Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jan 1930, p. 5

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es sh NI GU ERI TINGE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4 4, 19% PACE FIVE "Get the Habic* Come to Sunday yorship King Street United Church | REV. CHAS, E. CRAGG, M.A. B.D, Bostlince Phone 218 Centre St. United Church REV. W. FP, FLETCHER, Sunday Services In The Oshawa Churches B.A, 0.D. Church ne 1851F pe Sunday, January 5 Unity Truth Centre 10 a.m.~Class Service, 6.45 p.m.--Song Service, 7 p.m.-- 11 a.m.--""Man with the Measuring Rod" A Statement for Thanksgiving will be Presented 11.30 a.m. -- Junior Church -- Mrs, Cragg in Charge. 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Bible Classes. "The Unavoidable Christ" - Worship of Unity Truth Centre will be held in Welch's Parlors to~ morrow. Communion Service 1} am, -- "The Chal- lenge of the Difficult" 2.30--Sunday Schooi. 7.00 p.m. Abounding"' a Standard School every night during the week from 6.30 to 9 p.m. in-Simcoe Street, * 5% Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Evangelist Fleeman, of Toronto, will be in ehar_2 of services at Oshawa Pentecostal Holiness Church tomorrow. ® % ¥ Grace Lu..cran Rev. A. C. Hahn, the pastor, will conduct the services of Grace Lutheran Church, Suwulay. . "Ever Both Services with New Year's Outlook Will Every Member Try and Be Present at 11 a.m. STRANGERS CORDIALLY INVITED Come Once and You Will Come ie Agtin St. ee 's =. Church Of T he hry; United Church of Canada Rev. F. J. Maxwell, Minister, Miss P, Fletcher, Assistant 11 a.m. SUBJECT: "ON THE THRESHOLD" 3 RE. SUNDAY SCHOOL : Bible Class -- Mr. M. McIntyre Hood 7 p.m. "FORGING AHEAD" "We with Grateful Hearts would gather To begin the Year with Praise." p.m, -- Evening Wor- Evangelist Fleeman of Toronto will preach at both Services, Tuesday--§ service, : Wednesday, 8 pm-- Young Peuple's Meeting, Friday, s v.m.--Rible Study, United Church, .. W ree Methodist Regular services of worship of the Free Methodist Church will be held on Cunday with the pastor, O h Rev, R. L, Casemeat in charge, shawa ia» Christian Science Pentecostal "God" will be the discussion . subject at the regular service of HolinessChurch |i ¥irst churen of Christ Scientist n Sunda 811 Celina Strect on Bday; * % % Mr. G. Legge in Charge Holy Trinity Anglican 10 a.m.--Sunday Seliool, | Rev. 8, C. Jarrett, incumbent, 11 a.m. --Morning Wor- will be in charge of the regular ship. services of Holy Trinity Anglicar Church tomorrow, » * x North Simcoe Street United Rev. A, M. Irwin, tho pastor, will be in charge of both morning and evening services at North Simcoe Street U uted Church oa Sunday. p.m, Praycr ¥ % %x Simcoe Street United Rev. F. L. Lawson, Ph, B,, will Come and enjoy these bright .assist the pastor Rev, E, Harston, Services With Us. at the morning service of Simcoe | Street United Church. In . the evéning the pastor will preach on THE CHRISTIAN'S HERITAGE | "Footmen and Horses." "Let us therefore give diligently to "58 enter into that rest, that none (of Christ Church Anglican vs) fall after the same example of Holy Communion will be cele- disobedience." (Hebrews 4:11). brated at the morning service of "I'is years since we started to follow | Christ Anglean Church on Sun- the Lord, day. Rev. R. B. Patterson will he And declare by in charge of both services. saved. wy... Yet year Knox Presbyterian | In the Communion ser~ice will be held grave, at Knox Presbyterian Church to- morrow morning. The pastor Rev. Duncan Munroe will be in charge and in the evening will preach on His grace we are a struggle the after year was wilderness place of We are tired of fleshpots and garlic, And the people who dwell at ns ALBERT ST. IE CHURCH |... REV. S. C. MOORE, B.A., B.D,, Minister Special New Year Messages and Music 11 a.m. --"Farewell 1929 -- Forward in 1930" 2.30 p.m.--Sunday School and Eirra Bible Class. 7 p.m. -- Popular Song Service. Question for the New Year" Mr. Moore will preach Morning and Evening Everyonn Warmly Welcomed shrine. We have gone to upland country, Where they eat the sweet fruit of | St. Andrew's United the vine. "On the Threshold" will be the sermon by the pastor. Rev. F. J. Maxwell at the morning service of aan, St. Andrew's Un.'ed Church, Sun- day. In tho evening the pastor will preach on a special New Year's. subject "Forging Ahead." "The Beginning of the Road." Ww Ee % in that country called Can- With never a wish to return, lo cat the sweet mamma from Hea- + Nel, Which satisfies all who go in, be observed. Bt. 's The regular crervices of St. George's Anglican Church are being held Sunday with the rec- tor, - Canon' C, R, dePencler in charge, * % = Pentecostal Assembly Special New Year's services will be held at Pentecostal Assembly Church, Toronto, tomorrow. In the morning the pastcr Rev. J, T. Ball wlll preach on "How to Make the New Year a Suctoss" while in the evening his sermon will be "Redeeming the Time. ¥ » Albert Street United Special New Year messages and music will feature the services of Albert Street United Church to- morrqw, Rev. 8. C. Moore will be in charge and hi. morning subject will be "Farewell 1929--Forward 1930" while In the evening he will preach on "An Old Question for the New Year." A popular seng service will also be held. * % » Calvary Baptist Churc) At Calvary Baptist Church, Ath- ol street west, on Sunday, Rev, Al- bert Hughes will preach at both gervices. In the morning his s.4- ject will be a text for the New Year. In the evening. he will speak on " The Wonders of the Cross." ing service the Lord's Supper ¥ * Centre St: _~t United "The Challenge of the Difficult" will be the subject of the pastor, Rev. W. P, Fletcher at the morn- ing service of Centre Street United Church, Sunday. In the cvening he will preach on 'Ever Abounding." Holy Communion will be observed fn the morning PE a King Street United "Man with the Measuring Rod" will be the subject of the sermon by the pastor, Rev, C. E. Cragg, at the morning service of King Street United Church, Sunday. In the evening the pastor will preach n. "The Unavoidable Christ." Ser- vice throughout the day will have bearing on the new year. . LJ LJ First Baptist 1s there any real value in the holding of a week of prayer? If so what is it? In view of the ob- servance of a weck of prayer by the churches of the city from 6th to 10th January. Rev. Aubrey W. Small will discuss the above ques- tions at First Baptist: Church on Sunday morning. I'o enter the rest that remaineth Let us hasten and leave all and go. And cease all the struggling and striving, For Jesus through, Subj.- -- "An Old Of all the vain motions of ind that men indulge regret is probably one of the vainest and least useful, can lead us right When into the land which we go to| That a passing feeling of regret tor Christ Church (ANGLICAN) Cor, Hillcroft and Mary Sts. Rev. R. B, Patterson, M.A. incumbent, 503 Masson Si. 2.30 p.m. -- Sunday School. 7.00 p.m. -- Evensong. Christian Science First Church of Christ, Scientist, 64 Colborne Street East Sunday, January 5 "GOD" * Morning Service at 11 am. Wednesday Meeting, 8 p.m. Including testimonies of Healing ough Christian Science. thiovs 'are cordially invited to attend the services and to make' use of the Free Public Reading Room where the Biule and all B thot Christian Science literature may be |g read, borrowed or purchased' and periodicals subscribed for, Open on Taesdays. 8. Thursdays and Saturdays trom 2 to 6 pm. Unity Truth Centre WELCH PARLORS, King 8t. W. 10 a.m. -- Sunday Schoc) 1t am, Morning Ser some of the things we do or for possess, soine of the things that we miss is The giants of Anak appear, inevitable with all reasonably-mind- ed people we would have to admit. But a passing feeling of regret is one thing; anything hke.a cherishing of a mood of regretfulness is quite another -thing, The year has just a- bout gone from us. As the last few hours of it tickthemselves away they pass from us just a little regretfully. that they should do so is scarcely our fault, fof we canmot quite pre- vent it, But we can prevent anything like an orgy of regretting, which scems to be the way that some peo- ple feel they should pass the closifig] hours of the dying year. It is a foolish exercise, none the better be- cause some people think it to be a pious one. It will not greatly help next year to be better and more satisfactory to spend a great deal of time regret- ting the failures and misfortunes of the past one, Tor regret is such a negative sort of thing that i ho good can ever come of it until one gets quite out of the mood of it. Re- gret over an unsatisfactory past might serve some useful purpose if it would lead at once to some very strong purposing and rededication for the. future, but often: we spend so much time and energy regretting our failures and confessing our sins that we have little left for what should We will do as they did at Jericho old: By faith give a shout and a cheer, 'KNOX Presbyterian Church Simcoe Street North and Brock Street Rev. Duncan Munroe 34 Brock St, W, Phone 2354 And as we pass on through our Can- aan 'Mid the. beauties that come to faith's sight, We look for' a still better country, The City which never hath night. Toronto. W. BRACK., CREE SYLLABIC HYMN BOOK NEEDS TO BE PRINTED Singing at night by the camp fire and carrying their hymn books ev- erywhere, the Cree Indians of north- ern Manitoba missions have worn out their copies of the latest edition or the Cree syllabic hymn book, which |. Sunday, January s 11 am, -- Communion Service. 3 p.m.~--Sunday School and Bible Class, 7 p.m.--""The Beginning of the Road" Mon. 8 p.m. -- Young People's. Wed. 8 p.m.--Mid Week Service First Baptist Church King St, East REV. AUBREY W, SMALL 18 Aberdeen Street 11 a.m, The Better Things of God come after. Such confessing of sins, that is notling more than pious re- gretting, can have nothing very wholesome or helpful in it; indeed it may have a very fruitful sced of evil in it." Mighty purposing and strenuous resolve for the future must follow any regret that may stir in our hearts over the past before any- thing at all can happen, and even then our repentance has only begun to work out its fruits of righteous- ness. Life lpesn't grow better and stronger for any one of us just by merely wishing that it might, a0 matter how piously or sincerely we may so wish. Making next year greatly better than last year has Lbeen will prove to be a strenuous and taxing business for which any one of us will need strength and courage and patience and wisdom of very high quality, and the coming into our lives of more of that Divine Spirit that girds men for finer things. The word for today, there- fore, this opening day of another year, must not have very much of a tinging of regret or sadness to it; rather must it be a strong word of forward-looking ambition and cour- age' and loyalty to all those things which are true and honorable and of good report. Leaving the dead past to bury its dead, we will turn our faces bravely toward the future: the future which will ever be -r- der the hand of our God, and in which He has a purpose of better things for every one of us, "When Two Shall CHURCHES HELPING LEAST Agree" TO ASSIMILATE FARMERS The immigrant farmer whom Dr. E. D, Brunner has studied for the Institute of Social and Religious fe- search, came to America for no "re- ligious freedom," but to "better them- selves." They want~land ownership, in fact, they have attained it in a large degree, and they cling to their land with a greater tenacity than does the older stock. In one colony of foreigners in a State in which 45 per cent, of the old American stock 1s 'made up of renters, these foreigu- ers own their land in more than 20 per cent. of the cases. In spite of the isolation of country life, in spite of the tendency of the immigrant to go to a lonely place and to form colonies, "tore than 3 p.m. Sunday School 7 pan "The Call to Higher Service" Mon. 8,00 pm. -- B.Y.P.U. Wednesday -- Prayer Meet will be combined with the Joint Prayer Services at Simcoe St. United Church. / WELCOME TO ALL GRACE Lutheran Church MASONIC BUILDING SUNDAY, JANUARY 6. 9.30 a.m, Sunday School 10.30 a.m, Morning Wor- ship. $ Rev. A. C, Hahn 132 Alice Street ALL ARE CORDIALLY WELCOME two-thirds of them are progressing wlong a charted course toward 1 complete assimiliation into the life of rural America," This' social pro- cess is brought about by economic forces, by the public schools, by the adherence of immigrants 'to various | ! political parties, and least of all by the churches. It is in religion that they are least affected. is printed in the kind of shorthand type that was invented by the 'pion- eer Wesleyan missionary, Rev. James Evans. There is need for a new supply of the hymn book and a new edition is being printed for dis- Nibutiey to the missions at an early ate, 'The Salvation Army 1 Simcoe & Oak 7 p.m.~=Memorial Service of the late Mrs. T. Coull. 11 a.m.~Holiness Service. 3.13--Praise Meeting. 10 am, and 2 p.m~Sunday School. Wednesday next, 8 pan. Major and Mrs, H. Ritchie Songster, BISHOP REPLIES T0 CRITICS IN ARTICLE Explains Attitude Regarding Reservation of -Sacra- ment by Clergy London, Jan, 4.~The Bishop of St. Edmundsbury and Ipswich writ ing in. a parish magazine says: -- "Barly in 1929 I received letters from a number of clergy deprecating the approval I gave to the use of most of the revised Prayer Book on the ground that the book was unau- thorized, These clergy claimed the right to practise continuous reserva- tion of the sacrament and deprecat- ed individual action by the bishop declaring that it was not reasonable to'ask a"priest to surrender a par ticle of practices for which there was cognizance ard. sanction of one of my predecessors. "In reply I pointed out that their protest amounted to a claim that a parish priest had a right to do what a bishop was not allowed to ap- prove. I then stated that, if any in. cumbent was satisfied that permission to reserve had been given by a for- mer bishop of the diocese and if con: ditions required that tho book of SIMCOE . ~ Cana LL.B. 52 Simcoe St. S. Church Office, Bagot St. At the close of the morn- | will This is a Happy gressive, Church. A Hea 3000000000000 C UNITED--CHURCH OsH AWA The oy of Friendship Rev. Ernest Harston DOOOOOOO0000 | | D00000000000000000C DOOOOO000000 DO DC DO0000000000000000 DOOO0O0COO00000CO00S 0s All the Churches Bid You a Hearty Welcome DOO0000000 11 A. M. Rev. F. L. Lawson STREE" I da Class. Phone 148 Phone 3128 Pro- Friendly rty Welcome Awaits You. GOOD SINGING FINE FELLOWSHIP HELPFUL SERVICE The CTY Ph. B. SP. M TEE SUNDAY SCHOOL We have a Splendid Young Men's Young Man -- You are Invited. 6.45 P. M, SONG SERVICE N Tr M Footmen & Horses Minister will Preach . \ | -- What Others Say THE JOY OF GIVING Editor, Oshawa Daily Times: -- SIF v= It is more blessed to give than to receive. 1 wonder if a single individ ual of the relatively small group who recently contributed to reneve and increase happiness, doubts accuracy of that statement? Givin 15s Godlike, and we are assured that God loves a cheerful giver. happy and generous givers known to the writer are those who make it a rule to contribute for religious and benevolent objects a definite propor- | tion, not less than one tenth, of] their incomes. As prosperity increas | es, giving grows. Such contributors may be regarded as partners of God and partnership with Him is a glor- ious business, On this subject a few words from that great Christian statesman and financier the late Wil- liam E. Gladstone are well worth 1 quoting. They occur in a letter to his son, then a young man at col- lege. "Especially is it wise to devote a certain portion of our means to pur- poses of charity and religion. 'Lhe greatest advantage of making a little tund of this kind is, that when we are asked to give, competition 1s not between self on the one hand and charity on the other, but be- tweeh the different objects of reli gion and charity, among which we ought to make careful choice, It is desirable that the tcath of our means be dedicated to God, and it tends to bring a blessing on the rest. No one can tell the richness of the blessings that come to those who thus honor the Lord with their sub- stance." What a happy year 1930 would be to all bearing the Master's name if they made and adhered to the resolve that during the next twelve months they would devote not less than one tenth of their incomes for the pro- motion of His work. How splendid- ly church debts and mission deficits would disappear, and how gloriously the Kingdom of God would be ad- vanced. Proportionate Giver, 1928 he observed, the case was one in which it would be proper to grant permission, If the 1928 book had passed, and an undertaking given that "reservation of the sacrament would be used for the sole purpose of communicating by the sick under the conditions laid down, although not at liberty to give definite per- mission (and my wish is that the practice be discontinued for the pre- sent) reservation, if comunuad, would not be disapproved by me, I now state that I am prepared to act on these lines and not otherwise" Charles Elkins, legal secretary to the Bishop of Birmingham, Right Rev, Dr. Barnes, has accepted ser vice of a writ issued at tha instance of the trustees of St. Alban's Church, Birmingham, for an order of the court that Rev. G. D. Simmonds be inducted to the living. Bishop Barnes announces that he will not enter a defence as the order which the trustees are seeking is one that he could not obey even if ijt were i Mr, Si ds had re- fused to pledge himself against us- ing services such as the benediction, exposition, devotions and procession of the Host, CANADIAN JEWISH FUND BUYS LAND IN PALESTINE According to the Western Jewish News of Winnipeg, work has begun on land at Wadi Hawarit in the Sharon valley, purchased for the Jewish national fund by Canadiay Jewry. A number of delays in initiat- ing the work ha occurred hecause of the refusal of the Arab tenants and the former owner to vacate the need the |}! The most | CALVARY BAPTIST Gospel Centre Athol St. West--North Side Rev. will preach at both scrvices | 11 am~--"A TEXT FOR | THE NEW YEAR" 7 pm, -- "THE WONDERS i OF THE CROSS." { 3 p.m. = Sunday School. observed at the close of the morning service. ; | [, The Lord's Supper will be [i | | Wednesday and Saturday at | 8 pam, -- Prayer an Praise Mecting. Albert Hughes | Pentecostal Assembly ROTARY CLUB BLDG., Centre St. Rev. J. T. Ball Sunday, January 5 10 a.m.--Sunday School 11 am --"How to Make the New Year a Suc- cess." 7 pm. -- the Time" Good Singing "Redeeming Th Message for You. ° property. Free Methodist | f CHURCH in Canada (Over Arcade) | 10 SIMCOE ST. N. Sunday, January 5 [i 2 p.m, --Sunday School. | 3 p.m. -- Preaching Ser- i vice. Rev. R. L, Casement, Pastor {li Cordial Welcome AMERICAN LUTHERANS TAKE GERMAN MISSION As the result of long negotiations the mission field established by the Hermannsburg missionary society in the Madras Presidency of India will be transferred permanently to the American joint synod of Ohio which {has served the field since 1920. Es- tablished in 1868, the Hermannsbury field in India had become a powerful factor in foreign missions when the World War made cordial relation- ships between the German society and the British government of In- dia impossible." The joint synod of Ohio was already interested in and supporting a portion of the Her- mannsburg work when the impasse occurred, It was natural that this orphaned mission should find a foster mother in the' American body. In 1921 an agreement of transfer was reached between the joint synod and the Hermannsburg society, following which the two major parties disa- greed concerning the final disposi- tion of the field. AGAIN WHO WON THE WAR? Lord Fisher was beyond all rea- sonable dispute the greatest man who has served in the British navy since the days of Nelson, In many respects he was a much abler man than Nelson, and if in his prime he had had.an 'opportunity of demonstrating in actual warfare on the sea his extraordinary per- sonal efficiency and powers of lead- ership it is more than possible that tho utlimate fame would have ec- lipsed that of his hero, But he liv- ed too long and came most promin« ently before the public eye when his judgment had begun to wane and the garrulous personal conceit of an old man had begun to take the place of that intensely virile and comparatively silent self-con- fidence which had enabled him al- most single-handed to overcome [n= tenso conservatism of the navy'and remodel it from top to bottom into an effective instrument of modern naval warfare. More properly than any other single 'nan in Burope of America, he might claim by his prevision to have the war against Germany. United Church | Rev. A. MANSELL IRWIN, J B.A., B.D., Pastor i 39 Greta St. 'Phone 3263W The Pastor will Preach Morning and Evening Sunday School «= 2 p.m, and 3 p.m. Special Young People's Service Monday, 8 p.m, = Social Evening. CORDIAL WELCOME St. George's ANGLICAN Cor. Bagot and Centre Sts. CANON C. R. dePENCIER, M.A. 89 Athol Street West 8 a.m. -- Holy Communion, 11 a.m.--Morning Prayer Sunday Schoel Centre St.- 2.30 p.m. 7 pm. -- Evensovz Baptisms 2nd Sundey each month, HOLY TRINITY CHURCH Corner Court and Barrie Sts, REV. S.C, JARRETT Ingumbent 30 Fairbanks St. 8 am. -- Holy Com. | munion, 11 am. -- Matins Sermon. 3 p.m.--Sunday School. 7 p.m. -- Evensong and Sermon, and CHRISTADELPHIAN THE HEAVEN AND THE EARTH" -- Gen, 1:1, During 1930 (if the Lord tarry) read the God's purpose with the Earth. and man, Read 2 Tim: 3:16, 17; Ecc, 12, 13; Psalm 19, - RA R-- lr "IN THE BEGINNING GOD CREATED Bible daily and learn the truth concerning =

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