Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jan 1930, p. 7

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feb. 1--Activity of Oshawa branch \far, 2--Coroner's" Jury blames Geo. THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Review of Outstanding Events in Oshawa District in 1929 (Continued from Page 3) and mrs. Arthur Cocker v4 pe by gas fumes, hut r vive, .- 15-~City Council takes steps to secure improvements te Oshawa Farbor, 16---Charter prosented to Osh- awa Kiwanis club at gala function. 18--Ositario Railway ' Board hoaring approves bylaw removing residential area restrictic 3 at King street and Ritson road. 19---~Many cellars flooded last night 1 'orrential rain, 20--21Irs. R. "~"aughlin cele- brates her 89th birthday. 21--Tenants flee in night at- tire from fire in King st chambers. Small damage done. . --M. McIntyre Hood, of Woodstock, appointed ed- itor of The ies. ¥ 22 ity council approves cb Toning of technical > school i. uudition to the Co" - jate. { 23--A. W.Bell elected chair- man of Oshawa Board of Educati 23--Annual report of Chief of Police Friend shows in- creac: of c¥ences fi Mm 1143 § 7 to 2343 n 1928. --Adam Dobson elected Warden Ontario County. Goce? pl~ in Bow b BF Lad 4 aarrowly escapes as sto ' e burns, --Many chicken thieves op- erating in Oshawa dis- trict. 26--Chamber of Commerce names committee to make industrial survey of city, with ideas of industrial area and "incubator" builling as basis of move- ment. 27--Albert Street United Church is dedicated by Rev. W. T. Gunn, Moder- ator of United Church of Canada. 28--Teaching of piano music in Oshawa schools stargpd today. 29--W. E. N. Sinclair predicts provincial elect'on in 1929 at meeting here. --Work started today on new technical school by Bathe and McLellan, of this city. 30--Times opens appeal on be- half of British miners, --W'M.S. convention, Osh- awa Presbyterial, opens in _King St. United Church. --Bowmanville High Schoo! Board approves plan for $100,000 aadition. 31--Frank Allin, Port Perry held r -ponsible by cor- oner's jury for death of Alfred J. Ryan, Richmond Hill --Armed robbery of West End Garage is reported to the police. 24- Canadian Legion, revived 2--Real Estate Board "form- ed here. 4--General Motors of Canada buys McKinnon Industries Ltd., St. Catharines. 5--City council approves principal { of industrial area, --Delezations from church. es oppose building fire hall on Bagot street. §--Complete treasurer's re- port for 1928 shows sur- plus of $8,022. §--Warren Dearborn elected president of Oshawa Poul- try, Pigeon and Pet Stock Association, g--John Gibson is re-elected * . chairman of - Board of Health. 9--Isolation Hospital ur-ed in arnual report of Miss B. E. Harris, senior public ; Health nurse. --Ch'ldren's Ald Society ap- points committee to con- sider new shelter. 12--Davida Keith, Bowmanville celebrates 95th birthday. --Mrs. Charlse Horn rescu- ed by dauvhter when fire destroys Hampton home. --Board of Education es- timates for year, $217,000 show $15,000 increase. 13---High Park annex subdivi- - gion purchased by G. A. Prosser, Thornton's Cor- ners, for $200,000. 15--Agreement between city and Ontario County, re city's separation from County, renewed for. five years. --Dr. L. E, Hubbell elected president of Kinsman's Club. 16--Times instals now leased wire and automatic printer for telegraph news service. 19--Report of Forstall, Robi- son and Luquoer favors purchase of gas plant. --J. D, Storie Jive site for Children's Shelter, 20--Natheniel Etcher, Harm- ony, struck and killed by _ hit-and-run driver. 22----Appeal of Mrs. Nora Chap pell against conviction and sentence of seven years for manslaurhter in death of Gertrude Grose, is refused. : 23--Meeting of citizens favors - establishment of juvenile court. 26--Mary and Albert streets | created through streets, Adamo, Kingston, for death of Nathaniel Etcher. . / 4---February production "at G. M.C. 12,192 jobs, increase of 39 per cent. over February, 928, . 1928. --Four armed bandits fail in attempt to rob farmhouse of ohn Masulk, Base Line est. S--Council decides to ask Rail: y Board for opening of Third Ave, across Oshawa Railway. 7--Bank of Toronto opens oc ites branch here. 8--Mayor Mitchell has favour. able interview with Hon, J. £ Elliott on harbpr ques- tion. * ~Oshawa celebrates 5th birth day as a city, } «Tax rate for 1929 is 42 mills decrease of' 1.5 mills, _~Fire at W. E. Phillips' Co. plant does heavy water dam- r Sr inery' Fund in Oshawa closed with $763 total, 11-~Oshawa Hospital wins leg- acy of late Col. J. E. Fare- well, after prolonged legal 12 Hoard of Education refuses jo flower fees to East Whit- pupils. 13--Charles Beara, Mimieo, q d o daughter in death of Miss Edna Loach, Whitby. in November 1928, hawa's request for priv- ate bill for industrial area induces Ontario legislature to amend Bonusing Act. ~Dominion Railway Board orders opening of Third av- enue across Oshawa Rail- way. . 15--Pickering Creek overflows, causing anxicty. 18--Farrwell Development Co. starts plant here, 20--Williams' Piano Co. starts manufacturing "Sea. Fleas." 21 Triplets born to G.M.C. em- ployee here, Wm. Cameron and Mrs. Cameron. --Dr. F. J. Finigan, 45th year. --Edward R. Curtain, local merchant, dies aged 45, 23--George Adamo, Picton, sen- tenced to 234 years for man slaughter in conection with death of Nathaniel Et-her, --George W. McLaurhlin re- elected nresident of Cham- her of Commerce. 25" MC, announces Viking R 28--G.M.C, at Oshawa, secures marufacture of Chevfolet for New Zealand, Spain and Feoypt. ~--Annnal meeting of Chamber of Commerce etndorses for- mation of Oshawa Indus. trial Foundation Ltd. 10 erect buildings for new in- dustries. . 2--Customs returns for year $9,132,603. S5--Measles cpidemic here, 358 cases in March. ~Board of Health orders cop ~ demnation of "garage dwell- " dies in fiscal ings. 6--Wecrst storm in history hits Oshawa, Engineer John Kennedy, Toronto dies in wreck of C.P.R. freight east of Bowmanville; ngineer Robert Milne, Belleville, kill- ed in wreck of CN.R. pass. enger train west of Bowman- vie; Waiter Northop and Miss sicien Wright wie as |. auto urops tarough washed out fiaimuny briage; stoim causes tremendous damage is district. Oshawa isolate by rail for taree days. 9--1,1.C. and Gray Coach Lines buy Del-Ray and Collacurt lines to Oshawa. «Farm lana asscssment ap- 'peals in Waitby dismissed by County judge. 10--Coilacutt Coach Lines pur- chase Belleville « Kingston lines. «7-year-old Harold Synder drowns at Whitby. «Oshawa Ex-service men hold first Vimy Ridge anniversary banquet, 12--i6v Young Australians visit city. --#5.h anniversary Ontario Old Gicls' Association, Whitby. 1321 charged with theft from C.P.K. wreck at Bowmanville. 16--juvenile #€ourt established, Rev. 8. C, Jarrett appointed judge. --_ouncil decides to submit hy- aro by,aws. 18--us. M.C. announces building of $750) concrete tunnel, 22--.owaniey Crawehuk, aged 6, drowned in pond east "or Prospect street. --Ouver Moynes, local electris cian, is electrocuted, 23--City Assessor, R. H. James, dies suadenty. 27--Mrs, phyxiated by gas ™umes, 27--u.m.L, procuction tor first quarter of 1929 was 34,505 units, 40 per cent. increase over 1928. May 2--Whitby tax rate jumps 6.25 mills to 45 mills, 3 3--rPassenger train on Whitby. Lindsay line derailed near Port Perry due to severe rainstorms; no one injured, 4--Body ot Miss Helen Wright, missing for month, found, in- quest declared unnecessary by Coroner Rundle, 7--April production in G.M.C. plants, 18,762, greatest in any month in history. lpss caused by fire at . J. 1nick factory. «(.M.C, announces new Mas-|" quette car, ~Attorney-General orders in- quest into Harmony f il 6. h vebienbrb Lo Stores lease 8-10% King street West, to open large store about April 1, 1930. A 10--siorses of R. S. McLaughlin win inter-city trophy at Hamilton. --Oshawa dedichted. 11--Skinner Company, of Ganan- oque buys land for factory in Oshawa Industrial area; will manufactuse automobile bumpers. _=Corn borer invades Reach, Uxbridge and Scugog town- ship. a Appr pian of $31,000 made for Whitby harbor im- provement, ~--Assessment of Darlington twp. is™ $2.397.693. 13-<Council by 8-7'vote, rejects proj to take vote on £15000 fire hall and police station, Masonic Temple Artaur Bouckley as-{ June 1--Oshawa 'Limes enters \ July 3--Rev. John Galt resigns pas- 10=--Theee men arrested in To- 15--Duncan Campbell, Oshawa, nearly involved in disastrous Cleveland Clinic Hospital ex- plosion, --U, af 'I. Alumni formed here. ~--Gale & 'I'rick, Oshawa, buy 7000 acres spruce' timber in British Columbia. --G. W. McLaughlin, W. A. Dryden, appointed to execu- tive of Ontario Research Foundation. 16--Rev. Duncan Munro induct- ed at Knox Church, 17--Coroner's jury returns open verdict on death of Miss Helen Wright. . =Lakeview Fur Farms, Ltd, buy 400 acres on lake frout| for muskat farm, «Mrs. William Dineen dies, aged 102 years. : 18--Mail delivery service twice daily throughout city an- nounced. Ny 21---Bowmanville wins suit for 50 per cent. of $300000 McGill estate in Washington, D.C, after 20 years litigation, ~Fire escapes made compul- sory on J-storey buildings in Whitby. ~--Council decides against ex- tending water mains to East Whitby. --Plans for police station on Marker site ordered by coun- cil. --Council asks Dominion Rail- way Board for review of sub- way award. ~Decision to lay $37,000 main storm sewer in business sec- tion, made by council, 22---King Street United congre- gation celebrates burning of mortgage, 26--Ambrose 82nd year. Capt: W. K. Culling dies, age E. Henry dies in 29--Sam Klemzuk found dead in car on Olive avenue. 60th year. 4--$50,000 voted for Oshawa Harbor improvement in sup. « plementary estimates, --Eight nurses graduate from Osnawa. Hospital. 6--~Canadian Bank of Commerce lets $30,000 contract ror dou- bling size of branch at King and Simcoe streets. 10--Omar Brown killed in high- way collision, 11--Dominion Convention W. C. T.U. opens in King Street Churgh. 12--Oshawa in ninth place in Ontario cities, jumps from 13th place, ~Order of Moose Instituted here. 13--Largest graduating class in Bite 44, receives diplomas at O.L.C,, Whitby. 14=Mrs. HL A. Woolacott and two sons, 253 Albert Street, narrowly escape asphyxia- tion from gas fumes. ~Warden Dobson host to On- tario County Council on tour of County. 15~Oshawa ratepayers carry by- laws for purchase of hydro and gas plants, éstablishment of industrial area, and setting up of Public Utilities Commission, by large ma. orities, 17--New Division Court set up for Oshawa and East Whitby 18 Mrs, Frank Kobernick drowned at Whitby, Buono arrested. 19--~Frank Drayton wins auto draw at Rotary Street Fair. 20--Norman S. B. James, prom- inent citizen, dies in 48th year at Bowmanville, =Col. W. E, Phillips and son, Derek, R. W. Millichamp and W. D. Elliott, have narrow escape when launch burns on Sturgeon Lake. 22--Level of Lake Ontario here 43 inches above normal level. 24-Vody of Miss Mildred Cole, Bowmanville, found in To- ronto harbor. Death found due to drowning. 26---Mrs. Perey Read, . Oshawa, fatally injured in auto crash at Courtice, =Council accepts offer of G. D. Conant for 14-foot strip of land to widen Simcoe Street Sth. C De ~Kresge Co, troit, pays 000 for block at 2-14 ing street west, 27--Fred C. Hatch, noted Whit- by citizen, dies, aged 67, tario county rate 1014 mills, increase of 134 mills. ~Ontario Conference Seventh Day Adventists held here. 30--Matthew Manila, aged 11, killed on CN.R. track by In- ternational Limited, torate First Baptist Church. «Ross, Ames & Gartshore op- en large new garage. ~Missing from Oshawa homes for month, Joe Fleury and Vile Maplebeck, 15, write rom Kansas. 4--~Council grants Oshawa Rail. 'way permission to cease meeting CN.R. trains, for purpose of instituting 10-min- ute street car le, Lk 6--Inquiry into auto industry + tariff does not affect G.M.C,, says H. A. Brown. --Sea flea races introduced to Oshawa at Williams iano Co. annual pi 8-Oshawa ' Chamber of Com: merce starts move for estab- lishment of more Canadian consular offices. aAttemnt to crack safe at Re- ent Theatre unsuccessful. ~--QOshawa Churches have ser- vices of thanksgiving for King's recovery, : 9~R. ome, Welland. dies in motorcycle crash at White by. =«C. Fuller, Chatham, appoint- ed business administrator by 'Oshawa Board of Edueation, succeeding J. A. McGibbon, seeratary-treasurer, and C. C. Stenhouse, property sup- ervigor, » = ronto for holdin of Burridge service station, Whitby. AAAI ER ET Frank «Two Whitby residences also entered. 11152 pupils out of 182 passed entrance examinations here. 12---Oshawa secures conventivn of Ontario Associated Board of Trade and Chamber of Commerce, for Nov. 14 and 15. 13-4000 'people attend Goodyear icnic from New Toronto at keview Park, --New pumper added to fire department equipment. 17--Miss Annie' Carey, Oshawa, drowns in Rideau Canal, Smith's Falls. ~100 stitches. required to close |' round of James Wannan, (9, Columbus, mauled by horse, ~Tax collections up to June 30 were $525,803. . =After several years negotia- tion, city buys land to ex- tend for $1,150. i 18.--~Hon. H, M. Marler, Canad- ian minister to Javan, speaks to Oshawa Rotary Club, 20--City Council at closed meet: |. ing decides to buy 15 acres of land on Simcoe street south from G. D. Conant at $750 per acre, 22-G.M.C, officials start good- will tour of Eastern Canada in Bonne Entente 1X de luxe bus built entirely in Canada. --Lieut. C. M. Knight, Oshaws, killed in Nicaragua air crash. , 23--Gasoline driven pump, one of largest in world, installed as auxiliary unit at Oshawa pumphouse, delivers 3600 allons per minute. 24--James Frew, Toronto, killed on highway near Oshawa. 25--Bishop Bethune College buys adjacent Thomas property for new junior school. --Bond gtréet made through street from Simcoe to Mary street; parking of taxis on streets, parking on boule- vards, and parking of buses on King street prohibited, 27--Domestic water rates cut 15 per cent, commercial ratcs 12% per cent. 29--Walter 'Stapely, drew Beswick," baby Robert Beswick and Mrs. Edward Gomme die in Lake Ontariv in worst drowning tragedy mn Oshawa's history. Bodies of Mrs. Beswick and Stapley not recovered for weeks. Mrs. An- Aug. 1--Board of Health presses for construction of sewage dis- posal plant. =Celebration of International Red Day here proves tame affair," 7--Hack 'saw blade discovered in magazine at Whitby jail; Oshawa man believed to have planned jail break. =Council decides to repair present fire, hall and tower, 8~5kinner Company, buiiding factory here, taken over by Houdailic-Herscy Corpora- tion. of - Detroit, nsion Jrogtam planned in Oshawa. «Deputy Reeve R. B. Smitl and Councillor W. D. Dyer resign from East Whitby Council. 10--15,000 attend General Motors picnic; Henry J. Cardinal wins Pontiac coach, =QOshawa Golf Club considers Jur Chase of large area owned y R. B. Smith north of city for second 12--Oshawa © quake, --Value of Oshawa's 1927 out- put of manufactured goods --Brooklin creamery destroyed by fire, loss $15,000. 13--bBaard of Education passcs motion to buy four acres of land on Alice street for new school site, " 14--Courtice school saved by Oshawa fire department from « destruction by fire, 15--James Sweet, aged 15, re- turns to Oshawa home after being missing eight months, 16~Bathe & McLellan buy block ! of property adjacent to in- dustrial area as base for contracting activities, ~--Miss Mary Oughterson be- comes head mistress of Bish? op Bethune College, : 17--Mrs, Maria Pike, Oshawa's oldest citizen, celebrates 94th birthday, olf course. shaken by carth- ~--Miss Fiorence Fleming killed | by car at King street and Park road. 20-25 French students G.M.C. plants here. ~Apple crop of this district re- ported much above average. ~--Over 1700 children attend Kinsman Kiddies Karnival, 21--Thomas Clark, aged 12, drowns at Columbus, ~--Whitby Gazette and Oshawa Times to merge Sept. 1. =Dennis McCarthy, bh killed by CN.R, train at Sunder- killed in land. ~Albert Wheeler visit threshing accident "at Ash:|' burn. 24--Henry Warwick killed by train on C.P.R. tracks here. 27--~Mayor 'Mitchell announces local industries will give mar- ried men preference in em- Floyment, ~ --W. A. Lavis elected deputy reeve and Maurice art, coungillor,-to fill East Whit- by Couneil vacancies. 30--Crops in Ontario above average, --Michael Petrewsky, Oshawa, writes first Ukranian novel to 'be published in North Am- © erica, 3J1--Standard Brick {ven acres of cla; ossland road, for county Co, buys land on brick plant. Sept. 3--Oshawa publié schools have enrolment of 3,440; largest in history. ; ~-Charles Keeler makes new world's kite record of 321% hours. ~J. E. Lypell, Cardinal, killed 24 slang crashes in Cedar- ale. 4--Contract for Oshawa Harbor Dredging let to Canadian ohn street across creek |. Dredging and Construction Co., Midland, at about $63, 000, 5--~Over 1,000 attend annual pic. nic of Oshawa Railway Co, 7--Announcement of new Parts and Service building for Osh- awa made by General Motots ~--Ben Wetstein and = Nathan Rubinoff, Toronto members of Elizabeth baseball team, 'killed, and cight others in- jured in auto crash neat Bowmanville, 10---E. Yardy First Avenue, «Serious state of overcrowd- in, reported in public schools. electrocuted on 13--Oshawa welcomes Mann Cup | winners, lacrosse champions. ~Qshawa_ Fair attendance 22, 000. : ~R. S. McLaughlin sponsors new hockey arena, 16--Chief of Police says convic- tions under L.C.A, 120 per cent more than under O/T.A. ~William Chrustawka" drops dead after physical training class at Collegiate. --Lord Willingdon's visit, sche- duled for today, postponed * due to illness, ~William P. Knight, former * school trustee and alderman, dies, aged 52, 20--Frank You, Toronto, gets one year for theft of Osh. awa car, «Mrs. Annie Bilous killed on C.P.R. tracks. 24--Twelve Oshawa people give blood for infantile paralysis serum, ~--W. H. Davies, Toronto, kill- ed in Port Perry auto smash Fire breaking out in the United Htat WN ! in Wi res cently drew who witnessed the spectacle while firemen sped from every part of thousands of citizens | here show (1) y fire at the men with apparatus wusands gathered to blaze, artist's the city to the scene. The which originated in an studio on the top floor of the } ing, near the dome, was pul | ater a three-quarter hour battle, --New gymnasium re ed 3 Rotary Clubs at Bowman- Y lle Boys' Training Schocl air, 25--R. 5. McLaughlin donates complete electrical refrigera- tion system to Oshawa hos- pital, _ --Duplate Safety Glass Co, enters quantity production, 26--D. A. Valleau, Customs col- lector, dies, age 59. 27-Rev. F. J. Maxwell, wife and son, F, E. Maxwell, injured in Kingston auto accident, 30--Oshawa's population increase by 1,376 to 25,550, assessment $818,575 to $16,250,960, asses- sor reports, ~Jack Wilson, Whitby award. ed certificate for saving life of Robert Anderson on July ~Bob Stephenson, star la- crosse player seriously in- jured in street fracas, Oct. 1--William Spence, former Oshe / Nov, 4--R. ¥ awa boy, a mainstay of res. cue party searching for Col. McAlpine, --Hon. G. 8. Henry opens new Manchester -- Port Perry Highway, 2--Ontario Regiment awarded ten battle homors for Great War Service, --Mrs. R. Wakefield, Toronto, killed in Bowmanville auto crash, 3--September set newa Il time vecopd for Williams Piano 0. 6--Centre Street Church cele- brates first anniversary of entry into. United Church of Canada, --Oshawa had most autos per capita of any Ontario city in 1928, with 4093 cars, and 393} trucks, 8--City faces four damage ac- tions as result of creek polu- tion, 10--South Ontario Preachers In. stitute convenes in Centre street school, Miss C., An- nand named president, 11--Nearly 500 girls at iate night class. 13--Five Varsity students injur- ed in Harmony auto acci- dent. --Trinity Church, Bowmanvills celebrates. 40th anniversary. 14--Non-resident pupils to be ex: cluded from Oshawa Public Schools unless they pax fees. 16--Over 3,000 new names atded to voters' list in Oshawa for Provincial election. 17--Oshawa Hospital again fully approved by American Col» lege of Surgeons. 19--Hudson C. Love, St. Thomas, killed in auto accident at Newcastle, ~Provincial Constable Taylor makes daring capture of Can- nington burglar, 20--Young People's Week opens in city churches. 21--Oshawa police make spectac+ ular arrest of two men who burglarized Brighton this morning. ~Council decides' to submit to electors on Jan. 6, question of payment of aldermen. ~--Board of Railway Commis- sioners recommends vig wag signal for Ritson road C.P.R. crossing. 22--High wind storm interrupts hydro service several hours. 25--Oshawa Chamber of Com- merce asks special "dumping duty" against American used cars, 26--Mrs, T. E~Houston, Cincin- nati, formerly of Oshawa, btiys 60 aere site on Rossland Road for beautiful country ome, ~Rev. A, W. Small becomes pastor First Baptist Church, succeeding Rev. John Galt. Boy Association form- ed with C, M, Mundy as President 30---W. E. N: Sinclair, Libera! leader, defeats F; L. Mason, Conservative, by 1368 ma- jority in_ provincial election, 31--Stanley Unger, Oshawa, fa- tally injured in motor crash 'near Whitby. --QOshawa taxi driver held up and 'gob § . McLaughlin's" horses win highest honors at Boston hotse show. S5--Decrease of 89 per cent in i domestic hydro rates, 22 per cent to commercial users and Ul per cent in power rates ay Colleg- store Dec. 1--New 10 minute 6--Armed bandit robs store of nounced. =Council decides to take no action on petition of 500 rate- payers to 192 council asking vote on municipal govern- | ment changes. 7--Board of Health urges im- mediate action on new sewage disposal plant, ~Boy messenger for Thomp- son's drug store held up and robbed. 8--New- low contagion record in October with only six cascs, 10--Peter Kyle, prominent mer- chant dies, aged 83 years. 11-~Solemn services feature Osh- gwa's. observance of Armis- tice. - ~Arthur Bonne, Toronto, fa- | tally injured in motor crash at Ponty pool, | 13--Ploughing match of South} Ontario Association at Brook- | lin best in history. 14-Dr. D. S, Hoig presented with portrait of sclf by hos- pital staff in honor of 15th year as medical superinten- dent, 15--Grocery store and four houses entered in northern part of Oshawa, 18--Oshawa city appeal against subway judgment postponed to Jan, 21. --Sham battle features annual inspection of Ontario Regi- ment, ~--Seven foxes, valued at $1750 stolen from Alex Leask, Greenbank, 19--~Women's Welfare organized to aid poor, --Boy messenger for Mitchell's drug store held up and ed. League rob 21-265 people in Ontario county granted old age pensions; cost nearly $5000 per month. 22--Elaborate. plot for escape from Whitby jail frustrated. ~Vernon Knight drowns in lo- cal harbor. 2347 granted old age p in Oshawa, cdst $18 month. «Mysterious attempt to dyna- mite home of Joseph Saroc- ue, Barrie street, 26-Parkwood horses win Gov: ernor-General's cup at Royal Winter Fair. ~Oshawa Associated Welfare Association organized, 30--Incendiarism suspected . in fire which destroys Wilson road house owned by E. Fit. chett, Millbrook, sions pet street cat service inaugurated. ~John Gauter, Olive avenue shot in back during holdup of his store. ~Five robberies in Bowman: ville. 2--Council decides to take vote on erection of $50,000 police station at Prince and Rich- mond streets, » 3--Harmony garage entered and $20 in goods stolen. S<Ban placed on publication of Joliee news in Oshawa, =~-Luncheon marks preliminary opening of Genosha Hotel, ~-Leon Osier elected president Kinsmen's Club, Mrs. Ira Pearce, Bowman- ville. ' Nelson Sharpe arrest® ed for crime, 7=~Stores of Siberry Bros, and Soanes Brothers and one residence robbed, 9--Purchase of Alice street schfol site rescinded by Board of Education, 11--Fire underwriters issue report on conditions in Oshawa, ~Frank Buono convicted ot laugh and t d to 15 years. --Fine _three-manual organ, ift of Mr, and Mrs, F, W, owan, dedicated at St George's church, ~--Oshawa- Poultry Show successful, - =L.' McGlashan, Dunbarton, fatally injured in highway crash, . very T! 12 Another residence entered by | thieves. 4-W. M. Gilbert manager of new arena, ~~Campbell's Studio and a resi- dence entered by burglars, =-Skinner plant pected to appointed hockey start operation about Jan, 15. | --Spectacular fige threatens Feldspar Glass Co. 16--Council anti-noi istmas Cheer gladdens 41} bylaws, 'I hree boys arreste eral house breaking 1 1 shelves, : 1s here. 5 -19 . Grierson dies at aga Oshawa 80th year roads blocked. pt r council, 17 ~Mail delivery to Westmount A ies Commis= board of Educa- yor. ceted ste ornficld re+ first woma or of On« d 88. tatement vs surplus vic finances, celel --Water ( contract io tension as its fn SWEET REVENGE ust have had:" NOT THE IDEA *m sorry you didn't Brownie was loaded up w cels when his friend met i "Been doing a bit of sh queried the friend, "Yes, I have bought my wif new hats, two boxes of eolale te and a string of pearls" Boarder: "Ne--it was the chicken: "Good heavens, man! Ah it | » Perhaps a 3 Here is shown a reproduction of er, the Xarl of Durham London Bir Thomas Iawrence's "Red Boy," | paper suzgests a figure upward of now hanging in Xambton Castie | $1,000,600 had been offered. The 8 SU sale of Gainsborough's "Blue Boy™ England, which, according to cur-| ¢, ap American for $750,000 marks rent reports, might be sold to an | the highest price hitherto paid for American art collector by its own- | a portrait of the English school. NIPEC g WEST \ WiN o Wt tS Leaves Torontp 9.00 p.m, ET. daily Arrive Winnipeg 8.45 a.m. C.1 2 " .C.T.2nd d Connections at Winnipeg for all Western Point. 4 FQuIPMENT ; nit r Lib Buffet Car (Radio Equipped) ValetSevrice str, ¥ Car, Tourist Sleeping Car and Po dard Sle ping Information and reservations from / 1 of Canadian National anadian ational = Wdy-- plant a$ goof burns, .

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