Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 4 Jan 1930, p. 9

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TT -- THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, SATURDAY, JANUARY 4, 1930. Interesting Pen Impres- sions of the Coming Attractions on ... THE LOCAL SCREEN Who's Who & What's What in the Amuse- ment World rs ---- ce -- ---- | | PRE-SHOWING OF . | "WELCOME DANGER" The Regent Theatre man-, agement held a pre-showing of Harold Lloyd in "Welcome Danger" this morning and the (first talkie of Harold Lloyd proved to be a laugh from start to finish, Man- uger Osler is well pleased with thq sound effects and is glad to be able to present this comedy to his patrons so soon after its release, Crowd- ed houses are expected for both matinees and evening performances. Demand For Realism | Almost Kills Star Holt's Plane "Crashes While Making Death-Defying | Scene for "Flight" Director Yrank R. Capra's demand for realism in "Flight," th I-talk- ing aviation film comin, thy New ' Took Active Part in Preparation of Story Harry Conn, | vice-r sident of Colu.abia Pictures Corpora- tion, is one of the few execu- tives in the motion pi..ure in- Maitin 'theatre, almost/cost We liv:s of Jack Holt, featured p's, and hig pilot, n one sequence Capra demanded that the airplane shots be made from a certain angle that would clearly show the rough topography of the Nicaraguan country. A space wis chosen, There was insufhcient room to make a safe landing or take-off Lacn ascent and descent was hazard- ous, The pilot of i... plane in whi n Holt was flying was ordered to make @ landing here. Although the pilot descended cautiously at a reduced speed, the speed was too great ro negotiate the landing safely, In an attempt to avoid a grove of t.ecs, the pilot looped over nto a larranca, Outside of a few bruises, neither the pot nor Holt were injured, The plane was smashed, but did uot catch tire, 'Ihe lanuing was made' at the extreme far ei. of the roughust section of the site. As there were no real roads, it took nearly half an hour for men and trucks to get to the spot where tiz® plane crashed... When director Fran. Capra arrived on the scene, he ex- pected to see Holt and the pilot 2i- ther killed outright or seriously iu- jured. He was happy to find only an injured plane, This little escapade did not pre- vent Capra from making scenes that involved just as much danger. "Flight" is crammed full of death- defying and thrilling situations, Jack Holt, Lila Lec and Ralph Graves play the lcadng roles. ENTERPRISING FARMER dustry who allows his directors a hand in the arrangement of Wh. stories which they will di- rect, Frank R. Capra, who uirected "Flight," tle Colum- bia all-talking film on aviation | MANY ATTEND NOMINATIONS Napanee.~The' all-important" ques- | son of the proposed Hydio Elesisic | purchase brought together the larg wauich comes to the New Max- best audience Rich get) attended we n Theatre .n Monday, tok |. municipal nomjnation meeting, in Nu- an active part in the prepara- I pance in some years tion of the story of this pic: |! Years, ture which re-unites Jack Holt, || Ralph Graves and Frank R. || Capra, the triumvirate that made "Submarine." Lila Lee plays the leading feminine role in this production, CHANGES ON FERRIES Cobourg.~--Mr. James Fraser, who | has been purser on Steamer Ontario ling to Toronto, Charles Gill, who has been as jrant purser on Steamer Ontario has been promoted i« ) | purser on a r Ontario No. TAUNTON TOPICS MERCHANT SUES TOWN Taunton, Jan, 1.--The teacher and! Cobourg.--~This week a writ for pupils of Maxwell's school arc en- damages was issued against, the cor- joying their Cur.stmas holidays. Miss | oration of the town by one of the Bishop is visiting with her parents| yorchants on King street, due during the holidays, | the fact that his cellar was flooded The Christmas tree concert which| po ooeon of the King street sewer was held at the school on Dra | back ing ups and': dapnsing. cools evening, Dec. 20th, was a decided | of, d in the cellar last wee 4 success, A fairly large crowd attend: : ed and all were yell pleased with the | f way the pupils and a few ex-pupils rendered the programme. Much credit is due the teacher for a very enjoyable evening, ¥ The Zion Ladies' Association will] hold their first meeting for the New Year at the home of Mrs. Harold Gifford on Wednesday January the eighth, The meeting is in charge of | Mesdames Gifford, Short and Arnott. All the ladies of the community are cordially invited and a good attend ance is hoped for. Many family dinner parties were | held in this vicinity on Christmas| Day. The regular yearly school mecting was held at the school on Thursday evening. Mr. Ha Id Gifford wis new trusice apnointed. RK. By a little experience in personally seeking out a market in which to dispose of his surplus garden stuff, J. W. Freeland, a farmer near Grande Prairie, Alberta, was able to dispose of two carloads of potatoes and other vegetables for $216. All of the stuff was produced on less than five acres of land. Mr, Freeland's farm of 160) Quite a number from this neigh acres was bought some years ago for |borhood attendec the nominatio Jest than $500.00. To-day it is valued | meeting at Columbus on Monday at almos an wit ca Fost $5 an acre. JUNIOR WHOOPEE {| "Now, If you promise to stop "Happiness in life ds usuatly found | eryin' an' be 3 good boy, I'll taka | Careld Lloyd avd Barbars Kent in by the man who is Tooking for some. | you down town to see tho acel- [the all talking comedy "Welcome | thing else." ~<Henry Ford, | dents."--Dublin Opinion. anger" At the Régeht today, aw! I'm Talking to You Now you hear, as weli as sec, the inimitable Lloyd talents! It's a revelation in langh-a-minute, thrill-mystery, fomantic-comedy you'll laugh about and talk about Jor years. HAROLD LLOYD Welcome Danger. Nhen You See It ! WW If You . Enjoy A good laugh,* big thrills, action Jillcd TOMANCC~= You'. A hundred brand new mirth - provoking ideas make Lloyd's comic ac- tion far funnier. If you never see another picture don't miss this one! It's entertainment plus! POSITIVELY THREE DAYS ONLY Today - Monday - Tuesday The World's Greatest Comedian Invites you to his first alls' talking, thrilling, laughing, loving fun fest. === | come Danger" SEE and HEAR Him ! i No. 2, has resi ied front the Ontario | | Car Ferry Co, seryice, and is return- | | | | | | Harold Lloyd who will be scen in "Welcome Danger' at starting today. Lloyd's Newest is His First Film in All- Talking Picture IMMIGRANT BECOMES FIN. ANCE MINISTER D unning, who has be- Cndbiins Spends Many Months in Mastering New | Technique of Audilibility A of the late Hon, J. im England 25 years mesteader in SN vears later he be- | Pia [1g crated fro "A few a year a dire ctor in the After an absence of nearly | and a half, Harold Lloyd is return- ing to the screen, making the occa- | sion an' spicions owe hy presents ling his first all-talking. picture, "Wel at the Regent theatre came { Grain tion, and a oI the Lo-0pera- years after | Year { today, | # The comedian spent many month { mastering the new screen technique {and in "Welcome Danger" is said t¢ Fhayve developed what will prove the fastest production shown since the | advent of talking pictures, He has Movie Crew Builds Airport In Seven Days | the" Chump, gerd of Corgi flying freld at San Diego, or ONG SHOTS AND CLOSE UPS FLICKERS FROM FILMDOM AND GOSSIP OF THE SCREEN A GENERAL REVIEW OF SCREEN ACTIVITIES In the "flight," the all=talking picture epic of the air coming to the New Mar- tin Theatre on Monday it 'was neces- sary 10 have a flying field in a loca- | tion between two mountains, so #i- | tuated as to 1 taking "off and | landing most Soh d Although the location was found, | an inspection of the terrain made the | task of constructing a field almost impossible, The rocks, boulders, un- | dulating ground, barrancas, dry riv- | cr beds, broken ground and high | The combination responsible for what many critics believe is best talking picture yet produced, "The Last of Mrs. Cheyney," has been mustered together again for "The High Road," Broadway comedy sinash of last season, The first Vitaphone pictures to reach the public from Warner Bros, in 1930 will be Dolores Costello in "Second Choice" and John Barry | more in "General Cragk." These have both been listed for pre-lease in January, according to an announcement made by Sam Morris, Vice-President, ---------------- the Regent i Minister of Finance in | ¢ Robb, | ago, | A S askatchewan | tropical weeds stumped the movie crew. But, Director Frank R, Capra | was not ready to give in yct, More than 10,000,000 gandlspower was used in lighting the tec! n icolor scenes in "Hit the Deck," Radio Pictures' lavish musical comed Two hundred and twenty five werc| Never before had such an arr: Wy of giant lights been used Yor, a motic set to work with the advice and help | "picture scenc at the RKO studios, The effect of this clectrical display of experts from the United States | 150 ne the outstanding features of thepicture, Jae k Qakic ar Mariné Flying Base at San Dicgo.|{ Polly alker are co- featured in this nautical roman | tractors, trucks and equipment wer f put to use and in seven working day that stretch of impossible ground {had been leveled off, Over a millior of Wi 1ed for featured Louise Fazenda and Lucien Littlefield have been ~-Charles Far els in "High Society Blues" thenext Janet, Gayn picture, which will be directed by David Butler. The production is a rallons of water were used to 'wet adaptation of Saturday Lvening Post story by Dana Burnet and wil } bin the fii, An eighty foot bar] be made as a musical romance with musi ley and McCart | ranca was" completely filled in and Marion Shilling bas been signed i fa to p! 7 the lead | covered over for a distance of more role of Katusha in their musical version of "Resurrectic which is 1 {than 100 fect. A corral flying bas being filmed under the direction of Phil Goldstone Shill | for officers and -* habitation for the played the lead in "Lord Byron of Broadway" and the ingenue and 'members of the "Flight" 1 "Wise Girls." cast were erected. Ten days after! Director Frank R. Capra had selceted | the site, the field was completely wired and Jack HH: lt and Ralph Gray were working on the thrill- | ing cquences of the film, Lila Lee he leading fe nunine role COLUMBUS BRIEFS rel b | crew EH) Distillers' Rye Grains EE ey | Columbus, Yoo TIME and Mr anley Dennis from Oshawa, sg Sunday at Mr. John Lambert Mrs. Fred Heddor th Oils, are Mo Tor winter months. Mrs. E. McKenzie and Grandsor Jack Trumble, spent Christmas week with relatives in Toronto, 1 Mr, Wm. Ward is spending a fey days with Mr, and Mrs, Fred Gils it Toronto Mrs. P., Stone clamwes for three mic . and Mrs, Thos. Cook, Lobt, Sutherland, spent with Mr at Osh t Nesbitt Mich, and Mrs. H. IL. Wallace S at Orono wit Hayes el A 23 per cent Protein Dairy Feed that is a real buy for the Dairyman at Special Price $3 Cooper-Smith Co. Phone 8 and the Kenn cd to nto for after visit- | uths Mi is home , and Per Ton Xussel 's Day and Mi koe A Pollard i Mrs. Fred Wilson's Voy Henry Wilson Sunday 16 Celina St., Oshawa "Most criminal laws are enacted to nce. the convenience rather than the conscience of society." Lewis 1 Lewis. | not deviated from the old method of | producing his comedies, maintainin all the speed and action of his past successes, but adding sound and dia- | logue as good measure entertaiu- | ment, Many of the sgenes of "Welkom 1 | | Danger' are laid in San Francisco's | underground Chinatown, 'and come | bine action, romance, and mystery! with a whirlwind series of laugh epi- | sodes, Lloyd is one of the last of the premiere actors of the silent screen | to yield to talking pictures, holding out against the new art until he wa horoughly convinced of its merit Once sold on dialogue and sound, however, he plunged into the work of using it to the fullest degree, in the building up of his comedy, and the result is that "Welcome Danger" is hailed as one of the greatest tri. umphs of his lone picture career. new leading lady is presented by Lloyd, Barbara Kent, who is a sure fire screen partner for the bes spectacled comedian. She has an excellent voice and her performance in "Welcome Danger" is said te stamp her for picture progress, a -------------- VESSEL TONNAGE OUTRUT IN INCREASES ' | Future Picepedia of i - | try in United States [i } | Bright New York, Jan, 2.-~The Marine .ngineering and Shipping Age, trade publication, in an article in its January issue says that the amount of vsesel tonnage built in the' United ..ates in © 1920 ex- coeded the 1028 output by 22.8 per cent, The future prospects, based on { the faet that the velume of Dbusi- ness on hand at shipyards oxceeds that already delivered and that lanes and specifications are being { Prepared for 61 passenger and TI Bo vessels, 0:9 more encourag- 'ng, the articio pk than at any | time #ince the VZorid War, The 51 All-Talking Drama of the "You' ll See and Hear It Next Week Here New Martin Theatre Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday Planes zooming, darting and sweeping through the clouds in thrilling battle for. mations, tailspins, loop - the - loops, Immelman turns, parachute leaps, hazardous land. ings. The Picture That Started Where "Wings" left off 'Coming to Oshawa ivect from tHe "UPTOWN?" Theatre Toronto JACK HOL Who plays the Leading Role in the Picture Supported by an All Star Cast vessels in contemplation are mainly | tor carrying medls to foreign coun | (ries, under the Jones-White bill | of 1028. In add. 'Jn, the _rticle points out | thot plang for ut 1 ast 120 other vessels of yarious types, to be used in. coastwise, Intercoastal or. har- Daredevils of the air! | Fox News - 'Other Added Attractions! Cartoon Comedy "MERRY DWARFS" bor service, are eing developed. ; S-------------- MATINEES Young people aren't as quiet as the young people of olden days us- ed to be, but neither ave the old people~Galt Reporter, DAILY -- REGULAR PRICES

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