Ontario Community Newspapers

Oshawa Daily Times, 17 Dec 1929, p. 7

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E OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1929 PAGE SEVEN BIE UE EEE EEE A AEs 1 TH Em ih LL ee LA {| Sammie CRES 12 Ib GO0SE "amr | Jowelry Store Robbed By| WITH EACH WASHER PURCHASED EE ------ lensantly, billous attask forgotion, oy senstipation, tae, Better than any mere loastive, M "Because, sald Berooks, "s Nite thing affects them, A slight die order of the stomach uakes (hem chaste, You may be an undigested sEsin, As Lie threw hip Lead back ia the shair, Lis glance happened to rest upon & bell, a disused ball, and tine' hy morning» We olonr, Vesdachs Y . ppc Lomi sting BOUIN NERY TODAY any He, Moke the ot might | Trio of Two Men snd | MILEAON, TAKE Woman if you must know wap desd, apd , Wie partner, was » Ueering, BTueping, covelous slonér) hard and shory w Ug ive Ca pars in " 0 . if yy: Fro ® old Serooge set busy In b he hou fm! youd yf W ¥ Beraogs belug 80 Mean Ww §ludged Biw all but the tiniest faker af & fire, Soreoge nephew eame with amr Britney on Is lips, "Humbug" sneer To0Re, and drove Bim out, Twe pair tismen same, sesking shatity, and Beroogs sent them on Lisy way, 'Then, after telling his clerk what au imposition It wis (0 expect wages on Curists maa Day, whan ne wor was done, Baroege efi the effies for bls Aemal quarters, And then, with his kay In the leek af the dear, lis sw in the knoekevsnol & Wnoeks or, but the face of Marley | NOW GO ON WITH THE FTORY i Maviey's face, Tt was not In ime penstrable shadow, as Lhe other ohieets fu the yard wears, hut had a dismal Habt about It, 1ke & bad Jaton in A dark collar, It was not angry or ferocious, but looked at Horooge 88 Marley used to look) with ghostly speoiacies turned upon thet hupg in the room, and cou munlested, tor some PUrpURE LOW forgotten, with & chwmber fu the highest slorey of the Lullding It wan with great SeLonfehment und with & strsuge, luexplloable dresd, Wat, un Lie looked, hie saw thin hell gin to swing, It swung so softly fo the outset thet 1 senreely made 8 sound; bul seen i rang out loudly, and po Ald every bell in the houss, This might have lasted half # winute, or a4 minute, hut it seemed i Bour, The bells sessed, as they sd Vegun, together, They were suoessded by a clanking noise deep own below #5 If Wome PETAL WIE reusing 8 heavy chain over the oan In the wine merchant's colin, Boroogs then ramsmbersd to have heard hat ghost in haunted houses wars desoribed an Avageing ohnlng The eellar door tlew open with A booming sound, snd then Lo heard he nofee much louder on the tloors lows then coming up the stalps then coming straight towards his door, "It's humbug still" nad Bevoone "I wan't helleva 1) Hig color changed, though, when, without & pause, It same on through the heavy door and passed {nto the room before his ayes, Upon its coming In, the dying flame fsaped up, an though It orled, "I » its ghostly forehead, The haw was curiously stirred, aw If by breath or hot alr) sud though the ayes wore wide open, they were erfectly wotlonless, That, and 1a fivia valour, made it horrible but its Borrey seemed to ba in spite of ile awn expression, As Herooge looked fixedly al thls | phenemenon, was 8 knooker it sain, To say that he was nob startled, or that fh ploed way not conscious of & terrible sensation to whieh it find heen & atpanger from lnfaney, would be untrue, But he put his sand upon the key he had reline aulshed, turned it sturidly, walked in, Aud lighted his eandle, s did pause, with & moment's {rpeselution, before he shub the door) and he did look eautiously nohind It first, as If he hall ew nected to be terpitied with the sight of Marley's piatall stioking out inte the fall, Bus thers was nothing ou the DAK of the door, exeept the sorews and wuts (hat held the Ynosker on, so ha sald, "Pooh, pooh!" and closed It with & bank, The sound reioundsd through the house lke thunder, Every room above, and avery cask In the wine merehant's esllars below, appears 16 have & separ ie neal of ashoes of OWN, HorooNe Was Not 8 Wan be frightened hy schoes, fastenad the door, and (appar the Wall, and "w the stairs slowly, (a0) trimming his candle an Ihe went, You may talk vaguely about driv ng & conah any Biv up 8 mood a . flight of wta've, or through » Wet ung Act of Parliament) hut T mean to " {ou might have got # hearae vu" thy iw 'to "1 He walked | statrenvs, And tak: | an 1b hroadwise, with the splinter | TO-NICHT [AGH AL if WMS, SERVICE AT HAMPTON CHURCH | Mrs, A. L. Richards, Whitby, Was Speaker at the Service Hampton, Dee, 14,=There wap 6 good congregation ou Bunday night te hour Mrs, A, L, Rlokards of Whithy and Mrs, J, Baker and the C017, girls of Wellps, Mrs, Jo Wt, Blek took ohurge of the meeting The members of Hawmp- ton W. MB, oposupled west ip the gentrs of the oburch, with lady ushery, The offering wis alse taken up hy W. M, F, members, Myre, Hichards gave sn luterests lug and fnstructive talk, being » short outline of the work carried on hy the Women's Missionary Boolety, also conditions as she bit of beef, & Viol of musterd, # erumh of cheers, & fragment of an undsrdons potato, There's mers of gravy than of grave shout yeu, whatever you are!' Borooge was not wiueh fu the habit af erackiog Jokes, nor did be feel in his Lesrl hy Any Weans wikaish then, The truth fe, thet he tried Lo be smart, as & means of distracting bly own attention, aud kesping down Lis terror) for the ppnetra's voles disturbed the very marrow In his hones, To sit staring ob those fixed, glused wyes In sllence, for a mor | meant, would play, Beroous felt, the vory deuce with him, 'There Was something very awiul, too, iu the | spsetra's helug provided with an ins farnal atmosphere of Lis own, gorooge could not feel It Wimpalf, bub this wes clearly the ones, for thaugh the Ghost sat perfectly me tionless, Its hair, and skirts, and tanesls wore «1 aritaied ag hy the Lot vapour tram si oven ] "You see this teethplok?" said araore, returning onlekly te the ohimrpe for the reason Just as plgned; nnd wishing, though 1) were only for » sseond, to diver! the vislon's stone gase from himw gulf "Ff da, replied the Lost "You are not looking at 18" seld found them Io the West, Her Mi» Justrations were true to life an she related pome of ber own experi suces with the foreign populstion Mre, Baker, assisted the cholr and Ber worvices were much apprecis uted, The chorus given hy {4 GU, GT, eirly was appropriate and well vevalved The Hampton Women's Intl tue met at the home of Mrs Jumes Jehwon on 'Thursday afternoon, Deo, b, with un sttendanes of 60, The president, Mrs, MH, K, Hunde, presided, After tha opening exer olsen, minutes of ast mosting were vead and adopted, Mra, C, J, Kors lake reported on the work of the Park Committee for bheeth $0 was voled to be sent to Muskoka Hospital, alsa $30 tor relief work and a commities was formed to look ufter same, The program consisted of coms munity singing snd & vooal sole by Miss Lillian Jobson, Mre, W, W, Horg and Mra Fred Honey gave oxoellent reports of the oon. vention recently held st Toronto Meeting olosed by singing the National Anthem, Tefreshinents wore served by the East Group Next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs, Jue, Cowling, Pro gram will be la oharge of Mis, Jue Qolwell, convener of Homa Roop Eorooge rT Doldge, a progressing | favorably eoinces his operation at the General Hospital, Toronto, on Wednesday The date for the aunual Christ. mas tres and concert, fs fixed for Friday, December ¥0, The ohilde ren are helng prepared Lo present two Interesting Christmas plays Banta Claus 1s oxpeoied LO Le pros ent with hiv ususl seek of itis, Miss Hive Pascoe, has resumed her position at the Creamery since Hia body waa transparent . could aee the two buttons on hia coat behind, returning from » pleasant visit with Western relatives, Mrs, Matilda Langmald who Las been spending most of the past few months in her home here, has go that Sereog --_-- ESCAPE IN AUTO BEFORE CHRISTMAS Cash Register of Gasoline Station Rifled 30 Minutes Later mm Ene ¢ a Mounties, Dee, 17w'kwe holdup coinmitted an Bt Lawrences Lhoulsyar Vriday evening yielded #550 ta three unknown persons whe succeded iy coeaping with $800 In Jewels and meney trem a Jewelry store and with $50 In cash from u gasoline station The first robbery was committed ab Abraham Wallarsteln's jawelry store, 3839 Bi, Lawrence boulevard at B25 pon 10 was reported to police heudquurters that twe men A wie woman entered the stor and while the latter pretended 10 make iu pure chase, the twe men pointed thelr ry volvers at the proprietor and collects ed valuables, Including #90 In cushy, four diamond rings und several wits ches, They then retreatud to (h door and made thelr getaway in an automobile | About 30 minutes later another | heldeup was reported tu police heads fuariory I'we unknown men entered | the Motte guseline station, located ut | 0327 Bt, Lawrence boulavard and alte or threatening Lucien Jette, secured | about 350 in the cash register, They also made thelr getaway Jn an aut mobile Police officials are Inclined to think that the same group operated both heldeups and limmediately pro Green Duco, With Belloon Rolls, $139.00 12 MONTHS TO PAY OSHAWA 70 SIMCOE N, $2.60 a Week Beginning January==No Interest Charges | This Electric Washer is Fitted with the New | Dasher Disc Gyrator and o Beautiful Porcelain | Tub Mounted on Heavy Steel Base Finished in Nickel:plated Safety FULLY GUARANTEED BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP PHONE 1078 I, TS TYrTTTwys ecaeded to investigate the helt Vagus Infromation wus Wallerstein and Jette aa ih £7 MEMES VEEL SUE BO SB CMS HONORED | Young, » member of Parliament, [and was the widow of Captain Booth, the Antaretio explorer, Hey tery of London a hust of the late | Platue of Captain Boolt le lp Lone Earl of Oxford and Asquith hy | gon and that of the Hoy, OO, BW Lady HMUtes Young recently, Bir| Rolle, one of the pleneers of LiYing Josaph Duveenu placed tho frat | ie #t Daver, soulpture by & Women fn a British | ' ---- -- national oeollection Lady Milton! Ola Arable is taking up medery Young is the wile of Bip Hilton! Ideas, and has everything which is WOMAN BOULTON wxetosdate except the radio and " -- mre necording to Bt, J, Phtlby English orvientallst and friend of | King 1bn Baud, who has Just ve turned from Mecea and Medina Fhilby says thet automoeblios, lef trio Hghts and rolvigorators an fu presenting to the Tate Gal wh hevoming commen la Meccan, apd Arabia --_ yee, | world "Was that new givl 1 sew you with last night?" just the old one paipted one writer says, this 1s fight that & new rallread ie planned (or | then it gives them « hy advantage rr -- RAT - AS "J TN \ Yoo har towards the wall, and the door tawards the balustrades) and done it anay, There was plenty of widih RR TY PARAS LYN OR " Perhaps ry FORRON Why BOrooRs changed her place of abode for the winter months to the home of her daughter, Mra, Roy MoGlL Kaul Killen "But I osea 14" sald the Ghosl notwithalandiog" UWelll" peturned Horooge, I Kenw hlm! Marley's Ghost! wad | fell again, | The same tava; the very Ae, | are were IRANERL ¥ BAW a locomative hearse ing on hefore him {n the gloom, (Halt a dosen was lamps out of the [sirent wouldn't have lghted the [ARATY toa Well, 80 yOu WAY suppose | tall, and his oonteakivie, aud the own {hate upon his head [drew waa ol nob caring all waa long, and wound about him Darkness is oheap, [live a tall] and It was made (fo But, betore | ne shut Me heavy door, he walked |oanh<boxes, Keys, padlocks, ledgers, | ORRIN, 10 Rave [that Ib was dark with [Hepooge's dap Up Berooge weul, bution: for that, and Borooms Hived it, protty through his rooms to see that all boi right, Ha had Just enough re colleotion of the fate to deslre to do shat, Siting room, bedroom, lumber (pool, Al a8 \hey should be, Nos {body under the table, nebedy uns der the sofas a small fire in the arate Hy and basin veady; and the Hitle saucepan of grusl (Beraose had a cold in hia head) UPOR the hob, Nebody under the | (hed! nobody In the closet nobody | th he dressing gowm, which was hansing up tn a susplolous attitude AEAINEL the wall, Lumber room as (usual, Old tireguard, old shoes, [Twa than Daakets, washing stand op (ree logs, and a poker, | Quite satisfied, he Mond hia doar, and looked himaelt in) double {looked himeell (1, whioh 'was net | tom, Thus secured againat (Wurarie, he took off hia epavat [Put on ha droning gown and slips {Dors, and ha nighteap: and sat dawn before the fire to take his gruel, Iowan a very low tire indead) (nothing on such a hitter night, He (wan obliged to sit close to It, and 'breed over iy, hetare he could ev APAOL (he leant sensation of warmth from auch a handful of fusl, The (fireplace was an old one, built hy Marley in his plgstall, usual wala coat, tights, snd boots) the tassels on the latter bristling, fhe his ple The chain he od about his middle Borooge observed 11 elosely) wf deeds, and heavy aed Wrought tn steel, His bady was tranepar olti ao that Horooge abserving him, and looking thvough his walstoont could see the two buttons on his font behind Horoowe had often heard it sald that Marley had no bowels, but he had never helleved ft until now No, nor did he believe 11 even pow, Though he looked the phwm tom through and through, and saw ft standing before him) though he felt the ohililng tatluence of iis death0old aves, and marked the Vary texture of the folded kerehief bound about his head and ohn, whieh wrapper ho had not observed before, he Wan stil tnoredulous, Ad feaught againat his senses, YHow now!" sald Boreoxe, onus to and oold as ever, "What do YOU want with mat" SNR ee Marley's doubt about it, "What are youl" Ask we who 1 owas" "Whe wera you then!" sald Roroons, valaing his volo, "You're partfomdar, for & shade" We was soln 10 say Vo a shade," hut suns AIRNEed this, a8 Ware appropriate ln dite 1 wan YOUT partner, Jaceh Marlay." "OAR Youn you sit down Volos, ne it to swallow this, snd be for the reat of my days perssouted by u legion of gobling, all of my renidon, Humbug, 1 ell you humbug!" Ab this the spiel ralsed & fights ful ery, und shook ta ohsin with gueh & dismal and appalling nolae, that Herooge held on tight te his Wmeelt trom falling fa awoon, Hub ew much greater | wou hig horrer when the phatom, thking off the bandage round his Wend, aa IF 11 were 100 warm te Wei) indaors, Hs lowes aw [dropped down upon te breast! doroogs fell upon his knees, and clasped his hands before hin tae Mereyi" ha sald, ""Dreadiul aps parition, why do you trouble met" | VMan of the worldly mind!" res plied the Ghaet, "da you helleve In We oF not? | "I do said Horoogel "1 must But why do apivits walk the sarh, {and why do they come tg met" YI i required of every man," the Ghost returned, "that the spin Within him should wail ahroad AMORE hia fellowemen, and travel far and wide: and, Uf that spirit goes not forth tn life, It ta cons demued to do #0 after death, Ite doomed to wander through the worldesoh, woe In melsand wits ness what 14 cannot ahare, hut might have shared on earth, and turned (a happiness!" Again the speetrs raised a ory, [wud shook fie ohaly and wrung ita [ahndowy hands, I VYou are tettered," sald Sorooge, jirembling, "Tell me why? {| "I wear the ohain I forged in Ite," replied the Ghost, "1 made His many friends sorry to learn of the death of Dr, pamuel Jones, ohirepractiar, who Bad several patients from this neighborhood while practising 1a Oshawa, Robbing, Mr, and Mra. Lorne [ Liskeard, were visitors with the nites sinter, Mys, Gertrude Vies | te on Friday OW, douoh left on Monday to [spend part of the winter in Wind | nor with his daughter, Mrs Ken [| noth Oaverley, Mrs, Houch being already there Mrs, Wilbur Ruraet! fitout. ville, 18 visiting her sister, Mr Will Wilbur, pllae Williams Counties Council session bOury, Mrs, Jno, Cowling hes returned after visiting relatives iu hame Milton gtouttville, M My {r, and Mrs Visited the Limina and ehildren, Maydon, latter's mother, Mrs, fohus The sero weather on Wedpenday [Morning came a8 & Surprise 10 WORE averyonse, after the milduess and realy on Tuesday aight, An sant wind made the weather very disagrosably, h The ge People's League met on Friday evealng Wit uth Johnt, second vioespresident in the ohair, After the opening nymn And usual husiness period, Florence Burns read the Bible Lesson, The president, N. Horn, had obarge of the Devotional the attended Qo at peried. Mrs, Howard Cowling ably | topo, | preaanted the Missionary | Rev, J, R, Blok then took charge flemeon, | VANCOUVE te ANCOUVER and Haltfag® Our swiftest trains take five days to make the journey---3,500 miles through forest; over plains and across mountains==yet how easily and quickly two telephones that ho othef country can boast of a more efficient telephone service or equipment than we have in Canadas | The Northern Electric Company much of the equipment used by the 2,462 telephone come, panies of the Dominios of the election of officers, The following were elected tor the COMING Year: honorary president, | Rev, R, Biel} dent, NN! { Hori 1st vieospresident, label { Campbell; yud vicepreaident, Nw, | [ Harold Balter; dnd Viee:prealdent. Wiltred Greenaway; 41h vieaphreah { dont, Mary Patersi ssoretary, Lil will bridge the gape The use of the telephone is a barometer of the business progress of a country, and it is significant A x A Natiohal Electrical Service 131 SIMCOE STREET TORONTO, ONTARIO The Northari Bleotric's aethiries ave by no means confined to the production of telephone anpplian ThE Company manufacoures and sells alectrioal equipment for industrial Purposes a well as diseriburting tho many electrical appliances indiapeny ble to modern Mowsehoeping ow aniied Boroegs, looking doubttully [1b 1k by lak, and yard by yard: | ab him, LT wnded ot on of Wy own free will, oF oan" Land of wy own free will 1 wore it, "Pa i, thea" [Iw 11 pattern atrange to you!" Heronae asked tha question, oes | foroogs trembled were eAlae he didn't know whether a Wore short 80 transparent wight tind | "Or would you knaw," pursued himself tn a conditing to take athe Ghost, "the welght and leggti ahairi and felt that fn the event of {OF the strong coll you bear youn itn Deine impossible, 11 might ns |BUY Ih owas full an heavy and a8 | lian Jebaou; treasurer, Raymond volve the necessity of an embars HORE as thin seven Christmas Eves | Bupas: convener of Floral Commit: roasing explanation, Bub the Ahont [R60 YOU have Tahourad on It since | ee, RIND Pascoe. Meating oloasd | MAL AoW on tho annasite alde of HU 12a ponderous ehaial | with the domology aud prayer by the fireniace, as If he ware quite (To be Continued) Rav, Nn Bick, | to {it Te ------ i "You don't bhallere tn me" ob | | read the (Whol, [ Witey (reading paper) "IUe ® fo man may be down but De's Dever | " dan't," sald Evans, hada! Simply revelling! Dawa | out, rently has never made 'Y WAL evidence wand vou Dave (he South Wea Islands » wan | BOUgtoshouse Campatgn. ran: | oF Wy Tealite navend that of your $20 for & Wife "ne actte AWA gene e ohh) | Ha, Wawel! sald Seearer An] TFA knew, What the New York Steck Xm walt ed aerase the ream, ! "Thy de you change neods In a groster who will After several turns ho sat down (pes! adopt Texas Gulnan's ory "Hele, { suoker!Ve=Dod Molnes Tribune | Capitol a Shas via uf sas, akg Wid with quan 1] | designed to dh he hen Patasnis htbrers, Quests ore, Queen In hohe, Angelle | 1H Fr and peonding through the alr an lends The feather Abrahams, Belah adaarte, Anostien puting off 1a wea fn Butter boats, hundreda of tirures to te a ML te; and yel @ ¥ youre SR8, a Wp EL , and awalle Ww hele, If each smooth tila had ® blank at fired, with pewer to sharpen sme wre on tg sun .- from the dhalainted fravments Ae thonghta, there would have ean a cany of old Marley's head on APA ane. WU The Salvation Army, which says Pays Hubby 'Yer, that's & lob of put if she 18 pleasant and and a willing worker it wid Ropanae by doudt your ae Mone: - aad-uoking wight be worth Pr ---- We

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