Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jan 1930, p. 10

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TR -- a HEE i 5555 ' PAGE TEN ¢ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 1930 NEW PRINCIPLES EMPLOYED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF OSHAWA'S NEW ARENA Building Erected By Oshawa Arena, Limited, Could House Ten Thousand People If Ice Space Were Filled Up -- + Nine Miles of Pipes Laid Under The Skating Surface Floor. Seven or eight games of tennis-- country. The hockey teams' dress- Some say even ten--could be played | ing rooms are provided, of course, at one time inside the mew arena |with shower baths, rubbing tables building on the space which is the [and every other convenience and up- ice surface itself. | to-date paraphernalia that should Ten thousand people could gather go with a project of this kind. under the arched roof and cheer their; The plant is heated by a boiler, lieads off provided the same tennis | which is situated on the east side games were moved outside. This! in a room bricked off for it. This building has been erected by a Com- | boiler takes care of the whole heat- pany known as Oshawa Arena Lim-|ing apparatus of the building, as ited and which is composed of the |well as providing hot water for flood- Hambly Brothers of Oshawa with Mr. [ing the ice. All these rooms are George Hezzelwood and Mr. Gordon | connected with both the north and D. Conant as associate directors, New | south rotundas by a general hall- principles employed in the construc- | way. tion of the arena point the way un-| doubtedly to better arenas and large | public buildings of every kind. "This new rink, which compares in size with the best on the continent, looks like a gargantuan egg cut two the long way. 1t stretches itself | out over the ground along the bank 'The Refrigeration Plant Afi interesting thing about the re- frigeration plant is that it is situa- | ted approximately 100 yards away from the arena proper. The freezing | solutions are carried in six inch mains from the plant to the ice and of course, back again ugh a return pipe of the same . This removes all machinery | | from the arena itself and at the] same time, due to the fact ths | of Oshawa creek, directly in the rear | of the City Ice Company's plant, To the average layman, some of the statistics covering its construc- tion are almost awe-inspiring, although heartily appreciated do form a barometer which designate the business acumen and the courag of those responsible for its erection. Nine miles of pipe are laid the skating surface floor. really constitute one long. pipe that length, due to the fact that each separate length instead of being join ed in the ordinary way ed coupling has been 3 welded to the end of its neighbor. it is | ] | summertime to provide the city of] | Oshawa with artificial ice for domes: tic use, it gives the Arena Conip i access to machinery for making their | ice, which is 100 per cent. in ca-| | pacity but for actual requirements | will ordinarily suffice, In the construction of the ing and the seating there has close ta half a million feet of lum-| | ber. his quantity, if piled in the | build- been ordinary lumberyard fashion with alleyway to make it accessible, would cover an urea of approximately one acre. This will give some idea of the quantity of lumber used in the construction. Twenty-five tons of asphalt were put on the roof. This does not take into account the felt, which was plac- ed on the roof as well as the asphalt. It has taken five tons of nails to fa bricate the building, and a tremend- ous quantity of glass of all kinds. The man entrance is situated at the south end of the east side, and the rush seat entrance is on the north end at the east side. All doors, throughout the whole arena, are pro- vided with automatic exit springs, and the whole building has been in- spected and passed by the City En- gineer, by the Fire Chief, by the Chief of Police and by the Fire Mar- shall's office in Toronto as well as the Fire Underwriters. Every possible safety has built into the building, and all con- ditions, which it has been possible to foresee, have been taken care of for the public comfort and safety, It is a long time since the need | for an arena of this kind has been paramount in Oshawa, actuality, and the sponsors of the pro- ject are to be heartily congratulated their eourage and foresight. It Oshawa on is here for ihe people of the same machinery as is used in the {10 use, not abuse, and it is the opin-| jon of everyone that the citizens at| | large are good enough sports to real- | ize this and now that we have it take | it, and as the management "Remem- care of puts it in their own words, ber it's yours. \W through « ther fel This is the latest and most scientific way of making these connections, and. does away totally with an) chance of leakage of freezing solu- tions or gases, which might hap- pen with an ordinary join the pipe. The walls of the building do not presént any particularly extraordin- ary engineering features, except to say that they are built particularly heavy and are buttressed in the us- ual way with specially built wind stays on the inside. The outstand- ing feature of the building = is its oof. This roof congtruction is real- ly a revolutionary change in en- | gineering of the design. It points the way to larger, and still }a buildings, which in the past been cluttered up on their inside posts, being built with ome clear [the general contractors, T. B. Mot in the centre, making every | plans furnished Messrs. visible from ey { Toronto. point. 8 type of roof com-| struction is called Lamella. It is a patented construction, built entirel; of wood welded together and the whole thing braced cross with | jg steel girders. One partic fea- ture of this type of construction is; the fact that it is about 20 per cent. cheaper than steel construciion, is more elastic than steel, is stronger 'or posts to obstruct the spectators' than steel eonstruction in that it is|141 ft. 8 in. by 256 ft. J in, a perfect -- ~ and yet although: be i It ing made entirely of wood, fr onl 8 ander which gafety viewpoint and from a fire haz- ard viewpoint the Und ters rate! it ot 12 per cent. cheaper than the The building rating on steel buildin [+ som for 1.25 inside the building is a cpacic general rotunda. This is in the south end. This houzes the ticket cflices cf have been aw: the arena, the refreshment stand and ; i othier conveniences, such Lele- Tic s tor attractions at phones, etc. Along the cast side are | Mike's Place, King Street West. ihe general dressing rooms, which will be used by the public én skat- by ing nights, as well the special |" dreseing rooms provided for the hoe- key teams and referee. To these lat rooms particuiar = attention | might be drawn, They arc heated | ! and insulated and are built in sueh entrance to tue Arena, a way that they are draft proof. This | is a very itaportant feature of this part of the arena und 35 the chance of the athletes using them catehing cold. The general provided ing and are thcemesels ccnd to n in William, Albert, together with the McLaugplin. It is one of the largect, x Z buildings in Ca a, y a perfect ice surfac ditions. It has the largest ice all It was constructed in the remar by The wiring electrical work was and Messrs. Miller & Libby installed due Mr, I. Bulmer, who gene lviee. to ype Lamella roof, making a compl has ansice surface 85 x 194 fi., are laid over sonveniently located. rded to Mr. Joe Welsh. all a8 Geo. Allchin Limited, Church Stre as Th | possible date all the det event, such ¢ building. BIZ rooms are and hand bas- es, in this type ne in the obs dre The management feel that of its patrons they will be pr in pre nest and Harold Hambly generous assistand most complete and 1odernly equipped h with i gurface of any A Ia getting the building completed nine miles and the surface is lighted by twenty-four one thousand-watt electric lamps Large, comfortable dressing ghower baths are provided for the play The refreshment privileges for the Arena this year | the Arena will be on In the endeavor to Have the Arens it has been impossible for the owners and manager to have | 5 of the building and equipment compleled for this opening s the large time clock which will hing in the centre of the | riding a long felt need in Oshaw t to the city of which all citizens may well feel proud, Some Interesting Facts About -: Oshawa's New Arena : - The Arena has been made possible for the City of Oshawa by Messrs. | | | t and Paul Clark, k, the owners, co-operation of S ¢ and Mr. R. hockey making machinery, and under any weather ena in Canada, con- times three months from of bly short time of sill & Company, of Oshawa, Connor & Company, Architects, done t the heating and plumbing. much. credit his time and short a time much of in rously The building is of brick and cement construction with a speelal ste and handsome arch with no pillars ! The outside measurements are the largest of any arena in Ontario, 3 of iron piping for the ice making has a seating capacity of 3,750 with additional standing nd are with lavatories bootk rooms, and refreshment advance sale at et, Oshawa. installation of the refrigeration equipment was made by Messrs. Hambly Bros., and the general work was looked after by Mr. A. Churchill. | The opening of Dond Street this year will provide a mnost convenient | 1 1 opened to the public enting this very fine Arena for Your THOS. C. YOUNG Manzger of Adams, Oshawa 1S our sincere wish to the Sponsors and Management of the New Arena be Reward been ! It is now an | 1aking | at the earliests | } the | a Aad a and | i oNeill of T° wrned in 'a very useful game, 'vhe outstanding star or whe lo: cal team was Leveque, a kiuq goal- For the first two periods the Fleas peppered him from au angles and ranges, but for every | one he let by he kicked or tossed ! out ten. He was just so good that ne. had his opponents cougratulat- ing him when he beat them on what looked like sure counters. Doc Rowden and Houck probau., went best on the forward line, but (here was other promising young- sters in action up there, too, Juck Bound, the ex-T®ronto boy, who started out on the defence and wound up at centre, got a great {hand for his desperate work, He save all he bad and was tough to handle all night, He started most of the fireworks. Sea Fleas--Goal Holmshaw; de- ence, Foster and Nugent; centre, Leeper, GEORGE MUNRO SEORGE A The above picture shows a group | of General Motors Engineers stand- Known all over Canada as the ing on the ice of the old General Coach of the Dominion Cham | Convey; wings, Kane and Beale; {subs, McKay, Lough, Collins, Bar- Motors Outdoor Rink which wae | nett, Underwood, Burry, Palmer, situated on North Division St. Do | Garvie and Meuller. you recognize any of them? Oshawa--Goal, Levequc; de- pion Lacrosse team, is this seas son Manager of the Oshawa Juniors. "Oshawa Is on In Large, Re |! * KE. MARSH, in the oronto StA¥) ! | | (By LOU | T i Oshawa, a dominant figure in i amateur eport in Kastern Ontario {ig back on the hockey map in largs tred type. No, dear reader, hockey eam did not win a championship + anything like that, but the fine Inew artif ice arena 'financed down there i public spirited c¢ ! ih R. McLaughli | 3 Hambly brothers | their | by a group o ng headed by nd the three was formally all s¢t to go down the line in the | new senlor O.H.A. grouping. i Three thousand peoble attended | the opening last night, cheered | McLaughlin--everybody calls | } down in Oshawa--when | applauded 2a | Toronto fancy skaters | Miss Constance Wilson, ational champion, who | rave a superb exhibition of grace and agility, and saw a smart and well contested hockey game. --| The gamew+: between the Na- fonal Fleas of Toronto, a senior "A" team and Oshawa sen- | for **B" collection | Red Foster's clad crew | won out a smart dis- | nlay, but they had | Yoen In collection | sam HEWITT the puck, headed the inte who was of Osh- Thursday Secretary 2 + 0. H. A. in Arena on pro | awa's new night. | [ [me ------ -- Sea by | by C. Bowra, local electrician, TACKABERRY istant key [ Toront~, the Ont i secretary Associate The loud speaker used in the Arena on the opening night was installed | SHERIFF J. F. PAXTON | Of Oshawa, Honorary Treasurer ! and life member of the O. H. A., | who announced at the banquet | on Thursday night that he has i donated a silver ti sphy for come | © petition between the Junior hoc. | key teams of Ontario and Dur- i ham Counties. "DOC" ROWDE The popular Oshaw: boy who won the admiration of the crowd on {2 '}| 'Phursday night: with his clever | 1 stick handling. *Doc'" should | have a good year. WOMAN SHOOTS WOLF | Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.-~To Mrs. I. | nz, and lately of the | | Sault, goes the fame of being the first | Algoma woman to kill an Algoma! wolf. Mrs. O'Neill shot a large tim ber wolf at I'rang, isin) -- Es la bit short on condition and a bit { recently | {opened last night, and the town is { squad. i went ot k fence, Xoulter Jad bond) sentize, Hoc ey Map ouck:; wings, Black and Rowden; d Type Today" ru | FOREIGN SECRETARY subs, Conlin, Lane, Little, Jackson of mighty smart hockey players GOES TO GENEVA right now caught the Os and Kincaid. before they got through with the | Referees--Harry C. Lecky, Osh- lt | FOR LEAGUE COUNCIL awa, and. Lou li, Marsh, Toronto. My The Fleas who are in top form | twa team | (gy Canadian Press Leased Wire) London, Jan. 11.--Rt. Hon. Artl Henderson, British foreign secr {left Friday for Geneva where meeting next we 1 gue of Nations, I large ice, and walked strange on | oft witli a 5-1 lead in the f I periods, but the Lc Fair-led homesters stage 3% u iminédd finish and Sam ontseored 11 said h period. did { Fleas 2-1 in the last Toronto. ¢ | lings only two d: [little fooll Wednese | part in mighty town [.. The i don contercnce, They a. shennanigan The loc 3 ) ous, The fact ) 1 \ rel had a platoon of high-cla ) vera loRaing. thom. oO | stars and f in relays did not the Os teamn a little hi They just lzd in and made it a } MEET IN FRANCE Berlin, Jan. 1 feas | weekl organ | Former Sold For the winners well, with Lourh and 1 the cecoring. H ler, w red Ivad plenty to do, anc ormed In stellar etyle. wera well supnorted hy Jace and Freddie Barnett Te'enes, 1 ike Underw who has just The Oshawa Arena and its Management! the Loy Kane, 1 Coliin Juckic "rani eg ho tha ov- HE Sponsors of the Oshawa Arena have indeed done Sport in Oshawa a great favor in so far as they have given to the Young People of the city facilities such as have here-to-fore been only a dream. To those who have inspired this good work, to those who are responsible for the erection and to those who will manage same, may we extend our sincere wishes for a success such as will repay amply, the endeavors that have been spent on the arena. Hand-in-hand with this progress goes the story of the Quality and Service rendered at Anderson's to the Men and Young Men in this City and surrounding districts--for years Anderson's have catered to the trade and have today won for themselves a name for quality and service that is second to none in the City of Oshawa. ~ Where the Particular Man Makes His Purchases Andersons Men's Wear Limited woe RR ee | FORMER ENEMIES MAY | i | Of Kitchener, past president of the OLA, was present at the open~ ing of the row Arena-on Thurs day night, SEES FEN SN i 2 + JUTE ANI JOHNSTON Secretary va City 4 has al- rested in sports especially (he real good man Who is Tr Hock sure Spends ts me aln

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