There was not the need in the early part of the year, Coming on to the colder weather, underwear, shoes and stockings and good cast off cloth- ing has been given to the neady. COLORS IN DRAPES ARE NOW FA VYORED The modern woman in planning the furnishing of a room gives much thought to the hangings, which must harmonize in both style and color with the whole decorative scheme. Sunlight and color are the chief de- sires of the present generation. Plen- ty of sunlight is first consideration. Lhe days of closed doors and drawn blinds went out with the stage coach, Window shades are being discarded in favor of sheer, cool curtains. Nets Favoured Of the various materials used at the present time for sindow drapes, nets are strongly favoured in win- dow curtains, The fillet curtains in imitation hand-tied, and in genuine hand-tied are in the more expensive lines, and hung with hand-blocked chintz, or beauitful side curtains, give brilliant color harmony. Panels are also rashionoble in ei- ther silk or cotton, the designs be- ing smaller than in pdst seasons, Many of the present day windows require a panel effect in curtains, and for that reason they continue to scll, For side curtains rayon silk is shown in the most fascinating colors, There is the striped effect, after the Roman stripes so popular in dress materials this year, only the curtain material shows broad stripes which rose into gold, none of the colors vivid, but all of them shimmering and shading into the next one. A silk with a crinkled effect is an- other fabric with which one could ac- complish many unusual effects in a room. The crinkled effect runs up and down and the material could be used for cushions, slip covers and bed spreads, as well as window cur- tains, TO PREVENT COLDS The right dict and a hardening pro- cess may make one almost immune to colds. Colds are often encouraged by the lack of vitamins in the diet, and by a diet too rich in starches and sugars. The dict which helps one to avoid infections is composed largely of cream, butter, milk, fresh fruits and vegetables and nuts, Some common causes of colds arc the dryness of the air in our homes and the overheating of the rooms, the lack of proper ventilation, and pro- Icuged chilling, when not cl re. Colds are infectious and per sons who have one should keep away from others. Cold water baths and air baths are a part of the hardening processes. hose who cannot take cold baths cun at least dash cold water on che:t id arms. An hour of vigorous ex- creise outdoors daily will build up one's resistance. Evidently what Prohibition needs blend delicately from green, blue and clothed | warmly enough, during a sudden] U. S. WOMEN WANT DISARMAMENT Washington, D.C., Jan. 16-2 brown leather book bearing the plear of 12,000,000 women in all parts o the United States for armament re- duc.' Il be 1. sented to the naval reduction ¢ ference in London the first week in February along with the 180,000 signatures of Japanese women to a similar petition. Mrs. Edgerton Parsons, of New York, treagyrer of the cause and cure of war conference being held here, will head the deliberation taking the book to London. She will sail im- mediately after the conference. Talking motion-pictures are pro- posed by a minister to swell the at- tendance in the churches. Maybe one plan might be to offer a course of golf lessons on Sunday morn. ings.--Palm Beach Post, A elergyman presents this prob- lem for the néw year: "What would you do if yoa had $1,000. 000?" This is so sudden. I don't know. Just hold the million for 2 minute--wil till I think. Detroit News, you? "Here is a . 9 great time saver Our "overnight" was has been accepted with great satisfaction by many Oshawa house- wives. Send the family wash to us any time dur- ing the day and we will deliver it to you ready to be ironed in your home first thing next morning. We have four other kind: of family wash service, You will find our prices extremely moderate and our service a great coms fort in its regularity. Phone us for particulars or stop any one of our courteous drivers. Phone 788 is dry cleaning.--Dallas News. Since the Christmas Cheer Fund has taken over the work of supply- ing baskets of Christmas cheer we groceries after the Christmas sea son is over. Members of the com mittee order all groceries for box- es and on the day they are sent out checking up and seeing that all boxes go to their respective places, Following are the receipts and ex- penditures: RNalance from 1928 $ Home-made cooking sale and tea Interest 5.93 Panna rst vim 3085 Expenditures (iroceries, Mr. F. Burns . Advertising sale ......... Cotton for nurses aprons Peel and Son for boots and rubbers ..... ¥. Burns for grocerie Inderwear 'ee - Balance in bank ". The report on motion was adopt- d. The election of officers will take- place at a later date. FY RECIPES DRESSING FOR FOWL AND FISH Oyster Stuffing for Baked Cod or Haddock: Melt 4 cup of butter, add to it % teaspoon salt, 4 teaspoon pepper, 134 teaspoon lemon juice and 14 tablespoon finely-chopped parsley, Mix together with 1 cup cracker crumbs, Remove the tough muscles from 1 cup oysters, add the rest of the oysters, chopped, to the mixture with 2 tablespoons oyster liquid. Dressing: for Chicken: One cup stale bread crumbs, 1 cup eracker crumbs, 2 tablespoons melted drip- ping, 4 tablespoons minced ham, 1 sic parsley, 1 teaspoon poui- try seasoning, % teaspoon salt, hot milk to moisten, Dressing for Fish: Two cups soft bread crumbs, salt, pepper, few grains cayenne 1 small onion minced, tablespoons butter, 1 tablespoon min-« ced parsley, 1 teaspoon chopped cap- ers, % teaspoon pouliry seasoning. Mix ingredients in order given. Mix thoroughly, but lightly. Stuff the fish, but do not pack the dressing in tight, leave room for expansion, \ SARATOGA POTATO CHIPS Cut the potatoes in slices as thin as paper, Let them soak in cold wa- ter for a short time to wash out the starch, then put them in rresh water with a piece of ice to chill thorough- ly. Drain a few slices at a time, dry them on a napkin, put into a frying basket and immerse in smoking hot fat, Keep them véll separated aml remove them when 'slightly colored. Put on a paper plate to drain and sprinkle with salt. Keep in oven until all are done, They should be crisp and, dry before scrying. | HELPFUL HINTS | If a pinch of powdered sugar anl a pinch of cornci..ch are added er yolks w' aking an omelet, t will not 'all, to For evening, more velvet, shoes arc being worn than any other type in Paris, and they are smartest in print. ed designs where the patterns arc small enough and abstract enough to give a mottled effect; while Pinet's printed velvet pumps are in bright gay colors and are favored with dres- ses of all-black and all-white, If you are troubled with a damp smelling cupboard or cellar, break up a lump of lime in a box and put inside, All dampness and smell will then disappear, The lime should be 2| removed as soon as the smell is gone because if left too long it will cause rot 'in woodwork. A rip in an otherwise good rain- coat can be mended by pasting n picce of adhesive tape larger than the rip on the underside of the coat, It never show and tie coat will he as good as new. Some maried women pose as their husband's "better halves," but most imagine they're the whole thing.--St. Catharines Standard. Ever Try This The test § it - grea ar. bronchitis, whoop, cough, sore throats, head ter «hire. Sybill" Spars. Tons wilitis." You can't lose, try ti, it's guar- anteed, Oshawa Druggists. 4 save our money for clothing and | to the council chamber and work. | BUCKWHEAT PEA ... NUT, EGG .. STOVE OTTO COKE ........... arasaane 25 Albert Street No. 1 Body Hardwood, dry Hardwood Factory Cuttings, dry Hardwood Slabs, dry ....cconviiniiinne PRICE -- QUALITY -- QUANTITY -- SERVICE W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED Why Burn More Money Than Neccesary? You Are Saving it by Buying Fuel at the Following Prices Terms -- Net Cash $ 8.75 per ton 12.00 per ton 15.00 per ton 15.00 per ton 15.50 per ton 12.50 per ton Genune \nthoi m ancracite HONEST . WEIGHT $4.00 per V4 Cord $4.00 per Load $3.75 per load Phone 230, 231 EE mtn Babies will bry, often for no apparent reason, You may not know what's wrong, but you can always give Castoria. This soon has your little one comforted; if not, you should call a doctor, Don't experiment with medicines intended for the stronger systems of adults! Most of those little upsets are soon soothed away by a little of this pleasant-tasting, ntle-acting children's remedy that children like. ry, * It may be the stomach, or may be the little bowels. Or in the case of older children, a sluggish, con- stipated condition, Castoria is still the thing to give. It is almost certain to clear up any minor ailment, and could by no possi- bility do the youngest child the slightest harm. So it's the first thing to think of when a child has a coated tongue; won't play, can't sleep, is fretful or out of sorts. Get the genuine; it always has Chas. H. Fletcher's signature on the package,

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