Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 19 Dec 1929, p. 9

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THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1929 PAE NINE Y Bowmanville aw me ww ae dd Daily Times News, advertising and subscriptions will be received at the ville Office of Iba Fimes [elephones--Ofthce, 687 REPRESENTA TIVE--B, HERBERT MORTLOCK Bn a a oa a a dy a WORST STORM IN |OPEN NEW AR"NA MANY YEARS "RI TOWN AND COVINTRY Streets Benked | With Snow, Roads Are Blocked in District Bowmanville, along with the rest of the province ls now in the grip of one of the worst snow and sleet storms In years, Although no damage has heen reported, traf: fie 18 held up and people In the country are having trouble In reaching town In automobiles at all, Then in the town the sireets are coversd with snow and It is banked on either glde and makes parking almost an impossibility, As yet nothinn 18 being done ahout ft, hy the council, although there are so many out of work who could well use the money earned In cleaning the streets, to prévide their families with the necessities of the winter season and also the Hetle luxuries that come coincident with Christmas, The neighboring elty of Oshawa this morning had a large gang of men employed clearing the streets of snow and carting it off In wa gons or rather slelshs, and leaving space for parking which is an abso lute necessity at this, the busiest shopping Beason of the year, I would seem a wise thing for the gouncil before going out of office to make provision for the cleaning of the streets when snow storms as heavy as this make the streets almost impassable, There is a bylaw In existence In the town which provides a stipula tion that sidewalks In front of a person's property must he cleaned off and it was notleed this morn ing that nothing was heing done to slear things up in front of the municipal building, 8, 0. E. LOGE PAST PRESIDENTS' NIGHT Members of Essex Lodge, Oshawa, Visit Local Organization A meeting of more than passing interest was held in 8.0K, Hall Tuesday night when past pres! dent's night was celebrated hy Wel lington Lodge No, 10, Bons of Eng land, The respective chalrs were filled by men who at some time have heen president of the Lodge Bro, W, J. Bragg took the presi dent's chalr and W, H, Thiokson acted as vice president, T, Helgh ton, chaplain, and W, J, Berry as past president, A bus load of visitors from Ha sex Lodge, Oshawa, was present for the proceedings and were introduc ed to the presiding officer hy dre, Berry, Ina short address the pres ident welcomed the visitors and asked them to make themselves at home and enjoy a pleasant evens ing, \ The program opened with com. munity singing and was followed by recitations and a solo from Bre Qibhle of Oshawa, Mr, Rundle, one of the visitors, also address: ed the gathering on subjects of interest to all, After several more vocal and musioal selections, and recitations by Bro, Herry and an address by Bro, Thiokson refresh ments were served by membars of the local lodge and the sinving of the national anthem brought a pleasant evening to a close, AT ORONO, DEG. 27 Oshawa Sisco Will lay Opening Game of Season at the Function ------ According to the yeporits from Ovono, great enthusiasm has taken hold of the hockey fans over the prospects ahead and plans am bes ing laid for the grand opening of the new hockey arena on Dee, 27, when the Oshawa Bimeoey play the opening game there in the Lake: shore OH, A, group, Not the least item on this pro~ram, according tu Orme Clamsby, 1s a win over the Motor City squad, hut there will he other big features and it looks as If the recent opening of the Helle villa artificial fee palace will he slda-trnoked hy what will he stags ed at Orono after Santa Claus hay naesad that way, The new arenn fs an modern one there 18 no doubt about that It in well Hehted and well appointed and will take its place heslda the vast olrenit, One of the things mantiomed in the annonneament of the hig doines, whith may mean mveah or nothin at #1), I8 the state ment that tha nanaliy hoax Ix hein® [Aare hly pnlayead Orme dnes niatn this fn any wav, nal gintameant and levves w hia pwn eonelnaion tad that a nnmhay of Having will ha npasent Mannwhilne tha npantips fs nn pnastinn with whinh pone "nt 8 malrang the tn Arn It Is ' av (en t the errand ananine Arann In eetting all anivla anA thapa ' an pnthnetnnm y hove are taekling +) V nh avn hae i» ark BOWMANVILLE PUTS ON HOLIDAY AT LIRE With all the stores now decorat ed for the season and the Christ mus trees on the telegraph posts on Front street, and the slreets govered with snow, Bowmanville has more of that Christmas look this year than It has for some yours past, Last yoar the streets were clear of snow and there was no street decoration to enhance the tradi tional Christmas apirit, ns the all important day nearer, groups of children may be Mrs, Johnson Thioksan, seen eagerly peering into the wine " | linoh day row afternoon in the KON draws when the report of the delegate, er re MISH ¥, BEATRICE ABBOTY Behool of graduate studies, honors gradunte of University College, Toronto, who will study in Paris next year with the overseas fel lowship of the Canadian Ved. eration of University Women's Clubs, Miss Abbott won the fol lowship for study abroad this year, but. has postponed socepi« ance that she may do a year's preparatory work at the Univers sity of Toronto~=Fhoto hy Ashe ley and Crippem, covers in the bunk convey the uns mistakable (mpression that the cabin Is a sanctuary for he men where they may be free from eneys vating feminine Influence, A sock covered foot protruding from the side of the hunk sugrests the hunt or who cannot get up In the morn ing with his comrades and then grumbles when, he wakes up and Inds himself alone In the cabin There 1s one In avery eamp and the Oshawa Hunt Club may be no ex ception TWO FINE CONCERTS TOMORROW EVENING Thera are two worthy concerts talking place tomorrow night which should he well patronized by eiti gens of the town, Army, who is doing a lot more gond in the town than they are credited with, and of which we are goinn tertell you In the near future, Is holding the annual Christmas en tertainment in the Citadel, and the Rnpday Behool of Bt, Panl's Choreh {8 holding the annual con nert, An eveeptionalld mood pro vam hag heen arranzed for both entertainments WOMEN'S INSTITUTR The regular meeting of the Wo men's Institute will he held tomor Hall, MEETING to the Toronto convention will he given, dows of the stores, wondering just | A full attendance of members iu what Banta Claus is going te bring requested. them this year, Few turkeys have put in thelr appearance as yet, There are plenty of other fowl In evidence nnd there seems to be lots of all the other things that h Are neo ounary at this HOABON, FINE REPLICA OF OSHAWA HUNT CLUB CAMP DISPLAYED An Interesting rvepliea of the PROTO To WHAT OTHERS SAY EE SNOW SHOVELLING Deg, 17th, diter Oshawa Times; ar Bir 1 see hy tonight's paper that thers sa law to encores side walk clean ng, It certainly should be enforced Jiere are places owned by. the eity 19% headquarters of the Oshawa Hunt [om which the snow never has been Club, shown in the display window hovelled, of Moffat Motor Hales has attract ed much attention regently, A halfsgection of a log eabln Is shown There is one such place on Glad stone avenus and the snow ls never shovelleg off, even if it is walst deep with side next to the street open At present A gang of men working to the gase of the publle, interior of the cabin may be seen In the [jor the city have a shagk on this | property, and even though this wa! bunks, several rude chalrs, banohes | (he only place on the street not shoy # Atove and a rough table, Rifles are hangine in a rack on the wall while the dice lying on the tahle show that the hunters amuse thems selves in more ways than one, A e¢lothes line hung from ane side of the sin~le room to the other In draped with heavy socks and ether artieles of apparell which have evils dently been huni out to dry in the heat of the stove, The topsy-turvy condition of the M elled off, no attempt was nlade (0 olean it, On this same property the weeds grow to a height ui six leet, and the writer went to the eity hall fow times and complained about them last summer, still no effort was made tu cut them, and the people had to do the work themselves, Some one should look after this work, Thanking you, AN QWNER, [the door The Ralvation |" BANDITS GET 52.000 FROM SIX HOLDUP pos p-- Theft of $400 Collection At Enst-End Church Added To Series PAYROLL 18 SEIZED "TwoGun" Man Holds Up Customers While Looting Till of Drug Store Montreal, Dee, 19,~8lx hold up and u thet were committed in the city sings Vriday night, highwaymen and other thieves securing almost $4,000, A lone operator at the entrance of the Workman building, 486 vathering street west, Batuwiday more ning at 11,20, waylaid Churles Valine er of the Falner Knitting Company who was held up and roubed of the payroll amounting to 10, The bandit Was armed with a re volver and wore a mask, The mrs chant was returning to the oflive irom the Royal Bank, 8, Lawrences Boulevard branch, and had the mon gy In a satchel, It was whisked from his hand by the intruder who warn od Mr, Fainer that it would he dang erous to fallow, He was pointing the revolver when he gave the Warning Held Up Customers A two-gun bandit, seared customer at Ledue's drug Inspector street, at 10 o'clock lac night, alter he had held up Ela Costello, the clerk, robbed the cash register of $50 and locked the elen and five customers in the basement « the store, On leaving the store th pindit met a prospective customer ut Gireeted with the sight « the customer retreated rer Montford gi, on AWAY @ BLOT two revolver ta the He nearest « notified the gation Three men made om Noel. Daoust, Servieg gusoline siregl % haul of £25 of the Rober station, 2043 Ros mount at 72.30 last night, Duaoust as held up and the station | d y by the bandits who came In an mobile, Dao as locked In the tare room while bandits drov. way In their oar A MO collection, gontributions uf viishioners for all tae ay al St, Jean LAr ml reel, presbyter put while the parish ' Latour, was at dinner, waviolette, whe investigated, an his belied that the thief entered tne front door ol the church, passed iv the afiiee ond left chureh b he same door, Taxi Dielver Robhed H, Latour, taxi driver, WY o'eloek yesterday morming by twa yung men who told him to drive to aherbroke and Louis Veuiller streets At that point the ehauleur was held up and robbed of $25 and had tw stand by while the highwaymen drove off wilh his ear, The taxi was fou! abandoned & mile away from the seene of the hold-up Friday night, hold up men got $5 In jewels and money from A, Wall arstein's Jewelry store, JEI9 St, Law renee houlevard, when two men and a woman pretended ta be prospect ve purchasers, Kevolvers were used by the men, who collected the loom and got away from the district w an automobile Luelen Jette thi services pun Church, 2&Y was stolen from an 6.30 last Fatl Captian mee mn the gave un wis engaged in charge of Hotte asoline station 9337 St. Lawrene boulevard, was held up by two men ho took $30 from the cash reglster, late Friday night Detzotives and police are fnvestiza ng the long list of holdsups dur the past three days One of your younger novelists is en raged as a master In English at a school In an industrial area, Recently a earrespondent informs the London Morning Post, an employer was in terviewing a hoy who had just loft school Let me see," sald he, "My N , the writer, Is a master at yous old school, is he not "Yessir," came the ready response, "that's him what learned me lng lish," This story i himself told hy the novelist | oo s------ taking a tela] swim in prepara. tion for next year's women's mara. thon swim at the Cenadign Na. tional Exhibition, The fhist of the human seals to arelve tn Twane for the 1080 wriggle, Miss Cayey A t42'd Decembor day was not e 0 oenoovth te stop Misa Ruth Carey of "ew Vork, Rigyearold swimmers, fram diving into Lake Untar'e on Dee, 18, off the sea wall on Toronto's waterfront and -------- ww aa next August it will not be too ------------ | proved that no matter how cold it | of next year's 810,000 purse strok: Ing out toward Niagara in the cold cold for hewn, Photo No, 1 shows | depths, No, 4, a closeup of Mis Miss Carey Just before her cold | Cavey all bunitled up ready for dueking, all wrapped wp In gray blankets, No, 8 shows the seeker sen flea trip back 0 a wan love, LOOK FOR CHANGES BEFORE YEAR ENDS a Re-organization of Cabinet is Focus of Ottawa Interest 16, I'he troublesome question of the naturel resources vi thy western provinees having heen isposed of, exoept as vegurds husk hewan, Interest returns to the ahimet readjustment, In whieh de yelapmuents before the year end seeins rensonably In prospect, While it seems taken for granted that Hon, 1, A Crerar will enter the Cabinet, the opmlon Is entertamed in suing Iilgh clrgles that It may be as Minster of Immigration rather thin | wimster of Kalwdys, he (ormer has i big Problem to tackle, whereas 1 Wiilw Depurtinent Is reduced in status when the whele operation is utterly divoreed from the Government All it had to do Is ta provide the money, and even that In the last analysis is put up by the Minister of Finance Although it Is not eonsidered prob able, there Is still a possibility that the portfolio of Rallways may be merce with Finance under Hon, ( A Dunning, 1 this should be done the ganal administration, closely re lated to Marine, might he put under the Marine Minister, Mr Bra In which event would be some compensation for the loss of Quel of the portfolle of Finanee, Before the end of the year Prime Minister Is expected to write Hon, 1, I, Anderson the new Pre ner of Saskatchewan making to him Ottawa, Dee, there the EE DD SL As die Canon] LA ' the West DE 8 og By = Everything for Yo (H JORN ©, DAWBON President of Howard College, Alas hams Baptist institntion, who requested the resignation of Dy, Horace CO, Day, n member of the college sinff, because he fall ed to accept Nievally the story of "Jonah snd the Whale" and "Noak and the Avk/"s=Uopys vight, 1080, Pacitie and Atlante Photos Ine, precisely the same offer respecting Baskatchewnn's resources as had heen accepted by Manitoba and Al herin, If hy any chance this should he acgepted, then the resources leg islation In the fortheoming session would eover all the four provinces of Munitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and Brush Columbla, the Be --_--_--. lust mentioned In connection with lands In the railway belt and Veses River bloel, It has been agreed ta, While Western provinelal minis ers have not heen inactive, most of the spade work on the inside sinee 1921 has heen done by Hon, Charles Stewart, Minister of the Interior, He has kept at he question recurrantly and heen the main fores behind the stendily Improved offers which have resulted In the agreements Just eons gluded, The transfer of the resources will affect and eventually wipe out the staff of the Dominion Lands branch of the Interior Department, but it will not be abolished until Saskatehes will's cave Is adjusted GOD ARABLE | AND! FOUND IN LABRADOR Rapid Growth of Vegetation In Short Season Feature Of Country Amherst, Mass, Doe, 18 Profess sor Vred C, Bears of the Massachus setts Agricultural College here has Just returned after & summer spent in the Interest of agrienltural devel opment in Labrador He expressed himself ws optimistie over the agrl cultural prospects of the reglon, His Grenfell Mission work was In connection with the Prof, Sears deseribed ® ten-nerg field whieh has been cleared of fir, spruce and hackmatack at Northwest River, The soll, he sald, Is sandy and success Is anticipated in the growing of asparagus, strawberries and rasp berries and Potatoes The rapld wrowth of vegetation during the few weeks of warm weather bs wlmust uns believable, he sud, Potgroes planted on July pi werg sufficiently grown to use on Qct, }, He witnessed cab pages grow In four weeks from spimidling transplants to fully devel oped heads, Vollowing hls investigation of the ser of 1928, the professor ships ped 10 Ht Anthony, apple, cherry, erabapple and plum trees, Je found thent making excellent growth on his visit this year, Prot, Bears' research was directed ta promotion of ugrieulture In a res glon where winter holds sway approxs imately sight months of the year, and whers the frost never ' aye sith stratum of the soil, oven oy tions have heen established In Labs rador and tests are belng made on urowtlh of both ornamental and eon mercial plants, uv well as fertilizer and ueldity tests, the raising of alfals fi, drainage and hinprovements of gar den vegetables, Professor Sears has had 30 years experience in Investigational werk, ten of which spent in Nova Scots, His Investioations have carried him into Canada and eastern and western United Stutes, One ol the ost Interesting phases of Viol, Sears' work In Labrador Is that relating to the Introduction of flowering plants, Red flowers wre virtually nonexistent In Labrador whe It has not heen expalined, Blue flowers thrive ' Prof, Bears hones that red ones will be made (0 blogs som as well EE a, The partioularly gawky man was endeavouring to open up a small talk withhis fair partner, "What do you think of the floor?" he asked alter a long silence "Wather niece," she replied, "Thy it when you are tired of dancing en my fe ot " a Wii oF § ily 2 Ynder gne Rog & (©! 4 fre of = iS Contidertoe Select with contidence your turkey for thin Joyful Christmas at one of Arnold 's Markets, They are the plok of thousands of freshly killed birds, The lghter-welght Turkeys, nol guite se uniform, are priced a few eenis per pound less, hut they are of splendid eating quality, an small family, Visit your leeal Amold's Ohristmas Turkey, Goose or d will do nicely for the Market and select your Ohloken with Confidence, Cholee Selected No. 1 Quality P to 12 lbs, 36. | Choloe Young, Govermmens Grade TURKEYS | Good Quarhy slightly light 7 to 10 lbs, each 120, Twkeys, but or weights, OHOIOK YOUNG GEESE, Fresh Roasting Hams uz. m. 24¢ FRESH SHOT 4 1h, average Ib. 29¢ TORR PORK - BUTT POAST PORK « « « « « Rump Roast Beef PORTERHOVISE ROAST BEEF - . FRESYTV CHOPPFD SUET . Round Shoulder Roast MEALED BACK BACON (Sliced) BROILED HAM 1 (Sliced) = « Prime Rib Roast Beet PURE PORK SAUSAGE « « « YOUNG NOANTING Chickens, 5 Ih average Ib. 34¢ Ib. 18¢ 1b. 24¢ ib, 25 1b, 33¢ Ib, 18¢ i» 22 1b, 39¢ 1b, 45¢ ib, 25 1b, 25¢ 0 ARI Tee CREAMERY Butter COTTAGE 2 =. 85 CARNATION BRAND 2 we. 87 TUTTI LTT RL OTL BRAND us. LARD w=: SHORTENING 2 i. 31¢ Xmas Fruits Xmas Plum Puddings 43c 2% T9¢ and Vegetables NHRRDLRNN NAVEL ORANGES Large Wise Mod Sc um Nise Cooki | Chokes ee Why Ibs, 28¢ 4 for 28 Ih, SMOKED FILLETS 25¢ Atlantic Codfish 18." Salada Tea (Brown label Black) 11h, pkg, ... ho P& G, Soap | . 10 Yor 360 Mixed Nuts bs 2 Ibs, $00 Choice Hallow! Dates , 2 hs, 280 wind Club Chocolates, a Mixed Ward Candies , Ih Ye French Creams coo Ih 8% Shelled Walnuts (Bordeaux halves) ih, 8% Broken Walnuts (Attain) Layer Figs (3-Crown) Ih, 2% Homemade Minoemeat, 2 Ihs, 30 Yalanela Shelind Amand oe b, Seadless Raising, bulk, ® Ibs, 88 Cranberry Sauce (Ocean Saray) tin 88 Shirritt's Pure Firaots, To Glace Cherries OE | Mtvhine Cherries, Y.om, we 0 Australian Peaches (sliced and halves) ngs Ne Aylmer Faney Fruits Salad, Meo Victory Olives, 20 on, plain, Mo Hippolite Marshmallow Me Orange or Lemon Peel Cans, A 1h, 2% Out Mixed Peel 1h, Meo Desleoated Cocoanut | Ih, 1% Ales a eras assortment of Xmas Crackers, containing Nats, Caps and other novelties, TYRE A Wh Se | § Wa

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