« Some i PAGE | PAGE EIGHT a ani bP Ferg BS Ge THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1930 (OSHAWA CURLERS HAVE BIG DAY -- R. GAY WINS GUN CLUB SHOOT oronto Maple Leafs Win Rugged Montreal Maroons 5-3 Toronto's Youthful Forward Line Plays Well -- "Ace", Bailey Scores Two -- A' Little Fistic Entertainment Is Added Toronto, Jan. 2.--It looks as If t might be a Happy New Year for the Maple Leafs. They certainl; started it in a most impressive wa; before a capacity = crowd at the Arena Gardens last night by de- feating the rugged Montreal Mar- oons by 5 to 3. The Leafs gave the Maroons warning that they are going to be dangerous contenders for a play-&ff berth, and, though the Montrealers are some points ahead of them, the victory last night brought the Smythe men to within ong point ef tying the Ot- tawa Senators for third place, It was one of games which the oons usually indulge in here, was not as rough as some previous ones, but jt was packed with thrills, most continuous roar, customers were not visiting players they the officials and agement to the giving one performance, When the | "razzin were booing houting 'encour Leafs, who were of their real battling | Altogether, it was a | all present, | als earned the victory by | 1g their opponents in a brilliant and speedy display of hoc- key in the opening. perid, They left the at the first intermission with a two-goal lead, 'and Mar-| cons never quite caught up to | them, The Montrealers had a slight advantage in the midway frame, when the Leafs drew too many penalties, but in the final session | the visitors were kept off the score sheet. and the Leafs restoreq the 'gin that they gathered in the yt twenty minutes of play, Juiley earned two points on] , but Cotton, Blaly and Prim-| got as many on assists, Jacks son also got a pair of points on a! [i an assist, The feature of | was the work of the ex-| oro stare, Jackson and Con- acher worked well with Primeaa! and they provided some of hte | best attacking plays of the game, | Bailey was also good and Blair's! s exhibition of stick handling and puck-hogging during the shor 't- | handed wis clever and! much by the specta- | tors. ons appreciated In Action Again Cotton, returning to the oa after. a lay-off with a leg injury, | was not as spectacular as usual, but he was always a threat, Pet- tinger's playing was also a pleas- ing feature of the Leafs' attack | and he deserved a point or two, t Rous). failing to figute yn any of | the tallies, The defense worked well, with Smith performing bet- | ter than usual' and Horner and ' Day also contributing their share, Duncan was used freely and was | f at his best, Dune launching a stinging attack and | handing out a telling bodycheck | He worked hard, and gave Chabot bad moments while Jeading | hie toam=mates to the Toronto net. However, Manager Munro is not as | tricky in rounding the defénse as he used to be. and his drives were Jusually headed into the corner. Dutton was also less prominent on ----" $25.00 ' ! Scotland Woollen Mills S. ROTISH, Manager CR Sa Teilor-made yi lose exciting | Leafs and Mar-| It | and kept the fans in an al-| the | | rest use, | tail-enders in the International Hoc- Munro is still capable of | see 4roit Olympics in an overtime In- Game From I the attack than he usually is here, I'he Maroons looked a trifle weak on the dfecnse, and the speedy | Leafs stepped around them easily at times, "Flat" Wash made many fine saves, -but looked a trifle slow on clearing, He did not look as good us Lorne Chabot, who. played a fine game In the Toronto met. Chabot made several sensational stops in the last period, when the Maroons appeared to have him beaten, | There was a desultory display of program-throwing directed at the officials in the final period, the game to clear the ice. Toronto~~Goal, Chabot; defense, Duncan and Smith; centre, Prim- eau; right wing, Conacher; left wing, Jackson; subs, Blajr, Bailey, Cotton, Cox, Day, Horne? and Pet- tinger, Montreal-----Goal, Walsh; defense, Munro and Dutton; centre, Stew- art; right wing, W. N, Phillips; left wing, Seibert; subs, Wilcox Ward, 'Trottier, M. J, Phillips, Northeott, Trottier and Robinson. Officlals--George Mallinson and Harry Batstone, Victorias Defeat Young Rangers|c Toronto, Jan, 2--Victorias drew up on even terms with Young Rangers for sccond place in the group stand- ing when they defeated them by 6 to 2 in an OHA. junior fixture at the Arena Gardens Tuesday night. The Victorias were much better than Edward Wildey's youngsters on the night's play and deserved the victo The game was not a particula y fast nor interesting one. After a goalless first period during which the Vies had a big margin of the play the "break" came, Young Rangers faltering badly in the bidway ses. sion alter Moore had opened the scoring for Victorias, A five-minute penalty td Stewart of Young Rang- ers for throwing his stick to avert a tally cost his team dearly, Stewart had barely scated hinsclf in the pens alty box when Dann drew another and Victorias had a two-man re, which they put to good >» Roals were scored before the Yo ung Rangers were at full strength again, and Victorias had a Jes 1d which proved too great to over- me ' advar | MILLIONAIRES LOSE AGAIN ° Toronto, Jan. 2-Niagara Falls, key League standing, closed the 1929 hockey season here Tuesday night by defeating Toronto Millionaires 2tol, The result places the Cataracts on even terms in the standing with the Jocals, both teams having won two games and lost fourteen, The contest was a listless affair during the first two frames. In the final session, however, the teams warmed up to their work and the DAng or three goals broke the mon otony of bad passing and shooting which 1m: red the carly play. LONDON WINS GOOD GAMB London, Jan. 2.--Londoir last night turned what appeared to be certain defeat into a smart victory in the most spectacular hockey same of the year, the locals gain- ing a 3 to 1 verdict over the De- ternational Hockey League game = aan before a crowd = of more than 3,000 spectators at the Lon- don Arena. With only one minute | to go, and the Olympics leading by la one-goal marein. Johnny Sor. rell tied the score, while in the overtime session zoals by Jen Grosvenor and Eddie Rodden clinched the victory. CRASHING 4 OF STOCKS AND "HEAR1S 2 --= EPISODE -- 2 i ory ACE OF . SCOTLAND Talking Serial but it was not necessary to stop | Canadian Champions 3+ 1929 oe TRACK AND FIELD Men 100 yards--Ralph Adams, Hamilton 220 yards~--Ralph Adams Hamilton, 440 yards--Ray Lewin Hamilton, 880 'yards--Phil ards, Hamil- ton, One mile--Bdward King, Hamil- ton. Five-mile Hamilton, 120-yard hurdles--A, Cobourg. One- mite relay--Hamilton Olympic Club, Jump--Chester Running broad Smith, Toronto, Rumning high jump--Gordon Smal- lacombe, Toronto, Pole vault--Victor Pickard, Hamif- ton, 16-1b, Toronto. 16-1b, hammer throw=-Robert Gill, Vancouver, Throwing discus--Archie Stewart, Toronto, Javelin throw--Doral Pilling, Cal gary, Alta, Women 0 yards--Myrtle A. Cook, Mont- real. 0 metres--Myrtle A, Cook, Mont- real, 220 yards--Dallas Creamer, Toron- to. 00 yards "low Bell, Toronto, 440 yard walk--Pauline Steinburg, Montreal. 440 yard relay--Parkdale Ladies' A. >» Toronto, 'Running prod, Phinney, Halifax, Runnin high Coulson, Toronto, Shot-put--Alice Allison, Torongo. Javelin throw--Florence Bell, Vor- onto, Discus throw=-Hagzel Conacher, To. run--Harold Webster, Ravensdale, shot put---Archic Stewart, hurdles--Florence jump--Gertrude Nhu Caistante ronto, Baseball throw--Florence Bell, To- ronto, XING Flyweight -- BO Ne Mathieson, Central Y.M.CA, Toronto, Bantamweight -- Bobby Crothers, Sarnia, Featherweight -- Harold Stewart, Montreal, pl tweight-uJolinny Wilson, Win- A erweight -- Angus McLeod, Fort William, Middleweight -- Harry Sacks, St. Agnes A. C,, Toronto. Light-heavyweight -- Not contest- Heavyweight -- Joseph Kenora, WRESTLING Bantamweight = James Trifunoy, Regina, Sask. Sathtrweight---J ohn Reho, Regi ask. Lightweight = Harold Thomas, Montreal, Welterweight -- Bjorn Winnipeg. Middleweight--Not contested, Light-heavyweight--Not contested. Heavyweight--Hans Linborg, Port Arthur, Garrow, Johnson, BADMINTON Men's singles--Jack Pureell, uuelph. Runner-up--J. E, Underhill, vy ancouyer, Runner-up--J. E. Underhill, Van- couver, Ladies' single~Mrs. E. F. Coke, Toronto, - Runner-up--Miss Ellen George, Vancouver, Men's doubles--J, G. Muir and N, Radford, Vancouver, . Runners-up -- J. T. Purcell and Dr, Cramer, Guelph. Ladies' doubles--Miss E. George and Miss Millener, Vancouver. Run- ners-up--=Mrs. E. F, Coke and Mrs, C.-A. Boone, Toronto, Mixed - doubles--Miss E. George and J, E, Underhill, Vancouver, Run ners-up--~Mr., and Mrs, J. G. Muir, vancouver, TENNIS Men's open . singles--Dr. Wright, Montreal, Men's open doubles--Dr, Wright and Willard F. Montreal, Ladies' open singles--Miss Olive Wade, Toronto, > Juniro ladies' singles=Miss Olive Wade--Torento, Ladies'. open- doubles=Mrs, O. E, Gray and Miss Olive Wade, Toron- to. J. A Lh A Crocker; : ROWING Senior 140-pound ecights--Leander R.C,, Hamilton. High school fours, 1 mile--Hamil- ton Cl, Quarter-mile dash~]. Durnan, Don R. C,, Toronto, Junior 150-pound fours, with coxs- wain--Toronto Argonauts. High school eights, 1 Lachine. Senior chan.pionship singles--Jack Guest, Toronto Argonauts, Senior 140-pound fours=-Don. R.C, Toronto, Senior 140-pound singles, 'special-- Ww. Reed, oronto Argonauts. Senior 150-pound fours--=Don R.C., Toronto. - Senior doubles--Richardson Mackay, Winnipeg. Senior fours--Penn, R.C, Philadel 150-pound Side R.C,, Buffalo, LACROSSE Oshawa General Motors. WN BOWLING R. W. Graham and C. J. Wallage, Park Club, J. Wallage CRICKET Toronto Cricket 2b XT. mile and cights--\Vest * Hamilton Tigers, . C oC Montreal CN.R. BASKETBALL New Westminster, HOCKE Port. Arthur, CURLING Winnipeg Strathconas. ------ Woo many 'marty for money and PORT SNAPSHOT feat to take home with then sharpshooters, > \ dustrial Hockey League, Bowmanville Juniors Win Yesterday afternoon, on a sheet of icc that was prohibitive to fast hockey, the Bowmanville Juniors gave the Whitby team a 2 to 1 de- The the second period and Whitby got their lone tally in the final spasm, Long for Whitby, and Piper and Brown of Bow manville, were the By Gzo., Camrsrry, Sports Editor Russel Gay Wins Shoot At the annual New Year's Day shoot of the Oshawa Gun Club, held yesterday morning at the local range, Russel Gay was the win- ner with a hice score of 22 out of a as successful as some that have been held, who were out turned in some nice scores. * " possible 25. The shoot was not but the fifteen marksmen » » «> home team got their counters in LJ LJ Up to the Industrial Association We have Vo ded that the item which appeared in Monday's is- sue of Snapshots, with referenke to arrangements between the Arena Management and the City Industrial Hockey League gave an entirely wrong view of the situation, which we hasten to correct, are that three weeks ago the Arena manager met with the officials of the City Industrial Hockey League, and discussed with them the terms' on which they could have use of the Arena for the league's games. The Arena manager made a proposition to the league, stating the low- est possible gaurantee that could be accepted, of the league have been unable to see their way clear to accept this proposition, and for that reason, lave not been able to make their arrangements for use of the artificial ke arena for the season, would appear to be up to the City Industrial Hockey League to make every effort to secure the financial guarantees necessary to accept the terms offered by the Arena management, since The Times has been assured that these terms constitute a considerable concession to the In- The facts So far, the officials It ml k With Stone And Broom AMONG OSHAWA CURLERS ee The Oshawa Curling Club bad a big day.yesterday and the rink re- sounded with the crys of encour- agement and advice of the curlers from morning till night. Practic- ally all the rinks were used and everybody enjoyed themselves, The ice was perfect. Charles Peacock, who is presi- dent of the Guelph club, was cutl- ing with his old friends practically all day. The President's rinks defeated the Vice-President's by a 'small margin. The following is the list of results, Presigom ft] Hare 4 Bailes Peacock Fishleigh E. Hare , 11 . EB. Ellis .. 8 Henderson 4 , C.- Lander 14 Michael 12 LE a a p TOTTI Vice-President F. L. Mason . 9 I. R. Luke 0 PJ. Balles 0 D. M. Hal} . 19 A. Lambert 10 C. Anderson 10 J. H. Cooper 18 I, Dobney 10 . A. Browne , 13 . Flintoff . 10 W. H, Ross ..10 ©. Detenbeck 7. A. Barton .. Total 119 Total .. 113 The club welcomed four new members from Bowmanville, These four men will he known as the Bowmanville rink: W. R. Strike, A. Campbell, C. E, Rehder, W. L Ylliott, STECHER DEFEATS STASIAK Boston, Jan. 2.--~Joe Stec former heavyweight wrestling t holder, defeated Stanle Poland here last night by gaininr two of the three falls. He won the first in 7 minutes with his favorite body scissars, and the third in 15 minutes with a flying tackle. Stasiak took fhe secona fall with a body slam. 'HI-HAWKS LOSE IN OVERTIMr Chicago, Jan. 2.--Les Canadiens from Montreal went into the lead of the international group cham- pionship race of the National Hoc- key Leagye last night by defeating the Chicago Black Hawks, 3 to 2, in an overtime game at Chicago Itadlum before 12,000 spectators The victory gave the flying French. men a grip on first place with 22 points. HAMILTON DEFEATS LONDON Hamilton, Ont, Jan. 2---London Panthers suffered a 4 to 1 setback here Tuesddy night when Bernice Morris and his hirelings outskated, outclassed and outscored the invad- ers in all three periods. The tilt attracted only a small erowd. but the faithful were rewarded, as the game was the hest professional cffort wit- nessed here 'this season, DISTINGUISHED CITIZEN Visitor--Who is that man you spoke to so politely? I saw sever- al people take off their hats to him 1 2; 9 7 0 Resident--That man? Why, he's one.of our early settlers, Visitor--Early settlers, Why, he can't be more than 40 years old: Residont--That's true, he pays month. OFFICERS INSTALLED -- Port Hope--A1 unique and beautiful ceremony took placd In tho Masoni¢ rooms here Friday ev. ening when the « Tic 1 of Ontario Lodge No, 26, AF. & AN, and Hope Lodge No. 114 AF. & AM, wore installed and invested into their respective . hairs. The in. stallation took place béfore a'large number of Past Masters of both lodges, "Now, my man, I hope you are not afraid of work," said the kind old' lady. to the tramp who has asked for alms "Not a bit, lady, l never takes any repent at leisure.--~Bandon Sun, notice of it)" staslak of | his bills promptly the first of the | HOCKEY RESULTS Hockey games played yesterduy resulted as follows: National League laple leafs .5 Montreal ee. 3 Joston 65 Americans ... 2 .Capadiens .. é Chicago x--Overtime, * International League London ... 3 Detroit cee, x10 minutes overtime, Canadian League Kitchener ... 7 Galt x---10 minutes overtime, Brantford at Guelph postponed. O.H.A. Senior B Galt at Preston postponed, Milverton ....' 2 Wellesley «ss 0 O.H.A. Junior Bowmanville 3 Whitby wees: 1 Stratford 5 Kitchener .. 2 Dunnville 'at Port Dover postponed St, Mary's at Exeter postponed, Kitchener Leaguc Senlor xWaterloo 1 Kuntz Kayos x--10 minvies overtime, Junior «Silverwoods 0 Ioehlers .. 2-10 minutes overtime, U.S. College Yale ........ 8 Michigan Dartmouth .. 4 Princeton New Brunswick League qt. John Beav. 4 Moncton At. 1 American Association St. Paul .... 0 Tulsa win: "ansas City . 1 Minneapolis -p Duluth ..... 3 St. Jouls 2 x--10. minutes overtime, Thonder Bay League Fort William 2 Port Arthur Southern New Brunswick MABEX ..m 8 Wredericton . 2 Exh ition Te apn "Bay com 4 ob po -- 1 7 " 0 1 varrle 3 nanonne . OLD SORTRY SOCCER RESULTS ENGLISH YVAGUE First Division Blackburn R, 7 Middlesbrough © Rolton Wdrs. 7 Huddersfield 1 Manchester Clty 3 Sheffield W, ? "heffield U. 4 West Ham Utd, 2? Sunderland ..3_ Burnley ..... second Division : Barnsley ....1 Chelsea ....: % | Bury Blackpool! ....1 Charlton Ath. Wverhmtn, W. 0 Oldham At; 5 W. Brom. Albion 0 SCOTTISH LEAGUE Alrdrisonians | 4 Falkirk .o.000 Ayr United . Queen's Park . -b Celtic Rangers . Cowdenbeath ' Dundee Utd. Dundee .... 0 Aberdeen Hearts ......1 Hibernians ...1 Motherwell ,.5 Hamilton Ae, 1 Patrick Thistle 3 Clyde ......8 St. Johnstone 1 Morton ......1 St. Mirren ..3 Kilmarnock ...1 RIVERS CHANGE COURSE The study of aerial photographs by officials of the Surveys Bureau of the Department of the Interior has disclosed many rivers that have changed their course in compara- tively recent times, a stime {s cal- culated in its relation to geological facts. This information opens up many interesting possibilities for diversion Of one stream into an- other or for the concentrations of hoad for power development. This is only one ol the ways in which aerial surveying is contributing to the development of the Dominion. WATERFOWL oF BL ISLAND n a 0 2 - Fl Blk 'Island national park is the province of Alberta, which is reached by mot # car about 29 miles from Edmonton, has become a sanctuary for many kinds of wa~ teg-fowl and upland gamo birds. The pgrk provides excellent shelter and natural breeding grounds. Wild duck and geese, blue herons, and sharp-t-iled and ruffed grouse have apparently discovered that within this area they are safe from destruction, de In Baltimore, six stitches have been successfully put in a wounded heart. This should bring renew- ed hope to mitten recipients, --- Brantford Expositor, oe FTIR Tg " om | by o CES | O.H.A. Bulletin Owing to the death of Percy Green 19-year-old Kaledonia player, who succuinbed to injuries received in an OHA. intermediate game at Cayuga, Monday night, a few hours after the accident happened, the Simcoe-at- Caledonia fixtare scheduled Jor Fri- n postpone day night has, een Posty With the Peterboro rink not being available, the Oshawa-at-Peter- boro' junior game will be playzd later in the season, For the same reason, the Fergus-at-Guelph game has been postponed, Lama The Port Hope-at-Oshawa - junior fixture poh Ji scheduled to be played at Whitby Friday has becn called off, the mild. weather making it impossible to have the ice ready for that night, The Ingersol-at-Paris Intermediate game listed to be played Jan, 10 will be played Jan, 8 by agreement of the two clubs concerned, Orangeville juniors will play at Brampton Jan. 22 instead of Jan, 20, as originally scheduled, ---- r J The schedule for 'intermediate group No, 14 (A section) has been revised as follows: Jan, 3--Bracebridge at Gravenhurst. Jan, 6=Gravenhurst at Bracebridge. Jan, 10--Bracebridge at Gravenhurst. Jan, 13--Gravenhurst at Bracebridge. Jan, 17--Bracebridge at Gravenhurst, Extra games if necessary. Jan, 20~Gravenhurst at Bracebridge Jan, 24--Bracebridge at Gravenhurst Stratford Jrs. Defeat Kitchener Stzatjord, Jan, 2.~Stratford"s pow- erful junior O.H.A. team took Kitch- ener into camp here last night by a score of 5 to 2, - and incidentally chalked vy its third straight victory n as ma.y starts. The contest last night was scheduled as the feature of the season, Kitchener basing look- cd upon as the aggregation to beat sor the group title, The visitors put up a battle all the ay through, but they succumbed to the brilliant short-passing game dis- played by the Midgets' flashy little forward lire of Gillardi, Silverthorne and Kaufman. This trie of juniors, two of them former North Bay Trap- ners have played brilliant hockey so far this scason and local fans arc "ailing them as another "Morenz, Carson and Kelterburn" combination : "And is there any- ar Salesma w you about this ng else J ¢ she model 2" Young Lady: "Ye how to turn on the rar gets cold" s, please show radiator if we Boston Team Equa. Record Boston, Jan, 2--~The Boston Bru- ins gained their eleventh consecutive victory, equalling the National Hoc- key League record, here last night by upsetting the New York Amers- cans 5 to' 2 in a fast gamefilled with thrilling open play. The victory was the world champ- ions' sixteenth this season, and their string of comsecutive wins tied the remarkable streak which Les Can- adiens set up two ycars ago, Kitchener Defeats Galt Kitchener, Jan, 2-4The Kitchener Flying Dutchmen opened the mney year with a yictory here last Bu after suffering four consecutive de- feats, when they downed the Jeague- leading Galt Terriggs by a 7-t0-5 score in overtime, after a hard-bat- tling game which more resembled 2 Donnybrook than a hockey match, atlhough the play was fast practical- ly throughout, Three fistic encount- ers occurred during the melee, result ing in six major penaltits being me- ted out by Referee Sandy Little, Lickley of Galt drawing a pair a $a result of mitt-slinging exhibitions in the third period and overtime. Al together 21 penalties were handed out, and there might have been morc | for bath teams carried their sti high "all night. BULLDOGS DEFEAT DETROIT OLYMPICS | Detroit, Jan. 2=Playing with only | four spares and without Emms their | star forward, the Windsor Bull Dogs outskated and outpassed the Detroit | Olympizs Tuesday night to win 3 2, The victory ppts the Bull Dogs into a tie with the Buffalo Bisons, for first place in the International Hockey League, The winners rushed the Oly off their feet in the first period and | utilizing a three-man offensive that the home boys couldn't stop, tallicd two goals, S, Brown and Carson made the scores. Carson on an anklc cutter that no goaler could have stop ped, FORT WILLIAM 2, PORT ARTHUR, 1 Fort William, aJn. 2--Fort Wil- 'iam took the New Year's game frHm Port Arthur yesterday aitgrnoon by a score of 2 to 1, Playing on their own ice, the Fort William team put up a splendid game, Manahan, Hou- ston and Milbgan making a strong forward Mne. Fer the visitors the two veterans, Frank Maquoil and Phat Wilson, were conspicuous and Norman Friday played an excellent forward game. my ice fcovered from | cketed |Rangers - 1 | 3 » Senaiors - 1 New York, Jan, 2--The New York Rangers and Ottawa Senators play- ed overtime 'Lucsday night to a tie 1-1 in the last National Hockey League game of 1929, 'Fhe one point added to the Ranger total by the deadlock gave them a tie with the Chicago bBlacke Hawks for sccond piace mn the American group, Bill Cook and Hee Kiliea, stu wingmen of the two teams, scored the only § goals of the long, hard bat- tle, Cook put the Rangers alicad in. the first five minutes of the game while Kilrea tied the count early in the sccond period, For the rest of the game the defenses "of the two ' teams proved far superior to the carefully planned attack Each tried to pass its way into posi tion for the winning goal, only to find-a defensive player ready to take the puck or to block the regeiver out |, of the play. Frank y and Alex Smith, Ot- tawa's defense aces, were the omt- standing players of the game, Both played the full time and took a larg: part in the offense as well as in the regular roles, Bun Cook, barely re- illness 'which kept him out of the first Ranger- Ottawa game on Saturday, was an important cog in the Ranger defense, while Paul Thompson also played a fien game, |CAPABLANCA STILL DS TOURNAMENT CKEY RESULTS " ¥ Hastings, Eng., Jan, 2.--Five games from the sixth round and one from the fifth were decided in the premier international chess tournament at the Town Hall yes- terday. Capablanca of Cuba re- tained his lead by drawing with Maroczy of Hungary. Sir George Thomas and Yates of England and Dr. Vidmar of Jugoslavia are bra- in second place Maroczy scored his sixth draw, The sum- (mary: Sixth round. Board 1--Winter, feated Miss Menchik, moves, Board feated Price, Board 3---Capablanca, drew with Maroezy, Hungary, 18 moves, Board 4---Sergeant, lost to Vidmar, Jugoslavia, moves, Board drew with moves, Adjourned Miss Menchik moves, Fngland, de- Russia, in 3 2 --Yates, England, de- England. in 61 moves, Cuba, ' in England, in £0 'Thomas, Jakaes, Austria, England, in 12 game (fifth round), lefeated Yates in 68 A fly no bigger than a bee has been recorded tc do £15 miles per hour, | guaranteed. ~ Carnation Brand Fine Creamery BUTTER The flavor of butter depends upon its freshness. Butter pur- chased At Arnold's Market comes to you with Hs freshness Due §7 2-85 Be Convinced Every Arnold and anxious to serve you courteously and well--offering Groceries, Fruits, Fish and Vegetables, In fact, everything for your table. Convince yourself today by sdoing your week-end shopping at your ldcal Arnold's Market. ' Cottage Brand Chuck Roast Rump Roast Sirloin Roast Market employee is eager : 3 z z you highest quality Meats, \ i z b. 24. 1b. 22¢ 1b. 25¢ Ib. 32¢ Smoke Singapore Pineapple 2 nu 256 a .£ Palmolive Soap 3 me 21 Small Pkg. LUX : 3 for 2c Choice Hallowi Dates Aylmer Fancy Crosby Corn Sime Carrots Delmonte Spinach Bulk Seedless Raisins . 2 w= 2D¢ Good Size Prunes awry Custard Dinner Blend Coffee Post's Bran Flakes Millionaire Country 'Club Summum ARNOLD Sardines Libby's Dill Pickles Chocolates i: 98¢ 'S ALL.CANADIAN MARKETSu 2 ms 25¢ 15¢ Fresh Shoulder Mild Cured 5.19. d Picnics IP MEALED Cottage Roll wm. 27. Butt Roast Pork Homemade Sausage 1b. 19¢ 1b. 28¢ Pork ». 23. 2 w25e 18: Smielts 2 bs. 27 "Dye 45: 2m 2c 16-02, Tin 1b. Choice Atlantic Fresh and . Smoked Fresh Fillets English Kippers «mm 23e Herring FISH 1b. 30¢ 1b. 26¢ Now in Season 2 hs. 23¢ 16 25¢ "escina Cal. Carrots ....2 bunches 17¢ Iceberg Lettuce ......2 for 17¢ rene pounds 27¢S Grape Fruit .......4 for 2Tc =inach 27¢ | [I] ll Lemons ..... .....