THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 1930 PAGE FIVE Women's I in the SOCIAL and PERSONAL Mrs, George Bray and Mrs, Lester Jones of Toronto were the guests of rs. T. H. Everson at the Hospital bridge on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. Victor Peacock enter- tained a few of her friends from Bowmanville at a bridge, last even- ing, at her new home on Roxboro avenue, Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, Mrs. 'Gordon Conant and Mrs, W, M. Gilbert had as their dinner guests at the Genosha Hotel, last evening, the four young ladies from the Toronto Skating Club, who skated at the opening of the new arena, Miss Constance Wilson, Miss Eliz- abeth Fisher, Miss Littlejohn and Miss Ruth Forrest. Among those noticed at the opening of the new arena last evening were Mayor and Mrs. T. B. Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McLaughlin, Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Conant, Mr. and Mrs. H. A, Brown, 4. E. N. Sinclair, Miss Eleanor McLaughlin, Miss Josephine Dryer, Mrs. H. Lecky, Mrs. W. M. Gil- bert, Mr. Fred Carswell. ; Mr. Jack Beaton, C. E. McTavish, Mr; and Mrs. Chester Smith, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Mundy, and A. R. Alloway. Mr. and Mrs. W. A, Coad, G. W. and Mrs. McLaughlin, Mr, and Mrs, Ross McKinnon, Mr, and Mrs. Ben- nard Carlyle, Mr. and Mrs. Pavton, Mr. and Mrs. EW. Drew, Col. and Mrs. Phillips, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Davis, Col. Chappell, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailes, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hezzlewood, Miss Marion Ross. A very successtul euchre parly was held in St. Gregory's hall Wednesday evening by the Catholic Women's League. The ladies' first pirze was won by Miss Kennedy and the gen- tleman's by P. J. Gillen, while the second prizes went to Mrs, Matthews and Wm. St. Pierre. A dainty lunch was served after the cards. A very pleasing event took place Wednesday evening in the Oddfel- lows Hall 'when Sister Margaret Kerr and her staff of installing officers of Whitby installed the officers of Osh- awa Rebekah Lodge No, 8, for the ensuing term. The officers are: N. G. Sister Flossie Moines, V. G. Sister E. Sander, Rec. Sec, Sister M. Shaw, F. S., Sister E. Cooper, Treas- urer, Sister M, Disney, Warden, Sis- ter Ruby Greentree, Conductor, Sis- ter M. Lennox, Right Sup., Sister I Follest, Left. Sup., Sister S. Bone, Inside G., Sister E. Farrow, Outside Guard, Bro. Brophy, Chap, Sister E. Fickes, R.S.V.G., Sister 1. McDon- ald, L.S.V.G., B. Jex, Musicians, Sis- ter R. Branton. After the ceremony Sister Kerr D.D.P. was presented with a small gift, and Sister Edna Cranfield with a"past*"Grand Collar. Speeches were made by the Marshall and other visiting sisters. Later all adjourned to the dining room where a delightful banquet was served to about one hundred and fifty mem- bers. LADIES' AID OF LUTHERAN CHURCH Annual Election of Officers at Grace Lutheran Church Ladies' Aid The annual election of the officers of Grace Lutheran Ladies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs. F. M. Dah- mer. The meeting was opened with a prayer by the pastor, whereupon Miss Dahmer, secretary of the Aid, read the minutes of the previous meeting. Mrs. L. W. Rogers, treas- urer, then gave the financial report of the year 1929, which showed a balance of $110.60. This report had been audited and approved by Mrs. C. F. Schoenau and Mrs. Clarence Hansel, who had been chosen as au- ditors at the previous meeting. Rev. A. C. Hahn gave a brief address of the life of Joan of Arc, indicating particularly how her life and death showed the conditions of the mediev- al church, The officers were elected by ballot, and all the previous offi- cers were elected to another term. Mrs. F. M. Dahmer was elected as president; Mrs. L. W. Rogers was returned as treasurer; Miss Gertrude Dahmer was re-elected to be secre- tary of the Society. After the busi- ness meeting, Mrs. Dahmer served a splendid lunch to her guests. At the Church Council meeting the results of the financial subscription canvass were considered. It showad that the members had been greatly interested in supporting the Luther-! an Church treasury, as evidenced by | the fact that by iar the pledge cards. Mr. C. F. Schoenan, ed the standing of the treasury, | showing that therc was a balance ot religious census of the assessor, pub- lished in The Daily Times, showi that 105 Lutherans live in the city | of Oshawa, led to the resolution that | a concerted effort should be made to | get in touch with these Lutherans, | and invite them to our services. The | probability of buying a lot, upon which a portable chapel might be | built, was again discussed by the! members of the Council. Finally, it | was resolved to call a congregational | meeting, to be held on Sunday ai- | ternoon at which the election of officers was to be held, { SS ------------------h_------ 1] OSHAWA W.C.T.U. { The W.C.T.U. met on Tuesday | afternoon, January 7, 1929. Ai-| ter the regular business readings | on moral education were given by | Mrs. Bebbington and Mrs. Wood. | Mrs. Arthur Legge's pleasing solo | was followed by an address by Mrs, | Stalter on the life of Letitia You | mans, who was mcjher of the W. | C.T.U. in Canada, having #:/ganiz- ed the first society in' Fictan in | 1874, end for a number of years travelled extensively throughout | eastern Canada addressing meet- | greatest | § majority of the members had signed | 8 treasurer of the congregation, report- | § $154.01 at the end of the year. The |§ WOMER'S MEETINGS | ome --- and the Community | ANOTHER SAL We are on the preferred list with the leading hosiery mills of Canada, can often get values that and we other stores are unable to obtain. There reasons for this--One is be- are Several cause we confine our buy- ing to the biggest manufac- turers of Canada's most widely known makes, and our regular business week after week throughout the year is worth having. And another reason is that we are linked up in a business way with a great chain of retail stores which through its ability to handle very great quantities are able to clear lots that the individual merchant could not begin EVENT OF MAJOR IMPORTANCE JANUA ATURDAY TREE ARE rT = es Ao a! WN Women's Mercerised Lisle Hose Regular 50c quality. Makers seconds. On sale for -- 19¢c pair N, Women's Pure Thread Silk Hose Makers seconds. Regular $1.00 quality. On sale for -- §59¢ pair Child Half Children' Silk & Wool Hose Sizes 4 to 814. Regular 50c¢ to Come Seconds. 85¢ pair, for -- IS THE Y HOSIERY SALE 3650 Pairs Women's and Hosiery at HALF or less than Regular Prices Sizes 7 | Seconds. Girls' Silk & Artsilk Hose quality, on sale for -- 39¢ pair £ wi) Women's Puritan BR Maid Thread First quality. Regular $1.50 On sale for ~ | ° oY ES EN Silk Hose 9c pai to 9145. Regular 79¢ First ren's Seconds. to 75¢ values. Girls' Fine Ribbed Lisle Hose Sizes 4 to 91%. Regular 40c On sale for -- 25¢ pair Women's Silk and value; on sale for -- Wool Hose Quality regular $1.00 13¢ pair their Early Girls' 1/1 rib Botany Wool Cashmere Hose Makers seconds. Sizes 5 to 10. Regular 50c to $1.00 values, On sale for -- Boys' Wool Goll Hose OFFICERS ELECTED AT HOLY TRINITY Fancy ribs and fancy pat. terns. Size 61/ to 10. Rex gular up to $1.00. On sale ings and forming r_:leties. The day of the meeti:~ was the anni- versary of Mrs, .oumans' birth- 29¢ pair day, so very fitting was the ad- | dress. es ET i ac pas At all times you will find | to handle. on Saturday 29¢c pair Sport Hose for Girls & Boys for -- W. A. of Holy Trinity| 'Church Annual Election of Officers The annual business meeting of the Women's Association of Holy The Women's Corner For Anything of Interest to the Homemaker and the House keeper Trinity Church was held T y January 7. There was a very good attendance. ' The Secretary's re- port of work done for the year 1929 and the Treasurer's report of finance were read and were well received, every member feeling sat- isfied and proud of the results of last year's efforts. Rev. S. C. Jarrett, then took the chair for the election of officers for the year 1950. Those elected are as follows: President, Mrs. S. C. Jarrett; Vice-President, Mrs. Tur- ner; Secretary, Mrs. A. Jones; Treasurer, Mrs. Fitches; Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. Kilburn; assistant Dorcas, Mrs, Bellingham; Little Helpers' Secretary, Mrs. McCon- key; Social Service Secretary, Mrs. Attesley; Visitor, Mre, Porter; Supt. of Teen Age Branch, Mrs. C. Wells. After the business meeting a so- cial half hour was spent. The Women's Auxiliary will meet ev- ery Tuesday afternoon at 2.30, in the basement of the church, Belleville--Mr. George C. Avery of the Post Office Department, Ot- tawa. has taken temporary charge of the Belleville Post Office, con- sequent upon Mr. Alfred Gillen having gone on retiring leave, 100 New Dresses just ar- rived. New shades and styles. The Fashion Shoppe 84 Simcoe St. S. ), Whipped to a Cream" / TASTES 00D G DOES GOOD/ GIVE ITA TRIAL JUST A LITTLE Just a little tact is needed To avoid much strite, Just a little love required To make a heaven of life, Just a little kind attention To make glad some heart, Just a little word of comfort To allay some smart, Just a little smile of welcome Cheers a lonely soul, Just a little admonition Strengthens self-control, Just a little ray of gladness Cheers the dullest day, Just a little happy laughter Smooths the roughest way. Just a little chord of music Makes the feet to dance, Just a litthe charm 'of manner Beauty can enhance, y Just a little sweet forgiveness Dries full many a tear, Just a little cup of water Brings God very near. FLAT CREPE FOR FROCKS Flat crepe frocks appear in the bright billiard greens, flag blues and reds which make effective cons trasts with the dark fur coats and also in Ihe Juore §iibtic, €vaved-over rose, blue 'and green shades spon- sored by Lelon The so-called lin- en blucs--soft shades with a hint of ray-----are especially good with black r coats. Callot makes a rather formal res- taurant frock of green crepe de chine, shaping it with tiny pine tucks to give a decided princess ef- fect, and bordering it with georgette to match the collar. This is very smart with, a formal coat of black broadtail. Many of the flat crepe frocks take their inspiration from Vionnet, with bloused bodices, intricute cut, and in genious arrangements of scarf, col- lars, The prints are 'more in vogue than you. With This co-operation. character. our hosiery values unexcell- || ed. Our variety as wide as the biggest stores can offer January Hosiery Sale foremost in our mind, we have gone di- rect to the mills for their The result is Hosiery Bargains of a re- Regular 75c. | Women's Fine All Wool Cash- mere Socklets | | Sizes 814 to 10. Makers On Sale for, PAIX weesirsresessvrerivisens Spring seconds. 29¢ now. i Supersilk full Fashioned Hosiery | Pure thread silk. Makers Substand- | ards, Regular $1.50. On i sale for, Pair ......cessrsreeses quirements. 98¢ remarkable money saving Some Sale Lines are new numbers. may not need them just But when you see the prices you'll readily realize the advantage of looking after You | Fancy cuffs. Heavy mercerized lisle. | | Sizes 7 to 814. Reg. 75¢ | quality. On sale for, pair 39¢ Fancy check Boys' Golf Hose 75 to 914 Reg. 75c¢ for, pr. 59 pair patterns. Sizes future re- Women's Sheer Artsilk First quality. | On sale for -- De Pair ...... PRR | Regular 59¢ sale for -- Women's Fine Wool Under Hose Sizes 81 to 10. Seconds of our regular 65¢ quality. On 39¢ pair vogue for designs of small realistic blossoms scattered on dark back- grounds, He makes the lily-of-the-valley, in white on a navy ground, in a bolero frock, featuring hand-run' tucks on the bodice and sleeves, and putting stitched pleats at the back of the skirt, releasing the fulness in a slight back flare characteristic of his new silhouette, The skirt dips slightly at the back, to follow e line of the bolero, With this frock Patou shows a three-quarters coat of 'navy faille tor spring wear. This frock is equally smart for immedi- ate use with a fur coat, HELPFUL HINTS ever. They appear in a great variety of patterns for day time, introducing a springlike note in midwinter fash- ions. Dots, checks and plaids are all approved for the street and semi- spprts frock, and there are many patterns which stimulate the effect of broken weave rather than design. Patou's lily-of-the-valley and dog- wood prints have caused much com- Plan your meals in advance of marketing and see if your house money does not go a great deal far- ther. When jelly will not thicken, put a grated' carrot in a clean piece of cheese Icoth and strain in a few drops into the jelly. Then boil just ment, and promise to introduce a a few minutes longer, RECIPES FROSTED FUDGE Two and one-half cups of powder- ed sugar, 1-2 cup of 'milk, 2 table- spoons butter. Cook all togéther with out stirring until it will form a soit ball in cold water, Let stand until it is quite cool before beating. Flavor with 1-2 teaspoon of vanilla and beat until thick and creamy, Pour into buttered pan and when quite hard cover with a thin layer of melted chocolate. Cut in squares when cho- colate' has sct. POTATO SALAD : The dressing is made by using 3 beaten eggs, 1 cup sour cream, 1 cup sugar, 1-2 cup vinegar and a pinch of salt. Mix thoroughly in order named and cook the mixture until it thick- ens. Do noteuse it until nearly cold. This dressing can be kept for weeks in a sealed can or glass. o Now to make the salad. Boil 6 o 7 medium-sized potatoes until tender. put in a mixing bowl with 2 or 3] hard-cooked eggs, a stalk of celery and a couple of good onions and a green pepper, all chopped fine. Give | the mixture a good dose of celery seed and start mixing, yadding salt| and pepper and dressing until it} tastes just right. But it must be gi-| ven a thorough mixing. | |} PICKERING BRIEFS | | Pickering, Jan, 9--Mr. and: Mrs, Ravin and son, of Toronto, spent Sunday with friends in. the village. Masters Bobby and Billy Heron, of Brooklin, have been spending a few days with their aunt and uncle, C. W. and Mrs. Pilkey. Alvin Bushby is having his resi- dence and store wired for electricity. Mr, Gibson, of Whitby, is doing the work. The Coninuation and Public Schools re-opened on Monday, after the holidays and both teachers and pupils are hard at work preparing for the summer examinations. The monthly meeting of the Wom- | of Mrs. Walter Bray, on Tuesday afternoon, Owing to the wet weather and poor condition of the roads, the attendance was small. ------------------ . YSTERY MURDER ON QUEBEC FARM Richelieu Man of 69 Years Found Strangled--Money Untouched Richelieu, Que., Jan. 10.--Mark Ward, 69-year-old farmer, was found dead in his bedroom yester- day, apparently throttled by a rope tightened about his neck, tourniquet fashion, by use of a fire poker. His hands were tied behind his back and there was a deep cut on his forehead. : The body was discovered early last night by his gon, who visited at the farm and, Peel them while they are hot and{en's Institute was held at the home | discoyge'ng that the stock had not been attended to, started a search for his father. - Ward had been living alone for some years but, it was stated to the coroner, had recently taken a man and his wife to live with him, The couple had not been seen since Wednesday afternoon. Coroner Dr. Trudeau said the man had appar- ently been dead 18 to 20 hours. There was no sign of a struggle and money in the pockets of the dead man, as well as other valu- ables about the place, had not been disturbed. No motive was adganc- ed for the slaying. . A THOUGHT FOR TODAY Only a thought but the work it grought Could never by pen or tongue be taught, For it ran through a life like a thread of gold, Aud the life bore fruit a hundred- Old. ~Anon "T am connected with some of the 'best families." . "By telephone?" Officer--And you are giving a reward of only $5 for the return of your wife? Husband Harry----That's all, A Ofticer--No 'one wil bring hep . back for that small amount, e Husband Harry--I know ih. Officer--Playing safe. ------ SARGON We are sole authorized agents for Sargon in OSHAWA KARN'S DRUG STORE Next Post Office, Phone 378. Sheer Chiffon Full Fashioned | + HOSIERY At Fivervisian ATKINS HOSIERY & LINGERIE SHOP Near Cor. King & Simcoe St.