Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 9 Jan 1930, p. 6

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Women's Interests in the Home --- and the Communit 1 i 8 : ~ Cleveland, Arnold, Auditors, { M. Jewel. "age of 87 years. tor over 40 years, an PAGE SiX ~ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 1930 ' SOCIAL and 7 PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Thomas. Ar- kona. DB are the guests of thoir daughter, P. A. Blackburn, 'King. "ik Mr. and Mrs, Gian have been resi- dents of Columbus for many years. The farm ne occupy at the present time was red by Mr. Grass's grandisther, who came to Canada a nited Empire Loyalist. \ th On Friday, December 27th, 1929, there g ered at the home of Mr, and Mrs§, Grass, of Chestnut aroye,' mia many frignds and relatives to join with them in cele- srating their silver wedding anniver- rary. A very enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Andrews, Margarét Street, on Sat- arday, January 3, when a number of relatives and Lends made a surprise he, it being the uctasion of Mrs. Andbew's birthday. The guests pre- sented her with a lovely silver: tray. The remainder of the evening was spent in games, singing and dancing. On the oceasion of their anniver- sary they were the recipients of many telegrams and calls from friends who wished to congratulate them. They also were presented with gifts of silver. The evening of their anniver- sary there gvas a very happy party. Among thc guests was Dr. James Moore, of Brooklin, who made a brief speech at the gathering. Other guests present were Miss Lena Lum- bers, Toronto, Mrs, Ralph Williams, Ohio, Mrs. Gilles$pi and son, Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs. Roy #rimm, Oshawa. Miss Ethyl Moore, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. James Cowle, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cowle, Oshawa. . WEDDINGS BARRAGER--McBRIEN "On Wednesday afternoon, Jan- ary 8, 1929, at 4 o'clock Martha Efleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John McBrien of North Oshawa, was quietly married to Blake G. Barrager, son of Mr. and Mt George Barrager of Toronto. 7... bride and groom were attended by Miss Gladys V. MeBrien and John E. Coughlin of Toronto, Tho cere- mony was performed by the Rev. F. J. Maxwell at the St. Andrew's manse, WCMEi'S MEETINGS | CANADIAN LEGION POST 43 The Ladies Auxiliary of the Cana- dian' Legion Post, 43, held their an nual election of officers on Tuesday evening. Comrades Wood and Bea- vig conducted the elections. Follow- ing arc the officets for 1930: Presi- dent, Comrade Foote; Ist viceresi- ueat Comrade Caunt; 2nd vice-presi- Sompade Buckley; Secretary, ( a L Armitage e; Treasurer, Com- rade cK, ies Comrades Clements, Jarvie, Dally, Wood, Cull ug, Huxtable, and Brown; Sick Com- aytted, Comtades Kirtley, Armitage, Avis, Gledill, Wilson, Beswick and i Mood. VICTORIA LODGE On Monday evening the officers of Victcria Lodge of the Loyal True es were. etalled by Mrs. Ina Foilest, DD.G.M. . The officers are as follcws: Mrs. Sarah Logeman, P. M., Mr. S. Wirzins, W.M.; Mrs, Liz- zie Short, D M.;: Mrs, Ina Follest, Ree. Scc.; Mr. s, "lan lyn, Fin, See. Mr, J. Gibson, Treas, Mrs. Blanche Foote, Chan.: Miss i si¢ Follest, D. of C.; Mrs. Dennis, Cond.; Mr-E. Qugh, LT.; Mr. McDonald, OT; Committee I. Hamivn, W. Short, Mrs. Alice "Shert, Mrs. Clark, Mrs Mrs. Hurst, Mr. Musician, Mr, Harry, Thorne. During the evehing, Mrs. Sarah Logemin was presevted wi her P A the close of the mert ing the members partook of a dainty funcheon. [oniruary DEATH OF MISS CHRISTI W. FRASER One of Whitby's videst and fu highly esteomed residents, in u person of Miss Christian W. Fraser passed away on Monday after hav- g been in falling health for some . She had reached the ripe Gillespi; The deceased was the third . daughter of the late Hugh Fraser, a pioneer Whitby merchant. She was a school teacher in. Whitby and numberea among her, are prom- "inent mén in all parts Bnd the United ti In Whitby today there are . several who received their early education at hor hands. Miss Fraser was the oldest member of All : Saints' Anglican Church, and in the first Communion held in that historic edifice she took an active part. For over 40 years she sang fn the choir, and even at her ad- vanced age she was a very faith. ful atwndant, She was devoted to the church and was one of its most loyal members. Miss Fraser had seen Whitby grow from a very small place and could recall many pupils 100 New Dresses just jut or. rived. New shades and | | home from dance, escorted by Lud- cost about $250 for the evening. TRAINING CLASSES MAY BE APPOINTED TO SENATE The photograph here shows Mrs. W. C. Kennedy, widow of the.late Minister of Railways, Hon. W. C. Kennedy, who, according to recent reports may be appointed to the incidents in connection with its! history. The nescny Church, tended. Crisall, quent funeral was held on Wea- afternoon in All Saints' and was very largely at The rgector, Rev, J. M. presided, and paid an elo- tribute to her faithfulness and zeal for the House of God. Many beautiful floral offerin~s were silent tributes of esteem from friends, Interment took place In the Union cemetery. Miss Strritor a niece, who has made "her Lu..e with Miss Fracer {or many years, has the sympathy of many citizens in the loss of a dear friend. COMING OUT BALL 13 COSTLY AFFAIR. Gate - Crashers Paradise. Says Well-Known Society Hostess London.--Mayfair fs not in the least surprised over the revelation made in a recent law case about the cost of a "coming out' ball for a girl in society. E For Mayfair knows how expen- sive such a ball can be----and it knows, too, how vital a part the "coming out" dance occupies in the life of the girl. rl's future often depends on the sdccess of this dance, For it {s the dance that gives her a re- cognized place in pociety. Romance the men she meets is the man whom There Among there. perhaps, she is destined to marry. is romance in these dances. A well-known soclety hostess put Mayfair point of view about these dances in a talk I had with her. "A successfd] 'coming out' bail," | she said, "gives a girl many inti- mate friends in Society and brings her the happiness that her parents wish for her. "Preparations are being made now for all the coming out dances next season. It is a time of worry and anxiety for the parents. "Even the modern girl of to- day---with all her independent views--1s always nervous when she thinks of the dance that will launch her into society. Those Gate Crashers "There is a tendency for these dances to become more and more aslaborate---which many deprecate. "A girl does not stand the same chance of getting an intimate cir- cle of friends when shé is sudden- ly confronted with a huge -roam filled with people--of whom one out of every six may be a gate- crasher. "A 'coming out' dance at a big hotel in the West End is usually a paradise, for a gate-crasher, be- cause it is known that the hostess dare not risk any unpleasant inci- dent." At "coming out" dances there fs usually a champagne supper, and if this is held at one of the big West End hotels the cost of this is about $7.50 per head-- with the champagne as a consider- able extra. A good band for the dancing will It is customary for the girl's parents to decide on a special scheme of decoration for this all- important dance. And it is not considered extrava- gance to spend $500 on flowers. Girls usyally follow the custom of wearing a dress' of ghimmering white fortheir "coming but" dance, This may cost $125 »r more-- and weeks are spent in choosing and fitting it. Miss Betty Kellogg, Chicago so- ciety girl, was injured when- auto- mobile in which' she (was riding ington Patton, son of wealthy Mil waukee man, was struck by train, Patton was 'siightly injured. es TR is ------New York, EXQUISITE LINES A smart modified Princess model you'll adore because of the wrapped movement of tiered flounce of skirt, that makes it so slimly flattering, The higher waistline indicated by Yorizontal tucks at either side is also a clever idea of detracting from width, The "flounce treatment appears again in scalloped 'sleeve flare. The youthtul bertha collar also shows smart scalloped edge. It is interpreted in black canton crepe with collar of deep shade ecru lace with jade green faille silk rib- bon bow, an exact copy of the Paris import, Style No. 115 is designed in sizes 16, 18, 20 years, 36, 38, 40 and 42 in-! ches bust, Bottle green faille silk crepe is ei- fective self-trimmed, Jacquard silk crepe in rust tomes is charming choice with collar of plain - crepe in blénding tone which appears again in sleeve flares, Patou's dahlia purple shade in flat silk crepe in wearable and captivat- ing idea. Orange-red flat silk crepe shows daring chic for youth and youthful type of woman, worn for afternoons and Sunday night accasions. Sheer metal cloth is irresistible in beige or green tones for afternoons, dinner wear or Sunday night §eca- sions. Pattern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). Wrap coin carefully, We suggest that when you send for pattern, you enclose 10 cents ad- ditional for a copy of our new Fas. hion Magazine, PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON fo The Oshawa BiSmeve Outly Tiss Potters a And (idiiarinionnsioniese CUBED Please send patterns listed Selow: wee size o size size Namp Aaa Fows Province pies: 3 Sents | ah, rap coin re -- AT SIMCOE ST. 5.5. {Classes Are Progressing With Keen Interest on Part of Pupils The Standard Training Classes continued at Simcoe Street Church, Tuesday and last evening with in- creasing enthusiasm on the part of those taking the courses, Although the enrolment has not increased since the first evening when 140 enrolled the leaders are not dis- couraged but rather highly encour- aged by the keen interest of the pupils, This year there is the largest number in the history of the Training Course , classes in Oshawa. who are taking the work in Yeal earnest and are preparing | to try the tests at the end of the week, Dr. Myers, who has been the teacher of 'Youth and Worship" J for the past three evenings stated last evening that the Oshawa School has displayed the best aver- age in the quality of their assign- | ments of any school he has ever visited. Beginning this evening Rev. Frank Langford of Toronto will take the classes formerly led by Dr. Myers. The sgipper was supplied yester- day by the ladies of King Street Church, RECIPES BREADED VEAL CHOPS Dip chops into bread crumbs then into beaten egg and again into crumbs put piece of butter on cach and place in tin with a little hot wa- ter and bake onc hour, Potatoes could be baked at the same time, al- so a pudding. STUFFED CCLERY Select medium sized stalks, allow ing only the light leaves to remain on. Clean stalks and Bll cavities with cream cheese" which has been mixed with chopped olives and min ced parsley. BANANA CREAM One cup of banana pulp, 2 table- spoons sugar, juice of one-half lemon, one jar heavy cream whipped, nuts, Put enough bananas through ricer to make one teup; add sugar and lemon juice. Beat well and add one jar heavy cream whipped, and a few chopped nuts. Serve in glasses with crushed nuts on top, SUNDAY NIGHT SALAD One of the easiest ways to provi le | Sunday might salad is to make a dish of gelatine, with plenty of nuts and fruits. If guests drop in, this kind of salad can be stretched indefinitely "After my baby was born | was very weak and ren-down. I was not able to do any heavy work but I had to be around on my feet all day. The strain proved too great and I vas real sick for about two months, My mother advised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I started sherbet | to take it. You should have seen the change in me. I am now well and strong and in good spirits. I have taken the Vegetable Conmpounidever since if I feel my energy lacking. 1 also take Liver Pills and I find them a wonderful help for constipation." --Mrs. James E. Robson, Box 693, Fernie, British Columbia. Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetahie Compoyn E Pinkham Med Bo Mayi uv nd Copeare OnlarionCihags Lye Lyan, FLUTES OF SILENCE Sometimes I thik the sweetest thing In all th world is 1 of night rain; and strong ath gnarled orchara er bees-- th he! of sum: me far ! 1, green play d Tilden, Chiffon tall Cashloned HOSIERY At ATKINS HOSIERY & | LINGERIE SHOP i ¥ " re " | Near Cor. King & Simcoe Po Sheer Aa le: 18 SIMCOE AT. SOURH | | HELPFUL HINTS | from ird's winter song, and for me. CRACKED DISHES If you boil cracked dishes in en- ough sweet milk to cover them for about 45 minutes, the cracks-almost invariably glue themselves together and become invisible, LACE. LAUNDERING Rinse choice lace in milk and iron with a piece of tissue paper directly over the lace and the iron not too hots WALLPAPER CRACKS Tear out a piece of wallpaper like that on the wall to patch wallpaper cracks, starch it well and use a cast- er to roll its edges smooth. Patches |. cut with scissors show the edges, but torn pieces do not. CLOTHES' CARE 1f you mend, clean and press party frocks each time after wearing be- fore you put them away in their [AYLMER] ll Aa LON sacks, they will last much longer and always be ready at a moment's no- tice. keyboards and a chime attachment is about to be put on the market. A new type of plano with two | we a time at hope that its price will for be prohibitive.- Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, least, FIANCE KILLED AS BRIDE-TO-BE SHOPS Boston, Jan, 8--Miss Esther -Ma- gee, ot St. John, N.B., was perhaps as happy as any woman in the City of Boston, She was busily engaged int hurrying about the city buying her trousseau and attending to all the lit- tle incidentals to. getting married, news boys crying extras, however, soon dispelled her happiness, It was from this source that she hrst learn- ed or the death of her hance, Arthur A. McGill, killed w.th four others in Lue tragic auplane accident at Boll. ng Field, Washington, McGill, a former resident of bi ookline, Mass, was prom.nent in iepupiican nauonal affairs and was aving in Washington winle engaged in diplomat.¢ work for the state de- yvartment. tie met Miss Magee last .ummer at a vacation camp near St. Joan. A warm friendship followed, culminating in, the announcement of their engagement, Miss Magee, who is a trained urse, spends her sumuiers in New urunowick and her wiaters in Hing- ham, Mass. Sue was: attending a reception and shower in her --_-- at the home of a friend. in Hingham, when she received a felegram from Mcuill stating that he had delayed +.8 departure trom Washington a day n order to, travel to Massachusetts airplane with sume friends, After ading the telegram she remarked, IL wish Arthur wouldn't come back by plane. I ought to send him a w.re and tell him not to risk the Vine following day she came into sston to finish her shopping, plan- ng to meet her fiance later that! vening and go to the theatre with aim. It was in the city that she learn- ed of his death, [#01 when synchronizing natal days at the Peralta honsehold in Angeles, daughter on the PURELY A FA} SELY ANF Old Man Stork carried a beak« s Los visiting mother . and same day, pre ating The photorrag prond mother alto ita Hollis, doors apart, and her « who lite only a few WW WEI, mtn JANUARY BARGAINS at The Rexall Stor es a new size. Perfume and Box of Face Powder all for ..,..... 40c FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SARGON TONIC $1.35 TABLETS 60c A getting rid of dandruff and hair. Reg. 75¢, in Empire Special ........ - FREE DELIVERY DURING Shari Perfume Let Him Enjoy His Lunch from & LUNCH KIT | | It always tastes drink. Complete with Bargain price Sharj -- Finest of powders appears in Introductory offer « BOc $1.00 40¢ THOMAS' ECLECTRIC OIL Bc VINOLIA CASTILE CAKES 8 for 25c¢ convenient way of stop falling Made 59¢ to STORE HOURS 8 am. to 11 p.m. PHONE 28 bottler WOODWARD'S 57¢ | SLOAN 'S LINIMENT ANADAS | with a hot SLI0 oA bottle $2.50 $2.50 $1.75 98¢c up CHASE'S 38c 60c 29¢c 49¢ BILLY BURKE CHOCOLATES Those delicious creamy candies with the pure chocolate 60c hand rolled coating. Pound .......... \ VT i Nn TE. DRL KANTLEAK " EAKPROOF SAMSON OTHERS KIDNEY PILLS HOUSEHOLD RUBBER GLOVES Buy a Guaranteed HOT WATER BOTTLE It Saves you Money In the End vented were used. chances plated light, FRENCH BALM Genuine, set i and giant tube Shaying Cream, value. Made in Empire Special .... SAVE WITH SAFETY AT YOUR Ju RY "nd LOV «LL when you purchase safety in a re- liable flashlight. complete == -~ And Be 8afe So many accidents occur in dark corns ers which might be pre- it a flashlight Don't take may Nickel $1.30 PINKHAM'S VEGETABLE COMPOUND $1.00 CAMERA SPECIAL 2A Hawkeye Camera Anyone can take good pictures with one Special Price. suseinss STAFF OF EIGHT GRADUATE DISPENSING PHARMACISTS $1.69 SHAVING CREAM AND BRUSH SPEC'AL bber Shaving Brush worth $1, Klenzo $1.50 98¢c - ------ a HA -- te ea

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