Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jan 1930, p. 7

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& THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 1930 4 : Elect . J. CARROLL ANDERSON ~ BA. LLB, to the BOARD OF EDUCATION He stands for: A drastic reduction in school expendi. tures without sacrificing the interests of Education, FAIRPLAY: To the various sections of the City when new schools are needed. FRANKNESS:; In giving the Public information in school matters THRIFT: To the Electors of Oshawa: Haying been - honored with, your confidence in the offices of Alderman, .Mayos, 'and. as member and chairman of the Board of Water Commis- . sioners from time to time during the past 15 years; and having been keenly interested in and actively' associated with the Hy- dro-Electric 'matter in Oshawa for a pier of | ears, | respect s0- . Beit wour He sa in- The introduction of the Penny Bank in | fluence in the present » wa Public Schools, . election of Public. Util- Wh a | | |i eo rere I _m oo ities Commissioners. : For Real Service and Sound Judgment on financial Interests for a Bigger and Better Oshawa and a Successful Year's Record, RE-ELECT IF. J. PERRY ALDERMAN South-East Ward No. 2 "A Workirig Man with the Working Men"' EAST WHITBI TWP, | 'NOMINEES SPEAK (Continued from Page 3) b * which had been killed by dogs, to the extent of almost one thousand dollars, "I believe that some of the far mers would rather have their sheep chewn up a bit by dogs than take _ proper care of them," the candi- date for council added. Westmount Problems Claiming that if elected he would act in the best interests of + north, south, east and west, Henry . Wilkens, of Westmount, urged the ratepayers to give him their sup- port. In the course of an enthus- {astic speech this candidate touched upon many of the problems facing Westmount including the building of a bridge across the creek to Louisa street. He believed that this should be done and accused the '"'sherchants of the four corn- ers" for blocking the project be- cause as he alleged they desired to keep all the business in that section. 3 Mr. Wilkens also spoke of the difficulty which faced children who resided on the north side of the Kingston road and had to cross the highway going to and from school. Their lives were endang- ered every day and their parents were kept in suspense, he claimed. One solution would be to build a subway from Gibbon street under the Kingston highway, the other to re-open the school on Park road north. Although many were anxi- pus to have this school opened he ECONOMY: To the Citizens of @shawa,-- A quarter of a century ago the then Town of Oshawa can- structed the :inost important of vrban services, namely, a Water Worl: System. The people of that time entruci:d the mana. mec: t and operation of this «yetem to a Board. of Water Commissioners which was then, and has continued to be, elected by the people of Osh- awa, I have had {"e honor. satis- faction and pleasure o! holding a place . the Water Com- mission for © ttian one-third of its total 1." und I have view ed with very cd :sideralle pride the very rapic. and healthy To the Electors of the City of Oshawa Your Votéand Influence Respectfully cited as Public Utilities Commissioner ; FOR 1930 It has been my privilege to serve _u for © * last seven years as Water Commis- sioner aud if elected will do my utmost to serve you faithfully. Warren : Dearborn REEVE East Whitby and Elect - Thos. Knox Re-Elect alleged that the school board had |! always evaded the issue and woyle give the ratepayers no satisfaction on the matter. Mr. Wilkens referred to the ex- John Ross growth of this greatest of Pub- lic Utilities during' the many voars of my office. When 1 first had the honor to represent the people on the Board, the reven- as Alderman in the Southeast Ward WISHING YOU ALL A PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Yours Respectfully, W. H. ROSS ues were not ifficient to pay the fixed charges and operating costs. The Town then had a popul. tion lezs than twelve thousand people, and the water revenues were oii. a' cit $70,- 000.00, whic' fell short of the requirements for fixed -harges » and «peratioy costs by several mz thousands of dollars each rear. The business ¢f tho Commis- Geo. L. Opposed to Aldermanic Salaries Opposed to Police Build- ing on Present Site S-- RE-ELECT ~ ALDERMAN PETER 'MACDONALD The North East Ward - Safe Sane and Progressive Civic Administration sion has, I thi k, bee: most ef- ficiently and carefully managed with the absolute elimination of all unnecessary expcnse apd without salar. ¢ honorarium of gny dort to the Commissionc:s. Plant "nd ¢ Lion economics have been .verywhere practised to the limit .ut allowing the plant or service 'o suffer, with t' ov view to the placing f the business of the Commission on a real sou 1 business basis. Each year tinco 1922, the Com- mission has shown .n iancreas- ing surplus «° revenues over expenditures on fixed and op- erating charges. The Commis- sion has been able, and has taken no little satisfaction put of being able, t, repay the City the monies advanced previous to 1922 to meet the deficits of the water system - 4 at ths same | time the plant has been im perience he had gained in municis hitby town council. During the . [o> he was there, he pointed out, ot - » i rompefent. engineer to look after East Whitby | all road and engineering work, as- 1 cated the appointment of an éngin- . eer for the township, claiming that reat deal of money. s The speaker commented that he a Sunday school in North Oshawa and also one on Gibbon street. He on the ground that he would "give fair play to all. ed its appyeciation for the speeches of the candidates by hearty ap- with the National Anthem. VOTE ul affairs while servihg on the Reeve he town council had appointed a sessment and collection. He advo. |fee. it would save the municipality a had been instrumental in building asked the electors to support him After the audience had express- plause, the meeting was concluded And Elect Alderman 1casurably mnrroved largély | out of revenues . and . without a n i -- -- = " addition to t 'funded debt. S E Ww d N 2 ! - -- Many changes and additions 13 || Az =), EL. vara No. Be ons Lend To The Electors of The North West Ward ly reduced operating costs. This + has been an important factor in Your vote and influence are respectfully the earning of a str" tantial solicited by Angus C. Cameron has been give: to the City er-h who served this city faithfully and well for ES ELECT AS ALDERMAN In the Northwest Ward Robert KEEL Good Sound Sensible Adminis- tration with an expenditure in keeping with the city's progress. Resident in the Ward for 12 Years = == year for the past ~avcrs! s ars 'o reduca the Taxes of the Iti. zens «. Oshawa, This last yezr ...> business of the Commission was found to be In a sufficiently healthy state to permit of a reduction in water rates amounting to about $15,000.00 a year, or about 10 per cent. of the total revenue, At the same time the improved and efficient plant additions which were largely paid for out of revenue, will doubtless be a very important factor in the im- mediate reduction of fire insur- ance rates, I think the people of Osh- awa were very Wise and far. sighted when they 80. over. whelmingly voted for the pur- chase of the local Electric and jas Systems from the Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario, and determined that ; the plants so purchased should % " Frank L. Mason Works Systers and the whole placed in the hands of a Public _._ Voting Monday, January 6, 1930 10AM. TO7P. M. Tl : During the re-adjustment | ll and re-arrangemient of our Public Utilities a careful ad- ministration is necessary. : | §| Having served the Munici-| | | twenty years, * capacities, D. B. Carlyle §' pality in many To The Board of Education For The Year of 1930 He stands for a more progressive and prosperous Oshawa, with an economical 3 o and business like administration of the city's affairs. i solicited for -- es RT, : , your vote and influence are! Utilities Commission, It is needless to enlarge on the importance of tha Public Utilities Comiuission now to be constituted, - hich will be re. sponsible for the conduct of the' combined affairs of the Water Works, the Electric Services and the Gag system. The combined value of the plants will repre- sent a sum of about $2,150,000: the Water V' rks Plant being worth nearly $1,600.00, the Electric System about $375,000, and the Sas Plant about $275, 000. Each Cor 'nigsioner musi accept gravo repsonsibilities . and must be prepared to give Re-elect . . AllinF. Annis and without hope or desire of Trustee * To the Electors of the . . North West Ward Sed EBERT CREAR TLS SEER D | CLIFFORD HARMAN Ur B.A. Brown North West Ward . | (141 Simeoe St. S.) Owing to illness in my. family, it will be im- . possible for me to so- Local Physician "| lict personally and ° Seeking Election to . Board of Education v remuneration \_ 'her than that peculiar feeling of satisfaction, which I have : "ways felt during the period of , servizo to the neople, as 1 amber of the Water Commission, Thanking you for your vots and continued - 'idence, Yor... "ully, JAMES C, FOWLDS. * mT NOTICE TO CANDIDATES The rate for election ad- |vertising in The ' Oshawa Daily Times is 70c a column inch per insertion, ap. plies to 'all candidates whether having commercial display contracts or not. nt a sot on "To Complete Technical | School Plans Phones 4 or 2609) _ take this method of 'asking 'the voters of 'the ward for their sup- port in re-electing me to the 1930 Coungil of ™ Oshawa,

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