Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1929, p. 1

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Succeeding The Oshawa Daily Reformer The Oshaua Daily Times | A Growing Newspaper in s Growing City "ive Wend onder ond buble Holdore OSHAWA, ONTARIO, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1929 16 Cents 8 Week; 3 Cents a Copy SIXTEEN PAGES VOL, 5=-NO, 148 News in Brief (Hy Lansdion Pras) 44 Killed in Riots Londen, ~The number of those Killed in Hoting in south-east Nis fa, British West Africa, has now hd to at lenst 45 women and one man, LE Pwo.Day Galt Holiday Galt,~In additlon to a number of the eity stores, IL wag ens uneed today that Galt's uy hell oftioials wiil bave a two-day Christe holiday, the elvig offices glow: fag Thur ny as wall ad Wednes: ' ¥ ¥ Child's Tragle Death Welland, Returning to her home wt Humberstone Yierdesy allow ng an afternoon of Christmas appiny here, Mrs, J, Unim found her home almost completely destroyed by fire and one of her two little daughters burned to death, ie summer Cottages Rabbed Orillia. ~A number of summer cottages at Maple Bench, six miles from Beaverton, have been entered and robbed, Four collages are sup- osed to have received vislis from Dives dwring the last week, The provinoial poTice Are investigating, We A » Four Fishermen Drowned flap Luear Debarrameda, Bpain, wePour fishermen were drowned and considerable damage reported today as consequences of a consld- erable storm which swept this const, Bmaller craft took refuge In this harbor, » WH Woman Is Froupevtor Taronte, Mra, J, O, B, Peter: 'non, Montreal, claimant to the honor of veing the first woman to stake a mining claim in the Lake Opimisks distriot in Nrthern Ques bee, returned to this city yesterday after staking 15 claims, % W Myétevious Deaths Ottawa, he mysterious death of five Eskimos, an old man and four children, has been reported to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police by Major L, T, Burwash, regently ves turned from an 18 months' trip along the Aretie const of Canada, With Embesslement Toronto, Embesslament charges sald to involve §9,700, based 'on Information laid by Nom man Ritehle, Beaverton farmer, and the Imperial Royalties Com pany, led to the arrest yesterday of rl NH, Kompte, president of KK, H, Kompte and Company, » May Extend Rallway 7 toTemiskaming and North: ern Ontario Railway will be extended to James Bay during Axtonged investigations along She Abitibi river shaw goal is there in ange quantity and of good grade, sald Premier G, H, Ferguson yeutgrday, Burns Prove Fatal Toronto ~HBurned by tar whioh sprayed him following an explo sion at the works of the Barrett Roofing company, Ashbridges Ray in November, John Mowat, #4, of 3 Sneath avenue' died of his in: uries in Toronto East General ospital yesterday, . To Relieve Distress London ~The colonial office has announced that expenditure of about $356,000 of government funds had been authorised to ve- 'lieve the Immediate distress in the a felands where 164 persons were killed by a hurricana on Decew- ber 13, Bee | B58 Christmas Mail The largest Christmas mall ever to be landed at Halifax wae Roush {nto port by the Cun~ ard Arman from Houth ampton, So heavy was the mail, 7.780 bags, that a special train of ten care was made "h by the Canadian National rallways to carry the Christmas letters and presents from overseas on thelr way across Canada, Lendon, Deo, 24.~Lloyd's ad: vices from Macassar, in the Duteh Past Indies, state that the Britah motor | Silveray, from San Franclaco for Surabaya, Java, ran ashore and requires salvage asalat anes, (The Bllveray, 4,838 tone x left San Francisco on Nov 19 and touched at Los Angeles and Cal outta). § 5 A i : ; i Sirs iis 3 ; is Whole of United States From Maine to Louisiana and Texas Covered by Snow as Result of Fierce Blizzards ONTARIO IS AGAIN DIGGING ITSELF OUT Highways and Byways in Many Places Blocked by Huge Snow-Drifts, And Communication Hindered New York, Deo, 24-~A white Christmas was in prospect through» out moat of the United Ntates from Maine to Texas today, A northeast storm brought snow and sleet to New England and the Atlantio Coast states while the west, hardly recovered from the bligsards of last week, experienaed another heavy fall, The unprece: dented snow which visited the pouth as far as Louisiana was melting, but in Texan and other potions promised to Iinger over the holiday, A number of fatal acoldents, dias rupted air mall service, delayed trains and difoult highway travel attended the series of storms, A heavy snow storm in Maine hampered the work of repairing damage deme by last week's sleet storm, Pilling drifts in Vermont tied up rall service and halted mo. tor traMe, Throughout New York Htate a heavy fall of snow was res ported, In New York City a slight vise in temperature turned a light snow fall to sleet which frove on pavements and sidewalks and fm. peded trafo, Ontario Digging Out Toronto, Dee, 3 Ontario elt les and towns were again afforded a chance to dig themselves out Lo day, When conditions were begins ping to improve a little yesterday a blinding snowsterm struck the province and undid all that had been done Haturday and Hunday, Today the weather man gave On. tario slightly milder weather, with overcast akles but no snow, Milder weather ia predioted for Wednes day Province Buried Deep Toronto, Dee, 24, ~~8irong winds and stl] more anow caught Ontario in the act of digging out yesterday, and buried the province deeper than ever in Its Ohristmas blanket, Cuts made through the already huge drifts by railway and high. way forces filled again, and once (Continued on Page 3) Wheat Soaring At Winnipeg Argentine Crop Report Causes Sharp Advance in Prices Winnipeg, Deg. 24.~Drastio ve: duetion in the estimate of Argen- tina's wheat crop sent the wheat market into a rush toward higher prices today, Opening advances were 48 to 8] centa in velation to closing figures for yesterday, OM olal estimate by the Argentine gov. ernment placed the orop at 146.» "1000,000 bushels, about 40,000,000 bushels les sthan the average pris vate eaflmate, According to the offielal figure, only about £9,000, 000 bushels would he available for export from the South American Republio, December whaat apened at $1.40 up 4% cents: May, at $1.47, up 6} canta; and July at 81,48), §§ cents above yesterday's close, HOLIDAY PASSENGERS DELAYED BY ACCIDENT (By Canadian Press Leased Wie Ottawa, Deo, Nenlitndel be holiday passengers, the Canadian National Railways Continental Li ited, due in 'awa at 1.88 AM. was held up for several hours at Greenfield, § wiles saat of the oily early today, the result, it is sald, of the locomotive and tender leaving the rally at a switoh, All cars "emained oh the track and none of the grew or pan sengers was hurt, An enmine and wreoking equipment sent from Ot- tawa soon had the tracks cleared, FAVORS MINIMUM WAGES FOR MEN Interesting Bill To Be Placed Before Quebec Legislature (Hy Canadian Prose Lonsed Wig Hull, Deo, 84,-~Alme Gubriin M. L.A, for Hull, at the next ses don of the Quebso Legislature, will propose legislation ealling for A minimum wage scale for men The move will be hackad by the Conservative party In Quebec and will be presented te the limit, th» White Christmas All Over Continent Our Christmas Message "GLORY TO GOD IN THE HIGHEST, AND ON EARTH PEACE, GOODWILL TOWARD MEN," Nineteen centuries ago the angels sang that song as a triumphant announcement of the birth of the Saviour of the World, Down through the ages that song has come, bringing hope, Joy and saluation to suffering humanity, until today its message rings clear and true as challenge to the generation of today, 4 ) Hull member sald last night, In brief, Mr, Gudrtin's plan pre vides for a minimum wage of 8b cents an hour for all men #1 years of age and aver, He proposes » commission to administer the law and to consider on thely merits all complaints and questions arming, -- rrr ---------- hot hy Robher " Wewokn, Okla ~#8itting wit his baby in his arms, Lonnle Young, 08, was shot te death In the kitehen of his home here tor night by a rohber, The First Christmas Message is still the greatest of all Christmas Messages, Without it, there could be no joy, no good cheer, nothing to make Christmas the most happy and glorious season of the year, So, in the spirit of that First Great Christmas Message, that mes sage which alone can lead this old tired world onward and upward to better things, to enduring peace, and to that brotherhood of man which will make the message of the angels to the shepherds on the hillsides of Judea the guiding force in all human contact, we wish all our readers all the happiness and all the blessings which can possibly come [rom a Merry and Joyous Christmas, SNOWSTORMS WHICH SWEPT [ff "<*> eeerenenanamnanmanamae CANADA AND UNITED STATES | LEAVE GREAT WHITE MANTLI ongsrosinnosTaamanmse nes ; v SECRETIN SOC COC INNO INNO INNS "O Little Town of Bethlehem How Still W (By Conaslian Press Leased Wire Bethlehem, Deo, H=The "Link I'aown of Hethlehem" was quiet tos day with a strange unrestiul qulet ness as the chureh fathers solemnly made preparalons for the celebration of Christinas Day, thankful that dis orders which enly a few weeks ago lott a long blpody stain over the holy land have ceased, but still unable 1 forgel them, In this atmosphere of general ap prehension the great festival of "Peace on earth, good will toward men" was begun, The Latin Patri arch, accompanied by his clergy and esoerted hy mo unted police fame (to Hethlehem The trip was made by motor, A great change from the olden days when the patriarch preceded his res latives mounted on a charger, In me dieval days the Patrlareh's retinue was an imposing affair, when Cathol lela was the state religion, and an enormous suite of knights, pilgrims, and regilious and law dignitaries fol lowed the Pepe's representative, Tonight the Patriarch with his suite and congregation will proceed to the old Franciscan Convent, just north of the Church of the Nativity, for the midnight pontificial mass, The Anglicans will intone their Christ (Continued on Page 2) { Ea ---------------.] PLOT AGAINST BELGIAN ROYAL FAMILY FOUND Assassing Oppose Marriage of Italian Prince and Belgian Princess Brussels, Deg, M==The newspaper Independance Belge last night said that a plot to assassinate members of the Helglan Royal family and revent the marriage of Princess arle Jose to Crown Prince Hum» bert of Italy had been discovered hy Belgian and Italian police, o plot was sald to have heen aimed ho at the Relglan and Italian ministers i plans for the marriage "I carried out, he newspaper sald that the police here arrested during the past week end a young Jtalian Communist named Rierni, who was alleged to have confessed that he came to Rels glum to murder the Italian minister of justice, Professor Roeco, He was further alleged to have dis: closed a plot to bomb the Italian vaval train which is to convey King Albert and Queen Elisabeth to Italy for the wedding urther that The nawspaper said Premier Nentl Tas ar, Minister of ustice Janson and defence Minister roqueville of the Relglan cabinet Md Tately received letters threaten: ing death unless they prevented the marriage scheduled for Jan, 8 Henry Ford has added twenty million dollars to the annual fae tory pay roll, The people who buy Ford products ft==Port AN thur News=Chrontele, r------ e See Thee Lie" A ----_., e.My a] SEVEN ARRESTED AFTER BOMBING Suspects in Connection With Attempt on Viceroy's Life Held (By Canadian Press Losasd Wire Lahore, India, Deo, 84,»Heven men were arrested after a house toshouse search during the night in connection with yesterday's bombs ing of Viceroy Irwin's train outs slide of New Dell, Among those arrested was the brother of the late Jat Indranath Das. who recently died in prison after a hunger strike, England Having Mild Christmas Sun Shining With Subdued Genlality Following Fierce Storm rr (Ry Thomas T. Champion, Cana dian Press Natt Correspondent) London, Dee, 24.Mild and molest weather apparently will he the lot of Bugland over Ohristmas, Many roads are covered with a layer of frowen snow, delaying those who drove to the country, and a flerce gale swept in from the channel last night to delay cons tinental hollday=makers, At the moment however the aun is shining over Houthern England with a subs dued genlality, The four princes all left London today to join His Majesty and the Queen at Sandringham in Nore folk for an old-fashioned family Ohrlatmas, The British broadoasting cor poration fs submitting an accepts ably yaried o. 'lstmas program, the carol service from King's Cols loge Chapel, Cambridge University ==having one of the finest choirs in England--belng the feature for Christman eve, Dm UL iL oS. Explosion Kills hree Workmen i , "(Ry Canadian Press Lonsed Wie Montreal, Dee, MoThree men died here yesterday of injuries received during an explosion in the Rotogra vure department of Montreal la Presse, The dead are: George M, Lee and Roger Lee, brothers, and Narcisse Legault, A fourth man; Lus olen Damien, was slightly injured and will recover, The property damage trom the ex: fon, which occurred in a gasos ne tank, was small, and did net ine convenience the newspaper ta any extent, 1 Effort Made to Kill President Of Argentina THREE SHOTS FIRED AT HIM MISSED THE MARK Would-be "Assassin Was Immediately Executed by One of Guards (By Canadian Press Lossed Wine Buenos Alres, Dee, 24-An at tempt wan made to assassinate President Yrigoyen of Argentina here today, Threp shots were fired at him, but he was not hurt, The president's chauffeur was killed and the police commission: or of the olty sorlouply wounded before the assassii'was shot by one of the president's body. guards, The man was immediately exe. outed,. The attempt occurred olose to the president's own house, A ---- TWO MEN MISSING AT NIAGARA FALLS Niagara Falls, Ont, Deo, 34, Fears are entertained here oon cerning the fate of two Detroit men who left Chippewa ate Batur day night and never appeared at the rendesvous across the river, Guards posted at the rendeavoun by the rum running brigade sald yesterday they heard frantio shouts for help out In the river Saturday night, A Tr To Broadcast King's Message Cysning of Naval Confer ence Proceedings To Be Put on the Air London, Dea, 3&-Plans are being made to hroadeast the King's speech at the opening of the fives igh! naval conference hetwean 1am and 1 pm, on Jap, NN from the Mouse of Lords, Iw ediately after hin address the King will surrender the ohalrmanahip of the conference to Prime Mine faster Ramsay MacDonald, The entire two hours of the broadoasting (which will be bes tween § am, and 8 am, eastern standard time), will not be ocows pled by the King an thin time was alloted In the hope of including hte introductory speechs of doles gates from 'other countries, WELFARE -CHRISTMAS FUND AT $8,300 CHRISTMAS CHEER WORKERS GRATEFUL FOR DONATIONS THAT MADE WORK POSSIBLE CHRISTMAS GRIM DAY FOR TURKEY Is Being Observed as Oc. casion for Teaching Na. tional Economy (By Canadian Press Lossed Wire Angora, Deo 24, Christmas Day, which 1s laden with gifts and merriment for the Christian world, will this year by Turkey's day of rim national economy, The Turkish government has named December 80 as National lavings Day to instil notions of thrift in the luxury-loving Turkish people, The Bavings day Is part of the government's program for axtrionting Turkey from Iimpend- 'ng economlie disaster, The Angora industrial bank will tive a ten party tomorrow to Turks ish mothers and school teachers, in order to outline methods of teach. ing economy to the youth of the oountry Fire at University Toronto Fire of unknown origin which broke out in the Botany Des partment's laboratory bullding, Unl: versity of Toronto, caused extensive damage last night, A number of rare cactus plants were destroyed and spe elal types of odontoglossa endangers ed, Damage was estimated at §1,500, Christmas of Today, and That Of First Canadians Compared, ARGENTINE CROP OF WHEAT POOR Yield Is 4,500,000 Tons Loss Than That of Last Year (By Canadian Press Lonsed Wire Rome, Deo, 24,~=Tha Interna tional Institute of Agriculture toe day received a report from the Argentine government on the wheat crop showing that the erop for the current year is poor The orop was estimated gt 38» $00,000 metrio tons, which is nears ly 4,500,000 tons less than last year and 2,000,000 less than the five-year average, Conference Is Epoch - Making British Labor Government ls Entering It With High Hopes (Ry Canadien Press Losssd Wire London, Dec, M==The Labor Gove ernment 1a entering the five-power disarmament conference in January with the hope of making it 'the most epoch making conference the world has yet seen, tn Hon, A, V.' Alexander, first lord of the admiralty, made this statement to opposition members in winding up the debate today on the great Singapore Base enterprise, "The government's position is that we are going into what I hope will be the most epoch-making conference the world has yet seen, "If that conference ia to be sue cessful, as men of good will in all parties hope it in obvious that we must consider very seriously any large capital expenditure that may be involved in the future in either our naval or our military defenses," Guide Goes Blind; Four Lose Lives Rarlin, Dée, 25-=Three men and one woman of a party of ten caught in a blizeand while skiing in the Silesian mountains lost their lives after the party's guide had gone snow blind, hree of the bodies have been re covered, Three of the skilers were able to struggle to the Prince Henry hut in the mountains, They were in an ex- hausted condition, Rescue parties immediately set out and picked up two others who were still conscious but in a very weak state, It you have Christmas dinner at A restaurant hotel there's no wash. Ing up and you don't get hash for 4 week after.-Drandon Sun, | | { insurance companies will (By W. D. White, Canadian Press Writer) Montreal, ue, Dec, 2M4-Clties with myriad lghts shining forth inte the dark of Christmas eve] cars speeding on the errands of Santa Claus telephones buseing with the morrow's arrangements; comioriably seated nudiences in moviestone thea. tres and those at*home tuning in on distant places=this is the picture o Christmas eve In the Canada of to: day, It Is a seene of comfort, comfort wrought by science and the years, Tomorrow congregations will wars ship in churches where there will be few drafts, no dangers awaiting and gnawing hunger will be rare, Yet it was not so long ago=but a minute in the life of time==when the first Christmas in Canada was being "gelebrated" fn Quebec, It was obs sorbed by a hundred men, a womag: less party, shivering behind a pall. sade with cannon loaded to meet the Red+Skins The men were hungry, sourvys ridden and home-slok, A fire wan thelr only light, Santa Claus had forgotten Cartier and hin men, Bt, Malo was over the posan--two months away, and the foe made it alx, Hoon after the first Christmas 20 men died--a quarter of the Christian population of the eouns try, And when Canada was again settled, in Champlain's time and for long after, Christmas was a time of rigors, TEE ---- GRAF ZEPPELIN' PROPOSED FLIGHT 10 POLE IS OFF Disagreement Over Insure ance Halts Eckener's Plan For Exploration Friedriochshaten, Deo, 24.A ditferenca of opinion as to the feanibility of the proposed fight of the dirigibla Grat Seppelin to the polar regions next r has developed between Dr, Hugo Rokener, the commander of the oraft, and Captain Walter Bruns, secretary of the Aera Aretio wo. olety which is sponsoring the filght, Dr, Rokener yesterday sald that he no longer expected the flight to take place in 1930 as neither the Reppelin company nor the Aero Arotio soolety had been able to ses oure insurance, Captain Bruns on the other hand mald that the project was by no means off and disclosed that the Aero Arotio moolety had been handling the insurance mat tor for the past week, "We have every reason to be ilove our negotiations with Beltlah prove successful," he sald, indicating that ft might take a week to @ fortnight until the insurance quo tion wan definitely settled, Still Time to Make Christ mas Really Joyful by Cone tributing for the Relief of Families in Need OVER $800 ADDED TO THE FUND TODAY Christmas Cheer Being Diese tributed to Every Family Known to be in Need, but Relief Work Will Be Necs essary All Winter Noon of the day before Christmas finds the Oshaws Welfare and Christmas Cheer Fund over $8,300, Some splendid contributions made since yesterday added over $800 to the Fund, and the commities In charge of the Christmas Cheer Work which has been working hard this week and Is still hard pressed mak« Ing its distribution of Christmas Cheer, paused long enough in Its ef« forts today to express appreciation of the support which has 4 glven by the citizens, The need this year Is desporate, far surpassing all pres vious years, and while it Is believed that every needy family has been ta ken care of by the Christmas Cheer committee, yet there Is still » tre- mendous work to do in carving for those In distress through the long winter which Hes ahead, T'o this work, the Assoclated Welfare Societies are directing thelr energies, and ever dollar that Is contributed to the Wels fare and Christmas Cheer Fund tha tis not expended on Christmas Cheer will be urgently needed to ears ry on this effort, Although so fur as the Christman Cheer end of the work is concerned, that effort has been gompleted, the work of relief is still a big task, and further eontributions will A of valu« able assistance, It (s not yet too late to ymake 8 Christmas gift to the needy and deserving families of the elty, A cheque, large or small, sent to the Fund tonight or tomorrow will bring that glow of satisfaction which always 'wecompanies an act of kind« ness and goodwill, and will make your own Christmas a happler and brighter seggon. Contributions should be sent to the treasurer of the Fund, T, W, Joyea or to the pffice of The Oshawa Daily Times, Following is the lst of contribu« tions reported up 10 noon today Amount already ack» nowledged ¥.51884 Staff of office & maine tenance garage G.M.C, 440.00 Pedlar People, Lad, Members of Band, Ont, ORL Avian iigy C.GLT,, Brooklin M. Oughterdon ,.. Blue Devils Rugh Mr, and Mrs, GG Conant ,,vivivis Mh and Mrs, { Tub D, Friend voi 0 J, Minaker Novyioviins Staff Dominion Bank. Carew Lumber Ceo, .s C, C Murty Misses Keddie | A Friend vivv004 Rev, A, M, Irwin E. Snowden Rainbow Group, CG, AOR ARARRR ARAN A Friend ives Norman Welch John Stainton A Fri EY TIT rien -- Brooklin United ehureh - Sunday school "White Gifts," ™ man, ond box of preserved fruit, Bombardment Ended | Mutiny J (By Conndian Press Loveed Wie | Macao, Portugese, China, Dee, 24.~Loyal Portuguese troops - bombarded the fort here with ae tillery and machine guns at dawn today and within halt hour » ftulation of mutinesrs held the works, Ry Previous announcement day that the mutineers, who bered about 70 and were h by a sergeant stationed at onte, had all murrendered p remature. since only a part of the group gave themselves The remainder were told that wr did wot capitulate by 1.00 today they would at owed, ave The bombardment

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