Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Dec 1929, p. 6

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PAGE SIX : HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1929 i oro pI EL ._, LL EET ------ RT DUNCAN SCORES WINNING GOAL FOR TORONTO'S 2-1 VICTORY Maple Leafs Win From EUROPEAN ALL STARS rc RA on ar Pittsburg Pirates In Berlin, Dea, 28,1he Canadn's hoe: | P( )R'] SNA PSHOT Toronto - 2 ' itary . 2 key Aeam of Yoranta mintadned their Boston , 4 Uhlenro * ' ' v detente fb American Listless Quwertime Game Without Jovord What they a fre | By Uwo, Caminsit, Bports Editor Meatrent Pinte.' Amayisiny ---- women | OPC tons, with the exception of foe lnyed Bunday y Plrstes Bose Tleing Goal Cirent Britain, hy w score of B ta 2 Rankors a rl (PY A \ vith Ils new team for a week or s¢ Duncan Scores Winning I looked a8 If ons gosl would Lut the lee pale hove Baturday night King Street Juniors Detroit . urn 4 Maritimes Are Seeking the but Small Is not due in Kentville un But the Lents lin one of the fastest nod most theill ' 4 "a 1 Victory In| decide tie Isis, \ a Jing. sifeet Jumlors hil i sed precios on Baturday witerno OMA, INTEUMEDIATY, " | th the last of the your Goal of % » y Krew careless, and tn loss than FIVO Ing wanes ever seen i Gerin ISing abfect Juni I pred Hi moon Varsity dg MaMasler Allan Cup --~-- Leagues | Wille ui Tour Troms: Kathie minutes the Pirates had drawn wp The Canadians started fast and down wt Bowmanville's arenu here ry whout twenty players out 4 » Overtime on a Solo Rush on even Levins again, Milks, Dave [the end of the first period lind seo ud Coneh Jaek Carter iw hove thirough thelr paces In smut CHL LEAGUE Have Been Formed and tens are equipped with Canadian wee Jarvis Stars for Losers vagh and Jarvlg englnesved a drive thre gonls, Grant, ho has led i tyle Men! eheekin | ) Crue ete ere strietly eensured Balons i Mock Yards 0 Banner Season Is Ex. tenchiers, only ong other league lg res an the Toronto net and haeked Lhe | team In scaring in their three gine dea a sliatt. ud Willy Over 1 Imperial Of , 0 [ presented In tile reqards Hector Los 1 { | and tenn play wis ernpliasise | | defense in on Chabot, Milks passe [to dite, weconnted for two of the) I ijl | | Wn a do pected [re tod In tin sound, Hester Lo mows hockey family, has been ene Paronto, Deo, 48-1 favie ed to Darragh, who in turn velays |eenuters, id Fark notelied the thind, gregition within i few i ut leant vin of the fallows | Lipsy 8 Kitehanoy 1 seventy minutes for the Maple eq (he puck to Jarvis, who was in Fh vistors continued the pressure the praetles proved (a he ! wh thin epetaln half dogen hid QUIN LAGU Leafs 10 Beal the Fiustuie front of them and boring tn on i the Jiddi sesion, it wii | ta push thelr ear vp wll the hilly 1 0 here and Bowmanville, on th La Tuan i Three JUivers (By W. J, Voley, Canadian Press! tiged to pulde the Syduey elub In Myates hy & ta 1 In BR i Hr Chabot, Chabot stopped the shot, A y W , n | hi ¥ dd i wav hon I'he stella Mendes . f bo foot undei 1) Bhanwinlgnn 8 Ouahes al Sports Writer) Lhe Antigonish, Pletow, Cape Breton fAxture at the Arena Gevdens, Bate| pug railed to got the rebound, Taye (Der (hey weie oily Boni CANADIANAMERICAN LUAGUI ppoiiian Logue, Lupine In scheduled to ar arday night, and 16 was nothing 10 f vis seoring, 00 Wily, rail being on the | Arh | xlrovidence. , Rpringfield ,. 4 in Bydiey sometime about New Gig about, 16 was a drab, VCRs | phe feats had a great ehanos [©0 | (J oRton 0 Philadelphia 8 " Maritimes Have 1 mported Eight Hockey Coaches For The 1929 - 30 Season I in Ws enthusia NS, Dee, 24 No. less i than elght. hockey eosches have been ams it y 0 [ay pontest of the kind that makes | 0 win (he game In the verulation Oshuwn Laundry Teams Practice Overtime ok oh ania the Murliinies ol he Jou Matte, former star In the Na # * hy Hine ] . A [) + hie fans sit hack and YAWR OF | gigtance when Harvey Jackson S th WwW > ' wie Latindey. Sounts, Juventl und Juniors: eld 4: snap he Viaved Binds} UR Hany asi the Watters ! vil ve i . ) pV I y Hi | ] wax evitionl al the expense of the plokied up a neat pass and hind only mi Ins Catia Ia toy Wu us Phere Hout on { New Maven . 8 } nd Nile Marge ol ove SEOUL Cupada League and the Vaelfie Coast nome players, The Leafs were, Per«| jhe goalkeeper (o heat, Jackson UN, COLON REIT 4 10 remaining three will 1 sugue, who handled the Halifax | At ety of i hi os from th he with N \ hh naps, fortunate that they did nobf ghapged fn on Miller with great First Place "plenty of : Yom 4 Valk | Dartmouth a] Fae Hy bid ran wiek toms, Frince | Wolverines Inst sewson and took ther fave to share the points with the f goed, hut the Pittsburg golten bh | Hth end of the ¢ Fihemselves when PACIFIO COANT LEAGUR y sind un few years ago held! gue of the Vastern League cellar te 'irate orew, A headlong dash on der blocked hig who : the lenge sta Vio h ' oaiiin v2 Urine shapibionship " hon tie he Pittsburg net by Ave Dinean The overtime 'was not eventful Pasadonn, Cnlif TT TORONTO BIOKIHN LAGU | Yholr heed " yi in In the overtime period provided Lhe | until Dunean started the vush that | Horton Bmith, Joplin, Ma, prof Red A Hol ' mm a fl MHoway Mills 8 hi Ni 1 key has undergone | jnes out of the Allah ( up elimination deciding counter, Irvin Batley as | ended in the winning goal, 16 was | slonil, won the 84,000 Vasidenn ed Aces Hold Practice tohle Porong 8 Patersons ie ld Hii Hitle duland | just Man : patgd with no pass when DUneai | quite a velief to the fans, although | open golf tournament today, loud ' yeni ih UXHINEION GAME Vit do IHF hi ig ling begn done Fhe | momentarily overakated the ¥ub- {ihe Pirates threatened several Limes | lng the flald by wlx strokes with ¢ 3 | | ( I furihoro fn Mudhm "| ' A ik want file th Ky lt were eliminated hy St, Franeols Xa ber, bit the hig defenseman ear) (on goore tha tielng counter, devvy | a card of 480 for the 78 hole I" tet | | 1 " { ( | Moved Frida { ' Bad Hien +k Roel Via ( t Hnlifux last Mareh defeatoc vied, the 'diss. much of the Way | Lowrey giving Ohabot and the | young profession's victory netied in ( ha » mada Wavopean AM, 8 | up ard hike vil the eoiwh Wolverines (o gnrn the right to viens and slammed 16 Into the | yest of the Leafs some anxious | him #1000 cunh an feel price | i pe Canndn {Wuropean A 0 0 Med ig " bi WAL play the Montreal Frenchmen, This pet when Miller blocked his FIVE | moments muney THEAIED AoA y ' ho 189) Hl I Hund vdl th By ¢ ne 1OF Yea pon Matt polnting the Paps vhaty but falled fo clear the ve darvis Looks Goml hres players tied for second ha h I | OLA, GAMEN TODAY f Cup iil A A exper mikers to an Canadian ehamplanship bound In time, "Rud Jarvis, the former Port] honors with card of Kk each, | | menlor I Merle 4 . he Hiv] [Goldie Pradgers, once w celebrated There was no score until late | Avthur player wig one of the! They were Kd Dudley of Wilming fverslde {i Wh Wi n when Port Arthin ind | figure In Dig League hockey, ts witl the third period, If the amended | yoosr prominent performers for | ton, Del, John Golden of Pater | Tntermedinte Franeols Navi v Northern New Brunswick League the ehamplonship of Nove Scotia, wil) wilde the temmthat put his Welver held dhurst papermakers, whe NHL, eode 18 responsible for the rand va lory Nowhere New | wick' Loa vind of hookey (he Leafs and I'l weg dished up Hatuvday night, Pittahure Milks Daveugh and | gon {ly and George von hn Lowrey wera moult conspleueus for thelr cheeking Hate ul Petrol Pansmuone MhHut of Columbus, Ohl, Huish clubrated tankard, | pugement came rather as NAUFprise te the Port tea Marithne hockey men, na Campbell and Lob Hol town, a snl! town that has done lit hen the tans will he clamoring Muple Leafs=Conl, Chahot do | ed next with a cari of or 4 new deal hefore the Beason | fanse, Duncan, Day) centre, Blair Leo Diesel, 1'.0.A Wei ) , i y Bin tte wh \ of the French | whey, was not expected to 8 much older, The only BvALITYING | plight wing, Batley; loft wing, Cox | Johnny Pavrell, runner-up Tr \ : | Ad upred wn three game se ( mey for a conch, Prodgers Wng about it was that theve WAS | subs, Horner, Cotten, Primes, | three others, ted wiht o¥8 al ® he J | ' I h Vals will Hal w for competition with oss' hellsringing than previous | Conacher, Jackson, Pettinger, Art| Wood of Port Chester hel ! | L | | ! [LN \ . i hail Ai 1 | inn Wi nr t Ix games here have uredueed, hub] gmith, defending ohamplon, had TE | " i 'Noor Reo | i, ( HHIGH ni. t im Fusiliers, rated one of what Witla thera wis appedred to Plvatese=Conl, Miller defense, | N¥, 11 over par, tor his morning | | | ULL J hon and Hoh i Mi J RL fo 1 Py. ; thd in the Marking wnney the fans despite the faot| sMoCatfery, Rn, Hmith antes, | onrd, after having played consid " Wt a ney [the Now Glan jon will gui vines nearon, were ellminat hat the officials hagadled the Same | Milks; vight wing, Daveagh; 1600] ent par golf, He staged a vousing \ orth : xogllently, Perhaps' the customers | wing, Lowrey) subs, White, Jare| comebiok for even perfect son Noo Meeting Tonight Young i} idl to klek aboot something, and | vig, Heiden, Mafners on the afternoon 18, but this wa ! W INTHHNATIONAL LEAGUE | In the Ul ed IT playoff season h | he oftielals are always regarded Offteials~Dave Ritohl and | nat suftietont to place him ami { | milton kt London rents wm Wild i p o Wile | | J i ath men have ¢ \ ( \ \ Inter Clty hoekey of \ nN tL Foronte, cotin team ROM € eluls hav mnde several changes changed the name to the Heay | nd enpaged Janek Dunn, from } nm club omewhere In Ontarle,. to fit the "ww i iH he mlven the henefit of 1 pper | plavers for a strenuous season I ie for Leadership A ah ho key Jn wled Wl ih Sti { Iie to the recent cold spell all 5 J " \ wi will hand hockey tenny In the Martin Nave oR I reals and Walther Simaill heen on oral / In English League| Morven Witter Sua of | heen o 4 hy 1] Halfax Wolverines have been on the vi fale game under any conditlon, | Jarry Goodman, the money winner dagara Pally at Duttalo Miller Was Busiest Hmith recelved L000 tl I'he Pirates ure persistent n oly eneckin; and that may havo | Americans Rally | viens thro of the tory, Hl rad In wen the reason why the Leafs he Oregon open and 1) ' It ward slowed down to the same pace Too Late<Lose 5:3 ; al ay hy 0 le 4 he 1 Hi \ ] \ \ A Ie whish the visitors set, The leeals Loon gol 8450 ench for thelr + : i 1) London, Ded I'he wine of | Kentville, Durgovne has been busy Werg not nearly as speedy nor ns Montreal, Dee, 2 =Aflter coasting | fort hte WO nnd clal le rink In the Maritimes AREIeRRIVe li they appeared through with a semfortable lead for | HVe Finlshers #170 enoh \ \ J \ rr 1} { | g he two Manchester tess and the against Rangers the pravious week, |. and a halt periods, the Mm Walter Huon Heltah / [ik 5 [ll | | : tof Arsenal by Liverpool They had mueh of the play and treal Maroons tn the last part of Sat. | ehamplon, after {ran y JAN Ll ui \ p the main features of First lept Joa Miller mueh busier than | Kev plaver, will - eoaeh-munng | 0 for two weelis, In the only artifl | \ | | A Y - a a HS -------- wi . -------- | Grant's stealing shots with his Jay PINATER LOSE AGAIN | ------ rr | took advantage. of | and converted | W's N I Mackey 1 heh placed | -* in HEdaY night's Nationa ork ol WIEHR Dildos Him yo front i ] "We Tg \ Lorne Chabot was kept hy the Biv | ot St a themselves wn ae | NSF] 10Ws0ownKm 1 4 I F Ql RY yt urday, Manchester Clty won at] | ated, hut goals were searce and the [caine a flghting rally by the Ne alter the open ls M | NRLY 1 " Mackburn to hold. leadership in| Taranto players played move of an [yo Aparioans, The visitors netted | 1y flutshed In tl . 4 (he diviglonal standing Jointly with | individual game that 18 holy | (pee times In the last ten minutes, | #rent Hale had a \ or General | Derby County, who defeated New hahit hut lost tl contest hve pols tournament Vile y Wa him Aeroplanes Now 1) ne | Ti wtle Untied, whi) Munehostoy y ! anvy ¥ a nied wo un fine performancg hy I arouse the fans to any plteh of Vou Bim, he virtue "of lea Work Once Done by Pony nt bonting Leeds United | pvoltement, The Leafs came lowe FEAT the amateur Hebd, was awarded ) | onal-Ldvorpool gam onfect annex o seoring on twa op thres noon CANADAS DEFEAT . LPODRY for tha honor ) AA Expy | plas ed nt Antleld Road pons when they eunly had Mille ALL STARS AGAIN Loh ok | i \ | 18 c orawd of 20.000, The | h Mhetdele, The forward passing Berlin. De IL. ar tha 'secs | 800s Wi i \ | | to findeh, hat wore delled by | d ) N JE OC HS Sanrio men, wah aid ond time In os many days the ; | LALLY Honlkeepey In Attractive Christmas Packages (SY g hookey team of Toronih 0 omnde almost miy - not made when they should have Padus a | haps orp an the first minute G0¢ PER POUND Art Duncan and "Happy" Day A i h by {the Tea Palace here toninht 1 ( { A \ ind then stopped & " herd Haing mon aa otente night's vietory markea the fourth | : ob drive from Halliday, Ho the | Christmas Crackers . .......vvv0.,30¢ to $3.00 : . 4 strateht for the Canadiens sines | | | nat | "ihe ond halt Haliday headed in an " : fing An the southwest seetion of (he | 0 hy chi Nun A Ranks \ " i ; | \ utiv-oortain nual. dnd: RIN Table Novelties .,.....vv viv 10 to $4.00 Pink began to set up an organised \ A " the Europeans 5.2 , \ dn y ' aguntinued ta theill the ereowd \ . hot Weed 10 any extent up (0 that The Canadians' wmarsin of vi ahh, deft handiwork throughout Fancy Boxes JR '" LAL I BS \ 78¢ to $6.00 me, mainly heeau i bay and Duns {on Santght wonld have heen wis of the matoh,' whieh | Fancy Work Baskets ......v0v000 i 28¢ to $4.50 tan awere doing All LIAL Was Yor | yaugep hut for the spec! "oular and | Ovieans of | for Liverpaol hy a Candy Canes : Le ,.1¢ to $1.00 NOR dhe ory Lhal van repeatedly | jonas ner © oy Lelnweber wii | should happen Nanking Wr hea the | vink, and HRAIY | knoeked uneonsclous In the first | Co Han Disko Union [nents 'The expenditure 1X Fruits in Fancy Baskets..., ., ...30¢ to $3.00 ans \ ' period when he stepped one BRANGERN DEFEAT HAWKS aeeted him to liven up the kame, | IP Novelties for the Tree .........\\\..18¢ to 30¢ | 5 (N Now York, D I'he exper! ag tho ok Ado paved the Quebec Winter Sports foniin Sarh, Bue, Sho The utpur PHONE 2223 Na for the fivat goal aftey 13 ond place In the American group minutes of (he third period had n p a Wa AY ® . etralt, Dee, 38,=Tha Plitshurs Baal BY » i yr of th National Hockey League Melt addaq to the Neevioua 01 pirates tumbled further into the Fi d . IRR : Ne | rom the. youn Chicago Black | ur ove | e | ainlites of goalless hockey, Horney cellar of the Natlonal Heokey Lea N NAYS Nad \ A A hy Hawks last night hy winning thelr | } y he | Bn sondern bo vn hin, paused fe | 4'3 407% ating a the and of | IPRA | bo Tankers a nent marin |] 10 King Street East ! the Det , A over al wing speeder beat Miller fn handy " \ Matron + HER Hi J : 3 y s | hh WR Ave fashion, Miller had been playing RS ® henaition Rave v agri : evidence of they ame's slow aotion 3 , avery opportunity on that shot, [to the Plitsburg team, four of ET WA porind Chicago, tived after last | them apeetfieally te Roger dHmith, rr _-- " --- . | night's planh with Howton, foul | Pirate defenseman | not niall wae of several of theip Eddie Goodfellow and Herbie We . | be t ohanoes, after they finally did | thelr searing averages with twe Ne i | fone goals anlece, Lewis also was glven " oredit for an assist Hahhy Con | \ \ | nove and Captain Reg Noble got | A 4 | n N Y ) ad | Shopherds in tha field abiding he X } Watehing o'er thew flocks by night, FLL TA \ 3 \ \ NEY Wn God with man is now residing Hylton socesyr In Kuglund on 1] The fivet two peviods falled 10] 500 of the wi \ in Beat, hut he proved too hig an { mal ' : . whi | dob ved oluntia ancoar{ oR . hikyod anil HAND ROCLED CH. COLATES been op vies versa allsatar BHuvopean ageragation al 1] 0 | \ \ | neourat Note an Jaek | (Made in Qshawa) Wm AMR AY nl , ented ed up from nowhore to olear Cedar Chests .......\\ eifon yell itor. "Red" Horner, who was| JV Saturday night they defeute \ ERE ERR 32,78 to $8.00 gulved of them, "We want Horney" Ki y | 4 akiful work of Leinweber in th f the result | after the Inte . 4 Christmas Hard Candy ....,..28¢, 30¢c and 80¢ and he did, Horner knows how to enced shed and, ax the Pittsburg ds ue here last night when they tank Wy |S Wi : ' 4 ' \ \ oneaunter to 1, The vietoyy gave # ghaat game, but he had Ro chance | All of the penalties were eharged of them Into goaln In the frat two Tawis, Detroalt wingman, hoosted p [ hroak through the New York de | tha ather Detvolt goals, while Her ' ve \ \ Milks, Pivate centre, soared the AI TR 4 Cg NOW PLAYING lone Pirate tally Wiasiht: Soe CLA Yonder shines the infant Light, NRUINS DREEAT HAWKS Wy \ ! \ bs "The Return of RNR RSL} & hg gs SIN va 8 8 TQ » Hodton, Dee, 2do=The Reston y ; &. ' Ww 3 Dominion Appoints Rep: Sherlock Holmes Pruing squared thelr National ) : Wi hs With Clive Brook Hockey league accounts here Ha hy \ --. | resentative to Disarma. | ; uiday night hy defeating the Chi } " ~ Mystery Romance Bian Black Hawks 4 to 1 for the . ment Conference he Ne & {a 5 ARDER first time this season. The new ¢ J \ ou J \ a, Deo, 23 Colonel | | y vy Geibhon forward passing rule was in effect i NAS 4 | Ottawa i ll and the Hawks' nabiiity to cope \ SRY ] | ¢ V [ Ralston, minister of national de Christmas Dinner $1.25 Button Radishes Hearts of Celery Queen Olives Consomme of Chicken Cream of Asparagus En Tasse Croutons . y CON 20 with 1 counted heavily against . 3 : tones, Will ho Canada's Yoprosontas fj . ne Prop iay thew, Ohloago, despite the ton s \ ¢ y \ N tive at the Landon A Salad Parmentier Ning NORE CASON HORVY 500re, Wan In the running al RR } NAVAL disarmament | next ¢ Russian Dressing MA every second of tha game Announcement of the selection ) Wat le whloh hocame 50 heated at one Colonel Ralston was made by | Orange ater lve stage that Tom Shawnshnessy, the : Prime Mintutor Madkenrio King at Rluepoint Qyater Pattie Broiled Fillet Mignon Rlaok Hawks' manager, was fined of Sal © ter & longthy cabinet aeeting Fu po F Mush o $00 at the end of Wn argument | ) \ day night, He will be acoompanted Supreme resh Mushrooma New Martin With Rufuiee Jin Sotheny - ; u " pH . Taps ha Roast Ontario Turkey _-- ------ - . , AO NAVAL si 0 | v T OFPAWA AND h AN ADIRAN ne Vivele Carnaval! Vivent los sparta d' hver! In thease | In all about ly Kantor Will take part in this ANY department Ma bo h wh Oyster Dressing Cranberry Sauce heatre Ottawa, Dee, 28 ==Mantreal Can fow words may be summed up the spirit of Quebes [ever attractive and hewutiinl Pageant [ Wha ix at present gverashs on RON | Ww ® nba Allens and OUawa Henators, (radi in wintertime, Hove for many years have gathered | A record | « in promised for the Dog aren hh vows, wl : probably Roast Prime Riba of Christmas Beef tanatly hittter vivals a the Na fovers of winter sparta and trolioa from all parts of | Sled Derby © stason, Arthur Reauvals, derives join Col, Ratston in London , : 2 > The "Broadway tonal Hockey Leaghe, staged af (he western hemisphere : of the Chatean team, announces that he will have a In aking the anhounesment, Yorkshire Pudding Pommes Rosetta "" thilling TOaminute 1-1 draw at The ancient capital of Canada ta the American | Batter team than eves fe new huakios were hed at [the prime minister sald that he was | Pan Roasted Potatoes Mashed Potatoes Hoofer the Auditorium here Saturday continent's metrapatia far skiing, akijoring, skis! Canghnawaga, the | an reservation near Mont reluctant to have Cal. Ralston New Ber 1 n ail 1 P Jat nEht betore one of the larsest IWmping, {ebagganing hobsslodding, skating, snows | real, At the Dag Dey Pabruary 20, 21 and 99, feave Canada Just before the apen ew Hermyda Holled fotatoes SIOWAR GVRP 16 Wiese & gawe ih shoeing, dostonm driving, oeling, and hoekey, | the vialtor will se oh famond wmushera as Nt ing of the session, Col, Ralston was French Peas Dressed Cabbage A Vivid Comedy Drama the CAREY More than 8,800 neq during the winter months, and in addition has a Goddard, winner of last year Derby: Neppala peliotant to #0. On the other hand, . N of the Gay White Way Pla Were PRoked tata the strgetuve Wnque A ttaetion ta Ser the, attr th Februry | Norwegian hero of many an eplo drive TANK it was felt that the peopla of Cans [11 Hot Mince Pie Glace! Chantilly th "ee the rivals battle i keh (ha aternations og Sled Derby annually | Dap, aad MARY anothe ell Known figure, IH adi would oxpoot @& minister to Steamed English Plum Pudding Y Howie Morena, tlashy Canadien | W Mteraports aotivitiea radiate from the Cha NN N hy Val OVO 1X tle Ruut, Tushing attend this important conference, . : ad ~ Added Artsations CONES, S00Tel the MORtIORION' [. taan Frontenac, Quebacs famous hostelry, where | Three Antoruutithalle Humas skin abratiore [and Col, Ralston wan (he logleal Salted Nuts Manis Dates Malaga Grapes Fox News only Eoal threesguarter way theo Juek Rtrathdes will again he wintersports director, | will he on the stall of Chateau Frontenae thin | holes Tor the THN The conference, {ji Raising \ Smyrna Figs o os the first period, and Frankie Fin Thin season he hat a Bow attraction to offer during winter, They are Jvind Nelson, Hans Gunnamen, | Which apons about Ja, AL wij Yreaki I Moe ; aft olen nEan, Yenatar wing, equalised top the Tee Pageant, Foartary 13 and 18, when 24 gin aad Orrtee igen, of Revelstoke, Riitish Columbia {last far a month At toast, It Ix ex English Breakfast Tea och or Java Coffea the onde wibway throwgh the NN ery ol the Taranto Rkating Pub NV ANALY Brett Burke formerly of the Montreal Amateur { beetod, | Certified Milk » seonnd session Theveatter hath AN eae TO De Knawn ad The "Danse Moderne Athleti mociation, will be astructor at the ! Monday, Tuesday, teams threw all possible fovea in This will be a veritable VElegleld production on tee Chateau's ski wi Civil war has broken out ta Ohi Wednnaday 10 thelr attacks, bat ware unable | nA again, the fist time In three 10 seare days e=tndianapolia News | . i pi ---------- Children's Dinner, 73¢

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