Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 16 Jan 1930, p. 14

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1930 oun EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS : PEDESTRIANS €OMPLAIN Port Hope.--Despite the excel- t work dome by the engineer's £ in keeping open water tables and ditches open water gathered in places on some ts, making pedestrian travel comfortable. But on the whole, de situation has not given any 1 trouble, in spite of the heavy fprume of rainfall, SURRENDERED HIMSELF IN POLICE COURT wi Port Hope.--H. Gibbs, Port ope, walked into the Town Hall st week and surrendered him- #If with a three month's sentence r illegaily having liquor, hang- g over his head. Gibbs was con- yicted in Port Hope Court a short e ago but was not present at e hearing. He was taken to Co- Bes and will serve his term in e Counties Jail. BURAL LINES FOR ELECTRIC | 3 POWER * Belleville.--Rural lines to the total of 16.75 miles are being built in Wellington R.P.D. to sup- residents of the hamlets of msecon and Rednersville and Fural consumers in Ameliasburg Township with Hydro Electric NO ACTION TAKEN Kingston.--~No action has been taken by the Management Commit- tee of the Board of Education in connection with the recommenda- tion of the Public School Inspec- tor that the Assembly Hall, of Robert Meek School, and the spare room at Louise School be taken into use as class rooms in order to relieve the overcrowded condi- tion of the other schools. CHARGED WITH VAGRANCY Kingston--Charged with vag- rancy, Herne Derary, aged 25, and James Edwards, aged 19, of no particular address, were taken into custody by the local police on Monday afternoon and in the Po- lice Court on Tuesday were re- manded for three days. The men were caught begging from door to door around the city. BOYS BURIED IN SNOW Kingston.--While standing line at the rush entrance Harty Arena last nighy, young boys were almost ¢ buried when a pile of s off the round and envelop to such an extent that thought a serious accident hd oc- curred. three pletely J eddo Premium CO THE BEST PRODUCED IN AMERICA AL At Usual Coal Prices Dixon Coal Co. Telephone 262 Five Direct Lines PROVIDED ACCOMMODATION Kingston.--The police station provided shelter for no less than eighteen "winter tourists" on Sun- day night and on Monday night. "We Are Seven," described the night lodgers gathered at the city's "lockup." The men seeking protec- tion came from the various cor- ners of the carth and were on their way, but apparently heading for no place in particular, ICE WEAKENING Kingston.--Signs of the weak- ening of the ice in the harbor in certain points became more notice- able today when it was found that the ice' a short distance out from the breakwater, at the foot of St. Lawrence Ave., has broken away. Citizens would do well to be very careful as there are many treach- erous spots which might give away beneath the weight of too adven- turous. fishermen or school child- ren. BUTTERFLY FOUND IN GARDEN Port Hope.--Chasing butterflios is not usual with Mr. J. Y. Kel- lough. local Agricultural Depart- ment representative, in either his businses or spare moments but to catch a real live butterfly in his | garden in January and to bo able { ! | | meeting to show it to his friends as a proof in| of his unique experience, was his to the | lot the other day when he impris- oned a splendid specimen of white butterfly and brought it downtown w slid | as avidonce. them | t was | BOYS' NIGHT AT BELLEVILLE "y" Beolleville.-- Last night wis Boys' Night at the Y's Men's Club, when each member brought a boy as his guest. The purpose of the was the formation of | Hobby Groups as part of the Boys { Work of the Club. | RECEIVED PARTICULARS | homes OF HYDRO PURCHASE Delleville.--The municipalities of Dowmanville, Port Hope, Bright- Napanee, Millbrook and Tweed | eived all particulars in fon with the purchase Hydro Electric distribution and a number havé sub. by-law ABR: N Year at 1c New MARRIED FIFTY Napanee.--Mr. and Burns of Deseronto, their golden wedding on Ti dinner tl gifts YEARS Mrs. James celel anniversary recipients ¢ including ing, as well mal and letters a number ns card AMONG THE Cons Ide va ble the wor WORK Lindsay about BLIND informa- g done Zz the blind e Bild 1 of Can ven tl lur ent of the Ont Blind at ario Brantford vill There in a movie theatre to play Kingston Whig-Standard, 1 ' alway b There enous bridg isn't light of | '| | PRODUCE PRICES ON THE MARKETS TORONTO PRODUCE Toronto wholesale dealers are offering produce to retail dealers at the louis prices: Eggs--Fresh extras, in cartons, 72c; fresh extras, loose, 70c; firsts, olose, 6c; seconds, 47c; pullet extras, 6c, Storage eggs--Firsts 52¢;: seconds, 47¢. Butter--No, 1 creamery, prints, 43c; No, creamery, prints, dlc, Cheese--New, large, 2ic; twins, 21 1.2; triplets, Zoi stiltons, 27c, Old, large, 29¢c; twins, 29 1.2¢; triplets and cuts, ; ol stiltons, 3lc, 2 Dressed TORONTO GRAIN QUOTATIONS Grain dealers on the Toronto Board of Trade are making the following quotations for car lots: Manitole wheat--No, 1 Borie erm, $1.43 1.4; No. 2 do, $1.0 3:4; Rs 1 $1.37; No. 5, $1.24 1.4; No, $104 1-4; feed, 98 (c.i.f. Goderich and Bay ports). Manitoba oats--No, 1 feed, 63 1-2¢; ..0. 2, 62 1.2¢. American com--No, 2 yellow, $1.02 1.2; No. 3 yellow, 99 1-2c; No. 1 yellow, 97 1.2¢; (United States funds), all rail delivered To- ronto freight, Millfeed, delivered Motreal f{reight, bags included--Bran, per ton, $35.25; shorts, per ton, $37.25; middlings, $44.25, Ontaroi grain--Wheat, $1.20 to $1.25; oats, 33 to S5¢: barley, 70c; rye, 90 to ©5¢; buck. wheat, 83 to BSc. FARMERS' MARKET The following are quotations, retail, in 'ef. fect on the St. Lawrence market, 'Toronto: Produce-- Eggs; extras, per dozen 00 Do., firsts Do., pullet extras .. Do, storage extras .... Do., do. frsts .eeiese. Butter, dairy per Pound seees Do., creamery, per pound .... Fruits and Vegetables-- Artichokes, 6 Qt. severe reseancs Carrots, bus, ... . Do., 6 at. .. . Beets, bus, , . y' © a RELSRERRES BARES Cabbage .... Caulifiower Endive, dozen Spinach 1shr f let cad lettuce atoes, bag - om ea Reng 2 M Ie i 1" gs3 d| T. Barnes, of C00 OO O00 £e BY COO0=DOO~O00DOOCOIOSHO~D COO © it, basket YOUNG PEOPLE MEET Lindsay.--The regular meeting | of the Queen Street United Young | People's League was held Monday evening, Jan. 13th, at the church. | The Scripture lesson was taken by | « 0. Geach, followed by prayer | Mr, David and the Lord's rayer in unison. The Fom's D nal, revised version of "Uncle Cabin," according to Clyd More, of the Ohio' State Jour- | probably will have Eliza cross- | | ing the river on an electric refrig- | erator.--Russell Crouse, New York | Evening Post Annual Cleara pms Any Dress in the store 00 VALUES TO $45 $15 25 F UR-TRIMMED COATS $8.95 VALUES TO $29.50 Values DRESSES $5. 5 i @® $18.50 160 Beautiful Georgette Satin, Transparent Velvet and Flat Crepe oi WR Canton Crepe. DRESSES $9.95 VALUES TO $35.00 40 HATS at 89c VALUES TO $595 Any Hat in the store $1.49 SALE ENDS VALUES TO $8.95 15 KING STREET EAST nce Is Now On Any Coat in the Store $22.50 VALUES TO $50 j Any Evening Dress in Our Store $12.95 VALUES TO $o8, 00 CLOTH AND JERSEY DRESSES $6.95 VALUES TO $15.00 Pure Thread Silk HOSE 59¢ CREPE DE CHINE AND RAYON - 89¢c VALUES TO $3.95 OSHAWA PETTI-KNICKERS, VESTS, BLOOMERS AND GOWNS Rit ee ------------ s i I. Campbell's Tomato Soup health' a CCT RRNES WILL TRY TO RELEASE Ship McGill Professor to Demon- ®strate Invention at Quebec Jan, 15.--Dr. Howard MeGill University, Montreal, arrived in Quebec yester- day and on Tuesday will attempt to relecase the steamer Concordia which became frozen fast in the ice while lying at the Davie Ship- building docks at Levis for re- pairs, Dr. Barnes, accompanied by Dr. L. Moesfeld, Utrecht, who is Quebée, A. in Canada to study the McGill Uni- | versity professor's method of com- batting ice, came to Quebec at the instance of the shipbuilding com- pany which hopes to get the Con- cordia away to sea. Jf successful the departure of the Concordia at| this time of the year will con- stitute a retorq for all time in river shipping annals, The Concordia was stranded at Bersimis while coming up the river Nov, 7, 1929, with a cargo of toys. She was later released and brought to Levis for repairs. Dr, Barnes will use a special composition dP his own invention to break up the ice that holds the steamer prisoner. ADVERSE BALANCE GROWS IN BRITAIN Trade Statistics For 1929 Place Total at $1,911,- 470,000 London, Jan. 15.--Official fig- ures issued by the British Board of Trade, dealing with overseas trade of the United Kingdom for the year 1929, show that imports were valued at "£1,221, 594,062 ($6,107,- imports for ($149,963,- 970,800), exceeding 1928 by £25,992,649 245) wr 2.1 per cent. The value of exports is reported as £729,654,967 ($3.647,794,835), an increase of £5,975,878 ($29, 879,390), or .8 per cent. Re-ex- ports of imported merchandise to- talled £109,741,759 ($548,708 - 795, a decrease of £10,541,485, or 8.7 per cent. The total value of all exports reached £839,206,726 ($4, 196,483,630), a decrease of £4, 565,607 ($22,828,035), which is equal to .05 per cent, LONDON T0 REDUGE TRAFFIC MISHAPS Death Toll Since Beginning of 1930 Touches H:z% Figure London, Jan. 15.--The 1920 traffic death toll in Britain is al- ready reaching fantastic propor- tions, with 95 killed and a simliar number seriously injured since Jan- uary 1 Traffic on the roads during these two weeks is the lowest In the year, owing to the season and tho fact that many motorists are not driving because of non-renewal ol licenses. The public and the authorities are greatly concerned, especially at the number of casualties in Lon- don, and a special conference has been called for tomorrow to con- sider safety measures, It is notable that one safety measure proposed--no automobile shall pass a stationary street car-- takes a leaf out of Canadian traffic regulations, --------tetteeeaet Kindly visitor, just arrived aft- er round of fistcuffs between two small brothers--'Well, Teddy, and what are you buying Kenneth for his birthday?" Teddy (who has received worst of the encounter).--Something he don't want." It's the time for Extra Special Offerings in this Groceteria -- Come, Early! will be convinced -- It PAYS To Shop Here ALWAYS Included in 15-0z. Pkge. SPECIAL! -- SEEDED Raisins Specials are in quantities Watch to be advertised -- Come to the store early! Come often! SPECIAL VALUE NOT ADVERTISED 1ickets this week's Come Often! More than gl y ou 4 " Quality foods not sufficient SPECIAL! for the Marmalade 40 oz. Jar Per Jar Satonia ORANGE S » usually low price -- Try it! week only -- Red Vitone The Nourishing Food Beverage 31ic Per Per Tin ings erve Soup Every Day -- for flavor it adds to meals -- "EATON'S ME-JAVA COFFEE Now we offer this popular Eaton blend at an un- Nature's Per Pkg. Chateau Spreads or Slices, Budweiser Marshall's your s sake, and for the SPECIAL! RE RR RRR REEREERTE RE IF IF 9" Irn" TINS FOR I9¢c Compare it! This per River Cereal EXTRA SPECIAL 34¢ | Rowntree's Food, veav AQ Cheese, Just received -- fresh Prunes delicious flavor -- Just the right medium size, per ound pkge. .. 19¢ Malt SPECIAL! PRUNES of * Weston's Bee Hive llc Herr- in sauce 2lec EXTRA SPECIAL! Crisp, Fresh, Molasses Snaps, made by Weston's, famous for Quality Biscuits. Kiddies like them -- Everyone likes them! Per "The Cream of the Creamery" SUNGLO BUTTER 43¢ Machine Sliced Breakfast Bacon, Perpountl .....c..os ociesiiseiin SPECIAL! Pork & Beans WESTON'S MOLASSES SNAPS 2 "For 21¢c LIBBY'S IN TOMATO SAUCE 2 io tins : 21¢ AND FRUITS SPECIAL! 3 33 Lemons SHOULDER ROAST hi er 2lc BLADE ROAST er 24¢ EXTRA SPECIAL! LUX Elect Cocoa, 34 tin 24c Sodas, "B" size package 2 pkgs. oui Corn Syrup, No. 2 tin Powders, 4 pkgs. SPECIAL! LARCE ORANGES or 99¢ Small Pls. i5¢ Salonia Peas Size 4, No. 2 Tin, | Choice Quality E: Tin 14¢) 25¢ E BB | 33cdoz. HEAD ROUND Van Camp's TUNA FISH STEAK Par "3c CHOICE SAUSAGE! COOKING ONIONS 41 13c LETTUCE 2 for 25¢ CHOICE *15¢ CARROTS LS rfp...

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