Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1929, p. 3

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aE i FE THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1929 PAGE THREE shawa and District Held in Grip of Snow and Sleet Storm Mail Delivery to Westmount To Start This Afternoon City Postmaster Announces Two Deliveries a Day will MER TROUPE Be Provided--Only Let ES ALDA TRO ters and Light Mail Will Be Delivered Until After Chrisimes DELAY IN STARTING DELIVERY SERVICE Residents Neglected To Pro- vide Mail Boxes, Which Prevented = Fost Office From Commencing the Service Sooner A osriaTmaeG ronsleting prineips ally of singin Wits presente Hall by the Lemerslda troupe, dancer, wis the star of the heing well received in both her sing Seoteh eomedinn, presented a nun tie dancers were given hy cther men bers of the troupe, Sr a7 DARLINGTON TWP. The mail delivery that has heen promised the Westmount section of Oshawa became u reality today, Commencing this pfiernoon tha ex tanglon of the Oshawn elty lotier delivery to Westmount, whieh wonld have been effected earlier nad tie residents supped mall boxes, pecame effective, here will he two mall deliveries each day, but during the Christ mas season, and until) the roads are ciently Improwed the delivery will include only letters and Hight mall When thers is a pareel at the Post Ofes for a Femiont of this gection they will he notified hy a ecard when the postman ealls and will be vequived to eall at the post oes for It In making pro vistan for the deasonal vish, It wig not known that Westmount would have po delivery by that time and no provision was made for e tra men for the parcel delivery, Hoon after Christmas, residents of the disteiet ave promised a fall delivery of mall, hut meanwhile they will have to he contents with ne delivery of letters only The new section will he inte two walks and will be No, 16 and 16, Walk No, 16, will Ine dude, from Park road to Reverly avenue on King street and the fol lowing slreels Heverly avenue, Alexander houlevurd, Cromwell avenue, Montrose avenue, 'lue 'ave sue, Bimgrove avenue and Park ond south, Walk 10; King street from Park read to Rosehill houle rard, and Park road worth, Buena 'Vista avenue, (Hbbhons street, Loe gtveet, Milier avenue Madd avenue and Hose hill boule | on Monday Last, Dec, 16 The, statutory meeting ef Darling. ton «Sunell was held 10, with members ull present Williams presiding Minutes of previous read sud approved James Curtls, sehoul ficer, wive his report of November which was approved and salary for paid, \ James given is suiled, The following Reeve meeting wel pltendance ol ne or bylaw for th Curtls for the vear several readings IT oy and alutic pass Thut whereas the rules ie) y'] wlatlo of Public Highwiavs do not permit the payment of bonus on his irk performed on the highways nl authorized by the roud puperiutend: eit, Therefore, be it resolved from this date the road ent will not pay tor uny duly authorized by him" rled L, T, Pasco abatement to $388.50, balance of paid Road youchers amounting Treasurer re 1 Wis ed na divided Hp inte I i work Motion ear ented taxes Was o ro for 1h his bill of dAmountin ved urder pre on 1924 whieh salary and superintendent Letng numbered Jo and to 80.39 and $d? acknowledged th fol lowlnggrecelpts L, I, Pascoe tax 1928. 89214 | 3 Paseo and {per cent, and arrears of taxes 1904, $007 ( DD, Hodgs 1920 | $71,172.08 Orders were follows Wo Ro Allin, ufiee expense Thos, Richards, offie Phos, Richards, salary, 825.501 Thos Rickards, maintenance, $6367: Silas Williams, services of reeve, $78.00; Gen, Annly, servieea as deputy reve, $75001 A, L, Pascoe, serviees as cotuneillar, $7500; John Mutton, sey vicos ua councillor $7500; CC, A Rlanchard, gerviees as councillor, 75.001 Dean Medgson, salary as eols legtor taxes, 1929 100,00; L, 1, Pas eo, bal, of salary as eolleetor of tax es, 1948 $135.001 WW, R, Alin, servis cen uf elerk, B12500; Tas, Cuetly, sal ary and expenses at attendance oft cer, 856.301 A thee Millson, rebate on taxes, 1929, $17.38 Counell adjourned sine die R. ALLIN Clerk 37 £ 16a fin CVard, 0, Luxes What Others Say drawn on (reasurer as 'R) OSHAWA HUMANE SOCIETY hetaee hd i liditor Oshawa Daily Fines Ld 'Dear Niry The local branch of abuyve society, Maving obtained a number of calen Marg to retail at the small sum of Sify cents each, Is desirious of hays sing the peaple of Oshawa clearly une fderstand that the gall profit des irived therefrom will go 10 the funds fpf the local branch These calendars, being of wedium Bpige with a pleture for each month, appropriate for home or offi fand worthy of a prominent hanging, ah to be hoped that all antmal Slovers will patronize this worthy LRavse, Calendars may be had at headquars Sters, Simeoe street south, either In toalling or phoning and placing of Sler, when a voluntary canvasser will tdeliver them hanking you for publicity, all yours very tral A. LOBRBAN, Han, dee, & Treas, ia The June hride was I aEaln, this morning: It see hur wet the catfee pot Tog " wa of her waffles, thinking It was an nabeston ads Detroit News, --_-- Cheistmey Sale of Dinner Sets A large number of beautiful pafterns to chooge from, Priced from $17.90 to $40 We import these dishes from d and can offer you wonderful Lo WEEKLY D. J. BROWN Le King St. W, Phone 189 Monduy, Des, wanth accepted an 4 unless PLAYS IN OSHAWA and daneing numbers, last night at Rotary Little nine-yewr-old Graglella, ehild EVENing, ne and daneing numbers, Norse, the her of fing songs, while various exo. | COUNCIL MEETS Statutory Session Was Held| presente | " | | | | | | the Leonel, I | | | Kranted LEGION GRATEFUL FOR DONATION TO Money Raised in Campaign Being Rapidly Used Up by Relief Calls At & meeting of the executive committe of the Canadinn Loglou last night, aeknowledgement was celyed by the branch from Mrs, GU, D, Conant, thig being a balance left over for some years from Lhe vast room fund which was used on behalf of the soldiers during the wil, This sum is belng placed in {the yellet funds of the Canadian | Leglor, upon which so heavy u {traf has heen placed in the lum | tow Ww weeks that already the money rated In the Peppy Day campaign | [16 dwindling awny very rapidly Kyery effort 14 to he made to eon gorve this fund ng much ag pos gible (0 meet ciergency Cuses, us | the present rate of vellef oulls, will not lust mueh longer, The commities ule deelded that the soolal avening whieh had bhosn | planned fof Thursday, Degenibor {HU be postponed until a later date, as the night fixed hind found unsuitable for a large number of | the comrade The vegular mast [ing of the branch, however will be | { held an December 44 he flest [mesting tn Janusry will be an im portant an It will be the geen {lon of the annuul eléetion of om | ers af the branch heen ane, ans «| 1,000 PARCELS IN "| ONE DAY HANDLED BY POST OFFICE | Tomorrow Is Last Day For Posting Local Mail For Christmas Delivery | that to whieh delly It manter Thnoes reminded doy Bure Cltlgons morrow is loeal mall ery before rank Mathe [this morning oral taken [Mall mall are the last posted 1d Uhristinnn )' BON told 1 that vitigens fn gen well to the slogan although the has beet on have Karly, thin year up to now the heaviest fn the history of the loon] Post OfMea (4 la kept steadily moving and thera 18 no congestion in either the (neaming mall or Lhe outgoing mall, 1,000 Parcels Yestapdny The postmaster plese stated he hag men working all night to keep the oMea clear of mall and 10 render to the eltigens of Oshawy A postal perviee deeond to none in Ontaplo, Not gnly is the mun coming into the oily In great quan tities, but it 1s alse golug out In large quantities, Last evening ¥ trucks werd required to transport pareels to the trains and the num ber reached the record total for one day of 1,600 parcels, IT the people of Oshawn Tol fow remaining days hefore Christ mag give the Post OMoo the help that they have In the pant week there will be no vongestion this {year and every one will have thelr IOhristman paveels In time, provide ed they ave posted on time from thelr original offoee una thin | "| AN OLD SUBJECT IS CLEARED UP Council Aipatiass Signing of Deed to W, E. Phillips Co. of Oshawa St, that hus heen re celving the attention of the Oshe awa olty counell fer two Yous, wan oledred up on Monday night when the counell, In the dying moments of ita last meeting of the year, passed a hylaw authorising the signing »f a deed of n portion of Oshawa street ta the W, K Phillips Co, Ltd, of this oity The portion of Oshawa sireet involved (a (hat part lying bhetweoh Plrst and Third avenues, About WO Years Ago the company ny proached the eoity and asked that this part of Oshawa sireet eloged and sold ta the company #0 that the flr would Join wa properties on bouh eldes of the street, Resldents of Oahawa street im mediately valsed abjeetione to the move, and after a bylaw to olose atroet waa passed hy the moved In Supreme Cour to have the bylaw ouashed, motion fabled, and the residents [ then preferred damage olalma against the oity, The city made appleation ta the Railway Nourd to have Third avenwne opened acrend the Oshawa Rallway, after an order to this elfect by tha NMoard, mos the claimants were withdrew their olalms, One of them; Fred Ohmara, still persist od In his olan, which was heard bufore Hin Hoher Judge Thomp On of Whitby In arbitration court here, Judgment was reserved on the elaim and has not yet heen handed down An ald matter, Wad ol satiafiad apd | | | ITS RELIEF FUND Poppy | Comfortless and Cheerless Christmas [s Faced by Many Unfortunate Oshawa People | {Only Through Generosity of Citizens Can These People in| made of wu cheygue fur $24.08 yee! | | | Dally | W | | | | | | | Joseph Coopes Allowed Sus- | | good-looking [Hig Worship Years fop | bank | WILL HOLD ANUAL i \ and dance of the employees of the bad | dian | fine feltman, | draw be | {Leon Frazer Will Attend Thin | aad | | favored compulsory take at { oul | nt willing that | the | ed hy REPRESENTS CITY Desperate Straits Due to Unemployment or Sickness of the Wagearners, Be Assured of a Glad Christmas -- Welfare and Christmas Fund Is Helping Many, But More Donations Are Much Needed flood of gontributions larg und sill, to put the Fund over ths top belove the Joy bells ring on Christ mas Eye, Contributions should once to 'I, WW, Joys, the Domindon Bank the Fund, or ean bi fice of The Oshawa Dally Thine Following 1s the list of contribu tions reported up to noon todey | Amount ulready nowledged OMeers Me Heghnent Dorothy M, "Tait Femple Lodge, AT, & AM on 500 King Stregt Behoul J).B85 (iourpe AMlehin, 20.00 W, KR, Allehin 500 demands ul helmin and Lorruing i belo ralsed Brown ,, 0 | two hundred dol Jumlor Girls" Auxiliary | frog the ore' Chureh | | will" he necessa A " irt 8774 y have ot least hundred dollars I, Fleteher ubseribed In order 10 have Swirly will come within re and Mrs Fred of the sly Only a Pattie 0) | th lle more und brings 1s relic, tor As Chelstinns comes closer, conditions of distress which pre in Oshawn wre becoming more spparent, Lyery day frosh grist of appeals tor mediante help to be glven tu lane ies whieh, lg to the unemploy ment of the wage-enrner, und often owling ta sickness In the h In desperate stralts, und ure w eonfortless and eheerlesy Christ mas senson unless the people of Osh through the Weltare and Christ Cheer Yund, come to thelr Aasnistane to be given to families whieh peed help wt once, fu {miles which ennnot wilt until Clirlst but whieh require food und fuel to provide the eileen with the 1 cores ol whsisted, and lurue Ww le THT manager of | and treasurer of | lett ut the ol nes, fueling re Wel wi 101.00 | HH Ont URLY] 0,00 | ha His, Hoy N means of seh ens | ure being these COMBE, Wire the Fund Fodu less than lars enme Into th Fund, wthough it which Hi isurer ol hive Bh day Fund of the whieh eh need ion The Christus resehin height sued hy mn pre and to the uppeal on newdy famihes by renin t ul ving Ia Let It bo expr HENEFONS YERPOLISe iehalt of Oshavii 8 COURT LENIENT T0 YOUNG MAN GUILTY OF FORGERY phi to date +. v4 ' AN N58 Russell Stalnton, Taunton, ten b rels of npple avoy" Candy park one BL ull of candy, valued at $500 KEEN INTEREST IN UTTLE THEATRE CHILDREN'S PLAY About Thirty Local Chil.| dren Taking Part in | Production children's Christmas play, King of Dookland" whieh is to be produced by the Oshawa | Little Theatre une of three Christma plays to presented ut the Rotary Hall on Friday and Haturday, Decomber 27 and 25, I» arousing kaon Interest In the efty A thirty leeal ehlldren are takinm In this production and the rehearsals, econducteq by Mp, and Mrs John Cralg, have revealed wonderful amount of real dramatio ubility in the ehlid ren who are In tmportant roles Thin Te expected to ho one of the finest and most attractive produc tions ever stared hy the Little Thea! re tice two other one pot plays, YA Christman Carol" by Charles Diokens, and "The Maker of Dreams' ave to form the bal ance of the presentation, ther should he a demand for \ ponte, Non-uubsoribers, as Is usunl, he our hat hoon returned to will weloomed \ the perform (he meter eompany And Walker's iv ' the hhgle "i oth tor which | neoount has hean left Intaet 4 priced at. che dollar each I'he oante for the ohildren's play "he King of Bookland", fs an fol | lows! | Wendy, Yvou Pan, Geneviero the Mean Mtulk Fairy, Alberig Neauty, lsabel Carl Joun Kindwa Nmith) \ is l'otul pended Sentence by Magistrate Willis Josaph Cooper, who was conyiel ed in police gourt today on» chargs of forging the of Wilmot Walker, l'art Perry, un cheque which he presented to the Ontario Mator far the purchase Of oar, was allowed suspended aent ence hy Magtatvate Willis Cooper, wha In @ I'he "The pame on He be Males i "n ell-bullt, woul YOURE mun of 20 yours, told the court that he did not know what had possessed him to perform so rash a deed, He had pesn In trouble before and highly recommended by var! ous farmers of Resch township with whom he had been employed different periods "Wa will give commented part neyoy Wis chunoe, und, "Hut re fouMesn you Ww member you ure Hable Foy thin offense Attorney MoGibhon the eourt fenton Crown Was urent show be ne Uindlay; Peter Conant] Juok +f | Ldln Polston} | Idd Nleeping lop Clndarella, Titania, Muriel | Captain Hook, Jack Gers | mond; Pirate, David "Lander; Ph ate, Francis Rundle; Hawpsel, Kisle | Hed hil GUratal, Peggy Henry | I'in Soldier, Diy Mutton; OW) Lady Who Lived In a Shoe, Mary Shertdan; Allee the Nurse, Joan sehofleld; Curly Looks, Barbara Morphy; Mad Hatter, Loretta | Gates; Allee In Wonderland, 1d) Han Gooeh; Kunave of Hearts Hobby Henry Jaek, Eddy Rundle JUL frena Curtis Ned Riding | Hood Klleabeth Morphy; Miss Muff, Roberta Gates; Mary Mary Quite Contrary, June Luke; Nos | Peap, Tpahel MeDonald: Tom, Tom the Plper's Son, Roger. Conant} Rimple simon, Doreen Sullivan Noy, Alan Sheridan; Girl, Mary | Heaton Mia, the DISAGREE WITH VIEWS OF HEENAN 1) handle CONCERT AND DANCE I'he anhual © hl alm poneert Williams Plana Co, will take place tomorrow night, commepeing al 10 o'elook A large show roam Im the factory has been abipined for the purpose and it has heen | prettily decorated in keoping with the Christmas season while a sult able platform has been erected The concert Inelndes mudh (ine ent, while Roh Wilson, comes of Toronto, will give several numbers Mr, Powell, of the Nigel Cao, Toronte, 18 to be The annual employees wil also take place with a $200 radio offered an thet prise, radio speaker table, wecond prize and a plana benoh, third prise, he dance musie will he provid T, Clnnamon's ovohesira Ota Oy A muni In eharge Fleming in a AT AUTO ENQUIRY | Hearing on Compulsory Liability Insurance (Continued from Page 1 the |! Let to stands ony gltuation Loon Prager, secretary of the ns Chamber of Commarea ls represent tng the eity at the hearing of the Inaurance Rates Enquiry Com wission at the Ontario Pariiament Bulldings today, December 18, on the guestion of compulsory aus tamaobile Hability lnsurance, Thin suggestion wag made by Mayor TT, I Mitohell, who stated that he opposed compulaory nsuy anes of this nature, Alderman Prevy I striving Vancouver (Ry Canadian Press Leased Wire Vancouver, BO, Deo, 10,«The polioy of dealing with the unews ployed during past years will be continued, the elty council decldeg at special meeting yesterday alter hearing recommendations of the | relied committen of the counetl, The rate of pay for married wen | will 'vemain at $2.00 por day white | pingle men will vecelva $1.00 on thin basis, It was announced, The parks board will provide work top 100 pdditional unemployed, A letter from the unemployed | ammoolation asking permission to | address the council waa fled, | Neplous In sdd that he Insurances, YThe question of instructing Me, Fraser on the attitude he should the hearing was hredohed but it was decided to allow Mn Prager to attend the heaving with. lustructions from the counoll, | Christman | eloned, | reporiy | heen | mn order oughly GBUBATY | pOrin, of any familes sistance are asked to communicate ing the | ton | Hon Christmas | lutely | for | of | members | worns=out | haw | Loy w, { thelp | Come CHRISTMAS CHEER LIST WILL CLOSE TOMORROW NIGHT EE All Reports of Families in Need Must be Sent in Before Then Tomorrow night the list of tam {Hos to bo provided with Christmas Cheer from the Woelfure and Cheer Vund will be Vor the lest two weeks, of families In need have pouring in upon the Chrisy Cheer Fund ofMelnls, and in that every cane may bo thors investigated, and un esl ity noeds made, It Is nee that the Het be closed, With only one dey left for re altigens who have knowledge whieh requive wks mute of ones with Major George Hamil or Miss Hobinson at the em ployment services offioe, § Bond ML, | W., telephone No, 648, wo that ine vostigations may hae made with n view fo placing these families on the Het, Home hundreds of fami are already Husted for -ntten tion, and ou Mounduy morning next | the work of unssembling thelr bunkoty will wiarted In order that (his may be dons ex peditiously, however, [A I) necessury to have the list closed In advance, hence the fix ing of ¥riday night as the last date far receiving feports of families dostrous of being placed on the | bo nbsoe | [Christmas Cheer Vubd lst for ase | pintance BASEMENT OF CITY | HALL 15 HOSPITAL FOR BROKEN TOYS | Firemen Assist Scouts In| Preparing Gifts for Poor Children The basement of the city hall) has heen converted Into wu hospital | broken toys Mere nll kinds playthings may be found, dolls} without heads and tracks without | train without wheels and boats lacking maste, But the help ors of Manta Claus, Including of Oshawa Hoy troops assisted hy the elty firemen, have heen busy mending these old | for Christmas when distributed among the of the community Lit tn really remarkable what ins genulty ean do Une toy Id robbed of {ts parte to vepalf another toy ot similar type, The head which may grace the body of a doll that Is minus logs and arms may finally be fastened to the body of a dell that Is complete to lmbe but lost ts head Wheels have fitted on tiny ears and these will now operate to the Joy ef some lttle follow's heart, A most welcome gift wan recely | od u few days ago when some pers | pon unknown, made the toy shop a CRs the Boeout toys will be poor children they LL) heen { presentation of threes hoxps of new both generous und ens These will preve in the work of an aot COUraging grout help LN The seouts and firemen not | sparing In the use of paint, with | the result that all the toys which will go Into the pack Wil possess | a bright, new apnearance It re presents a great deal of work and | waorifioe but ft will he worth while when ohildish hearts are gladdens lod to tind that they have not been missed at Christmas time BARKING OF DOG SCARES BURGLARS Intruders Had Attempted To Enter Mary Street Home During Absence | of Family lL) the [ ire he barking of a little Vomew anton dog prevented thieves from breaking Into the residence of Chay, dweet, contractor, 344 Mary St on Monday eevning, The family was abwent at the time hut nelgh bors were alarmed by the barking of the dog, which had been left in the houwe, They came outeide and sonrohod the yard and neighbors hood but could find no trace op \he Intruders who had evidently slink od away when the dog disturbed work The kitehen window at the rear | of the house had heen forced and | although it had boon locked when the family left, the eateh wan | found to have heen broken, It Is thought that the burglars employ od a "Jimmy tn prying It open, Had the falthfal litle pet not given hig warning it {2 probable that the Intruders Would have entered the house unnoticed An absentsminded Bishop was ask od na ratlway carriage for ticket. When he had done searching in hix pookety, the tor said "Oh never wind; sir, across it later "Rut I do mind™ sald the Rishe | "I must find the ticket to know where | I am going Ww" : \ mu h | nas pe < you'll Scout Toy Shop | Was Delayed Several Day conduct the {eftort, | vices ky ae Country Roads are Blocked, Trains are Behind Schedule, As Winter Descends on City [Motors Are at 'Standstill on "All Roads Except High« way, Which is Being Kept Open by Work of Snows ploughs STORM WAS A BOON FOR UNEMPLOYED Many Men Given Work in Cleaning Snow from Sts., ( and From Sidewalks of" big display window, | Private Citizens of Oth- SKATING TONIGHT -- MOTOR CITY RINK Products Shown| The finished produotd of the Boy Boouls' toy shop ure now oh display in the blg window of thy Hydro-Blectrie Power Commissions oMos un King street west, 'I'ley Include dolls, enrriagens, kidd enrd, slolghs, wagons und mechan feal stoys, and wany persons who have passed the window have mig akon them for brand now urticles The Woouty ure grateful to the Hydro-Eleetrls Power Com on for Hs generosity in loan lot mi feet storm held uy tho uf« wintery country ronds In th eported blocked and utomoblles, traing y und nearly wll of ullered to som is ith | All cre firip today, | ter 1 three duys of Wait her, abl Fung Jnl {ur §| ore Int | the ple BOrVhee by Fire Last Thurs. Lo | ( day ind mont of tl) Ide Cllity [ I the opin exhausted ell yesterda Old Hi nog Hyenie wrted Tuesday night, ite of this Jo i that it had I resources But laugh Mun Winter this morning, sow und lor most HY th ny ] ware vho to get out and ex Althoukh delayed for gyoral | practical days by a fire last Thursday moru nui ing, skating will start at the Motor | City Mladium tonight at 7 o'clock, | ' ( \ M The fire occurred in the early im hours of the morning und wis pre J vented from becoming orioun through the nlort eyen of Con stable Voreman, notloed it | 1 and turned In a fire Prompi tks to earn a few and eMelont work fire de + doll lor their fu partment confined the Roads Impassable freshiment booth and dre of "Tl I'ime room The repairs were speedily | FYI HHICH | completed by the W, J, Trick Come ALA | part pany, and the rinl | for |b ried that road yassabl opening tonight } ib fdedlted quit [Old Dobbin | LITTLE THEATRE pick TO BE CONDUCTED | jut) dir I'he highwa being kept ope ON FRESH BASIS 1 the ure of snowploughs, who hiv lL pt continually moving PY keep the road clear for motor traf ht i, Hee LIS] the « n ul who alarm, of the it Lo Hilie I ning | correspondents With it this merning, ol the county, re wer practically biles, They are me places, and HAIN FRigning supreme method ol the ready [or auton high In 1 locomotion in | aced ith & financial ituation | threatens to put the Little movement in Oshawa out « ol whieh theatre busine the Oshawa St, Gregory Frains Delayed | { | tains w running somewhat bes held in Nid chedule here, but not nearly as night, decid={ 3 Western Ontario, where ' | th star emed iri 10 Ww have more sere ' ous co ane ¢ na busis of |] " : 1 ne 5 ran in this vieine direction arter the inadiun ace reported 8 10 bu pre ti running as high as Ju \ " Me 17 and 28, has been staged thu Ih y ¢ Whi the I's were on howed a great keen from €) Hii a" National train CANT Ww ' the Lattle Theatre go \ : ite, with others behind, but ness to keep 150 wink moat of the traing M al | 1} inted rang my, Mly when it wi | ! were fairly well on chedule, out that tn several other eities inter I th the CP y ested citizens with ability and enthu graph con oan » 3 and CNR, tele plasm had been successful fn divocting | 10 5 th Nine Shorted ha trouble, ¢ WoL on ) ut | vi \ UN upparently spanns Little "Iheatry productions, Offers ui under the fury oF th [ha assintance in directing the produce | Bell Tolephor f ¢ elements, clephone tons, and of strong support to the {aa at Ws npany also plan to place the movement on a ba | nervice In this disesri S erence with N etrict, shy ol voluntary service, created wy, special Teaved | wire! bringin Ixy ng ol Gh ahh " ih news into The Nines: office bi 4, the] of a Wry pn 1 \ b fLreed Printer glrenlt, was = working the HHH ig wit Oh A {this morning, the line dificklties ex ; HY Bugsy Ts Tol [perieneed yesterday morning having f | * her Haeu | been cleared, Canadian Press at 1! discusal 4 ronto reported telegraph i as pa | ) | aph nes to was passed that the {New York ol commission, pres |} { a meeting subseribers « ere 1th Lheutre g Hall Tue thelr eff nent « lo carry on und nove | | y | It sof | | BOC ented onl voluntar perle Christma December The )) pla minutes meeting " 1 he {report minds ol | Hew pian an even Ww been n, a4 resolution Os Little 'I'heatrs HOM out comtinue after January 1 on a basis 4 vuiitng the reception of much U J ) n= of geoluntary direction, and that ted States or Luropenn news. Cam rangements be made for two produ dian Press hews. today \ | li a ' of u series of onesaet plays be Rally "Canadian? WY Was thercelor I nted, This, it was felt would | Bl Me : y oon to U wive the subscribers ample return for Lk a0 namployed I J \ J A] . their membership fees, and would thats {th ton a ww § 0 ) pave the way for a more ambitious A Tura . Rhye wu the production of a threo uct by the oy 'worl hp Ry J ke departs cleanin mow from the [tar while a considerable number were placed through the local Bm ployment Service omiee, ag calls were received from who realized nectin [ that, by giving 4 pour man & Job ae snow shoveling, they were doing their bit in helping the unemploys ment situation, SHOW Wis 1h lever, tu | the {employe | ment oily d play, \ oat In the great ol th resolution upproeciation of Mr, and Mrs, John Craig, directors since the inpugurutic the movement in Oshawa, and a $0 voiding the of the that it was impossible, under the ciy 8 to have then continue I was also passed | i expressing saible SOPs n the ol Citizens regret n imstance that capacity, I'he firm in the ity | Mereury Service {the wintery motorists tw heated gure i boon alo to ong in partiewlar, The Lid, reported that blasts had sent scores of seek the shelter of thew ¢, which was full 0 the top cars, Other heated garag: space was also at a medium, I'he street cary of the Oshawa rails way maintained theiv schedule files well, although working amid adits ficulties, Inecessant work of the snow cleant equipment kept the tracks pen, Oedrdabiairivrirdeadrededrderd deirdre' \ ~N 3 . Coming Events ft Conts por word each ins sortion, Minimum charge for each lusertion, 80, Bl a a eI SNE OSHAWA WINTER GARDENS Priday, Decomber 20th, Special feature round and square dapoe, weekly featuring Pat Shannon | and his haymakers, (14dh) POULTRY DAZAAR WILL ne held at Ukrainian St, Georges Hall on corner Albert and Jueks pon Streets, from Deo, 18th to 20th, Start 1.80 eveulngs, (1420) GARDENN, 10th, J rir | \ ly -- No Serious Damage Pickering, Dog, 19The highway in this district was kept open throug this section by continual work on tha part of the snowplows, clearings way one of the worst December snow falls in history, Back roads are re ported blocked, and impassable for MOtOrisis All Roads Blocked Port Peery, Deo, 19County roads in this section of Ontario county have become hopelessly blocked by the snow storm of the last threo days, No damage was reported trom the stormy, and telephone service was aps parently not seriously affected. Show in Kedron, Doe, 19 wh blogks ing the roads in this sectiong ahs [hough no serious damage has been reported from the Storm of the fase couple of days, Cars are HOt attempt » ing to move, and horse transportation ix the sole method of loeomgtion for the farmers WINTER Thuraday, Docembey Christman fowl contest nleht, Pow! delivered Chrlatmas lve, "He the hoeky one, Featuring George Norfly, - late of Grand Beach Pavilion, Winnipeg, anu Nin Happy Aces, '100 admission (43h) 100 LATE TO CLASSIFY CANARIEE FORTS LE west G gest that your Christmas git be a singing ounary, A large assorts mont to choose from, The Oshawa Aviaries, 1838 Contre ¥t, phone S118), (1440) FURNINITED AND UNFURNISHED roomy, lt business ladies or gon tlemon, Apply 184 Centre street, (1440) CHOIUE THRER new, all conveals olectrio fixtures, 313 Shneoe St, (dd) ORHAWA Statistics show that 5,000,000 persons wera injured annually in thelr own homes, vem this we dedueo that §,000,000 hehes have sereen doors and, windows whieh have to bo put up and taken Aewn each spring and fall --Soripgiield Union, ! N TORENT TOOM apartment, ences, heated APPLY premises North,

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