Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 23 Dec 1929, p. 4

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bir THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1929 Bie Osha Belly Times Busesoding THE OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER (Established 1071) omer mw An independent newspaper published every aiterneer oncopt Bundaye and legal holidays of Oshawe Canada by Mundy Printing Company Limited: Chas M Mundy, Presidents A R Allowsy, Bes retary The Oshawn Dally Times Is oa member of the Cone dine Press, the Canadian Daily Newspapers Ae sosiation The Outarie Provincial Dailies snd the Audit Bureau or Clrenlations SUBSCRIPTION RATES Delivered by sarvier (Be » week By a in rip I Oshawe carvioy delivery w ol rv Siates $5.00 » your TORONTO OFFICE 007 Bond Building, 06 Temperance Btiest, Telephone Adelaide 0107 HD Trasidder representative REFREBENIATIVED INV §, Powers and Blonw, Ins. New York snd Chisago mr "MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1929 THE FINAL APPEAL Pamorrow Christmas Yve will be here, providing to the eitisens of Oshawa thelr last opportunity be , fare Christmas of sontributing to the Welfare and Christmas Cheer Fund, By tosmorrow night, four hundred needy families will have heen provided with the necessities for Chrlstings dinnev us @ result of this fund, whieh, in addition, has saved many families from starving within the last few weeks, But al though the Christmas Cheer distribution will be eum pleted tomarrow, the work of the Welfare Societies will 'eontinue, There ls still a hard winter ahead, with its cold and snow, and with its hardships for thase families which, through lack of employment, are In dive straits of distress, These mual he looked after, and it will only be beenuse of the generous glving of the people of Oshawa that this will be at all possible, There have been some splendid contributions to the AVelfare and Christmas Cheer Fund, but even yet the number has been far toa small And there [8 but Hietle time left to remedy this neglect, and to sub stantially fnereaae the fund so that it will be ade quate to take care of all whe will be dependent on it for food and fuel during the winter months A fund of this kind {8 a worthy objet for Christmas giving snd Ib deserves the generous support of every itis wenn who ean make a contribution, large of small, Iv Is admitted that there ds in Oshawa (his winter, as in other centres, an unusually large amount of wie employment, This means privation and hardship at any time of the year, hut it is partienlarly distressing in the depth of a bitter winter, when (he ehildren are in need of warm homes, plenty of nourishing food and warm elothing For these reasons, The Tlmes makes Its final aps peal to those whe have not ineluded the Welfare and Chelstmas Cheer Fund in thelr Hist of Christmas wifi, Phe system of distributing relief is now organized in sueh un way that there is no overlabping, and every case 1a investigated, and dealt with solely on its werlts, Thus there is no wastage of funds, and oy ory dollar 1a made to produce the maximum results, On the sve of Chelstmas, then, let not the eall of the needy ones he wiheard, but let it be remembered In the Nght of the utterance of that Greatest Friend of Humanity, when He sald, "It ls more blessed 10 give than to receive," and, when in speaking of the reward of duty well done, He sald, "Whosoever shall give 10 drink unto one of these little ones a eup of cold water only, in the name of a diseiple verily 1 gay unio you, he shall in no way lose his reward" ---------------------- A GOOD RECORD wnt -- The eitteena of Oshawa will await with wmueh ins terest the financial statement of the eity for the voar, At the banguet whieh he tendered to the eity aldermen and officials on Friday alight, Mayor Mit ohell sprang an agreeable surprise on his guests when he announced that there woukl be a small surplus in the oivie finances for the year which iv now nears Ing @ close, The demands upon the publie purse dure ing the year have heen 80 much heavier than antl sipated in some diveations that it would have eds wloned no surprise were there a substantial defioit, In fact, the majority of the aldermen were expecting that this would be the case, Therefore the announge: ment of a surplus, if it in borne out hy the official statement oF the treasurer, Somes as a very welcome prise, In view of the difflewlt year through which they Nave passed, and the heavy ealls they have had to moet in unforeseen expenditures, the council mews pers of 1929 are to be congratulated on this record of financing, partioutarly in view of the reduction which was made in the tax rate, Such a record has only bean wade, possible by a eaveful porting of Hema of expenditure, and a policy of reducing ex pene 19 the wininwm that 2oull be spent in keeps ing with the needs of the ity, That is the poliey whieh, at the present tune, should mark the activities of all bodies entrusted with the spending of public money, It ix a policy upon which every eitieen will yeadily place the seal of approval, and a policy which might, with benefit to Oshawa, be again followed by the men who compose the 1930 council, whoever they may he, LE Ecanaaiis oo Sit CS aaa kt A LESSON FROM CHRISTMAS ETA a The Christmas season has 4 wonderinl power aves the hearts and minds of wast people, It often res veal trafts oF character in people that are net sue of being there, for it gives them an oppor aA qunity of displaying qualities of philanthropy and generosity Whigh vewain hidden for eleven and a halt months uf the year, and have free vel only in the weeks of the Christmas season, It in well, of conrse that these poaple should come wit of thelr shells at Christimastide, Rar there are ops ty that have a strong appest 16 the human heart, There are calls for nemintance to needy families, ealls for wontributions to many worthy esuses, whieh ge cure support at this time that Is withheld from them at other seasons, And these calls, very often, Ime pel people ta throw oft the elosk of Indiffersnce which they wear throughout the year, and to reves! tha better side of thelr natures, But It Is too bad that this spirit should only be wlven free veln for two woeks of the yeur, What u wonderful world this would be If It were not put back Into sold storage ones the festive season Iv over, but were kept working sll the year round In the dally life of every Individual, That is one of the things which might very well lesd the world to an early coming of the millendum, and whieh would eertuinly make It 4 better and brighter place for those who find the pathway of life & hard one to follow, A CLONE CALL FOR MACDONALD The narrow escape which Mamssy MueDonald's governmemt had from defeat In the Heyss of Come mons a few days age, when It was sustained by o seant majority of elght votes, Is & reminder that the Laber government Is In office anly by the goods will of the apposition parties, and that these parties cin, by combining we & unit, defeat the government uny time they ehooss, Much has been made of the fact that many Con servatlves were absent when the vote was takeh on the coal bill amendment, und that this alone saved the government, It ls quite reasonable to suppose, however, that these members absented themaelves on purpose, The chief asset of the MacDonald govern: ment, In ity effort to remain In power, les In the disinelination of the other two parties to defent the government and force another general election, They would then be In the position of having foreed an election en the country within a year of the last one, and they would have a hard battle to Hight fn Justify ing sueh netlon before the electorate, It fs Just us well, perhaps, that the present governs ment Is dependent on the Liberals and Conservatives for a majority, With & large number of Socialists In thelr ranks, the Laborites might be tempted to adopt radical measures had they a clear working mu jority aver all others, The fact that the opposition in so strong Is a safeguard against unwise legisla thon, and Is & guarantees that nothing will pass through parliament that ls Hable to be detrimental to the wels fare of the country as a whole, tear p---- ~ BETTER TREATMENT FOR VETERANS A The anncuncement of Premier King, wiving definite assurance that amendments to the pension aet, pro viding for more liberal treatment of disabled and brokensdown ex-service men, and for & more liberal interpretation of the pension regulations of Canada, will be halled with satisfaction by those who are in touch with the affairs of ex-serviea men, as well as by the veterans themselves, It Is not going too far to say that in making this announcement, Premier King {a simply bowling to publie opinion, fo the recent Dominion convention of the Canadian Le glon brought the matter vividly before the publie eye, and won for the veterans' cause the support of the majority of Canada's newspapers, it has been a fore gone conelusion that semething would be done, The decision of the governmept In a decisive vie tory for the veterans' organization, the Canadian Le lon, whieh has had able assistance from many news papers, The Times has at all times been a supporter of this cause, but Is quite willing to hand over to the Lewlon the full credit for tte splendid work, It ras ther takes exception, however, to the attitude of the Toronto Globe in elalming eredit for having launched the campaign whieh has had so fruitful a result, In gommenting on the premier's announcement, the Globe sald pe "hus the campaign launched by the Globe on benalt of ex-aervice men, and whieh has been taken up with great enthusiasm by the Canadian Legion and many other Important pubiie bodies, has borne fruit" This would make it uppear that the Canadian Les wlon Interested itself in the cause of the ex-service men only alter the Globe had launched a campaign, Nothing could be more diametrically opposed to the facts, In January, 1927, at the first Dominion een vention held in Winnipeg, the Legion laid down ita principles, and started {ta Aght for the concessions whieh are now to be made, Part of their claims passed into leginlative effect at the 1928 session of parliament, At the St, John eonvention, in June, 1928, the Legion's program was again ratified, and the fight continued, Then again at Regina a month ago, the Leglon again took ita stand, and adopted a "Chaster of Righty" embodying the very principles whieh the government has now accepted, It was only about a month age, too, that the Globe launched its active campalgn on hehalf of the ex service men, and while the service of the Globe to the cause, an well as the service of other newspapers, was valuable In moulding public opinion, the outstand. Ing factor in bringing the matter 10 a head was the challenge of Sir Arthur Currle to the people off Cans ada in he message to the Legion convention, Thus, after taking all the facta inte consideration, the Canadian Leglon 1s to be congratulated on the success of ita fight, and ought to feel encouraged 10 #0 on Ax an organisation whieh is rendering yeos man serviee to the war veterans of Canada and te the eountry at large, ' EDITORIAL NOTES The last week han snowed everything under ex oept the Christmas spirit, ---- Ryery dolar will help, and thousands of them will make a relief fund that will meet every need of the situation, #nee -- Christmas will he all the merrier if you have made your gontribution to the Welfare and Christmas Cheer Fund, A -- In a day or two, the average man won't have to worry about the dwrns on his socks or the soups pots on his tes Manutheturers olaim that the demand for hale heushes has fallen off, Anather sign that the pres sent age does not believe in corporal punishment, w---------- Rowe ix 10 have sixty "immortals" Probably sels ood an the same basta ds Mussolini has heen fare ing hin cabinets, Oatanio," says The Globe, "la paying more tans 08 Than ab any provigns time in her hstery" But the general option 1s that she fv getting good value Fortuiivies al that season liberality and generon { for her mene, \ Other Editor's Comments em------ BHOULD pHOW RESPECT (fofonte Globe) Windsor Daughters of the Empire do well to Jrotist aginst the lack of Interest fhown by theatre audiene- eb during the ping of the Nations! Anthems, This "shuffling around" complained of generally 14 caused by the hurrying of people who have ne place In partieular to go when thoy do wet out of the theatre, ABUSING THE REPORTER (Buult Bitar) Weporters wre in trouble sll over, In Oshawn the police don't lke them heeause of "seintionsl" reports; In Toronto {he mayor kicks beeause he Ian't wetting # square deal, he says} three are In Jail wt Washington bes cause they wouldn't tell where they Hot thelr Information, Count that ny lost when 4 1eborier somewhere Ion't neeused of belng one-sided, stups Id, erooked, 8 blot on elvilivation, or Just dumb, Vverybody lambustes the reporter, from the Governor General down (to sky nothing of the manager editor and elty editor) and the poor devil perhaps at last comes to belive his orities, He has an impossible Joh Thank goodness he expects no thanks m------ NEW SHEETS IN BERMANY ("Peter Blmple" In the Morning Post) Miatlatles have an evil reputation of belng ns misleading as representa tive of facets, Lord Burnham's fig ures of the number of newspapers In the different countries, whieh he quot ed ut the Kuropean Newspiper oon ference nt Geneva, spys oir Geneva correspondent, are wn ease In polnt There were, he sald, 2400 newspapers In Great Helton and over KOOO In Germany, Courtesy forbade him to mention that one fovilih NEWAPADOT Is equivalent on the average 10 nhout half un doren German hews pers, At un German village In the hineland 1 Intely encountered a dally news sheet, whose elreulation wis not equal to that of a respect able parish nagnein The owner was editor, ehlef reporter, compositor, and maehine-hand, all ln one, and the distribution was undertaken by an old peasant woman, There ure some hundreds of these village news sheets in Germany, but fram my observa tons | should say that the newspaper rounding publie fs mueh greater in Kngland than In Germany | Bits of Humor | FILIAL BACK. FICK "Dear Lord," prayed the eosed, Vl don't ask anything for myself just give mother a sonsin-law Colgat, Hantor PROFESSIONAL TOUCH (Union Paelhe Magasine) Dentsit 1 "Which tooth do you wail extragtod Pullman Porter) "Lower seven" DAD KNOWS Young mathematiemn Mum, do you know how to get the cubie eon tents of A barrell His mother=No, ask your rather Merthyr Express THESE MODERN DAYS (London Mystander) Hei "hat was a clean, wholesom: show, wasn't it?" Shel "Yew! didn't think much of It, either," SLAVE TO APPEARANCE Optimist: "Cheer up, old man, ihinn aren't so bad as they seem to i] Pesslmist: "No, but they seem to be s=Vancouver Provinee, PROMOTED TO PLANKWALKER "Come, come, my man, you've heen looking around here a long time with out buying, What do you want" "Guess | want another foorwalker," replied the old gentleman, "I'm the new ownet,HNoston Transcript, Doctor==The beat thing for you is to stop deinking and smoking, go to bed early and get up early in the morning, Patient (considers a bit) =Say, Doe, I don't think I'm worthy of the best; what's second eholee MUM'S THE WORD Child (to young man who has call od)=Sister told me to entertain you tl she comes down, Young Man=Oh, she did, did she? Child Yer=and I'm not to answer 100 many questions ==London Humor 10 AND SAND (Detroit News) Farm waste will be the future source of motor fuel, says a research chemist, The problem, of pourse, 1 to design a carburetor whieh will oi west aplnach, THE COIN APINNBRRN Nobody tells a bettep story than Mr, JH, Thomas, Nero In one he told the other day: It used to be the custom in cen tain trades to take Monday of YUL don't any of You aver go to work on that day?" a workman Was onee asked "Well, you see, t's Uke this" explained the man, "We sort of Hp up a coln-=heads, wa ¥o to work: tails, we don't, Heel" "You, I sed," replied the inguin or "but sometimes the coin may oome down heads, Wha then?" YO, we Just flip 1 tap again" «John O' Londons, The Shepherd Knows] am the good shepherd, and know my sheep, and am known of mines As the Ha her knoweth me, even so know the Father: and 1 lay down wy life for the sheepssJohn 10:14, 18 A) "Was there ever kindest shepherd Hall so gentle, hall 80 sweet Ax the Saviour who would have ws Come and gather round Hig feet" MONT PHOPLE THINK OF DETROIT AW THE HOME OF HENIY FORD, AND CONWIDEI THAT THE AUTOMOBILG IN. DUNERY 18 IH MONE IMPONT. ANT COMMERCIAL AND INDUN. TIAL ACTIVITY, The truth of the matter Is that while Detroit lends the world In mutomotive netivity, the oombined total of Mr, Vord's business, the General Motor business, the Pack ard business and all the other sutomoblle sotivities that center in Detroit, together with the manufacturer of Acoessories for witomoblle werviep, totals loss than 60 per cent, of the Detroit commercial potivity, Dotvolt wan n great olty hes fore the awomoblle Industry wis thought of, 16 has cons tinued (0 grow by leaps and bounds unit] it today Is the outstanding Michigan corpors me entity, Lust week when | pald a visi to this thriving metropolis, | had the pleasure of renewing Ac quaintance with Harola P, Trosper, viea-president of tha Amerioan Life Insurances Company, and one of Detroit's lending Insurance men I did not venlige, for fustanes, that Detvolt 1s developing gradually AN A prominent vsuranes center My, Trosper took me Into the new home of the Unfon Trust Company, This new flpancinl eathedral han uttraeted attention from all over the world, It ls the fiest banking house done In eolors, and its col ore artistienlly dlaplay on the out dda of tw 43 stories of commey ela! grandeur, The eolor scheme in the main banking house In at flat startling, but eventually de Hehtful to the eye On the day I visited Dos troll, the commun'ty was ens thusinstio over the formal opening of the now Ambassas dor Weidge to Windsor, This PRO000,000,00 structure is the lon est of Its type In the world, Hs dedication on Are mistioa Day browtht a crowd of BOO00 men, women and ohildeen on the United Niates ond of the heldpe, md least 10,000 at the Windsor ton The Lioldpe was fins anes by private ean'tal, and it In of the suspension type wit an free span 1,880 foot long, The length over all Is one and elnhistonths miles THE BRIDGE CARNIKS AN TIGHT 1OOT FIDEWALK AND A FORTY NEVEN FOOT HOCDWAY TAT WILY, ACS COMMODATH IVE LINEN OF VEHICLEN, nt Oy Jama W Baitin, MD INFECTED TONSILS IN ADULTS I write very often about the remos val of tonsils In children, but as a matter of faot there are a great many adults who are carrying about infected tonsils Some do not know that thele tonsils are in bad shape, and after an X-ray of teeth and removal or treatment of these infected, wonder why they still feel so logy or still have pana in muscles and Joints, Other adults know that their ton sills are infected, veallze that their joint condition 1a due to them, and even that organic heart atlments fre quently follow attacks of ronailitis And vet they refuse to have their tonsils removeds Why? Hocause they have heard that the vemoval of tonsils in adults, particu larly at or past middle age {a attend ed by a serious reaction, 1s very often dangerous, and the recovery takes a long thine, An a matter of fact my own obser vation has been, and now we have the authority of our throat special ints, that there (a less local reaction and less discomfort with thes older persons than those twenty to thirty YUOArs younger, Of course a middle aged or older per gon Ix perhaps likely to have other conditions such an - heart, Kidney, liver, or other allmets, but these would have to have previous treats ment and care hefore the tonstl apers ation Is performed, In older persons ft is frequently ad visable 10 use a local anavsthetie, and as the specialist ean talk quietly, encouraingly, and explain the sim plicity of the procedures ika remoy ing the kernal from the nutssthe pa tient does not get unduly exalted and the aperatoin goes on without any trouble Further, as the yemoval af tonsils la now considered as urgent, and as important as the removal of the aps pendix, there ix more care before, during and after the operation, than there Was some Years ago, he patient's blood {3 tested as to whether it will coagulate or clot props erly and in a short time; his nervous symptoms are taken into consideras tion: his body fs bullt wp as mucl an possible Immediately after the operation, he 1% made as comfortable as- pois sible, and In a fow hours a glass of water is given at least every hour After ho leaves the hospital he is advised to take things easy for a few da Ny Remembon bad tonsils are danger ous, and their removal Ix ROW ats tended with very little risk, (Registered tn accordance with the! \ Copyright Act) SrosieForLoNG 8 @ STOCKS BUNDLES ONAN y Head Office; Reford Ruliding BAY AND WELLINGTON 916 0 8. F EVERSON, Local Manager Private Wire System 17 KING STREET EAST, OSHAWA Phones 143 and 144 oRnnoL harm ye I | To pause in your Journey and rest In the shade m - It may he that he ean a muse if not charm ye With some of the songs be has muds, Bits o Virse ADVERTISEMENT Here's nu vagabond post coms out of a byway, Avocking his hat and aAwang ing the strings, He's taken his wiation beside the King's Highway, And he warlles of scommonplaes things! oh, my mnsters! In But LL PkIPEPR Fe! 18 b-- pe=--2 = - 'CH RISTIES The hobolink over the billows of alover \ Hy Plugs In a strain ne'er seguir ¥ od by wrt) The robin in spring will tell over and over The Innermont heart: But oh, my masters! may be that ye have heard When on un evening, en tranced, ye have O00 The swelling notes of the golden-thront hermit-hird Out of the wood! Aur dW A TA o/einl [WT Rd oe' 7 Jy fi 0 Wl 0 01 40H wish of your This Christmas, serve Christie's Puddings and Cakes, Their whole« some goodness will delight young and old, darkening When abroad in the meadows, | MAY move your pity A vulgar and garrulous sparrow | 10 mest Yoo hi haw his Men e In the elty He brightens the whole of the wiraot Then oh, my riasters! nek the arrowslike Hong of the Lords of the Kingdom of Bong Lords of the Kingdom of Mong, Yot lint' to a simple, a orude and a sparrow like Hirain ere yo hygsten nlong, Brant o'an he! Christies Christmas Puddings MADE BY THE BAKERS OF Chyisties Biscuits Iamerton, A CR ST i, WA YOUR LAST CHANCE THIS COUPON IS WORTH $4.00 $ This conpon and 1,00 entitles hearer to one of ous ¥5.00 Combination UNTIL EE Writing Outfits, This Is our new 1080 model Fountain Pen, with the hard, unbreakable barrel, Jumbo sige, green in color, lever filler, banker's wise, and modelled to fe your hand, Ponetl is propel and vopel, hard, unbireaks able green bhaveel, refills In holder, and always ready for use, The set coms plete, with this ad only 000, EERE EEE EE EEE EE EEE FE ERE RR THIN COUPON IN REDEEMANLE FROM 0 AM, SATURDAY, DRC, 21, TUESDAY, CLONING TIME, DEO, Christmas Christmas Special MAIL ORDERS UNTIL DECEMBER 88 AN IDEAL CHRISTMAS GIFT Kvory Pon tested and goarantos cortifionte given with ench sot, Pat up In special Ohrlsts mas Holly Boxes for an ideal Christmas gift, Neo the big display at Bontglo's Drug Store CHERTIFICATEN RED EEMARLE ONLY AT BEATTIE'S DRUG STORE 17 KING ST, WEST OSHAWA New Creations Our selection of exquisite Jaws}: lery and modern silver services in ™ PLATE beckons you to visit our store whether or not an immediate Jucshase in planned 10 soo the 1 creations, Many leading hostesses are ro. arranging their table settings to conform to mew«day standards, Youmay dothe same... inexpen. sively with TUDOR PLATE, And about gifts. when you have to look twice at your gift dollar, come hand look around, BASSETT'S On Oshawa's Main Correr

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