Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 2 Jan 1930, p. 12

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athe ate st a wei 2 ERR 9 0% a THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 2, 1930 Vhich Plan Is Best For Oshawa's Future ?, * * 'of Various Civic Departments "© RICHMOND STREET FIRE HALL NOILVIS do110d PRINCE STREET SIMCOE STREET OHdiIH KING STREET Juv, CT. MAG. OFFICE {IOONIS This rough map shows the present location of varie ous city's departments, including proposed, loca. tion of new $50,000 JAAYLS METCALFE STREET police station on Prince ALFE A Street. CITY OFFICES Above-=t'ocmplete view of pros cost of entire scheme estimated at | drawings together with complete | piecemeal, decentralizing plan fposed city hall, facing on Metalic 50,0000 which would be finan- | blue prints of elevation and floor | such as the building of a separate "street and Memorial Park, with po- | ced by the sale of debentures re- | plans, were prepared by Thomson | police station on Prince street lice station and fire hall in rear, | payable in 30 years. Below--Front | & Johnson, architects. © The Times | weuld involve. In the meantime a Five mi on Bagot street. An alterna- | view of proposed fire hall. and | believes this entire scheme should | fafyr measure of relief could be tive plan places both units en Met- | police station, the relation of | be kept prominently before the | given at small cost. 2s explained Hecalfe street taking in the property | which to the proposed city hall is | ratepayers -and shonld = not be peditorially In this issue of The Sup to the Masonic Temple. Total | shown in the above picture. These | abandoned or shelved for any | Times. ees . ---- ete ee ec ee ee ett Ste tt A A th ttt et amous Anniversaries Will |i oii on [TRG Feng | TL ! Be Celebrated During 1930 HEED BE | A eal 5 SEVENTY-TWO ( hier, Chic stice of ( oo A. B. Routhier, Chicf Justice of Qu Rev lgnace Botts a ------------ IE 1904-00, and author of "0 Cane | ne 24--Charters of Montreal r. 24-~Wolscley ' and ilitary ve. 28--Gire; ; ar hi N oO ' lieutenant-governor of | ada"; June 29--General elections | : {| Ke +9 Aug. 24--~Wolscley mi Dec. 28--Great fire at Yarmouth, N.jappointed lieutenant-govery eral le : , ' BO Oo oe (atspended. in 18%) Ter Morce arrived at Fort Garry; pt. IS.;: Dec. 28--Sir-Josgph kson re | Manitoba; Oct. 20--Hugh John Mac-| Manitoba sustained Norris (LL ; B a E : . A oF 1 ! ) tore ly A ni Jritannia eal . Be Archibald sifhed as general manager of Grand | donald resigned thé Premiership of | eral) government; J i - 1 / A stor Ju 4 Po narde: x WE | All of the Victims of Scottish Sinstalled in Manitoba; Scpt. 16--}Trunk Railway. Manitoba and was suecceded by R.|bert Borden resigned t prenuer- : : Ps Ant write: Tow. : ; . Alexander Boyd I sworn as first Pre- " ' P..Robbin; Nov. 7 Generdl elections] s + July 8<Hon: 1.. A. Taschercan 4 July 18); July 23--Ast uniting Low}, | Fire Tragedy Are Boys South African War Year ' Cr cts : reine p oh I \ pper Canada given royal ; Gnier of Manitoba; Sept. 20--First for House of Com ns sustained Sir] sworn as Premier of Quebec: Ju 4% il iD , t Lond Dire and Girls Jighthousc on lower St. Lawrence lit; | 30 Years ago--1900-- Jan, 1--Tor-| Wilfred Laurier; To 9-Sir Charles] 10--Hon. Arthur Mcighen swor 4 assent §- Ji oO Wig 1 Ol Pri to i ; Oct. 7--W. EF. Robinson sworn as | onto compat Roy: Canadian | Tupper retired from political life; | Premier of Canada; July 12 . I--R vill i na By ist } ~ " ; . Emer Ense pent 1 A . + a ' . y Yrbiscia 1 ys 4 s bill; Aug - s Pe ak erior of Prince Ed-| Regiment cg a Boer leader at| Nov. 10-Thirty-three drowned i of Bishop Pascal oi Prince Albert; 4 TUSerVe : 1s onde tales ak Th : Sard Island: Oct. 13 -- Death oi | Sumnyside; Jan. ¢---Hon. Thomas] sinking of steamer in Bay of Fund July 2- General clectios 1 'Nova 4 SH apes (the Lr tars) de 16 0 Jed the : 2 ~ Bisley) Seetland; en grJeventy : i aregéon of Quebec: | Greenway, Premier of Manitoba, re-| Dec. 4# General elections in Quebec | Scot gave majority for Murra 3 z achn rapids; cl t--Honore vo : s y ied in the #Archbishop Baillaregéon of Quebec; |G 1 ( d rencra X } ; 3 : Bl | Mcrcier, afterwards Premier of Que- . blind panic that follgwed the out- 3 ZT : os , anadis i | 7 Famseliffer yee, 1887-91, born; Nov. 1--Toronto x break of a small fire in the Glen i ¢ Bown hard Mec-]ald sworn as Premier of Manitoba; | Dec. 11--Royal Canadian Regiment | Baroness Macdonald. oi iscliffe , 1887-91, ' @Manitoba; Dec. 13--Richar \ Hig h Col observatory founded. Moving Picture Theatre Ww Tues- RS Death Nov. 20--First clections and riots in |signed; Jan. 8--Hugh John 'Macdon- | sustained Hon. S N. Parent, Liberal; | (Liberal) ministry; Sept Death ol 5 ™ afterwards Sir Richard, Prem- | Jan, 10--Dawson City swept by fir satled from Liverpool tor Halifax on | Oct. 20--Plebiscite in British Colum 8 E Lowe | Qoride, British Columbia, 1903-13, born (Jan. 21--Second Canadian conting return from the South African war ibia defeated prohibition; "Oct. 25 80 years ago, Lindh 1 gro Gi. gg or or at New Westminticr, sailed from Halifax for South, (arrived at Halifax, Dec, 23) dec. 21) Three pairie provinces voted against treal Caledonia Curling Tiel oy a ah i. £ e are-up in the rojection- § . y rica; Feb. 11-----Rev, T. E. Barry don- (General elections in Princh Edward | importation of liquor; Dec. 24 ed; March. 10--=Hiram anchard CLIFFORD HARMAN robm changed the New Year celebra- "A Year With Many Elections secrated as Roman Catholic Bishop | Island uphold Farquharson (Liberal) | Walter Nichol appoin ted lieutenant a sworn as Ge Nernol ot aVneouver Is-{ who has represented Cedardale as | tion of this Scottish mill , town to 40 years ago--I1890--Jan, 11--First{of Chatham, N.B., Feb. 13--Imperial | ministry; Dec. J--Canadian Bank governor of British Columbia fag land; April )--( layton Bulges Aldggman for four years, and is mourning, in which the nation joined P.R. Telegraph office opened at{ Order "of Daughters of Empire] of Commerce absorbed the Bank of]" 210 years ago, 1720--Charlevoix, { \reaty signed ; May Par ramen nOW™ contesting the election in Eighty others of the audience were Winnipeg ; Jan, 17--Death of Hon. I.| founded at Montreal; Feb, 18--First | British Columbia, the explorer-historian, arrived a met at Forente ates fuming Lol the north-west ward. injured, but more than half of them 2X. Trudcl, senator and ultramontanc | battle of Paardeberg in which sev- The Kinds Aceetion. Y Oucbec to commence his travels to " { building at cl Pee Prcvigns had recovered sufficiently' to go to fear of Montreal; Jan. 2l1--Elec-|cral Canadians were killed; Feb. 24 ho King's Accusion Year |. west and north, HON. ROBERT FORKL wb Ly Sani ad Zo, their homes last night. ions iy. New Brunswick sustained |--Semlin ministry defeated in British| 20 Years ago--1910--Jan. 23---Six-} "yo years ago, 1740--Aug. 8 Ship | Minister of immigration, who Chuhongel EO Ha Or SCCONT on" sailed from Halifax with a large The operator and manager pre- on. A. G. Blair, Liberal; Jan. 27-- | Columbia legislature; Feb, 27-- Sec-|ty-three killed in railway wreck at] 004 0 Quebec with plague which | has. retired front he ai bd Roman Catholic shop of Foronfo; passenger list (Wag naves head ths vented a holocaust by carrying the ishop Donis O'Connor, of London, [ond battle of Paardeberg and capture | Spanish. River, Ont.; Jan, 24--Mesd hundreds of lives, inet and has been appointed to the June J-alinlarged Wellans Canalo Feb. 17--Ricl captured Boulton and | $ingle blazing roll of film oyt of the ranslated to the archdiocese of Tor-Jof Cronje by the Canadians; Feb. 27 Mary Ellen Smith elected to British] rq, yours ag0,: L750-St. Pauliisgnram in shecession: to the late ered by. Loid k ging June | pet €V< {47 other loyalists at Fort Garry; Feb. building at the cost of serious burns nto; Jan. 30--Warburton (Liberal) --Semlin ministry dismissed by lieut- | Columbia Legislature; Feb. 7--Hon.| "ie ot fonnded, the mother Hon. Hobert Watsons The hota. eral hun rot houses i in grit 18--Boulton sentenced to death; | tO themselves. This kept-down the inistry sustained in Prince Edward fenant governor of British Columbia; | T. G. Mathers appointed Chicf Jus-| bol C00" Church of England graph of Gordon Waldron," J.C. {hatown,, J Dplrea ; a ie Feb, 24--Oregon + boundary treaty fire damage to a negligible amount, sland clections; Feb, 1--Canada At-| March 1--Joseph Martin sworn as] tice of Manitoba; Feb. 11--Rt. Rev. . "000 qo 3.0 ho rrr shown ae thet of Me. Francis Fuliaze CONS rl ou he ie: signed; March 4--Thomas Scott] but the fumes from the burning film ntic bridge over St. Lawrence at| Premier of British Columbia; Mirek Neil McNeil, Bishop of St. George's First Year of British Rul va ia A of Ne Anglican, Bishop of erie Ul urdered at Fort Garry; March 16--| dropped the struggling children in th irst Year ad Me un Tuesday's issue o w | Death of Archbishop Signay of great numbers, while others piled up : cons rse saile S Newfoundland, translated ao H sof (i 5 V oteau © ened; Feb. 1--Dcath of J.|17 Strathcona Horse sailed from an 760 hen i ouse of Commons voted down a] B®: A Sowa, city engineer wnd phil-| Halifax for South. Africa; March 29] archbishopric, of Vancouver; April 61 170 years ago, 1760--May 22 : Juchec, proposal for reciprocity with the Un- | I jams in doorways and at the foot TH . . BY an 3 sneral ; 18s ' Jama- -- os PELs : Who'd : f Seamer st of Toronto; "Feb. 4--| William Hespeler elected speaker of Death or Rt. Rev. John Cameron, General Murray 5 ded 2 DIOL First Visit of a Prince of Wales [ited States; March .18--Bishop|©f stairways. " 3 nthropis Hon. John Mgcdonald, sen- | Manitoba Legislature; April 10 -- Roman Catholic Bishop, of Antigen: Yon 10 tite peuple of Canada; Sepr their commissions in militia; Nov 70 years. ago, 1860--Jan, 23--Es-{Lynch of Toronto appointed wii Most Serious in Years tor of Toronto; Feb. 12--Canadian'| Strathcona Horse arrived at Cape ish; April 15--Rev. M, EF. Fallon, By 0 a Se First Y knulican [30 -- St. Andrew's Presbyterian} ablishment ot University of New (bishop; March 25--British Columbia It was the most serious disaster 'of nkers' Association founded at Ot-| Town; April 21--Attempt to blow up | pointed Roman Catholic Bishop of hi pe Ble vic re ¢ Vietopy, fehurch, Quebec, dedicated. Brunswick sanctioned; Feb. 20--| Legislature voted in favor of enter. [dts kind in Great Britain since 1883. wa; Feb. 14--Toronto University Welland Canal; April 25---Battle of London; May a Honse of pi May Han Soe Out 7 General Great Canadians Born Steamship Hungarian wrecked oft |ing the Dominion; April 3--Three The children, mostly from working- estroyed by fire; March 1--First {Isreaal's Poort, in which Colonel W, passe the Nava piles bifl; Ly hele at 1 oh y A er os jh 110 years ago, 1820--Jan. 29 --Bank | Cape Sable with 205 lives: MarchyRivers, Que, half wiped out by fire; class families, had crowded into "the steddfod held in Canada at Mont- | D, Otter was wounded; April 26--10 Jeath of Edward 1 an acces B had by wis 9% 3! rrendered tol 0f New Brunswick founded (incor | Queen's Own Rifles, Toronta,] April 30-- Death of Bishop Cooke of 750-seat theatre singing and ing : March 20--Manitpba legislature | Great fire at Ottawa and Hull, 150,- sion of George V; May 5--Hon. A. pees 2 os SU chro a F & 8 porated March 25); April 8--Death |: avized: April 20--Bishop de-] Three Rivers and succession of Bis- in excitement over the prospect of oted to abolish separate Jeheoks 000 made homeless; May 13--Dcath L. Sifton sworn as Premier of Al: Major Tot be ! on 1 hr edi of Lord Selkirk, the coldnizing carl | "Iirhonnel of Toronto resigned aud [hop L. F. Lafleche; May 1--Cana-| thus spendnig their 1 ; ril 4--Death of Hon. J <O.| of Sir Francis Baby, Chier justice of | berta; June 1--Benjmnin Rogers ap- testant child born 1 LOW anadal, 4 founder. of Red 'River. colony; was succeeded by Kt. Rev. J. J. dian Bank 'of Commerce made its the traditional Scottish New. ars Ea, sheriff of on and | Montreal; May 18--Great demon- pointed licutenant-governor of | at Vercheres. BL L | May 22--Corner stone of. Dalhousie | {yneh: July 2--Grand Trunk branch] first absorption of Gore Bank of Eve hoilday, whiclr is 'spent more first premier of Quebec, 1867-73; Ap- | strations of rejoicing over news that prince Edn ad Lsjands < June Tule 160 years ago, 1770-Jan. 25-- university, Hahfax, laid by Lord {irom Levis to Riviere du Loup, op-|Hamilton; May 11--Canada paid the boisterously than Christmas north of #11 24--House of Commons jmssed ball Mafeking had been relieved with Phin h olf io 0 Twi, mt 13 oo ¥| Death in great poverty at Montreal | Dalhousie; June J9--Earl of Dal f.ped; July 18--Railway irom Saint | Hudson's Bay Company £300,000 for the Tweed. 2 : incorporate the Orange Order; Canada: Artillery participating ; a eneral "R tuns " Lanitoba fof David fhompson, the explorer | ousic sworn as Governor-General at! john to Moncton, opened; July 3u| Rupert's Land and the 'territories; But in a few minutes their gay ay 4--Fire at Longue Pointe asy-|Junc -Joseph Martin defeated in Sustained He i Do iservative) and mapmaker of Western Canac Li Quebec; July 22--Oliver Mowat, al | Prince of Wales, afterwards King May 12--Bill establishing the Prov- laughter had given away to shficks Jum, Montreal, claimed 100 lives; the British ¢ Columbia elections; June itis i By ot eat of Sie July 2--First Presbyterian minister terwards Sir Oliver, Premier of Ou: { payard -VIf, Janded at Halifax; |incé of "Manitoba passed by the of terror and agony. A wisp of ay 21--Elections in Nova Scotia {| 9--Prinée Edward Island leg gislature ry po ong pi i iy 0g. iO, consecrated at Halifax, _ trio for 2% years and licutenant | ayy 13--Montreal Daily Witness | House of Commons; May 20~Hon. smoke and flame had come out of stained Hon. W. S. Fielding ; Junc | passed the first prohibition act iu 4 he i) y ot guide, 2) B: 150 years ago, 1780-- July 17--=Bill|govrenor, 1897-1903, born, Aug. 0-- [frst published; Aug. 15--Rev. Peter |A. G. Archibald appointed the first the projection- box of the theatre. General elections in Ontario sus} Cidnadat June 14--Joseph Martin 're- FAA ot Ir By bs By son's Ba changing name of St. John's Islands { Donald. A, Smith (af.etwards Lord] \{clutyre consecrated as Roman Cas lieutenant-governor of + Manitoba; | Some one eried "Fire!" and in an Rained Hon. Oliver Mowat June 131signed as Prémicr of British Colum- GoD Gp ne at . pA Rt R oC (now. Prince Edward Island) to New| Strathcona) born; Aug. 14--Rev | Lolie Bishop of Charlottetown: Aug. | May 20--Red River expedition, un-|instant the hundreds of = youngsters i_Elections in British Columbia sus- [bia; June 15--James Dunsmuir ap- H Gautl a Bish of Ki ev. Col freland vetoed by Great Britain. [John West, first Anglican mission: | [8 Prince of Wales welcomed to [der Colonel Wolseley left Toronto ;| were scratching and scrambling over Rained the « Robson (Conservative) pointed lieutenant-governor of Brit- tr pa ne th we gS 140 years . ago, 1790-rDec. 25--lary to the west, arrived at. York fac | yebee: Aug, 21--Maple Leaf adopt-| May 24--Fire at St. Rochs, Quebec, | each other in an effort to get out of Rinistry ; June 12=Elections in Que- fish Columbia; July 2~Sir George a Se > a Chns 3opric o "| First Avedding in Upper Canada. |tory (reached Red River, Oct. od as Canada's emblem; Aug. 25- [destroyed 422 houses; May 25--Fen-| what Pideed to be a death-trap, ¢ sustained Mercier (Liberal) min-} Burton, chic justice of Ontario re- Jawa: opt. Fx ay GM K Son 130 years ago, 1800--Fcb, 12--Col-| Aug. 28--Montreal Bible Society | prince of Wales drove golden rivet|ians repulsed at Eccles Hill by Vie- istry; June 26--Death oi Hon. A, WV. signed and was succeeded by Hon, I=] D. MiGregor biol bid Sani leg of New Brunswick incorporated founded; Oct. 9~Cape Breton re-| yy Victoria tubslar bridge; Sept. l= | toria Rifles of- Montreal; June 7 --| ORDAINYF™ PRIEST SMclclan, lieutenant-governor ' of |W, G. Falconbridge; July -3--Hon, enant-governor py Nova Scotia; Oct, (given royal charter July 18wollow- {united with Nova Scotia; Oct. 13=| prime laid corner stone of Parlia-| First general assembly of Presbyter- Al Bova Scotia; July 11--M. D. Daly | R. B. Dickey, former Minister of | 740 BY Brown appointed Route. [inevs March 15-Crown estre the | J. William Dawson,, (afterwards Sir | ent building at Ottawa; Sept. Ge-|ian Church in Canada convened; ? pointed hiftenant-governor of No-1 Justice, drowned: July 19--Hon, Wil-1 70 JF: STOWE SBPOT Nov {Jesuits estates 'in Canada; Tree, $1 William, vhe great principal of Mz [Prince at Toronto: Sept. 7--Death | June -23--Berlin, Ont, incorperated| Port Hope--The many friends ot Scotia; Sept, 14--Petroleum dis- [liam Mulock sworn as the. first min- 8 4 ewan; NOV William Fenwick Williams, after-| Gill university) born at Picton, of Sir George Simpson for many [as a town; July 1--Monument to Rov. Father Ja: es. Whelan, West- feovercd ip Athabasca; Oct. 18--Rev. jister of Labor: July 20--~A. G. Jones Sera) bank of inada absorbed wards Sir Fenwick, great - British [S.; Nov, 29--Death of Rte Rev. Ld- | yoars chief factor of Hudson's Bay [heroes of battle of Ridgeway unveil-| Port, will -eztend congratulatious H. Gauthier "consceratod as Roms{appoeinted licutenant-governor of No- Ladri . def general Fai Tieutenant-governor or mund Burke, first Roman Catholic Company; Sepl. 8--287 lives lost by|ed at 'Toronto: July 3--R. B. Ben-|[to him on te . c= uined a prfes:. ' 2 Uva a & a 1. # Aaurier government de cated on 2 . Fi Dele) Yo hh i # : a ~ ki, Canoe Bison of Kingstone Sects: uk, 3-H Ff Ra pave cate n Drutimond-Arthatha: | ota Scoua 1095.67, bor at Aves Mishap uf, Neva, Sects Dee. 31 |ioking of steiner Lady' Elin on uch, aiterwards Jader of the Cov | He vue prising ln St, Mahal y ---F, in L ' BA ' a fi tt \ PL nl ake + Nov. 6--( scover e pd . . al, 3 5 Wociker of the Legislative) Assembly | Brunswick and was succeeded by ka: k Nov. 19-Failure of Farmers 120 yedrs ago, 1810-~ March 17+] ed first' Roman Catholic Bshop of Wester Ontario alba wick: July 15--~Manitoba entered the | morning, December 21, and cele- of Quebec; Novi 11=Death of Josiah | Hon. L. J. Tweedie; Sept. 25~Death | Pant: Ten Years Azo Le Canadien news gper Quebec | Upper: Canada, . ' : Confederation; Aug. 21--Sleeping | brated his: firct solemn masg in lackburn, founder of the Londontof Fon FG. Marchand, Premier-of 3.08 suppressed; . March fo. Bedard, | 90 years ago, 1840-- Jan. l4--Death Red River Rebellion Year car first used on Grand Trunk Rail | Lana ' @ 1°: brother, Rov. roe Press; Nov, 14 -- R ald | Quebect Oct. 2--Corner storie ofl 10 years ago--1920--Jan, 19--Decath | Blanchot and. Taschereau (great|as G . Scotland, of Rt. Rev | 0 years ago=1870-Jan. 11--Domin-{way: Aug. 21--Corner stone.ot Met- | Father TT=lter ™ >lqn, is the par- irchall hanged. at AV wodsiocks Rov | Qichec bridge fd by Sir Wilfred {of Rt. Rev, 3 F. Barry, Roman' ( as grandfather of present Premier OES winder Macdonnell, Rothan Ca | on Telegravh Company organized at{ropolitan Church, Tdéronto, laid by ish priest. He ill be attached ot railway opened; Laurier; Oct. ~D, H. McMillan * tholic Bishop of Chatham, N:B.; Feb. 'Quebee) arrested and deprived ol tholi¢ 'Bishop of Ringston Feb, 284 Yoronto; Jan, 29--8. S, City of Bos-' Rev, Egerton Ryerson; the Archdiocese of Kingston... ? . / v Es wii le 4 Cape Breton art Wh » \ " } di ]

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