Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 20 Dec 1929, p. 9

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4 THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER. 20, 1929 PASE NINE ESE) CH TRIP OF 30,000 MILES ENDS Trois w m 3 Tehehts Mam (hirey-thounand ifs. expedition of issn mile expe 0 solentif reh a the ord "Museum 'of hiengo onded when {He auxiliary brigantine yacht Miyria returned to this port, Mer log book rends like a volume of high romance pnd adventure, hyrin sailed from Doston fast Nov under command of ember, Captain - D, Boutilier, & native of Newfoundland, She carried « orew of 18 und u selgntific matt of mine, The selentifie staff; Corneliug Crane, 24 years old, lender; Kar) P. Behmidt, chief of selentifie staff and herpetologist; Walter A, Web- Wo orinothole ogin and artis; rc order, Texidermist; Dr, W, L, Mots ship's Hodtor and anthropos MA Pr. A, W, Herre, leythyo- Iogiat and botanist; § N, Bhurtioff, Notion pleture photographer, M, Vairband and C, 1, Peavy, gon- hy wonistants, Some of the high #pots of the ex- pédition. tn brief, were as follows: Halo During a visit of 8 days a collection of birds, buts, and Jie ards wag mada, My, Bolmidt slso wp some Httle known snakes onsiderahle series of fishies wey . AY ected: by Dr, Herve, Panama~="The Illyria was laid up at Panama for three weeks while repairs were mpde, Hpecimons Bocured During this time the selentitle wtaff made a visit to Barro Colors ado Island in Gatun Lake and se oured specimens and photographs of the following: two-toed sloth, three-toed sloth, Derby's wooly ope possum, marmoset, armadillo, silky ant eater, crocodile, and many birds, Cogeos Talaid--=A two dnd stop wis made at thir favorite hunting ground of seekers for buried pire ate treasure, A collection of birds was made, Cialapagos Ieland---A wtop of 12 days was made « 4 the following specimens colleoted; 2 <alapngos Cilamt land tortoises (yore, cape tured sllve), 20 warine Iguanss many over 40 feet long; 4 land iguanas, 2 Galapugos Penguins, b urge pen turtles, 8 Sghtiobn cor ELDIZZYp gs ilius, 4 sonst! Tole pig ih vegeta fri will have you fesling fine by morning, You'll enjoy rough bowel action with. oot rh slightest slgo of aviping or discomfort, rent A ar NR TO-NIGHT HROW Al (EN morepts snd many species of fish and birds, oN q ues Islay du Dgtwoen Wd lapsgos and Muerqusens Lelands, : 1% of 3,000 wiles, the Illy ris cruleed 18 days without slight Ing lund or nother shilp, Vish nnd birds were sollgeted at the May (bag, Tabitt und Mogyew-=Vaine wes Subres but beautiful specimens of sh, Longiniied Bat Vijl Islends==Dr, Moss secured some enthropologleslly valuable measurments of the skulls of rep. resentative nuwves, with blood samples, Fifty specimens of u eur fous long-tatjpd fruit bet were takon, New Hebrides The natives are still very wid and warlike in many places and connibalism Is not 6% tinet, Members «f the expedition inspected 6 eannibe) village ever before visited hy white men, They were accompanied by the English distriot officer, ou Mr, Adam, folomon Islandse--Tlare nine day stop. As nitives of some of the Islands were so warlike they were not visited, New Britain--#tlop fuel, New Guines--=The heart of thid enormous island Is still unknown to white men b.eanse of diffienl. ties of transportation and warlike natives, Vorty days were spent here, Three members of the ex pedition flew over rortions of the tingle in an airplane, With ¥r, frschbaum, u Catholic missionary, ueting ug pilot, the Lyris ascend: eo the Wepik Wiver, 1ergest in New Gunes, o distance of 450 miles, farther than ( ' vessel her glze had gone hefore, The party then proceeded in small bosty #5 miles to a point never visited by white men excepl by the German exped|- tion of 1014, Tho nua'lves were found to be still iu tho stone ake, undecided whether to run or tight, Presents banished=thelr fears and no blood was shed, Mora than 600 specimens were obtained In Now Guiness, made for A ------------------ brids | and lizards were captured during a |} NO DUTY CHARGED in Canade and United States a aul Montreal, Dec, 1A visit to theol fice of British Board of Trade Come that Knglish plum yuddings are ub wwed Into Canada free of all duty, which Is truly a Santa Sou wet on the part of the Canadi.i government, Consultation of i recipe book will reveal the fact that a plum pudding must contain not only an extravagant quantity of eggs und candied fruity, but also a pint or so of sherry and un goodly dose of brandy, tho Innocent guise of plum puddings, large. dusntitles of Nqnor are entering 1 the country, free of excles and free of custom's duty=~the Canadian gov« ernment's generous Christmas present to the eounty; Even the Volstead Act cannot keep | tum puddings out of United States, and eltizens of that country seem to nrefer the good old English kind to ag own version of it, judging by the wholesale Iraportation of pud- lings from England to the United States, In feat, the anclent dish seems to grow in favor every year, Yardley whaving Bowls #1 Yordley (lots , "00 Yardley Mots ...... $80 Yardley Mots . $8.00 Also Mhnving Bots for Men by Colgate, Palmolive , William's, ete., 7B¢ up. Karn's Drug Store Phone B78 frag | Noxt ¥, 0, TRAGES ORIGIN OF CHINESE WRITING Dr. Rosse of McGill Library Addresses Students' Gathering v hai The death of Admiral Sir led worth Meux recalls a story told of alm at the time when be was In come mand of King Edward's yacht at Cowes, A certain yuchtaman camd close to the royal yacht and saluted the King, who wag standin ut the rad, "Deo you know himi"" King Ld. ward asked of Sir Hedworth, who re- plied that he did not, but that ke un- derstood the Individual In question whs & rank outsider, "Are vou aware that I have Just conferred the Royal Victorian Order upon him?" asked King Edward, Montreal, Dee, 17 "Writing was In vented in the reign of Emperor Hu unpetl, 2704.2505 B.C, by u Chiffon Youngster, nt buek-door of nelgh- Bour's house "Good morning, "Good morning, Jimmie "I. came to tell you something" "Well, what Is itr" "Last night Pa was angry because the water bolled out of the steamer under the rolled oatr" "Ty that sot" "Wes, and then he said he'd fix the teamoe 50 that It couldn't happen Mes.) Brown" What did he dol" "He put some water into the steam: er and soldered it all up { worth "Is that what you came to teil me? "Yeu, und to borrow your steps he | er, "What do you want with the step | ladder?" "Want It so that father can scrape all-the tolled oats off the » coiling MIGHT FORGET TO USE 11 ye _--, "Why are you afraid to have mr | wun in an alrplane, Menriettat' | ed Mr. Moekton, ou might fall out, ht there's the pekuchutas "Parachuty, indeed! Vhy, | n't oven remember an umbrolle # A own CHRIS i TMAS!! And what can give more pleasure 'to the whole family than MODERN "'SCREEN-GRID"" RADIO Il Your home. AN 3 RQ £ 2! (legs tubes) | Lower | ees Offer Lens! $212.50] (with tubes) | -_-- ) Combine Yous Christmas funds and secure a rpetual nok of t Steinite Dealer i enjoyment for every Talk it over with a You Can Gut "Ne Nore Than This 4¢ Any Price! I THREE (3) SCREEN. RID ih Tuite tous of i ur hats dion, 1 vetr Jower detention vw. automate grid bla & Pui pull audio phon Rats using the mewest Pa Tioemaed for 04 by Canadien Redly Peon Limited Distributed hy 5 Real humless reception 6 "Dadeshin" shassls coge n completely P ale Distributors: Spatten Engloeetin Cory Guelph. 70 Stmcoe St, N. Oshawa bite re LLEC TRO DYNAMIC historian who Iv sald to have taken the idea of o written language from tha markings of birds' claws upon the sand, Dr, Robert de Resillas Roewe, curator of the Gest Chinese Research Library at McGill, told a group of \ibuyary students in a special lecture Monday on the libraty which lhe heads, In this way the Chinese listoriun collected about 540 hieroglyphies or ty years old has discovered how to |charactars, which form the foundation make farming pay. His successful (of the present system of writing method was to elope with an helress, | Chinese ¢ facters. Life' To guar lst the burning of "Have you, sir?" replied Sir Hed "Serve him damn well right 1" Judge---What brought you here! Accused=="Two policemen, Tudge-1 don't mean that resiine, Accused=Both of them A young farmer who is only twens drunk, 1 ON PLUM PUDDINGS Old English Recipe Popular Thus, Wy books dn China, classics and other noted works were carved in moge, the lecturer oald, Several Chinese stone libraries were founded during the eenturies following the death of Christ, Dy, Rowse outlined the devélop: ents in Chinese writing vr print completing his talk with a description of the Gest Chin exe Research Lib. vary which contained when EheAed on February 13, 1925, ubout 8000 vol i umes, which have since increase ton) about 85,000 volumes, he said, a --- J, D, ROCKFELIER'S GRANDSON T0 WED Miss Mary T. "Clark of Phil ¢ adelphia Is Bride. To-Be Now York, Dee, 20~The enguge ment of Nelwon Aldrich Rockefeller und Miss Mary Todbunter Clark of Philadelphin was announced yester day, murking the second time with. in the lust tow weeks that the publio has noted the emergence of the third gonegation of Nockefellers, Just a short Lime ugo uewspapoy men met John D, Roekofellor 111 und saw bim sit beside bis father in | the homelike offices of the Wockefel | lors und announce his entry into the | business world in the capucity of a "young mau lesrning tho business," Yosterday s formal announcement wus given to the press that Nelson, pecond son of John D. Rockefeller, Jr, and Miss Clark would be mar ried upon 'u date not yet set, but un- oMolally reported to be sometime in June, | The girl who will become u mem | ber of one of the world's most inter-| ¢8 opting families, in the deughter of | | My, and Mre, Vercy Hamilton Clark | | of Cynwyd, uw suburb of Pilludelphia, | She wae graduated from the Vox | eroft Behool in 1020, took a degrees ut | Lu Tn hi $139.00 OSHAWA 12 MONTHS TO PAY BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP EE EREE |) J G)0SE FREE WITH EACH WASHER PURCHASED BEFORE CHRISTMAS 1d $2.60 a Week Beginning January==No Interest Charges Green Duco, Nickel-plated With Balloon Rolls, ra | This Electric Washer is Fitted with the New | | Dasher Disc Gyrator and a Beautiful Porcelain Tub Mounted on Heavy Steel Base Finished in FULLY GUARANTEED ) DOWN Safety Wringer. | 70 SIMCOE N, PHONE 1076 the Sorbonne in Paris in 1020, und Phlludelphia, Riding and tennis nt nu member of the Junlor League of | (91% HEMI UE Sree intial bien nl RR Aa EE hd SA tylishlysdress visiting the lower ast | York City, fin tract her to the outof-door Hor) = mother is the daughter of the late! 'I've Guorge I, Woberis, former president of the Pennsylvanian Railroad, und her futher 1x a member of the Philu delphia law firm of Clark, Clark, Me "how Carthy and Wagner, His father wis | ticed 0 ye the Inte E,W, Clark, Philadelphia | holdin banker, | the age upper Soviet Russia, we understand, has! sat loc abolished Sunday as un day of rest, | the ros Golf and the auto did that in this [the two country long ago, Hi Jd ladies were Side, in an attempt to find out other half lives," They no sitting on u curb upnl He had reached I nine be er 1ront teeth and he king rather disconsalately. at fruit, On catching sight of ladies, bis ion chang jumped u, ame toward New nngeten un wher und lo cxpres od, and « the the direction of ohe conhdence | ed th wi rib" put the apple inl ] of them, start this for me | less but smiling | she ladies, holdin "Lady, will you usked aith toc A be SHE PASSED THE TES \& -- I'hey were discussing the ne ty) ! "What do boss, u think of her?" usks "How Is she doing hier The chief elérk I doubtful, "Well, I don't kne "Really," couldn't [eacher: Can a ap smart | parr " ked wu 118 ' he said. "But spells atroclously" sald the bo he must then, I ure | " good spell jt pretty nybody tell mic what lyvgon 1s? Scholar: Please, sir, dead -- _ RA aa a ---- I a es -- EEC CROROTTOE ; J 7" SPECIAL SALE FINE CHIN A AND GLASS Attractive prices on COALPORT INDIAN TREE | CUPS and SAUCERS Rugular price $2. 23, Special price BREAD and BUTTER PLATES--Regular price 30.30. Special Price. .vvuiviiniiiniisisnsins 980 TEA PLATES Regular price $1.90. Special BL IPEIGE ankeanaoess sins ss issue + 4asrssstasssiaessssvasasiens 1.34 BREAKFAST PLATES w= Regular price $2.25. Special price coin Be An TUN $1.69 DINNER PLATES «= Regular price $2.65, Spe. 0 cial price i viiivies $1.98 'SANDWICH PLATES «= Regular price $3.40, Special price oii Winn $2.69 ARIANA RRR ALLTEL IT Elete Limoges Cups and Saucers GOLD AND WHITE -- Regulus price n iu Special Price BRIDAL ROSE -- Regular ice 91.56. oo cial Price .... RETR RO | DELI BR CUT GLASS WATER SETS Duisy pattern, six tumblers & pitcher, Reg. Hy $2. 49 $3.50. Special Groavenor China, decorated, fancy » price $1.23, Special rics a Open Every Evening Until Christmas FINE ENGLISH CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS HERE POCO IRC INRDES IES Get a Dinner Set For The Family FOR CHRISTMAS THE ONE THING YOU WILL NEED AND ENJOY AT THE CHRISTMAS DINNER Our Stock is large and we can show you many beautiful patterns to choose from at very low prices, LITTILISFINS a" 96 Plece China Dinner Set--choice of two patterns $23.90 #4 Piece Set English Dinner Ware «= Green or Yellgw, Plain border $17.90 Fine French Limoges Dinner Set --- 96 Pieces, Beautiful Floral Decorations $37.50 Any of the above sets or any in our shop can be bought on our deferred payment plan, $5.00 Down rd will put one of these sets in your home, then pay $1 weekly Bh SI S BIS IIMS Ii 2d ZEIT IA TIT ROYAL CROWN CHINA CUPS AND SAUCERS 49¢c beautifully hapes, Reg. 9c Reg. price 780 to $1. Special price J ardieres | Fine glazed porcelain, decor ated in blue, green, pink. ate, Speoinl price Ee Sociales In China and Glassware We Carry a ari Stock of Royal Crown Darby China in Mikado and Peacock Patterns. CUT GLASS CHEESE & CRACKER PLATE These come in the new pink glass, Regular price $1.50, ASSORTMENT IN ODD PIECES IN CHINA AND GLASS Such as creams, sugars, spoon trays, Ie quaiss dishes, Regular price $1.50 to $2.00. Special price iui " butter dishes, ote. CUT GLASS GOBLETS Reg, price Special price, each Nicely cut on clean fine crystal. $6.00 per doz. or ---- CUT GLASS SHERBERTS Fine crystal gluse. Reg, price $3.00 po doz. Special price, each simi CUT GLASS SHERBERT PLATES Regular price $ 00 Gill dogen, Special price, each . Ly ------ AMBER AND GREEN GOBLETS Regular price $6.00 per dozen. Special, per six CHINA TEA SET 23 piece, reg. price $6.00, Special blue, eight movement, The 98¢c . 10 King Street West Special price seis, me r---- ASHI R RRR RR Y LLL LLLLLL ARETE) ARasaaatninn LLL RLTLATEN CRRLTTTTR CHINA PLATE CLOCK FOR THE KITCHEN (Guaranteed) Octagon shape, Special nicely cut, 98c 98¢ LLL LLT EER AEE .19¢ LLL 19¢ $1.00 $3.98 $2.49 Jeweller day

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