Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Jan 1930, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY I1, 1930 PAGE NINE | surtace of 84 by 194 feet, the egbngd larcest in Ontario, Hara ice wssured at all times by nine 8s of piping. while 24 1,000- righlty illuminated, Patterned watt bulhs keep the ice surface long the same lines as the Arena iardens at Torgat the arena 8 2 model structure for hockey, hav- practically every convenlence and necessity, Loud speaker equip: ment was used in Introducing the Make-up players of both teams, the fangy -- | skaters, and the - officials, par: New York, Jan, 1.--(C.P)--Ever | teularly Mr. R. S. McLaughlin, since the much maugned Mr. james through whose generosity the Joseph swincy wend Shakespearcan | building was made possible, any tracked open tne socal regisier Fancy Skating he has been caded everything irom| Before the game and during in- a punk to a sissy, with many violent vi termission, the fancy skaters, Miss ag)ctives appenued, Constance Wilson, senior interna- but yesicruay the ex-champion was | tional Tady figure skating cham- pion; Miss Elizabeth Fisher, np- appatued quiie chusiveiyby no el other tnan we einutic ana prouiic] tional junior lady figure skating Briush nuvebst, hugh Walpole, 1un-| ¢hampion; Miss Littlejohn, = Miss ney, above ai, 1s sincere. Waipoie | Ruth Forrest, and Mr. Hubert Said, rie reads a tot, he remembe.s a pratt, under the direstion of Pro= lot, and theres NOLiLE Spurious 2 be sor Eussi, showed their waves, his maxe-up. Iu tect, Wwalpote thunks | receiving tremendous applapse 'Tunney 1s quite a zelow. from the crowd. The Ontario Ragi- ve known a uaney tor five years," | mont Bad supplied the music, Waipoie tod tne Canadian In the exhibition senior hockey "Ana one thug staugs out above 'fixture the Sea Flea aggregation else. 1 say wunout reservatic completely overwhelm: 1 Oshawa: in when a man can spend Six wee the first two periods. but in the) Wild tscruara Shaw, seemg num eaca | third period the play was far dif- moriung and eacn aiternpoon of those | fe 1t, the locals finding their SIX WeLKs, aud Duaw qoesnt got ter-| baces, slipping in two goals ana ribiy vored, then tuat man nas g continually harassing "Stuy" someting behind him Shaw Mueller, in the Sea Fleas' net, For masily boigd, 8s we alk know, the Scg Fleas, Kaue, Lough ant 'Lunney speut six weeks wit him at Collins were" outstanding, while Brione and they pecame, or Oshawa, Houck, Blaek and fast fricnas," ' Rowden" played. sterling hockey, Waipoie, known also as a Rowden" heing the biggest threst critic ot letters, discusses some en the jee, erican lite y figures, taiked Houck started the game book clubs and baobits. the puck at th fag 'the two most inter making a rush for the writers--under J3)--in the y lost the puck day, he said, are America r. and for the Hemingway Juban G s the fans were "Which brings continued," a book ti t | fast sk ick by the read-- hrst novel i ) ngainst Which Oshaw as- Wolie, and 'Look homeeard the man, never saw hipi in my "TUNNEY IS LAUBED | BY HUGH WALPOLE 'Novelist Says Nothing Spur- ious in Ex-Champion's 4ress. | is 1s, t appear it appear by tak- off and Sea I'leas' to McKay ) oal. He Ve h aud minute it is Angel! t heard: of life, But rly perfect a t GHty literary man favor. let for he has the n Walpole's next b Herries," a long nov teenth ¢ scoundre be publis the spri but Wa its own OPE NING TORONTO THE ARE BY THE Os haw a enthu y Oshav E fi- | A wae cial arena Ww opeugd 3 : ¢ | ing. Officials of the O.H.A ps 4 | inent local citizens, ¥ * from the Toronto were present, while Sea Fle of ' main attraction defeating the Os! by a score of at Nationa } ided the mine Senior an .exhibi built 1h 5, MCLAUGHLIN President of General Canada, Limited, the finageial backing necessary bout, the new ! to build the magnificent artificial cost of $125,000, poss ice | © jee Arena in Oshawa, ER CH TE TEE OE SE RR SI Bre es | near the Sea Fleas' net; after skat- | | few a | had crashed to the j opponents, | pretty | her and for.a time it scemed | sc Motors' of | Le who provided | ping, while Rowden and Black worried .iolmsk ., who starteq | in goal for the Torontoniang, Couls ter was penalized shortly - before Black scored on a beautiful rush, while Collins sc d soon after wards on a pass from Convey. Kin caid was penalized for tripping just before the period ¢nded, Score, 2-0. Fleas Start Yast The Sea Fleas started fast, com: pletely outskating* Oshawa ana. giving Eddie Leveque, fi the local net, a hot Hime, but the boy was "right on." stopping ' dozens of beautiful, shots. Houok was pen- alized for heavy checking. Lough scored a beautiful goal, gomplete-| -ly out-playing the Oshawa defence, Rowden made a beautiful solo at- tempt, but was stopped = by Pais mer, who was penalized <for trip- ping. Jack Bond opened the locals' scoring when. he slipped the clusive rubber im. during a melee. Collins refaliated a few 'minutes later, taking a nice pass from Convey. At the faeé off, Kano secured the puck 'and' Seored the sat BE OOF NI Dost sual of a Sveninkton a solo G. W. HEZZELWOOD G. D. CONANT attempt, Seore end gf second, 6-1. Tyo of Oshawa's public-spirited citizens who ave directors of the Oshawa Started the tinge! period} Oshawa Arena, Limited, the company which is operating the new wiht a rush, sweeping' 'the oid artificial ice arena, foo, Fleas aris, Tass yonal NEED | MAGIN ATIVE WRITER IN CANADA a beautiful goal that' Muohior DIRECTORS OF THE OSHAWA ARENA ker's "Tho ®eats of the Mighty," Folks songs, he continued, often made fine poems because they taught directness and simplicity. The habitant had a very strong strain of melancholy and he liked a tragic poem. A subject suggested 'by Dr. Call {us A h in historic interest for Field is Open in Dominion, writers was the Chateau ge Rame- Dr F (0) Call Declares zay, Here, he said, was much material for a navel, in Lectur never saw, when Bord: passea:| Rowden went right baek with a lone rush, got into close quarters. but was tripped. by" MeKay, who | was penalized. -Geo, Jackson scored for Oshawa on Bill Conlin"s pas Ing through the ently Toronto | team, McKay no sooner' got back on the ice when he was again Song alized. for tripping. Oshawa out-| played the Soa Fleas for the next | minutes, but 'Collins scored a melee, after three players | ice in front of Montreal, the Houck was penalized for! awaits an causing trouble. Oshawa tried | will provide a work like "Lettres iz a great body of hard until the game finished, com- | go Mon Moulin," Dr. Frank C used in French Canada pletely outplaying their speedier | ¢i111, declared in lecturing on *'Lit-| expressed the hope would | erary Batkgrounds cf French Can- | for novels of the future, { ada' before me...ers of the I.. I. McMahon, president, | James Literary Society in the | occupied the chalr, stressed gineering Institute on Mansfield | importance of books and men who | street last night. would make the French and Eng- Dr. Call, who ig lish races better known and | "The Spell of French ( in the development of the countr) | numerous poems, Smploy d Mr. Justice E, Fabre-S slides to illustrate a talk proposiug a vote of thanks | he divided into tho Listori back-! Dr. Call, declared that the authori- -round, the habitants, pioneers, tics are the biggest offenders in and folk songs and legends. { removin Collins; subs., Convey, Beale Opening with a subject close at | marks of tt, Underwood, Burry, Pal-fpang he shewed an old farm| One Garvie; sub goalie, "Stuffy™ | youse in Point Charles built in | cussio suggested that the ma- 1689. Other views include jestic aspects of nature in the prov- -door oven in the Ricl ince. of Quebee have yet to find ex- he Church of St. pre in permanent Jiterature. hous on the He River, and Cape Trinity Dr. Call remarked that of habitant iad been an tion to writers and ontinue On thi howaver, re } ad been more. oi poetry than of fic In a picture of ant's home, the Bell shaped roof, cross and whitewa Quebec, the been the scene married Dol-{ literature but dollars.-- | upon it | did, howeve One of his slides represented an jold woman weaving a web of blue { homespun about whom he com posed a sonnet which told the Jan. 11.---Canadz | story. Alphonse Daudet who Ac trom speaker, thera material which he serve ording to the lic Officials-- Harry Leck, O.H.A., who and Lou Marsh. Oshawa---Goal, defence, Coulter; Bond; right wing. Rowden; centre, Houck; left wing, Black subs., Lane, Conlin, Jackson, Little, Kincaid. Sea Fleas--Goal, Holmeshaw; re, Nugent and McKay; right tre, Lourh; left n- the Leveque:' right left defence, 'anada" and many | | | the author ofl { which { in Kahe; ¢ great historic interest. of the speakers in the dis- | ou ley, the She was settle ss8ior Ida hac ------ an illion dollars, 1 and she d hin ' the in the came up- another Tile nspira would Young Smith, walking park on Sunday morning, on his girl walking with {ina $ hing with auger, { up to the couple, "Look here," he cried, { going to play second fiddle to any- the wayside | body, and that's that?" shed | The girl looked at speaker sa haughtily some ve Second did not "you should well known you are Sir Gilbert Pa Smith," that then usual question Conld 1 a wife who had a million dollars? It worried hi i henge him 1 to Yorget the and he-kn happy + uld en nothing cc But th ar many wit o be, ubject he dashed ver be audience here him very barn knew that he rect thing, ) ¥ She had Yale Record. replied; lucky Mr. fiddle," she think yourself the band at all, of touc He later he million nths hive as in un- | help | and obliterating old land- | "I'm not | Flva Orchard, readings by Misses interest in those wovuildings, Rema Bradley and Ruby Virtue. The "The whole matter will be au meeting closed with a hymn. ntricate on to adjust, but I will We extend our sympathy to Mr, f subscribed by Jews. We have an | 1 vho died Sunday : Hympton, attender | the | { thos I Mr. | nest tzeir parents, adley, Sunday. s Llsie Oke, Toronto, Gertie and Winnie Oke Mr, and Mrs. Wa pent New r Year Misses Bowman- Iter Oke and s at Mr, and 1 vill . Ormiston visited Wn ilfred Sanderson, a hy friends in urned {3 very Mrs, social evening 1 The C.G.L1 { Jan. 4th, the ni Annie Ol in « A \s SERIOUS DAMAGE Insist that we receive all the rights | Thos. McGill and Mrs. R. Ashton in Montreal Jews to date. Panel r former neighbors and clal angle promises to be interest- Eu npless schools for Jews in Montreal | dent, Mrs. Dr. Ferguson tion; in fact I might say that it After open in 4 EH tion. The following officer in schools common to Jews and |] cost so much for a Jowish child, | year in one school, $80 in another |;, to contribution,, Montreal | pa with things as they are--all/ WOULD PAY COSTS vouchsafed to us by the judz-|thé death of their beloved brother, | ment of the Privy Couneil." | Mr. Orry McGill, Jan, 5th, rm | Mr. Cohen added that no defin 7 Afr H H As-| ito decision had been made in the vinpathy goes out to the Not aid of Finance | the viewpoint of | the late J, J. Virtue, a nt who passed away on ai 5th, at his home at Quebec, Jan. --1If Montreal's | piriends, e and the Jute Mes, vio Protestant-Jewish * sehool Problea made pi any End beth resolves itself into the creation of | a es an ing, but not mecessarily hamper- b oo ih . i ing, according to Joseph Coben, | Jim S d5 och ster, My i K.C., M.L.A. for the St. Lawren itn [ $ Mr, Division of Montreal. ona and Myrtle Bradley would be unpopular among the Jews on account of the necessary | taxation, Mr. Cohen said: "The Vice-President present situation is very difficult cr-- Enniskillen, Ton 8. At] Aid held its mor looks rather as though we might be driven to separate schoolg, in the light of the attitude rectly er, and readir adopted by the Protestant COm-| programme tions was given { retary gave a financial 'Phe financial side of the pro- ject meed not worry us," he con- tinued, "for we figure that Mont- | eciped real Jewry is already paying its \ Protestants alike. The Montreal | ; t, Protestant Board maintaing that it costs $75 a year 2 educate a child in fits schools. I do not deny | fqr the Jews, of whom there are | {come 10,000 attending school, arc | { all in the congested areas, and | therefore highly centralized. A land $60 in another, bringing the average to $7 the Jewish aver- age, however, is easy to fix, for the reasons outlined. | s are paying some $400,000 a | ar in school taxation today and this w applied to the finan 7 I 1 ing of Jewish schools { i i | 1% J Jibs ¢ 'Protestants for schoal| iL Re x > purposes--our people have never | y Stores and Offices\ Werd | taken the trouble to check up what) - likely to prove an incorrect as- | Destrocyed--Family Had Narrow Escape 4 | matter from pect of Separate funeral was largely a separaio Jewish panel, the ian ave their impress for good on On tho suggestion that separate Mrs. T. McGill Elected Presi-| visited Mr, and Mrs, and shows no signs of amellora- basement of the mittee of the Council ot JEduca-| year, showing a full share of the cost of education this, but submit that it does not Protestant ehild may cost $110 a Check Assessment mght De inereased, for the Teason | { sessment roll, is an "1 'incorrect' because, to- day, thero is nothing to show whether Mr. Robinson, or anyone i else bearing a not obviously Jew-| | igh name, {8 8 Jew or not. As things | are, it is unimportant, but if we | go to a separate school-basis, then | fine combing of the lists | have to be made, We would | also have our fair share of the) neutral panel, amounting to some | $250,000 a ¥ F "Moreover, there | | of school buildings. membered," Mr. Cohen explained, | "That several of the schools in| which the Montreal Protestant | Company, who has undertaken School Board is housing its child-| the important task of manager | the § ren were built with money partly | of the Oshawa Arena. | buil say {a very | will , who re od store, were ress during a driv- the question It must be re-! A W. M. GILBERT President of the Oshawa Lumber time it was Iez extend to adjoining Satisfaction ervice and 4 Our Prices are Always Right! MARTIN 11BBY G. E. FLEMING Secretary-Treasurer Fess W. YOURTH Dipector ALF. 7 President iller & Libby NSMITHING LUMBING utomatic Oil Burners We Ave Glad to have had a Part the Building of Oshawa's New Arena and we extend our best Wishes to the Management for Success in This New Venture NE 108 R. M. MILLER Vice-President Limite STEAMFITTING cClary Furnaces to Play in W. VANSTONE Director Rr. CELINA ST.

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