Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1929, p. 7

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THE OSHAWA "It 1s required of every man," the Ghost said to SCROOGE, "that the spirit within him should walk broad among is tellow men; and if, that spirit goes not forth in life, it is condemned to do so after death, It Is doomed to wander through the world and witness what it cannot shays, but might have shared on earth and turned to happi- nes," Thus spoke the Ghost of MARLEY, Marley had been dead seven years, and his busi- ness partner, the miserly, cold» hearted Bcrooge, had just re- turned to his rooms from his office, to find the Ghost awalt- ing him, It was Christmas Hye, but there was no warmth, no holl day spirit, in the heart of the gresping Berooge, Nor had there been In Marley's heart when he was alive, They were two of a kind-----Rerooge and Marley. But the (Ghost of Mar. ley, wrapped around in elank. ing chains and uttering dread. ful howls, talked differently, fOW GO ON WITH THE STORY : nr Berooge glanced about him on Me tloor, in the expectation of finding himself surrounded hy toma fifty or sixty fathoms of iron table; but he coula gee nothing, "Jacop" he sald fmploringly, *0ld Jacob Marley, tell me move! Fpeak comfort to me, Jacoh!" "T have none to lve, the Ghost replied, "It comes from other re« plons, Ebenezer Herooge, and ls, ronveyed by other min'sters, to oth ir kinds of men, Nor can I tell you what I would, A very little more is all permitted to me, I can~ pot at, I cannot stay, I cannot Hnger anywhere, My spirit never walked beyond our countingMmuse ~mark mein life my snirit nev. ar roved beyond the narrow limits of our mopey-chsnging hole; and weary journeys lie before me!" It was a habit wth Berooge, whenever he becams thouglttul, to put his hands in his reaches pockets, Pondering on what the Ghost had sald, he did so now, but without lifting up his eyes, or get. ne off his knees, "You must have heen very slow About it, Jacob," Berooge observed In & business-ke manner, though with humility and deference, "Hlow!" the Ghost repeated, Seven years dead." mused Nerooge, "And traveling all the lime?" ' "The whole time," sald Ghost, "No rest, no peace, sant torture of remorse," "You travel fast?" said Sernoee, the Inces~ "Couldn't I take 'em all at once, and have it over, Jacob?" hinted Berooge, "Expect the second nex@ight at the same hour, The th the next night when the last stroke of Twelve has censed to vibrate, Look to see me no more; and look that, for your own sake, you re« member what has passed beteeen § When it had ssid these words, the spectre took its wrapper from the table, and bound it round ils head as hetore , Morooge knew this by the smart sound Jte teeth made when the jaws wéve brought to- gether by the bandage, 8 yen tured to raise his eyes again, and found hie supernatural visitor cons fronting him In an erect'attitude, with {ts ehaln wound over about its arm, from him; and, took, the window raised itself a Httle, wo that, reached it, it was wide open, It beckoned Reroows. to apposch, Which he did, When they were within two paces of earh other, y Upon | there was no nolse of people another night, It fsn't possible that anything has happened to the sun, and this Is twelve at noon!" The idea peing an alarming one, lig werambled out of bed, and grop ed his way to the window, He was obliged to rub the trost off with the #leeve of his dressing gown befors he could gee anything; and conld #80 very little then, All he could make out was, that it stil) very foggy and extremely cold, and that runs ning to and fro, and making » great stir, as there unquestionably would have heen if night had beats en off bright day, and taken possess slon of the world, This was a great rellef, because "Three days after sight of this Virst of Kxe change pay to Ebeneger Beroogs or his order," and so forth, would have become a mere United Miates weourity If there were no days to sount by, Herooge went to hed again, and thought, and thought, and thought it over and could make nothing of and jerslexed he wes) and; the more Ih The apparition walked hackward more he thought, At every step it | when the mpdctre it, The more he thought, the more 6 endeavored not to think, the Marley's (host bothered him exs ceadipgly, Nvery time he resolved within himself, after mature Ine auiry, that it was all a dream, his mind flew back again, ke a strong suring released, to its first position, and presented the same problem to "On the winds of the wind," re. plied the fihost, "You might have got over a great quantity of ground in seven years' sald Ferooge, The Ghost, on hearine this, set! up another cry, and elanked its phaln so hideonslv in the dead sil. ence of the night, that the Ward would have been justified in indlet. Ing it for a nuisance, "Oh! captive, bourd, and double. roned,"" eried the phantom, "not to know that ages of incessant lapour, hy immortal creatures, for this sarth must pass into eternity before the mood of which it Is susceptible ; ls all developed! Not to know that any Christian spirit working kind. ly in fta little sphere, whatever It may be, will find its mortal life £00 | short for its vast means of usefuls ness! Not to know that no space | of reeret ean make amends for one life's oonortunities misused! \ Yet such was 1! Oh, such was 1!" "Aut you were always a good | man of business, Jacob," faltered Scrooge, who now began to apply this to himself, "Business!" eorled the Ghost, | wringing its hands asain, "Man. kind was my business, The com« mon welfare was my business: charity, mercy, forhaarance, and benevolence were, all, my buainess, The dea"uws of my trade were but a drop of water In the Samurenen: | sive ocean of my business!" It held up its chain at arm's. length, as if that were the cause of all fts una. ailing srief, flung it heavily upon the ground again, "AT thd thme of fhe Fo'lfhg ear," spectre sald, "I suffer most, y did 1 walk through erowds of fellowsbelnge with my eyes turned down, and never ralse them to that blessed Star whieh led the Wise Men to a poor ahode? Were there no poor homes to 'whieh ita light would have conducted me?" Serooge was very much dismayed to hear the spectre going on at this rate, and began to quake exceed: ingly, "Hear me!" cried the Ghost "My time {8 nearly gone," "Twill, sald Scrooge, 'But don't be hard upon me! Don't be flowery, Jacoh! Pray!" "How 1s it that I appear before you in a shape that you can tee, | may not tell, I have eat invisible bes'de you many and many a day." It was not an asreeabls {idea Scroove ahivered, and wiped the peraniration from his brow, "That is no lght part of m penance." pursued the Ghest am here tonight to warn you that sou have vet a ehance and hope of escaping my fate. A chance and hove of my procuring, Ebeneser.' "You were always a ood friend to me" sald Serooge. "Thankee!" "You will be haunted," resumed the (thast, "by Three Spirita® Seroove's countenance fell als most as low as the Ghoat's had done "Is that the chance and hope voy mentioned. Jacoh*" he demande in na faltering vole, "" t in" "IT thipk I'd rather not," sald Romane "Without thelr visits," sald the (host, "vou ecarnnt hope to shun the path | tread, Wveant the first | went, tamorrow when the bell tolls One" +e beokoned Serooge to approach, which he did, Marley's Ghost held up its hand, warning him te come no nearer, Herooge stopped, Not so mueh in obedience as in surprise and fear; for, on the rals- ing of the hand, he became sensible of confused nolses in the air; in coherent sounds of lamentation and regret; wallings Inexpressibly sore rowful and self-accusatory, The spectre, after listening for a mo- ment, Joined Ip the mournful dirge; and floated out upon the bleak, dark night, Scrooge followed to the window! desperate in his eurlosity, He looks ed out, by The alr was filled with phantoms, wandering hither and thither in reatless haste, and morning as they Kvery one of them wore elaine like Marley's Ghost; some few (they might he gullty govern ments,) were linked together; none were free, Many had heen person ally known te Scrooge In their lives, He had been quite familiar with one old ghost in a white waist coat, with a monstrous iron safe attached piteoualy at being unable to asalst #& wretched woman with an infant, whom ft saw helow upon a doors step, The misery with them all wan clearly, that they sought fo in- terfere, for good, in human mat. ters, and had loet the power for evar, Whether these ereatures faded into mist, or mist enshrouded them, he could not tell, Nut they and thelr spirit voloes faded together; and the night hecawme as It had ben when he walked home, Scrooge closed the window, and examined the door hy whieh tim Ghost had entered. It was double locked, as he had locked it with his own hands, and the bolts: were un- disturbed, He tried to sav "Hume hue!™ but stopped at the first sy! lable And being, from the emo tlons ha had undergone, or the fat igues of the day, or his glimnse of the Inviathle World, or the dull eon- verantion of the Ghost, or the lates ness of the hour, mueh in need of repose, went atralght to bed with. out undressing, and fell asleep upon the instant . .« a THE FINEST OF "HE THIER SPIRITS When Scroome 'awoke it was so dark, that, looking out of bed, he could scarcely distinguish the trans parent window from the opaque walla of his chamber He was ens deavorine to plerce the darkness with his ferret eves, when the chimes of a nelghbouring church struck the four nuarters, So he listened for the hour, To his great astontahment, the heavy bell went on from six te seven to elght, and regularly up te twelve: then stopped, Twelve! I Was past two when he went to hed The clock wrong. . An folele must have wot into the works! Twelve! He touched the apring of his re peater, to correct this most prepos terana elesk Tie vapid Hitle poise heat twelve nd wtanped "Whe 1! fsn't poseinle™ Seraowe, "that I aan have sali slaw to ita ankle, who erled | be worked all through, "Was It » dream or pot?" Moronge lay in this state until the chime had gone three-quarters Ff SR ---- DOMINIONS 70 SET OWN EAVOYS' RANK British Government Ready to Co-operate on High Commissioners' Status | (| A Radio for Xmas QF ul o ¥ © Cleve Fox Hardware OSHAWA London, Dee, 10.TNeplylng to question In the House of Commons lust week, us 16 whether it was pro posed to make any changes in the status of the High Commissioners ol the Dominions, William Lunn, Par ligmentary under-Beeretary for the Dominfons, sald i the question re ferred to the. funetlons performed by the High Commisgloners on behalf of thelr respective Governments in thei relations with the Government here, thst wis a matter for the Dominion Governments concerned, Hig Majesty's Government in the United Kingdom. was mast willing to neeord High Commissions whitever position In regard to status thelr own Governments considered desirable they should oeeupy, Replying to another question the under-Secretary sald he had recelved no reaguests from the Dominlon Gov ernments that the question of In werlal geonomie unlty should he di cussed wt the fortheoming lmperial Conference JOBLESS PARADE IN VANCOUVER Another DemaoYstration Held as Pol'ce Chief Issues Warning PHONE 265 - EXTR,.CTION C-- a OF SCOTTISY people In the parade not tax payers or residents of Vancouyer Many of these people do not want jobs, They want $4.50 a day and thay do not waht to do anything for it," Brockville, son of Mr, and Mrs: Lov Jnok Wing, Sun Way City, Canton, Chinn, The engaged couple North Bay, Ont, will experience Its first Chinese wedding on Dee, "8 when Miss Adness Yin Young, are shown in the photograph here, duughter of Mrs, Gum Young, will ph coremony will be held in Ht become the bride of Lor Lelp, Andrew's United Chureh WATFR DIVERSION "DECISION GIVEN Chicago Must Reduce Amount of Watzr Taken From Lake Washington, Deo, 10 stage In the long battle to prevent the eity of Chieago from taking mord water than it should from Lake Michigan was passed with nublieation of Bpecial Master Char les Wvans Hughes' report to the supreme eourt, Hurhes recommended Chicago should comnlete compensatory works hy 1080, when diversion should be lHmited to 1,600 euble 'eet per mecond erelusive of dom astla water supnly, unless Con ross shonld avthorigs other diver fon for navigation porposes Diversion at nrerent anthorigat 8 8.700 gecond feet should ba Avnced by July 81, 1080, tn 4 800 | "Two rides soond feet, and further redveed |flyer tn B,000 meonnd feet unon instal "Yas, sub" lation of controlling works to pre | first and mah last," (London Bystander) "Yes, I'm an cosmopolitan My fa Irish, my mother [tallan, 1 Scottish ship off Burs Me Tavish 1s my dens ther was wits bortr in a SET FQR A BCRAP celonn and Mr a ---------- Awhison, Kunea MucdTuvish to do with with his toes, This |it Idving the hands Detroit Ney A man in 1 lay un ukulele has an advantage, for self-defense vent a back flow of storm sewage, The Bupreme Court should re talon Jurisdietion in the onse until recommendations were carried In to effect, Chiougo to report pro grows semi-annually, The supreme court will now take the report gf Its master in hand und mare & decisign which will ttle five years' Hilgation hetween Chicago and the siate of 1inols on the one hand and the six states of New York, Wisconsin, Minnesotn Ohlo, Penngylvania and Michigan lon the other Canada has obrary Another lad the progress of the with interest hut has not taken an ad tive part that mukes me " "Why, of Scottish ¢ course, xtraetion " Be l.® a US After illness BOVRIL saves you weeks of weakness . Ohne A young colored hov had heen entering un flver to give him a rid "Come on, hov," sald the flyer one nerning I feel lke having a little fun, Hop In" For halt an hour the fiver gave him "I he liad in the box, When he ean vin the hoy sat wit! his head In his | Vancouver, Dec, 10, Boma four hundred of Vancouver's unemployed taged another parade esterday Cambie street grounds hut did not en ter the elty reliet office when they assed It, as they did on Monda While this demonstration was tal place, William R, Trae ntendent of polies, was webting of, the rellef ell that if the unemploy theh them bh uper hn telling AN | mmission nl e fervent you honk you, B " sald "Far them two nite " ef me py rides Yio elty eom d paid ged | present lender tinelng Vancouver stores" "I venture (. say," superintendent I'racey went on, "that many of the im) fhe ta some ol on will have tent \ 1 the pur oguerle wr (5) ¥ (movr the boy, "Muh IN BARGAIN DAYS| more, when he remembered, on sudden, that the Ghost had warned him of a visitation when the bel tolled one, He resolved to 1h awake dntll the hour was passed and cons'dering that he could ne more go to sleep than go to heaven this was, perhaps, the wizest resolu tion {n his power, The quarter wea so lonk, that We was more than ones ponvineed hi must have sunk Into a dose uncon folously, and missed the olook, Al length It broke upon hig Hstening sar, "Diag, doug!" YA quarter past," sald counting, "Dine, dong!" "Halt past," sald Scrooge "Ding, dong!" "A quarter to It," "Ding, dong!" "The hour Itself," sald Soroow 'rlumphantly, "and nothing else!' He spoke before the hours hel ounded, whieh It now aid with deep, dull, hollow, melancholy One Light flashed up in the room upon the fnatant, and the evrtaing of his bed were drawn (To be continued) SIVEN THREE YE!RS "OR KILLING SALOR Montreal, Dee, 18.-Sentenoces ware pronounced hy Mr, Tustie Wilson in three cases In King's Hench today, one for manslaugn ter, one for attempted murder and one Custom's Act offense, Angele Mastrolorito was Riven hree years In the penltentiney for he killing of Frederick Willlame Trilabeek, Trilgheok was one of a (rou of satlors who came to Mar trolocito a reataurant on St, Laws rence boulevard and ereated some | disturbance, aa an outcome of which Maateolarito armed himself with a revelver and shot Triluheck, The eourt, lu pronouncing sen 'ence, pointed to the unsavory ves 'ord which Mastrolori'e hud sinee "eo cama to Canada soma 16 years '#0, having bern in frequent con 'Hit with the polide and having 'everal conviotlons agalnst him, A, Arvia, found gullty of attemp 'ad murder, waa sentenced to five vears In the penitentiary, the court sointing out that he would prob hiy. be deported thereafier, Shot Throuth Boor Arvia had visited one A'lea Lin onen in the latter's room, while + number of ather peaple were vis ting Liukonen, and had, appavent | lv become Jealous of a colored man n eonnequence ofedrink an well or 'ealousy, went out and got a ve volver and fired through the door te Llukonen's room, nraelaimina aloud that he was rolpg to kil everybody in the roam, No che was hurt, but Arvia was arrested latar, Nerooge sald Norooge THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY: One dollar down opens your account during these Special Bargain Days. The stock has been largely augmented from Our Seven Toronto Stores, You are cord'ally invited to pay us an early visit. Sale Closes Saturday, Algh WY 4 ama DOLLS i, 9% ! --_--" 100 ON SALE COATS == wile Ny COATS = vw LIRA BEST BARGAIN IN TOWN \ pC 0" Dresses smart and A wonderfully group of Misses' Women's Dresses in all styles, colors, and sizes, Extra good value from $5.95 All wool Chinchilla cont y FH : i 1 : in ---- for Men of all | hy , \ ages, rom \ We "wit \ff $18.95 YOUTHS' SUITS A wide selection of Al Tweed Sults, Specially priced from $10.95 \ VN Coats coata with collars and cuffs, -- Fur Mese nlges Ladies | i i | are mostly small from $4.95 SLICKERS Half price and less in Boys', Ladies' and Men's sizes. On sale $2.95 GIRLS' COATS A group of Fur Trimmed Girls' Coata in velour lined throughout, Sizes 10, 12, 14, from w= $3.95 : lly, [ly [LL TIN Come In And Hoar Worth A Boys' SUITS Special values in Boys' suits with one long and one bloomer pants, All sizes from w= Million / To a L Child ~~ / CRN LRN i inl! Ntands 27 Inches High a Boys' In good heavy Tweed and all wool Chin ohilla in slsos for ali Coats = $6.95 GLASS 67 SIMCOE STREET N. -- Em -- Men's SWEATERS wool and come in all mleon Including a wide soloctioh of good colors a from se

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