Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1929, p. 4

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i oi IN dal | ni bu Va ¥ THB OSHAWA DAILY REFORMER SUB Delivered by carvier 100 » week By mall In Caneds ( Oshaws carrier delivery Hm) $4.00 » vear) United States $5.00 » year TORONTO OFFICE 7 Bond Building, 660 Temperance Street, Telephone Adelaide 0107 HD Tresidder, representative REPRESENTATIVES IN V, 8, Povers and Stonw, Ines New York and Chisago SATURDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1929 GUIDANCE IN READING There could be no more timely illustration of the value of giving children wise guidance in the kind of hools they should read than the story told by the three lads now waiting trial on charges of robbery ind housebreaking, According to thelr own admis slon, they committed these offences, not because of a desire for gain, but because their minds had become so inflamed by reading American detective "thrillers" that they lost all sense of what was right and wrong, and acquired an unhealthy craving for thrills and ex- dtement whish eventually set them on the path eof wrong-deing, This state of affairs Is in itself a condemnation of the type of literary garbage which is coming into this country from the ether side of the border, to wrry on an insidious work In the polsoning of the minds of the young people of Canada, But there Is & wider aspect to the matter than that, The average boy or girl wants to read something, and it is when there is nothing better available, or when they do net now the difference between what is good and what iy bad that they turn to the thing that looks most attractive, and that is usually the type of magazine which has been responsible for the crimes of three Oshawa boys, This should be an object lesson to parents en the necessity of giving their children some guidapee and some leadership in the matter of their tastes Yor read» ing. There i» so much that is good in book and magasine form, that there should be no exeuse for any young boy or girl turning to the trash that is found in the cheaper type of United States maganines, And if the parents do not feel that they have suffis clent knowledge of book lore to guide their children in the right way, there are teachers in the schools and officials In the public library who are only too willing to make suggestions as to the right kind of reading for the proper training of 'the youthful minds in & literary sense Youthful minds, of course, like stories of adventure, stories with plenty of vivid action, but there are 40 Jiany of these thut provide wholesome thrills, without eaving any bad impression, that this desire can be gratified by a judicious selection of hooks by writers of recognised worth, If warnings are ever needed, surely the fate of these three Oshawa boys should bea warning to parents to supervise very closely the kind of books and magazines being read by their children, #0 that they will not be led astray by what should be'one of the finest contributions to their education and their mental development THE END IN SIGHT an and laly have even gone so far as to acceds to the desire of Great Britain and the United States to abolish submarines, leaving France alone In favor of maintaining that arm of naval forces, # There may, however, be seme Justification for the aattitude of France, The French people cannot easlly rid thelr minds of suspicion and fear, They have suffered so bitterly in two wars imposed upon them by a rutheless neighbor that they wish to have abe solute gusrantes of security before consenting to any weakening of thelr forces, either on land or sen, This aspect of the French position Is likely to oeeupy an outstanding place in the discussions of the naval conv ference, and It Is to be hoped that the other nations taking part will be able to place such guarantees be- fore France ss to enable that nation to fall in line with the others and signalise the opening of 1930 by an agresment which will have far-reaching conse- quences forall time to come, PROTECTING THE DOMINIONS' 0 is aabounisd bythe British foruigm. miner that the agreement by which trade ¢ nships sro being 'resuméd with Soviet Ruseln fs npn ended #0 as to protest the Dominions, as well ng the Mother Country, from Communistie propaganda, That would be a much more gomforting announcement If it were possible to believe In the sincerity of the Soviet gov- ernment, If it were possible to have any falth at wll in the pledge of that government to ahandon prop« agandist netivities throughout the British Emplre, Unfortunately, the Soviet government Is not In a position to give any such assurance, As a governs ment, perhaps, It Is prepared to say that it will not undertake any oficial propaganda, and it [s apparent. ly on that basis that relations are being resumed, But that pledge does not mean afything, and the powers that be at Moscow have no intention that it shall mean anything, That is conclusively proven in the advance dn nouncements made by the oficial government press in Moscow to the effod that the government has no part in the spreading of Communistic propaganda, and that werk isi done by the Third Communist In« ternationale, with headquarters at Moscow, a hedy which, dt Is elaimed, has nothing to do with the gov ernment 'This, of course, is all humbug, subterfuge and cam ouflage, The Third Internationale at Moscow con trols the Soviet government, or Is under its control, and while the same hand may not do the dirty work, both the hands are attached to the same body, and are given their impulses by the same brain power Yet the Soviet government has its alibi prepared In advance, and unless the British authorities are very watchful, they will ind that they have made a bars gain whieh cannot he fulfilled, And when they find, as they will, that a mere pgreement with the Soviet government cannot halt the propaganda of the Third Internationale, they will realize how futile It was to claim that they were going to protect the overseas dominions when they could not effectively protect their own people, I ------------ - THE LOT OF LIGHTKEEPERS News despatches tell of government tugs making the rounds of the lonely lighthouses on the Great Lakes, and bringing back to the mainland, and to civilization the lightkeepers, the men who, since jast spring, have been cut off from association with their fellows, except for the occasional visits of 'supply boats, and who have been performing a very neces sary function, For four months, the lghtkeepers will know the Joys of association with their fellows, will mingle with people, and will enjoy all that they have missed during thelr months of lonely vigil The lights on the Great Lakes have now gone out But all through the year, since navigation was opens ed In the spring, in fale fveather and foul, these lights have sent out their heacons of warning, shedding a cheerful light over the dark waters to guide weary and storm-tossed mariners on thelr way to safety, And behind these lights, so necessary to the safety of trade and commerce on the Great Lakes, wera the lightkeepers, the men whose devotion to their tasks kept them at the post of duty, removed for eight months from familfes and friends, They have well earned their four months' heliday, and in enjoying it they will forget the cravings they have had for human companionship, forget the lones liness and the strain of their dreary tasks, And then, when spring once again sweeps the ice from the waters, and sets the rivers flowing so that ships can once again come out from their harbors, they will return to their posts of duty, ready once aguin Other Editor's Comments ST HOW ADD ' PROFITS? (Manitoba Free Press) Ouitapio his no more sturdy cham: plon of the poor, the friendlass and the opgrease than Miss Agnes Mags phall, MP, who en more than one oceaslon has denounced the Money Power and Its grip over the humble misses of the people, magine, f en, the surprise of the poor, the friendless, and the op- pressed when they learned that thelr champion was a director (or should it be a directress?) of the Veugo Oi) om ay whieh drilled u well north 0 ediehne Hat, To the surprise of the pu lie, the well has begun to pout forth gs, while spurts of oll now und again give promise of Ins teresting developmen What will Miss Macphail do with the profits which everyone hopes she will 'make? The $0 the friendless pi the oppressed will surely get share, CRITICIZING THE COLLEGE (Charlotte News) The average college gradunte of to- day Is an "inferior produet" as coms pared with the college graduate of eneration ago, mecording to Dr, G, i) Laing, dean of the graduate school of art and literature of the University 9 0, Dr, Lalng urges that the college currle frig radically revised to put an en the "softness, sloppls ness and flabbiness" of the mental rocesses of the students, Lath, ireek and mathematics he belives to e essential college subjects, for while hey are of no "practeial" value they discipline the mind and train it or hard work, "Very often," he adds, "the edu- cated man Is not a college man st all, but some person of native intelli. Kence who has educated himself," Concentration on football and other non-essential activities has undoubt edly had its effect on the spirit of the college, Sooner or later the na tion's educators will be echoing Laing's plaint loudly, THE BKIRT ("Park Lane" in the Dally Mirror) A friend who has just been over to Paris to look ut the mid-season col loctions tells me that some of the day-time skirts are still quite short "As for the evening dresses," she pays, "They are now long all the way round, The trailing ends and 'bits and pleces' seem to be disappearing wradually," There are Indications that the strong protests against the long skirts are having a certain amount of effect In London, 1 hear from a friend at a leading dress makers' that, although the full. le nth evening frocks are having a sale, wo men will only buy shortish frocks for day wear, "There is very little chance of a return to the wely, trailing un hyglenie dresses of the pre-war peri od In these days of the motoring and sports girl" she sald, "We are all 100 busy in the daytime to be both ered with long skirts," sald a Kir! "How on earth, could we keep Ty hundred appolntments If we had te hold up our skirts, carry a handbag an umbrella, and dash quickly into taxis, buses, or traine? Nosides fancy diving A ear in a tralling skirt, Why, Its ridiculous" | Bits of Humor | GOLDEN DREAM VANISHED Agitated Lovers It tru that your father has lost his fortune His Lady Love (slghing)s=Y os Is swept away, but you Perey, dear! Amitated Lover Great Jupiter! } should say I am left! all are left, SHELTER First Housewifo-Yen, I hoard a noise and got up, and thers, unde; the bed, saw a man's leg, Becond Houwsewife-Good vens! The burglars? First Housewife-~No, my hus band's, He heard the noise, too Answers, hea ISSUE UNDECIDED the defendant I" asked the examining counsel, "You saw that the two men THAT » lot of business son+ wsorns are existing on past repu- tations, Others are speculating on what they think they can do In the future, Somes are getting a long on what they ean make day by day, while the majority NZ moving slong' by the » "on tinuous newspaper advertising, [roving bigger and busier day y aay, Many changes wre being mads In the business world now-a-days, Some AONEEINN Bre helng forced out of business en wecount of competition § many are being consolidated with concerns who Fi bullt und mains tained successful businesses by the ald of continuous advertising, That Is no calamity, because nny contern who operates & business and lacks the sense to use the continuous sales appenl of newpaper advertising Js bound to glve way to those who deo 80, Many heads of concerns should put on thelr thinking eaps--they evident. ly overlook that, Advertised products » TH pecially to those buyers whe want he bast and are willing te pay or IN, Advertising through the printed page is popular beenuse it stimulates sales whenever used, Continubus advertising of quality creates new customers and produces A steady, growing businegs, IT 18 A PROFITABLE PLEASURE TO SELL WELL. ADVERTISED LINES, FOR THE SELLER CAN FEEL AS SURED THEY WILL MAKE SATISFIED CUSTOMERS, ] By James W Darton, M.D MORE ABOUT ONE SIDED HEADACHE You frequently see causes of what % called migraine or one-sided head wehe I'he individual will enjoy goed health for days, weeks, or even month tack of this type Accompanying miting also of headache with ita nausen, and often vo Now no one has been able to Kk ente the actual cause of this allment | out there are a couple of points thf "Why didn't you go te the help of | may be worth considering, Fim, these attacks on folk who seen to work hard either mentally or phy number of days at a nething ge Wrong very or a time hat we with the dig Apparatus ie evident, but whether it is the stom ach, Inver, or Intestines that are not thelr properly ts not | sieally on PRtive | doing | | kno n Fhe liver, a sluggish liver, has heen [ind whe blamed for the eondition work and when the liver and gall bladder have been cleansed by there is usually quick relief | These individuals usually give a nistary ol constipation, However some new Hght on the and then he will have an at» | eprom salts ] | Bits of Verse I RADIO IN THE HOSPITAL No longer In & prison of white cots, Where Christmas seems Just futile merriment Contrived by friends and nurses with bright eyes Too much ahve to: know what pain lias meant Now tired ones are stilled to quiet: ness By Christmas Sars, curolling across the Yrosie-Foriones@ i EY 8, F. EVERSON, Lots! Manager Private Wire System { 17 KING STREET 'v OSHAWA Phones 143/and 144 With magle that is personal and sweet, And power that no weakness quite debars, In touch with life~caught in ite throb again, Strangely at peace from effort or un- FOL The sick ones know & Christmas all thelr own, Woven with melody of sufferings tesa All through the sacred night if dreams bestir To wakefulness "tis but to know again His restfulness around thelr wear) Neff His Pesce on Earth and His Good: will to Men, ' Amy Campbell, SOFT WEATHER The wind blows mild Qut of the west, Sot as the lips of a child On a woman's breast, And the grey earth Stirs In her deeps, In all her inanimate valleys Where the wind creeps, Slghing in the vents, Crying beyond ; Ruffiing with soft lament Ihe still dew pond, The shepherds are telling Of open weather Where the ewes shealing Must labor together, and they in the Come, Christmas, soon, N With an earth-sigh, With & blurred ring to the moon, And a mackerel shy, And Christmas mirth Stream over the hill And peace he yet upon earth Por men of good will! Maurice Hewlett FROM MY WINDOW All summer long 1 watched the wood Across the way grow dense with leaves, And drooping o'er them like a hood I'he skies a rich embroidery weaves, The leaves with Autumn gaily sped, Bright children of a happy mood | And who knows where or why they fled? ' And left the tress in solitude, But now & row of little homes Look through the branches und bare, And from each chimney gnomes Are blowing smoke wraiths in the an ' Rrey witehing This morning all the world looked white Except the lisile painted row, And bovs who worked with all thelr might To shovel pathways In the snow, wLaura Bedell, possible cause of migraine is now at nand, and 1 am passing it along, as ukraine sufferers can be numbered mn the thousands As vou know impulses are sent fdown hy the brain which cause the fmusenlar coats of the stomach and intestines to contract upon thelr cons tents and thus not only complete di gestion but also remove wastes from the hed What | not sent down appens if these impulses are 0 Christmas The cold weather ls coming Just as surely a Christmas, If you want to enjoy Christmas day sand a wholes winter of trouble-free motoring, have the radister fled with Frost-Cop Anti-Freess, This better antl-froese gives perfect pro. tection to 40° below, It does not boll as easily ms water so there's no need to worry about the sudden mild spells, It Is odorless, non inflammable, cannot clog or corrode the radistor, ROST-COP INFIREE® KE MADE BY THE FAIRVIEW CHEMICAL CO.LTD TORONTO £7 REGINA Sole Distributors we ONTARIO MOTOR SALES Whitby Bowmanville SIAR _~ 4 Why Burn More Money -- sii : - Than Neccesary? You Are Saving it by Buying Fuel at the Following Prices BUCKWHEAT § 0.78 PEA EGG STOVE OTTO COKE .... Neo. 1 Body Hardwood, dry Hardwood Factory Cuttings, dry Hardwood Slabs, dry oii Terms =~ Net Cash Genuine Scranton Anthracite HONEST WEIGHT $4.00 per V4 Cord $4.00 per Lond $3.78 per load 12.00 18.00 won 18,80 13.50 CLT) PRICE ~~ QUALITY «~ QUANTITY «= SERVICE W. J. TRICK COMPANY LIMITED 25 Albert Street Phone 230, 231 | | vg © rate HT STHRANIAMUS UINT OR | prvi PART "g" | Digestion stops, and this means for [mentation and gus farmation, anl some of the waste matter in the which on | lowest or large intestine is absorbed defendant, finte the blood What has this to do with migraine? Physicians working on the cause Of [migraine have discovered that during these attacks which last for hours The methods and resulta of treatment vary with the duration af the neglect and with the age, When not taken In ite early stages more vigorous methods must be renorted to and there in less hope of success, It ia not always good advice "walt and grow out of it," to perform thelr tasks of vigil amid the waste of were fighting " waters, "Yes," said the witness, "but | had - --t---- ne means then of Wlling EDITORIAL NOTES [Yas going to be the Vancouver Star The highways these days provide an excellent ops "The time hax come for a last appeal to the citizens of Oshawa to show that they really are interested in what comes of their less fortunate fellowseitizens who are in distress and need practieal and generous help to keep their families fed, clothed and comfortably housed, Only three more days remain before the TAKING IT FOR GRANTED He was having the interview with « Christmas bells will ving, and before the time for cons "expries, tributions to the Welfare and Christmas Cheer Fund Tinie and again this appeal has been made to the people of Oshawa, byt still the response is far short of what the sijuation demands, Still there is a need for hundreds of contributions of large and amall amounts to provide the Associated \Velfare Societies with the money necessary to provide relief for the many families which are in need: The next two or three days will see the Christmas spirit reach its climax, May that spicit find its pour ing, net merely in the waking of gifts to relatives and personal friends, but may it find its broadest and fullest expression in a generous burst of giving to help those who are in distress at this joyous christs mastide, so that none may be left in need in this eity at the thine of happiness and goodewill, Time is short, and contributions, to be fully effective, should be made at once and made as generous av possible, THE NAVAL CONFERENCE The announcement that King George will peraonals ly preside over the opening session of the five-power naval lmitation conference to be held in Londen, England, next month, gives a new touch of imports ange and interest to that event, It may safely be assumed that His Majesty would not have 'consented to perform this function had he net been convineed that this conference holds the highest possibilities for the future peace of the world, and had he not felt that, in sponsoring it, his country was taking the leadership in onc of the cssentials of world peace, that of disarmament, So far, all augurs well for success in the deliberas tions of the representatives of the five naval powers, All of them, with the possible exception of France, have already expressed themselves as being willing to wake sagrifiecs for the good of the cause which all have at heart, that of relieving their people from the great Purdens of naval building competition. Jag+\ - U portunity for reckless drivers to commit suicide, -- The Toronto newspapers are showing how easy It is to get the people of that eity worked up to & high pitch of excitement over municipal election issues, A British barrister says that few women are goud speakers, But then there must be a distinction bes tween speaking and merely talking, Only a very short time 1s left for donations to the Welfare and Christmas Cheer Fund, Make your contributions now, while it can do the most good, Britain has just sent the United States $94,000,000 on war account, No wonder Uncle Sam can reduos taxation----even if it 4a at the expense of the British taxpayer, Oshawa's stores nowadays are making wonderful showings of seasonable Christmas goods, The citi gona of Oshawa would do well to patronize thelr los eal merghants during the season of Christmas shops ping. Germany is now taking care of many of the Mens nonite refugees from Russia, Since these peopla originally eame from Germany, that would seem to be a logical place for them to go now, "Seotland id uw country where there are detours at all the toll gates" says the Kitchener Reepril, Does the Kitchener. editor mean that a Seow tell keeper would mike it so etsy for anyone. to escape payment of toll as that? «© C0 © r------------ bd 3 pb A decree hav been ipaued opening Chicago. te ves duce the amownt 'of water [dfydited, fron the Great Lakes. But it in easier todasie'an order of that kind | than it is to persuade 0 10 «7 ary attention toi . i. We - 5 his prospective tathersinslaw whic might mean so much or so little in Mm, says the Edinburgh Scotsman, "Before 1 give you my consent to the marriage," thundered the oll man, "I must ask what income vou will be receiving." : "Six hundred pounds in all," he an swered without hesitation "Then' with the five hundred 1 al low my daughter, you will have Quickly the young man shook his head, \ "Oh, 1 have heen reckoning that in!" he explained, Two women of uncertain age, who had long been rivals in love, quarrels led over a trifling gift, which the ob jeot of their adoration had indiscreot ly bestowed on ane of them "He intended those flowers for me," the elder woman said to the luoky re eiptent, way to my house, and shamelessly robbed me of his offering Your guilty face tells tales" The other shrugged her shoulders as she answered, sweetly: "Oh, well, my dear, have it your OWI way, At any rate, no one will ever accusg you of having a tell-tale face, Itifs0 difficult to read hes Jween the Noes!" Ie EMEA] ai the foo 3 ord: the Mi epherd giveth his life for the Shetpendohn fom. 0) hod A dering sheep, not be controlled { (Rein wed in accordance with the "You waylaid him on the! ut now I love hepherd" h » love, 1 love he fold yd and sometimes days, there are no pulses sent down from the bram and consequently no movements of stomach and intestines The thought then is that as pro longed mental or physical work inters feres with these natural movements, individuals subject to these attacks shoul! have frequent periods of rest, LOR BYNG LIELY TORELINQUISH POST Thera are some adults well ad vanced in lite whe have not grown out of ft yet, What could at one time have heen remedied in a short time has grown into perhaps a pers manent deformity, Had RAryon been living under the strain of the present day aos tivities in every line 1 wonder would he have sald, "An eye's an oye And whether black or blue It's no great matter" Cortaln, it 1a that with healthy eyes we can look upon the wer more happy and confident than if We are cohsolous of some error, Thin welt consciousness of oura in conveys) to our associates through the eyes And the title is justly earned, The eyes are the windows of the soul, Scotland Yard Chief Will Not Cancel South African Trip | London, Dee, 21. The Dally Mall} Thursday earried this reference to Lord Nyng, who ia again reported somewhat improved after a velapse: "he Dally Mall understands that the South Atvioan trip was reconsid: ered, but it was ultimately deolded that although Lord Dyng {8 far from well, there was not sufflolent reason te oaneel the hooking, There is no question of his being In a serious condition=-he Ix suffering from pul monary omphysema, which means Idan of flexibility of the lung walla but many of hin friends believe that the greatest pressure will be brought 10 persuade him to relinguish his present position, and it ia thought fkely that he may be unable to ve slut the advice to retire" ' Mis work at Seotiand Yard will be varied on ReavAdmiral 8ir HUNTER "SLAYS" HIS OWN AUTO Iron Mountain, Mich, Deo, 31, Now (after you read this) you tell one, but take into consideration that this one in supposed to be trae, An employee of the Ford plant with a hunger for venison, drove to the woods for a day's hunting, He parked hia oar near the N becuse a brisk wind was blowing, placed a brown blanket over the ra dintor, Thea he ambled off into the thioket, When he had walked a fair dis tance, he sto! and looked about ah Wa mo Through the toh of brown, Ra Bag 0 1a shoulder, he let go, and aa the patel oantinued to move he eontin ved to fire, Finally he investigated, He found that he fired 14 ahota \ by Charles: W, Royds, who ia assistant commissioner, 1 the front of ring the radiator and win 3 . This {a one of & series of seulptural masterpieces on the A Sympathetic, Efficient Burial Service At the journey's end when the loved one has departed, you will find a peaceful service of beauty, sympathy and impressiveness which will prove vonsoling to those bereft, Either at our chapel, your church or your home you will find the same simplicity and beauty of the last rites prevail, Come potent direction in all details will prove a solace to these who mourn, Caskets as low wa $23, Disney-Cott Funeral Home Corner Bruce & Celina Streets, Oshawa Phone 1082 "Lew V, Disney" "Stan Cott" Eh UT TTT THT

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