Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 30 Dec 1929, p. 10

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Et Is not EYEE 5ae v PAGE TEN eli LR a THE OSHAWA DAILY IVES; MONDAY, BECEMBER" 301820 oo 4 "a sw ans om Buimen | DALE EVE WAR ART REMAINS on Overcrowded Con ditions Ottawa, Dee. J oo ac- A se Na : ee most tession of 20 pew » ional Giallergls acd Alkan rt int, £ro ect fini fof WY arured 2 ment, by that tivities SO cary. Hie Al ied at any won this con- he general ac- for the . past schools of an- art are now re- Pmore substantial de- pretofore. The most re- poments of a stimulating be displayed when on 23 His Excellency the Gov- Senor Cicneral formglly opens the fanadian cxhibition at the National Gallery. It is expected that this will be the most representative ever held in Ca- pada, since new arrangements have now been made tor the assembling if pictures, Some complaints were voiced in the House of Commons last session to the cffect (that in those annual displays the painters of the central 'provinces apueared to have entirely crowded out those from the cast and west coasts; and the opin- ion was advanced that this might be due to prejudice on the part of those responsible, In order to obviate any wan unknown mote TC Canadian 4 tori. ; assembling a rit, and a rth tative vellsction Bf pre om Halifax to Vie r ' Ll stricted Re clopments are foreshud- 4 National Gallery in the ed tole. For some considerable war foe inadequacy of the present ing, which is shared with the 9 ) ictorle dey Many he Ww a Museum and the Depart- went of Mines; has forced itseli up- on the Government, The restricted quarters have made it impossible for the gallery to exhibit all its treasures and have thus deprived the people of their right to enjoy their poses- sions, To this post-war genergtiom the most unfortunate clement ifn this is the fact that the Canadian war memorial pictures have been forced from the gallery's walls and are now stowed away, out of sight, y This collection, valued at over oue million dollars and which could not under any circumstances whatever be replaced, was acquired during the war by Lord Beaverbrook's war me. morial committee, The paintings de- pict every phase of Canadian war activity, and many outstanding bat- tles fought by the Canadian. Corps have been translated to canvas, Pore traits of Canadian Soldiers, Victoria Cross heroes and well known offiecrs are numerous in the collection, Mo- dern artists of the calibre of Sir Wiliam Orpen, Augustus John, Cy- ril Barraud and many others con- tributed to this immense group, which numbers over a thousand piece Some old masters are also included works by Romney, Law- rence, West and Reynolds, The en- tire collection was presented to the Canadian people nine years ago, but such charges, the trustees have com pleted a scheme whereby the out standing artists of the various cities | n Canada may constitute themselves | advisory conunitiees and recommend | "trustees the works of local | This has bad the effect of | to Nght artists of hitherto | the painters, ringing Colds Rub well over throat and chest » Yvic! 2 hest COAL COAL "hone 1V38 W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor "treet KB. Orders 'romptly Delivered We have several desirable houses for rent. CUTLER & PRESTON Real Kstate Insurance Telephone 5672-223 Night calls 510-1560 64 King St, West Consider: Then act; Wonderful opportunity: We have some good houses where good lots will be accept ed as first payment, . Apply DISNEY REAL ESTATE | I'hone 1350 { I! Read this: PHONE 22 For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe Dcliver S. -- We st. me------ "LUMBER F. L. BEECROFT Whitby Lumber and Wood Yard P'hoie Oshawa 324 Whitby 12 - DIAMONDS BURNS JEWELRY STORE King & Prince Sis. 1 Machinery Repairing NOTHING LOU LANUK | NOTHING U0 SMALL i | i Adanac Machine Shop { 41 King St. W. i'bone 1214 : 3] OUR SPECIALTY It your watch ie not giving satisfaction we can repalr end make it tell the correct time D. J. BROWN THI JEWELER Official Watch Inspector for Canadian Natlonal and Oshe awa Railroads 10 King St. W. Phone 189 | duc | which | war memorials will be assigned to a = { Ontario = 1 | to lack of room\it cannot be ex- Libited New Home Hinted weeks ago. the Prime Minis- hinted that the Government had im mind the construction of a new home for the National Gallery, in case it 1s anticipated that the Sonic ter separate wing and kept intact. An addition to the board of trus (tees which wal bring in someone to {represent Ontario is contemplated, | At present the Hon, Vincent Massey | Canadian Minister to United | States, voices the views of that | province; but since Mi Massey's | home is now a foreign country, | what restive more direct the in artists are some feel the need for | representation, { Th su and been heard it | som quarters that a national arts collection fund would reinforce the purchasing powers of the gallery. At present the trustees are entirely de- pendent upon the somewhat meagre vote allowed Parliament, a sun which vanished rapidly in the aue- tion rooms, To supplement this by patriotic effort on the p: f weal- ggestion ha Dy rt ot thy citizens of Canada 'is said to be in contemplation, A record number of seals were taken this summer, which may cause a slump in the demand for rabbit- skins,~Florence Hérald. TIME TABLES Ch CE A Ra a ad C, P, R, TIME TABLE Effective Sept, 29, 1929, (Standard Time) Going West n. Daily (Except . Daily, , Dany (Except . Daily " Daily (Except Going East 10.05 a.m, Daily 2.04 pf, Daily (Except Sunday), 8.03 p.m, Daily (Except Sunday) Sunday), Sunduy) Sunday). 11,10 nom, Daily (Except Saturday). 12.05 a.m. Daily, CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Effective Sept, 2r, 1929 (Standard Time) Eastbound Daily, except Sunday: Sunday ouly. 9 a.m, Daily, 17 nan, Daily except © lay, | 2.32 p.m. Daily, except Sunday 6.47 pan Daily, except Sunday, am, 8.23 8.58 am, § 1 9.42 p.m, Daily, 11.39 p.m. Daily, except Saturday, 1 12,07 a.m. Daily. { 12.25 p.m. Daily Westbound 439 a m. Dai) £) 5435 a,m. Daily, 5.59 a.m, Daily, 6.20 a.m, Daily, 9.03 a.m, Daily, 2.02 pom. Daily, 37 p.m, Daily, 19 p.m. Sunday only, Daily, except Daily, excent Sunday, except except Sunday, except Sunday. Sunday. Sunday, 7.27. p.m, 8.12 pu, Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and after Apri) 28, 19%.) {Daylight Saving lime) Going West Lerve Leave Bowmanville Oshuwe 6.15 um, 2.10 aa, 70 am, Bl0am, 8.20 a.m, 45 a.m, w= s5keEs ES TT es PF roe a pas £3335¢ 52:08 . n r TFpPpPye OPo rawr BEECLE88ER EEF Fomsunam 3-3-3 ESondurawnns 2 ep , S3F8BSE CEPT PEPTp mS E23 Be: onal -E-EE FT Noam Soe MF nd ENN on PPPUDDT ems BR32pBREP POPs wn 2s&s882 2230285 s SpeagEBEPap oEPEP » 3 BEFzE23RE3p3E F © 8 S & 4 B AL00 pom, 1110 p. Time marked WhitLy Hospital SUNDAY AMD HOLIDAY SCHEDULE Going West Arrive Whitby 9.45 a.m. 12.15 pom, 2.30 p.m, 4.5 pom, 5.5 pm, 8.3 p.m, 10.45 o.m. 1] Arrive Arrive Oshswe Bowmanville Hig am gi © 7 oo. bod is 4 'Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa CO em, 9% am, 11. am, 1200 pom, 1.45 pan, 215 pm, 345 pan, 45pm, 545 pm, 615 pm, 7.45pm, 815 pm, "0.00 pm. 10.30 0m a Going "wave Leave Hespital Whithy 10.00 a m, 1915 aan 12.0 po. 1245 por, 245 pou, 4.45 pom 6.45 p.m, 4.45 pam, Fell Bros. | 7 he LEADING JEWELER | Estab'ished 1886 12 Simcoe St. South 11.00 p.oa. 11.15 pom, lime narkeu Whitby Hospitak Special Busses For AD Occasions Reasonable Rates are Careful Urivers {. A GARION Proprietor Bowmanville Phone 12 & 8 Phone 220 tasawa Waltivg Res, 10 Prince St busses BONARD AIRPLANE AT ST. FELICIEN R.C.A.F. Machine Maroon- ed Since October Back at Base St, Ielicien, Que., Dec, 30.--=(CP)-- The Royal Canadian Air Force ma- chine in which Pilot Officer John Bonard and Leading Aircraftsman A J. Fortey became lost and marooned on Lake Manuan last October while searching. for the missing aviators Cannon and Lizotte, was flown yes- terday from its frozen anchorage to this post, by Flying Officer Copp, es- corted by another R.C.AF, plane pi- lotted by Flying Officer Emery, Flying Officer Emery flew with the salvage pagty to Lake Manuan, Monday, Tuesday was spent in ex-| JA tricating Bonard's machine from the ice in which it had remained helpless since mid-October, and placing skis under the pontoons with which it PRINCE CAROL OF ROUMANIA who, according to a report, has been given permission to return to his na had been equipped when Bonard and | tive land, provided he abstains from Fortey became lost and the lake with empty fuel tanks, | landed. on | politics and lives as a private citizen, A temporary tail skid was fixed up | from a piece of gasoline drum and a | 80 yesterday | had played Rosts to Bonard and For start was made morning for St, carly Felicicn, Because | te n Bay Post and the Indians who y, and. the flicrs were welcome of the rough finish of the tail skid | guests, some difficulty was experienced in| getting the machien off the Creat difficulty ted, Merry Party {hi The machine was ready for thé air in time for a start to have beet made. Christmas Eve but heavy caused postponement of the until yesterday. The party mad merry with the members of the Hud SNOW flight | fic ice. | the best but a start was made ney had also been en-| theless, countered in getting the motor star- [ lown over and the flight was madc|St. Felicien and about the | almost entirely by for ot ins | faltered dangerous! | the | After conditions were, not of er- Low lying clouds had to be Weather compass, at i altitude, time the mo Jonard's' machine, stiff from exposure fo zero cather and Flying Of about fearin d to lat AL one long < ircled would be ef A machin mery, fore a loss of 2,00 feet of altitude, | | the motor started functioning ner- mully again und the trip was coni- pleted 1 safety, 'Lhe party arrived at St. Felicien at 1.35 yesterday afternoon and the salvage crew, although somewhat thrilled by their experience. of a Christmas eve spent 1m the isolated Northern post, was glad to get back in time tu. cnjoy at least' a part of their holiday 1 civilized strround- mgs, 'the rescue plane had carried a wll supply of emergency rations as the possibility of a forced landing was cver present, rT) 'I'his flight closes the air force par~ ticipation in the search® operations from this base for the present, * Flying Officer John Bonard and Leading Aircraftsman A, J. Fortey became lost when they set out from St, Felicien in g pontoon equipped Royal Canadian Air Force machine to aid in the search for the Curtis- Reid aviators, Williani- Cannon and Leonce Lizotte, who have been miss- ing since October 9, last, The two latter have not been found but scarch operations are still under way and hopes are still entertained that they have found shelter in some far Northern outpost, and will yet be lo- cated, Cannon and Lizotte disap- peared while flying a heavily laden freight plane trom St, Felicien to Chibougamau, Bonard and Fortey got lost in a stormy soon after taking off from St, | Felicien to cover the route taken by | Cannon and Lizotte., After a five- { hour struggle with the weather they were forced to land on a lake which afterward they discoveresl to be Lake Manuan, 200 miles due north of sane | distance northeast of Chibougamat | They were sheltered at a small Hud- son's Bay post there and later For tey made his to this base by | canoe an Indian guide, Bonard | stayed by his machine and after the | up he w brought out to| ction by his comrades, | with freeze as . H Splendid Remedy For Kidney Trouble Nova Scotia Lady Praises Dodd's Kidney Pills ¢ been using Dodd's Kidney Pills for a long time and find them a splendid remedy for Kidney trouble," writes Mrs. G.. Burgoyne, Hacketts Cove, N.S. I'he doctor sald I had stone in the left Kidney, the after effects of the "Flu." My trouble 1as all disappeared now and I thank Dodd's Kid- ney Pills for it. I would highly recommend them to anyone who has Kidney trouble, Dodd's Kidney Pills have become a family rem- edy all over the world because people have tried them and found them good. They help Rheu- matism, Backache, and all Ailments arising from Faulty Kidneys. They strike at the scat of the trouble, the Kidneys. 5 At All Dealers, or by Mail from The 0 Dodds Medicine Co. Lid, Toronto 2, Ont. "THINKING ROOMS" FUTURE NECESSITY Will Be Established as Re- sult of Noize, Declares Engineer "I hav New York, Dec, 30, ~ (Star Spe- cial,) Sound-proof "thinking rooms" are a probability of the fu- ture, said R. V, Parsons, acoustical engineer aiding the Noise Abatement Commission, in a talk over the radio Wednesday, He also said that audiences some- times heard but 05 per cent of the dialogue in theatres due to noises emanating from the street, "It is possible," he said "that phil anthropists of the future will endow sound-proof 'thinking rooms' as the) have endowed libraries and colleges in the past, Some rooms would serve as working plants for geniuses -- like Goethe, for example, who could not work when he heard noise of any kind, Such roms would also serve a real' purpose for students and school children, "Noise leakage interferes with the audiences hearing speeches in the theatres, Sometimes audiences hear only. 05 per cent of the spoken words due to street sounds seeping in through firedoors, lobbies, foyers, the | ventilating system, and the stage it~ |! self, Added to this is the coughing and scraping of feet among the au dience. With this noi about as great subway tr ween tation the actor compet Sound-proof and the use of bufier tween such auditoriums and traffic would make it people to hear the | -- Lys ; AL VA ol L KIDNEY," ¥ A ¥ MADR aRovE' Big uman? ol! if i fl Boys' Aviation Caps, || solid leather, Special. .... .. Bc DOMINION CLOTHING 68 KING ST. W. ; f hone 2141 We Deliver | 18 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH pono TT HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID Electric Sanded and Finish ed Complete Ww. J. TRICK CO, LTD. 253 Albert Street "hone 280, 231 Diamonds ! Bassett's Oshawa's Mam Corner |||]! Radios Repaired The Gutario Motor Scles | JAMITED | v0 Simcoe St, S, W.A. HARE OPTOMETRIST 8 Bond Street East Hundreds of people wear with utmost comfort Hare's Faultless Lenses a note as a in be hone 900 ELLA CINDERS--Miss Columbus of Hollywecod SEA CAPTAIN'S DAUGHTER, PERFECTLY By Bill Conselman and Charlie Plumb rT TO MAKE GOOD! L CANT FIND THE PICTURE! REMEMBER, THIS 1S A GONG TO BE A TALKIE! By ACTIONS SPEAK LOVER. THAN ONE OF THE GREATEST STORIES | YRITTEN OF THE ROMANCE OF COVERY ,OF THE STRUGGLE WITH THE SEA AND THE CONQUEST OF STRANGE LANDS, IS THE LUSIADS,TOMM EVER DIS X. LEGENDARY HAME OF WAS WRITTEN BY LUIS CAMOENS 15 PORTUGA POET AND ONE OF THE ---y- CAMOENS 152% -%=60 "y= PORTUGAL ), DE CAMOENS. 15 RENOAMED GREATEST LYRIC POETS OF 16™ CENTURY EUROPE. VESSEL OF TIE TIME OF VASCO DAGAMA Ww EA ' WELL, TM SURPRISED fi HUH. WHY SHOULD THAT YOU DIDNT 1 KrOw? WIS KHOW THAT VASCO § PICTURES NEVER DA GAMA WAS A ff SHOW ANY TATTOO SAILOR, BETTY. fit MARKS! il pe---- ye Aug, €Sm-- GAMATHE PORTUGUESE HAVIGATOR Y1HO FIRST TURNED THE CAPE OF GOOD HOPE AND SO DISCOVERED THE ROUTE TO INDIA. CAMOENS KHEW BY EXPERIENCE THE PERILS OF THE SEA IN SAILING VESSELS. mg Features Syndicate, Inc, Great Britain r his reserved BRINGING U? FATHER By Geo. McManus [| BY GOLLY-IF IT 1H0T ONE THING IT'S ANOTHER. | QOT RD OF MAGGIE'S BROTHER -NOW I'VE COT RHEOMATIOM IN) MY FOOT | | SO BAD | CAN'T WALK: DID YOU RING FOR ME-SIR ? OO YOL THINK | WOZ RINGIN' TO AMLSE MESELF 7460 AN' PHONE DOCTOR HPOOF AN' TEU HIM TO COME RIGHT OVER: WES THE BEST DOCTOR IN | \[ 1 PHONED HiM-BUT HE | TOWN: | GOT TO GIT RID OF 3 || CAN'T COME OVER - THID RHEUMATIOM SOS 1 KIN | HES GOT RHEUMATIOM CO TO DINTYS CHOWDER IN Wi FOOT: PARTY TO: MORROW hi {( Mis it y/ 7, y 7) FEE TERETE FLERE NI ft ACUI : b mid i i By Russ Westover IT LOOKS THAT) WAY ~ HERE'S ; V| ONE FOR SALLY KLINKER « IY LOOKS LIKE A MANS HAND = [| RATING VT \ DON'T BLAME HIM. HANING TO CARRY ALL "THIS MAIL = \Yr'S FROM OLR. RADIO LISTENERS MHO HEARD US BROAD Spencuey 12-30 ----- © 1099, King Features Sor , Ine, Great Britain rights reserved, |

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